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上海高考英语翻译精华100题中文 1. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗,(arrive) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 2. 说实在的,我对物理期终考试的结果有点担心。(worry) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. 我一生中从未尝试过这么美味可口的食物。(Never) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 4. 他设法找到三种解这道数学题的方法。(manage) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. 她似乎已了解那件事的一切。(learn) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 6. 说起中国,大多数外国人想到的是万里长城。(talk) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 7. 无论多忙,我每天晚上要看电视晚间新闻。(watch) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 8. 他希望从此以后没人再提那件事了。(mention) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 9. 这取决于你的决心有多大。(depend) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 10. 你从这吃饭的错误中得到什么教训,(learn) 1 11. 三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。(place v.)


not …until…/ Not until…/ It was not until…that 1.直到会议快要结束时他才露面。(show up) 2.直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。(prevent) 3.直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(considerate) 4.可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。 5.直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。(relieve) The more…the more.. 1.你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。(feel it + adj. to do ) 2.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,思维就越活跃。( it is generally believed that ) 3.问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 4.问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。(likely) 5.我们学习得越多,将来就越能为我们国家工作的越好。 6.你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。(do sb good) 7.我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。 8.相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。(suffer from) No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V 1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。(complicated) 2.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。(pass on) 3.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 4.不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。(in honor of) 5.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。(put off) 6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。Adj. / adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V 1.虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devote…to) 2.他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。(work late into…) 3.虽然他是个孩子,但对于这个世界他了解很多。 4.虽然我敬佩他作为一个作家,但我不喜欢他作为一个人。(admire) Hardly / scarcely / barely…when no sooner …than 1.我刚到家,电话铃就响了。 2.他一到实验室,就开始做实验。(set out) 3.这男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。 4.他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告诉他父母。(can't wait…) 1.Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up. th century did people learn how to prevent the disease from Not until the beginning of the 202. spreading. 3.Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful / 1 understanding.


连词成句 1.would kind what you like noodles of ? 2.takes up she phone the . 3.want plates I fish of three . 4.Like a of I’d rice bowl . 5.Help I can you ? 6.Looks little he thin a . 7.Plays it he well very . 8.Thee young who’s woman ? 9.Worked the grassland he on . 10.The jump how long about ? 11.Tired you look . https://www.doczj.com/doc/0214431178.html,st year T it won . 13.All animals run started the to . 14.to have mobile phone hope a . 15.with bad he do everything to feet his . 16.of her what you think do ? 17.going talk what about to are we ? 18.difficult come it’s to true .

翻译下列句子 1.Young students shouldn’t take mobile phone. 2.我可以给你留言吗? 3.我仅仅用它打电话和学英语。 3.Where did you go this morning ? 4.Do I have to go to school ? 5.你想要一些喝的东西吗? 6.Anything else? 7.I want two piece of beef. 8.你午饭想吃什么? 9.我想要一瓶牛奶。 10.他为贫困孩子建造了一所希望小学。 11.A t the age of nine ,he lost him arms. 12.他是以为伟大的科学家。 13.W hy does he always have so many questions 14.他每天弹七八个小时。 15.李珊在女子跳高运动中是第一名。 16.你参加了什么运动? 17.上周动物们举行了一场运动会。 18.第二场比赛是投掷运动。 19.我将用它打电话和发短信。 20.我可以和凯蒂说话吗?


Give the floor to 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies领先技术 Minister Counselor公使 Natural heritage自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉 对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话Let’ s welcome to give a speech 双边会议bilateral conference 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to 主办单位sponsor 颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech 隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the award 取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 宣布…结束 declare the closing of 请全体起立,奏国歌 Please rise for the national anthem. Collective stewardship集体管理 Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions金融机构 Forward-looking进取 Gross National Product国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millenmum跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市 把…列为重要内容place as the priority 不放松工作never neglect the work 节约用水 water conservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使…取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予…光荣称号 confer honorable awards on 为…而奋斗strive for


1.这部以真人真事为原型的电影很感人。(base) 2.众所周知,知识始于实践。(begin) 3.一直要想方设法讨好老板,真让我厌烦。(bore) 4.这个获胜者冈她的画而获得了一等奖。(award) 5.做志愿者的经历让我受益匪浅。(benefit) 6.无论你到何处,都要牢记在心:人国问禁,人乡随俗。(bear) 7.一些减肥广告已经在电视上停播了。(ban) 8.人们普遍认为吸烟有害健康。(It..) 9.显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都可喝到新鲜牛奶。(available) 10.昨天发生的事怪不得孩子们。(blame) 11.由于大雾,从上海飞往北京的航班延误了近两小时。(because of) 12.正要付钱的时候,我的信用卡不见了。(when) 13.那本蓝封面的词典不是我的。(belong) 14.我想你不是很清楚这对我有多重要。(aware) 15.这部历史小说引人人胜,我简直爱不释手。(bear) . 16.他从图书馆借了一些参考书而不是侦探小说。(borrow) 17.过了许多年这一秘密才被泄露出来。(before) 18.我尽量避免遇到他,冈为他总是使我厌烦。(avoid) 19.你最好不要玩火,会伤到自己的。(or) 20.每一种药物都有副作用,对健康可能造成损害。(bad)

21.听到那一激动人心的消息,我情不自禁地大哭起来。(burst) 22.做幼儿同老师需要极大的耐心。(call) 23.恐怕他们遇到交通堵塞了。(catch) 24.作为班上的尖子学生.她有能力解答这些数学题。(capable) 25.现在年轻人所缺乏的,不是书本知识,而是实践经验。(not..but) 26.父母双方必须对养育子女承担同等的责任。(bring) 27.她的计划听上去很好,可是我们实施起来将困难重重。(carry) 28.上周因为生病我缺了一些课,但是我会努力赶上大家的。(catch) 29.如果您方便的话,今晚我想去您府上拜访。(call) 30.这位作家专心致志于写作,以致忘了自己重病在身。(bury) 31.她不在乎报酬,对她来说重要的是她的实验。(care) 32.我会待在宾馆.以防有电话。(in case) 33.警方正在竭尽全力查明火灾的导凶。(cause) 34.他不仅意识到了自己的弱点,而且想克服它。(not only.but also) 35.救援队在地震发生后不久就设法赶到了那里。(break) 36.为了承担得起出国的费用,你无论怎样节俭都是不过分的。(cannot.too) 37.在空调房间待太久会使人生病。(cause) 38.小心点.别从车上摔下来。你才刚学会骑车。(careful) 39.除了等待进一步通知,我们别无他法。(but) 40.不要打扰James,他正忙于学校音乐会的操练。(busy)


2019 年高三一模翻译汇编 1.上海市黄浦区 2019 年高三英语一模翻译 72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。(ignorant) 73. 这些政策在一定程度上对该地区的经济衰退负有责任。(extent) 74. 自古以来老百姓就希望天下太平,同各国人民友好相处。(long for) 75. 青少年问题的发展趋势值得我们关注和研究,也值得整个社会群策群力,共商对策。(which) 72. Many people are totally ignorant of their potential (abilities/talents). 73. These policies are to some extent responsible for the region’ s economic decline. 74. Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world to live together in friendship with people from/of all countries. /Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world, where people of all/different countries live together in friendship. 75.The developing trend of youth/adolescent/teenager problems deserves our attention and research/ analysis, which also deserves the joint efforts of the whole society to find solutions. 2.上海市普陀区 2019 年高三英语一模翻译 72.晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or) 73.事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It) 74.乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create) 75.追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。 ( when) 72. Don’ t drink too much coffee at night, or you won ’ t be able to sleep. 1 0.5 0.5 1 73. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 0.5 1 1 0.5 74. Optimistic people don ’ t miss the good old days too much. 1 1 0.5 75. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (, and 0.5)


1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能

22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏 35. nothing but 只不过是 36. by means of 通过;借助于 37. by the help of 通过…的帮助 38. in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说 39. manage to do sth. 设法做到 40. extract …from 从……提炼出 41. out of…起源;来源;根据 42. build up 建立;树立

2020上海高考英语 翻译练习100句-3

翻译100句详解 41. 大学生想成为2020年进博会志愿者的意识从来没有像今天这么强烈。(Never) Never before have the college students had such a strong sense of becoming volunteers for the 2020 CIIE as today. 考点:使用never的倒装句的用法。 42. 我们每一个中国人都有充分的理由为我国近30年来所取得的巨大成就而自豪。(pride) Each of us Chinese has every reason to take pride in the great achievements that have been made over the past 30 years. 考点一:有充分的理由(has every reason to do…) 考点二:take pride in…的用法 43. 他只是在特殊场合才戴那根领带以配他的衬衫。(Only) Only on special occasions will he wear that tie to go with/match his shirt. 考点一:only引导的倒装句 考点二:go with/match的用法。 44. 他没有报名参加这次面试,这使他失去了一份薪水丰厚的工作。(cost) He didn’t sign up for this interview, which cost him a well paid-job. 考点一:cost的用法。 考点二:报名参加这次面试(sign up for this interview)。 考点三:薪水丰厚的(well-paid) 45. 智力在很大程度上是与生俱来的东西。(extent) To a large extent, intelligence is something that people are born with. 考点一:在很大程度上(to a large extent) 考点二:与生俱来的东西(something that people are born with) 46. 工业的发展推动了人类文明,同时它也给我们带来许多意料之外的问题。(advance,


上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2016年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) He became very interested in computers after he entered college. 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) Collecting stamps occupies almost all his spare time. 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) As long as you concentrate on your study, you are sure to pass the exam. 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) More and more people are aware of the importance of observing traffic regulations. 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) In spite of many difficulties/hardships, we will still carry out our plan. 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) The Nobel Prizes are awarded to those scientists who have made great contributions i n a certain field. 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) This picture reminds me of the days that we spent in the summer camp. 2. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) If you want to take up this job, you must first receive three months’ training. 3. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) Once you develop a bad habit, it is difficult to get rid of it. 4. 同其他同学相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听,说能力。(compare) Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking skills. 5. 众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without) As is known to all, success comes from hard work/diligence, and nothing can be achie ved without efforts/hard work.


英语短语大全翻译版 benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题) 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……) 7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……) 8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...) 二、表达不同观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others be lieve that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……) 2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异) 4:There are differen t opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同) 三、表示结尾 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……) 2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……) 3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturall y/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……) 4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……)5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点) 6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题) 四、提出建议 1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了) 2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视) 3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……) 4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……) 5:Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的) 五、预示后果 1:Obviously,if we don't control the problem, the chances are that……will lead us in danger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险) 版权归属:英语作文https://www.doczj.com/doc/0214431178.html,


翻译100句练习 1. 我原打算在书店里消磨时间的,但最终买了本有关计算机的书。(end) I had meant/intended/ planned to kill time //I meant/ intended/ planned to have killed time in the bookstore, / but I ended up buying a book on computer. 考点一:end up doing 是固定词组 考点二:原打算做某事(had meant/intended/planned to do = meant/intended/planned to have done) 考点三:本句前后时态要一致,前面是过去完成时+to do 或过去时+to have done, 后面是一般过去时。 2. 如果你采用先进的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。(effort) If you adopt the advanced method, you are able to achieve twice the result with half the effort. 考点一:事半功倍(twice the result with half the effort) 考点二:采用先进的方法(adopt the advanced method) 3.每一位驾驶员开车时都必须牢记,一点点疏忽都可能造成事故。(mind) When driving, every driver must keep/bear in mind that the slightest carelessness will cause an accident. 考点一:keep/bear in mind that 中间不加it 考点二:翻译过程中别漏掉“开车时” 4. 色彩鲜艳的药片可能被孩子们误当成糖果,因此应该把它们放在孩子们拿不着的地方。(thus, accessible) Brightly-colored pills may/can be mistaken for sweets by children, and thus they should be kept where they are not accessible to children. 考点一:被…误当成(be mistaken for) 考点二:thus是副词,不可直接引导句子 考点三:sth. is accessible to sb. 5.他从未想到过他的教育费用将花完他父母的所有积蓄。(occur, drain) It never occurred to him that the expenses for his education would be a great drain on all his parents’ savings 考点一:从未想到过(It never occurred to him that) 考点二:教育费用(the expenses for his education) 考点三 drain(n.) a great drain on sth. 6.许多家长发现,很难和自己的孩子交流。(find) Many parents find it difficult to communicate with their own children.


专业翻译的50个重要表达 一、政治类: 1. 日益昌盛become increasingly prosperous 2. 快速发展develop rapidly 3. 隆重集会gather ceremoniously 4. 热爱和平love peace 5. 追求进步pursue progress 6. 履行权利和义务perform the responsibilities and obligations 7. 回顾奋斗历程review the course of struggle 8. 展望伟大征程look into the great journey 9. 充满信心和力量be filled with confidence and strength 10. 必胜be bound to win 11. 主张各国政府采取行动urge governments of all countries to take action 12. 和平共处coexist peacefully 13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally and internally 14. 经历两个不同时期experience two different periods 15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties 16. 赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another 17. 完全意识到be fully aware that 18. 迈出重要的一步make an important step 19. 采取各种措施adopt various measures 20. 得出结论,告一段落draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion 21. 实现民族独立realize national independence 22. 追求真理seek the truth 23. 建立社会主义制度establish a socialist system 24. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption 25. 响应号召respond to the call 26. 进入新时期enter a new period 27. 实行新政策practice new policies 28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality 29. 增强综合国力和国际竟争力 enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness 30. 进入世界先进行列edge into the advanced ranks in the world 31. 解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing 32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what is advanced in other civilizations 33. 与日俱增increase every day 34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes 35. 必将实现be bound to come true 36. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army 37. 建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense 38. 进行和谈hold peace talks 39. 修改法律amend the laws 40. 在...中起(至关)重要作用 play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in 41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great, major )contributions to


/ It was not until… that / Not until…  not … until…  1.直到会议快要结束时他才露面。(show up) 2.直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。(prevent) 3.直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(considerate) 4.可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。 5.直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。(relieve) The more… the more.. 1.你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。(feel it + adj. to do ) 2.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,思维就越活跃。( it is generally believed that ) 3.问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 4.问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。(likely) 5.我们学习得越多,将来就越能为我们国家工作的越好。 6.你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。(do sb good) 7.我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。 8.相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。(suffer from) No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V 1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。(complicated) 2.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。(pass on) 3.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 4.不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。(in honor of) 5.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。(put off) 6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。 Adj. / adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V 1.虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devote…to) 2.他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。(work late into…) 3.虽然他是个孩子,但对于这个世界他了解很多。 4.虽然我敬佩他作为一个作家,但我不喜欢他作为一个人。(admire) Hardly / scarcely / barely…when no sooner … than 1.我刚到家,电话铃就响了。 2.他一到实验室,就开始做实验。(set out) 3.这男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。 4.他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告诉他父母。(can’t wait…) 1.Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up. 2.Not until the beginning of the 20th century did people learn how to prevent the disease from spreading. 3.Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful /


短语英汉互译 A a bit(of) a few a good/great amount/deal of a king of a little a lot(of) a number of a pair / piece / set of 根据…,按照…合计达… add to after all agree with ahead of time aim at all kinds of all of a sudden all over all right all along and so on 迎合,对…有吸引力 arrive at / in as…as… as a matter of fact as a result 总体上至于 好像,似乎as long as as soon as 至于,关于 as usual as well as ask for aside from at a soeed of / full speed at first at home at last at least 最多 at noon / night / midnight / dawn at one time at present at the age of at the end of B 把…建立于…基础之上be able to do be absorbed in be accused of be afraid of be amazed at be angry with 因……而感到惭愧 be aware of be based on be bored with be born be / get burnt out be busy with / doing be careful with be connected to 对…好奇be different from be embarrassed about be famous for be fit for be fond of 对…友好be frozen with be full of be good at / for / to be in control be intended / meant to


1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于

17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏

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