当前位置:文档之家› 高三人教新课标版广东专版第1-2期测试题答案解析





1-5 ABBCC 6-10 BDDCB 11-15 CABCD 16-20 AGEFC 21-25 BACAD

26-30 BBABD 31-35 CDCBA 36-40 CDCCB

41-50 (One possible version)

41. to buy 42. When 43. Shaking 44. them 45. comforts 46. with 47. forgetful

48. sincerely 49. a 50. choice

短文改错(One possible version)

Kalon Smith became a homeless men when he was


17. He spent winter nights sleep in a park and he has

sleeping had

no bed, no shower and no food. One day, he returned back to his old neighborhood and knocked at a


door of Mrs Green’s. He hoped to get something ∧


eat. However, Mrs Green not only gave her a meal


but also led him to the right path. She took him into her home, where he had warmth food and a roof


under his head. She also helped him contact their


community, what helped him find a job.


书面表达(One possible version)

Dear Mike,

I quite sympathize with you and understand how you feel. To help you save your friendship, here is my advice.

To begin with, having been friends with him for so many years, you should trust him. Maybe something happened to him or his family. He probably doesn’t want you to get involved in it. So it may be a good idea to give him some time to be alone. Finally, you can ask another friend to help find out the reason, which is the key to solving the problem.

I hope these suggestions are helpful and that you and Tom are on good terms as before.

Yours truly,

Li Hua





本文主要介绍最近开放的Sugar Hill儿童艺术和叙述故事博物馆的宗旨、方位、设计、特点、开放时间以及花费等等相关情况。

1. A。推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句The museum is designed to serve the youngest New Yorkers with a target audience of 3 to 8 years old.以及第三段的... making art more accessible to preschool and early-elementary aged kids.可知,这个博物馆建造的目的是为一些小孩子服务的。

2. B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的And the art studio spaces... will likely draw crowds.可推断出答案。

3. B。细节理解题。根据Hours: The museum will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to

5 pm during October. ... from Monday to Wednesday.可知,学龄前孩子们可以在10月份的周


4. C。推理判断题。根据Where的部分directly above the 155th Street C-train subway stop...可知,去参观这个博物馆最好的交通方式就是乘坐地铁。



5. C。推理判断题。根据第一段中的第一句Not all awards are as noble as the Nobel Prize...可知,作者对诺贝尔奖的态度是肯定的。

6. B。推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段列举电影类奖项Oscars、音乐类奖项Grammies, Brits, the Mercury Prize and the MTV and Q awards、文学奖项Booker prize以及当代艺术奖项、体育奖项等等可知,作者写这两段是为了展示多种多样的奖项。

7. D。词义猜测题。根据前文to help people who are on tight budget carry on their work without worrying about finances可知,此处是说现在专业足球运动员并不缺钱。

8. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段This means that not only the person who wins the award benefits from it —but also the sponsors.可知,那些颁发奖项的组织或赞助者也同时从中获利。


科学家们发现南半球驼背鲸成群结队地出现在南非的海岸,对此,他们进行了种种猜测。9. C。推理判断题。根据第二段的... the mammals typically spend these late summer months... feeding in the Antarctic waters before heading back to...可知,在南半球的4到5月份,驼背鲸通常都在南极水域捕食,所以在南非附近是看不见驼背鲸的。

10. B。细节理解题。综合最后两段的内容可知,之前是因为驼背鲸比较少,且活跃在看不见的地方,所以不经常被发现,但现在驼背鲸的数量激增,于是更容易被人看到。

11. C。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述科学家们在南非海岸发现了驼背鲸成群结队出现的现象,并试图探究其原因。



12. A。细节理解题。根据第三段的I do my best to balance my concern for public safety...可知作者在决断是否应该让囚犯提前出狱时感到很矛盾。

13. B。推理判断题。根据第三段的I do my best to balance my concern for public safety and ... 和第四段的On hearing days, nearly always, the victims beg us to...可知,作者的任务是决断是否继续让囚犯呆在监狱。

14. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的Her angry husband carved those scars when she told him she wanted a divorce. 可知,Andrew很生气他的妻子要和他离婚。

15. D。推理判断题。根据文章内容以及作者的工作可知,尽管受害者希望施罪者把牢底坐穿,但根据施害者在狱中的表现,作者觉得给受害者公正的同时,也应该给施害者应有的公正和权力。



16. A。根据空后Decide during the week exactly what you’re aiming to do at the weekend.可知,本段的小标题是做计划。

17. G。根据前文yet sometimes you may put off making...可知,然而,如果你做出努力,你将和你的朋友度过美好的时光。本句中的effort指的是上一句提到的making that phone call to arrange something。

18. E。根据前文Simply get outdoors and go for a walk, run, hike, cycle or anything else you can think of!可知,运动和呼吸新鲜空气会让你精力充沛。

19. F。承接上文So, try to set some time aside for yourself.可知,然后你就可以开心地阅读或者听音乐。

20. C。根据后文There are some things that can be done at any time —not just at the weekend.可知,本段小标题是在周内完成一些事情。


本文讲述了Lowe’s Home Improvement的职员为一位残疾退伍军人义务修理轮椅的故事。

21. B。他的妻子Frieda推着Michael走,Michael坐在轮椅里。

22. A。根据前文in an old wheelchair以及后文in the war可知,Michael在战争中失去了双腿。

23. C。前文提到旧轮椅,此处意为Michael等着退伍军人事务部门给他送新的轮椅,从后文the V A called to tell him that a new wheelchair was... 也可以得知答案。

24. A。此处意为“请求,申请”,Michael两年前就向V A申请新的轮椅。

25. D。根据后文内容可知,此处是指Michael的轮椅突然坏了。

26. B。根据后文Lowe’s Home Improvement refused to disclose (透露) the last names of the men 可知,Sal, 这家店的一位员工把他的同事叫来一起帮忙修轮椅。

27. B。根据前文Lowe’s Home Improvement refused to disclose (透露) the last names of the men 可知,Lowe’s谢绝公开这些员工的姓,也谢绝让他们接受采访。make available意为“让……可以;使能够”。

28. A。Sal告诉Michael不要离开,直到他们把他的轮椅修得和新的一样。

29. B。work on something意为着手做某事,此处指员工们着手开始修轮椅。

30. D。根据前文take apart, fix up可知,此处是指他们把轮椅拆了,修理了,组装起来。

31. C。根据语境可知,当轮椅看起来不够结实,他们做了进一步地调整。

32. D。Lowe’s的员工认为帮Michael修轮椅是他们的荣幸。

33. C。Michael把发生在他身上的故事贴到了网上。

34. B。on the way在途中。此处意为V A打电话通知他新的轮椅已在途中。

35. A。许多陌生人主动提出给Michael买新轮椅。

36. C。根据后文Instead, he asked them to contribute to a nonprofit foundation可知,他拒绝了。

37. D。帮助受伤的退伍军人。此处应是指像Michael一样在战场上受伤的老兵。

38. C。根据语境可知,但是,事实上Lowe’s员工所做的事情远远超过了他们的职责范围。beyond responsibility 意为“份外的事,不是职责范围之内的事”。

39. C。根据前文Lowe’s 的职员帮助Michael的故事可知,他们唤醒了人们的善良。

40. B。Michael认为这些人(像Lowe’s的员工们的人)才是他们(老兵们)为之战斗的对象。



41. to buy。考查非谓语动词。根据语境,我们打算开车去超市,买一些东西。动词不定式短语作状语,表目的。

42. When。考查连词。根据语境,当作者准备发动汽车时,发现她找不到车钥匙了。故用连词when,表示当……的时候。

43. Shaking。考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语是I,与shake之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。

44. them。考查代词。指代前面的keys,故用them。

45. comforts。考查时态。主语是第三人称单数,且后文时态是一般现在时,故用comfort的第三人称单数形式。

46. with。考查介词。根据语境可知,作者应该带着微笑接受这件事。故用介词with。

47. forgetful。考查形容词。修饰名词mind,故用形容词forgetful,意为健忘的。

48. sincerely。考查副词。修饰concerned,故用副词形式。

49. a。考查冠词。根据语境可知,作者有一颗善良的心灵。

50. choice。考查名词。根据语境可知,你可以影响世界,用你所做的每一个选择。故用名词choice。


1-5 DABDB 6-10 CDAAC 11-15 DADDC 16-20 FEBGD 21-25 ABBDC 26-30 ADCDC 31-35 CBAAB 36-40 CDDAB

41-50 (One possible version)

41. making 42. a 43. Actually

44. traditional 45. with 46. was sent

47. which 48. explanation 49. its 50. to pair

短文改错(One possible version)

India has many exciting places to visit. Among the most amazed places is the Taj Mahal.It is regard

amazing regarded

to be one of ∧world’s eight wonders. In 1631,


Shah Jahan’s wife died in child birth. He gathered the most skilled man to build a memorial —the


Taj Mahal —to his wife. It took almost 22 years


to build them. Although the construction of the


Taj Mahal cost many lives, but it is an impressive monument showing a man’s love for a woman. Shah Jahan intends to build one for himself and


had the two linked by a silver bridge. However,


unlucky, his death ended this great idea.


书面表达(One possible version)

Dear Tom,

Believe it or not, now I’m writing to share my traveling experience in Guilin with you. It’s in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, famous for its mountains and waters.

I have been here for five days, during which time not only did I enjoy the fascinating scenery like the magical terraces, unique mountains and clear rivers, but also I tried the traditional weaving of Zhuang people. What impressed me most was the spectacular folk-song-singing competition on the Lijiang River, which attracted thousands of visitors and locals. Guilin enjoys a world-wide reputation for its beautiful scenery, so it’s well worth visiting.

I dare say a foreigner failing to Guilin hasn’t really been to China. I strongly recommend you visit it after finishing your study.

Yours truly,







1. D。细节理解题。根据No other marine (海洋的) science program enables you... 可知该活动提供走进海洋生物的机会。

2. A。细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句:Some summer programs teach you about marine science and oceanography with lots of time...可知作者通过对比说明该活动是独一无二的。

3. B。细节理解题。根据第四段第三句:The location is ideally situated in the Bay of Fundy where the highest tides... 可知海洋生态多样化是因为潮汐的缘故。

4. D。推理判断题。根据文章之首“Age of Campers: 10 - 18”可知本文的目标读者是青少年。B


5. B。细节理解题。根据第二段冒号后面的第三、第四句话可知,在列举什么进展不如意时,要具体到没有取得好成绩的考试、匆忙完成的项目以及没有完成的长期目标等。

6. C。推理判断题。根据第三段的Be positive: As you are working on your list, remember to highlight (强调) the positives. 和Honesty is more than just telling the bad results... 可知,在制订计划清单时,在认清严酷的现实的同时,也要肯定积极方面,适当地表扬自己。

7. D。推理判断题。文中第四段提到Television shows sometimes reflect a world view that...由此可知正确答案。

8. A。文章标题题。本文的主要内容是反思自己在过去的学年里,哪些地方做得不好,哪些地方做得好,以在新学年里提高自己的学业表现。



9. A。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句:This type of program can be downloaded directly onto your phone, so you won’t have to go through the trouble... 可知反间谍软件是方便用户使用的。

10. C。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句:You should open and read messages that come from the sources that you know or trust. 可知当你收到通过蓝牙发来的信息,你需要首先查看这个发送源。

11. D。词义猜测题。根据最后一段第二句:Malware can easily cause harm to the computers. 可知电脑容易受恶意软件影响,手机亦然。


英国教育部长Nicky Morgan在接受采访时,说明人们被一些所谓的成功因素所误导,并强调老师要注意对学生的人格教育以及家长的作用。

12. A。细节理解题。根据第一段such as the X Factor make people think they can have instant success可知,人们有可能被一些真人秀节目误导。

13. D。推理判断题。根据第一段最后Children must be taught that there are no shortcuts to success and that instant fame and money do not happen overnight.以及第二段It’s a long journey, but when you get there, the feeling of accomplishment is huge. The entrepreneurs (企业家) and successful actors...可知,Nicky Morgan提及自己的经历是要使人们知道成功来源于努力工作。

14. D。主旨大意题。根据本段Teachers should know character education is much more important than the transmission of knowledge ... should know how they can build strong, resilient (适应性强的), courageous and determined young people. It is about setting high expectations and ambitions for them.可知,主要介绍了人格教育在学校教育中是重要的。

15. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段parents often have no idea what it means leaving school... 可知,根据Nicky Morgan的看法,父母应该知道接受教育的重要性。



16. F。此处的语境是:做志愿者工作是一项有益于他人的活动,但我们也能从中得到一些启示,这些启示可能不仅会对我们的社会有正面作用,也能对我们自己有莫大的好处。17. E。此处的语境是:每个人都有自己的故事,志愿者应该尊敬和理解。该选项中的it指代前句的内容。

18. B。根据该段的Picking up trash, ... contribute to the beautification of a community, while donating clothes might mean keeping someone warm for the winter. 可知本段的主要内容是一些志愿活动看似渺小,但能对社会、对他人产生非常积极的作用,因此该项能概括本段大意。

19. G。该项“志愿活动让我们深刻明白我们拥有什么”与下句“志愿活动让我们知道其中最重要的是什么”形成顺承关系。

20. D。根据小标题Once a volunteer, always a volunteer可知,这段的主旨是“志愿工作应该伴随我们一生”,因此选该项。



21. A。根据下文的The smells of pine和后文交换礼物的内容可判断,作者学校放圣诞假。

22. B。根据上下文可知,作者放假回家,推开(open)门时,松树和桔子的香味迎面扑来。be greeted by可指气味传入某人的鼻中。

23. B。根据句子“You’re home, brother! Come ... with me!”的句意以及两个感叹号可知,作者回家,他的妹妹很兴奋地向他喊道。

24. D。根据下文的 ... you share your red car with me, I will. I only like the car.可判断,Melissa 想让作者陪她玩玩具。

25. C。根据语境特别是“You’re home, brother! Come ... with me!”可知,Melissa用渴望的眼神看着作者,急切地等着他的回复。

26. A。根据you share your red car with me, I will. I only like the car.可知,Melissa想让作者陪她玩玩具,但作者觉得自己不是小孩子了,不适合玩她的那些玩具。

27. D。根据本段的描述以及下文的She never let others even 30 the car和Melissa’s favorite red car.可知,作者很清楚她的妹妹从来就不会让别人玩她最喜爱的玩具车,因此作者想了一个诡计:以玩她的玩具车为借口来打发其妹妹,不陪她玩。

28. C。此处语境是“如果你能让我玩一下你的玩具车,我就陪你玩”。

29. D。此处语境是“Melissa迅速抓住(grasp)汽车,……”,因为她很珍爱自己的玩具车,不愿意让任何人玩。

30. C。根据上下文可知,红色汽车是Melissa最喜爱的玩具,她甚至连别人摸一下都不愿意。

31. C。根据下文的“I’ve got what I’m giving you,”said Melissa.以及The day of gifts ... quickly came.可知Melissa问哥哥有没有给她买什么礼物。

32. B。根据下文的I sent Melissa a ... statue bought at the local dollar store.可知,作者答应其妹妹会给她买礼物。

33. A。根据下文的The whole family were excited to receive and open gifts.可知,此处语境是“交换礼物的日子很快到了”。

34. A。根据文章最后一句The statue seemed to be barking and laughing at me.中的barking可知,作者给妹妹买了一个雕塑狗。

35. B。根据上下文可推测,因为拆掉的礼物的包装纸很多,所以作者的父亲在扫垃圾时开玩笑说道:需要一辆货车来拉包装纸。

36. C。根据下文的It had at least four ... of papers.可推测,Melissa亲手包装了这份她很珍惜的礼物。

37. D。根据上下文可知:我撕开一部分礼物的包装纸,妈妈很好奇地问道,“是什么礼物呢?”

38. D。根据语境可知作者把包装纸拉下来,以便把礼物展露出来,让他的父母知道是什么。

39. A。根据上文的I sent Melissa a ... statue bought at the local dollar store.可推测,作者买的这个雕塑很便宜。

40. B。根据语境可知,当作者想到给其妹妹买的礼物是件便宜货,而妹妹却把自己非常喜爱的东西送给自己时,作者羞愧得脸都红了。



41. making。考查非谓语动词。所填非谓语动词在句中作结果状语,语境为“……使得情人节……”,并且动词make和其逻辑主语cards之间为主动关系,故用make的现在分词形式。

42. a。考查冠词。自从十四世纪,情人节就作为一个浪漫的节日被人们庆祝。

43. Actually。考查副词。所填词修饰了整个句子,因此填actual的副词形式。

44. traditional。考查形容词。所填词作定语修饰后面的名词holiday,因此填名词tradition的形容词形式traditional。

45. with。考查介词。be associated with是固定短语,意为“与……有关联”。

46. was sent。考查谓语动词。所填谓语动词与主语one of them之间是被动关系,同时所描述的事情发生在过去,因此句子谓语动词用一般过去时的被动语态。

47. which。考查连词。三位圣伦瓦丁都在同一天被处死,并不清楚这一节日纪念的究竟是哪一位。

48. explanation。考查名词。the most accepted作定语,对所填的词进行了限定,因此填动词explain的名词形式。

49. its。考查代词。所填词修饰名词roots,因此填形容词性物主代词;has its roots in是固定短语,意为“起源于”。

50. to pair。考查不定式。此处语境是“青年男女会画一些符号,在符号上随机写一些名字,以使性别不同的两人组成一队做游戏,或相互交换礼物”,因此这里应填pair的不定式形式,在句中作目的状语。

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