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Alan Isaacman(人名~): Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have heard a lot today,


and I'm not gonna go back over it, but you have to go into that room and make some decisions. 我不会重复这些,但是你们需要走进那个房间并作出一些决定

But before you do, there's something you need to know. I am not trying to suggest that you should like what Larry Flynt does.

但是在你们作出决定之前,有些事你们应当知道。我不是试图建议你们像Larry Flynt那样做

I don't like what Larry Flynt does, but what I do like is the fact that I live in a country where you and I can make that decision for ourselves.我不喜欢Larry Flynt的做法,我喜欢的是事实上我生活在一个你我都可以为自己作出决定的国家。

I like the fact that I live in a country where I can pick up Hustler magazine and read it, or throw it in the garbage can if that's where I think it belongs.


Larry Flynt: If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, it will protect all of you.

如果第一修正案可以保护像我这样卑微的人,它会你们保护所有人。Mantke Clerk: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?


Hustler Magazine and Larry C. Flynt, Petitioners v. Jerry Falwell

No. 86-1278


485 U.S. 46

February 24, 1988, Decided


REHNQUIST, C. J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which BRENNAN, MARSHALL, BLACKMUN, STEVENS, O'CONNOR, and SCALIA, JJ., joined. WHITE, J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment. KENNEDY, J., took no part in the consideration or decision of the case.


CHIEF JUSTICE REHNQUIST delivered the opinion of the Court.

首席法官REHNQUIST, C. J.,传达了法庭的意见

Petitioner Hustler Magazine, Inc., is a magazine of nationwide circulation. Respondent Jerry Falwell, a nationally known minister who has been active as a commentator on politics and public affairs, sued petitioner and its publisher,

petitioner Larry Flynt, to recover damages for invasion of privacy, libel, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The District Court directed a verdict against respondent on the privacy claim, and submitted the other two claims to a jury. The jury found for petitioners on the defamation claim, but found for respondent on the claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress and awarded damages. We now consider whether this award is consistent with the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution.

原告Hustler杂志集团是一家全国发行的杂志。被告Jerry Falwell是一名全国知名的政治和公众事务评论员,起诉了原告和其发行人原告方Larry Flynt,要求恢复对其造成的隐私侵权,毁谤和故意对其情感上造成的伤害。地区法院对侵犯隐私权诉讼做出了不利被告的判决,并将其他两项请求提交给了陪审团。对毁谤行为,陪审团做出了有利于原告的判决,但是对故意造成感情伤害部分做出了对被告有利的判决,且判决对被告进行赔偿。现在我们审理此赔偿是否符合美国宪法第一和第十四修正案,

The inside front cover of the November 1983 issue of Hustler Magazine featured a "parody" of an advertisement for Campari Liqueur that contained the name and picture of respondent and was entitled "Jerry Falwell talks about his first time." This parody was modeled after actual Campari ads that included interviews with various celebrities about their "first times." Although it was apparent by the end of each interview that this meant the first time they sampled Campari, the ads clearly played on the sexual double entendre of the general subject of "first times." Copying the form and layout of these Campari ads, Hustler's editors chose respondent as the featured celebrity and drafted an alleged "interview" with him in which he states that his "first time" was during a drunken incestuous rendezvous with his mother in an outhouse. The Hustler parody portrays respondent and his mother as drunk and immoral, and suggests that respondent is a hypocrite who preaches only when he is drunk. In small print at the bottom of the page, the ad contains the disclaimer, "ad parody -- not to be taken seriously." The magazine's table of contents also lists the ad as "Fiction; Ad and Personality Parody."

Hustler杂志1983年11月版封面内页Campari酒的广告使用被告的姓名和图片并配以文字“Jerry Falwell讲述他的第一次”作成讽刺性模仿。正式的Campari广告包含了对多名社会知名人士“第一次”的采访,此次不良模仿在Campari正式广告之后。尽管这些采访最后明确表明是对这些人第一次品尝Campari酒的采访,但这个广告显然采用了与性有关的双关语“第一次”。复制下Campari广告的格式和版面设计后,Hustler的编辑们选择被告作为主要名人,并撰写了被被告质疑的“采访”,采访中称被告说其第一次是在醉酒后与其母在屋外的厕所中进行乱伦。Hustler的讽刺性模仿将被告及其母描述成醉鬼及不道德的,并暗示被告是一个只会在醉酒后进行布道的伪君子。在该页底部的小字中,该广告进行了免责声明称“广告模仿——不应被严肃对待”。杂志的目录上也声称广告乃“虚构的,广告及人物模仿”。

Soon after the November issue of Hustler became available to the public, respondent brought this diversity action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia against Hustler Magazine, Inc., Larry C. Flynt, and Flynt