当前位置:文档之家› 2020高考语文小题组合短平快15第三周周五语用基础5练文言翻译散文阅读(含解析)



小题组合短平快15 语用基础5练+文言翻译+散文阅读



以高铁为镜,我们砥砺苦练内功的自主创新品格。十几年前,高铁技术还掌握在少数几个发达国家手中。中国冲破技术封锁,弯道超车,,靠的就是自主创新。从车辆到线路,从制动到通信信号,没有技术,就从国外引进消化吸收;( )。一步一个台阶,中国高铁企业苦练内功、,实现了国人高铁产业腾飞的梦想。以高铁为镜,我们涵养精益求精的大国工匠精神。,中国制造面临过这样的尴尬:号称是世界工厂、制造大国,老百姓却,去国外抢购保温杯、电饭煲、马桶盖等普通日用品。中国铁路凤凰涅槃的过程,为中国制造突围提供了有益借鉴。如今,中国高铁的检验标准精确到了0.01毫米以内;为了突破碰撞安全防护系统关键,我们做了18种概念模型,历经近百次仿真计算和试验验证,仅仿真计算生成的结果数据就高达5000G。解码中国高铁成功的深层次密码,以优取胜的品质意识,精益求精的工匠精神,是最重要的关键词。

1.依次填入文中横线上的成语,全都恰当的一项是( )







2.下列在文中括号内补写的语句,最恰当的一项是( )







3.文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是( )







































7.下列对文章相关内容和艺术特色的分析鉴赏,最恰当的一项是( )














散文翻译 Sweet September

散文翻译Sweet September Sweet September By Hal Borlnd 甜美的九月 September is more than a month, really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along t he way it achieves special satisfactions. After summer's heat and haste, the year co nsolidates itself. Deliberate September-in its own time and tempo---begins to sum u p another summer. 真的,九月不仅仅是一个月份,它还是一个季节,一份成就。它始于八月的余热,终于十月繁忙的预备。但在这之间,它带来了异常的惊喜与满足。熬过夏季的躁热,这年就平静下来。九月,伴着它的时令,踩着它的节拍,翩然而至,宣告夏季的结束。 With September comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanis hes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, the n rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and ho ots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays tag with the wind. September is a cha llenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. It is summer's ripeness and richness fulfilled. 九月悄然给我们捎来了一丝秋意。它无声无息地浸入雾蒙蒙的清晨,又在阳光煦暖的午后没了踪影;它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,擦过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。它时而独栖山顶,像十月黄昏中猫头鹰的鸣叫;时而又同微风嬉戏;时而如山核树上的松鼠,忙得不亦乐乎;时而如慵懒的小溪,汩汩流淌。夏季的成熟与丰饶成就了甜美的九月。 Some of the rarest days of the year come in the September season-days when it is comfortably cold but pulsing with life, when the sky is clear and clean, the air cris p, the wind free of dust. Meadows still smell of hay and the sweetness of cut gras s. September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make September another flowery month. Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September. Late thistles make spectacular purple accents. And asters blossom everywhere, along the roadsides, in meadows, o n the hilltops, even in city lots, raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender to the royal New England purple. 九月给我们带来了一年中最难得的时光:晴空万里,秋高气爽,清风徐来,一尘不染,生命


Unit 1 (sectionB 3a) Dear Student, My name is Bob . I live in Toronto , Canada , and I want a pen pal in China . I think China is a interesting country . I’m 14 years old and my brithday is in November . I can sperk English and a littie Frenth . I have a brother , Paul , and a sister , Sarah . They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia . I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports . My favorite subject in school is P.E . It’s fun . But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult! Can you wtite to me soon? Bob 亲爱的同学, 我的名字叫鲍勃,我住在加拿大的多伦多。我想在中国找个笔友。我认为中国是个非常有趣的国家。我十四岁,我的生日在九月。我能说英语和一点法语。我有一个哥哥 Paul, 和一个姐姐Sarah。他们在英国和澳大利亚有笔友。我喜 欢和我的朋友们看电影和做运动。在学校我最喜欢的科目是体育。它很有趣。但我不喜欢数学。它太难了。你能尽快给我写信吗 Bob 3b PEN PAL WANTED My name is Tom King . I’m 14 years old and I’m from Australia . I sperk English . I have a brother , Sam , and a sister , Lisa . I play soccer on weekengs . It’s my favorite sport . I like music at school . It’s fun! My favorite movte is The Long Weekend . Do you know it ? It’s an action movie . Please write and tell me about yoursrlf. 征集笔友 我的名字是汤姆~金。我14岁,我来自澳大利亚。我讲英语。我有一个哥哥, 萨姆,和一个妹妹,莉莎。我在周末踢足球,那是我最喜欢的运动。我喜欢学校的音乐课。它是有趣的!我最喜欢的电影是《这个长周末》。你知道它吗?它是一部动作片。 请写信给我,告诉我有关你的一些情况。 Unit 2 (sectionB 3a) Welcome to the Garden District Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and smail parks . Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue . Across from the park is an old hotel . Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden . This is the benginning of the garden tour. 欢迎来到这个花园区 在第一大街左转并享受这个城市的安静街道和小公园。在中心大道上散步穿过这个公园。在公园对面是一个老旅馆。紧靠这个旅馆旁边是一个带着有趣花园的小房子。开始游历这个花园。

2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(11) (1)

2016翻译硕士复习资料:英译中国现代散文选(11) 朋友 巴金 这一次的旅行使我更了解一个名词的意义,这个名词就是:朋友。 七八天以前我曾对一个初次见面的朋友说:“在朋友们面前我只感到惭愧(1)。你们待我太好了,我简直没法报答你们。”这并不是谦虚的客气话,这是真的事实。说过这些话,我第二天就离开了那个朋友,并不知道以后还有没有机会再看见他。但是他给我的那一点点温暖至今还使我的心颤动(2)。 我的生命大概不会很长久罢。然而在短促的过去的回顾中却有一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂的黑暗,使我的生存有一点光彩。这盏灯就是就友情。我应该感谢它,因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。 世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍。这似乎是很自然的事情。我也曾亲眼看见一些人结婚以后就离开朋友,离开事业。…… 朋友是暂时的,家庭是永久的。在好些人的行为里我发见了这个信条。这个信条在我实在是不可理解的。对于我,要是没有朋友,我现在会变成怎样可怜的东西,我自己也不知道(3)。 然而朋友们把我救了。他们给了我家庭所不能给的东西。他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励,几次把我从深渊的边沿救回来。他们对我表示了无限的慷慨(4)。 我的生活曾经是悲苦的,黑暗的。然而朋友们把多量的同情,多量的爱,多量的欢乐,多量的眼泪分了给我,这些东西都是生存所必需的。这些不要报答的慷慨的施舍,使我的生活里也有了温暖,有了幸福(5)。我默默地接受了它们。我并不曾说一句感激的话,我也没有做过一件报答的行为。但是朋友们却不把自私的形容词加到我的身上。对于我,他们太慷慨了(6)。 这一次我走了许多新地方,看见了许多新朋友。我的生活是忙碌的:忙着看,忙着听,忙着说,忙着走。但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少什么。我每走到一个新地方,我就像回到我那个在上海被日本兵毁掉的旧居一样。 每一个朋友,不管他自己的生活是怎样苦,怎样简单,也要慷慨地分一些东西给我,虽然明知道我不能够报答他。有些朋友,连他们的名字我以前也不知道,他们却关心我的健康,处处打听我的“病况”,直到他们看见了我那被日光晒黑了的脸和膀子,他们才放心地微笑了,这种情形的确值得人掉泪。 有人相信我不写文章就不能够生活。两个月以前,一个同情我的上海朋友寄稿到《广州民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话。他也说我一天不写文章第二天就没有饭吃(7)。这是不确实的。这次旅行就给我证明;即使我不再写一个字,朋友们也不肯让我冻馁。世间还有许多慷慨的人,他们并不把自己个人和家庭看得异常重要,超过一切。靠了他们我才能够活到现在,而且靠了他们我还要活下去。 朋友们给我的东西是太多、太多了(8)。我将怎样报答他们呢?但是我知道他


Person of the Year(Nancy Gibbs) Sept.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise---the attack, and our response to it----and we can argue forever over which mattered more. There has been so much talk of the goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it. We did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining all the ways it failed to measure up to the one that had come before—all fat, no muscle, less a beacon to the world than a bully, drunk on blessings taken for granted. It was tempting to say that Sept. 11 changed all that, just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain, and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone. But try looking a widow in the eye and talking about all the good that has come of this. It may not be a coincidence, but neither is it a partnership: good does not need evil, we owe no debt to demons, and the attack did not make us better.It was an occasion to discover what we already were. “Maybe the purpose of all this,” New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said at a funeral for a friend, “is to find out if America today is as strong as when we fought for our independence or when we fought for ourselves as a Union to end slavery or as strong as our fathers and grandfathers who fought to rid the world of Nazism.” The terrorists, he argues, were counting on our cowardice. They’ve learned a lot about us since then. And so have we. For leading that lesson, for having more faith in us than we had in ourselves, for being brave when required and rude where appropriate and tender without being trite, for not sleeping and not quitting and not shrinking from the pain all around him, Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of the World, is TIME’s 2001 Person of the Year.(From Time, December 31, 2001)


2018年高考语文复习散文与小说阅读知识点整理 第一部分2018年高考语文一轮复习散文阅读知识点整理 题型一:词语或句子的含意是什么?或有什么意蕴? 解题方法: 考查词句含意的往往是: 1、生动、形象、含蓄的句子; 2、运用了修辞手法的句子; 3、在文中起关键作用的句子。 解题时要先从词句的表层含意理解,再联系前后文,看看段意,就可以得出答案。「规范答题」1标明句子出处。2?找出比喻句中的本体和喻体。3.去掉喻体成分,概括为平实准确的语言即可。 抓关键词+分解句子+整合答案(结合主旨) 题型二:人称类 提问方式:使用这种人称写的好处是什么?或:为什么要改变人称?――这篇散文中,作者主要用第二人称写……,这样写的好处是什么 A.第一人称:亲切、自然、真实,适于心理描写以自己的经历和感受(小说除外――小说中我”未必就是作者本人,一些散文也是如此),加强见闻和感受的真实性。 B.第二人称:以对面交流的形式,加强了互动效果,亲切(有亲和力),强化了抒情作用,还能起拟人化的作用; C.第三人称:作者从旁叙述,增强客观性,显得客观冷静,不受时空限制,便于叙事和议论。 题型三:分析作品结构 语段在文中的结构作用 提问方式:某句(段)话在文中有什么作用? ——从全文看,XX件事在内容和结构上起什么作用?分析作品结构,考查某句(段)话或某物在文中有什么作用? 方法:结构作用(专用术语): (1)文首: ①开篇点题、总领全文。 ②渲染气氛,营造氛围,烘托情感; ③设置悬念,为下文作铺垫。 (2)文中:

承上启下;总领下文;总结上文;呼应前文、照应后文。 ⑶文末: ①点明中心、升华感情;深化主题; ②收缩全文(总结全文)、照应开头,结构严谨;画龙点睛;言有尽而意无穷。 欢迎关注语文月刊公众号 题型四:鉴赏艺术手法类 题型表述方式通常为: 1.运用了什么样的艺术手法(艺术技巧、表达技巧等)? 2.作者是如何写“……” 3.“ ??…这样写有什么作用(或好处、妙处)? 4.赏析这段文字(这句话)的艺术手法和作用或表达效果。 5.赏析这段文字(这句话)。 答题模式:手法+分析+艺术效果(注意叠词:)+表达感情 方法:1、表达方式:叙述:说明、议论、描写、抒情(分为直接抒情和间接抒情)(1)叙述方式 顺叙:按照时间或空间顺序较清楚地进行记叙。 倒叙:从结尾或情节中的某一段写起,造成悬念,引人人胜。 插叙:对主要情节或中心事件做必要的铺垫照应,补充说明,使情节更加完整,结构更加严密,内容更加充实丰满。 补叙:对上文内容加以补充解释,对下文做某些交代。起到补充、丰富、深化原叙述的作用。 (2)抒情手段: ①直接抒情(直抒胸臆) ②间接抒情: 借景抒情:寓情于景、情景交融以乐景衬哀情、以哀景衬乐情;


生而为赢(中文翻译) ——新东方英语背诵美文30篇 目录: ·第一篇:Y outh 青春 ·第二篇:Three Days to See(Excerpts)假如给我三天光明(节选) ·第三篇:Companionship of Books 以书为伴(节选) ·第四篇:If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈 ·第五篇:Ambition 抱负 ·第六篇:What I have Lived for 我为何而生 ·第七篇:When Love Beckons Y ou 爱的召唤 ·第八篇:The Road to Success 成功之道 ·第九篇:On Meeting the Celebrated 论见名人 ·第十篇:The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半 ·第十一篇What is Y our Recovery Rate? 你的恢复速率是多少? ·第十二篇:Clear Y our Mental Space 清理心灵的空间 ·第十三篇:Be Happy 快乐 ·第十四篇:The Goodness of life 生命的美好 ·第十五篇:Facing the Enemies Within 直面内在的敌人 ·第十六篇:Abundance is a Life Style 富足的生活方式 ·第十七篇:Human Life a Poem 人生如诗 ·第十八篇:Solitude 独处 ·第十九篇:Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义 ·第二十篇:Relish the Moment 品位现在 ·第二十一篇:The Love of Beauty 爱美 ·第二十二篇:The Happy Door 快乐之门 ·第二十三篇:Born to Win 生而为赢 ·第二十四篇:W ork and Pleasure 工作和娱乐 ·第二十五篇:Mirror, Mirror--What do I see镜子,镜子,告诉我 ·第二十六篇:On Motes and Beams 微尘与栋梁 ·第二十七篇:An October Sunrise 十月的日出 ·第二十八篇:To Be or Not to Be 生存还是毁灭 ·第二十九篇:Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说 ·第三十篇:First Inaugural Address(Excerpts) 就职演讲(节选) 1.青春-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 青春不是人生的一个阶段,而是一种心境;青春不是指粉红的面颊、鲜艳的嘴唇、富有弹性的膝盖,而是指坚定的意志、丰富的想象、充沛的情感;青春,它是清新的生命之泉。 青春是一种气质,勇敢胜过怯弱,渴求冒险而不贪图安逸。这样的气息60老者常常有,20青年恰恰无。年岁增添,未必使人垂老;理想不再,终于步入暮年。 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。忧烦、惶恐、自卑,使人心灵扭曲,心灰意冷。 无论60还是16岁,人人心中都怀着对新奇事物的向往,象孩童般对未来充满憧憬,此情永不消退,在生活的游戏中汲取快乐。在你我的内心深处都有一座无线电台,只要它接收到人间和上帝发出的美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就会青春永驻。


2018年高考语文一轮复习之 散文阅读知识点整理 一、题型一:“词语或句子的含意是什么?或有什么意蕴? 解题方法: 考查词句含意的往往是: 1、生动、形象、含蓄的句子; 2、运用了修辞手法的句子; 3、在文中起关键作用的句子。 解题时要先从词句的表层含意理解,再联系前后文,看看段意,就可以得出答案。 「规范答题」1.标明句子出处。2.找出比喻句中的本体和喻体。3.去掉喻体成分,概括为平实准确的语言即可。 抓关键词+分解句子+整合答案(结合主旨) 二、题型二:人称类 提问方式:使用这种人称写的好处是什么?或:为什么要改变人称? ——这篇散文中,作者主要用第二人称写……,这样写的好处是什么 A.第一人称:亲切、自然、真实,适于心理描写以自己的经历和感受(小说除外——小说中“我”未必就是作者本人,一些散文也是如此),加强见闻和感受的真实性。 B.第二人称:以对面交流的形式,加强了互动效果,亲切(有亲和力),强化了抒情作用,还能起拟人化的作用; C.第三人称:作者从旁叙述,增强客观性,显得客观冷静,不受时空限制,便于叙事和议论。 三、题型三:分析作品结构 语段在文中的结构作用 提问方式:某句(段)话在文中有什么作用? ——从全文看,××件事在内容和结构上起什么作用? 分析作品结构,考查某句(段)话或某物在文中有什么作用? 方法:结构作用(专用术语): (1)文首: ①开篇点题、总领全文。 ②渲染气氛,营造氛围,烘托情感; ③设置悬念,为下文作铺垫。 (2)文中: 承上启下;总领下文;总结上文;呼应前文、照应后文。 (3)文末: ①点明中心、升华感情;深化主题; ②收缩全文(总结全文)、照应开头,结构严谨;画龙点睛;言有尽而意无穷。 四、题型四:鉴赏艺术手法类


my friend and I are taking a , we are seeing a boy sit on the chair,he is crying,we go and ask him.“what’s the matter with you” he tell us“I can’t find my dog can you help me”.“yes,I can”.And we help him find his dong .oh it stay under the big tree! 今天我和我的朋友一起去散步。突然我们看见一个男孩坐在椅子上,他哭的很伤心。我们走过去问他:“你怎么了”。他告诉我们:“我的狗不见了,你们能帮我找到它吗”。“是的,我们能帮你找到你的狗”然后我们帮助他找到了他的狗,原来是它呆在一棵大树下。 day an old man siselling a big young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it old man goes up to him and says inhis ear,“Don't sa y anything about the elephant before I sell it,then i'll give you some money.”“All right,”says the young the old man slles the elephant,he gives the young man some money and says,“Now,can you tell me how you find the bad ears of theelephant?”“I don't find the bad ears,”says the young man.“Then why do you look at the elephant slowly?”asks the old young man answers,“Because I never see an elephant before,and I want to know what it looks like.” 一天,一个老的男人正在卖一头大象。一个年轻的男人走向大象然后开始慢慢看着它(大象),这个老的男人走向他对着他的耳朵说,“不要在我卖出它(大象)之前说关于它(大象)的事,然后我会给你一些钱。”“好的”,这个年轻的男人说。在这个老的男人卖出大象后,他给了年轻的男人一些钱并且说,“现在,你可以告诉我你是怎样知道大象的坏的耳朵了吧?”“我不知道坏的耳朵”,这个年轻的男人说。“然后为什么你慢慢的看着大象?”这个老的男人问。这个年轻的男人回答,“因为我在这之前从来没有见过大象,还有我想知道它(大象)是什么样子的。” 3.An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.? Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."? 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。? 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不

翻译 中英对译 英文散文赏析

原文 巷 柯灵译者-张培基 巷,是城市建筑艺术中一篇飘逸恬静的散文,一幅古雅冲淡的图画①。这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面②。你要在这种城市里住久了,和它真正成了莫逆,你才有机会看见她③,接触到她优娴贞静的风度。 人耐心静静走去,要老半天才走完。它又这么曲折, 什么时候,你向巷中踅去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的 斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴 的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。春来 小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论是谁, 你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀⑩。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌衣巷(11),家家有自 己的一本哀乐帐, 使人忘忧。 译文 The Lane Ke Ling The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity①.

a small the lane, a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance long time.③ The does not taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it seems ⑤when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you’ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there⑥. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the , which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents’ gardens with In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, ⑧waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians. The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if you in the lane for a while⑨, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness⑩. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. It may be a modern (11)where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own covered-up story of (12)The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.


Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity 在困境中寻找成功的希望 1.There is no better school than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performance next time. Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes. Because I know: gems cannot shine without polish, and I cannot perfect myself without hardship. 2.Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do, gathers so richly about my soul as when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help. Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will always inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportunity that moment might present… to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into a fragrant garden of flowers. 3.Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity. 1.逆境是一所最好的学校每一次打击、每一次损失。都蕴含着成功的萌芽。都教会我在下一次有更出色的表现。我再也不会逃避现实,也不会拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验,我不再因此促成自己的失败。因为我我知道,宝玉不经磨砺就不能发光,没有磨练,我也不完善自我。 2.现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最多选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是低下头。无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在最初的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现——这苦涩的根本必将迎来满园芬芳! 3.我将一直在困境中寻找成功希望。 Hold Fast to Dreams 紧紧抓住梦想 1.We all have dreams. We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place. 2.At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost that sense of certainty that creates the winner’s edge.


Friends or 'Enemies?' When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend." He then left the rest to my imagination. At the time, I didn't agree. I thought: I can crack a good joke, I know how to shoot a hoop, and I'm a cheerful person (but not in an annoying way). What kind of boy wouldn't want to be around that kind of girl? Turns out, my Dad was right. Not to be all "Samantha Brick" about it, but in my experience, single, heterosexual men aren't actively looking for an exclusively platonic relationship with a woman they find sexually attractive. This of course is not a revolutionary concept. In fact, it seems pretty natural to me. Now, I will be the first to say that it is really and truly the most wonderful thing in the world if the attraction is mutual. But the Powers That Be seem to like to play these complicated little mating games with humans where the guy we want to re-enact scenes from 9? Weeks with sees our attractiveness level as akin to that of a discarded dishcloth, and the most physical we could see ourselves being with the guy who actually likes us is a game of ping pong over an especially long table. All of which means that someone usually ends up getting rejected. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have struggled with the scenario where I am not interested in a man romantically, but I want to keep him as a friend because he is funny and I enjoy his company, or he has shown himself to be that rare specimen known as "a nice, genuine person, " or he simply doesn't mention his therapist in every other sentence. Rather than string him along and give him hope, I feel compelled to somehow communicate to him sooner rather than later that we'll just be staying friends, nothing more. Otherwise, I think I am being unfair to him. Why should he waste his romantic stamina on me when there are loads of other single women out there who might fall instantly in love with him? The thing is, it can sometimes be tricky to reject a man and keep him as a friend. If the operation is not executed carefully, you may end up creating a "menemy." It requires a certain amount of skill to be able to turn down a man's sexual advances or romantic gestures and then get him to agree to meet you for blueberry pancakes the following weekend and chat about the latest Woody Allen film. Some men aren't satisfied with just that. I'm not clear why. What's so bad about friendship? Everyone needs buddies. But I've seen men react poorly or simply fall off the face of the earth. I get it -- their feelings are hurt. None of us likes getting rejected. But in my experience, some men find it especially soul-crushing. I am only bringing all of this up because I recently had to go through this scenario again. I had spent some time cultivating a friendship with a man who, in my defense, I thought was gay. So I didn't see the harm in him buying me the occasional falafel, or accepting an invitation to see a film with him. Isn't that what friends are for? But a mutual friend shed light on his sexual orientation (straight) and suggested that his intentions -- and attentions -- weren't platonic. He had never "made the moves" but now it was all crystal clear -- that explains the way he had looked at me that time the tahini sauce dribbled down my chin! Since he had clearly been too timid to express his feelings, I thought I would be clever this time and subtly mention the dates I had been going on, focusing on the one guy I was kind of keen on, so that he would know that I was "unavailable" for heavy petting and those sorts of activities, but that I was available for things like roller skating, falafel-eating and shooting the breeze. Doesn't that sound nice? That way, he would known not to try to lean in for a kiss, and I wouldn't have to pull the Stevie Wonder dance and dodge him went he went for it. It was like pre-rejection, yet I was sparing his feelings because he didn't even have to put himself out there! I really thought I was being brilliant. It backfired, of course. Said man ended up sending me an email rant accusing me of being insensitive by talking about other men when he had "feelings for me." As if I am psychic, by the way, just because I am a woman! How was I supposed to know that? I think in his mind we were dating. In my mind, he was my new gay BFF. In the end, I got mad at him for getting mad at me, and now the friendship has ended. And I have created yet another "menemy." Look, I have also tried the direct thing: "I really like you, but only as a friend, " but you can only do that when the guy has made his intentions clear, and in my experience, they either cope okay (though rarely do I feel much enthusiasm for friendship after that), or they really don't cope well. I also tried the thing where you make them think they are rejecting you, but it gets quite confusing and only works if the guy isn't very sharp, and why would I -- or you -- be hanging out with someone not that sharp in the first place? As we all remember, Billy Crystal's character says men and women can't be friends in When Harry Met Sally because the sex stuff gets in the way. I do have single, male, heterosexual friends with whom I have an easy, non-romantic rapport, but I honestly don't know if they would walk away if I was sprawled naked on a bed calling out to them. I may not be everybody's cup of tea, but sometimes, I wonder if they wonder. And they may wonder if I wonder. If so, I hope they'll keep it to

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