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听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.How long did it take the man to type the letter?

A. Two hours.

B. Less than one hour

C. More than one and a half hours..

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A..Johnson is out now

B. Johnson is waiting for the call .

C. .The line to Johnson is busy now

3. What is the woman think of herself?

A. Singing

B..Playing the piano

C. .Playing the drums

4. What does the woman think of herself?

A. Careless.

B. Bad .

C. Thoughtless .

5.How much did the woman pay for her sweater?

A. $.10


C.$50 .




6.When did the woman get to London?

A. Last spring.

B..A few hours ago

C. Last month .

7.Why did the woman got to London?

A. Because she wanted to visit some relatives .

B..Because she wanted to visit some tourist attractions

C. Because she was on an educational programme.

8.What?s the meaning of moonlighting?

A. A second job

B.A hobby

C.A kind of tool for lighting . 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9.Where is the man?

A. At home

B. In the office

C. On the bus

10. Who would visit the man at 4:00 that afternoon?

A. Mr. Johnson

B. Miss Li .

C. Mr. Hopkins

11. What?s the relationship between the man and the woman?


B. Couple

C. Workmates


12. What made the man feel low-spirited?

A. That he saw a person spitting on the bus

B..That he had something stolen on the bus

C. That he fell sick with a flu

13.How many hours late was the train from Toronto?

A.2 hours


C.3 hours.

14. What will the man do?

A. Go to pick up his friend

B. See his friend off

C. Buy a train ticket


15.What does the man think of his vacation?

A. Exciting .

B. Meaningful

C. Disappointing.

16. How does the man spend his vacation?

A. Staying at home

B. Visiting his friends

C. Taking a trip

17.What is the man probably going to do this afternoon?

A. See a movie

B. Have a picnic.

C. Go swimming.


18. What is the most important thing to do on the first day in college?

A. .Find out where the classrooms are.

B. Know about the professor.

C. Arrive at the classroom on time

19. What is an advantage of “Welcome Week” to new students?

A. They can receive a teaching plan.

B. They can meet new friends.

C. They can learn about a professor?s teaching style.

20.How should a new student take notes during a class?

A. With a laptop

B. With a desktop

C. With a pen and a notebook. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)


21. Most of the visitors were happy just sitting around in the shade, _________ it

had been a long, dusty journey on the train.

A. for

B. so

C. but

D. or

22. What little money he did have ________ on a record selected with extreme

care which became, to his way of thinking, a possession close to his heart.

A. spent

B. been spent

C. was spent

D. to spend

23. We tend to ________ happiness with freedom, but, as a psychotherapist and

writer has observed, without obstacles to our desires it?s harder to know what we want, or where we?re heading.

A. combine

B. compare

C. equip

D. equate

24. --- Cathy, in my opinion, is very __________.

--- Absolutely! She prefers home life to going out.

A. domestic

B. energetic

C. dynamic

D. enthusiastic

25. As Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, peace is not merely a distant goal that we

seek, but a means ________ we arrive at that goal.

A. that

B. where

C. by which

D. with which

26. Of the forces shaping higher education _______ is more sweeping than the

movement across borders.

A. nothing

B. none

C. either

D. anything

27. Our car _____ engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a roadside rest area.

A. developed

B. being developed

C. having developed

D. to develop

28.--- Nobody in life gets _______ what they thought they were going to get.

--- But if you work really hard and you?re kind, amazing things will happen.

A. simply

B. exactly

C. seemingly

D. really

29. Hillary Clinton, at the first official event of her presidential campaign, ______

the ideas that she said will be at the heart of her campaign.

A. spelt out

B. cross out

C. made up

D. covered up

30. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, “Success is

_______ you look back at your life and the memories make you smile. ”

A. how

B. that

C. where

D. when

31. --- What …s this? I hear about your appearing on the six o?clock news.

--- Oh that. Some people _______ something on campus and I just happened to pass in front of the camera.

A. filmed

B. had filmed

C. were filming

D. have been filming

32. To survive in the world, we have to act _______ others, but to survive as

ourselves, we have to act alone.

A. in honor of

B. in concert with

C. in light of

D. in contact with

33. I ________ able to catch the fist light home, but my watch betrayed me.

A. were

B. had been

C. would be

D. would have been

34. Microsoft, in a(n) _______ from tradition, has already released similar

touch-friendly Office apps for Apple Inc?s iPad and iPhone.

A. independence

B. absence

C. departure

D. survival

35. --- Ann, our department may be named the Department of the Year because of

the outstanding performance.

--- _______.

A. Good to know

B. I?ll say

C. I hear you on that one

D. Can?t argue with that



Someone recently asked me when I became more confident about my abilities as an entrepreneur. I thought it was a funny question, __36___ I? not very confident at all, and constantly filled with ___37___ about every decision I make.

It doesn?t exactly hold me back in my work; it?s just that I am very ___38____ of what I do, and I?m always __39___ on the way I work, think and talk. I have also learned over the years that making a decision is often more important than making the ___40____ decision. Preferably your decisions are the right ones, but inaction or indecisiveness is more ___41___ than making the wrong decisions every now and then.

There is one thing I have learned over the years that I wish I had learned earlier in my career. And that is the __42__ that I am not stupid.

It sounds logical, but I often sat in on meetings and heard people explain things and then __43___ to myself, “ I don?t understand that. Maybe I?m stupid?” or I would hear about a startup and I wouldn?t ___44___ their business model and think I?m stupid. Or I would hear an entrepreneur speak and think, “ That all like ___45___ bullshit, but I must be stupid, because other people seem to love it.”

A couple of years ago, I came to the ___46___ that I was not stupid at all.

When people in meetings say things I don?t? understand I ____47____ up and tell them so. Usually, I hear a sigh of ___48___ in the room and find out nobody understood what was being talked about.

When I don?t understand a business model it usually means there is not one, or it ___49___. Turns out I?m not stupid and ___50___ I don?t understand it, most people won?t understand it at all. ___51___ doubting my own abilities I?ve learned to ___52___ my “bullshit radar” a bit more and not understanding something is a clear sign that something is ___53____.

My advice to young entrepreneurs is this: you are not stupid! If something does not make ___54___, if it sounds stupid, if you don?t understand it, something is wrong! Trust your gut( 本能的) ___55___. Feel free not to know and be honest when you don?t? understand something!

36. A. if B. unless C. because D. when

37. A. disappointment B. doubt C. terror D. curiosity

38. A. conscious B. tired C. ashamed D. fond

39. A. insisting B. working C. relying D. reflecting

40. A. right B. tough C. firm D. final

41. A. boring B. costly C. disgusting D. significant

42. A. truth B. concept C. realization D. reputation

43. A. thought B. referred C. smiled D. came

44. A. mind B. know C. love D. understand

45.A. tastes B. sounds C. smells D. looks

46.A. compromise B. conclusion C. point D. agreement

47.A. speak B. look C. hang D. cheer

48. A. despair B. pleasure C. relief D. impatience

49. A. disappears B. ceases C. approaches D. sucks

50. A. since B. if C. as D. while

51. A. Instead of B. Apart from C. As well as D. Regardless of

52. A. operate B. differentiate C. trust D. inspect

53. A. in B. up C. on D. off

54. A. progress B. history C. money D. sense

55. A. feeling B. level C. happiness D. comfort



A. Life On Air.

B. Our Zoo.

C. Nigella Christmas

D. Doctor Who

57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. This passage is probably taken from a newspaper column.

B. People are likely to get a discount whichever book they purchase.

C. Each of the reviewers thinks highly of the four books.

D. All of the four books don't belong to a certain book series.


Lee Kuan Yew emerged onto the international stage as the founding father of the state of Singapore, then a city of about 1 million. He developed into a world statesman who acted as a kind of conscience to leaders around the globe.

Fate initially seemed not to have provided him with a stage on which to achieve more than modest local success. In the first phase of decolonization, Singapore emerged as a part of Malaya. It was cut loose because of tensions between Singapore?s largely Chinese population and the Malay majority and, above all, to teach the city a lesson of dependency, Malaya undoubtedly expected that reality would cure Singapore of its independent spirit.

But great men become such through visions beyond material calculations. Lee challenged conventional wisdom by opting for statehood. The choice reflected a deep faith in the virtues of his people. He asserted that a city located on a sandbar with no economic resource to draw upon, and whose major industry as a colonial naval base had disappeared, could nevertheless thrive and achieve international reputation by building on its principal asset(财富): the intelligence,

industry and dedication of its people.

A great leader takes his or her society from where it is to where it has never been ---- indeed, where it as yet cannot imagine being. By insisting on quality education, by suppressing corruption and by basing governance on merit. Lee and his colleagues raised the annual per capita income of their population from $500 at the time of independence in 1965 to roughly $55,000 today. In a generation, Singapore became an international financial center., the leading intellectual metropolis of Southeast Asia, the location of the region?s major hospitals and a favored site for conferences on international affairs. It did so by adhering to an extraordinary pragmatism: by opening careers to the best talents and encouraging them to adopt the best practices from all over the world..

Superior performance was one component of that achievement. Superior leadership was even more important. As the decades went by, it was moving ---- and inspirational ---- to see Lee., the mayor of a medium-size city, become a mentor of global strategic order.

The great tragedy of Lee?s life was that his beloved wife was felled by a stroke that left her a prisoner in her body, unable to communicate or receive communication. Through all that time, Lee sat by her bedside in the evening reading to her. He had faith that she understood despite the evidence to the contrary.

Perhaps this was Lee Kuan Yew?s role in his era. He had the same hope for our world. He fought for its better instincts even when the evidence was ambiguous. But many of us heard him and will never forget him.

58. Why did Lee Kuan Yew choose to lead Singapore to be independent?

A. He intended to act as a kind of conscience to leaders around the globe.

B. He determined his people shouldn?t be subjected to Malaya anymore.

C. He had considerable confidence in the value of the city?s assets.

D. He wanted Singapore to be the most powerful country worldwide.

59. From the underlined sentence in Paragraph2, we can know that ________.

A. Malaya expected Singapore to be powerful

B. Malaya had a desire to kick off Singapore

C. Malaya firmly believed Singapore would give in

D. Malaya didn?t think Singapore possessed independent spirit

60. The fourth paragraph is organized to ________.

A. illustrate how advanced Singapore has been today

B. demonstrate Lee Kuan Yew attached great importance to the talents

C. prove what a crucial decision Lee Kuan Yew once made

D. show the tremendous impact Lee Kuan Yew had on Singapore

61. Which of the following can best describe Lee Kuan Yew?

A. Stubborn and arbitrary

B. Aggressive and affectionate.

C. Demanding and bossy

D. Outspoken and humorous.


Scientists from the United States say they have found fish and other creatures living under key waters in Antarctica. They made the announcement after completing three months of research at the Ross Ice Shelf, the world?s largest floating ice sheet.

The researchers hoped to find clues to explain the force of the melting ice and its effect on sea level rise. Reed Scherer and Ross Powell are with Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. They just finished up their research on our southernmost continent. Money for the project came from America?s National Science Foundation.

“We chose a study site where, in the first year ,We went into the subglacial (冰川下的)lake and tried to understand the environment in there, both ecologically and in terms of the ice dynamics about how the lake operates ,and how the sediment(沉淀物) underneath the ice sheet operates, as well, because it?s the water and the sediment underneath the ice that controls how fast the ice is flowing into the ocean”says Ross Powell, who led the investigation. The team included scientists ,engineers, machinery and other supplies across the ice from the main U.S. scientific base at Mc Murdo Station to the researcher?s camp .The camp was near a subglacial lake ,where an earlier study took place, Ross Powell says the latest study may provide evidence that can help predict the effect of climate change on rising sea levels.

“What we have found is that these are very sensitive areas to the stability of how dynamic the ice is and how fast the ice may react to increases of melting both from the ocean and the atmosphere.”

Among the new instruments built for the project was a powerful hot water drill. The researchers used the drill to dig down some 740 meters. They collected water ,sediment and other material from the grounding zone.

Working around the clock before the deep hole refroze, they sent a video camera down to the 400-square-meter undersea area.

Reed Scherer says the video images they saw in the Command Center were a total surprise.

“It?s a very mobile environment. The bottom is changing constantly. And so the things that we saw were all very mobile organisms, things that swim and some things that crawl. And obviously they are getting enough nutrition that they can thrive, Some of the little crustacean-like creatures called amphipods that we saw swam quite quickly and were quite active.”

This is the farthest south that fish have ever been seen. How did the creatures get here? What do they feed on? And what effect will the retreating ice have on them?

Ross Powell says the ice and sediment cores taken from the grounding zone can offer clues.

“We know that the ice is melting there at the moment and so by opening up the cores once they get back, we hope to be able to understand what the ice was doing in the past ,relative to what it is doing now. And because it is melting so fast or seems to be melting fast at the moment, we anticipate that there will he some differences that we?ll see in the history of the ice sheet from the sediment cores, once we open them up .”But Ross Powell says the work raises more questions than it answers.

62.Scientists conducted the three-month research at the Ross Ice Shelf with the

intention of .

A. predicting how climate change influences rising sea levels.

B. finding out whether there are life forms existing deep under Antarctic ice.

C. proving the speed of ice flowing into the ocean is controlled by water.

D. discovering an explanation of the effect the melting ice has on sea level


63.What made the researchers surprised when they saw the video images?

A. Researchers saw fish in the farthest south for the first time.

B.A video camera was able to work well under deep icy waters.

C. Sediment cores present differences in the history of the ice sheet.

D. The drill should dig down 740 meters to collect things.

64.From sediment cores taken from the grounding zone, scientists will probably

know .

A. what the ice will do in the near future

B. the ice in the grounding zone is melting at the moment

C. some differences rarely exist in the history of the ice sheet

D. something about the creatures under icy water in Antarctic.

65.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Scientists will conduct a follow-up study on the frozen continent.

B. No creatures once appeared or lived in icy water in Antarctica.

C. America?s National Science Foundation is in complete charge of the


D. Researchers have found how the sediment underneath the ice sheet



Sometimes just when we need the power of miracles to change our beliefs,they materialize in the places we?d least expect. They can come to us as a drastic alteration in our physical reality or as a simple synchronicity in our lives. Sometimes they?re big and can?t be missed Other times they?re so subtle that if w e aren?t aware,we may miss them altogether. They can come from the lips of a stranger we suddenly and mysteriously encounter at just the right instant. If we listen carefully, we?ll always hear the right words,at the right time,to dazzle us into a realization of something that we may have failed to notice only moments before.

On a cold January afternoon in 1989,I was hiking up the trail that leads to the top of Egypt?s Mt. Horeb. I?d spent the day at St. Catherine?s Monastery and wanted to get to the peak by sunset to see the valley below. As I was winding up the narrow path,I?d occasionally see other hikers who were coming down from a day on the mountain. While they would generally pass with simply a nod or a greeting in another language,there was one man that day who did neither.

I saw him coming from the last switchback on the trail that led to the backside of the mountain. As he got closer,I could see that he was dressed differently from the other hikers I?d seen. Rather than the high-tech fabrics and styles that had been the norm,this man was wearing traditional Egyptian clothing. He wore a tattered,rust-colored galabia and obviously old and thick-soled

sandals that were covered in dust. What made his appearance so odd,though,was that the man didn?t even appear to be Egyptian!He was a small-framed Asian man, had very little hair,and was wearing round,wire-rimmed glasses.

As we neared one another,I was the first to speak.“Hello,”I said,stopping on the trail for a moment to catch my breath. Not a sound came from the man as he walked closer. I thought that maybe he hadn?t heard me or the wind had carried my voice away from him in another direction. Suddenly he stopped directly in front of me on the high side of the trail,looked up from the ground,and spoke a single sentence to me in English,“Sometimes you don?t know what you have lost until you?ve lost it.”As I took in what I had just heard,he simply stepped around me and continued his descent down the trail.

That moment in my life was a small miracle. The reason is less about what the man said and more about the timing and the context. The year was 1989,and the Cold War was drawing to a close. What the man on the trail couldn?t have known is that it was during my Egyptian pilgrimage,and specifically during my hike to the top of Moses?s mountain,that I?d set the time aside to make decisions that would affect my career in the defense industry,my friends,my family,and,ultimately,my life.

I had to ask myself what the chances were of an Asian man dressed in an Egyptian galabia coming down from the top of this historic mountain just when I was walking up,stopping before me,and offering his wisdom,seemingly from out of nowhere. My answer to my own question was easy:the odds were slim to none!In an encounter that lasted less than two minutes on a mountain halfway around the world from my home,a total stranger had brought clarity,and the hint of a warning,regarding the huge changes that I would make within a matter of days. In my way of thinking,tha t?s a miracle.

I suspect that we all experience small miracles in our lives every day. Sometimes we have the wisdom and the courage to recognize them for what they are. In the moments when we don?t,that?s okay as well. It seems that our miracles have a way of coming back to us again and again. And each time they do,they become a little less subtle,until we can?t possibly miss the message that they bring to our lives!

The key is that they?re everywhere and occur every day for different reasons,in response to the different needs that we may have in the moment. Our job may be less about questioning the extraordinary things that happen in our daily lives and more about accepting the gifts they bring.

66. Why did the author make a pilgrimage to Mt. Horeb in Egypt?

A. He was in search of a miracle in his life.

B. It was a holy place for a religious person to head for.

C. He intended to make arrangements for his life in the future.

D. He waited patiently in expectation of meeting a wise person.

67. What does the underlined part “my own question” refer to in Paragraph 6?

A. For what reason did the man stop before me?

B. Why did the Asian man go to the mountain?

C. What change would I make within a matter of days?

D. What was the probability that others told us the right words?

68.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “subtle”

in Paragraph 7?

A. Apparent.

B. Delicate.

C. Precise.

D. Sufficient.

69.The author viewed the encounter with the Asian man as a miracle in his life in

that .

A. the Asian man?s appearance had a deciding effect on his future life

B. his words were in perfect response to the need he had at that moment

C. what the Asian man said was abundant in the philosophy of life

D. the Asian man impressed on him the worth of what he had possessed

70. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Can you recognize a miracle?

B. Is a miracle significant to us?

C. When might a miracle occur?

D. Why do we need a miracle?



The Bystander Effect

The term bystander effect refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present, the less likely people are to help a person in distress. When an emergency situation occurs, observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses. Being part of a large crowd makes it so no single person has to take responsibility for an action (or inaction).

The most frequently cited example of the bystander effect in introductory psychology textbooks is the brutal murder of a young woman named Catherine "Kitty" Genovese. On Friday, March 13, 1964, 28-year-old Genovese was returning home from work. As she approached her apartment entrance, she was attacked and stabbed by a man later identified as Winston Moseley.

Despite Genovese?s repeated calls for help, none of the dozen or so people in the nearby apartment building who heard her cries called police to report the incident. The attack first began at 3:20 AM, but it was not until 3:50 AM that someone first contacted police.

While Genovese's case has been subject to numerous misrepresentations and inaccuracies, there have been numerous other cases reported in recent years. The bystander effect can clearly have a powerful impact on the general conduct of people in a society, but why exactly does it happen? Why don't we help when we are part of a crowd?

There are several factors that contribute to the bystander effect. First, the

presence of other people creates a diffusion of responsibility. Because there are other observers, individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action, since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present.

The second reason is the need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways. When other observers fail to react, individuals often take this as a signal that a response is not needed or not appropriate. Other researchers have found that onlookers are less likely to intervene if the situation is ambiguous. In the case of Kitty Genovese, many of the 38 witnesses reported that they believed that they were witnessing a "lover's quarrel," and did not realize that the young woman was actually being murdered.

Characteristics of the situation can play a role. During a crisis, things are often chaotic and the situation is not always crystal clear. Onlookers might wonder exactly what is happening. During such chaotic moments, people often look to others in the group to determine what is appropriate. When people look at the crowd and see that no one else is reacting, it sends a signal that perhaps no action is needed.

So what can you do to avoid falling into this trap of inaction? Some psychologists suggest that simply being aware of this tendency is perhaps the greatest way to break the cycle. When faced with a situation that requires action, understanding how the bystander effect might be holding you back and consciously taking steps to overcome it can help. However, this does not mean you should place yourself in danger.

But what if you are the person in need of assistance? How can you inspire people to lend a hand? One often-recommended tactic is to single out one person from the crowd. Make eye contact and ask that individual specifically for help. By personalizing and individualizing your request, it becomes much harder for people


A set of textbook designed to help high school student learn about Chinese traditional culture is to be published soon, Beijing Times reported on Monday.

The books are the first national-level works of their kind and have been developed by a working group that promotes traditional culture. They will be used by students from autumn this year, the report said.

The set contains four classics from ancient times. Two of the works, The Confucian Analects and Mencius, are for 10th-grade students, while the other two, Great Learning and Dao De Jing, will be used by 11th graders.

The initiative follows a series of steps the authorities have taken in recent years to spread and promote traditional Chinese culture on campus.

Last April, the Ministry of Education released a series of guidelines requiring the inclusion of more information about traditional culture in primary and middle school textbooks, especially those used for subjects such as Chinese Language, history, art and physical education.

The g uidelines said students? knowledge of traditional culture will be tested in the senior high school entrance examination and the gaokao, the college entrance exam.

【写作内容】1 用约30个单词写出上文的概要

2 用约120个单词就“高中生学国学”这一主题发表你的观点,内容包括:



【写作要求】1 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句

2 作文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校名称

3 不必写标题





1-5 BCCAB 6-10 ACABC 11-15 CABCC 16-20 ACABC


21-25 ACDAC 26-30 BCBAD 31-35 CBDCA

36-40 CBADA 41-45 BCADB 46-50 BACDB 51-55 ACDDA


56-57 BD 58-61 BCDB 62-65 DADA 66-70 CDBBA


71. involved/engaged 72. social 73. endangered/threatened 74. Explanations/Reasons 75. responsibility

76. sure/certain 77. tendency 78. Prevention/Precautions/Avoidance 79. existence 80. choose/select/pick



From this autumn, new schoolbooks highlighting the traditional Chinese culture will be used by senior students, whose knowledge of the country?s ancient traditions will also be tested in the gaokao.

There?re several factors accounting for the move. The set of books are the significant component of traditional Chinese culture and provide teenagers with internal codes of conduct and thus they will play a positive role in their process of growth. Besides, the basic educ ation system hasn?t attached enough importance to the learning of traditional culture for quite a long time, and the textbooks are a beneficial effort to reverse that situation. In addition, learning traditional culture is not solely about reciting texts —it?s about utilizing ancient wisdom to solve current problems.

Personally, I strongly support and welcome the move in that it is an initiative to bring Chinese traditional culture back. However, considering individual differences between students, I am not in complete agreement with the practice that they will be tested in the gaokao.










1. 概要;

2. 国学入高中的缘由;

3. 你对这一举动的看法。


Text 1

W: How much time did you have for typing the letter?

M: We were given two hours, but I finished it in less than half the time.

Text 2

M: I?m calling for Ray Johnson. Is he in?

W: He?s on the phone right now.

M: May I wait?

W: Yes, sir. I?ll contact you as soon as the line is clear.

Text 3

M: Do you sing or play a musical instrument? The piano for example?

W: Well, I did study piano as a child but I gave it up. I?m afraid I can?t sing either, but I?m not bad at playing the drums.

Text 4

M: You didn?t do well in today?s test in physics. What was the matter?

W: I was in a hurry, and I didn?t check my answers.

M: That?s too bad you didn?t think of that before.

W: If only I had been more careful!

Text 5

M: Which sweater did you finally decide to buy?

W: Well, I would have liked to buy the grey one, but it was 50 dollars. So I bought the white one instead and saved 10 dollars.

Text 6

M: Where to go?

W: The Pacific Hotel on Granville Street.

M: Have you just arrived in London?

W: No, I have been here since last Spring.

M: I guess you are a student.

W: In fact, I?m a student from the University of Edinburgh, and I?m on an educational programme.

M: I see. By the way, when will you go back home?

W: At the end of August. Have you been driving a taxi for a long time?

M: Only a couple of hours!

W: Do you mean you?re just learning how to do it?

M: Just a joke! This is my second job. I do this on weekends to earn some more money. We call it moonlighting.

W: That?s interesting!

M: Here you are. The Pacific Hotel. The meter says £18.60.

W: Here you are. Keep the change, please.

Text 7

W: Good afternoon, Mr Zhao.

M: Hello, Miss Li. I think you?ve got some messages for me.

W: Yes. Do you want to read them now?

M: Can you tell me what they are, please? I?m in a hurry.

W: Yes. Mr Johnson left a message.

M: Mr Johnson?

W: Yes, Mr Johnson of the BEC Development Co. He rang to inquire about buying some TV sets.

M: Anything else?

W: Yes. Mr Hopkins rang and he will be here at 4 this afternoon as you asked. M: Right. Put them here on my desk. I?ll be back then. Goodbye.

Text 8

W: Hello, Carl.

M: Hi, Betty. How are things with you?

W: Really well. How about you?

M: Well, to be frank, I?m not in a very good mood today.

W: Why? What?s up?

M: This morning, I sat on the bus and the person next to me kept making a loud noise in his throat and spitting onto the floor, right next to me. It made me feel sick.

W: I had an unpleasant experience in Canada several years ago. That day, I was catching a train from Toronto, but the train was two and a half hours late, I found it really annoying. So, Carl, don?t let little things like this annoy you. M: I won?t.

W: OK. I hope you have a good weekend.

M: Hmm, I hope so but I have to go to the station now to buy a train ticket.

W: OK. See you!

M: See you!

Text 9

W: What?s the matter, Zhang?

M: My vacation is nearly over, and I haven?t done anything.

W: Nothing at all?

M: Well, I?ve read some interesting articles in magazines. I?ve read a few stories in simple English. And I?ve played computer games.

W: You certainly have done other things, haven?t you?

M: Yes, I?ve gone over my lessons. I?ve written some letters and I?ve given my room a thorough cleaning.

W: That sounds quite a lot to me. What do you mean by saying you haven?t done anything?

M: I still feel a little bit sad. I haven?t visited my friends. I haven?t taken a trip. I haven?t had a picnic. I haven?t seen any new movies. I just haven?t done


W: I don?t agree. You just haven?t had any outdoor activities. You?ve actually done quite a lot at home. Hey, shall we go swimming this afternoon?

M: That sounds like a good idea!

Text 10

The first important thing to do on the first day in college is to try to walk around the campus and find out where your classrooms are located. It will save you arriving 15 minutes late for your classes, which may make some professors angry. All new students are at a loss, but you will feel more confident if you know where to show up.

The second most important thing is to learn about your professors? lecture style. Your professors will hand out a teaching plan and start a lecture. Each professor?s lecture style is different. Don?t worry, though. In a few weeks, you?ll get used to his or her style and start to recognize the faces of your fellow students.

Most colleges have some type of “Welcome Week” with tons of activities for new students. You don?t have to go to every activity, but if something sounds interesting, c heck it out. It?s a good way to meet new friends too.

Some students use laptops to take notes, but it can also be an incredible distraction because of the temptation to check your email. I?d recommend something different—common but useful—a notebook and a pen. Use a notebook of different colors for each class. Write down anything that goes on the blackboard and anything that the professor repeats many times. A good professor will have a way of emphasizing words so you know they are important. Don?t worry about neatness. As long as you can read your own handwriting, you are OK.


xx 届高考理科数学第三次模拟考试试题 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1 计算 21i i - = A .3i -+ B .1i -+ C .1i - D .22i -+ 2 过点 ( ) 3,2-的直线l 经过圆2220x y y +-=的圆心,则直线l 的倾斜角大小为 A .30? B .60? C .150? D .120? 3 设函数f(x)的图象关于点(1, 2 3 )对称,且存在反函数1 -f ( x ),若f(3) = 0,则1 -f (3)等于 A .-1 B .1 C .-2 D .2 4 设m ,n 是两条不同的直线,α、β、γ是三个不同的平面 给出下列四个命题: ①若m ⊥α,n ∥α,则m ⊥n ; ②若α⊥γ,β⊥γ,则α∥β; ③若m ∥α,n ∥α,则m ∥n ; ④若α∥β,β∥γ,m ⊥α,,则m ⊥γ 其中正确命题的序号是: A .①和② B .②和③ C .③和④ D .①和④ 5.已知一个正四棱锥的各棱长均相等,则其相邻两侧面所成的二面角的大小为 A .arcos 31 B .arcsin-322. C .arctan 22-. D .arccot 4 2-. 6 {} {} 211,,log 1,A x x x R B x x x R =-≥∈=>∈,则“x A ∈”是“x B ∈”的 A .充分非必要条件 B .必要非充分条件 C .充分必要条件 D .既非充分也非必要条件 7 若点(3,1)p -在双曲线22 2 2 1(0,0)y x a b a b =>>- 的左准线上,过点p 且方向向量为(2,5)a =r 的 光线,经直线2y =-反射后通过双曲线的左焦点,则这个双曲线的离心率 A .15 3 B .33 C .53 D . 43 8.已知四面体A BCD -中,2,1,AB CD AB ==与CD 间的距离与夹角分别为3与30o ,则四面体A BCD -的体积为


高三第一次合模拟考试 理科数学答案 ABDACB BBACDC (注:11题4,e >∴D 选项也不对,此题无答案。建议:任意选项均 可给分) 13. 2; 14. 1 4 ; 15.8; 16.[]1,3 17.解:(Ⅰ)证明: 1131 33()222 +- =-=-n n n a a a …….3分 12 1 11=- =a b 31=∴+n n b b ,所以数列{}n b 是以1为首项,以3为公比的等比数列;….6分 (Ⅱ)解:由(1)知, 1 3-=n n b ,由 11 1n n b m b ++≤-得13131 n n m -+≤-,即() 14 3331n m +≤-,…9分 设() 14 3331= + -n n c ,所以数列{}n c 为减数列,()1max 1==n c c , 1∴≥m …….12分 18解:(Ⅰ)平均数为 ………….4分 (Ⅱ)X 的所有取值为0,1,2,3,4. ……….5分 由题意,购买一个灯管,且这个灯管是优等品的概率为0.200.050.25+=,且 1~4,4X B ?? ??? 所以0 4 4181 (0)C (1)4 256 P X ==?-= , 134 1110827 (1)C (1)4425664P X ==??-==, 2224 115427 (2)C ()(1)44256128P X ==?-==, 3314 11123 (3)C ()(1)4425664P X ==?-==, 4404111 (4)C ()(1)44256 P X ==?-= . 以随机变量X 的分布列为:

P 81256 2764 27128 364 1 256 ……………………….10分 所以X 的数学期望1 ()414 E X =? =.…….12分 19.(Ⅰ)证明:四边形ABCD 是菱形, BD AC ∴⊥. ⊥AE 平面ABCD ,BD ?平面ABCD BD AE ∴⊥. ?=AC AE A , BD ∴⊥平面ACFE .………….4分 (Ⅱ)解:如图以O 为原点,,OA OB 为,x y 轴正向,z 轴过O 且平行于CF ,建立空间直角坐标系.则 (0,3,0),(0,3,0),(1,0,2),(1,0,)(0)B D E F a a -->,(1,0,)=-OF a .…………6分 设平面EDB 的法向量为(,,)=n x y z , 则有 00 ??=???=??n OB n OE ,即 30 20 y x z ?=??+=??令1z =, (2,0,1) =-n .…………8分 由题意o 2||2 sin 45|cos ,|2 |||| 15 ?=<>== = +OF n OF n OF n a 解得3a =或13-. 由0>a ,得3=a .…….12分 20. 解: (Ⅰ)由题意得22222, 3, 122 1.a b c c a a b ? ? ?=+? ?=??? ?+=??解得 2.1,3.a b c ?=?=?? =?所以C 的方程为2214x y +=. …….4分 (Ⅱ)存在0x .当04x =时符合题意. 当直线l 斜率不存在时,0x 可以为任意值. 设直线l 的方程为(1)y k x =-,点A ,B 满足:22 (1),1.4 y k x x y =-?? ?+=??


广东省普通高考第三次模拟考试试题 理科数学 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{}|3A x N x =∈<,{}|,,B x x a b a A b A ==-∈∈,则A B =I ( ) A .{}1,2 B .{}2,1,1,2-- C .{}1 D .{}0,1,2 2.已知z 是z 的共轭复数,且||34z z i -=+,则z 的虚部是( ) A . 7 6 B .76 - C .4 D .4- 3.等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,7524S S -=,35a =,则7S =( ) A .25 B .49 C .15 D .40 4.一名法官在审理一起珍宝盗窃案时,四名嫌疑人甲、乙、丙、丁的供词如下,甲说:“罪犯在乙、丙、丁三人之中”;乙说:“我没有作案,是丙偷的”;丙说:“甲、乙两人中有一人是小偷”;丁说:“乙说的是事实”.经过调查核实,四人中有两人说的是真话,另外两人说的是假话,且这四人中只有一人是罪犯,由此可判断罪犯是( ) A .甲 B .乙 C .丙 D .丁 5.某厂家为了解销售轿车台数与广告宣传费之间的关系,得到如表统计数据表:根据数

据表可得回归直线方程$$y bx a =+$,其中 2.4 b =$,$a y bx = -$,据此模型预测广告费用为9万元时,销售轿车台数为( ) 广告费用x (万元) 2 3 4 5 6 销售轿车y (台数) 3 4 6 10 12 A .17 6.将编号为1,2,3,4,5,6的六个小球放入编号为1,2,3,4,5,6的六个盒子,每个盒子放一个小球,若有且只有三个盒子的编号与放入的小球编号相同,则不同的放法总数是( ) A .40 B .60 C .80 D .100 7.已知函数20172017log 3sin ,0, ()log ()sin ,0, m x x x f x x n x x +>?=? -+


陕西省西安市碑林区2016届九年级数学第三次模拟考试试题 一、选择题 1.下列各数中,最小的数是() A.23- B.25 C.17- D.2 2.如图是一些完全相同的小正方体搭车的几何体的三视图,这个几何体只能是() 主视图 左视图 俯视图 A B C D 3.下列计算正确的是() A.448a a a += B.()3232a b a b -=- C.532a a a += D.()22224a b a b -=- 4.下列图形中,由AB CD ∥,能得到12∠=∠的是() A B C D 5.如图,正方形OABC 绕着点O 逆时针旋转40?得到正方形ODEF ,连接AF ,则OFA ∠的度数是() A.15? B.20? C.25? D.30? 6.如图,位似图形由三角尺与其灯光照射下的中心投影组成.灯与三角尺距离为2米,三角尺与投影面距离为3米,且三角尺的面积为224cm ,则投影三角形的面积为() A.260cm B.2120cm C.2150cm D.2180cm 7.已知一次函数32y x =+的图象绕坐标原点旋转180度后的一次函数的表达式为() A.32y x =-+ B.32y x =- C.32y x =-- D.23y x =- 8.如图,两个半径相等的直角扇形的圆心分别在对方的圆弧上,半径AE ,CF 交于点G ,半径RE ,CD 交于点H ,且点C 是弧AR 的中点,若扇形的半径是2,则图中阴影部分的面积等于() A.2π4- B.2π2- C.π4+ D.π1- 9.八个边长为4的正方形如图摆放在平面直角坐标系中,经过原点的一条直线l 将这八个正方形分成面积相等的两部分,则该直线l 的解析式为() A.35y x = B.34y x = C.910 y x = D.y x = 10.已知()52y x x a =+-+是关于x 的二次函数,当x 的取值范围在14x ≤≤时,y 在1x =时取得最大值,则实数a 的取值范围是() A.10a = B.4a = C.9a ≥ D.10a ≥ 二、填空题 11.因式分解:22414x xy y --+=________. 12.如图,矩形ABCD 的边AB 与y 轴平行,顶点A 的坐标为()1,m ,()4,6C m +,那么图象同时经过点B 与点D 在反比例函数表达式为_____. 13.请从以下两个题中任选一个作答,若多选,则按所选的第一题计分. A.把边长相等的正五边形ABCDE 和正方形ABFG ,按照如图所示的方式叠合在一起,连接AD ,则DAG ∠=_____. B.如图,在山坡AB 上种数,已知90C ∠=?,28A ∠=?,6AC =米,则相邻两树的坡面距离AB =_____米.(精确到0.1米) 14.在平行四边形ABCD 中,点E 、F 、 G 分别是AD 、BC 、CD 的中点,BE EG ⊥,25AD =3AB =,则AF 的长为_______. 三、解答题 15.解不等式组:()31641212 3x x x x ?+>+??--


高三第一次模拟考试 一、基础知识(共15分,共5小题,每小题3分) 1.下列各组词语中加点的字,读音全都相同 ....的一组是() A.耕.读羹.匙万象更.新亘.古不变 B.标识.什.物箪食.壶浆拾.人牙慧 D.堂倌.冠.名羽扇纶.巾冠.状动脉 2.下列各组词语中,没有 ..错别字的一组是() A.幽远猗郁游目骋怀不落言筌 B.爆仓碰瓷历行节约平心而论 C.陨首颓圮束之高阁再所不辞 D.松驰瞭望无精打采感恩戴德 3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当 ...的是() 中国梦不是,但圆梦之途绝不轻松,既需要尽力而为、量力而行、,更需要克勤克俭、辛勤劳动,在推动经济发展中,持续满足民生之需、持续增进民生。梦想成真,民生改善是最好。 A.空中楼阁步步为营福利注解 B.虚无缥缈循序渐进福祉诠释 C.虚无缥缈步步为营福利注解 D.空中楼阁循序渐进福祉诠释 4.下列各项中,没有 ..语病的是() A.知名作家任职大学教授之所以引起热议,是因为中国当代作家和大学之间的关系长期脱离造成的。当代作家和大学之间本应该具备正常关系,很多大学和作家也试图重建这种关系。 B.按照国际外交惯例,国家元首出访,第一夫人往往会陪同前往。她们在外交活动中的良好表现,会增强公共外交的效能,有利于提升一国的“软实力”。 C.因为苹果公司在被曝中国市场售后服务“双重标准”后的态度,引发了广泛的质疑和失望。即使苹果在其官网发出声明,否认保修存有“中外有别”,但仍未给出清晰的解释。 D.在今日视听产品和网络发达的情况下,我们需要抢救我们的文学感受力,需要从文学的阅读中汲取和培养思想的水平、精神的能量。 5.下列相关文学常识的表述,有错误 ...的一项是() A.《大卫·科波菲尔》是英国著名小说家狄更斯的代表作。这部具有强烈自传色彩的小说,通过主人公大卫一生的悲欢离合,多层次地揭示了当时社会的真实面貌,同时也反映作者的道德理想。 B.巴尔扎克的长篇小说《高老头》以高老头被女儿榨干钱财后悲惨死去为中心情节,以拉斯蒂涅的活动穿针引线,将上层社会与下层社会联系起来,揭露了当时社会人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系。 C.在文学作品中,会反复出现一些题材,如“爱情”“战争”“复仇”等,它们被称为作品的主题,也被称为母题。换句话说,作品的主题也就是母题。 D.林冲是小说《水浒传》中的重要人物之一,他从一个安分守己的八十万禁军教头变成了“强盗”,从温暖的小康之家走上梁山聚义厅。在他的身上,集中体现了“官逼民反”的主题。 二、现代文(论述类文本)阅读(共9分,共3小题,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文章,完成6-8题。 我国古典戏曲理论的悲剧观 苏国荣

2019-2020年高三第三次模拟考试 英语 含答案

绝密★启用前 2019-2020年高三第三次模拟考试英语含答案 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What time is it now? A. 7:00. B. 7:15. C. 7:45. 2. What does the woman mean? A. She agrees with the man. B. She doesn’t agree with the man. C. She is not sure about it. 3. What did the woman do last night? A. She stayed at home. B. She had a date with the man. C. She saw a film. 4. Where does the girl think her father is now? A. At home. B. At the club. C. At his office. 5. What is Susan Gray? A. A writer. B. A student. C. A reporter. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What does the man want to find? A. A cheap hotel. B. A cheap house. C. Some travelers’ cheques. 7. When do the banks close? A. At 2:00 pm. B. At 7:00 pm. C. At 7:30 pm. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. How many days did they stay there? A. Seven days. B. Twenty-two days. C. Six days. 9. Who caught the most fish? A. Ben. B. Kathy. C. Ben’s father. 10. Why doesn’t Ben want fish for dinner? A. Because h e doesn’t like fish.


新人教版三年级语文下册第三次月考模拟题及答案 班级:姓名:满分:100分考试时间:90分钟 、读拼音,写词语。(20 分) I a zh u f m gf u l i kci k e lir t hu o y a g do su ch 血cdo j i h u 二、比一比,再组词。(10分) 悔(___________ )旅(__________ )酒(____________ )幕(__________ )诲(___________ )旋(__________ )洒(____________ )墓(__________ ) 三、读一读,连一连。(10分) 一排排落叶丰收的音乐厅 一阵阵大雁透明的叮咛 一片片秋风暖暖的歌吟 四、想一想,选词填空。(10分) 既然……就…… 不但……而且…… 不是……而是 因为……所以…… 虽然……但是…… 即使……也 ①这种饮料_________ 子喝, __________ 提神的功用。

②________ 用尽浑身解数,这家伙 ____________ 有说出名字。 ③________ 气很热, __________ 们仍在球场上打球。 ④克莱谛不时用眼睛瞟我,从他的眼里表示出来的____________ 愤怒,_________ 悲哀。 ⑤________ 我错了, __________ 由我自己承担后果。 ⑥________ 子飞得很低, ___________ 料定待会儿会下雨。 ⑦________ 困难再大,我们 __________ 坚决完成任务。 五、照样子,按要求写句子。(15分) 1、景色秀丽的庐山,怎能不令人流连忘返呢?(换一种说法不改变句意) 2、一阵风吹来,小稻秧_______________________ (补充成拟人句) 3、我们必须讲卫生的好习惯(修改病句) 4、仿写一个打比方的句子。 例句:荷叶像碧绿的大圆盘。 碧绿的草坪_____________________________ 。 六、阅读短文,回答问题。(20分) 温暖旅店 啊?这就是温暖旅店的入口?”一个又像山又像岩石般的庞然大物挡在了达达面前,形成了一个隧道,隧道里面黑乎乎的,什么也看不见。可入口处却清清楚楚地写着温暖旅店”四个大字。 隧道里面黑得什么也看不见。哇!”达达的眼前突然一亮,他吃惊得吞了一口口水。只见一棵大树上挂满了五颜六色的拖鞋。红的、蓝的、绿的、黄的、粉红的,还有小花的和条纹的。多得数都数不过来,这简直就是一棵盛开着拖鞋花的大树。原来这就是温暖旅店啊!真漂亮!”


2019届高三第三次模拟考试卷c.地膜的保湿效果好.大棚的复种指数高 咼三地理 (二) 注意事项: 1 .答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2 .选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂 黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3 .非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第I卷(选择题)3.随着种植年限的延长,蔬菜大棚浅层土壤有机质含量富集快于深层,主要由于棚内( A. 热量充足,不利于浅层有机质的吸收 B. 蔬菜根系深,利于吸收深层有机养分 C. 雨水淋洗少,浅层养分不易进入深层 D. 浅层水分蒸发量小,有机养分减少慢 桑沟湾是位于山东半岛最东端的一处海湾,这里是我国最早海带人工养殖的地方。近 年来,中国水产黄海研究所的科研人员在此成功探索出了海带、鲍鱼和海参三者混合养殖 的新模式(见下图)。据此。完成4?6题。 太阳光 号 场 考 不本卷共11个小题,每小题4分,共44分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 蔬菜大棚土壤主要是在人工控制下进行作业和调节,以满足作物正常生长发育需要, 、高湿、高蒸发量、无雨水淋洗、复种指数高、持续施肥且施肥量大等特点,使它在理化性质上与大田土壤有较大差异。下图示意山东省寿光市王高镇蔬菜大棚土壤有机质 含量随种植年限和深度变化。据此完成号 证 考 准 名 姓 级 班 A .种植年限越长, B .种植年限越长, 1?3题。 1 .图示信息显示( 土壤有机质含量越高 土壤有机质含量越低 C. 土层深度越深,土壤有机质含量越高 D. 土层深度越深,土壤有机质含量越低 2 .与大田土壤相比,不同种植年限蔬菜大棚土壤有机质含量明显增加的主要原因是( A .大棚的保温作用强.蔬菜肥料施用量大4 .桑沟湾由单一的海带养殖到海带、鲍鱼、海参三者混合养殖的变化,主要得益于( A.优质的海洋环境 B .养殖技术的进步 C.市场的需求升级 D ?保鲜技术的出现 5.与单一养殖相比,该混合养殖模式的突出优点是() ①节省饵料投放,提高经济效益 ③调整生产规模,市场适应性强 A.①②B C.②③D ②吸收海水中的cO减缓温室效应 ④改善水质,减少海洋养殖污染 .①④ ?③④ 6 ?冬季,农户们常将鲍鱼和海参送往福建和广东沿海养殖,其最主要目的是() A.靠近消费市场B C.躲避大风暴雪D .获得优惠补贴 .缩短养殖周期 大湖效应指的是冷空气遇到大面积未结冰的水面(通常是湖泊)从中得到水蒸汽和热 能,然后在湖泊迎风岸形成雨、雪、雾等现象。左图为美国五大湖区年平均降雪量


高三第一次模拟考试试卷 一、选择题。本题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分。在每小题给出的4个选项中,有的小题只有一项是正确的,有的小题有多个选项是正确的。全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错或不符的得0分。 1、处于基态的氢原子,能够从相互碰撞中或从入射光子中吸收一定的能量,由基态跃迁到激发态,已知氢原子从基态跃迁到n=2的激发态需要吸收的能量为10.2eV ,如果静止的氢原子受其他运动的氢原子的碰撞跃迁到该激发态,则运动的氢原子具有的动能 A 、一定等于10.2eV B 、一定大于10.2eV ,且大得足够多 C 、只要大于10.2eV ,就可以 D 、一定等于10.2eV 的整数倍 2、下列说法正确的是 A 、雨后路面的油膜出现彩色条纹,这是光的色散现象 B 、太阳光斜射在铁栅栏上,地面出现明暗相间的条纹,这是光的干涉现象 C 、对着日光灯从两铅笔的狭缝中看到的彩色条纹,这是光的衍射现象 D 、从月亮光谱可以分析月亮的化学成份 3、2003年10月15日,我国成功发射并回收了“神州五号”载人飞船。设飞船做匀速圆周运动,若飞船经历时间t 绕地球运行n 圈,则飞船离地面的高度为:(设地球半径为R ,地面重力加速度为g ) A 、322224n t gR π B 、322224n t gR π-R C 、3222n t gR D 、32 22n t gR -R 4、图是健身用的“跑步机”示意图,质量为m 的运动员 踩在与水平成α角的静止皮带上,运动员双手把好扶手并 用力向后蹬皮带,皮带运动过程中,受到的阻力恒为f , 使皮带以速度v 匀速运动,则在运动过程中,下列说法中 正确的是 A 、人对皮带的摩擦力一定是滑动摩擦力 B 、人对皮带不做功 C 、人对皮带做功的功率一定为mgv sin α D 、人对皮带做功的功率为fv 5、超导是当今高科技热点,利用超导材料可以实现无损耗输电,现有一直流电路,输电线的总电阻为0.4Ω,它提供给用电器的功率为40kW ,电压为800V ,若用超导电缆替代原来的输电线,保持供给用电器的功率和电压不变,那么节约的电功率为 A 、1 kW B 、1.6×103kW C 、1.6 kW D 、10 kW 6、完全相同的两辆汽车,以相同的速度在平直公路上匀速齐头并进,当它们各自推下质量相同的物体后,甲车保持原来的牵引力继续前进,而乙车保持原来的功率继


濮阳市2018届高三毕业班第三次模拟考试 语文 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名和考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,用黑色笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 一、现代文阅读(35分) (一)论述类文本阅读(每小题3分,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 乡村文化是乡村社会得以延续的核心。如果没有乡村文化,那么乡村也就成为一潭死水,无从振兴了。如果乡村的振兴只是在乡村建设几间民宿,开上几个咖啡馆,让一些城里人到乡村来换换空气,尽管可以增加就业、提高收入,但是却不是真正的乡村振兴。从这个意义上说,乡村振兴的核心是乡村文化的振兴。。 文化赋予了生活的意义。乡土社会是由人组成的,同时又超越了个体,是文化将这些个体连接成为一个有机的整体,并赋予乡村生活的价值。比如乡土社会中有许多节日,每个节日都有着不同的意义。在人们庆祝这些节日的过程中,人与自然、人与人、生者与亡者保持了沟通,成为联系密切的共同体。文化也赋予乡村社会以秩序。在乡村社会中,文化发挥了更重要的作用,比如要养成尊老爱幼的风气就需要有尊老爱幼的文化氛围。在传统的乡村社会中,社会变化相对比较缓慢,老年人积累了丰富的知识可以教导青年人,因此老年人在社会中具有较高的地位。但是到了现代社会,社会发展的速度越来越快,人们有很多渠道获取知识,受过现代教育的年轻人更容易利用这些渠道获取知识,要维持年轻人对老年人的尊重,就需要文化力量。乡村文化为实现乡村振兴提供了基础。西方国家在迅速的工业化和城市化过程中,农业的快速发展是以乡村社会的消亡为代价的。与西方国家不同,东方社会都希望在快速的城市化过程中保留乡村,如日本、韩国和中国的台湾地区,在高速工业化和城市化过程中,都曾经以不同名义推动乡村的振兴,希望避免西方乡村消亡的道路。东方社会振兴乡村的重要内容之一就是保护乡村文化。 中国乡村振兴的目标之一是实现乡风文明,通过文化建设,实现乡村的和谐和有序发展,因此乡村振兴需要文化先行。文化先行可以从物质层面做起。但是,物质层面乡村文化建设只是手段,不是目的,乡村文化建设不能停留在物质文化建设上。有一些地方的乡村文化只是停留在物质建设上,精神文化建设没有跟上,物质文化也就很快消失了。在物质文化建设的基础上要推动乡村公共事务的治理。公共事务就是大家参与来管大家的事情,乡村振兴需


三年级语文上册期末质量监测试卷 第一部分:积累与运用(41分) 1.根据语境看拼音写词语。(6分) (1)我的家乡龙岩是一个风景yōu měi( )的地方。 (2)假期,我和爸爸妈妈一起到jiāo wài( )wán shuǎ( ),看到小河边有几个人在diào yú( )。 (3)今天的美术课,老师要带我们去写生,大家都很jī dòng( ),早早做好了zhǔn bèi( )。 2.[易错]下列词语中,加点字的读音有误的一项是( )。(2分) A .假.期(jià) 考卷.(juàn) B .调.动(diào) 镇.定 (zhèng) C .救命.(mìng) 圆圈.(quān) D .海参.(shēn) 喊. 叫 (hǎn) 3.[易错]下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )。(2分) A .车漂 秋高气爽 B .青晨 成群结对 C .明郎 急急忙忙 D .热烈 一本正经 4.给下面词语分类,不恰当的一项是( )。(2分) A .与“目”有关:目瞪口呆 耳闻目睹 赏心悦目 B .与“想”有关:左思右想 异想天开 美味佳肴 C .与“动物”有关:画蛇添足 亡羊补牢 守株待兔 D .与“数字”有关:十全十美 三五成群 三心二意 5.下列加点词语中,使用不恰当的一项是( )。(2分) A .下课了,同学们陆续.. 走出教室。 B .《2018年快递市场监管报告》指出,我国快递业务量连续..五年稳居世界第一。 C .只要你继续.. 努力,成绩一定会提高。 D .爷爷送走了客人,又连续.. 跟我下棋。 6.读下面句子时应该用( )的语气。(2分) “等等,老屋!”一个小小的声音在它门前响起,“再过一个晚上,行吗?” A .命令 B .请求 C .要求 D .吩咐 7.[疑难]下列句子中,标点符号使用有误的一项是( )。(2分) A .“当,当当!当,当当!”大青树上的铜钟敲响了。 B .沙滩上遍地是各种颜色、各种花纹的贝壳。 C .“哎呀!”狐狸说道:“原来是这样!你这是给我设了一个圈套啊!” D .我国东北的小兴安岭,有数不清的红松、白桦、栎树…… 8.下列句子中,关联词语使用有误的一项是( )。(2分) A .尽管我们的时间不多了,但我们也一定要完成任务。 B .我们只要努力学习,才能取得好成绩。 C .这项成果不是他一个人取得的,而是大家团结合作的结果。 D .如果这个周末不下雨,我们就去公园游玩。 9.下列句子中,对句子所用的修辞手法判断错误的一项是( )。(2分) A .我们难道不应该孝顺自己的父母吗?(反问) B .妹妹的小脸蛋像一个熟透了的红苹果。(拟人) C .秋天的雨,是一把钥匙。(比喻) D .这个房间只有巴掌大。(夸张) 10.下列诗句与朝代、作者搭配有误的一项是( )。(2分) A .一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时。——[宋]苏轼 B .两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。——[唐]李白 C .湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。——[宋]刘禹锡 D .荷叶罗裙一色裁,芙蓉向脸两边开。——[唐]王昌龄 11.将句子“鸡腹,密布着许多海港和名城”插入语段中,位置最合适的一项是( )。 (2分) ①我有一张鸡年的邮票。②你看,它多像我们祖国960万平方千米的版图啊。③鸡头,是物产丰富的东北三省。④鸡背,是一碧千里的内蒙古草原。⑤鸡尾,是盛产哈密瓜的新疆。⑥雄鸡的心脏,正是我们祖国的首都——北京。 A .①②之间 B .②③之间 C .③④之间 D .④⑤之间 12.判断下列说法是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。(4分) (1)《司马光》这篇文言文中的三个“儿”字都是指落水的小孩子。( ) (2)《赠刘景文》和《饮湖上初晴后雨》的作者都是宋朝诗人苏轼。( ) (3)“人心齐,泰山移”和“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”都强调了团结合作的重要性。 ( ) (4)“春光明媚”“万紫千红”“天高云淡”这三个词语都适合描写春天。( ) 13.根据所学知识填空。(11分) (1)秋天的雨,有_______________。你看,它把黄色给了银杏树,黄黄的叶子像________________,扇哪扇哪,扇走了_____________。它把红色给了枫树,红红的枫叶像_______________________,________________,邮来了秋天的凉爽。 ......................................................................... 密................................................... 封.................................................................. 线..................................................... 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号:


惠州市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语 2018.4. 注意事项:1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。因考试不考 听力,第I卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。 2.回答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答题标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。写在本试卷 上无效。 3. 回答第II卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A From American Express, wedding guests will,on average,spend $673 on each wedding they attend this year. It includes airfare ($225), hotel ($170), dining out ($116) and dressing up ($95) and the gift. If you have weddings to attend this year, here are some tips for you to avoid breaking the bank. 1. Book flights in advance The moment you decide to attend a wedding is the time to check flight prices at the best time. Plane fares are higher in the summer, especially in July and August. Booking in advance will save you money, as will watch for sales on lower-cost carriers like JetBlue and Frontier. You can check Google Flights for a calendar of prices showing the cheapest days to fly from apps like Hopper to get real-time alerts when a fare is at its lowest price point. 2. Don't blow your budget on the gift If you've got the money, an expensive gift is lovely. But there's no need to take out loans to prove your love for the happy couple. Skip an expensive necklace by giving (an appropriate amount of) cash instead. To save on the gift, consider making one: A photo album or scrapbook of memories with the bride and groom shows how much you care. You could also share the gift with other guest(s) or even make gifts with DIY ideas by yourself to save money. 3. Use old dresses and suits You don't always have to be on a new dress for a wedding. While men have the option of repeating their suits, women are more likely to spend money on new clothes for the special occasion. But before you take out your wallet, consider reinventing something already in your

2019-2020年高三第三次模拟考试(三模)数学 含答案

2019-2020年高三第三次模拟考试(三模)数学 含答案 注意事项: 1.本试卷共4页,包括填空题(第1题~第14题)、解答题(第15题~第20题)两部分.本试卷满分为160分,考试时间为120分钟. 2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、学校、班级、学号写在答题纸的密封线内.试题的答案写在答题纸...上对应题目的答案空格内.考试结束后,交回答题纸. 参考公式 样本数据x 1,x 2,…,x n 的方差s 2 =1n i =1∑n (x i --x )2,其中-x =1n i =1 ∑n x i . 一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,计70分. 不需写出解答过程,请把答案写在答 题纸的指定位置上) 1.已知全集U ={-1,2,3,a },集合M ={-1,3}.若?U M ={2,5},则实数a 的值为▲________. 2.设复数z 满足z (1+i)=2+4i ,其中i 为虚数单位,则复数的共轭复数为 ▲ . 3.甲、乙两位选手参加射击选拔赛,其中连续5轮比赛的成绩(单位:环)如下表: 则甲、乙两位选手中成绩最稳定的选手的方差是▲________. 4.从2个白球,2个红球,1个黄球这5个球中随机取出两个球,则取出的两球中恰有一 个红球的概率是▲________. 5.执行如图所示的伪代码,输出的结果是 ▲ . 6.已知α,β是两个不同的平面,l ,m 是两条不同直线,l ⊥α,m ?β. 给出下列命题: ①α∥β?l ⊥m ; ②α⊥β?l ∥m ; ③m ∥α?l ⊥β; ④ l ⊥β?m ∥α. 其中正确的命题是▲________. (填.写.所有正确命题的.......序号..). 7.设数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,满足S n =2a n -2,则a 8 a 6 = ▲ . 8.设F 是双曲线的一个焦点,点P 在双曲线上,且线段PF 的中点恰为双曲线虚轴的一 (第5题图)


翼教版三年级语文下册第三次月考模拟题及答案班级:姓名:满分:100分考试时间:90分钟 题序一二三四五六七总分 得分 一、读拼音,写词语。(20分) zènɡ sònɡhán lěnɡjúhuāpái liè ɡuīzéyán liào xīn wén fēnɡshōu 二、比一比,再组词。(10分) 功(________)刻(________)优(________)畏(________) 劲(________)该(________)犹(________)喂(________) 三、读一读,连一连。(10分) 簌簌地背书古老的粉墙 流利地响洁白的东风 粗壮的枝干湿润的铜钟 四、想一想,选词填空。(10分) 惊讶惊吓惊喜 1. 第23届冬奥会闭幕式上“北京八分钟”是中国给全世界人民的又一个

(______)。 2.我非常(______),赶忙贴到墙根,注视着它的一举一动。 3.孩子受了(______),哭起来了。 即使……也……如果……就…… 4.(______)你喜欢鸟儿(______)不能逮它们! 5.我(______)再快点儿,(______)会追上刺猬。 五、照样子,按要求写句子。(15分) 例:小鸟站在枝头。 一只美丽的小鸟静悄悄地站在高高的枝头。 (1)草地长满蒲公英。 _________________________________________ (2)我们游览九寨沟。 ____________________________________________ 2.例:可是,没一会儿,它飞.起来了,红色的长嘴衔着 ..一条小鱼。它站.在船头,一口把小鱼吞.了下去。 __________________________________________ 3.修改病句。 (1)我立刻马上回家做作业。 ___________________________ (2)我推测蜜蜂可能一定找不到家。 ____________________________ (3)我们要培养自己的写作兴趣和水平。 _____________________________ 六、阅读短文,回答问题。(20分) 葡萄 我家的小院里种了一棵葡萄。冬天,爸爸和我在葡萄架下挖了个深深的


. 中考第三次模拟考试数学试题(.06) 一、选择题(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 3 分,共 45 分) 1.在-3, 1 2 ,π,0.35 中,无理数是( ) A .-3 B . 1 2 C .π D .02.5 月 14 日-15 日,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京举行,世界的目光再次聚焦中国, 某网站调查显示截至 5 月 22 日有 174 万余人关注此次峰会,174 万用科学记数法可表示为 ( ) A .0.174× 107 B . 1.74× 106 C .1.74× 105 D .17.4× 105 3.下列运算正确的是( ) A .x 2?x 3=x 6 B .x 6÷ x 5=x C .(-x 2)4=x 6 D .x 2+x 3=x 5 4. 如图,l 1∥l 2,∠1=56°,则∠2 的度数为( ) A .34° B .56° C .124° D .146° 5. 如图是由 4 个大小相同的正方体组合而成的几何体,其主视图是( ) 第 4 题图 A . B . C . D 6.分式方程 21 =2 x x -的解为( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 7.关于 x 的一元二次方程(a -1)x 2+x +a 2-1=0 的一个根是 0,则 a 的值为( ) A .1 B .-1 C .1 或-1 D .1 2 8.某校中考体育模拟测试中,六名男生引体向上的成绩如下(单位:个):10、6、9、11、 8、10,下列关于这组数据描述正确的是( ) A .极差是 6 B .众数是 10 C .平均数是 9.5 D .方差是 16 9.若 k b >0,则函数 y =kx+b 的图象可能是( ) A . B . C . D .

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