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T:Look at the picture on page 17. What can you see?
S1:Peter and his mother.
S2:The dustbin is full.
S3:The floor is dirty.
T:So there are a lot of chores to do , right? Help students to learn the following phrases
S1:Can you do the chores?
S2:Could you please do the chores?
T:Which one do you think is better?
2. 理解并掌握重点句型: Could you please… ? Could I … ? 3. 能听懂有关做家务和日常活动的对话。 二、过程与方法
了解各种家务,能发现要做的家务并积极主动地去做。 教学重点 能用本课的重点词汇和句型对家务作出委婉请求。 教学难点 能抓住录音中的关键词。 教法导航 课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多练。 学法导航 加强小组合作学习,积极回答问题。 教学准备 图片,录音机,多媒体。 教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2 Lead-in T:Good morning ,boys and girls! I am always very busy on weekends. So my daughter often helps me with the housework. Do you often help your mother do the chores at home? (Write “ chores” on blackboard and explain it.) Here “ chore” means housework. Could you please tell me what chores you do at home? S1:I often clean my room. S2:I wash my clothes and fold my clothes. S3:I clean the window. S4:I make my bed and sweep the floor. S5:I clean the living room. T:Well , you are good boys and girls! We should try to be helpful and do some chores at home. Step 3 New words and expressions Ask the students to look at the picture on Page 17.
about chores:clean the living room; do the dishes; sweep the floor; make the bed; take out the
trash; fold the clothes
Step 4 Presentation
T:If you want to ask somebody to do chores , how can you ask in English?
第 1 课时 Section A 1a-2c
教学目标ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
1. 掌握重点词汇和短语: do the dishes,take out the rubbish ,fold your clothes ,sweep the floor , make your bed ,clean the living room
单元目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握重点单词和短语。 2. 掌握请求帮助和请求允许及应答的句型: Could you please clean your room? Could I please use the car? Yes, you can. No , you can ’ t. I have to go out. 3. 培养听说读写四项基本技能。 二、过程与方法 采用个人独立思考,两人或多人小组合作、交流的学习策略,积极创设较真实的语 言环境,利用教学图片、录音机或多媒体课件来展开课堂的听力和口语交际活动。 三、情感态度与价值观 明确“家务人人有责”的思想,能积极主动地参加家务劳动。认识到父母照顾家庭 的辛劳,养成爱父母、爱家庭、爱家务的好习惯。学习照顾家庭同时也是照顾自己,培 养独立能力,为自己的将来奠定基础。 教法导航 采用直观教学法,遵循以学生为主体的原则。 学法导航 采用 Using contest guessing 和 Role playing 的学习策略, 课时支配 第 1 课时: Section A 1a-2d 第 2 课时: Section A 3a-4c 第 3 课时: Section B 1a-2e 第 4 课时: Section B 3a-Self Check
Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?
教材解读 本单元的话题是 Chores,主要是关于家庭生活,谈论家务琐事及家庭互助,要求学
生学会用 Could you please ... ?和 Could I please ... ?来委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许 可以及如何有礼貌地拒绝别人并表达自己的理由,陈述自己的好恶。家庭生活及家务劳 动是社会家庭和学生生活中的重要方面,对学生生活习惯的养成、社会行为习惯及家庭 责任感的建立起着重要的作用。通过学习本单元,学生应当能认识到家庭亲情及家庭义 务的重要性,应对参加及帮助父母做适当的家务持有积极的态度。通过单元学习,学生 还将了解中西方在这方面的文化差异,增强他们在日常生活中的沟通和交流能力。