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答:enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.


答:Three. Old English, Middle English, Modern English.


答:Because after the Black Death, the laboring and the merchant classes grew in economic and social importance.


答:She promoted further industrialization, the building of railways,and the growth of trade and commerce. During her reign, Britain developed into an empire.


答:the Central Powers—Germany, Austria-Hungry, Turkey

The Allies—France, Great Britain, Russia and Italy, USA


答:They were the Allies during the war and shared the same concerned about the Soviet Union.


答:To draft laws, to inspect the activities of the government and to influence future government policy.


答:A middle party between two main party. People see it as flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social.


答:Even if they were elected, they would be powerless in Parliament against the larger parties.

10、grammar school 和vocational school 的作用是什么?

答:grammar school: train the most academically capable student for university Vocational school: help less successful student to learn a trade.

11、comprehensive school会上什么课?

答:provide a general education, and more practical subjects like cooking.


答:Comedy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As you like it

Tragedy: Hamlet, Othello

Historical play: Richard3, Henry5


答:It’s a literary school which flourished in the 1840s.Discribe the chief traits of society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic view point.


答:uneven. The most populated region is the northeastern part od the country. The great Plains have a small population. The South has a population of over 100 million. The west is not populated, except for some cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.


答:The new immigrants are poor, so they were willing to work for very low wages. This made

other workers afraid that immigrants would lower wage levels and take jobs away from them. 16、美国为什么改变策略,加入二战呢?

答:The America government feared that the Axis countries were winning the war, which might threaten America’s security and interests. The Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into World War 2.


答:Ending the military involvement in the Vietnam War. Reestablishing the relationship with China. Negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviet Union.


答:Called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment, and proposed deep cuts in federal spending in every area except defense. Also reduced the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of business.


答:One is checks and balances. The other is the powers of the federal government and of the state government are specified in the constitution.


答:A senator must be over 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least 9 years and a resident in the state which they represent.

A representative should be at least 25 years old and a U.S. citizen for no less than 7 years.


答:to interpret laws.

To hear appeals from any federal court cases

To hear appeals from state court cases that involve the Constitution and national laws

To declare a law unconstitutional

To declare a presidential act unconstitutional


答:Democratic party has a liberal ideology, while Republican party is more conservative. Democratic want the government to play an important role in the economy, while Republican party favor an economic system which gives enterprises greater freedom.


答:their high school records. Recommendations from their high school teachers. Impression during interview. The SAT scores.


答:teaching, research and public service, with each college or university having its own emphasis with regard to its functions.


答:They all have long history. They all have excellent faculty, having made more extensive academic achievements. Some of their graduates are very successful.


答:stress predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement or the salvation of a selected few who would receive god’s grace.


答:the young writers caught up in world war 1 and cut off from the old values, unable to terms with the new era

28、什么是beat movement?

答:began in the 1950s, the word “beat” suggests a rebellious attitude towards conventional values, an attitude which results from the feeling of depression and the need to escape into an unconventional mode of life.



答:The earliest inhabitant were Celts, then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes. In modern times there are lots of immigrants from former colonies of the British Empire.


答:Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. Nowadays, the standard of English is the same all over the world.


答:British became the most advanced industrial country in the world. And the urbanization took place. And the capitalist became the most important force in the country.


答:START: colonization in 1583.In 1837, has been an empire. By the end of the 19th century, was the largest empire in the world. After two wars, empire came to its end.


答:Usually advertising in newspapers, give short periods of time on television to present their policy. And TV program will discuss anything about campaigns.


答:It’s a voluntary association of independent states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the symbolic head of the association. Not a political union.

7、independent school的特点是什么?

答:require fees, also study the National Curriculum. These school get funding from the private sector, tuition fees, minimal government assistance. They have better teachers, the students are more likely to be accepted by famous universities.


答:It’s a revolt against the rules of Classicism. Writers are more concerned with imagination and feeling. In the writings, they often describe beautiful scenery with heart and mind rather than what they see.


答:Can be divided into two periods: Modernism and Postmodernism. Modernism prevailed before World War 2. It can be viewed as a deliberate from tradition. Modernist writing seems disorganized and hard to understand. It often portrays the action from the view point of a single confused individual. After World War 2, Postmodernist began. Modernists look for buried meaning below the confusing surface, while postmodernists abandon that search.


答:The United States is a nation of nations. The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America is described as a “melting pot”. Because immigrants from different races and ethnic groups, but at the same time keep their custom the culture, America is called a “salad bowl”.


答:To be open and tolerant toward different cultures. People from different racial and ethnic backgrounds should respect each other. Society should create opportunities to help them become assimilated. The immigrants should keep their own culture and language, contributing to the diversity of a multicultural society.


答:The Southern planters need many black slaves to manage plantations and they regarded the slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. And the northerners demanded to build railways and roads, but the southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries.


答:During the war, Americans continued their profitable trade with the warring countries, so they retained their military force and accumulated great wealth. When America entered the war, it was almost at the end of the wars. By sharing the fruit of the victory with other allies, America strengthened its power.


答:Each party holds its national convention every 4 years to choose a candidate for the presidency.

A candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country, make speech to win the election. During the first stage, presidential electors will be chosen. In the second stage, electors would vote a president. Actually, everyone knows who will be the next president as soon as the first stage is over.


答:He waged the Cold War. He placed emphasis on developing nuclear strength. He also authorized the CIA to undertake secret interventions to protect national security. In addition, he used power to create a noncommunist government in South Vietnam.


答:The first is that as many people as possible should receive as much education as possible. The second is producing a society that is totally literate and of local control. The third is that scholars and the students should work to discover new information or conceive new ways to understand what is already known.


答:Teach the experiences and values of many ethnic cultures. Textbooks introduce s variety of ethnic individuals who have achieved success. Cultural pluralism is now recognized as a principle of education. School at all levels offer students opportunities to learn about different culture. 18、浪漫主义时期美国作品的特征是什么?

答:Free expression of emotion and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic state of the characters. They had a strong tendency to celebrate America’s landscape.

19、为什么O’N ell被认为是美国最伟大的剧作家?

答:He is the first to regard drama as serious literature. His plays combine literary of naturalism and expressionism. He has great influence on later American playwright.

英语国家社会与文化 课程标准

《英美概况》教学大纲 一、课程说明. 1. 课程代码:107013841 2. 课程中文名称:英美概况 3. 课程英文名称:The Society and Culture of Major English Speaking Countries — an Introduction 4. 课程总学时数:32 5. 课程学分数:2 6. 授课对象: 英语专业二年级学生 7.本课程的性质、地位和作用 《英美概况》是英语专业本科的一门专业任选课。本课程以英语为媒介,比较系统地向学生阐述世界主要英语国家的社会与文化背景,如地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活和文化传统等方面的基本知识。它是英语专业学生学习英语专业其它语言基础课和在高年级阶段学习英语文学和翻译等课程的基础。本课程的教学可以提高学生在跨文化语言运用过程中对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,从而改善学生的跨文化语言运用能力。 二、教学基本要求 1.本课程的目的、任务 本课程的教学目的在于让英语专业学生了解和熟悉主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌,掌握其地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活与文化传统等方面的基本知识,扩大知识面,丰富文化修修养,加深对英语国家语言、文化和文学的理解,提高分析判断能力。 2.本课程的教学要求 本课程的基本要求是让学生掌握英美两个典型英语语言国家的历史与社会文化背景、民族特点、当前现状及发展前景。通过本课程的学习,学生除掌握有关英美两国的社会基本构成、文化传统、经济科技发展等基本知识外,同时也提高自身对英文社科类书籍的阅读能力,从而进一步提高自己的英语水平。 在课程的教学过程中,教师也可适当向学生推荐一些反映英美国家文化的优


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


英语国家概况-Land and people I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分 1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 4.Three political divisions on the island:England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。 (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. 英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。 (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。它有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地及南部山陵。首府:爱丁堡。 (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫 (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. 北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。 5.The Commonwealth (of nations)is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has 50 member countries until 1991. 英联邦是独立的前英国殖民地组成的自由联合体。它成立于1931年,至1990年止已有50个成员国。 II. Geographical Features 英国的地理特征 1.Geographical position of Britain: 英国的地理位置: Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. 英国是一个岛国。它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲大陆的北海岸隔海相望。南面的英吉利海峡和东面的北海将它与欧洲其它部分隔开。 2.The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands. 英国的西部和北部主要是高地,东部和东南部主要是低地。 III. Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊 Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m).


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


The Sports Culture of the United Kingdom ---An Introduction to the UK 姓名:谢宏桥 学号:2012213047 班级:七班 分数: 2013 年 12 月20 日 When it comes to the United Kingdom, People will always think of the British gentlemen with traditional hat and cane. In fact, sports are as traditional as gentlemen in Britain. The United Kingdom, a traditional and strong country not only in the area of industry and comprehensive national strength, but also in the area of sports, has a long history for playing sports. A lot of major sports originated in the UK, including association football, golf, tennis, boxing, rugby league, rugby union, cricket, field hockey, snooker, billiards, squash, curling and badminton, all of which are popular in Britain. Even the table tennis and baseball, the Chinese and American national sports, originated from Britain. Now British sports not only affect the social context at home, but also have a great impact outside home. We even can regard the sports as a reflection of British culture. Let’s know about Britain from its sports culture. 1. Various important sports originating in the UK 1.1 Association football. Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a very important sport originated in his traditional home—England in the 19th century. The laws of the game were originally codified in England by the Football


英语国家概况(阅读) 1、Which of the following statements is NOT true? C.The Social Democratic and Labour Party is a very important political party in Britain 2、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? D.Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution. 3、To get a bachelor’s degree, an American undergraduate student is required to do the following except ____. C.taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophy 4、Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? B.The legislative. 5、Which one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition? C.Eating chocolate eggs on Easter Day. 6、Which of the following statements is NOT true about blacks after the 1960s? A.Blacks felt that they could be fully integrated into the mainstream of American life. 7、The New Deal was started by ___. A.Franklin Roosevelt. 8、Which of the following is NOT based on the fact? A.Members of Parliament elect the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. 9、Three of the following are characteristics of London, Which of the four is the EXCEPTION? C.London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world 10、In order to go to university, secondary school students in the US must meet the following requirements except that ___. D.They pass the college entrance examinations 11、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, ___. D.the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined. 12、Which of the following about the tabloids is not true? A.They are big format newspapers. 13、In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because ____. A.they wanted to increase its control over Ireland 14、The largest religion in the US is ___. B.Christianity 15、Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords? C.The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public.


英语国家概况课程标准 课程代码: 适用专业:商务英语 一、课程概述 1.课程性质 语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的基础。英语语言学习和英国国家文化相互依存、密不可分。一个优秀的英语语言学习者,若不了解该语言背后所承载的民族文化,其交际能力也会受到限制。该课程能使学生了解和掌握英美两国政治,历史,经济,社会,文化和教育等基本知识,了解英美国家社会发展、现状和影响这两个国家社会发展的因素,拓展学生的知识面,培养学生文化意识,启发学生了解西方社会,了解交际规则,增强学生的英语语言学习能力,为后续专业课程的学习打下一定的基础,进而为培养高技能应用型复合人才打下基础。 2.课程设计思路 本课程在设计上围绕合作学习法—任务型教学法、比较教学法、线索梳理法、启发式等教学法。 合作学习法—任务型教学法 合作学习法又称协作学习,是以合作学习小组为基本形式,系统利用教学中动态因素之间的互动,促进学生的学习,以团体成绩作为评价标准,共同完成教学活动。任务型教学法是一种以任务或活动为核心单位计划组织语言教学的途径,一种强调“在做中学”的语言教学方法。合作学习法与任务型教学法结合是指教师设计学习任务,指导并帮助学生以小组为单位通过合作、协商完成学习任务的教学过程。主要采用组织演示、演讲、讨论等形式。 2)比较教学法 比较教学法是在教学过程中,利用教学内容的相互联系和区别,促进学生掌握和巩固教学内容、达到教学目标的一种逻辑思维方法。例如,在学习美国的政体时,我们可以和英国政体、甚至是我国的政体进行比较,异中求同,同中求异。从而对“Parliament”、“Congress”和我国的NPC (The National People’s Congress)形成更深刻的理解。运用这种教学法不仅有利于学生掌握基本知识与技能,而且有利于提高学生的创造性思维能力。3)线索梳理法 线索梳理法,尤其是历史年代轴线表示法是表达历史线索最清晰的一种方式,这种方式的特点是易于梳理,可操作性强,非常直接,便于记忆。比如说,英国历史很长,如果不进行梳理,很难记忆,如果整理成一条线索,效果却不能同日而语: Early settlers——Roman invasions——Anglo-Saxons——the Viking and Danish Invasions——the Norman Conquest——William’s Rule——the Great Charter——the Hundred Year’s War——the English Reformation——the English Renaissance——the Civil War——the Glorious Revolution——the Industrial Revolution——the two World Wars 同样,美国历史部分可整理成这样一条线索: The war of Independence——the War of 1812——territorial expansion and Westward Movement——the Civil War——the two World Wars——the Cold War——the Berlin Blockade——the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s——the Vietnam War 二、课程培养目标 1.知识目标 了解主要英语国家的地理,历史,经济和政治等方面的概况;了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的其他有关情况。 2.技能目标 扩大知识面,有效弥补英语专业学生知识面窄的不足;提高英语阅读的能力和语言应用能力。 3.素质目标


英语国家概况 名词解释 1. The civil rights movement (1955–1968) refers to the reform movements in the United States aimed at abolishing racial discrimination against African Americans and restoring suffrage in Southern states. 2. A federal system A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts with some rights reserved to each. 3. King Arthur It is said that he was the King of England in the 5th century and united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword, Excalibur. His real existence is in doubt. He is the central figure of many legends. 4. The Anglo-Saxons They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century. They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England. 5. Riverdance Riverdance is a very popular form of dancing based on I reland’s intricate folk dances which are rearranged and modernized and adapted onto current stage performance. Dancing is traditionally part of Irish culture. It is usually accompanied by the Irish pipe and fiddle. The music usually sounds fast and furious. Most of the action is from the waist down, with the arms held rigidly at the sides. 6. The House of Commons The House of Commons is the real centre of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives (Members of Parliament) make and debate policy. These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of people who vote for them. 7. The Commonwealth It is a voluntary association of states which is made up of Britain and mostly of former British colonies. There are 54 members of the Commonwealth including one currently suspended member: many of these are developing countries like India and Cyprus; others are developed nations like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network. 8. Maoritanga Maoritanga means ―Maori culture‖. It refers to all the elements of the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous people in New Zealand, including their language, customs and traditions. 9. The “Washminster” form polity The ―Washminster‖form of polity is adopted by the Australian government. It is a mixture of the US Washington system of government and the British Westminster system. This means that the political


A comparative study on the structure of British and American Governments The structure of American Governments The main government of the united states is the Federal government.It has three branches:The Legislature,The Executive and The Judiciary. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses:the Senate and the House of Representative.the senate has 100voting member.2 from each of the 50 states.a senator must be over 30 years old.the House of Representative has 435 voting members,a Representatives must be at least 25years old.Congress helps to pass laws of the Union There are 15 departments and many independent agencies in executive branch.the President is the chief of the executive branch,who has the power to manage national affairs and the working of the federal government.Cabinet is under the President in the administration branch,which serves the president as a presidential council. The judicial branch consists of 3 main courts:the supreme courts,the courts of appeals and the district courts.the supreme courts is the highest court of the United states.the courts of appeals is set up to share the burden of the Supreme Court.The district courts serves for local government ,and every state has its own judicial system. The structure of the British Governments The main 3 parts of the British Governments is the Legislature,the Executive and The Judiciary. Parliament is the law-making body of Britain,which is made of the Crown,the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The government is made up of the Prime Minister,the Cabinet ministers and assistants to the ministers.the prime minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.The Cabinet is the supreme decision-making body in the British government.the Cabinet follow the principle of collective responsibility and individual ministerial responsibility.In fact,the Prime Minister is the most powerful leader in Britain.


英语国家概况复习要点 Part One UK The Country 1.Different Names for Britain and its Parts Name:England Britain Great Britain (GB/G.B.) British Isles British Empire The Commonwealth The United Kingdom(The UK) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parts:England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographically, the British Isles includes Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and all the offshore islands Politically, the British Isles is made up of U.K. and Republic of Ireland. 3. the highest mountain in Britain:Ben Nevis(本尼维斯山) the largest mountain range in Britain:the Grampians(格兰扁山脉) 4.the longest river:The Severn River (塞文河) The most important river in Britain and the second longest river: Thames(泰晤士河) 5. the largest lake in Britain:Lough Neagh(内伊湖)( Northern Ireland) 6. Backbone of England:the Pennies(奔宁山脉) The people 7.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians. 人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利来人。 8.Basis of Modern English race? The earlist people known in Britain were nomads(游牧者)from mainland Europe in the Old Stone Age(旧石器时代),followed by Neolithic(新石器时代)Iberians (伊比利亚人) and the Beaker Folk(比克人)in the Bronze Age(青铜器时代) 9.the contributions made by Anglo-Saxons to the English state? ①.established 'Old English' ②.laid the foundations of the English state ③. divided the country into shires ④. created the 'Witan' to advise the King(the basis of the Cabinet) 10.different invaders? First invasion—In 55 BC, Julius Caesar Second—Caesar's second raid in 54 BC Third and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain (recorded) Left—In 410, Germanic barbarian attack Rome, forcing Roman troops to leave Britain, and thus ending its occupation of the island History 9.Who is known as “ the father of the British navy” ? Sir Francis Drake 10. The Norman Conquest and its consequences The Norman Conquest (1066-1071) Fuse: Edward ruled for 24 years and died in January, 1066. Harold was chosen to be king. William, Duke of Normandy, heard the news of Harold’s coronation, he got very angry and claimed that he had the sole right to be king of England because


Unit1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 1.The flag of Britain : Union Jack (英国国旗中没有显示出Welsh旗) 2. The basic information of each country: Count ry Capital Area Memo Englan d London 最大 1.最不会把自己的 “英格兰文化区 别于其他文化” 2.一个高度城市化

3.The time joining the British parliament: However, in 1707 by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments, Scotland joined the Union. 4.Difference between the British Isles ,UK, Great Britain , and England: British Isles: the island of Great Britain the island of Ireland

surrounding isles ●UK=Great Britain + Northern Ireland ●Great Britain =England +Scotland + Wales 5.The four major invasions in the history of Great Britain : At first, England was occupied by Celtic people. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire. Result: England and Wales became a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 years. the Angle-Saxon invaded. Result: The land they lived became" Angle-land", later changed into England, the language they spoken became English. PS:One of the best-known English legends derives from this time. In 5 century AD, King Author(亚瑟王) united the British, and with his magical sword, Excalibur(被称为“王者之剑”的圣剑),


[键入文档标题] [键入文档标题] 班级:英语N113班 姓名:沈晓 学号:9303 Abstract The history of the democracy of the United Kingdom is the history that consists of party politics, monarchy, judicial system, parliamentary system, and cabinet system, the history that parliament gradually replaced King to rule the nation, the history that the principle which cabinet should be responsible to Parliament produced, developed and finally established, the history that party began and grew in its interior, the history that democracy defeated despotism and equality defeated privilege constantly, the history that the United Kingdom society make progress constantly. The whole process of the history is exactly the process that the United Kingdom establishes the constitutional regime and gradually realizes the democratization. In a word, the political democracy of the United Kingdom went through its process of gestation, birth, growth and maturity. And with this process, United Kingdom-style political democracy gave the world its unique nature. Keywords:democracy Knights of Round Table Magna Carta Civil War the Bill of Rights Parliamentary Reform of 1832 Britain is arguably the oldest representative democracy in the world, with roots that can be traced over a thousand years. Other countries also have long political histories but these histories are marked by periods of sudden, and often violent, change. Although Britain too has had its periods of political instability, in contrast to

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