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全新版大学英语2unit4 单词解析

全新版大学英语2unit4 单词解析
全新版大学英语2unit4 单词解析

1. interpret v.

1. If you interpret something in a particular way, you decide that this is its

meaning or significance.

The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans...

The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it's been passed...

Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem, but not on how it should be interpreted.

2 If you interpret what someone is saying, you translate it immediately

into another language.

The chambermaid spoke little English, so her husband came with her to interpret...

Interpreters found they could not interpret half of what he said.

2. take in

1. If you take someone in, you allow them to stay in your house or your

country, especially when they do not have anywhere to stay or are in


He persuaded Jo to take him in...

The monastery has taken in 26 refugees.

2 PHRASAL VERB V n P, also V P n (not pron.)

If the police take someone in, they remove them from their home in

order to question them.

The police have taken him in for questioning in connection with the murder of a girl.

3 PHRASAL VERB be V-ed P, V n P

If you are taken in by someone or something, you are deceived by

them, so that you get a false impression of them.

I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm–which soon vanished...

I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in.

4 PHRASAL VERB V n P, V P n (not pron.)

If you take something in, you pay attention to it and understand it when you hear it or read it.

Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in...

Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.

5 PHRASAL VERB V P n (not pron.), also V n P

If you take something in, you see all of it at the same time or with just one look.

The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance.

6 PHRASAL VERB no passive, V P n (not pron.), also V n P

If you take in something such as a film or a museum, you go to see it.


I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening.

7 PHRASAL VERB V P n (not pron.), also V n P

If people, animals, or plants take in air, drink, or food, they allow it to enter their body, usually by breathing or swallowing.

They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.

8 PHRASAL VERB V P n (not pron.), also V n P

If you take in a dress, jacket, or other item of clothing, you make it smaller and tighter.

She had taken in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body.

≠ l et out


If a store, restaurant, theatre, or other business takes in a certain

amount of money, they get that amount from people buying goods or

services. (mainly AM BUSINESS; in BRIT, usually use take)

They plan to take in $1.6 billion.

3. but then

You use but then before a remark which suggests that what you have just said should not be regarded as surprising.

He was a fine young man, but then so had his father been...

Sonia might not speak the English language well, but then who did?

4. jar v.

1. If something jars on you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or


Sometimes a light remark jarred on her father.

...televised congressional hearings that jarred the nation's faith in the presidency...

You shouldn't have too many colours in a small space as the effect can jar.

? jar|ring ADJ

In the context of this chapter, Dore's comments strike a jarring note.

2 VERB V, V n

If an object jars, or if something jars it, the object moves with a fairly hard shaking movement.

The ship jarred a little...

The impact jarred his arm.

5. be / get sucked in/ into

If you are sucked into a bad situation, you are unable to prevent yourself from becoming involved in it.

...the extent to which they have been sucked into the cycle of violence.

6. project v.

1. If something is projected, it is planned or expected.

Africa's mid-1993 population is projected to more than double by 2025...

The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year.

...a projected deficit of $1.5 million.

2. VERB V n, V pron-refl as n, V n as n, V-ed

If you project someone or something in a particular way, you try to

make people see them in that way. If you project a particular feeling or quality, you show it in your behaviour.

Bradley projects a natural warmth and sincerity...

He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader...

His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city...

The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.

3. VERB V n on/onto/upon n

If you project feelings or ideas on to other people, you imagine that

they have the same ideas or feelings as you.

He projects his own thoughts and ideas onto her.

4 VERB V n

If you project a film or picture onto a screen or wall, you make it

appear there.

The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen.

5. VERB V prep/adv, V-ing

If something projects, it sticks out above or beyond a surface or edge. (FORMAL)

...the remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore.

...a piece of projecting metal.

7. abuse


1. Abuse of someone is cruel and violent treatment of them.

...investigation of alleged child abuse.

...victims of sexual and physical abuse.

...controversy over human rights abuses.


Abuse is extremely rude and insulting things that people say when they are angry.

I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off...

3. N-VAR with supp

Abuse of something is the use of it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose.

What went on here was an abuse of power.

...drug and alcohol abuse.


1. VERB be V-ed, V n, V-ed

If someone is abused, they are treated cruelly and violently.

Janet had been abused by her father since she was eleven.

...parents who feel they cannot cope or might abuse their children.

...those who work with abused children.

? abus|er abusers N-COUNT

...a convicted child abuser.

2 VERB be V-ed, also V n

You can say that someone is abused if extremely rude and insulting

things are said to them.

He alleged that he was verbally abused by other soldiers.

= insult

3. VERB V n

If you abuse something, you use it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose.

He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position.

? abus|er N-COUNT

...the treatment of alcohol and drug abusers.

8. restore v.

1. To restore a situation or practice means to cause it to exist again.

The army has recently been brought in to restore order...

? res|to|ra|tion N-UNCOUNT usu N of n

His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations...

2. VERB V n to n, V n

To restore someone or something to a previous condition means to

cause them to be in that condition once again.

We will restore her to health but it may take time...

His country desperately needs Western aid to restore its ailing economy.

? res|to|ra|tion N-UNCOUNT usu N of n

I owe the restoration of my hearing to this remarkable new technique.

3. VERB V n

When someone restores something such as an old building, painting, or piece of furniture, they repair and clean it, so that it looks like it did when it was new.

...experts who specialise in examining and restoring ancient parchments.

? res|to|ra|tion restorations N-VAR

I specialized in the restoration of old houses...

4. VERB usu passive, be V-ed to n

If something that was lost or stolen is restored to its owner, it is

returned to them. (FORMAL)

The following day their horses and goods were restored to them...

= return


大学英语四级大纲单词表 (共4615)

a art.一(个);每一(个) abandon[] vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 ability [] n.能力;能耐,本领 able[] a.有能力的;出色的 abnormal []a.不正常的;变态的 aboard[] ad.在船(车)上;上船 about [] prep.关于;在…周围 above [] prep.在…上面;高于 abroad []ad.(在)国外;到处 absence [] n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent [] a.不在场的;缺乏的 absolute []a.绝对的;纯粹的 absolutely []ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb [] vt.吸收;使专心 abstract [] a.抽象的n.摘要 abundant [] a.丰富的;大量的 abuse []vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 academic [] a.学院的;学术的 academy []n.私立中学;专科院校 accelerate [] vt.(使)加快;促进acceleration []n.加速(度) accent [] n.口音,腔调;重音 accept [] vt.vi.接受;同意 acceptable [] a.可接受/合意的 acceptance []n.接受,验收;承认 access [] n.接近;通道,入口 accessory []n.同谋,从犯;附件 accident [] n.意外的;事故 accidental []a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate [] vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation []n.招待设备;预定铺位accompany []vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 accomplish []vt.达到(目的);完成 accord [] vt.使一致;给予 accordance [] n.一致;和谐;授予 accordingly [] ad.因此,所以;照着 account [] n.记述;解释;帐目 accumulate []vt.积累vi.堆积 accuracy []n.准确(性);准确度 accurate [] a.准确的,正确无误的 accuse [] vt.指责;归咎于 accustom [] vt.使习惯


妙招连连:100个句子背会四级单词 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 8.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.

大学英语精读Book2 词汇复习题

UNIT 8 MONEY 1. Mr. Verder never thought that he would become a member of the board of directors (董事会) because of his __________ origin. A. humble B. previous C. critical D. false 2. __________ he told us __________. A. Until; that we understood B. Not until; did we understand C. It was not until; that did we understand D. Not until; then we understood 3. Now Thomson has obtained __________ from his boss to extend the field of his investigation. A. purchase B. insurance C. determination D. permission 4. __________ I had calmed down, my brain was also beginning to work much better. A. For B. Now that C. Lest D. Despite 5. My mother is anxious to hear any information __________ the results of election. A. concerned B. being concerned C. concerning D. having concerned 6. I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was __________ easy. A. nothing but B. anything but C. something except D. all but 7.They are turned around in a huge machine to get them __________ the forces they will experience in space flight. A. use B. used C. used to D. be used to 8. Barbara __________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A. consisted B. insisted C. persisted D. assisted 9. Very few experts __________ with completely new answers to the world's economic problems. A. come to B. come round C. come on D. come up 10. Conservative (保守的) people tend to __________ traditional ideas. A. stick to B. turn out C. set aside D. take over 11. The development of industry __________ the attitudes of men toward art and architecture. A. effected B. spun C. affected D. instructed 12. My __________ to this problem is quite different from his. A. manner B. approach C. behavior D. means 13. John __________ the results of the election with amazing accuracy. A. examined B. predicted C. overlooked D. governed 14. Disabled people should not be __________ the chances to study in university. A. forbidden B. prevented C. rejected D. denied 15. The Prime Minister refused to __________ on the rumor that he had planned to give up his position. A. relate B. frown C. comment D. catch UNIT 7 CULTURE 1. He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ________ in the car accident. A. connected B. taken C. seated D. involved 2. As the dictionary says, “graciousness” ________ means being polite, kin d and generous. A. literally B. gracefully C. exactly D. constantly 3. He insisted that she ________ improve her oral English by doing a lot of practice. A. could B. would C. might D. should 4. We don't believe that those special kinds of leaves are _______. A. actual B. edible C. ridiculous D. comprehensive 5. She was scared to ________ her father’s wishes. A. go about B. go through C. go against D. go on 6. Many a parent ________ to go through this same painful process. A. have B. has C. are having D. is having 7. ________ the war finally came to an end. A. It was not until 1972 that B. No sooner it was 1972 than C. Hardly it was 1972 that D. Scarcely it was 1972 when 8. He drove to the airport to ________ Mr. Dixon who came to see him from Orillia. A. pick up B. set out C. call for D. tone down 9. It is considerate ________ you to do me a favor at this moment. A. to B. for C. of D. about

大学英语精读3 unit6单词

zombie n.还魂尸 Whiff n. 一吹, 一阵香气, 香烟的一口violation n.违反, 违背, 妨碍 vested adj. 既定的 underworld n. 黑社会 undercut v. 削弱, 廉价出售 ultimately adv.最后, 最终 troop n.群, 组,军队, 大量transportation n.运输, 运输工具, 运输系统symptom n.症状, 征兆 stigma n. 耻辱, 污名n. 柱头 stamp v.镇压,压制 smuggle v. 走私, 偷运, 偷带 sin n.原罪v.犯罪, 违反(教规) sentiment n.情绪, 感情, 观点, 感伤segregate v.分离, 隔离, 分凝adj.分离的segment n.部分, 弓形,瓣, 段, 节vt.分割sane adj.心智健全的, 明智的 sanction n.批准, 约束力,处罚 rum 朗姆酒 reverse v.逆转, 倒退, 互换;改变 repeal n. 废止, 撤消v. 废止, 撤消remove v.消除, 脱掉, 免除, 搬迁relentless adj.冷酷无情的, 不间断的reduce v.减少, 缩小, 使落魄, 简化, 还原recreation n.消遣, 娱乐 rebuttal n. 反驳, 反证 rationale l n.基本原理, 基础理论 pusher n. (毒品等的)非法销售者 pump v.用泵等抽出或压入 proverbial adj. 众所周知的 prosecutor n.公诉人, proponent n.提倡者, 支持者 prohibition n. 禁止, 禁令 premium n.额外费用, 奖金, 保险费 plus prep.加, 加上 persuasion n. 说服, 劝说, 信念 permanent adj.永久的, 持久的 per prep.每, 每一, 经过, 按照paradigm n.模式 outweigh v.比... 重要, 比... 有价值opium n. 鸦片, 麻醉剂 narcotic n. 麻醉药 multifaceted adj. 多层面的mount v.,举行 moralist n. 道德学家, 卫道士 mission n.使命, 代表团, 任务, 布道minimize v.将... 减到最少, 贬低 mild adj.温和的, marijuana n. 大麻 mainliner n. (静脉中注射毒品的)瘾君子logic n.逻辑, 逻辑学, 条理性, 推理 lift vt.解除(法令等) kick v.剔除,戒绝(恶习)intoxicant adj. 醉人的 insight n.洞察力 impoverish vt. 使贫困, 使贫瘠, 使枯竭impose v. 加上, 课征, 强迫, 征收(税款) illusory adj. 虚幻的, 幻觉的 illegal adj.非法的, 不合法的n.非法移民hooked adj.,吸毒成瘾的 heroin n. 海洛因 gaping adj.敞开的 exhortation n.劝告, 训词, 讲道词enforcement n.执行, 强制,实施 dwarf vt.使矮小 dramatically adv.戏剧地, 引人注目地 divine adj.神圣的, 神的 disprove vt.证明... 是不对的, 提出... 的反证demon n.魔鬼, 恶魔, deglamorize vt.使失去迷惑力criminalization n.(制定法律)宣告为非法criminal adj.犯罪的, 刑事的, 违法的 cop n.警察 antismoking adj. 反对吸烟的 confiscation n. 没收;征用;充公 coke n. 可卡因 cocaine n. 可卡因 citizenry n. (总称)公民, 市民catastrophic adj.灾难的, 灾难性的 cartel n.卡特尔,联合企业, bureaucratic adj. 官僚的, ban v.禁止, 剥夺权利 bail v. 往外舀水, 使摆脱困境 anew adv. 重新, 再 analogy n.类比, 相似, 类似 alcoholic n. 酗酒者 advocacy n. 拥护, 支持, 鼓吹


大学英语四级高频词汇表accuse vt.指控,指责 axquaintance n.认识,了解;熟人 administrative a.管理的,行政的;执行的,实施的,施政的 advanced a.先进的,高级的; 后阶段的 advisable a.明智的,适当的 allowance n.津贴,补贴,零用钱;折价,折扣 ambassador n.大使,使节,派驻国际组织的代表 ambition n.雄心,野心applicable适当的,可应用的arise vi.出现;起源于;起身 artificial a人工的,人造的;假的,矫揉造作的 assign vt.分配,布置;指定;指派,选派 assure vt.使确信使放心确保 bare a.赤裸的,光秃的;勉强 的v.露出,暴露 barrel n.桶;筒,枪(或炮)vi.快速移动 battery n. 炮组;电池(组);一系列,一套 best-seller n.畅销书bild vt.命令,吩咐;祝,表示v./n.喊价,出价,投标n.企图,努力 blank n.空白(表格) a.空(白)的;茫然的,无表情的 bloodshed n.(战争等的)流血,杀戮 bother vt.打扰;使不安vi.担心,烦恼n.烦恼;麻烦 bound a.受约束的,有义务的v.给……划界限制,束缚n.(常pl.)界限,限制 bound vi./n.踊跃报名vi.弹回,反跃 broaden v.放宽,加固,(使)扩大 characteristic a.特有的,典型的n.特征,特点 comparison n.比较;比拟,比喻 component n.(组)成(部)分,部件 a.组成的 concede vi.让步,认输vt.承认失败;让予,允许 confident a.确信的,自信的 congratulate vt.祝贺,向……道喜 content n.含量;内容(pl/)所含之物; (pl.)目录 cooperate vi.合作,协作


大学英语四级必背核心单词 1.alterv.改变,改动,变更 2.burstvi.n.突然发生,爆裂 3.disposevi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blastn.爆炸;气流vi.炸,炸掉 5.consumev.消耗,耗尽 6.splitv.劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spitv.吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spillv.溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slipv.滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slidev.滑落n.滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacterian.细菌 12.breedn.种,品种v.繁殖,产仔 13.budgetn.预算v.编预算,作安排 14.candidaten.候选人 15.campusn.校园 16.liberala.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transformv.转变,变革;变换 18.transmitv.传播,播送;传递 19.transplantv.移植 20.transportvat.运输,运送n.运输,运输工具 21.shiftv.转移;转动;转变 22.varyv.变化,改变;使多样化23.vanishvi.消灭,不见 24.swallowv.吞下,咽下n.燕子 25.suspicionn.怀疑,疑心 26.suspiciousa.怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd9831894.html,da.温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tendera.温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisancen.损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificanta.无意义的;无价值的 31.acceleratevt.加速,促进 32.absolutea.绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundaryn.分界线,边界 34.braken.刹车,制动器v.刹住(车) 35.catalogn.目录(册)v.编目 36.vaguea.模糊的,不明确的 37.vainn.徒劳,白费 38.extincta.绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinarya.不平常的,非凡的 40.extremea.极度的n.极端,过分 41.agentn.代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcoholn.含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appealn./vi.呼吁,恳求 44.appreciatevt.重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approvev.赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulatevt.刺激,激励


Glossary lesson 1 academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱 affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的 baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力contribute 贡献 counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋 ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的 guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任

newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解 position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议 relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2


考拉英语四级核心词汇 abandon vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃ability n.能力;能耐,本领abnormal a.不正常的;变态的aboard ad.在船(车)上;上船abroad ad.(在)国外;到处absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏absent a.不在场的;缺乏的absolute a.绝对的;纯粹的absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地absorb vt.吸收;使专心abstract a.抽象的n.摘要abundant a.丰富的;大量的abuse vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用academic a.学院的;学术的academy n.私立中学;专科院校 accelerate vt.(使)加快;促进acceleration n.加速;加速度accent n.口音,腔调;重音acceptable a.可接受的,合意的acceptance n.接受,验收;承认 access n.接近;通道,入口accessory n.同谋,从犯;附件accident n.意外的;事故accidental a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate vt.容纳;供应,供给 accommodation n.招待设备;预定铺位 accompany vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 accomplish vt.达到(目的);完成 accord vt.使一致;给予accordance n.一致;和谐;授予 accordingly ad.因此,所以;照着 account n.记述;解释;帐目accumulate vt.积累vi.堆积accuracy n.准确(性);准确度accurate a.准确的,正确无误的accuse vt.指责;归咎于accustom vt.使习惯accustomed a.惯常的;习惯的achieve vt.完成,实现;达到achievement n.完成;成就,成绩 acid n.酸;酸的,酸性的acquaintance n.认识;了解;熟人 acquire vt.取得;获得;学到acre n.英亩(=6.07亩) act vi.行动;见效n.行为action n.行动;作用;功能active a.活跃的;积极的activity n.活动;活力;行动actress n.女演员 actually ad.实际上;竟然acute a.尖的,锐的;敏锐的adapt vt.使适应;改编 add vt.添加,附加,掺加addition n.加,加法;附加物 1



妙招连连:100个句子背会四级单词 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤

圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 8.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.


英语四级高频词汇表 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd9831894.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的

29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd9831894.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55.wax n. 蜡 56.weave v. 织,编 57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂


大学英语四级必背核心单词.改变,改动,变更 突然发生,爆裂 .除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) .爆炸;气流vi.炸,炸掉 .消耗,耗尽 .劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 .吐(唾液等);唾弃 .溢出,溅出,倒出 .滑动,滑落;忽略 .滑落n.滑动;滑面;幻灯片 .细菌 .种,品种v.繁殖,产仔 .预算v.编预算,作安排 .候选人 .校园 .慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 .转变,变革;变换 .传播,播送;传递 .移植 .运输,运送n.运输,运输工具.转移;转动;转变 .变化,改变;使多样化.消灭,不见 .吞下,咽下n.燕子 .怀疑,疑心 .怀疑的,可疑的 .温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的.温柔的;脆弱的 .损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物).无意义的;无价值的 .加速,促进 .绝对的,无条件的;完全的 .分界线,边界 .刹车,制动器v.刹住(车) .目录(册)v.编目 .模糊的,不明确的 .徒劳,白费 .绝灭的,熄灭的 .不平常的,非凡的 .极度的n.极端,过分 .代理人,代理商;动因,原因 .含酒精的饮料,酒精 ./vi.呼吁,恳求 .重视,赏识,欣赏 .赞成,同意,批准 .刺激,激励

.取得,获得;学到 .完成,到达;实行 .网状物;广播网,电视网;网络.潮汐;潮流 .整洁的,整齐的 .追踪,找到n.痕迹,踪迹 ./vt.拷打,折磨 .漫游,闲逛 .蜡 .织,编 .保护,保存,保持,维持 .滥用,虐待;谩骂 .学术的;高等院校的;研究院的.(高等)专科院校;学会 .电池(组) .障碍;棚栏 .(船、飞机等装载的)货物 .生涯,职业 .船舶;容器,器皿;血管 .垂直的 .迫使,责成;使感激 .阴暗,模糊 .程度,范围,大小,限度 .外部,外表a.外部的,外表的.外部的,外表的,外面的 .汽油 .石油 ./n.推迟,延误,耽搁 .腐烂,腐朽 .像样的,体面的 .路;路线;航线 .毁坏,破坏n.毁灭,[pl.]废墟 .缘故,理由 .卫星 .大小,规模;等级;刻度 .庙宇 .乏味道,单调的, .易于,趋向 .趋向,趋势 .极端的,最大的,最终的n.极端 .经历,遭受 .丰富的,充裕的,大量的 .收养;采用;采纳 .适应,适合;改编,改写vt.使适应.学士,学士学位;单身汉 .偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的.陷阱,圈套v.设陷阱捕捉 .空的,未占用的


academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptist bounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生) encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的 lesson2 alley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知 glimpse n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的 memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面 smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人Sweden sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅 with thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊



妙招连连:100个句子背会四级单词 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤

和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常见的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃


Unit 1 1. A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others. (一个体贴的人往往先思考后说话,并且考虑别人的感受。) 2. The library is closing. We might as well go home.(图书馆关门了。我们不如回家去。) 3. I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that there is some sense after all in the speaker’s non sense.(我想让你注意这个事实,说话者的胡言乱语不是没有一点意义的。) 4. Harry has a vivid imagination; he can make up marvelous stories.(哈利想像力丰富,他能编出奇妙的故事。) 5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for th e second.(玛吉尽管游泳游得很好,但却没能得第一,屈居第二。) 6. I’m quite determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office.(我决定在下班前把事情做完。) 7. Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competitive wor ld of college and business.(大学生们被推荐参与竞争性的体育运动,为他们适应充满竞争的大学和商业活动做准备。) 8. It pained/pains me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake.(承认自己是个重复犯同一错误的傻瓜使我痛心。) 9. I lay on the beach after an enjoyable bathe, drinking a leisurely glass of beer.(愉快地洗了一个澡后,我躺在沙滩上,悠闲地品着一杯啤酒。) 10. A soldier should never shrink from the duty of defending his country even in the face of certa in death.(即使面临死亡,战士也不应逃避保卫祖国的职责。) 11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and the delivery of goods was not on time.(由于天气格外糟糕,船晚到了,货物没能按时送到。) 12. The streets echoed over and over again with the little girl’s piercing cries for her lost mother.(小女孩因失去母亲而哭喊的尖厉声在街道上回响着。) 13. People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer days presumably becau se it could help quench their thirst.(在我们家乡,人们在炎热的夏天更喜欢吃酸的食物,可能是因为酸的食品能帮他们止渴。) 14. In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent, but the high cost keeps many young people away.(在美国,供出租的地方很容易找到,但高昂的价格常使年轻人却步。) 15. The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers on her desk, but she was re ally too tired to read on. (教授不太情愿停止给桌上的试卷评分,但她实在太累了,再也看不下去了。) Unit 2 1. The changes in the firm’s policy will have to be fundamental if they are to have any effect on it s future.(如果公司策略的变化想对未来有所影响的话,就必须是根本性的。) 2. Last month I deposited 50 yuan in my savings account, but this month I had to draw 200 to pa y for the cassette tape recorder.(上个月我存了50元钱,但这个月我必须提取200元买录音机。) 3. State financial support given in the form of scholarships has stimulated the students to greate r efforts.(以奖学金形式出现的国家财政支持促使学生们更加努力。) 4. If you spare half an hour for exercises every day you’ll soon be back in good condition.(如果你每天省下半个小时锻炼身体,那么你很快就会恢复健康

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