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高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Method

弹塑性力学Elastic-Plastic Mechanics

板壳理论Theory of Plate and Shell

高等工程力学Advanced Engineering Mechanics

板壳非线性力学Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell

复合材料结构力学Structural Mechanics of Composite Material

弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Design of Elastic Element

非线性振动Nonlinear Vibration

高等土力学Advanced Soil Mechanics

分析力学Analytic Mechanics 随机振动Random Vibration

数值分析Numerical Analysis

基础工程计算与分析Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering 结构动力学Structural

Dynamics 实验力学Laboratory Mechanics 损伤与断裂Damage and Fracture 小波分析Wavelet

Analysis 有限元与边界元分析方法Analytical Method of Finite Element and Boundary Element 最

优化设计方法Optimal Design Method 弹性力学Elastic Mechanics 高层建筑基础Tall Building

Foundation 动力学Dynanics 土的本构关系Soil Constitutive Relation 数学建模Mathe matical

Modeling 现代通信理论与技术Emerging Communications Theory and Technology 数字信号处理

Digital Signal Processing 网络理论与多媒体技术Multi-media and Network Technolog y 医用电子学

Electronics for Medicine 计算微电子学Computational Microelectronics 集成电路材料和系统电子

学Material and System Electronics for In tegrated Circuits 网络集成与大型数据库C omputer

Network Integrating Technology and Large scale Database 现代数字系统Modern Di gital System

微机应用系统设计Microcomputer Application Design 计算机网络新技术Modern Com puter Network

Technologies 网络信息系统Network Information System 图像传输与处理Image Tran smission and

Processing 图像编码理论Theory of Image Coding 遥感技术Remote Sensing Techni ques 虚拟仪器系

统设计Design of Virtual Instrument System 生物医学信号处理技术Signal Processin g for

Biology and Medicine 光纤光学Fiber Optics VLSI的EDA技术EDA Techniques for VLSI 电子系统的

ASIC技术ASIC Design Technologies VLSI技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its E xamination 专题

阅读或专题研究The Special Subject Study 信息论Information Theory 半导体物理学

Semiconductor Physics 通信原理Principle of Communication 现代数理逻辑Modern Mathematical

Logic 算法分析与设计Analysis and Design of Algorithms 高级计算机网络Advanced Computer

Networks 高级软件工程Advanced Software Engineering 数字图像处理Digital Image Processing 知

识工程原理Principles of Knowledge Engineering 面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming

形式语言与自动机Formal Languages and Automata 人工智能程序设计Artificial Intelli gence

Programming 软件质量与测试Software Quality and Testing 大型数据库原理与高级开发技术

Principles of Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Advanced Development Technology 自然智能与人工智能

Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix Sys tem 计

算机图形学Computer Graphics Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technol ogy 多媒体

技术Multimedia Technology 数据仓库技术与联机分析处理Data Warehouse and OLA P 程序设计方法学

Methodology of Programming 计算机信息保密与安全Secrecy and Security of Compu ter Information