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1. brake (刹车) / break

2. sail / sale

3. dyeing (染色的ing形式)/ dying

4. sight / site

5. forth / fourth

6. tire (疲倦,使疲倦) / tyre (轮胎)

7. flour (面粉) / flower

8. threw (throw的过去式) / through

9. hear / here

10. passed / past

11. wood / would

12. pour (倒,倾泻,倾吐) / pore ( v. 注视,细看;n. 毛孔)

13. career / Korea

14. rain / reign (帝王的统治,朝代,在位时代)

15. for / four

16. steal / steel (钢)

17. sore (痛的)/ soar (高飞,上升,飞涨)

18. weather / whether

19. too / two

20. know / no

21. knew / new

22. hour / our

23.morning / mourning (哀悼的ing形式)

24. principle / principal (主要的;本金;校长)


1. paint / pant

2. full / fool

3. loose (松的) / lose

4. cut / cart (二轮运货马车,手推车)

5. track (轨迹,足迹,小径) / truck (卡车)

6. hut (茅屋,棚屋) / hat/ heart

7. odd / awed (awe 使敬畏的过去式,过去分词)

8. right in (恰巧在)/ writing

9. first / fast

10. living / leaving

11. presence / presents (礼物的复数/ 呈现的第三人称单数形式)

12. stock.(牲畜,股票,储备) / stalk (植物的茎秆)

live stock 牲畜

in stock 有现货

out of stock 缺货,卖光

13. poor / pour / pore

14. pull / pool / poor

15. release / relieve

16. sale / sell

17. slip / sleep

18. this / these

19. low / no

20. light / night

21. level / never 22. fail / fell (fall的过去式)

23. fond / found (find的过去式/ 建立)

24. confirm / conform (符合,依照,遵照) conform to sth.

25. shot (shoot 的过去式)/ short

26. sour (酸的)/ soar

27. peer / peel (果皮/ 剥皮)

28. based / bathed

29. does / dose (药的一剂,剂量)30. too / to / two

31. of / off

32. patrol (巡逻) / petrol (汽油)

33. or / all

34. emergency (紧急情况)/ emergence (出现)

35. force / forth

36. work / walk

37. hit / heat

38. horse / house

39. well (adv. 好/ n. 井) / wear

40. lock / knock 41. tower / towel (毛巾)

42. tear / tell

43. sink / think

44. thank / sank ( sink 的过去式)

45. result / resort

46. promise / premise (前提,房屋)

47. possession / position

48. wander / wonder

49. want / won’t

50. fuel / fewer

51.war / wall

52.access / excess


邮局(Post Office)

airmail 航空邮件postcard 明信片brown paper 牛皮纸receiver 接受者,收信人scissors 剪刀register ed mail 挂号信express mail 快件regular / surface mail 平信overweight 超重remit 汇款package 包裹slot 投信口parcel 包裹telegraph 电报postage 邮资weigh 称重postal code 邮编


area code 电话区号make/get/be through 接通busy signal/line 占线operator 接线员cut off 挂断pay phone 投币式公用电话dial the wrong number 拨错号码receiver 电话听筒directory 姓名地址录slot 硬币投币口exchange 电话总机交换台telephone box 电话亭extension number 分机号The line is busy. 线路忙hold the line / hold on / hang on 稍等


beard 胡子have one’s hair cut 理发cut short 剪短mustache 髯,胡子haircut 剪发shampoo 洗发水hairdresser 理发师shave 剃,刮hairstyle 发型spray 喷;喷雾wear one’s hair long 留长发


appointment 预约injection 注射capsule 胶囊check up,exam 检查