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编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。



(一) 篇首:





目录(Tables and Appendixes)

(二) 本文:


主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes)


参考书目(References or Bibliography)








料来源可供参考引用。构思为确定写作大纲或Proposal 的先前步骤,大纲是论文、报告的骨干,Proposal 是研究的架构、流程及范围的说明书。如何构思大纲或Proposal为论文、报告写作前的必要准备工作。好的论文或研究报告,要基于在完整、详实的资料上,而参考资料除了和教授商借之外,最主要的来源就是图书馆了,一般参考资料来源可分成教科书或手册、政府机构的报告、科技或商业方面的杂志,及会议性质的资料。此外现代的电脑资料库也可帮助收集资料,在国外可利用学校的电脑连线资料库寻找自己需要的资料。当一切准备就绪,即可开始着手写报告,一般报告还分大报告如期末、专题等报告,及小报告如Seminar 式的报告。


(一)TITLE PAGES :包含主题名称、作者、日期



(四)Technical Sections:是论文的主体,为最重要的部份应再细分为几个片断。



美式报告的撰写通常要打字,两行式,行间若有未拼完的字要以音节来连接。写报告通常需要用到电脑,如有计算数字统计图表的需求,也常会用到程式软体如PASCAL、LOTUS,统计分析软体如SAS,也是不可或缺的,电脑绘图在今日已成为工商界及学术界的重要工具,文书处理更是最基本的要求,因此Word for Window、Powerpoint、Excel便成了颇受欢迎的工具。此外在英文语法、文法上的润饰与修改,如能请老美帮忙会比较好。


































[商务英语BEC]剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)30天突破听力材料:[初级+中级+高级][全] [商务英语BEC][口语]听力口语篇
























[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading-five Cs





















[商务英语BEC][高级写作]新东方-高级商务英语写作flash-Tom.M [商务英语BEC][初级写作]新东方-初级商务英语flash-写作-刘军[商务英语BEC][写作]商务英语信函模板






























































1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。

3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。

4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。

9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。

11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。

13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。

14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。

15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。

16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

17、A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。

19、A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

20、Better late than never. 不怕慢,单怕站。

21、By reading we enrich the mind.读书使人充实,

22、Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

23、Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。

24、Custom is a second nature. 习惯是后天养成的。

25、Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。

26、Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。

27、Do nothing by halves. 凡事不可半途而废。

28、Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。

29、Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自


30、Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身体好。

31、Easier said than done. 说得容易,做得难。

32、Easy come, easy go. 来也匆匆,去也匆匆。

33、Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。

34、Every man has his faults. 金无足赤,人无完人。

35、Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

36、Every minute counts. 分秒必争。

37、Each coin has two sides.

38、Fact speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

39、Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

40、God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。

41、Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。

42、Honesty is the best policy. 做人诚信为本。

43、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。

44、It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

45、Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量

46、Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。

47、No pain,no gain.(不劳无获。)

48、You never know till you have tried. 不尝试,


49、An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

50、Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母。

51、Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy










52、Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。

53、Nothing in the world is difficult if you set

54、Where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成。

55、Practice makes perfect .(熟能生巧。)

56、Pride goes before a fall.(骄傲必败。)

Superstar and I

It’s common that many students are crazy about those singers and actors. However, liyundi, a pianist, is the superstar in my heart. He is a man of few words and he even looks like the greatest pianist—Chopin. When listening to his music , I can get rid of everything noisy around. What’s more, I can feel his strong love for music. Rome wasn’t built in one day. He achieved the great success through huge effort. I can learn from him that we should never give up to realize our dreams.

Superstar and I

Her name first appeared as a joke then like a wonder. She is Susan Boyle, the superstar in my heart. Although she’s not beautiful, her voice and spirit moved all the audience, in cluding me. The song ’I dreamed a dream’ that she sang touched everyone’s heart who had a dream and wanted to realize it. She taught me how to go on my dreams as well as never to give up. She is like a sunshine that gives me hope. Where there is a will, there is a way.


技术资料分享 英语口语8000句 ●从起床到出门 Good morning, mom. 早晨好,妈妈。 Did the alarm clock go off ? Did the alarm clock buzz? Did the alarm clock ring? get up soon It's time to get up! 该起床了! 我真不想起。 gonna=be It's time to get ready. Get up soon. 快点儿起床! I don't want to. 我真不想起。 Are you awake? 你醒了吗? I am now. 我刚醒。 Are you feeling sick? 你不舒服吗? No, I'm just tired. 没有,只是有点儿累 Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗? Yes, I slept very well. 嗯,睡得挺好。 No, I couldn't fall asleep.哪儿啊几乎没睡着 Would you turn off the alarm Please turn off the alarm clock. You finally got up. 你终于起来了。 It's a nice day! 今天是个好天! It sure is. 是不错啊。 It's a beautiful day! It's a wonderful day! It's a great day! Did you stay up late last night? Did you go to bed late last night? Let's fold up the futon. 把被子叠好 Let's put the futon away. 把被子收起 You were snoring last night. 打呼噜 Did I keep you up? 影响你睡觉了吗? I had a nightmare. 我做了个可怕的梦 It's all right now. 现在没事了/挺好的 你一直没关灯啊 You forgot to turn off the light.你忘关灯了 I have to go wash my face. 我得.... It's time to eat breakfast. It's time to have breakfast. I'm still sleepy. I'm still drowsy. I'm still yawning. 我还打哈欠呢 I have a hangover. 昨天的酒还没醒呢 I'm a night person.我是个夜猫子 --I'm not. I'm a morning person. 我喜欢早起。 Coffee wakes me up.我是用咖啡来提神的 Coffee gets me going. Did you brush your teeth? Have you brushed your teeth? I have to comb my hair. What should I wear? 我该穿什么好呢? 穿红的吧! Which dress should I wear? Which one should I wear? What should I put on? Hurry up and get dressed. 快换衣服 away! 把睡衣收好 Oh, I'm washing those. 啊,我正要洗呢 I'm leaving. Bye mom! Study hard. 好好学习啊! I'll see you when I get back. I'm taking off now. See you. /See you later. Let's play hooky today! 今天我们逃学吧 Yeah, let's. 好哇,走吧! You're wearing your sweater inside out. You have your sweater on inside out. It's upside down. Don't forget to take out the garbage. I won't. 忘不了! It's your turn to take out the garbage. *garbage 也可用 trash 和rubbish What are you doing today? We're having a track and field meet. 今天我们开运动会。田径运动会 If you don't hurry, we'll be late. Hurry up or we'll be late. Hurry or you'll be late for school. What time is it? 现在几点? Did you lock the door? Have you locked the door? Aren't you forgetting something?你 I don't think so. 我想没有。 It's already 8:00. It's 8:00 already. I'm late! 我晚了! Hurry up! 快点儿吧! I have to rush! 我得赶紧走! I have to hurry up! I have to get going! I have to get moving. Are you gonna be late today? 你今 ? No, I'll be home at the usual time. 平时 What time are you coming home? Around seven o'clock. 大概7点左右 Have you got your lunch box?饭盒带 了吗 Yes, right here. 嗯,在呢。 It might rain today. 今天好像要下雨。 with you. 带上 伞吧 Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. ●从回家到就寝 I'm home! / I'm back! 我回来了。 Welcome home! / Welcome back! Did you have a good time? How did it go today? How was your day? Can I go out to play? 写完作业再去吧。 I'm hungry. 我饿了。 We have some snacks. 吃点点心吧。 Where are the snacks? They're in the cupboard. 在碗橱里。 I'm going to cram school now. 我去 补习学校了啊*cram 意为“填鸭式补习” Call when you finish. 下课后来个电话 May I have my allowance? 零花钱 What do you want to buy? I'm tired. I'm exhausted. 我精疲力尽了 What would you like for dinner? What do you want to eat for dinner?


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 PART FOUR Questions 21 -30 Read the article below about expanding a retail business. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from (A, B, C or D) on the opposite page. For each question 21-30,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning, (0) Should you open a second branch? Choosing to expand your business by opening a second location can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever (0)____, or one of the worst. Before you (21)____ at a decision, there are several things you should check to see if you are ready to take this big step towards expansion. Firstly –your cash flow. Like starting up any business, a second location (22)____ a large initial investment and usually takes a long time to turn a profit. Look at your firm’s accounts carefully. If these (23)____ that you cannot afford a long-term drain on your financial resources, then it is probably better to wait. Secondly –your personnel and systems. If you don’t have a management team (24)____ place already, you should probably think about establishing one before opening a second branch. The same (25)____ in the case of operating systems and controls. The better organized your business now, the better organized your second location will be, too. Also, you need to think about your market. Is your current site doing as much business as it can (26)____, or are there ways you could grow without opening a second branch? Try expanding internally first. Similarly, don’t (27)____ that just because your business is successful in one town, it will immediately succeed in a (28)____ community. Research your potential markets before setting up shop, and (29)____ your new branch to answer the specific needs of these markets. Finally, be realistic about the time you need to invest to make a second location work. You don’t want to take (30)____ so much work that you can’t honour your commitments. Example : A have B decide C do D make 0 A B C D 21 A arrive B come C reach D approach 22 A contains B includes C involves D consists 23 A tell B present C show D exhibit 24 A at B in C by D to 25 A applies B refers C concerns D relates 26 A deal B hold C handle D cope 27 A assume B trust C rely D count


EC商务英语高级写作需掌握的句型 1. It作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型 She had said what it was necessary to say. 2. 强调句型 It is not who rules us that is important, but how he rules us. 3. “All+抽象名词”或“抽象名词+itself”(very+形容词)| He was all gentleness to her. 4. 利用词汇重复表示强调 A crime is a crime a crime. 5. “something(much)of”和 “nothing(little)of”“something of”相当于“to some extent”,表示水准。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为“anything of ”,可译为“有点”,“略微等。”“译为毫无”,“全无”。“much of”译为“大有”,“not much of”可译为“算不上”,“称不上”, “little of”可译为“几乎无”。 something like译为“有点像, 略似。” They say that he had no university education, but he seems to be something of a scholar. 6. 同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,“of”以及它前面的名词构一个形容词短语,以修饰“of”后面的那 个名词。如“her old sharper of a father”,可译为:“她那骗子 般的父亲”。 Those pigs of girls eat so much.


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美式论文、报告写作技巧 编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。 美国大学生由於自小已养成自动寻找答案习惯,在启发式的教育环境下,写报告、论文对他们来说比较不陌生,虽然专业知识上美国学生不见得比外籍学生强,但是表达能力由於自小培养,加上英语能力的优势,常比外籍学生在报告、论文方面有较隹的利基。反之中国学生比较缺乏报告写作的训练,因此如果在留学过程中无法适应美式教育会比较辛苦,其实论文、报告的写作要领其实不难,只要把握技巧就可水到渠成。 通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下: (一) 篇首: 封面(Title) 序言(Preface) 谢词(Acknowledge) 提要(Summary) 目录(Tables and Appendixes) (二) 本文: 引言(Introduction) 主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes) (三)参考资料: 参考书目(References or Bibliography) 附录资料(Appendix)。 进行论文或报告写作之前,先要确定想要表达的主题,主题确定后,将其具体表达,即为题目。题目可以提供研究者: 一.研究的方向 二.研究的范围 三.资料搜集的范围 四.预期研究成果 通常在确定题目之後就开始找资料从事研究,建议在找资料之前最好去问教授有哪些参考资


2019年BEC商务英语高级写作范文3 BEC商务英语高级写作范文 Flexible working Ex 5: Sample answer: (250words) Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working Introduction The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working. Findings My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colour copies of all reports and maps. As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere. Conclusion It is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a large proportion of my


高级商务英语文本 高级商务英语文本 Managing in the Present Present Tenses Focus: time management and current problems facing a service company 1. Management themes Read the following text and then discuss the questions below. Time management has become one of the key issues of the second half of the twentieth century. Managers, grappling with work pressures and deadlines, have come to recognise that time is a precious commodity to be 'saved', 'gained', and not 'wasted' or 'lost'. But if time is a commodity, how then can we best describe, measure and manage it? To describe and manage it, imagine a line that goes back to the beginnings of creation and continues into the mists of the future. And on that line are a number of significant marks-these separate the past from the present from the future. And within each time zone-past, present and future-we can differentiate1


2019年商务英语高级阅读试题(12) People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, sometimes without realizing it Most Americans ___1___ out of the country and have very ___2___ experience with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy ___3___ new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. They tend to use first names ___4___ most situations and speak freely about themselves. So if your American hosts do something that ___5___ you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel. Most people will __6__ your honesty and try not to take you uncomfortable again. And youll all __7__ something about another culture! Many travelers find __8__ easier to meet people in the U.S. than in other countries. They may just come up and introduce themselves or even invite you over __9__ they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be __10__. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just __11__ a good time. Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends __12__ people in the U.S.. If and when you __13__ American friends, they will probably __14__ introducing you to their friends and family, and if they seem proud __15__ you, its probably because they are. Relax and enjoy it! 1. A) have never been B) have been never C) has never been D)


剑桥商务英语中级真题集听力原文 目录 BEC中级真题集听力原文(2010版) (1) TEST 1 (1) TEST 2 (8) TEST 3 (14) TEST 4 (21) TEST 5 (28) TEST 6 (35) TEST 7 (41) TEST 8 (48) TEST 9 (55) TEST 10 (61) TEST 11 (68) TEST 12 (74)

BEC中级真题集听力原文(2010版) TEST 1 Part One. Questions 1 to 12 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. After you have listened once, replay each recording. Conversation One. Questions 1 to 4 Look at the form below. You will hear a man asking a colleague for information about a former employee. You have 15 seconds to read through the form. [Pause] Now listen, and fill in the spaces. Woman: Personnel… Man: Hello, it's Tim here, from Finance. Woman: Hi, Tim. Man: I've had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here last summer – I wonder if you could look him up in your records. Woman: Sure, what's the name? Man: The surname's Jaye. First name Stephen. Woman: How does he spell his surname? Man: J-A-Y-E. Got that? Woman: Oh yes, here we are… lives at a hundred and eighty-three School Road, Barnfield… Man: Yes, that's the one. Woman: And you say he was working in Finance? Man: Uhm, Customer Services, actually. Woman: Aah - they had lots of students working for them last summer. Man: Well, the tax people want to know his exact job title - I'm not sure why. Woman: Mm, let me see... He was an office assistant. Man: Right, got that. They also want to know about his monthly earnings. Woman: Let's have a look... five hundred and thirty-eight pounds seventy a month... Oh,sorry, he was a scale one, so that's four hundred and fifty-seven pounds sixty. Anything else? Man: That's fine, thanks. I'll send them the information today... [Pause] Now listen to the recording again. [Pause]


英语口语8000句 ●从起床到出门 Good morning, mom.早晨好,妈妈。 Did the alarm clock go off ? Did the alarm clock buzz? Did the alarm clock ring? get up soon It's time to get up!该起床了! 我真不想起。 to; gonna=be going to 美语口语常用说法 It's time to get ready. Get up soon. 快点儿起床! I don't want to.我真不想起。 Are you awake?你醒了吗? I am now. 我刚醒。 Are you feeling sick?你不舒服吗? No, I'm just tired. 没有,只是有点儿累 Did you sleep well?睡得好吗? Yes, I slept very well. 嗯,睡得挺好。 No, I couldn't fall asleep.哪儿啊几乎没睡着 Would you turn off the alarm clock? Please turn off the alarm clock. You finally got up. 你终于起来了。 It's a nice day! 今天是个好天! It sure is. 是不错啊。 It's a beautiful day! It's a wonderful day! It's a great day! Did you stay up late last night? Did you go to bed late last night? Let's fold up the futon. 把被子叠好Let's put the futon away. 把被子收起 You were snoring last night. 打呼噜Did I keep you up?影响你睡觉了吗? I had a nightmare. 我做了个可怕的梦 It's all right now. 现在没事了/挺好的 You left the light on.你一直没关灯啊 You forgot to turn off the light. 你忘关灯了 I have to go wash my face. 我得....It's time to eat breakfast. It's time to have breakfast. I'm still sleepy. I'm still drowsy. I'm still yawning. 我还打哈欠呢 I have a hangover. 昨天的酒还没醒呢 I'm a night person.我是个夜猫子 --I'm not. I'm a morning person. 我喜欢早起。 Coffee wakes me up.我是用咖啡来提神的 Coffee gets me going. Did you brush your teeth? Have you brushed your teeth? I have to comb my hair. What should I wear? 我该穿什么好呢? The red one. 穿红的吧! Which dress should I wear? Which one should I wear? What should I put on? Hurry up and get dressed. 快换衣服 Put those pajamas away! 把睡衣收好 Oh, I'm washing those. 啊,我正要洗 呢 I'm leaving. Bye mom! Study hard. 好好学习啊! I'll see you when I get back. I'm taking off now. See you. /See you later. Let's play hooky today! 今天我们逃学 吧 Yeah, let's. 好哇,走吧! You're wearing your sweater inside out. You have your sweater on inside out. It's upside down. Don't forget to take out the garbage. I won't. 忘不了! It's your turn to take out the garbage. *garbage也可用trash 和rubbish What are you doing today? We're having a track and field meet. 今天我们开运动会。田径运动会 If you don't hurry, we'll be late. Hurry up or we'll be late. Hurry or you'll be late for school. What time is it? 现在几点? Did you lock the door? Have you locked the door? Aren't you forgetting something?你 没...吧 I don't think so. 我想没有。 It's already 8:00. It's 8:00 already. I'm late! 我晚了! Hurry up! 快点儿吧! I have to rush! 我得赶紧走! I have to hurry up! I have to get going! I have to get moving. Are you gonna be late today? 你今天 会回来得晚吗? No, I'll be home at the usual time. 平时 What time are you coming home? Around seven o'clock. 大概7点左右 Have you got your lunch box?饭盒带了 吗 Yes, right here. 嗯,在呢。 It might rain today. 今天好像要下雨。 Take your umbrella with you. 带上 伞吧 Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. ●从回家到就寝 I'm home! / I'm back! 我回来了。 Welcome home! / Welcome back! Did you have a good time? How did it go today? How was your day? Can I go out to play? After you finish your homework. 写 完作业再去吧。 I'm hungry. 我饿了。 We have some snacks. 吃点点心吧。 Where are the snacks? They're in the cupboard.在碗橱里。 I'm going to cram school now. 我去 补习学校了啊*cram意为“填鸭式补 习” Call when you finish. 下课后来个 May I have my allowance?零花钱 What do you want to buy? I'm tired. I'm exhausted.我精疲力尽了 What would you like for dinner? What do you want for dinner? What do you want to eat for dinner? How about steak? 吃牛排怎么样? Would you help me set the table?准 .word版.


2019年BEC商务英语高级写作范文7 A motivation survey Ex 3: Sample answer: (116words) Findings A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below: Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and a personal level. It is generally felt that the companyˇs competitors offer higher levels of remuneration. The perception that the managers are unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department. Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its human resources. There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill- feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt the production cycles. Recommendations We strongly recommend the following measures: An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could be utilised more efficiently A review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similar organisations


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