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Section A (1 point each)

Directions:In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about

what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read ONLY ONCE.

Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the

corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your

machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

1. A. Go shopping.

B. Go car racing.

C. Go to work.

D. Go on a trip.

2. A. Because she hasn’t been on line lately.

B. Because she has too much work to do.

C. Because she is on a vacation.

D. Because she has been busy typing.

3. A. Go to an emergency exit.

B. Enjoy herself in the park.

C. Move her van right away.

D. Try to find the road sign.

4. A. A secretary

B. A salesperson.

C. A tennis player.

D. A receptionist.

5. A. She deserves the promotion.

B. She has to transfer to another job site.

C. She’ll pay for the dinner this time.

D. She’ll invite her parents over for a celebration.

6. A. She should drop the biochemistry class.

B. She should try harder.

C. She prefers to learn rocket science.

D. He can’t understand it either.

7. A. She totally dislikes it. B. She prefers the old one.

C. It may lack practical value.

D. It is much better than expected.

8. A. 7:00. B. 7:30.

C. 9:00.

D. 9:30.

9. A. She was told about the trip beforehand.

B. She was helped to pick up the beans.

C. She was so excited that she revealed the news.

D. She was not enthusiastic about the trip.

Section B ( 1 point each)

Directions: In this section you will hear two mini- talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be

read to you only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During

the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given

by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square

brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Mini-talk One

10. A. High expectations.

B. Excellence and value.

C. Terror and violence.

D. Strength and power.

11. A. Attend a sleepover.

B. Play a piece of music.

C. Watch TV.

D. Be in a school play.

12. A. Her parenting methods are limited to Chinese families.

B. She brought up her daughters with an extreme parenting method.

C. Her daughters were given enough time to follow their own interests.

D. She had low expectations of her children’s abilities.

Mini-talk Two

13. A. 650 million dollars.

B. 560 million dollars.

C. 40 million dollars.

D. 50 million dollars.

14. A. Saint Paul.

B. Chapel of Love.

C. The Nickelodeon Universe.

D. Underwater Adventures.

15. A. Tasting the delicious food.

B. Getting married.

C. Visiting a campus.

D. Seeing ocean animals.

Section C ( 1 point each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear a talk. Answer the questions below. You will hear the recording twice. At the end of the talk there will be a

3-minute pause, during which time you are asked to write down your answers

briefs on the Answer Sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the questions


16. The first tip on how to reduce your test stress is to use a little stress __________. (3 words)

17. Good study __________(3 words) are important to learning effectively and doing

well on tests.

18. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, replace them with __________.

(2 words)

19. Everyone makes mistakes. Learning to tolerate small __________ (3 words) is a valuable skill.

20. Taking care of your health can help keep your mind __________. (4 words)

PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points )

Section A point each )

Directions: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

21. There used to be many guys who asserted themselves as all-powerful Chi Kung

masters in China.

A. conformed

B. informed

C. affirmed

D. performed

22. Children from an obscure family have to make greater efforts to climb the social ladder.

A. unknown

B. prominent

C. controversial

D. rural

23. A permanent job plus a decent salary is what most of these young guys in China hope for.

A. noble

B. adequate

C. modest

D. polite

24. These transit workers went on strike in defiance of the relevant union policy.

A. in line with

B. in return for

C. in response to

D. in spite of

25. This retired scientist takes on leadership roles with nearly every organization she is part of.

A. assumes

B. opposes

C. pretends

D. desires

26. Winslow Homer captured the look and spirit of American life with unparalleled eloquence.

A. incredible

B. inevitable

C. unmatched

D. unnoticed

27. Many parents encounter occasions when their child doesn’t turn in their homework


A. participate in

B. hand in

C. engage in

D. invest in

28. The two elements of success that are intimately connected are creativity and


A. familiarly

B. approximately

C. loosely

D. closely

29. Jonathan Alter once said that admission of guilt tends to breed public sympathy.

A. produce

B. conceal

C. evade

D. combat

30. Seawater near the Fukushima plant is showing elevated levels of radioactivity

in Japan.

A. stabilized

B. reduced

C. increased

D. saturated Section B point each)

Directions:There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases

marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the

sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the

square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

31. The full impact of the recent tsunami caused by an earthquake in Japan is _____

to predict.

A. unlikely

B. impossible

C. unable

D. incapable

32. A simple blood test may help identify those _____ high risk of dying from heart


A. in

B. on

C. at

D. for

33. Although US new home sales begin to _____ speed, the rate is still near historical


A. turn up

B. pick up

C. set up

D. break up

34. It was already dark _____ I got up from my seat and prepared to leave my office.

A. by the time

B. since the time

C. until the time

D. during the


35. Health care providers wish to improve their ____ through regular continuing


A. equivalence

B. competence

C. relevance

D. prevalence

36. Auto makers should never ____ the quality of products amid fierce competition.

A. bring into play

B. make sense of

C. lose sight of

D. end up


37. Mayor Pat Patterson said this new initiative ____ improving parking and

pedestrian access.

A. involves

B. evolves

C. dissolves

D. resolves

38. Many of the foreign friends of the Chinese are _____ at the radical changes in


A. dismayed

B. amazed

C. startled

D. shocked

39. These researchers intend to ____ this research until there is some substantial


A. insist on

B. call on

C. live on

D. carry on

40. Men and women of all ages can benefit from ____ amounts of daily physical


A. considerate

B. desperate

C. moderate

D. literate

PART III CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)

Directions:There are 10 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through.

Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marched A, B, C, or

D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word

or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets

on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

What relationship is regarded as good for partners There is no universal, ideal model __41__ which a relationship can be evaluated. A “good relationship”is one that works for both partners and effectively supports them in achieving their goals. If this is not working at some point, it does not __42__ mean that the couple requires therapy. All relationships tend to encounter problems during __43__ periods and at different stages, and many couples have a good ability __44__ their difficulties without professional help. However, some may find that they are continually unhappy with their relationship. Sometimes one partner feels frustrated and misunderstood __45__ his or her mate is totally unaware of the situation.

If the couple are unable to resolve issues in a __46__ that is acceptable to both partners, professional help should be considered. Many couple only consider therapy as a last __47__. It may, however, be helpful at any time. __48__, seeking

therapy soon after things get “stuck”prevents a __49__ of frustration and disappointment. The aim of couple therapy is not only to help the couple deal appropriately with immediate problems, but also to achieve better ways of relating __50__.

41. A. to B. against C. for D. at

42. A. certainly B. definitely C. necessarily D. fundamentally

43. A. fictional B. peaceful C. eventual D. stressful

44. A. of solving B. to solving C. in solving D. to solve

45. A. while B. so C. unless D. where

46. A. respect B. manner C. method D. view

47. A. resort B. creature C. meal D. beginning

48. A. On the contrary B. On one hand C. For example D. First of all

49. A. laptop B. jetlag C. takeoff D. buildup

50. A. in detail B. in general C. in vain D. in force

PART IV READING COMPREHENSION(45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each) Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then to the questions that follow. Choose the best

answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with

a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer


Passage One

Remember Farid Seif Mr Seif is the Houston Iranian-American businessman who mistakenly carried a Glock handgun through security, onto a plane, all the way from Houston to Indianapolis. When he got to his destination and realized his mistake,

he alerted security officials. There was reportedly “nothing else”in Mr Seif’s carry-on besides the weapon. Yet the security screeners at George Bush International, America’s eighth-busiest airport, missed it entirely. The scariest part of that story was that Transportation Security Administration officials told reporters that this type of incident was “not common.”

Now another Texas airport, Dallas-Fort Worth, is providing the point. This week, a high-level TSA source told the local NBC affiliate that “An undercover TSA agent was able to get through security at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with a handgun during testing of the enhanced-imaging body scanners.”

The TSA insider who blew the whistle on the test also said that none of the TSA agents who failed to spot the gun on the scanned image were disciplined. The source said the agents continue to work the body scanners today.

This is not confidence-inspiring. If TSA screeners can’t even stop guns getting through security, why are they taking away our bottled water Incidents like this only lend incentives to TSA critics who say the whole airport security apparatus is an enormous waste of time and money. The TSA’s attitude towards the reporting of these sorts of messes isn’t helpful, either. They only provided NBC with a brief statement claiming that they don’t reveal the results of secret testing for “security reasons”and arguing that “advanced imaging technology is an effective tool to detect both metallic and nonmetallic items hidden on passengers.”That’s pretty much the public affairs equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and saying “lalalalala we can’t hear you!”

It is really hard to have an accountable TSA without greater transparency about the results of secret testing. Instead of leaking hints to the press that failure rates have decreased since the last public reports, the TSA should back up its whispering with actual data. If it won’t, some enterprising congressional committee should order it. “Trust us that this works” just isn’t cutting it anymore.

51. Mr. Seif’s handgun ________.

A. passed the check at the Houston airport

B. caused big trouble for himself in Houston

C. was tracked down by officials in Indianapolis

D. triggered a series of false alarms in Indianapolis

52. What happened at Dallas-Fort Worth ________.

A. helped rebuild public confidence

B. was merely an unusual accident

C. caused greater concern over security

D. resulted in unexpected disorder

53. After the Dallas-Fort Worth report, TSA ________.

A. reluctantly punished the relevant agents

B. allowed the relevant agents to stay in position

C. enhanced security check at relevant airports

D. began to reconsider relevant security methods

54. The TSA’s statement concerning the reported cases shows that they are ________.

A. practical

B. uncooperative

C. reliable

D. unpredictable

55. What’s the author’s demand for TSA

A. No more secret testing.

B. Promising to be responsible.

C. Rapid response to emergency.

D. Releasing results with evidence.

56. The last sentence of the passage suggests that the author’s attitude to the TSA is ________.

A. appreciative

B. critical

C. tolerant

D. indifferent Passage Two

Once upon a time, staying a healthy weight was easy. To lose weight you simply had to practice the reverse of home economics – spend more than you earned. Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.

To stay a healthy weight, you need a hormone called leptin to work properly. It sends “I’m full” messages from the fat cells up to the brain, where they go, among other places, to the same pleasure centers that respond to drugs like cocaine. Obese people produce plenty of leptin, but the brain doesn’t seem to respond to it properly. Last year, researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuits were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.

There’s a lot of evidence for the fact that most, if not all, of us have a set point around which our weight can vary by about seven to nine kilos, but anything beyond that is a real struggle. Making changes is hard, particularly if your body is working against you. So why not ditch the traditional approaches and try some new methods, based on the latest research, that work with your body rather than against it.

Several years ago researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore reported that when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed to eat plenty the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet. The same goes for humans, according to Dr James Johnson.

How does it work Besides forcing the body to burn fat, it may also trigger hormonal changes. Most people say that the diet takes a bit of getting used to, but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.

How does it work Besides forcing the body to burn fat, it may also trigger hormonal changes. Most people say that the diet takes a bit of getting used to, but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.

Older dieters may remember something called brown fat. Unlike the undesirable white stuff, this was a dieter’s dream. Instead of storing excess energy as fat, brown-fat tissue burned it off to keep you warm –at least in mice. Brown fat fell out of favor because researchers couldn’t find much in humans but now, thanks to the New England Journal of Medicine, it’s back in fashion. The idea is to expose people to cold temperatures. They then make more brown fat and their weight drops.

57. The last sentence in Paragraph 1 means that people’s understanding of losing weight _______.

A. seems rather unreasonable

B. is unnecessarily complicated

C. used to be limited

D. can be partly justified

58. According to the findings of the Oregon Research Institute, _________.

A. overweight people get less pleasure from eating the same amount

B. overweight people enjoy eating more than the others do

C. people will become overweight if they eat more than they need

D. people are more likely to be overweight if they produce less leptin

59. The method used by the National Institute on Aging can be summarized as “______”.

A. no diet at all

B. diet on a daily basis

C. diet every other day

D. diet permanently

60. The word “grinding” in the Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. effective

B. realistic

C. unreliable

D. miserable

61. It can be learned that brown fat ________.

A. converts excess energy into fat

B. works better in warm temperatures

C. burns extra energy to produce heat

D. accumulates easily in human bodies

62. The author’s purpose in writing is to ________.

A. compare the various ways of cutting calories

B. recommend new methods of losing weight

C. point out the misconceptions of losing weight

D. clarity the common myth about weight loss

Passage Three

A study by Dr David Lewis from The University of Sussex, who coined the term “road rage”, found that motorists face a hidden mental health impact from the stresses of driving, while bus travel can produce long-term health benefits.

For the experiment, the heart rate and EDR (Electro-Dermal Response) of 30 minutes was measured when taking similar journeys by car and bus. The findings reveal a vast difference in EDR, a form of biophysical measurement that indicates mental stress. The EDR results suggested that taking the car produced significantly more stress than taking the bus, which was 33% less stressful.

“EDR can be a hidden stress –it’s not as visible as intensely nervous driving or audible as road rage. This type of stress can have long-term physiological and emotional implications,”said Dr Lewis, who finds three key factors that increase the stresses of driving a car.

Driving in heavy traffic – especially against a deadline – requires a high level of attention. This requires the brain to work especially hard processing a myriad of incoming information and making, often spilt-second, decisions.

Congestion and delays can raise blood pressure and physical tension which may manifest itself as ‘road rage’, having serious long-term health consequences and causing drivers sometimes to take reckless and foolish decisions. Driving in congested traffic now outweighs any previous benefits car-driving once gave.

A sense of frustration of ‘wasting on e’s life’ behind the wheel of the car, unable to do anything more productive than casual conversations or listening to the

radio. On a bus it is possible to fill the time more profitably by doing some work or reading.

He also notes that highly trained, professional bus drivers are skilled in negotiating the challenges of the road, and the relief of trusting someone else to be in charge of the journey is a key part of what makes taking the bus less stressful. He encourages people to get out of their cars and on to the bus for trips where it makes sense – such as shopping in town or heading to a restaurant – so that you don’t need to battle traffic or find parking. Switching simple journeys can help achieve the goal of taking a billion car journeys off the road. All it will take is everyone shifting around a trip a month.

63. The finding of the study mentioned in this passage is that _______.

A. cars cause more traffic accidents than buses

B. driving a car is more stressful than taking a bus

C. high blood pressure is harmful to human health

D. car driving is accompanied by many distractions

64. The term “road rage” probably refers to ________.

A. the sudden heart attack that drivers suffer from

B. the explosive outbursts of anger shown by motorists

C. traffic accidents arising from bad-tempered drivers

D. the panic caused by traffic congestion

65. All of the following are considered a source of stress during car driving EXCEPT _______.

A. heavy traffic

B. traffic jams

C. unfamiliar roads

D. a sense of waste of time

66. One of the advantages of a bus ride is that _______.

A. you can do something productive on the road

B. there is no fear of taking the wrong road

C. no passenger suffers from high blood pressure

D. you can get to your destination quickly

67. This passage is intended to ______.

A. urge the public to stop using cars altogether

B. advise people to take a bus instead of a car when possible

C. tell people how to ward off stress while driving a car

D. highlight the causes of stress in a city

58. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage

A. Car driving: a demanding but exciting job

B. Traffic jams: a source of diseases and conflicts

C. Road rage: a frequent occurrence on the way

D. Bus travel: one third less stressful than the car

Passage Four

The term “g”(general intelligence) represents a measure of overall cognitive ability across a variety of tests. It’s not the same as IQ but it does tend to correlate. Everyone agrees that “g” tends to run in families. But is this down to genetics or to environmental influences

However, no single gene has yet been conclusively linked to intelligence. Rather it appears to be a case of complex interactions on many levels between many different genes.

Identical twins have exactly the same genes, while non-identical twins share about half their genes. Another feature of twins that makes them an ideal choice for studies is that they tend to be raised in pretty much the same environment. If a particular feature is the same in identical twins, but not in non-identical twins, then chances are it’s mainly genes that are controlling than feature.

So what do the twin studies show Well, first degree relatives tend to have “g”

correlation of about (Perfect correlation is 1; correlation of 0 means that the 2 things in question are totally unrelated). Identical twins have a correlation of , while for non-identical twins it’s about . Which suggests that genes play a very important role, but are not the only factor, since if they were, the correlation between identical twins would be 1.

Identical twins reared apart are almost as similar in “g” scores are those reared together. Adopted children and their adoptive parents have a “g”correlation of zero, while adopted children and their biological parents tend to have the same correlations as any parent-child pair. So although genes don’t seem to be the only thing affecting intelligence, their effects seem to be constant and apparently not overridden by environment.

Does heritability of intelligence alter over a lifetime Remarkably, it appears so. “g” heritability climbs gradually from 20% in babies to 40% in children, peaking at 60% in adults. Why this should be is still a matter of speculation. It’s been suggested that as our cognitive abilities become more complex, new genes may come into play that were not needed when brain functions were less sophisticated. Or individuals may be drawn towards environments that fit with their genetic makeup, as time goes by and genetic effects that started out small in childhood build up together during adulthood.

69. All of the following statements about “g” are true EXCEPT _______.

A. “g” is to some extent inherited

B. “g” correlates with IQ

C. “g” can be attributed to a single gene

D. “g” is a measure of cognitive ability

70. Identical twins are chosen as the subjects of the study because ______.

A. they have the same genes and live in the same environment

B. they have some genes linked to general intelligence

C. they have the same heritability of intelligence

D. they are alike in everything except for intelligence

71. The studies on twins’ general intelligence show that _______.

A. nothing but genes can determine “g”

B. genes play an important role in “g”

C. the correlation between identical twins is 1

D. identical twins are more intelligent

72. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that ______.

A. environment plays a more important role in “g” than genes

B. an adopted child can become as clever as the step-parents

C. “g” changes with the living environment

D. parenting has less effect on one’s “g” than genes.

73. It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

A. It is easy to identify what determines our intelligence

B. genes are a more important determinant of “g” than environment

C. identical twins have exactly the same IQ

D. IQ depends more on environment than on genes

74. It seems that heritability of intelligence _______.

A. has been clearly explained

B. declines as we grow up

B. increase with our age D. remained unchanged all our life

Passage Five

I was born on the last day of February. I’ve always felt sorry for February, squeezed between the big months of January (named for the Roman god Janus, keeper of gateway) and March (after Mars, the god of war).

The first Roman calendar, legend has it, had 10 months and no February. Beginning at the vernal equinox (春分) with March, it ended with December. In an agricultural

society, winter was of little importance, and thus went undivided.

January and February were added about 700 . by the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius. He made all the months 29 or 31 days, but shortened February, the last month of the year, by giving it only 28.

By the time of Julius Caesar, the calendar was three months out of sync with the solar year. This prompted Caesar to announce a new calendar in 46 . Although there is some dispute – some historians say Caesar gave February 29 days – most believe his calendar preserved a 28-day February (with 29 days only on a leap year).

Next, it was the church’s turn. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII declared a new calendar in Europe. Many changes were made, but the Pope passed up yet another chance to grant February equality with the other months.

It’s messy, even dangerous, changing how we measure time, but Pope Gregory was hardly the last one to try. The League of Nations received over 150 new calendar designs, and the United Nations has considered more proposals since. Just to name a few, there’s the 30x11 Calendar (which supersizes December to 35 or 36 days) and the Kluznickian Calendar (which adds the month of Aten, after an Egyptian sun god). Each proposal involves something that supposedly modernizes the calendar.

But I have a simpler proposal that won’t lead to chaos, and will correct the historical injustices against February: move the last day of January and the last day of March into February to make it a normal month with 30 days, and a respectable 31 on leap years. This would not add or subtract a single day from the calendar year.

As an added benefit, making this first three months of the year each 30 days would bring them into closer alignment with the lunar cycle. It’s a great idea. And unlike Julius and Augustus, I won’t even demand a month named in my honor.

75. It is said that in the first Roman Calendar, ________.

A. all months were equally divided

B. December was the longest month

C. February was the shortest month

D. January and February were merged into


76. The 12-month calendar was first announced by ________.

A. Julius Caesar

B. Pope Gregory XIII

C. Augustus

D. Numa Pompilius

77. According to most historians, the new calendar in 46 . ______.

A. gave February 29 days for the first time

B. unveiled many mysteries surrounding February

C. followed the tradition on February

D. made February equal with other months

78. It is implied in the passage that ______.

A. most people today are not interested in changing the calendar

B. there is no point in changing the current calendar

C. people have been trying to make changes to the calendar

D. it is urgent for us to make improvements to the calendar

79. The author suggests in the last paragraph that his proposal ______.

A. is easy to carry out

B. is simpler than the others

C. will trigger little dispute

D. makes scientific sense

80. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to ______.

A. emphasize that February should be extended

B. rewrite the history of February in the calendar

C. explain why February should be the shortest month

D. compare various proposals to make February longer


PART V TRANSLATION (30 minutes, 20 points)

Section A (15 minutes, 10 points)

Directions:Put the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your Chinese version

in the proper space on Answer Sheet II.

Section A (15 minutes, 10 points)

No one is going to spend much time deciding whether to read a printed advertisement or listen to a spoken one. If their attention is not attracted in no time and held firmly for the short amount of time necessary to absorb what is being said, then the advertisement will have failed miserably. The language of advertising, therefore, must be a language of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. It must bring the advertised product into attention, highlight its qualities, clearly outline the reason for buying it, and, preferably, leave a memorable echo of what has been said about the product ringing in the reader’s or the listener’s mind.

Section B (15 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: Put the following paragraph into English. Write your English version in the

proper space on Answer Sheet II.


PART VI WRITING ( 30 minutes, 10 points )

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of “Never too old to learn”. Give examples to support your idea.


long-distance education long-distance education, It is called network education in the file that released by department of education has introduced some , or called contemporary and long-range education network education. It refers to the use of TV and the Internet and other media teaching mode, the remote education is a very popular teaching model, because it broke through the time and space boundaries, accommodation in the school is different from the traditional teaching mode. Using this kind of teaching model of students, do not need to a specific location, anywhere. Students can also through television and radio, Internet, coaching line, a variety of different methods, such as mutual learning. Online learning has superior side, there are also some disadvantages. Learners can not adapt to the network teaching mode. Network education lack of interactivity and authenticity. On the BBS of the remote education, many netizens agree that network education's biggest drawback is the lack of interactivity and authenticity. In network education, between students and students, between students and the teacher only through BBS, E-mail or other network communication tools to communicate, people had built up a relationship is a kind of virtual environment of interpersonal relationships, interpersonal communication gradually from direct to indirect, from the diversification to the simplification, lost the traditional relationship between university students directly group consciousness gradually indifference. Education of students by this way, the collective idea and the spirit of solidarity and collaboration as generally traditional college students, is not conducive to the development of individuals and society.

河北工业大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试211翻译硕士英语

河北工业大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试 自命题科目考试大纲 科目代码:211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语 适用专业:英语笔译(专业学位) 一、考试要求 翻译硕士英语适用于河北工业大学外国语学院英语笔译(专业学位)专业研究生招生专业课考试。主要考察考生是否具备进行翻译专业学习所要求的英语水平,考试范围包括考生应具备的词汇量、语法知识、阅读、写作以及其他语言综合运用方面的能力。 本考试要求考生具有良好的英语基本功,认知词汇量在10,000个以上,积极词汇6,000个以上,能够正确运用常用词汇、掌握正确的英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识,识别并改正翻译和写作中出现的基本词汇、语法、语用等方面的错误。具有较强的阅读理解能力和写作能力。 二、考试形式 试卷采用客观题型和主观题型相结合的形式,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。主要包括选择题、综合阅读题以及写作题等(具体题型参见考试内容一览表)。测试采取闭卷笔试形式,考试时间为3个小时,总分为100分。 三、考试内容 本考试包括以下部分:(一)词汇语法(语言基础),(二)阅读理解(理解选择与回答问题),(三)语言综合运用(语句翻译和译文审校),(四)英语写作等。 (一)词汇语法(考试时间约40分钟,总分20分,占20%) 1、测试形式和内容

本考题测试形式为单项选择题。测试内容包括词汇与短语的语义识别、词汇搭配、近义词辨析等,词汇范围为英语专业四、八级常用核心词汇、托福、雅思中度难度词汇等;语法测试涵盖英语专业本科期间及非英语专业大学英语所学全部英语语法内容以及语体、修辞知识等。 2、题型 (1)词汇语义识别单项选择题。要求从四个选项中选择一个与题干中划线部分词汇语义最接近的选项。每题0.5分,共20个题目。 (2)词汇语法综合运用单项选择题。要求从四个选项中选择一个能够使题干语义完整、形式正确的选项。每题0.5分,共20个题目。 (二)阅读理解(考试时间约50分钟,总分30分,占30%) 1、测试形式和内容 本题测试形式为客观选择题和简答题两种。内容包括常见外刊上的专题报道、历史传记、小说、散文等各种文体的文章,要求既能够理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实和细节,并能理解其中的观点和隐含意义。能根据阅读时间要求调整自己的阅读速度、方法,灵活地完成所有题目。 2、题型 (1)单项选择题。要求阅读完2篇约400至700单词的短文后对信息事实和观点进行评判。共10个选择题,每题2分。 (2)简答题。要求阅读完1篇400至700单词的短文后简要回答问题,重点考察阅读综述能力。共2个问题,每题5分。 (三)语言综合运用(考试时间约40分钟,总分20分,占20%) 1、测试形式和内容 本题考察学生从事与翻译有关的语言基础综合运用能力,具体包括“语篇结构理解”(为短文添加标点)和“修改译文”。 2、题型


2015年考博 单选: 有少部分原题(出自曾建彬《研究生英语》《研究生高级英语》) 阅读理解: 第一篇:Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, most of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance of education, modern states "invest" in institutions of learning to get back "interest" in the form. of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks—that purchasable wells of wisdom—what would civilization be like without its benefits? So much is certain: that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births—but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on "facts and figures" and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and the capacity of a man is to get along with his fellow-citizens. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form. of "college" imaginable. Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; it is taught to every member of the tribe so that in this respect every- body is equipped for life. It is the ideal condition of the "equal start" which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. There are no "illiterates"—if the term can be applied to peoples without a script—while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, in France in 1806, and in England in 1876, and is still non-existent in a number of "civilized" nations. This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the "happy few" during the past centuries. Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start. There is none of the hurry, which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality. There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents' and therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no "juvenile delinquency". No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to "buy" an education for his child. (选自新概念) 第二篇:关于在Internet site上挂条幅广告销售商品的。第一题问:文章开头是什么意思,我选择了,和传统广告一样,互联网广告也是为了促使消费者冲动消费。有一题问:下列哪些选项作者没提及:我选了传统广告在较长的竞争中必然会战胜网络广告方式。有一题关于互联网广告的:我选择了需要做些change来保持他的竞争性什么的。最后一题问作者对互联网广告的态度:uncertain,objective,X,X.另两个记不清了,我选的客观的。 第三篇:关于脸书,推特等这些网络平台火的原因,强调以前的网络平台web1.只是让你看别人提供的content,而web 2.如这些社交平台是让你能跟别人交流自己creat content,而不是enjoy 别人提供的content.一题问:Myspace社交平台火的原因:我选了有content的那个选项。有题问下面哪个选项作者没提及:我选了大家怀念web1.那个选项。 第3篇This reading comprehension focuses on social networks. It's followed by key vocabulary


1.Life in the University Life in the university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. First of all, we are tightly hound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams; some students complain that we are becoming "exam machines". Secondly, the teaching method is boring; instead of lecturing, some teachers just "read" lessons. Finally, living conditions need to be improved; and food in the dining-hall is far from being attractive and tasteful. In spite of all these adversities we still enjoy our life in the university. During the four-year university study, we can not only acquire a lot of book learning, but also foster various abilities. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends; many of these friendships may last a long time. In short,we should value our life in the university. Four years is only a short period when compared with our whole lifetime. In the university we mature, and in the university we prepare ourselves for the real world. Although there are many things lacking, the four years in the university is a worthwhile period in our whole lifetime. 2.University Life The bright and dark sides of my university life,Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, I am quite satisfied with my university life. On the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. Here is the bright side of my university life: Firstly, Equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. There is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. So we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. Secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. We can learn much knowledge that is interesting. Thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. Such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends. What’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. Dormitory life is an important part of my university life. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. This is the dark side of my university life: Firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. So we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. Everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. Secondly, self-study room is not enough. Now we will soon take final exam. So it is difficult to find a self-study room. What’s more, network of my university is very unstable. It is difficult to search literature in my dormitory, which waste too much time.In short, I am quite satisfied with my university life, but there is still some room for improvement. I am convinced that my university life will become better and better. 3.University Life Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base. Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life. During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his


Unit 2 Text A 1.Why won’t oil prices rise at all over the long time? Firstly, because producers need the cash from oil too much to let their supply be interrupted for long. Secondly,and more important, because demand growth can't push prices upward as long as it is balanced by supply growth. 2.Why can’t the members of the OPEC raise oil prices? Because if they do,non-OPEC sources will grab market share by developing fields where technology has made production affordable. 3.Why have most majors cut their costs on oil? Because technology lets the companies maintain healthy earnings at steadily lower oil prices. 4.Who takes a lead in the oil companies? Those that master technology and efficiency, such as Shell, Exxon, and British Petroleum. 1. In the first year of peace, Lebanon’s GDP soared by almost 40%. A. flew B. hovereed C increased D. decreased 2. SAIC’s previous skirmishes with investigators had attracted little attention. A. conflicts B. struggles C. skates D. arguments 3. The boy grabbed hold of my bag and disappeared quickly into the crowd. A. seized B. snapped C. snatched D. sneaked 4. Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem. A. got on B. charged C. offered jobs D. provided welfare 5. The dwarfs were devastated, because they could not figure out how to save Snow White this time. A. calculate B. rate C. consider D. decide 6. His distrust of the power of critics made him ready to gibe at Divid Sylvester. A. laugh B. ridicule C. susceptible D. harmful 7. Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home. B. sensible C. susceptible D. harmful more persuasively. A. Rather than B. Other than C. Less than D. Short for Text B 1. It snakes in and out of ports, along our busiest highways and through our most crowded cities. A. sneaks B. jerks C. crawls D. travels 2. She adjusted her glasses and peered at the man. A. gaped B. gazed C. glared D. ogle 3. Southeast winds nudged the oil slick onto the shore.


河北工业大学复试 (个人陈述自我介绍中文+英文) 在河北工业大学复试面试当中,河北工业大学导师最爱问的问题之一就是让学生做一个中文或英文自我介绍。面试中的自我介绍,可以让导师观察你对自己的描述与概括能力,你对自己的综合评价、你的精神风貌以及你对河北工业大学的了解情况等。希望这篇原创范文能助同学们上河北工业大学一臂之力! ==河北工业大学复试自我介绍英文版==

==河北工业大学复试自我介绍中文版== ==自我介绍中文版河北工业大学复试== 尊敬的老师: 您好! 我叫某某某,今年××岁,是来自××省××市××学校的一名学生。我出生在一个朴素(农民/工人/干部/职工)的家庭,勤劳、诚实、质朴父母的谆谆教诲,让我养成了吃苦耐劳精神。在××学校的熏陶,让我形成了稳重踏实的作风、严谨求学的态度;同时学习生活中所遭遇的挫折与不幸,磨练了我积极乐观的人生态度。 在××学校的学习时光里,我积极参加各种学科竞赛,并获得过多次奖项。其中:××××××(列举有代表性的获奖证书)。在学校各项学科竞赛中我养成了求真务实、努力拼搏的求学精神,并在社会实践活动中加强自己的创新能力和实际操作动手能力。 在学习上,我刻苦进取、兢兢业业,无论是期末理论考试,还是动手实践操作,我的成绩都能在班级名列前茅。(这里列举有代表性的学科考试名次和成绩)在平时,我自学一些关于×××专业相关知识(表现大学某专业的兴趣),并在实践中锻炼自己。在班级工作上,我曾担任过班级班长、学生会×××、××协会等职务,从中锻炼自己的组织管理能力。 河北工业大学一直是我心目中向往的象牙塔。河北工业大学有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,为社会培养出许多杰出人才,(阐述自己所认识的河北工业大学历史背景,以及自己向往的河北工业大学具体专业,发展方向)。


考博英语(阅读理解)-试卷80 (总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00) Too much alcohol dulls your senses, but a study in Japan shows that moderate drinkers have a higher IQ than teetotalers. Researchers at the National Institute for Longevity Sciences in Aichi Prefecture, 250 kilometers west of Tokyo, tested the IQs of 2000 people between the ages of 40 and 79. They found that, on average, men who drank moderately — defined as less than 540 milliliters of sake or wine a day — had an IQ that was 3. 3 points higher that men who did not drink at all. Women drinkers scored 2. 5 points higher than female teetotalers. The type of alcohol didn't influence the results. The volunteers tried a variety of tipples, which ranged from beer and whisky to wine and sake. The researchers are quick to point out that the results do not necessarily show that drinking will make you more intelligent. "It's very difficult to show a cause-effect relationship," says senior researcher Hiroshi Shimokata. "We screened subjects for factors such as income and education, but there may be other factors such as lifestyle and nutritional intake. " Shimokata says that people who drink sake, or Japanese rice wine, tend to eat more raw fish. This could be a factor in enhanced intelligence, as fish often contain essential fatty acids that have been linked to brain development. Similarly, wine drinkers eat a lot of cheese, which is not something Japanese people normally consume or buy. Shimokata says the high fat content of cheese is thought to be good for the brain. If alcoholic drinks are directly influencing IQ, Shimokata believes chemicals such as polyphenols could be the critical factor. They are known to have antioxidant properties and other beneficial effects on ageing bodies, such as dilating constricted coronary arteries. The study is part of a wider research project to find out why brain function deteriorates with age.(分数:10.00) (1).The Japanese study was carried out on______.(分数:2.00) A.the development of IQ B.the secret of longevity C.the brain food in a glass D.the amount of healthy drinking (2).The Japanese researchers found a higher IQ in______.(分数:2.00) A.female teetotalers than in male ones B.female drinkers than in male ones C.moderate drinkers D.teetotalers (3).When he says that it is very difficult to show cause-effect relationship, Shimokata means that______.(分数:2.00) A.the study failed to involve such variables as income and education B.he is doubtful of the findings of the investigation C.there are some other contributing factors D.the results were just misleading (4).From Shimokata's mention of fish and cheese we can infer that in enhancing intelligence______.(分数:2.00) A.sake or wine is a perfect match for fish and cheese B.they promote the drinking effect of sake or wine C.they are not as effective as sake and wine D.sake or wine is not alone (5).Based on the study, Shimokata would say that______.(分数:2.00) A.intelligence improves with age


Is It Better to Buy or Rent? The price of housing has kept increasing in recent years, which causes a big headache for people living in cities. A lot of people cannot afford to own a real estate property, so they choose to rent instead of buying an apartment. This group of people does not want to bear burden of mortgage so that they opt for a practical solution. Renting an apartment makes them have a place to stay and thus they can focus on work as well as personal life. Some other people, however, believe that an apartment owned by themselves makes them feel safe and relieved, so they are willing to sacrifice some other aspects of life to borrow money from the bank to buy an apartment. As far as I am concerned, to buy or to rent is all about it will be better to rent first and wait for the good timing when the price is going down to buy. Topic 2: On Job Hopping It seems that nowadays, very few young people are willing to stay in a job position for long, let alone for the whole life. They change jobs constantly. This results from several factors. Firstly, young people like fresh things, and it is easy for them to be fed up with old routine work. So when they stay in a position for a while,the excitement will fade out. They are quite realistic and not willing to waste time in a job they are not interested in. Thirdly, some young people are not satisfied with current salary, believing they deserve better pay. In my opinion, constant job hopping will not benefit young people in their career development. Every job has its own merits and young people can certainly learn something from it as long as they are patient and wise enough. Every job experience is valuable down the career path and young people shall be able to make the most of it. Topic 3: Online Social Network Modern people will be no stranger to online social network. Facebook, Renren and Kaixin001 are probably the most populous networks among Chinese netizen. In these networks, people interact with each other, be it a stranger or a friend, and have a lot of fun in the virtual world. This phenomenon could be a result of the fast development of the Internet and people's great interest of the virtual world. I think it is a very good new platform for people to keep in touch. But it should not be overused. Firstly, some people are addicted to it, which makes them want to get online 24 hours a day. When people spend too much time on one thing,they will naturally have not enough time for study and for work. Secondly, online social network change people's behavior of interacting with others. In virtual world, you just click the mouse and type in words instead of having a face-to-face talk. This will not benefit people's long term friendship, and even harm their interpersonal relationships in real world.


学术英语读写与交流 Unit 1Understanding Hacking Drones 1.Which is not considered to be the three main communication links? A. A wireless tether B. A two-way link C. One or more signals to notify other aircrafts D. The incoming navigation signal from GPS satellites 2.Which is the correct explanation of “ Achilles’ Heel” in this passage? A. The name of one part of body B. A name of a character in a story C. A deadly weakness or vulnerable point D. A mistake made by human being 3.What is the solution for the small drone to stay out of the way of other aircraft? A. Automatic Dependent Surveillance— Broadcast B. Inertial guidance sensors C. GPS system D. Spoofing 4.Which is not the harm of spoofing to the drone? A. Jamming the signal from drone B. Threating a GPS system C. Causing a pilot to die https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa2149432.html,pared to civil GPS, what is the serious problem of ADS-B to the drone? A. Its transmissions are not authenticated B. It is expensive to access to C. It is rarely used D. It is hard to control 6.To maneuver a drone up, down, sideways or forward require three main communication links . Please match the name of the feature with the sentence. A.Nominalization B.Passive voice C.None of the above D.Non-finite forms of verbs 7.It was only saved from crashing by an operator who was poised to override the spoofing commands. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence. A. None of the above B. Nominalization

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