2019届高三英语第一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life 新人教版选修6

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3.以“a”开头的高频形容词 ①alive 活着的 ②asleep 睡着的 ③awake 醒着的 ④alike 相似的 ⑤aware 意识到的 ⑥ashamed 感到羞愧的
①due to
②thanks to 多亏;由于
③because of 由于;因为
④on account of 由于
1.automatic adj.无意识的;自动的→automatically adv.无意识 地;自动地
2.mental adj.精神的;智力的→mentally adv.精神上;智力上 →physical adj.(反义词)身体的;肉体的
3.breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的→breathe v.呼吸→breath n.呼吸
1.due_to 由于…… 2.decide_on 对……作出决定 3.at_risk 处境危险;遭受危险 4.get_into 陷入;染上(坏习惯) 5.reach_out_for 接触;伸手去拿 6.take risks (a risk) 冒险 7.manage to do sth. 设法完成某件困难的事 8.be addicted to 对……有瘾
5.The whole families are having a meeting to decide_on a plan for
the coming New Year. 6.Even though the water was running quickly, the young man
took_risks to rescue the two villagers who were struggling in the water. 7.Due_to the terrible weather in recent months, many students
No matter how late she comes home, she makes_it_a_routine to walk her dog for an hour.
2.as 引导的非限制性定语从句 As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically. 【仿写】 正如多次强调的那样,学好英语对你们今后的职业 发展非常重要。
It was very difficult for my father to quit smoking, who smoked for 30 years, but in the end he did_manage_it.
4.It is/was+被强调部分+that/who 的强调句型 It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. 【仿写】 正是当我到达电影院后我才意识到我把电影票忘在 家里了。
1.stress n. 压力;重音 vt. 加压力于;使紧张 2.ban vt. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令;谴责 3.due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的 4.accustom vt. 使习惯于 5.accustomed adj. 惯常的;习惯了的 6.unfit adj. 不健康的;不合适的;不合格的 7.desperate adj. 绝望的;拼命的 8.quit vt. 停止(做某事);离开
不公平的 不寻常的 不友好的 不幸的
⑥uncomfortable 不舒服的
⑦unimportant 不重要的
2.以-en 后缀的高频动词集锦 ①strengthen 加强 ②shorten 缩短 ③deepen 加深 ④widen 加宽 ⑤broaden 开拓;加宽 ⑥lighten 减轻 ⑦threaten 恐吓 ⑧sharpen 削尖 ⑨lessen 减少 ⑩weaken 削弱
1.cigarette n.香烟;纸烟 2.tough adj. 困难的;强硬的 3.withdrawal n. 收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程 4.lung n. 肺 5.pregnant adj. 怀孕的 6.abnormal adj. 畸形的;异常的 7.packet n. 小包;小盒 8.chemist n. 药剂师;化学家
have fallen ill. 8.Many foreigners have_been_accustomed_to using chopsticks at
the dinner table after living in China for a long time.
⊳典句背诵·夯基提能 1.make/find/consider/feel+it+宾语补足语 Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up. 【仿写】 不管她回家多晚,出去遛狗一个小时已经成为了她 的一个习惯。
4.strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强 vi.变强→strength n.力 气,力量,强项
5.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的→disappointing adj.令人失 望的→disappoint vt.使失望;使扫兴→disappointment n.失望;沮丧
6.relaxation n.放松;松弛→relax v.使放松→relaxed adj.轻 松的→relaxing adj.使人放松的
①As far as I'm concerned, it's not wise for us to be addicted to playing (play) with smart phones.(2014·重庆高考书面表达)
就我个人而言,迷恋于玩智能手机是不明智的。 ②Her son addicted himself to smoking, which had a bad effect on
[用所给词的适当形式填空] 1.Tom’s parents are worried that he is addicted to the computer games which are addictive to children.(addict) 2.You take my breath away and you leave me breathless.(breath) 3.After hearing some relaxing music, she felt quite relaxed,_and there was relaxed expression on her face.(relax) 4 . As we all know, everyone has both strengths and weaknesses.Therefore, we shouldn't look down upon whoever looks weak.(weaken)
As_has_been_stressed many times, learning English well is of great importance to your career development in the future.
3.do/did/does 对谓语动词的强调 I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. 【仿写】 尽管戒烟对于有 30 年烟龄的父亲来说很困难,但 他最终确实戒掉了。
It_was_when_I_arrived_at_the_cinema_that I realized I had left my ticket at home.
1.否定前缀 un-高频形容词一览
②unfair ③unusual ④unfriendly ⑤unfortunate
9.be/get accustomed to 习惯于……
10.in spite of
11.feel like (doing) 想要(做)……
12.give up
[选用上面的短语填空] 1.I'm very hungry now, so I feel_like eating some food as soon as possible. 2.Many years ago, he got_into the bad habit of smoking, which often caused family conflicts. 3.This middle-aged woman is_addicted_to chatting online and often forgets to do housework. 4.In_spite_of living far away from school, he is never late for school.
⑤owing to 由于;因为
⑥as a result of 由于……的结果
1.addicted adj. 入了迷的;上了瘾的 [教材原句]You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes. 你知道,当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟,而 且还上了瘾。 (1)be/become/get addicted to 沉溺于……;对……上瘾 (2)addict vt. 使沉溺;使上瘾 n. 有瘾的人 addict oneself to sth. 某人沉溺于…… (3)addiction n. 癖好
9.comprehension n. 理解(力) 10.pill n. 药丸;药片 11.sex n. 性;性别 12.needle n. 针;(注射器的)针头 13.male adj. 男性的;雄性的 n. 男人;雄性动(植)物 14.female adj. 女性的;雌性的 n. 雌性动(植)物;女人 15.prejudice n. 偏见;成见 16.abortion n. 流产;中途失败 17.cigar n. 雪茄烟 18.awkward adj. 局促不安的;笨拙的
his health. 她的儿子吸烟上瘾,这对他的健康有很坏的影响。
写作链接——一句多译 很多孩子沉迷于上网,以至于他们对学习失去了兴趣。
(1)Many kids become/are/get_addicted_to (addicted adj.) surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study.
7.weaken vi.(对某事的决心)动摇;减弱 vt.(使)变弱→weak adj. 虚弱的→weakness n.弱点
8.illegal adj.不合法的;违法的→legal adj.(反义词)合法的 9.judgement n.意见;判决;判断→judge n.裁判员;法官 vt.断定;判断;判决 10.embarrassed adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的→embarrass v.尴尬; 使局促不安;使困窘→embarrassment n.窘迫,难堪 11.addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的→addiction n.沉溺;嗜 好→addictive adj.使人上瘾的→addict vt.使上瘾 n.有瘾的人 12.effect n.结果;效力;影响→effective adj.有效的;有影响 的→affect vt.影响