当前位置:文档之家› 11规则大副航海英语单选题真题整理




A 潮汐表,潮流表

45-1. Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents

can be found in the__________.

A. Mariner’s √

B. Tidal Current Tables

C. Nautical Almanac (航海天文年历)

D. Tide Tables


47-1. You will find information about the duration of slack water in


√A. Tidal Current Tables B. Tide Tables

C. American Practical Navigator

D. Sailing Directions


46-3. The velocity of the current in large coast harbors is____________.

√A. predicted in Tidal Current Tables B. unpredictable

C. generally constant (总是始终如一的)

D. generally too weak to be of concern 大的沿海港潮流流速在潮流表中予以预测。

48-1. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain

port from______.

A. Deadweight Scale (载重量标尺)√

B. Tide Tables (潮汐表)

C. Notices of Mariners (航行通告)

D. Table of Azimuth (方位角表)


51-1. Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a

specific location on a particular day of the year?

A. Tide Tables

B. Tidal Current Tables

C. Coast Pilot

D. Nautical Almanac



43-1. From _______the mariner can know the data of tide.

A. the Sea Pilot

B. the Cargo Plan

√C. the Tide Table D. the Port List


39-37. For full information regarding the current circulation of the

Indian Ocean, ______ Sailing Direction, Current Atlas, etc.

A. watch

B. look for

√C. see D. regard


B 灯标表

48-2. Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign

radio beacons can be found in which publications? _________.

√A. List of Lights (航标表)B. Coast Pilot (沿海航海指南)

C. Sailing Directions (航路指南)

D. List of Radio beacons (无线电导



45-2. Light lists for coastal waters are__________.

A. published every year and required no corrections

B. published every second year and must be corrected

C. published every five year and required no correction

√D. accurate thru NM and must be corrected


46-2. Mariners not entering the port are________to keep at least one mile off.

√A. advised B. reported

C. complied

D. supplied


47-2. When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year, where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found?

√A. Light List

B. Notices to Mariners

C. on the chart

D. Coast Pilot


41-2. Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by ______.

A.power B.tower C.cover √D.low clouds/shower


44-2.The lighthouse if _________at night may be in trouble.

√A. invisible B. it is invisible C. isn’t visible D. Visible 灯塔,如果在晚上看不见,可能出了故障。

44-3. What is the use of the books of admiralty list of lights and fog signals? Their use is to _________.

A. mention signal stations and ice, storm, traffic and port signals

B. give the international numbers of lights

C. give the correction of the lights and fog signals

√D. give the information on the lights and fog signals


C 海图

52-2. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty List should be _____.

A. considered

B. consulted

C. concluded

D. commanded



51-3. For working details ______ Admiralty list of Radio Signal.

A. refer

B. see

C. watch

D. look



47-3. A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a __________.

√A. circle of equal altitude B. parallel of declination

C. parallel of altitude

D. vertical circle


52-3. The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body, caused by refraction, increases as the __________.

A. horizontal parallax(水平视差)decreases

B. observer’s height above sea level increases

C. humidity of the atmosphere decreases

D. altitude of the body decreases



45-4. The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast. This indicates_______.

A. you should stay to the north or east of the buoy.

B. you should stay to the west or south of the buoy.

C. the buoy is a major lighted buoy.

√D. nothing special for navigational purpose.


50-1. Some of these shoals have been disproved and are not charted. Nevertheless mariners should _________ with particular caution in this area.

A. go

B. proceed

C. move

D. remove



42-45. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is,in many cases,still ______ ,charted shoals may be in error as regards position,depth and extent.

A. spare (多余的,备用的)

B. spade (铁锹,铲子)

√C. sparse(稀少的,稀疏的)

D. spear (矛,枪,鱼叉)


42-46. On a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector. The red sector ______.

A. indicates the limits of the navigable channel

√B. indicates a danger area

C. is used to identify the characteristics of the light

D. serves no significant purpose

在海图上,灯塔上的灯光性质显示为白光闪有一个红区,该红区标志危险区。39-49. Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes, the important ones of which are promulgated by _______.

√A. Admiralty Notices to Mariners

B. Mariner’s Handbook

C. Catalogue

D. Sailing Directions


44-9. No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines(点虚线). For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be _________.

√A. referred to

B. appreciated

C. met with

D. concerned


41-9.Charted depths ______ by 2 meters due to state of the winds.A.is decreased B.decreased

C.decreases √D.are decreased


43-7. The heights and sounding of Admiralty chart are expressed___ in Fathoms______ in meters.

√A. either, or B. neither, nor

C. another, nor

D. other, or


42-44.In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ______ are corrected first.

A. smaller scales √

B. larger scales

C. smaller scales and larger scales

D. moderate scales


45-9. Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be________.

A. considered

B. insured

√C. relied upon

D. suspected


40-3. On this chart only the principle _______ to navigation are shown.

A. equipment’s

B. tools

C. apparatus

√D. aids



43-6. The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is__________.

√A. on a regional basis

B. on national basis

C. shown orderly

D. appeared from A to W


43-5. Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the__________.

A. Summary of Corrections (修正汇总)

B. Local Notice to Mariners

C. Daily Memorandum (每日通告便笺) √

D. Chart Correction Card


41-6. The shoreline shown on nautical charts of areas affected by large tidal fluctuations (涨落)is usually the line of mean ______.

A.lower low water B.low water

C.tide level (潮面)√D.high water

44-6. Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating_________.

√A. points of equal variation (等磁点)

B. points of zero variation (零位变化点)

C. the magnetic latitude (磁纬)

D. magnetic dip (磁倾角)


39-51. Chart legends(海图标题栏) which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in ____.

√A. capital letters

B. italics

C. boldface print

D. underlined letters


42-53. Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 3833.

A. to agree upon (对…达成一致)

B. in accordance with

C. to be same as

√D. to agree with(与…相符,与…一致)


42-54. Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean ______.

A. lower low water

B. high water

C. low water √

D. sea level


46-5. Why does distance always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart?

A. Because it is the most efficient way.

√B. Because it varies with the change of latitude.(因为其随纬度的变化而变化)

C. Because it varies with the change of longitude.

D. Because it is most straight line.


51-4. The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the ________.

A. Lambert conformal

B. Mercator

C. Azimuthal

D. gnomonic



46-4. A mercator chart is a_____.

√A. cylindrical projection(柱面圆柱投影)

B. simple conic projection (普通圆锥投影)

C. polyconic projection (多圆锥投影)

D. rectangular projection (正交投影)


43-4. All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n)________.

A. Mercator projection (墨卡托投影)

B. polyconic projection (多圆锥投影)

C. orthographic projection (正射投影)

√D. gnomonic projection (心射切面投影)


47-4. In very high latitudes, the most practical chart projection is the______.

A. Mercator

B. gnomonic (用表测时的)

C. azimuthal √

D. Lambert conformal(兰伯特正形投影的)


41-8. Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.

A.fixed to B.needed for

C.pushed to √D.drawn to


48-4. What defines a great circle?

A. A curved line drawn on a Mercator Chart(在麦卡托海图上所划出的一条曲线)

B. A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curve (一条划成为等角航线的航线)

√C. The shortest distance between any two points on the earth


D. The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere



49-4. How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North?

A. 30 nm

B. 60 nm

C. 15 nm

D. 7.5nm



50-4. What information is found in the chart title?

A. Date of the first edition

B. Date of the edition and, if applicable, the revision

C. Information on the sounding datum测深基准面

D. information on which IALA buoyage system applies(INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIGHTHOUSE AUTHORITIES国际灯塔导航机构协会)



52-4. The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ___________.

A. deviation

B. annual rate of variation change

C. precession(岁差)

D. compass error



47-5. Place names used on board ships should be those________.

A. specified by international authorities

B. specified by national authorities

C. on standard map

√D. on the chart or Sailing Directions in use


48-5. Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle?

√A. Aero light (航空灯塔)

B. Radar station (雷达站)

C. Radar transponder beacon (雷达无线电应答信标)

D. Radio beacon (无线电导航台)


49-5. The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is _________.

A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units

B. about 16 minutes

C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun(Greenwich hour angle平均太阳时的格林尼治时角) and the first point of Aries(春分点)

D. 15° of arc



50-5. The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ________.

A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units

B. about 16 minutes

C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries

D. 15° of arc



51-5. A true bearing of a charted object, when plotted on a chart, will establish a _______.

A. fix

B. line of position

C. relative bearing

D. range


海图上所记述的物标的真方位,当予以标绘在海图上时,将会建立一条位置线。52-5. The short-long dashed, magenta lines parallel to York River Entrance Channel mark _______.

A. fish trap area

B. naval exercise areas

C. underwater cables

D. recommended track lines



45-6. The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart?

A. top center √

B. lower-left corner

C. part of the chart title

D. lower-right corner


40-53. Charted depth is the___________.

A. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tide. (自潮位基准面到大海底部加上高潮的垂直距离)

√B. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom

C. average height of water over a specified period of time


D. average height water of all low waters at a place (见46-07,47,48-06题)



49-6. The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater

beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach?

A. Surging浪涌

B. Spilling (碎浪)

C. Plunging

D. Converging



50-6. The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach?

A. Surging

B. Spilling

C. Plunging

D. Converging



51-6. Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ________. Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.

A. complete and often very poor surveys

B. correct and often very good surveys

C. inadequate and often very old surveys

D. adequate and present surveys



52-6. An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths are ____.

A. in meter or fathom

B. in foot or kilometer

C. by meter or fathom

D. by foot or kilometer



45-7. Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate_______.

A. prevailing wind directions

√B. prevailing ocean current directions

C. probable surface current flow

D. shortest great circle routes


47-7. The changes in the channel’s sounds and buoys on this coast are_____this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.

A. frequent

B. so frequent

C. frequent that

√D. so frequent that


48-9. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in the admiralty charts and other publications, since they_________.

A. may always be complete and up-to-date (可能一直是完整且最新的)

√B. may not always be complete and up-to-date(不可能一直是完整且最新的)

C. may sometimes be complete and up-to-date (可能有时是完整且最新的)

D. may not sometimes be complete and up-to-date (不可能有时是完整且最新的)


50-7. The broken magenta lines starting at Montauk Point and running generally ENE to Block Island indicate __________.

A. recommended tracks to Block Island

B. a submerged cable area

C. a military exercise area

D. demarcation lines分界线 for application of the COLREGS



D 航海通告

49-7. Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety?

A. Light list

B. Notice to Mariners

C. Coast Pilot

D. Sailing Directions


哪一个是告知航海人员影响航海安全的重要事项的周出版物?(advise of 告知)

43-9. Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published_______.

A. every day √

B. every week

C. every month

D. every year


39-44. Admiralty Notices to Mariners, containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information, are issued daily and published in ______. √A. Weekly Editions B. Quarterly Editions

C. Annual Editions

D. Monthly Editions


42-43.The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent.

√A. free of charge B. with no responsibility

C. without limitations of distribution无限制供应

D. with little charges


50-9. Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of ________.

A. marine broadcast Notice to Mariners

B. Weekly Notices to Mariners

C. corrected editions of charts

D. Light Lists


首先通过海事广播航海通告向航海人员发出关于导航设施的严重故障或重要改变的警告。(warn of 发出关于…的警告)

46-9. Periodic publications notifying change in, or additions to, previously published navigational data are______.

A. Supplements

B. Annual Summary

C. Navigational Warning (导航警告)√

D. Notices to Mariners


42-49.Coast Pilots and navigational charts are kept corrected and up-to-date by using the ______.

A. pilot charts (引航海图)√

B. Notices to Mariners

C. Tide Tables

D. Current Tables


42-50.The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be ______.A. temporary √B. permanent

C. occasional

D. steady


45-8. ________are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts. A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of Signals

C. Mariner’s Handbook √

D. Admiralty Notices to Mariners


44-1.Several shoals_____reported to exist in the area south-west of the Brothers.

A. have √

B. have been

C. has

D.has been


46-8. Defense plan may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with________.

√A. no notice B. one day’s notice

C. a week’s notice

D. thirty(30) days’ notice


E 其它

40-48. _______ amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.

√A. Admiralty Sailing Directions

B. Admiralty List of Lights

C. Admiralty List of Signals

D. Admiralty Notices to Mariners


40-49. Ocean Passages for the World and Routeing Charts should be _____ for trans-oceanic information.

A. looked

√B. consulted

C. seen

D. reviewed


39-28. There is not _______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse.

A. ample(足够的,大量的)

√B. sufficient

C. enormous(巨大的,极大的)

D. incredible(不可信的)


40-32. The approach to the roads and harbor from the ________ entails no difficulty.

A. eastern

B. easterly

√C. eastward D. eastwards


39-55. The pilotage-quarantine anchorage, ______between Damen Island and Qingshan Island, is defined by the lines _______the given points.

A. situated/connected √

B. situated/connecting

C. situating/ connected

D. situating/connecting


39-63. A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for ______.

A. the Sun √

B. the Moon

C. Venus (金星)

D. None of the above


41-68.This is an exercise area.Mariners are ______ to navigate with caution.

√A.advised B.told

C.informed D.advice


https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe9889938.html,rmation on shipping movements can be ______ by radio from Dover Port Control.

A. got

B. made

√C. obtained

D. taken


43-33. When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed in _______ (and decimals of a minute if necessary), north or south of the Equator and east or west of Greenwich.

A. fathoms and meters

B. miles and kilometers

C. arc and degrees √

D. degrees and minutes


43-26. The term of Landfall means ______.

√A. Land first sighted when vessel approaching from seaward

B. Land last sighted when vessel leaving from a port

C. in sight of one another when vessel underway

D. in sight of an island during a ship on her voyage


48-8. While steaming slowly in the harbor, no ship is______to exceed the speed limited.

A. assumed

B. appreciated

C. promised √

D. permitted


49-8. Navigate with ________. Small fishing boats are within 0.8 mile of me.

A. careful

B. skill

C. concern

D. caution



39-3. El Abbasa (Sweet Water) Canal _______ from River Nile at Cairo to Suez Canal at Ismailia.

A. extend

B. extending

√C. extends

D. are extending

El Abbasa(糖水)运河从在开罗处的尼罗河延伸到在伊斯梅利亚处的苏伊士运河。

42-3. The outer limit of the Traffic Separation Schemes is ______ adjustment as necessary to comply with the port regulations.A. subjected B. subject

C. subjected to √

D. subject to(be subject to 须经,有待于)该分道通航制的外缘有待于调整以便必须符合该港港规。

F 航标

43-3. Red sectors of navigation lights warn mariners of_________.

A. floating debris (漂浮物)

B. heavily trafficked areas

C. recently sunken vessels

√D. shoals or nearby land


50-3. A red triangular daymark marks ______.

A. the centerline of a navigable channel

B. the starboard side of a channel

C. a prominent object of navigational interest that has no lateral significance

D. an area of a channel where passing another vessel is permitted KEY: B


41-32.When a buoy marks a channel bifurcation(分支), the preferred channel is NOT indicated by ______.

A.the shape of an unlighted buoy (无光浮标的形状)

B.the light color of a lighted buoy (浅色发光浮标)

C.the color of the topmost band (最高频带颜色)

√D.whether the number is odd or even


41-33.Uncharted lights, fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be ______ near the station.

√A.encountered B.met

C.contacted D.seen


39-50. Which statement is true of the Uniform Lateral System of Buoyage?

A. It employs top marks

B. Lighted buoys have the same shape as unlighted buoys

C. The numbering or lettering of fairway buoys is optional

√D. All of the above


40-52. How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system “A”? √A. keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leaving(当驶近港口时把该浮标在船舶的右舷,而当离开时使该浮标在船舶的左舷)

B. keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leaving

C. keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leaving

D. keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leaving


40-28. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of _______.

A. group occulting(隔开,遮蔽,使变暗)

√B. composite group flashing

C. Morse letter A

D. quick flashing


49-33. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ________.

A. interrupted quick flashing

B. composite group flashing

C. Morse (A)

D. quick flashing



43-31. A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted _______.

√A. red

B. yellow

C. with red and white vertical stripes

D. with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy


40-51. A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the _______.

√A. north side of the mark

B. west side of the mark

C. east side of the mark

D. south side of the mark

显示连续快闪白色灯光的方位标志,表明该区域的最深水域在该标志的北边。42-21. A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) ______ .

√A. white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheres

B. occulting green light and may be lettered

C. yellow light and will be numbered

D. continuous quick white light and may be numbered


52-8. The Experimental Lighthouse-buoy had no navigational significance and may be removed at will. The above sentence means ________.

A. It’s of no use for navigation and would be removed with notice

B. It’s useful in navigation and may be removed without notice

C. It’s helpless in navigation and may be removed without notice

D. It’s helpful in navigation and may be removed without notice KEY: C


45-3. The light vessel is reported_________.

A. to be destroyed

B. to be demolished

C. to be ruined

√D. to be spoiled


45-32. The period of a lighted aid to navigation refers to the___________.

A. date of construction or establishment

B. length of time between flashes of the light

C. time required for the longest flash of each cycle

√D. time required for the light to complete each cycle.


46-32. What is the characteristic of a quick light?

A. show group of 2 or more flashes at regular intervals

B. durations of light and darkness are equal

√C. show not less than 60 flashes per minute(每分钟至少显示60闪)D. show quick flashes for about 5 seconds followed by a 1 second dark period 快闪灯的特征是什么?

47-32. The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are_____.

√A. untrue

B. impossible

C. suspectful

D. unimportant


44-32. The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are_______.

√A. untrue



D. unimportant


50-33. Which word indicates color variation in the characteristics of a light?

A. Opposing

B. Changing

C. Reversing

D. Alternating



51-32. The four standard light colors used for lighted aids to navigation are red, green, white and ___.

A. purple

B. orange

C. blue

D. yellow



52-32. What is a lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its identification? __________

A. A spherical topmark球形顶标

B. Red and white retroreflective material红白色反射材料

C. Square triangular topmarks直角三角形顶标

D. A red and white octagon红白色八角形



49-34. In region A, the green buoys are kept to ________ and red to ________ when sailing from_______ to _______.

A. starboard, port, sea, land

B. starboard, port, land, sea

C. port, starboard, land, land

D. port, starboard, sea, sea


在A区域,当从海上向陆地航行时,绿色航标予以保持在右舷,红色航标在左舷。50-34. A SEAMARK, I.E. A BUOY, INDICATING THE NORTH, EAST, SOUTH OR WEST FROM A FIXED POINT, E.G. A WRECK is _______.

A. Entrance buoy

B. New buoy

C. Port buoy

D. Cardinal buoy



51-33. When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation?

A. During calm weather only

B. During daytime only

C. Only when inside a harbour

D. Only when fixed aids are not available




41-10.______ the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident.

√A.Attached herewith are

B.Attached is herewith

C.Attached are hereby

D.Hereby are attached


43-10. When there is not a chief officer on board, _______should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.

A. the assistant officer √

B. the captain

C. the officer on duty

D. the third officer


44-10. Orders of the master to the officers of the watch which he must comply with are _____.

A. night orders

√B. standing orders

C. commands by master

D. requirements by master


44-12. A wise captain gives clear direction in his______for the officers on watch to call him if in any doubt whatsoever.

A. deck logbook

B. master’s note

C. bell book

√D. master’s standing orders


41-11.Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the ______.

A.Mate on watch

√B.Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crew

C.Master only

D.Purser,one of the Mates,and some other member of the crew


43-11. What is NOT accepted as the required shipping papers on a manned and loaded tank barge?

A. Bill of Lading

B. Manifest

C. Shipping document

√D. Logbook entry


41-12.Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ______.A.the ship is in a harbor

B.the ship is at anchorage

C.the ship is underway

√D.all of the above


43-12. In writing up the log book at the end of your watch, you make an error, which of the following is the way to correct the error? _________

A. Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly

B. Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page

C. Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctly

√D. Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly (用一条单线把错误部分划掉,并重新正确地填写)


49-10. The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to _______.

A. erase the entry and rewrite

B. draw several lines through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction

C. completely black out the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction

D. draw one line through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction KEY: D


42-15. All accidents and damage to ship,equipment or personnel,must be ______ in the vessel deck log.

A. entered into (参与,开始,缔结协议)

√B. entered

C. entered with

D. entered in (记入,把…收入)


40-26. All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the ________.

A. deck logbook (甲板日志)

√B. official logbook (航海日志)

D. compass record book (罗经记录薄)

C. chronometer error book (天文钟误差记录薄)


46-10. _____is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch.

A. Sea Protest

√B. Deck Log

C. Accident Report

D. Seaman’s Book

47-10. All entries in Logbook, _____made, must not be erased or amended. √A. once

B. whether

C. previous

D. just


48-10. All events relating to the voyage, such as ship’s position, speed and details of the weather, are recorded in_________.

√A. Logbook (航海日志)

B. Bell Book (车钟记录薄)

C. Oil Record Book (油水记录簿)

D. Compass Error Book (罗经误差记录薄)

涉及航行的所有事件,例如船位、航速以及天气的详细情况,记录在航海日志中。47-11. The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log_______.

A. the names of all persons on board

B. only the names of the crew members on board

C. only the names of passengers on board

√D. information on emergency training drills


49-11. When a vessel is entering or leaving a port, a record of engine speeds is kept in the _______.

A. bell book

B. deck rough logbook

C. Official Logbook

D. engine rough log



50-11. Prior to burning or welding on a fuel tank on a ship, regulations require that an inspection be made. An entry in the unofficial logbook is required if this inspection is made by _________.

A. a marine chemist

B. the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection

C. the Master or person in charge of the ship

D. the National Fire Protection Association



45-14. With regard to the opening and closing of watertight integrity appliances not fitted with a remote operating control or alarm system, what must the master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook?

A. The time required to close the appliances.

B. The reason for opening or closing each appliance.

C. The name of the person performing the opening and closing of such appliances.

√D. The fact that the hull indicators functioned or not.




45-11. It’s ________that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores. A. bright B. distinct

C. plai √

D. evident

46-11. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?

√A. Yes, always

B. No

C. No if you measure for toxic gases(毒气)

D. Yes, but not if you ventilate properly first for 24 hours


44-42. Upon underwater _______by divers, there are no apparent_______on the bottom plates of the said vessel.

√A. detection/defects

B. detection/ defect

C. defects/detection

D. defect/detection


45-12. The (said) accident was caused by your ship.

A. sailing

B. damaged

C. sounded

√D. above mentioned


46-12. The extent of the damage could not be ________though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge.

A. sure

B. contained

√C. ascertained D. applied

虽然我与装卸工人的主要负责人一起进行了检查,损失程度仍然不能予以确定。49-13. The extent of the damage could not be _________ though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge.

A. sure

B. contained

C. ascertained

D. applied



48-12. As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was due to _________.

A. insufficiency of packaging

B. inherent vice of the cargo

C. improper stowage

√D. rough handling


49-12. I’d like to know the full _______ of the accident.

A. particular

B. particulars

C. in particular

D. in particulars



50-12. I have _______ damage below water line.

A. large

B. big

C. important

D. major



51-12. I must hold _________ for any damage which may have resulted from the accidents you caused.

A. your responsible

B. you responsible

C. you are responsible

D. your are responsible



52-12. The port gangway caught on a _______ on the wharf and was severely damaged.

A. bollard

B. bitt系缆柱

C. stem

D. keel



45-13. Accidental escape of oil out of a tank when it gets too full because pumping was not stopped in time defines__________.

A. overloading

B. over discharging

√C. overflow

D. overtaking


46-13. If you do not wear goggles and helmet, your chance of being______will be greater.

A. beaten

B. damaged

√C. hurt

D. stricken

39-4. An accident came _____ my mind when I saw the broken case.

A. in

B. on √

C. to

D. with


50-13. ________ the torn bags of castor seeds you mentioned we have already replaced them by new ones.

A. Regard

B. Regards

C. Regarded

D. Regarding



41-38.Stop ______ the derrick at once,the goose neck is bent.

A.to use

B.to operate




43-56.Our starboard derrick boom of hatch No.4 is badly cracked ______ that it has become entirely useless.

A. at its goose neck to such a extent

B. at it’s goose neck to such an extent

C. at it’s goose neck for such a extent

√D. at its goose neck to such an extent


43-13. The injured stevedore paid ______ attention to the loading instructions.

A. small √

B. little

C. few

D. a few


44-13. The master should_______necessary precautions to prevent accidents or damage.

A. do √

B. take

C. set

D. have



中华人民共和国海事局 2008年第6期海船船员适任统考试题(总第46期) 科目:航海学试卷代号:913. 适用对象:无限航区3000总吨及以上船舶二/三副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题、请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。每题1分,共100分。 1.航海学中的地球形状用来描述。 A.地球自然表面围成的几何体 B.大地球体 C.地球椭圆体 D.地球圆球体 2.某船由30oS,60oW航行至40oS,120oW,则该船经差和纬差的方向分别为: A.E经差、N纬差 B.W经差、S纬差 C.E经差、S纬差 D.W经差、N纬差 3.下列哪项是建立大地坐标系时应明确的问题?Ⅰ、确定椭圆体的参数;Ⅱ、确定椭圆体中心的位置;Ⅲ、确定坐标轴的的方向 A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ B.Ⅰ、Ⅲ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 4.半圆周法方向换算为圆周法方向的法则是。 A.在SE半圆,圆周度数等于180°加上半圆度数 B.在NE半圆,圆周度数等于360°减去半圆度数 C.在SW半圆,圆周度数等于180°减去半圆度数 D.在NW半圆,圆周度数等于360°减去半圆度数 5.某船真航向120°,该船左舷160°某物标的真方位为。 A.40°B.040°C.320°D.280° 6.某轮陀罗航向300°,陀罗差2°E,则左正横处物标的真方位是: A.210°B.208°C.212°D.270° 7.当船舶转向时,下列哪些随之发生改变?I.真方位 II. 罗方位 III. 磁方位 IV. 舷角A.I、II B.III、IV C.I、III D.II、IV 8.某船沿极圈(66°33'N)航行,已知计程仪改正率为0.0%,无航行和推算误差,则实际船位比在海图上按计程仪航程推算的推算船位(不考虑风流影响)。 A.超前B.落后C.一致D.不一定 9.测者眼高为25m,物标高程为16m,则测者能见地平距离为_________海里. A.8.36 B.12.54 C.10.45 D.18.81 10.通常英版海图和《灯标雾号表》中灯塔灯光的最大可见距离可能与下列哪些因素有关? I:测者眼高 II:灯高 III:射程 IV:地面曲率 V:地面蒙气差 VI:能见度 A.I~III B.IV~VI C.III~V D.I~VI 11.相对计程仪显示的航程是_______ A船舶在各种风流情况下的对水航程 B.船舶在无风流情况下的对水航程 C船舶在仅仅受到风的影响下的对水航程 D.船舶在仅仅受到流的影响下的对水航程 12.某轮航速12kn,航行2h后相对计程仪读数差为27'.0,计程仪改正率ΔL=0%,已知该轮实际航程为30 n mile,则该轮航行在中。 A.顺风顺流B.顶风顺流C.顶流顺风D.顶风顶流 13.某轮航速12kn,顶风顺流航行,流速2kn,风使船减速1kn,0600计程仪读数为100'.0,计程仪改正率ΔL=+10%,则1h后相对计程仪读数为: A.110'.0 110'.0 B.110'.9 C.111'.8 D.112'.7 14.某张墨卡托海图的基准纬度。 A.等于该图的平均纬度B.等于该图的最高纬度 C.等于该图的最低纬度D.可能不在该图内 15.墨卡托海图能保持等角投影是由于________ A.图上任意点各个方向局部比例尺相同 B.图上各点局部比例尺相同 C.图上各点局部比例尺均等于基准比例尺 D.图上各纬线局部比例尺相同


47期适任证考试航海学部分 2009 年第1期海船船员适任统考试题(总第47 期) 科目:航海学试卷代号:913. 适用对象:无限航区3000 总吨及以上船舶二/三副 本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 1.航海上进行精度较高的计算时,通常将地球当作: A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D.不规则几何体 2.某船由20°S,170°W 航行争20°N,170°E,则该船经差和纬差的方向分别为__________。A.E 经差、N 纬差B.E 经差、S 纬差C.W 经差、N 纬差D.W 经差,S 纬差 3.从海图上查得GPS 船位修正的说明有"Latitude2.’10Northward.Longitude 1.’4Eastward" 字样。GPS 的经、纬度读数为:30°40.’2S,15°12.15W。则用于海图上定位的数据应为:A.30°41.’3S,15°12.’9W B.30°40.’0S,15°11.’5W C.30°39.’2S,15°12.’3W D.30°38.’1S,15°11.’1W 4.半圆周法方向换算为圆周按方向的法则是__________ A.在SE 半圆,圆周度数等于180°加上半圆度数 B.在NE 半圆,圆周度数等于360°减去半圆度数 C.在SW 半圆,圆周度数等于180°减去半圆度数 D.在NW 半圆,圆周度数等于360°减去半圆度数 5.我船航向060°,某船位于我船右舷10°,距离8海里,若该船航向220°,两船保向保速,则5分钟后,我船位于该船舷角(圆周法度量)___________ A.增大B.减小 C 不变D.不确定 6.陀螺航向是__________ A.真北和航向线之间的夹角B.真北和方位线之间的夹角 C.陀螺北和航向线之间的夹角D.陀螺北和方位线之间的夹角 7.某地磁差资料为:磁差偏西0°30’(1997),.年差一2.’0,则该地2007年的磁差为___________ A.0°10’E B.0°10’W C.0°50’W D.0°50’E 8.某轮由50°S 纬线向北航行,无航行误差,计程仪改正率为0.0%,则1h后推算船位位于实际船位的_________ (不考虑风流影响)。 A.北面D.南面C.同一点D.不一定 9.测者眼高为16m,物标高程36m,则测者能见地平距离为___________海里。 A.8.36 B.12.54 C.10.45 D.20.9 10. 英版海图某灯塔灯高64m,额定光力射程30M,已知测者眼高为25m,则能见度良好(10nmile ) 时该灯塔灯的最大可见距离是____________ A.21.4n mile B.27.2n mile C.28.6n mile D.25.0n mile 11. 对地航程是________ A.船舶在仅仅受到风的影响下的对地航程B.船舶在仅仅受到流的影响下的对地航程粤C.船舶在各种风流情况下的对水航程D.船舶在各种风流情况下的对地航程 12. 顺风顺流情况下航行,船舶对水航速V L,对地航速V G,船速V E,航时t,则_________ A.V G< V L < V E B.V L > V E且V L> V G C.V G> V L > V E D.V L< V E且V G> V L


中华人民共和国海事局 海船船员适任证书全国统考模拟试题 科目:航海英语试卷代号:902 适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑.第1题至82题,每题1分,第83题至94题,每题1.5分. 一.单项选择题 1.The characteristic of a lighted cardinal mark may be ________. A.very quick flashing B.flashing C.fixed D.occulting 2.________gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks,lateral,cardinal,isolated danger,safe water and special marks. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735) D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100) 3.A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ________. A.Circle of equal altitude B.Parallel of declination C.Parallel of altitude D.Vertical circle 4.________is not contained in the NM Weekly. A. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals C. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals D. Supplement to Guide to Port Entry 5.The Coast Radio Stations are found in ________. A.Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals B.Admiralty Maritime Communications C.Admiralty List of Radio Signals D.Admiralty Digital List of Lights 6.A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a ________. A.First edition B.New edition C.Revised edition D.Reprint 7.When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results ________. A. in the vessel's Official Logbook B. on the compass deviation card C. in the compass deviation log D. on a Napier diagram 8.The indemnity for damage to cargo shall be determined on the basis of the {difference} between the value of the goods before and after the damage. A. profit B. surplus C. balance D. interest 9.A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except ________. A. rising warm air B. proximity to a low pressure area C. inward spiraling circulation D. clear dry weather 10.On a nautical chart,the inner ring of a compass rose indicates _________. A.True directions B.Compass error C.Deviation D.Magnetic directions 11.The height of a tide can be increased by_________. A.A storm surge B.A high pressure area C.The jet stream D.A cold front 12.That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH W ATCH END means that _________.A.any list, no matter where it is posted, shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOW B.the vessel should not be removed C.any and all lists on board the vessel should be taken off D.the inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW 13.Protection of cargo against tainting damage can best be obtained by _________. A. Ventilating the space. B. Not ventilating the space. C. Proper use of paper separation and dunnage. D. Segregation of cargo by using different hatches 14.Instructions for training of new seamen are usually found in _________. A.Decklogs B.Night Orders C.Standing orders D.Muster List 15.I'll have the damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses _________. A.Incurred B.Happened C.Spent D.Paying out 16.The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be _________. A.temporary B.permanent C.occasional D.steady 17.The Owners to have a ________upon all cargoes and subfreights belonging to the Time-Charterers and any Bill of Lading freight for all claims under this Charter. A. laden B. lading C. lying D. lien 18.We regret that in view of the above,we are not in a position to ________liability for the shortage.A.Consume B.Perfume C.Assume D.Confuse 19.The helm command CHECK HER means ________. A.test the steering control B.read the compass heading C.stop the swing using hard over rudder D.slow the swing using moderate rudder 20.Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to a cargo when the damage arises from ________. A.Unseaworthiness when sailing B.Insufficient packing C.Quarantine delays D.Mismanagement of the vessel 21.The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertically and laterally is called the ________. A. swivel B. lizard C. spider band D. gooseneck 22.The vessel to be ________on the expiration of the Charter in the like goods order as when delivered to the Charterers. A. delivered B. redelivered C. taken over D. withdrawn


航海学大连海事大学 1.1.1 地球形状 ·用大地球体描述地球形状,大地球体是大地水准面团城的球体. ·常用的大地球体的近似体有两个: 地球圆球体(用于简便的航海计算,如航迹计算,简易墨卡托海图绘制,大圆航向和航程计算); 地球椭圆体(用于较精确的航海计算等,如定义地理坐标,墨卡托海图绘制) 1.航海上为了简化计算,通常将地球当作: A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D.不规则几何体 2.航海上进行精度较高的计算时,通常将地球当作: A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D.不规则几何体 3.航海学中,使用地球椭圆体为地球数学模型的场合是: I.描述地球形状时;II.定义地理坐标时;III.制作墨卡托投影海图时;IV.计算大圆航线时;V,制作简易墨卡托图网时 A.I、II B.II、III C.III、IV D.III、V 4.航海学中,使用地球圆球体为地球数学模型的场合是: I.描述地球形状时;II.定义地理坐标时;III.制作墨卡托投影海图时;IV.计算大圆航线时;V.制作简易墨卡托图网时 A.Ⅰ、ⅡB.Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅳ、Ⅴ 5.航海学中的地球形状是指: A.地球自然表面围成的几何体B.大地水准面围成的几何体 C.地球圆球体D.以上都对 6.航海学中的地球形状用描述。 A.地球自然表面围成的几何体B.大地球体 C.地球椭圆体D.以上都对 1.1.2 地理坐标 1.1. 2.1 地理经度和地理纬度的定义和度量方法. 地理坐标包括地理经度和地理纬度,是建立在地球椭圆体基础之上. 地理经度(Long.,λ:格林经线和某地经线所夹的赤道短弧或该短弧所对应的球面角或球心角. 地理纬度(lat.,?):地球椭圆子午线上某点的法线与赤道面的交角. 7.地理经度以作为基准线的 A.赤道. B.格林经线C.测者经线D.测者子午圈 8.某地地理经度是格林子午线与该地子午线之间的 A.赤道短弧B.赤道短弧所对应的球心角 C.极角D.A.B.C都对 9. 地理坐标的基准线是 A.经线、纬线B.赤道、经线 C.格林子午圈、纬圈D.赤道、格林子午线 10.地理经度的度量方法是 A.由格林子午线向东度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~180o B.由格林子午线向西度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~180o C.由格林子午线向东度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~360o D.A或B 11.地理经度的度量方法是 A.由该点子午线向东或向西度量到格林子午线,度量范围0~180o B.由该点子午线向东或向西度量到格林子午线,度量范围0~360o C.由格林子午线向东或向西度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~180o


【单选】移向冷的下垫面气团具有的天气特征:i.气温日变化大;n.变性快;川.变性慢;w.气压高;V.气压低;w.气温日变化小。 A.川、V、W B. i、n、v D. i、n、w、 【单选】根据IMO 船舶报告系统文件,船舶报告分为一般报告和特殊报告,特殊报告有: I、危险货物报告(DG , Dangerous goods report) ;n、有害物品报告(HS, Harmful substances report);川、航行计划报告(SP, Sailing plan ) ;W、船位报告(PR, Position report) ;V、变更报告(DR, Deviation report ) ;W、最终报告(FR, Final report);四、海洋污染报告(MP , Marine pollutants report );忸、其他报告( Any other report ) A.I ?W B.川?W c. i、n 、四、忸 D. I?忸 【单选】北太平洋台风区内的最大涌区,常出现在台风前进方向的: A.右前方 B.左前方 C.右后方 D.左后方 【单选】适淹礁是指 _____ A.平均大潮高潮时露出的孤立岩石 B.平均大潮高潮面下,深度基准面以上的孤立岩石 C.深度基准面适淹的礁石 D.深度基准面以下的孤立岩石 【单选】船舶在VTS 区域内航行、停泊和作业时,在下述哪些情况下需要按主管机关颁发的《VTS 用户指南》所明确的报告程序和内容,通过甚高频无线电话或其他有效手段迅速向VTS中心进行报告?I、发生交通事故;n、发生污染事故;川、发生紧急情况;w、发生船员皮肤意外受轻伤事故


期大副班“航海学”模拟试卷A 卷(附答案)

————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

52期大副考证班“航海学”模拟试卷A卷(附答案) 姓名得分 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。每题1分,共100分。 1.从海图上查得GPS船位修正的说明中有“Latitude 1′.0 Northward,Longitude 0′.2 Eastward”字样。GPS的经、纬度读数为:33°40′.2S,10°12′.5E。则用于海图上定位的数据应为。 A.33°39′.2S,10°12′.7E B.33°41′.2S,10°12′.7E C.33°39′.2S,10°12′.3E D.33°40′.0S,10°11′.5E 参考答案:A 2.某船在我船右前方成交叉态势,系统观察后断定该船能安全在我船首通过,则该船通过我船首线之后时,他船位于我船的舷角(半周法度量)如何变化。 A.舷角变大 B.舷角变小 C.舷角不变 D.无法确定 参考答案:A 3.某船真航向120°,该船右舷280°某物标的真方位为。 A.400° B.160° C.320° D.040° 参考答案:D 4.某轮计程仪改正率为0.0%,无航行误差,则在44°14'S~44°14'N范围内,无论航向是多少,推算船位永远比实际船位(不考虑风流影响)。 A.超前 B.落后 C.重合 D.无法确定 参考答案:B 5.测者眼高为16m,物标高程为25m,则测者能见地平距离为 n mile。 A.6.27 B.8.36 C.10.45 D.18.81 参考答案:B 6.英版海图和灯标表中所标射程仅与有关。 A.测者眼高和灯塔灯高 B.灯塔灯高和灯光强度 C.灯光强度和气象能见度 D.灯塔灯高、灯光强度、地面曲率和地面蒙气差 参考答案:C 7.对地航程是。 A.船舶在仅仅受到风的影响下的对地航程 B.船舶在仅仅受到流的影响下的对地航程 C.船舶在各种风流情况下的对水航程 D.船舶在各种风流情况下的对地航程 3 / 14


船用磁罗经 一、选择题 1. 磁罗经自差是指________ 与______ 的水平夹角。 A .真北,磁北 B .真北,罗北 C.磁北,罗北 D.船首基线,罗北 2. 磁铁的磁矩是________ 间距离之乘积。 A .同名磁量与两端 B .同名磁量与两磁极 C.磁场强度与两端 D .磁场强度与两磁极 3. 硬铁磁化较软铁磁化来得_________ ,且剩磁______ 。 A .容易,大 B .容易,小 C.不易,大 D .不易,小 4. 船舶硬铁船磁力在磁罗经三个坐标轴上的投影力分别为____________ A.P,Q,R B.P,fz,R C.cz,Q,R D.P,Q,kz 5. 表示船舶指向船首的硬铁船磁力的符号为___________ 。 A.P B.Q C.R D.fz 6. 表示船舶指向左舷的硬铁船磁力的符号为___________ 。 A.-P B.-Q C.+R D.+fz 7. 船舶硬铁船磁力与________ 因素有关。 A ?船位 B .航向 C ?航速 D ?罗经安装位置 8. 地磁南极具有________ 磁量,地磁北极具有 _______ 磁量。 A .负,正 B ?正,负 C ?负,负 D .正,正 9. 围绕地球空间的地磁磁力线是从_________ 。 A. 北半球走向南半球 B ?南半球走向北半球 C ?两地磁极走向磁赤道 D .磁赤道走向两地磁极 10. 磁倾角各地相等的点连成的曲线称为_________ 。

A .磁赤道 B .磁纬度 C ?磁经度 D.等磁差线 11. 磁赤道是指 ______ 的各点的连线。 A. 磁差为零 B. 磁倾角为零 C .地磁水平分力为零 D.与地理赤道相重合 12. 地磁力的水平分力在 ________ 为零,垂直分力在_________ 为零 A .地磁极,地磁极 B .磁赤道,磁赤道 C .地磁极,磁赤道 D .磁赤道,地磁极 13. 地磁南极的位置每年均 _________ 。 A?缓慢地变化 B. 迅速地变化 C ?固定不动 D ?无规律地波动 14. 磁倾角是指地磁磁力线与当地________ 的夹角。 A?罗经子午线 B. 地理子午线 C .水平面 D .垂直面 15. 船用磁罗经的指向力是 _________ 。 A. 地磁水平分力 B .地磁垂直分力 C. 永久船磁力 D. 感应船磁力 16. 当磁罗经位于 ______ 时,其指向力最大。 A .北半球 B .南半球 C?磁赤道附近 D.两磁极附近 17. 磁罗经在磁极附近不能指向,是因为此时__________ 。 A. 垂直分力较强 B ?垂直分力等于零 C ?水平分力较强 B .航向 C ?船速 D .时间 19. 安装在钢铁船上的磁罗经受到软铁磁力和硬铁磁力的作用而产生 A .磁差 B .罗经差 C ?自差 D .误差 20. 磁罗经在_______ 情况下不存在自差。 A .钢质船在船坞


中华人民共和国海事局 2005年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第38期) 科目:航海学试卷代号:913 1. 纬度是以_____作为基准线计量的。 A. 赤道 B. 等纬圈 C. 格林经线 D. 测者经线 2. 每年12月22日,对于纬度10°N的测者来说太阳中天高度和方位各为: A.H=76°33′;A=0° B.H=56°33′;A=0° C.H=56°33′;A=180° D.H=76°33′; A=180° 3. 已知到达点纬度为30°11'.8N,两地间纬差为 38°07'.8N,则起航点纬度为: A. 20°19'.6N B. 08°04'.0N C. 07°56'.0S D. 08°04'.0S 4. 天体圆周方位为310°,测者纬度为10°N,化为半圆方位应为: A. 10°NE B.130°SW C.50°NW D.130°SE 5. 罗经点方向SW/S换算成圆周方向为: A. 258°.75 B. 236°.25 C. 213°.75 D. 191°.25 6. 测者南北线是由什么面确定的? A. 测者真地平平面与测者子午圈平面 B. 测者真地平平面与测者卯酉圈平面 C. 测者地面真地平平面与测者子午圈平面 D. 测者地面真地平平面与测者卯酉圈平 面 7. 某船真航向300°,测得某物标真方位350°,则该物标的相对方位(舷角)为: A. 350° B. 50°右 C. 50°左 D. 290°右 8. 有A、B二张墨卡托图,A图上10 N纬线到赤道的子午线图长为601.5mm,B图上10 N纬线 到赤道的子午线图长为621mm,则两图的基准比例尺: A.A图一定比B图大 B.B图一定比A图大 C.A图与B图相等 D.视两图的基准 纬度而定 9. 某船真航向120°,该船右正横某物标的真方位为: A. 210° B. 30° C. 030° D. 090° 10. 某地磁差资料为:Var. 0°40'W(1979),increase about 2'.5 annually,则该地 1999年的磁差为: A. 1°05'W B. 0°15'W C. 1°30'W D. 0°10'E 11. 若已知某轮罗航向CC=000°,磁差Var=2°W,罗经差ΔC=1°W,则该轮真航向为: A. 357° B. 359° C. 001° D. 003° 12. 1月6日区时0350,船舶位于经度等于66°20′E处,则世界时为: A.2250 5/1 B.2350 5/1 C.0750 6/1 D.0850 6/1 13. 航海上,公式D O(n mile)=2.09e+2.09H是用于计算: A.测者能见地平距离 B.物标能见地平距离 C.物标地理能见距离 D.雷达地理能见距离 14. 某轮由45°N纬线向北航行,无航行误差,计程仪改正率为0.0%,则1h后实际船位位 于推算船位的(不考虑风流影响): A. 北面 B. 南面 C. 同一点 D. 不一定 15. 某船沿赤道航行,已知计程仪改正率0.0%,无航行和推算误差,则在海图上按计程仪 航程推算的船位比实际船位(不考虑风流影响): A. 超前 B. 落后 C. 一致 D. 不一定


中华人民共和国海事局 2007年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第42期) 科目:航海英语试卷代号:902 适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑. 第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至78题每题10分. 一.单项选择题 1.The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white. A. furnished B. painted C. prepared D. written 2. A Notice of Marine Casualty to a vessel must include ______ . A. the estimated cost of damage B. the name of the owner or agent of the vessel C. an evaluation of who was at fault D. the amount of ballast on board 3.In the absence of external forces,adding weight on one side of a floating vessel causes the vessel to ______. A. heel until the angle of loll is reached B. list until the center of buoyancy is aligned vertically with the center of gravity C. trim to the side opposite TCG until all moments are equal D. decrease draft at the center of flotation 4.We have come on board to check with you on the main items of repairs as stated in the ______. A.order list B.repair list C.store list D.spare parts list 5.Upon the survey it is found the deck control valve of the fore peak tank could not be ______. A.tightened formally B.shut tightly https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe9889938.html,bined properly D.closed suitably 6.Bulkheads which form part of the tanks on a vessel are stiffened to withstand ______. A. deck loads from above B. dynamic forces while afloat C. hydrostatic pressure D. over-pressurization 7.What is the worse consideration for the hull girder at sea? A. When the wave crest are fore and aft B. When a wave length between the crests is approximately equal to the length of the ship C. If the wave crest is amidships D. None of above 8.The receipts or certificates that the master obtains from the operator of port reception facilities, or from the master of the ship receiving the garbage must be kept on board the ship with the Garbage Record Book for ______ years. A. two B. three C. five D. half a year 9.The full utilization of berths can be achieved if ______.


中华人民共和国海事局 2006年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第41期) 科目:航海学试卷代号:913 适用对象:无限航区3000总吨及以上船舶二/三副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。每题1分,共100分。 1. 航海上进行精度较高的计算时,通常将地球当作: A. 圆球体 B. 椭圆体 C. 椭球体 D. 不规则几何体 2. 纬度是以______作为基准线计量的。 A. 赤道 B. 等纬圈 C. 格林经线 D. 测者经线 3. 已知到达点经度λ2=006°18'.0E,两地间的经差Dλ=12°12'.0E,则起航点经度λ1 为: A. 005°54'.0E B. 018°30'.0E C. 005°54'.0W D. 018°30'.0W 4. 从海图上查得GPS船位修正的说明中有“Latitude 1'.10 Southward,Longitude 0'. 40Eastward”字样。GPS的经、纬度读数为:30°40'. 2S,15°12'. 5W。则用于海图上定位的数据应为: A. 30°41'. 3S,15°12'. 9W B. 30°41'. 3S,15°12'. 1W C. 30°39'. 2S,15°12'. 3W D. 30°40'. 0S,15°11'. 5W 5. 罗经点方向ENE换算成圆周方向为: A. 067°.5 B. 079°.75 C. 056°.25 D. 033°.75 6. 真航向是: A. 船舶航行的方向 B. 船首尾线的方向 C. 船首向 D. 船舶航行时真北至船首尾线的夹角 7. 某船陀罗航向140°,陀罗差1°E,测得某物标真方位080°,则该物标舷角为: A. 61° B. 060° C. 299° D. 300° 8. 某船罗航向045°,该地磁差2°W,罗经自差1°E,该船左正横物标真方位为: A. 314° B. 316° C. 135° D. 134° 9. 某轮由赤道起沿子午线向北航行,计程仪读数差为720',计程仪改正率△L=0%,不考虑外 界影响和航行等误差,则实际到达点的纬度______。 A. 等于12°N B. 大于12°N C. 小于12°N D. 无法确定 10. 航海上,公式D h(n mile)=H是用于计算______。H-为物标顶点离海平面的高度,单 位为米 A. 测者能见地平距离 B. 物标能见地平距离 C. 物标地理能见距离 D. 雷达地理能见距离 11. 通常英版海图和灯标表中灯塔灯光的最大可见距离可能与下列哪些因素有关?Ⅰ、测者眼 高;Ⅱ、灯高;Ⅲ、射程;Ⅳ、地面曲率;Ⅴ、地面蒙气差;Ⅵ、能见度 A. Ⅰ~Ⅲ B. Ⅳ~Ⅵ C. Ⅲ~Ⅴ D. Ⅰ~Ⅵ12. 英版海图某灯塔灯高69英尺,该轮额定光力射程18海里,你船眼高45英尺,当气象能见 度为10海里时,该灯塔灯光最大可见距离为: A. 海里 B. 海里 C. 海里 D. 海里 13. 某轮船速12kn,航行2h后相对计程仪读数差为27'.0,计程仪改正率ΔL=0%,已知该轮 实际航程为30 n mile,则该轮航行在______中。 A. 顺风顺流 B. 顶风顺流 C. 顶流顺风 D. 顶风顶流 14. 某轮漂航,船上相对计程仪改正率ΔL=0%,海区内有流,流速2kn,1h后计程仪航程为: A. 0'.0 B. +2'.0 C. -2'.0 D. +3'.0 15. 墨卡托海图的比例尺是:Ⅰ、图上各个局部比例尺的平均值;Ⅱ、图上某基准纬线的局部比 例尺;Ⅲ、图外某基准纬度的局部比例尺 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ C. Ⅰ、Ⅲ D. Ⅱ、Ⅲ 16. 海图绘制工作中绘画误差不超过,比例尺为1:500000的海图的极限精度为: A. 50m B. 100m C. 150m D. 200m 17. 恒向线在地面的形状是:Ⅰ、子午线;Ⅱ、球面螺旋线;Ⅲ、等纬圈 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ C. Ⅰ、Ⅲ D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 18. 纬度渐长率是指墨卡托海图上______。 A. 自赤道到某纬度线的距离 B. 自赤道到某纬线的距离与图上1海里的比 C. 自赤道到某纬线的距离与图上1赤道里的比 D. 任意两纬线之间的距离与图上1赤道里的比 19. 大圆海图的投影方法是属于: A. 心射平面投影 B. 极射平面投影 C. 外射平面投影 D. 等角平面投影 20. 英版海图通常采用______为深度基准。 A. 理论最低潮面 B. 天文最低潮面 C. 平均大潮低潮面 D. 平均低低潮面 21. 海图图幅是指: A. 海图图纸的尺寸 B. 海图内廓界限尺寸 C. 海图外廓界限尺寸 D. 印刷海图的图版尺寸 22. 同一物标在中版海图上标注的高程比在英版海图上标注的高程______。 A. 大 B. 小 C. 一样大 D. 无法确定 23. 英版海图通常采用______为海图水深的单位。 A. 米制海图用m,拓制海图用ft B. 米制海图用m,拓制海图用fm C. 米制海图用fm,拓制海图用fm和ft D. 米制海图用m,拓制海图用fm和ft 24. 英版海图图式“Sh”表示: A. 贝壳 B. 粘土 C. 珊瑚 D. 泥 25. 英版海图图式中,缩写“PA”是指: A. 礁石、浅滩等的存在有疑问 B. 深度可能小于已注明的水深注记 C. 对危险物的位置有怀疑 D. 危险物的位置未经精确测量 26. 中版图式“ ”表示: A. 沉船残骸及其它有碍抛锚和拖网的地区 B. 深度不明的障碍物 C. 鱼栅 D. 贝类养殖场


驾驶英语标准化 题库 第一部分:日常用语 C 1.When a foreigner meets you for the first time and says “How do you do ?”to you , you should say . A. How are you ? B. Fine , thank you . And you ? C. How do you do ? D. Glad to see you . B 2.If you lost your way to the port, you should ask someone“Excuse me,?” A. I ‘d like a cup of tea . B. could you tell me the way to the port C. what’s the time D. is it May 4th D3.——Nice to meet you. ——. A. How do you do? B. Who are you ? C. How are you ? D. Nice to meet you,too. 答案:D (1分题) 4.Somebody does you a favor , you should say A. Here you are . B. Thanks a lot . C. That’s all right . D. That’s right . 答案:B (1分题) 5.At the department store, you want to know the price of the coat , you should say A. Tell me the way , please . B. Do you know the time ? C. How much is it ? D. Wait a moment ,please. 答案:C (1分题) 6.——Mrs. Mary , I’d like to introduce my Chinese friend Mr. Wang ,he is a new comer. —— A. All right . B. Never mind . C. Please to meet you. D. I’m wrong . 答案:C (1分题) 7.If a passer asked you the way , and you really don’t know , what’s the best answer A. I don’t know . B. Oh , tha t’s right . C. No , never mind . D. I’m sorry . I’m a stranger here myself . 答案:D (1分题) 8.You are now in the department store . You want to buy something . When a shop assistance says to you “ Can I help you ? ” , you should say A. Yes , you can . B. No , you can’t. C. I’m looking for a coat for myself. D. It has nothing to do with you . 答案:C (1分题) 9.You haven’t feeling well , and you are seeing the doctor ,you should tell the doctor A. I’d like have a look at the hats . B. I’m sorry . C. Could you give me your name? D. I’m afraid I had a bad cold. 答案:D (1分题) 10.If you want to buy something . You should go to the A. bank . B. supermarket . C. post office. D. customs. 答案:B (1分题) 11.Take the _____block on right and then ask again. A.2 B.two C.twice D.2nd 答案:D (1分题) 12.is it ? Fifty dollar s.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often 答案:B (1分题)

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