当前位置:文档之家› 人教版必修(5)选修(6)课文语法填空





John Snow was a famous doctor in London. So expert 1 (be) he that he attended Queen Victoria 2 her personal physician. But he became inspired when he thought about 3 (help) ordinary people exposed 4 cholera. This was the deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause 5 its cure was understood. So many thousands of 6 (terrify) people died every time there was 7 outbreak. John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found. In 1854 when 8 cholera broke out, he began to gather information and found the evidence. It seemed that the polluted water was to blame. John Snow suggested the source of all the water

9 (supply) should be examined. 10 (final)“King Cholera” was defeated.


The United Kingdom consists 1 four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is 2 largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided 3 (rough) into three zones. The zone nearest France 4 (call) the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known 5 the North. You find most of the population settled in the south, 6 most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as 7 in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two! It is a pity 8 the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract 9 (visitor).For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns

10 (build) by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture.


Arriving at a strange-looking house, Wang Ping 1 (show)me into a large, bright clean room. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.

2 (sudden) the wall moved it was made of

3 (tree)!I found later

4 their leaves provided the room with much-needed oxygen. Then Wang Ping flashed

5 switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose

6 under the floor as if by mag ic.“Why not sit down and eat a little?”

he said.“You may find this difficult as it is 7 (you) first time travel trip. Just relax, since there is nothing planned on the timetable today. Tomorrow you will be ready for s ome visits.”8 (have)said this, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor. 9 he left, I had a brief meal and a hot bath. 10 (exhaust),I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.


Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1 a reporter in China Daily. At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life 2 (strong).His boss first put him as 3 assistant to an experienced journalist and later told him to cover a story and submit the article himself. During the interviews, he had to listen for 4 (detail)facts and prepare the next question depending on 5 the person said. If the interviewee

6 (agree),he could use a recorder to get the facts straight. The boss also gave him an example of the

7 (important) of a recorder. Once a footballer was accused of taking money for

8 (deliberate)not scoring goals to let the other team win. He admitted that someone had tried to bribe him, but denied

9 (take) the money. With the recording ,it was proved 10

he was guilty.


There are three 1 (type) of burns. They are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on 2 layers of the skin are burned.

First degree burns affect only 3 top layer of the skin. These burns 4 (be)not serious and should feel 5 (good) within a day or two. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by 6 (touch) a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment.

Second degree burns affect 7 the top and the second layer of the skin. These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal. Examples include severe sunburn and burns 8 (cause) by hot liquids.

Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs 9 the skin. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe 10 (injure) and the victim must go to hospital at once.


At the time they were created, the Impressionist 1 (painting) were controversial, but today they are accepted as the beginning of 2 we

call “modern art”.This is because the Impressionists encouraged 3 (art) to look at their environment in new ways. There are scores of modern art styles, but 4 the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see 5 with our eyes, but instead concentrates 6 certain qualities of the object, 7 (use) color, line and shape to represent them. On 8 other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic 9 they look like photographs. These styles 10 (be)so different. Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?


There are various 1 (reason)why people write poetry. Some poems tell 2 story or describe something in a way 3 will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poetry 4 express(express) themselves. In this text,

5 ,we will look at a few of the simpler forms.

Some of the first poetry a young child learns 6 English is nursery rhymes. These rhymes like the one on the right 7 (be) still a common type of chi ldren’s poetry. The language is concrete 8 imaginative and these poems delight small children because 9 rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition. The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. By 10 (play)with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.


By the way, did you know that this is because you become addicted 1 cigarettes in three different ways? First, you can become 2 (physical) addicted to nicotine, 3 is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to

4 (have) nicotine in it. So when the drug

5 (leave) your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember feeling bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit. As you know,

6 you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do

7 automatically. Lastly, you can become

8 (mental)addicted. I believed I was happier and more

9 (relax) after having a cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked. I was addicted in all three 10 (way),so it was very difficult to quit. But I did finally manage.


All scientists subscribe to the view 1 the increase in the eart h’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process 2 (call) “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of 3 is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: “There 4 (be) a natural phenomenon that scientists call the ‘greenhouse effect’. This is when small amounts of 5 (gas) in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. 6 the ‘greenhouse effect’, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius 7 (cool) than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge 8 (quantity) of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 9 means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere 10 (cause) the global temperature to go up.”


When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage 1 you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, 2 the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because 3 buries everything in its path under the molten rock. However, the eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget 4 (me) first sight of one. It 5 (be) in the second week after I arrived in Hawaii. Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early. I was fast asleep when 6 (sudden) my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train 7

(pass)my window. Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I di dn’t take much notice. I was about to go back to sleep 8 suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. I ran out of the house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea 9 the distance. There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of meters into the air. It was 10 absolutely fantastic sight.

必修五答案(1):1. was 2. as 3. helping 4. to 5. nor 6.terrified 7.an 8.another 9.supplies 10.Finally

必修五答案(2):1.of 2.the 3.roughly 4.is called 5.as 6.but 7.those 8.that 9.visitors 10.built

必修五答案(3):1.showed 2.Suddenly 3.trees 4.that 5.a




9.After 10.Exhausted

必修五答案(4):1.as 2.strongly 3.an 4.detailed 5.what




9.taking 10.that

必修五答案(5):1.types 2.which 3.the 4.are 5.better




9.under 10.injuries

选修六答案(1):1.paintings 2.what 3.artists 4.without 5.them




9.that 10.are

选修六答案(2):1.reasons 2.a 3.that 4.to 5.however




9.they 10.playing

选修六答案(3):1.to 2.physically 3.which 4.having 5.leaves




9.relaxed 10.ways

选修六答案(4):1.that 2.are called 3.which 4.is 5.gases




9.It 10.causing

选修六答案(5):1.than 2.where 3.it 4.my 5.was




9.in 10.an


John Snow,a well-known doctor in London,became 1.________(inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people who 2.________(expose) to cholera,a 3.________(dead) disease of its day.Many thousands of people died every time there was an outbreak 4.________no one knew the cause of it.John wanted to help solve 5.________problem.

He got interested in two theories 6.________(explain) how cholera killed people.He believed in the second theory that suggested that people

7.________(absorb) the disease with their meals.In 1854,8.________another outbreak hit London,he was ready to test the two theories.9.________the help of the map he made,he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was 10.________(blame).

答案: 1.inspired 2.were exposed 3.deadly

4.because 5.the 6.explaining7.absorbed

8.when 9.With10.to blame


The United Kingdom 1.________(consist) of England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.England is the largest and for 2.________(convenient) it is divided roughly into three zones.London is the centre of national government and its administration,3.________its fine museums,art collections and the oldest

port. 4.________did only Northern Ireland join England?In the early twentieth century the English government tried to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland 5.________(connect) without conflict. 6.________,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.To their 7.________(credit),the countries do work together in the currency,internationals relations and so on,but they still have very different


It is 9.________pity that in England the industrial cities do not attract visitors.People can go to the older but small towns 10.________(build) by the Romans for historical architecture and to the countryside for great scenery as well.

答案:1.consists 2.convenience 3.with 4.Why 5.connected




9.a 10.built


I went into the future because I 1.________(win) a prize that gave me a tour.I 2.________(suffer) from “time lag” when I left my own time.Wang Ping gave me some green tablets 3.________could help me feel less nervous and uncertain.His 4.________(parent) company,5.________(call) “Future Tours”,transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.The first thing I noticed

6.________the poor quality of the air,so my head ached.And I found several

7.________(thing) different:a mask to give me enough oxygen;a hovering carriage 8.________(drive) by computer;a strange-looking house belonging to Wang Ping’s parents.Here the trees acted 9.________walls and provided oxygen for the room;a table,some chairs and a bed rose from under the floor as if 10.________magic.

答案: 1.had won 2.suffered 3.which 4.parent s’

5.called 6.was 7.things8.driven9.as10.by


Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1.________a reporter in China Daily.At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life strongly.His boss told him not to go out to cover an event without a

2.________(profession) photographer.

During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail when getting well 3.________(prepare) for the next question based on 4.________the person said.If the person 5.________(interview) agreed,he should use a

recorder to record what the interviewee said.The boss also gave him an example of the importance of a recorder.Once a footballer 6.________(accuse) of taking money for 7.________(deliberate) not scoring goals.He admitted that someone 8.________(try) to bribe him,but denied taking the money.With the recording,it was proved that he was 9.________(guilt).He was angry and tried to stop it,10.________failed.

答案: 1.as 2.professional 3.prepared 4.what 5.interviewed

6.was accused

7.deliberately 8.had tried9.guilty 10.but


There are three types of burns.They are called first,second or third degree burns,1.________(depend) on which layers of the skin are burned.

First degree burns affect only 2.________top layer of the skin.These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two.3.________(example) include mild sunburn and burns caused by 4.________(touch) a hot pan,stove or iron for a moment.

Second degree burns affect 5.________the top and the second layer of the skin.These burns are serious 6.________take a few weeks

7.________(heal).Examples include severe sunburn and burns

8.________(cause) by hot liquids.

Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs 9.________the skin.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes,or severe petrol fires.These burns cause very severe

10.________(injure) and the victim must go to hospital at once.

答案: 1.depending 2.the 3.Examples 4.touching 5.both


7.to heal




At the time they were created,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they 1.______(accept) as the 2.________(begin) of what we call “mod ern art (20th century to today)”.This is 3.________the Impressionists encouraged artists 4.________(look) at their environment in new ways.There are scores of modern art styles,5.________without the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist.

On the one hand,some modern art is abstract;that is,the painter does not attempt 6.________(paint) objects as we see them with our eyes,but instead 7.__________(concentrate) on certain qualities of the object,8.________(use)

colour,line and shape to represent 9.________.

On the other hand,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.These styles are so different.Who can predict

10.________painting styles there will be in the future?

答案: 1.are accepted 2.beginning 3.because 4.to look 5.but

6.to paint





Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way 1.________will give the reader a strong 2.______(impress).Others try to express certain emtions.Poets use different forms of poetry to express themselves.For example,the language of nursery rhymes is concrete but 3.________(imagine),and they delight small children because they have strong rhyme and a lot of

4.________(repeat).And list poems have a flexible line length and a rhythm to the poem

5.________simple form of poem is the cinqua-in,

6.________is made up of five lines and can convey strong

7.________(feel) in just a few

words.Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables.And of course there are Tang poems from China which you may enjoy

8.________particular.9.________so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may 10.________(eventual) want to write poems of their own.

答案: 1.that/which 2.impression 3.imaginative 4.repetition




8.in 9.With10.eventually


It’s easy for you to start s moking,but once you become addicted to it,you may find 1.________difficult for you to quit.Firstly,you may become

2.________(physics) addicted to nicotine.Secondly,you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mentally addicted


Smoking may have all kinds of 4.________(harm) effects on the health of both the smokers themselves and non-smokers around them.It not only

5.________(affect) your physical fitness,but also does harm to your heart and lungs and causes a variety of diseases.

6.________(be) a smoker,the offensive smell and appearance of you may drive people around you away.So,it’s important that one quit smoking and live a

7.________(health) life.

To quit smoking,you should be well-prepared and make a list of all the 8.________(benefit) you may get after quitting.Developing some new habits like listening to music,reading novels or doing housework may distract your

attention and help you to forget your need for a cigarette.But if you really feel bad,you should consult 9.________doctor or chemist to get some professional help.Remember,if you keep 10.________(try),you will eventually succeed.

答案: 1.it 2.physically 3.to 4.harmful 5.affects 6.Being



There is no doubt 1.________the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human acitivity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a 2.________(nature) phenomenon.

Many scientists like Dr Janice Foster believe that people have caused the increase in the earth’s temperature by 3.________(burn) of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy whose byproducts 4.________(call) “greenhouse” gases,the most important one being carbon dioxide.These gases trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth,without which the earth 5.________(be) about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.But increased amount of carbon dioxide means that 6.________heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere,7.________(cause) the global temperature to go 8.________.

On 9.________other hand,scientists like George Hambley believe that any warming will be mild with few bad 10.________(environment) consequences and more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.

答案: 1.that 2.natural 3.burning 4.are called 5.would be




9.the 10.environmental


Mount Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii.The

1.________(erupt) of it is always taking people

2.________surprise.It is so quick and severe

3.________the places where it flows are ruined and many houses

4.________(burn) to the ground.It is an absolute disaster for people

5.________live in the paths of the lava.They often get into a panic when they are warned

6.________it.But many people who are enthusiastic about it would like to watch it with their own eyes.

7.________(fortune),when they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it,they always fail

8.________(notice) the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make

9.________effort to escape from it.Is it necessary to take 10.________(risk)?

答案: 1.eruption 2.by 3.that 4.are burnt 5.who



8.to notice



北师大版必修五语法填空 1.I used to be a very self-centered person,but in the past two years I have really changed.I have started to think about other people 1.I think about myself.I am happy that I am becoming a 2.(difference) person. I think my change started when I was at Palomar College.3.first,I just wanted to get my degree and be left alone.I thought I was 4.(smart) than anyone else,so I hardly ever talked to anyone in my classes.By the end of my first semester,I was 5.(real) lonely.It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having 6.(funny).I started asking people around me how they were doing,and if they were having trouble I offered 7. (help).That was really a big step for me.By the end of the year,I had several new friends,and two of them are still my best friends today. A bigger cause of my new attitude,however,came when I took a part-time job at Vista Nursing Home.One old lady there 8.had Alzheimer’s disease became my friend.Every time I came into her room,she was so happy because she thought I was her daughter.She let me see that 9.(make) others feel good made me feel good too. I think I am 10.much better person today than I used to be,and I hope I will not forget these experiences. These days computer games have become more and more 1.(popularity) in many cities and towns.A lot of small shops along busy streets have changed into computer game houses in order 2.(get) more money.These places are always crowded 3.people.In the computer game houses,people spend a lot of money 4.(match) on the machines.It’s hard for one to beat a computer,5. one can do well after trying again and again.People want to win when they play computer


【高考必备】人教版高中英语必修一 unit1 Friendship Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish 1________ they had to hide or they would be 2________ (catch) by the German Nazis. Du ring that time she wasn’t able to go 3________ (outdoor) for so long that she had grown so crazy about everything 4________ (do) with nature. One evening, she stayed 5________ (wake) on purpose to have a good look at the moon by herself, but she didn’t dare open a window. Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk 6________ the window was open. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held her 7________ (entire) in their power. It was the first time in a year and a half that she 8________ (see) the night face to face. Anne felt very lonely without seeing her old friends, so she had to make 9________ new friend, her diary Kitty, whom she could tell everything to. 10________ (sad), at last, her family was discovered and caught by the German Nazis. 参考答案: 1.so 2. caught 3. outdoors 4. to do 5. awakes 6.when 7. entirely 8. had been 9. a 10. sadly Unit 2 Reading课文语法填空 The Road To Modern English 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) So why has English changed over time? 1________ (actual) all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. At first the English 2________ (speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was quite different from the English spoken today.


b u高中英语人教版必修五第二单元单词拼写和 语法填空 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]

1.the whole country ________(团结)together and got through the horrible e a r t h q u a k e i n2015. 2.You have to _______(澄清) this problem to your classmates in public. 3.There was a ________(矛盾) between the accounts of the witness. 4.In the exhibition this painting painted by that famous painter _______(吸引)a lot of people. 5.To our great________(高兴),we will have seven days off this month. 6.There is no possibility that he will _________(完成)that work on his own. 7.According to his _______(描述),the scenery of the mountain is beautiful. 8.Have you noticed that all the statues in the temple are ________(辉煌的) 9.His father’s c______ of ancient coins will be displayed nationwide. 10.It is necessary for you to take some foreign________(货币)with you when you are abroad. 11.Who can take ________place of Mr Green in the company. 12.The team _______(consist) of six boys and three girls succeed in passing the volley. 13.He often complains _________too much work to do. 14.Tom suggested we _______(take) some cash with us. 15.His plan is consistent _________me.


M5U3. 重点短语和用法 M5 Unit 3 Science versus nature 1. on (the) one hand 一方面 2. on the other hand 另一方面 3. point out指出 4. on the way to (doing) sth在去…的路上;即将做…… 5. in general 总的来说 6. concentrate on 集中注意力于…… 7 with the intention of 目的是 8. be related to与…...有关9. push ahead with 推进 10. interfere with 干涉,干扰11. be similar to与……相似 12. to conclude 得出结论 13. complain about对…….抱怨14. in response to对……的回复/反应 15. comment on对……做出评价 16. consider doing 考虑做……17. adopt sb/sth 收养;接受 18. the other day前几天 19. urge sb to do sth敦促某人做…… 20. focus on集中于,关注21. in favour of支持 22. meet one’s needs满足某人的需要 24. turn out结果是;生产 25. blame…for因为…….责备…… 26. praise…for因为……表扬…… 27. end up以…….告终28. use up 用完,用光 29. figure out计算出;弄清楚,弄明白 30. concentrate on集中注意力于…… 31. succeed in doing 做成了某事 32. in reply to 对……的回复 33. on one’s part对……而言 38. with reference to 关于…… 39. so far 到目前为止 40. donate…to把……捐赠给…… 41. someone else’s其余的某个人的 42. be resistant to 抵制 43. follow in one’s footsteps追寻某人的足迹 44. experiment on/with用……做实验 45. in complete agreement with 完全同意 46.for sale供出售,待销售 47. next door 隔壁的,相邻的 48. go against 违反,违背49. point of view 观点


Unit 1 Reading课文语法填空 A Short History of Western Painting 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed a lot. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. 1________ it was 2________ (evidence) that ideas changed when painters began to paint in a more realistic way. People in the Renaissance 3________ (adopt) a more humanistic attitude to life. During this period, rich people paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and 4________ (possess) as well as their activities and achievements. 5________ coincidence, oil paints were also developed. From the late 19th century, the Impressionists 6________ paintings were thought ridiculous drew 7________ (quick) to show how light and shadow fell on objects. Today, they 8________ (accept) as the beginning of modern art. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract, but on the 9________ hand, some is realistic. It is not easy to 10________ (prediction) the painting styles in the future.


必修五Unit 5 1. It is ____________________cold,heat or pain.(feel) 它就是你感受冷、热和疼痛的地方。 2.____________________,if your skin gets burned,it can be very serious.(imagine) 正如你可以想象的一样,如果你的皮肤被烫伤了,它可能非常严重。 3. Remove clothing (using scissors________________) unless _____________________the burn.(necessary,stick) 去除衣服(必要时用剪刀)除非它粘在烧伤组织。 4.I _____________________the company for the position when he called me.(apply) 我正要来向这家公司申请这个职位的时候,他突然给我打来了电话。 5.For the great contribution _________________the family,she _______________the Best Wife Award.(make,present) 鉴于她对家庭所做的巨大贡献,她被授予“最佳老婆奖”。 6.It ___________________________whehter you go or stay.(difference) 你是去是留对我都无所谓。 7.I’ll not go to his birthday party_________________.(invite) 我不会去参加他的生日宴会,除非被邀请。 8.If you________________________ the job in hand, you’ll soon finish it.(apply) 如果你尽力做你目前的工作,你将能很快地把它做完。 9.He applied all the money ________________________.(set) 他把所有的钱都用来建一家工厂。 10.They just carried out the one instructions____________________. (tell) 他们只是按照吩咐执行这些指令的。 11.Be careful when you do the experiment by yourself, or you may _____________(get) 你独自做这个实验的时候要当心,否则你可能会烫伤。 12.On the top of the mountain,____________ an old tree with a history of more than 600 years, we had a picnic last weekend.(stand) 上周末我们在山顶上举行野餐,那儿长着一棵有600多年历史的老树。 13.This policy,_______________ raising women’s social status, however, may not fulfil its purpose because of the defects in the social system.(aim) 这项制度旨在提升妇女的社会地位,然而由于社会制度的缺陷,它或许不能达到其目的。 14. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns______________ which layers of the skins are burnt.(depend) 根据皮肤烧伤的层次而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。 必修六Unit 1 1.It is the music, rather than the books,________________________.(appeal) 吸引我的是音乐,而不是那些书籍。 2.It’s strange that the patient ___________________the medicine.(allergic) 真奇怪,那个病人居然对那种药过敏。 3.___________________,the teacher has never lost faith in him.(as) 尽管他很淘气,老师从未对他是去信心。 4.Our head teacher delivered a speech yesterday,__________ encouraging us.(aim) 我们的班主任昨天做了一番演说,旨在鼓励我们。 5.__________________________, the athlete decided to give up.(attempt) 又做了一次尝试之后,那个运动员决定放弃。 6.It is recommended that the government_________________________the problem.(adopt) 建议政府采取各种各样的措施来处理这个问题。


必修五语法填空 21. A Strange Disease When the construction of the firework factory came to the stage of painting, a pump was put in. Then, all the painters in the neighbourhood were defeated by a severe disease _1_____characteristic was alike to that of a bad burn. An expert physician _2________(instruct) to attend to the victims and handle this case. He was enthusiastic, _3_____ he didn’t foresee that it was a hard challenge. After simple enquiry, he announced that the polluted paint was _4_______(blame). But _5_____positive evidence, people suspected and rejected his view, saying the theory he put forward made no sense. Being much more strict with _6______, he contributed himself _7_____ the case. Apart from making enquiries, he made _8______(detail)charts and analysed the data cautiously. Finally, he drew a scientific conclusion, linking the disease to _9_____radium in the pump. _10_______(expose)to radium, a kind of radioactive material in the universe, people absorbed radiation and got sick immediately. Spinning the pump backward, he took away the radium. This simple movement cured all the victims. 22. Sightseeing in the United Kingdom After the wedding, my cousin and his wife went to the United Kingdom _1_____ nationwide sightseeing. He faxed a letter to _2_____ in English yesterday. _3_____ my delight, he no longer made any tense error. And his description_4_______(rough) clarified my questions about the UK --- its currency, its administration, the institution which divides it into four provinces, and the historical conflicts and quarrels when Southern Ireland broke away from the UK. _5_____(will) to leave out any attraction, my cousin arranged his enjoyable journey carefully. One attractive place he visited was a castle in the countryside of Scotland, which _6_____(lie) near a port. It used to be the headquarters of the Communism Union _7_____ broke down during the war. Finding nothing could take the place of this splendid architecture, people accomplished rebuilding it in 1952. It was to their credit _8_____ all furnished rooms are consistent with what they used to be. My cousin was thrilled by its collections consisting of statues plus royal uniforms _9_____(fold) in glass tanks. _10______ there was no possibility to buy some of these exhibits; it

高中英语人教版必修五unit5课文 语法填空改编

必修5 Unit 5 语法填空小测 (1)FIRST AID FOR BURNS The skin is 1._____________essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have three layers of skin 2._____________ act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's harmful rays. The 3._____________(function) of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is 4._____________ you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the 5._____________ (treat)t of bums. Causes of burns You can get burned by a 6._____________(various) of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation (by being close to high heat or fire, etc), the sun, electricity or chemicals. Types of burns There are three types of burns. Burns 7._____________(call) first, second or third degree burns, 8._____________(depend) on which layers of the skin are burned. ◎ First degree burns These affect only the top layer of the skin. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by 9._____________(touch) a hot pan, stove or iron for a mordent. ◎ Second degree burns These affect both the top 10._____________ the second layer of the skin. These bums are serious and take a few weeks 11._____________(heal). Examples include severe sunburn and bums caused by hot liquids. ◎ Third degree burns These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe injuries and 12._____________victim must go to hospital at once. Characteristics of burns First degree burns ◎ dry, red and mildly swollen ◎ mildly painful ◎ turn white when 13._____________(press). Second degree burns ◎ rough, red and swollen ◎ blisters ◎ watery surface ◎ 14._____________(extreme) painful Third degree burns ◎ black and white and charred ◎ swollen; often tissue under them can 15._____________(seen) ◎ little or no pain if nerves 16._____________(damage); may be pain around edge of injured area. First aid treatment 1.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck 17._____________ the burn. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn. 2.Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. It is best to place burns under 18.____________(gentle) running water for about 10 minutes. (The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming 19._____________(bear) and reduces swelling.) Do not put cold water on third degree burns. 3.For first degree burns, place cool, clean, wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, 20._____________(squeeze) them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad. 4.Dry the burned area gently. Do not rob, 21._____________this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected. 5.Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage 22._____________ will not stick to the skin. Hold the bandage in place with tape. Never put butter, oil or ointment on bums as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause 23._____________(infect). 6.If bums are on arms or legs, keep them 24._____________(high) than the heart, if possible. If bums are on the face, the victim should sit up. 7.If the injuries are second or third degree bums, it is vital 25._____________(get) the victim to the doctor or hospital at once. (2)HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AW ARD Seventeen-year-old teenager, John Janson, was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for 1.__________(give) lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the 2.__________(brave) of ten people 3.__________ had saved the life of another. John 4._____________(study) in his room when he heard screaming. When he and his father rushed outside, a man ran from the scene. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed 5.__________(repeated) with a knife. She was lying in her front garden 6.__________(bleed) very heavily. Her hands had almost been cut off. It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid 7.__________ saved Ms Slade's life. He immediately asked a number of nearby people 8.__________ bandages, but when nobody could put their hands 9.__________ any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slade's hands. He slowed the bleeding by 10.__________(apply) pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived. "I'm proud of 11.__________ I did but I was just doing what I'd been taught," John said. John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school. When 12.__________(congratulate) John, Mr Alan Southerton, Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said, "There is no doubt 13._________ John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade's life. It shows 14.__________ a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference." Before receiving their awards last night, John and the nine other Life Savers attended a special reception yesterday 15.__________(host) by the Prime Minister. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日毕。 1


【5份】人教版高中英语选修6 Unit1-5课文语法填空 目录 Unit 1 Reading课文语法填空 A Short History of Western Painting 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed a lot. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. 1________ it was 2________ (evidence) that ideas changed when painters began to paint in a more realistic way. People in the Renaissance 3________ (adopt) a more humanistic attitude to life. During this period, rich people paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and 4________ (possess) as well as their activities and achievements. 5________ coincidence, oil paints were also developed. From the late 19th century, the Impressionists 6________ paintings were thought ridiculous drew 7________ (quick) to show how light and shadow fell on objects. Today, they 8________ (accept) as the beginning of modern art. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract, but on the 9________ hand, some is realistic. It is not easy to 10________ (prediction) the painting styles in the future. 参考答案: 一、 1. But 2. evident 3. adopted 4. possessions 5. By

人教版高中英语必修五 unit2_reading课文语法填空 含答案

Unit 2 Reading课文语法填空 Puzzles In Geography 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Great Britain consists 1________ four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In 2________ 13th century, Wales 3________ (link) to England. In the 17th century, they were joined to Scotland. They were united 4________ peace instead of by war. However, just as they were going to get Ireland 5________ (connect) to form the United Kingdom , the southern part of Ireland broke away, so only Northern Ireland joined with them. England is the 6________ (large) of the four countries and for 7________ (convenient) it is divided into three zones: the South of England, the Midlands and the North. You find most of the population 8________ (settle) in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. London is the capital city with the greatest 9________ (history) treasure. It has the oldest port 10________ (build) by the Romans in the 1st century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.

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