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Chapter 01 The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing True / False Questions

1. Global commerce thrives during peacetime.

TRUE (p. 4)st century is "expect the



Difficulty: Easy

Type: Knowledge

3. (p. 5) Today, every American business is international.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

4. (p. 5) One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the European Union. TRUE

5. (p. 5) One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the unprecedented acceptance of communism and socialism in Latin America.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

6. (p. 5) A trend that will impact international business in the future is a mandate to properly manage the resources and global environment.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

7. (p. 5) Today, most business activities are local or regional in scope.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

8. (p. 6, Crossing Borders 1.1) What do French farmers, Chinese fishermen, and Russian hackers have in common--they can all receive subsidy payments from the U.S. government.


9. (p. 6) Foreign-made products remain a small portion of all consumer products sold in the United States.


10. (p. 8) U.S. companies compete with global competitors in foreign markets and have little competition in domestic markets from global competitors.


Difficulty: Easy

Type: Knowledge

11. (p. 9, Exhibit 1.2) The leading U.S. multinational with foreign revenues of $345 billion plus annually is Wal-Mart.


Difficulty: Hard

Type: Knowledge

12. (p. 9) International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

13. (p. 9-10) A good illustration of an uncontrollable variable that might impact international business is a marketing decision with respect to research.


Difficulty: Hard

Type: Application

14. (p. 11, Exhibit 1.3) The foreign uncontrollable environment is the same as the domestic uncontrollable environment.


Difficulty: Hard

Type: Comprehension

15. (p. 12) The level of technology is an uncontrollable element for international marketers. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

16. (p. 14) The political and legal environment is a controllable element for international marketers because of the ability to lobby and influence legislation.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

17. (p. 14) In a broad sense, the uncontrollable elements of the foreign business environment constitute the culture.


Difficulty: Hard

Type: Comprehension

18. (p. 15) John refuses to buy Japanese products because he sees them as a way of selling out to nation known for its aggressive behavior. John is using a self-reference criterion to make his decision.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Application

19. (p. 15) A self-reference criterion is closely related to ethnocentrism.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

20. (p. 15) Sam Watkins just recently ate and, therefore, feels justified in refusing food from his Middle Eastern host. In this instance, Sam's self-reference criterion has just saved him from making a cultural blunder.


Difficulty: Hard

Type: Application

21. (p. 16) To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that emphasizes the need for ethnocentrism.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

22. (p. 17) To be globally aware, you should be tolerant of cultural differences.


Difficulty: Easy

Type: Comprehension

23. (p. 17) To be globally aware, you should require that all of your international customers know about your cultural rules and adhere strictly to each one.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

24. (p. 18) If a company is in a stage designated as being one with "no direct foreign marketing," the company does not actively cultivate customers outside national boundaries.


Difficulty: Easy

Type: Knowledge

25. (p. 20) Of all the stages in international business, a stage called "regular foreign marketing" produces the most profound change in the orientation of the company toward markets and associated planning activities.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

26. (p. 22) If a company uses a strategic orientation called domestic market extension, it views its international operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations.


Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

27. (p. 22-23) The global marketing concept views the marketplace as consisting of one primary domestic market that is complimented by several smaller regional markets.


Difficulty: Hard

Type: Knowledge

Multiple Choice Questions

28. (p. 3) International __________ play an important role in promoting global peace and prosperity.

A. foreign aid and treaties

B. competition and consumer spending

C. trade and marketing

D. consumer and industrial services

Difficulty: Easy

Type: Knowledge

29. (p. 4) According to the text, all of the following events have impacted international business EXCEPT:

A. the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004

B. the high-tech bust of 2001.

C. the steroids in major league sports scandal

D. 2003 SARS outbreak in Asia.

E. September 11, 2001 disasters.

Difficulty: Easy

Type: Comprehension

30. (p. 5) Of all the events and trends affecting global business today, four stand out as the most dynamic. Which of the following would be one of those events?


B. The trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe.

C. The trend toward using English as the global language.

D. The trend toward establishing a world currency.

E. The trend toward worldwide instant communication.

Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Comprehension

31. (p. 5) All of the following events and trends are among the four major trends described in the chapter as having a major impact or effect on global business EXCEPT:

A. the trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe.

B. the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization and regional free trade areas such as NAFTA and the European Union.

C. the burgeoning impact of the Internet and other global media on the dissolution of national borders.

D. the trend toward decreasing OPEC profits as oil reserves decline in the 21st century.

E. the mandate to properly manage the resources and global environment for the generations to come.

Difficulty: Hard

Type: Comprehension

32. (p. 5-6) Strategic plans that are competitive in global markets are _____.

A. the challenge of international marketing


C. not necessary for small firms

D. multilingual and multicultural in scope

Difficulty: Easy

Type: Knowledge

33. (p. 5) Every American company is international, at least to the extent that:

A. Federal law requires all corporations to outsource whenever it is cost-effective.

B. the Internet generates orders for all American businesses from abroad.

C. its business performance is affected by events that occur abroad.

D. natural disasters create a greater global community.

E. all of the above.

Difficulty: Hard

Type: Knowledge

34. (p. 5) Simi Khan wants to move his business into the international arena as quickly as possible; however, to be successful he must consider a variety of factors that have global dimensions. Which of the following factors would be most important to Simi Khan's computer technology business as he moves forward with his global expansion plans?

A. Electricity usage around the world.

B. The drive toward a more ergonomic workplace.

C. Communication and technology networks in third-world countries.

D. Restrictions on advertising in Russia.

E. Increasing licensing fees in Spain and Portugal.

Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Application

35. (p. 7) Foreign investment in the United States is growing yearly. At present, foreign investment in the United States is in excess of $16.3 ______________.

A. trillion


C. billion

D. thousand

E. cannot be determined. The government does not track foreign investment.

Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Knowledge

36. (p. 7) Companies from ____________________ lead in foreign investment in the United States:

A. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

B. Russia

C. China

D. United Kingdom

E. Canada

Difficulty: Hard

Type: Knowledge

37. (p. 7) Foreign investment is a two-way street. An organization (through investment and acquisition) from which of the following countries now controls all United Kingdom rail freight business and runs the queen's private train via its English, Welsh, & Scottish Railway unit?

A. Germany

B. Switzerland

C. United States

D. Canada

E. Netherlands

Difficulty: Hard

Type: Knowledge

国际市场营销学试题及答案 (2)

2002年10月国际市场营销学试题及答案.txt等待太久得来的东西多半已经不是当初自己想要的了。一层秋雨一阵凉,一瓣落花一脉香,一样流年自难忘,一把闲愁无处藏。幸福生活九字经:有希望,有事干,有人爱。女人和女人做朋友,要之以绿叶的姿态,同时也要暗藏红花的心机。2002年10月国际市场营销学试题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.在下列经过联合国大会批准的半国际性组织中,对国际营销影响较大的是( ) A.ISO B.ILO C.UNESCO D.WHO 2.除了极少数资源丰厚和投资能力极强的公司,几乎所有刚开始国际化战略的企业通常都选择( ) A.多元化战略 B.集中化战略 C.市场集中化战略 D.区域集中化战略 3.在国际技术转让的实践中,技术的价格主要由四部分组成,即直接转让费用、研究开发费用的补偿价值、市场机会损失的补偿价值和( ) A.预期利润 B.转让税负 C.中间商提成 D.保险费用 4.跨国公司内部贸易的组织联系形式可分为中心型、分散型和( ) A.区域型 B.集中型 C.扩张型 D.整合型 5.以下是某种商品的国际市场单价:US$ 200per S/T CIF New York。其中“CIF New York”是( ) A.计价货币名称 B.目的港名称 C.销售商名称 D.价格术语 6.国际营销活动可能遇到多种政治风险,其中最严重的是( ) A.税收管制 B.劳工问题 C.没收 D.征用 7.西方国际营销学认为,世界各国的经济发展状况可以分为四种类型,即:自给自足经济、原料出口经济、工业化过程中经济和( ) A.农业主导型经济国家 B.工业化经济国家 C.技术密集型经济国家 D.贸易主导型经济国家 8.以“新产品—现有需求—国际市场”为基本思路的国际产品市场进入模式是( ) A.产品开发型模式 B.市场渗透型模型 C.市场开发型模式 D.多种经营型模式 9.联系买卖双方达成交易,但不拥有货物所有权,不实际持有货物,也不代办货物运输方面工作的出口代理商是( ) A.出口经营商 B.厂商出口代理人 C.出口佣金商 D.国际经纪人 10.在国际上常常被视作技术贸易同义语的概念是( ) A.合作研究 B.合作生产 C.许可贸易 D.特许专营 11.国际广告是指( ) A.对国外零售商所作的广告 B.对国外代理商所作的广告 C.对出口国或地区所作的广告 D.由国外广告公司代理的广告 12.制定较高(或较低)的转移价格,可以起到以下作用:加强公司竞争地位,减少麻烦,逃避税收和( ) A.转移资产 B.避开风险 C.促进销售 D.强化管理 13.根据国际产品生命周期理论,当企业需要通过在国外直接生产和销售的方式保持其在国外


《国际营销》期末论文 班级:Z0902 姓名:于涛学号:09 The Role of Government Abstract: The purpose of the passage is to describe the role of government in the market. Key words: Government market role develop The word’s markets are overseen by governments. Ideally, those governments set polices based on what they believe will serve the greatest number of their people to the greatest extent. The maintenance of nation borders is the single most important element that separates international trade from domestic trade. While consumers and producers make most decisions that mold the economy, government activities have a powerful effect on the market. Incubate special research, business and development, such as small businesses, space research, job training, unemployment insurance and more. Perhaps most importantly, the federal government guides the overall pace of economic activity, attempting to maintain steady growth, high levels of employment, and price stability. It can slow down or speed up the economy's rate of growth -- in the process, affecting the level of prices and employment. It is supposed to create and administer laws which are fair and equitable. Imagine any team sport without rules or referees. Experience has shown that neither the teams nor the fans find this acceptable. Without an independent referee disputes in a game could not be resolved. Most fans and teams are willing to put up with the occasional bad call rather than no calls at all. The same thing applies in government. Lately there has been a great deal of discussion about the power of the free market to regulate itself or the "invisible hand" to sort things out. Hundreds of years of experience had shown this not to work. Time and again markets have become unstable, either with bubbles such as the famous tulip mania or the "South Sea Island" bubble, or have become overly concentrated such as the standard oil trust. This leads inefficiency, since prices are distorted and resources are diverted from innovation and expansion of socially useful tasks. Without a referee the situation eventually fails anyway, but later and with more social damage than a well regulated society would provide. Modern society is going to continue to have government perform all functions. These have developed because there was a need, and because they worked more often than they failed. Progress will be made when the critics stop trying to turn the clock back to an imaginary past and devote their energies to optimizing what we have. "Liberals" can also do their part by focusing the discussion on the roles listed above and proposing improvements targeted to each sector. In fact, government plans important roles in the market. Government can protect and regulate the sustainable use of natural resources. Enforce and regulate fair and responsible business practices. Included in this is monitoring monetary policy, giving consumer protection and regulating banking practices. Determine and enforce civil laws of property and conduct. This includes the freedoms of the press, religion and rights of property. Provide public goods and services for the well-being of the community as a whole, such as infrastructure, vaccination programs, disaster relief, fireworks shows, public parks, basic healthcare, subsidized housing,


北京语言大学网络教育学院 《国际市场营销》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、【单项选择题】(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、PEST分析法中的P代表的是()。 [A] 政治和法律环境[B] 经济环境 [C] 技术环境[D] 社会环境 2、在营销组合中,哪一项决策属于最基本的决策()。 [A] 产品决策[B] 渠道决策[C] 定价决策[D] 促销决策 3、差异化全球营销战略相对于无差异全球营销战略最大的优点在于()。 [A] 生产成本更低[B] 市场覆盖范围广 [C] 满足不同市场的个性化需求[D] 企业的投入少 4、在维持产品原有的质量和价格的前提下,增加同一种产品的款式、规格与花色,这属于()。 [A] 缩短产品组合策略[B] 扩大产品组合策略 [C] 产品仿制策略[D] 产品线延伸策略 5、本国政府为了支持国内企业的出口行为会给企业额外补贴以奖励出口行为,但是进口国为了抵消这种补贴行为,推出()。 [A] 反补贴税[B] 从量税[C] 特惠税[D] 反倾销税 6、一个厂家对分销商基本上不加选择,任何一个分销商都可以分销企业的产品,这种渠道模式是()。 [A] 选择分销[B]密集分销[C] 稀疏分销[D] 以上均可 7、施耐德公司由于成本和竞争等原因于2002年申请破产保护,TCL国际控股有限公司2002年出资收购这一公司,从而利用施耐德的销售网络迅速进入了欧洲,这种进入国际市场的途径是()。 [A] 由出口商或进口商进行分销 [B] 国内企业同外国企业进行营销系统的置换和共享 [C] 中国企业自己在境外建立营销网络 [D] 通过并购方式收购国外企业的营销渠道系统 8、某企业生产小型洗衣机,通过出口将产品运至国外市场,洗衣机的定价采取与国外


市场营销专业英语词汇表 需要:need 欲望want 需求:demand 产品:product 关系营销:relationship marketing 营销网:marketing network 生产观念:the production concept 产品观念:the product concept 相关群体:reference group 购买者角色:buying role 购买行为:buying behavior 认知需求:problem recognition 搜集信息:information search 组织者市场:orqanization market 派生需求:derived demand 缺乏弹性:inelastic demand 品牌策略:brand strategy 制造商品牌:manufactures brand 定价策略:pricing strategie 现金折扣:cash discount 数量折扣:quantity discount 功能折扣:functional discount 季节折扣:seasonal discount 新产品定价:new product pricing 产品组合定价:product-mix pricing 分销渠道:distribution channel 密集分销渠道:intensive distribution 选择性分销:selective distribution 独家分销:exclusive distribution 中间商品牌:intermediaries brand 批发商:whoksaler 零售商:retailer 百货公司:department store 超市:supermarket 便利店:convenience store 折扣店:discount store 促销组合:promotion mix 交流信息:communicating information 人员销售:personalo selling 广告策略advertising strateqie 公共关系public relation 营销调研:marketing research 产品策略:product strategie 产品组合:product mix 营销观念:the marketing concept 消费者市场consumer market 顾客满意:customer satisfaction 顾客总价值:total customer value 顾客总成本:total customer value 营销环境:marketing environment 营销信息系统:marketing information syste 市场细分策略:market segmentation startegie 目标市场策略:market tageting strategie 市场定位策略market positioning strategie 产品市场寿命周期;the product life cycle 销售观念:the selling/sales concept 社会营销观念:the societal marketing concept 宏观营销环境:macro-marketing environment 消费者行为模式:model of consumer behavior 价值,成本和满意:value,cost,andsatisfaction 交换和交易exchange and transaction 营销者和预期顾客:marketers and prospect 市场营销观念:marketing management philosophy


Section 1: Multiple Choices (75%) This section has 30 questions, each worth 2.5%. For each question, you must choose ONLY one choice which you think best fits in. Please transfer the code of your choice into the attached Answer Sheet. 1.Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationships by delivering ________ to customers. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0117379730.html,petitive prices b.superior value c.superior service d.superior promotion e.product assortment 2.Customer satisfaction depends on the product’s perceived value relative to the buyer’s ________. a.cost of obtaining the product b.expectations c.cost of competing products d.cost of the lost experience e.all of the above 3.To reduce demand for space on congested expressways in Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has attempted to engage in ________. a.target marketing b.deregulation c.demarketing d.gray marketing e.integration 4. Your firm is attempting to divide up the total market to determine the best segments it can serve. Which is the correct order of doing so? a.market segmentation, target marketing, market positioning b.target marketing, market positioning, market segmentation c.market positioning, market segmentation, target marketing d.market segmentation, market positioning, target marketing e.mass marketing, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation


Chapter 01 The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing True / False Questions 1. Global commerce thrives during peacetime. TRUE (p. 4)st century is "expect the unexpected." TRUE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 3. (p. 5) Today, every American business is international. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 4. (p. 5) One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the European Union. TRUE 5. (p. 5) One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the unprecedented acceptance of communism and socialism in Latin America. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 6. (p. 5) A trend that will impact international business in the future is a mandate to properly manage the resources and global environment. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 7. (p. 5) Today, most business activities are local or regional in scope. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 8. (p. 6, Crossing Borders 1.1) What do French farmers, Chinese fishermen, and Russian hackers have in common--they can all receive subsidy payments from the U.S. government. FALSE


国际市场营销英语From Jump to: navigation, search Accordion Insert 加上手风琴样稿 Ad Copy Advertising Allowance广告津贴 Advertising Budget广告预算 Advertising Elasticity广告弹性 Advertising Plan广告计划 Advertising Research广告调研 Ad Specialty广告专业 Agency Commission 广告佣金 Affiliate 关联 Affiliate Marketing 关联营销 Affiliate Directory关联目录 Affiliate Network关联网络 B Banner Ad 旗帜广告 Brand 品牌 Brand Identity 品牌标识 Brand Image 品牌形象 Brand Manager品牌经理 Business-to-Business Advertising B2B广告

C Caption 标头 Channel Distribution渠道分销 Circulation 发行 Classified Advertising 分类广告Comparative Advertising 比较广告Competition-Oriented Pricing竞争导向型定价Copyright 版权 Cost Efficiency 高性价比 Cost Per Inquiry 询盘成本 Cost Per Rating Point (CPP) Cost Per Thousand (CPM) Counter Advertising Creative Strategy Creatives D DAGMAR Day-After Recall Test Deceptive Advertising Demographics Direct Mail 直邮 Direct Marketing 直销 Direct Response E



国际市场营销学自学考试模拟试题一 一、单项选择题(从四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,每小题1分,共15分) 1.某企业采用标准化的产品、价格、分销和促销策略开展国际市场营销,其经营指导思想属: A.市场营销观念 B.推销观念 C.营销战略性观念 D.大市场营销观念 2.一家只有国内业务的公司决定从事国际市场营销,最初的主要动因是: A.获得海外市场的销售利润 B.国内市场竞争激烈 C.推销剩余产品 D.获取国际市场信息 3.造成国际市场营销企业海外业务中绝大多数问题的根源是: A.日益猖獗的贸易保护主义 B.产品质量不高 C.营销渠道太长 D.没有及时调整营销策略适应新环境 4.中小企业在进入国际市场时,适合以一个或少数几个国家的市场部分或亚市场作为目标市场,为一个或少数几个国家市场部分服务,即为下述目标市场策略: A.无差别市场营销 B.集中市场营销 C.差别市场营销 D.多角化经营 5.某服装出口企业发现,目标市场所在国的消费者按年龄结构划分,存在老年、中年和青年三种需求偏好不同的群体,且群体内需求偏好相近。该市场顾客偏好分布属: A.分散偏好 B.同质偏好 C.人文变数细分 D.集群偏好 6._ 就是指企业利用国内外中间商,把产品出口到目标国市场。这是一种最脆弱的进入国际市场的方式。 A.间接出口 B.许可证贸易 C.对外直接投资 D.直接出口

7.当国际市场营销环境发生变化,出现了有利于新市场建立的时机;或是原有市场需求饱和,导致企业采取向新市场扩张。 A.市场渗透策略 B.产品开发策略 C.市场开发策略 D.多角化经营 8. _是影响国际市场消费者购买行为的最大、最深远的因素。 A.文化因素 B.经济因素 C.社会因素 D.心理因素 9.在下述营销调研方法中,最适宜于分析购买者行为和意向的是: A.询问法 B.观察法 C.实验法 D.类比分析法 10.当企业外销产品品种多、数量大、外销市场多时,宜采用的组织形式是: A.国际业务部门化 B.职能部门化 C.产品部门化 D.地理位置部门化 11. _指在老产品基础上采用多种改进技术,使其结构、性能、造型、款式或包装具有新的特点的产品。 A.全新产品 B.换代新产品 c.仿制新产品 D.改进新产品 12.产品在成长期的营销策略,应突出一个“_”字。 A.“快” B.“长” C.“转” D.“好” 13.对国际市场营销企业而言,实行_易于控制市场,强化服务,提高经营效率,但这种分销策略的风险亦很大。 A.国际市场广泛分销策略 B.国际市场选择性分销策略 C.国际市场独家专营策略 D.集中市场营销策略 14.跨国公司广泛利用公司各部门之间的来逃避子公司所在国的税收。 A.参考价格 B.记账贸易价格 C.转账价格 D.滑动价格 15.率先提出大市场营销或广义市场营销思想的人是: A.科特勒 B.鲍敦 C.麦卡锡 D.弗龙


国际市场营销学期末考试试题库国际市场营销学期末考试试题库一、单项选择题1、国际贸易和国际营销在以下哪个环节是不同的()A、定 价B利润C购销D促销2、推动企 业营销观念变化的根本原因是()A、消费需求的 变化B竞争状况的变件C社会生产力水平的提高D、消费观念的变件3.奉行全球化战略的企业在营销策略的使用上()A、既重视国外市场又重视国内市场B重视各国市场的差异C按国别组织营销活动D更强调一体化4、属于国际市场营销策 略组合4PS中的策略是()A、国际产品策略 B、国际公共关系G国际市场探查D国际广告策略5、下列观点体现了现代市场营销观念()A、 酒香不怕巷子深”、B帮助客户成功就是成功你 自己” 、C “己所不欲不施与人”、D “营销就是推销产品”参考答案:1、 C 2、 C 3、 D 4、A 5、B 一、单项选择题1、下列行为中不属于政治干预的是 ()A、没收、征用和国有化B外汇管制C 政治冲突D本国化2、国际商业纠纷的解决途径有 ()A、友好协商、谈判和诉讼B友好协 商、诉讼和仲裁G友好协商、谈判和仲裁D

诉讼、审判、仲裁3、东道国的“号召人民只买国货; 反对进口;反对外国投资”等观念和行为是()的表现。A、民族主义B政局不稳定C文化分裂D、经济主义4、外国雇员限制、税收政策限制、地方含量法规等属于政治风险中的()A、政局不稳定 风险B所有权风险C经营风险D转移风险5、由于教育水平的差异,导致各国居民对()A、同一消费品偏好相同B同一消费品偏好不同C任何产品接受程度不同 D 产品接受程度无影响 6 国际文化环境中最敏感的因素是() A 语言 B 宗教 C 教育水平 D 社会组织7 高科技产品的营销对下列哪个文化因素比较敏感()?A 语言 B 宗教 C 教育水平 D 物质要 素8 文化对国际营销的影响包括() A 语言在很小程度上影响促销效果; B 语言为便捷了解当地情况提供了通道; C 语言仅仅是公司内部沟通的工具; D 多语言国家的国际营销更容易成功。参考答案1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 B 一单项选择题1 城市化程度是反映一个国家或地区经济特征的重要指标,它是指() A 工业产值占国内生产总值的百分比 B 城市人口占全国人口总数的百分比1

2004年10月高等教育自学考试 00098国际市场营销学试题——真题版(答案在试卷后)

全国2004年10月高等教育自学考试 国际市场营销学试题 课程代码:00098 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1.跨国国际营销是国际营销的发展阶段之一,一般认为该阶段始于( ) A.20世纪初 B.20世纪50年代 C.20世纪60年代 D.20世纪70年代 2.世界市场有多种分类方法,把国际市场分为欧洲共同体、独联体、东盟自由贸易区、南美洲共同市场等,这种分类方式是( ) A.按地理位置分类 B.按经济发展水平分类 C.按国际经济联盟分类 D.按出口商品类别及商品分类 3.在下列各种国际营销活动过程中可能遇到的不属于政治风险的是( ) A.汇率变动 B.进口限制 C.外汇管制 D.政府没收 4.下列关于集中性营销策略的叙述中,说法错误 ..的是( ) A.在一个或几个较小的市场上占有较大的份额 B.目标集中在少数几个子市场 C.在较大的市场上占有一个较小的市场份额 D.适用于资源有限的企业 5.企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上适合尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是( ) A.无差异市场营销战略 B.密集市场营销战略 C.差异市场营销战略 D.集中市场营销战略 6.下列属于产品附加利益层的是( ) A.产品的功能和效用 B.产品的品牌和商标 C.产品的包装和色彩 D.送货、安装、上门服务 7.某企业集团从生产保健品转向房地产开发,其产品市场的进入模式是( ) A.产品开发型模式 B.市场开发型模式 C.市场渗透型模式 D.多种经营型模式 8.企业在选择服务水平时,主要应考虑服务水平的适应性和( ) A.便利性 B.广泛性 C.实用性 D.经济性 9.以向企业管理人员提供有关销售、成本、存货、现金流量、应收账款等企业经营现状信息为主要工作任务的系统是市场营销信息系统中的( ) A.市场营销情报系统 B.市场决策支持系统 C.市场营销分析系统 D.内部报告系统 10.适合选择短渠道销售决策的产品是( ) A.服务要求不高的产品 B.销售数量大、购买次数少的产品 C.企业销售力量较弱的产品 D.重量轻、体积小的产品 11.产品处于成长期和成熟期阶段所采用的广告策略主要是( ) A.告知性广告 B.说服性广告 C.提醒性广告 D.让利性广告


一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.某葡萄酒厂拟开发新市场,但调研结果表明该地的消费者不喜欢喝葡萄酒,此时该企业应采取的调节市场需求的策略是(D ) A.维持营销策略 B.改变营销策略 C.降低营销策略 D.刺激营销策略 2.“酒香不怕巷子深”所体现出的企业市场营销哲学是(D ) A.生产观念 B.市场营销观念 C.销售观念 D.产品观念 3.某类业务市场销售增长率大于10%,市场份额与最大竞争对手的市场份额比值大于1.0,该类业务属于(C) A.问号类 B.金牛类 C.明星类 D.瘦狗类 4.最富有灵活性,但是花费成本较高的调查方法是(C ) A.电话访问 B.邮寄问卷 C.人员访问 D.试验法 5.进行市场预测时,首先由销售人员根据自己的判断,做出自己认为可靠的销售预测,然后再由主要部门加以综合的定性预测方法是(B ) A.购买者意见法 B.销售人员意见综合法 C.专家意见法 D.市场试销法 6.房地产公司和汽车制造公司之间互为(A ) A.愿望竞争者 B.平行竞争者 C.品牌竞争者 D.形式竞争者 7.广告公司在市场营销中介中属于(D )

B.商人中间商 C.代理中间商 D.辅助商 8.按照马斯洛的需要层次理论,最高层次的需要是(C ) A.生理需要 B.安全需要 C.自我实现需要 D.社会需要 9.市场补缺者的制胜之道是(C) A.有效的分销策略 B.专业化经营 C.产品创新 D.促销创新 10.美国A时装公司生产妇女时装,分别设计成“朴素型”、“时髦型”、“知识型”和“优雅型”等不同款式,该市场细分的依据是心理细分,具体是(A) A.生活方式 B.人格 C.社会阶层 D.使用者情况 11.无差异目标市场战略主要适用的情况是(B ) A.企业实力较弱 B.市场同质性 C.市场竞争者多 D.消费需求复杂 12.企业进行市场定位的核心内容是(B ) A.不断降低产品的成本 B.设计和塑造产品特色或个性 C.明确竞争对手和竞争目标 D.弄清消费者的需求差异 13.人们购买洗衣机所获得的核心产品是(B ) A.洗衣机本身 B.清洁衣物的效用或利益 C.终身保修 D.优质品牌 14.某企业有5条产品线,它们的产品项目数分别是4、7、6、5、2,那么该企业的产品组合的宽度和长度分别为(D)


市场营销专业术语中英文对照标准翻译 本文为市场营销中经常用到的一些中文与英文互译的标准用语,希望对市场营销从业人员有所帮助。 《财富》杂志Fortune 案头调研Desk Research 奥美公司Ogilvy & Mather 白色商品White Goods 百乐门Parliament 百威啤酒Budweiser 包裹销售法Banded Pack 宝洁公司Procter & Gamble 宝丽来Polaroid 宝马BMW 边际成本Marginal Cost 边际收益Marginal Benefit 标准差,均差Standard Deviation 别克Buick 波立兹调查公司Alfred Politz Research, Inc 波旁王朝Ancient Age Bourbon 波特福洛分析Portefolio Analysis 产品差异Product Differentiation 产品生命周期Product Life Cycle 产品系列Product Line 产品组合Product Mix 阐述Presentation 超级市场Supermarket 成对比较法Paired Comparisons 成功的理想主义者Successful Idealist 承诺型消费者Committed Buyer 程度测试Tachistoscope 橙色商品Orange Goods 冲动购买Impulse Buying 重叠率Duplication 抽样Sampling 传销Pyramid Selling 传阅发行量Pass-on Circulation 词语联想法Word Associaton 刺激营销Incentive Marketing 促销Promotion 达彼思广告公司Ted Bates & Copany 大卫·奥格威David Ogilvy 戴比尔斯De Beers


《国际市场营销学》练习题 、单项选择题 这次发的练习题是将上次发的做了调整的,以这次的为准 1.20 世纪 80 年代以后,国际市场营销的发展进入( D ) A. 进口营销阶段 B.出口营销阶段 C.跨国国际营销阶段 D.全球营销阶段 2. 国际市场营销学是源于 ( D ) A. 经济学 B ?国际贸易 C.商业企业管理学 D.基础市场营销学 3. 跨国国际营销是国际营销的发展阶段之一,一般认为该阶段始于 ( D ) A.20 世纪初 B.20 世纪 50年代 C.20世纪60年代 D.20世纪70年代 4. 世界市场有多种分类方法,把国际市场分为欧洲共同体、独联体、东盟自由贸易区、南 美 洲共同市场等,这种分类方式是 ( C ) A. 按地理位置分类 B.按经济发展水 平分类 C.按国际经济联盟分类 D.按出口商品类别及商品分类 5. 在下列各种国际营销活动过程中可能遇到的不属于政治风险的是 ( A ) A. 汇率变动 C.外汇管制 6. 下列关于集中性营销策略的叙述中,说法错误的是 A. 在一个或几个较小的市场上占有较大的份额 B. 目标集中在少数几个子市场 C. 在较大的市场上占有一个较小的市场份额 D. 适用于资源有限的企业 7. 企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合, 客的需求,这种战略是 ( A ) A. 无差异市场营销战略 C.差异市场营销战略 8. 下列属于产品附加利益层的是 ( D ) A .产品的功能和效用 C.产品的包装和色彩 9. 某企业集团从生产保健品转向房地产开发,其产品市 场的进入模式是 A. 产品开发型模式 B.市场开发型模 式 C.市场渗透型模式 D.多种经营型模式 10. 以向企业管理人员提供有关销售、成本、存货、现金流量、应收账款等企业经营现状信 息为主要工作任务的系统是市场营销信息系统中的 ( D ) A. 市场营销情报系统 B.市场决策支 持系统 C.市场营销分析系统 D.内部报告系统 11. 在国际营销活动中,遇见的最严重的政治风险是( C ) A. 外汇管制 B. 劳工政策 B.进口限制 D .政府没收 ( C ) 力求在一定程度上适合尽可能多的顾 B.密集市场营销战略 D.集中市场营销战略 B.产品的品牌和商标 D.送货、安装、上门服务 ( D )


市场营销专业英语50句 1. I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. 很遗憾你们报的价格太高, 2. You know, packing has a close bearing on sales. 大家都知道,包装直接关系到产品的销售。 3. Easy to use and great value too. 好用实惠,物美价廉 4. I‘d like to take these catalogs with me . 这些目录我想带走。 5. I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead. 我要买一张优待票代替。 6. A discount of six percent is all that I'm authorized to offer you. 6%的折扣是我权限内所能给你的。 7. We now have five different models to choose from. 我们现在有五种不同的型号供你选择。 8. Your question is how we developed our product? 你的问题是我们是如何发展我们的产品? 9. When do you expect to have this ready for sale? 你希望此种商品何时上市出售呢? 10. What does the test marketing show? 试销说明了什么? 11. I'd like to change my reservation. 我想变更一下我的预订。 12. Could you tell me the cost of production per unit? 请你告诉我每件成品的生产成本好吗? 13. We've increased our efficiency by 20% through automation. 通过自动化我们的效率增加了20%。 14. Could you give me an indication of the price? 您能提供一个参考价吗? 15. Do you offer FOB or CIF? 你们报船上交货价还是到岸价? 16. How many do you intend to order? 这种产品你们想订多少 17. It's urgent to improve the packing. 必须马上改进包装。 18. Please make an offer indicating the packing. 请报价并说明包装情况 19. Our clients are very critical on quality. 我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的。 20. It depends on the quantity ordered. 这要根据所订的数量而定。 21. How much will it cost? 这种商品成本价是多少? 22. Please tell us the Article Number of the Product. 请您把商品货号告诉我们。 23. Is there anything I can show you. 有什么要我拿给你们看的吗? 24. close-down sale: (店关闭前的)大甩卖 25. We usually deal on a 20% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units. 我们通常给予20%的商业折扣,外加订货1000件以上的数量折扣。

国际市场营销复习资料 (中英文)

国际市场营销学考试题型 1.名词解释5个 2.简答题5个 3.案例分析1个 4.论述题1个。事件营销 1、国际市场营销定义:是一门研究企业如何向一国以上的消费者或用户提供商 品和劳务,以获得全球利益最大化的学科。 Definition: It is a subject to study how to supply commodities and services to the consumers in more and more nations in order to obtain global profits in maximization. 2、国际市场营销的途径 The Channels of International Marketing (1)被动的出口 passive export (2)积极的的出口 active export (3)授权国外生产 authorized production abroad (4)在海外建立营销机构 marketing branches abroad (5)海外生产海外营销 producing & marketing abroad 3、国际营销与国际贸易教材 Page 22 International Marketing and International Trade 1. 行为主体的差异性 principles different 2. 产品转移的差异性 products transfer different 3. 活动内容的差异性 activities different 4、国际营销人员必须具备的素质有哪些 (1)高涨的工作热情和足够的自信心 (2)外向型的性格 (3)较强的信息交流能力 (4)对自己所经销的产品或服务的有关知识有透彻的了解 (5)高层次的社会工作能力 (6)自我约束力和自我激发力

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