当前位置:文档之家› 夏威夷岛屿介绍





2000年夏威夷州的常住人口为1,211,537人。约五世纪时,夏威夷原住民玻利尼西亚人从南太平洋移居到此。是太平洋上,海空交通要地,战略位置十分重要。夏威夷(Hawaii)是夏威夷群岛中最大的岛屿,又称大岛,位于岛链最南端,有丰富的火山活动,设有火山国家公园,华人又称火山岛。全岛属夏威夷县范围。主要都市有东侧的希洛(Hilo)与西侧的科纳市(Kona)。首府为火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)。在1778至1898年间,夏威夷也被称为“三明治群岛”(Sandwich Islands)。夏威夷州是距今最近加入美国的州份,与美国其他各州有着明显的区别:它除了是美国最南方的州外,也是美国唯一一个全部位于热带的州;它与阿拉斯加州是美国各州中,仅有的两个不与其他各州相连的州份,也是美国唯一一个没有任何土地位在美洲大陆的州。论美国所有领土而言,夏威夷州是除了美国海外属地和群岛以外,最南端的一州,但非最南端的领土(美国最南端的领土落在美属萨摩亚群岛)。在族群分布上,它是两个非白种人居多数州份的其中之一,是美国唯一白种人不过半数的州。白种人约占三分之一,其余为日本人、玻利尼西亚人、菲律宾人、中国人、朝鲜人。比起其他各州,夏威夷州拥有最大的亚裔人口比例。生态及农业方面,它是全世界拥有最多濒临绝种物种的地方,也是美国唯一生产咖啡具有工业规模的州份。









拉奈岛:拉奈岛将近98%的土地是由“凯瑟尔与库克度假村”(Castle&Cooke Resorts,LLC)企业集团所有,而这个企业已经将此岛发展成为纯粹的休闲渡假胜地。您只要想象拉奈岛就好像一个私人拥有的公园,园内有两座五星级的高级渡假中心。拉奈岛是夏威夷群岛中开放给观光客的各岛屿中,面积最小的一座。





大岛物产丰富,盛产“火山豆”(也称“夏果”Macadamia Nuts)和夏威夷咖啡(Kona Coffee)。兰花园也是该岛的一景。但世界各地的游客去大岛的主要原因还是去参观夏威夷火山公园(Hawaii Volcanoes National Park)看火山爆发。夏威夷火山公园离开曦嵝市的车程是45分钟左右,该公园每天开放24小时,值得驻脚停留的有:火山瞭望台,火山女神之家,火山溶洞等。去大岛别忘了带雨衣。该岛的东部如曦嵝和火山公园,常常阴雨不断。


Hawaii Volcanoes Park 这里有茂密的热带雨林。还有蝙蝠、夏威夷雁、大鹰、乌鸦、夏威夷白腹水鸟等动物。基拉韦厄和冒纳罗亚两座现代活火山是这个公园的主要组成部分。同时它们也是夏威夷火山国家公园闻名遐迩的显著性标志。 There are dense tropical rain forest. And bats, Hawaii geese, big crow, eagle, Hawaii white bellied bird and animal. Kira Vee Maher and Mauna Loa, the two modern volcano is the main component of the park. At the same time, they are also the significant mark of be well-known, far and near Hawaii Volcanos National Park in Hawaii. 冒纳罗亚火山是夏威夷第一大火山,它海拔4170米。呈圆锥形,它是从水深6000米的太平洋底部耸立起来的,从海底到山顶高度超过一万米,比珠穆朗玛峰还高一千多米。总之,它被称为“伟大的建筑师”。 Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii is the first large volcano, which is at an elevation of 4170 meters. Conical in shape, it is from a depth of 6000 meters at the bottom of the Pacific rose from the bottom to the top of the hill, a height of over ten thousand meters, one thousand meters higher than Mount qomolangma. In short, it was called the " great architect ". 海拔1243米的基拉韦厄火山坐落在冒纳罗亚火山的东南侧,山名的意思是“吐出许多”。相传在夏威夷火山居住着女神佩莉,她时常云游太平洋诸岛,基拉韦厄火山的爆发就是为了迎接女神远游归来。 The altitude of 1243 meters of Kilauea volcano Mauna Loa volcano located on the southeast side of the mountain, the name meaning " out of many ". Legend has it that in the Hawaii volcano goddess Petre lived, she often travel in the Pacific Islands, Kilauea volcano eruption is returned to welcome goddess. The shopping mall 夏威夷有许多的特产和商品,世界各牌精品也很多,如Louis Vuitton、Christine Dior、Geogio Armani等。另外在一般百货公司或购物中心,也有许多价格实在的服饰、T恤、泳衣、化妆品、鞋类等商品。 Hawaii has many special local product and commodity, the world brand products are many, such as Louis Vuitton, Christine Dior, Geogio Armani etc.. In addition to the general department store or shopping center, also have a lot of price of clothing, T-Shirts, swimsuit, cosmetics, shoes and other goods.


按照岛屿级别我这里分为三类(同一级别豪华程度与排名先后无关) 1. 顶级度假酒店 2. 豪华度假酒店 3. 高级度假酒店 经常用到的餐标为BB(代表只有早餐)HB(含早晚餐)FB(含早中晚餐) 接下来就按照他们的分类为大家作出解释: 一.顶级度假酒店 1.吉塔莉岛ZITAHLI RESORT 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场188公里,水飞45分钟餐标为HB 2.阿里拉别墅酒店Alila Villas 该岛属于5星酒店,由于距离很远需要做国内飞机50分钟后转做快艇50分钟才能到餐标BB 3.丽晶度假村The Regent Maldives 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场约190公里,水上飞机约50分钟餐标BB 4.香格里拉-微琳姬莉岛Villingili 该岛属于5星酒店,国内航班70分钟(Gun机场),转快艇8分钟餐标BB 5.Coco Palm Bodu Hithi 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场29公里,快艇约30分钟餐标BB 6.可可亚岛Cocoa Island 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场30公里,快艇约30分钟餐标BB 7.多尼蜜姬莉岛Dhoni Mighili

该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场75公里水上飞机25分钟餐标BB 8.W宁静岛W Retreat & Spa 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场80公里水上飞机25分钟餐标BB 9.港丽伦格里岛Conrad Rangali 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场107公里水上飞机30分钟餐标BB 10.假日珊瑚岛Holiday Island 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场109公里水上飞机30分钟餐标需要和代理再谈 11.四季酒店Landaa Giraavaru 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场130公里水上飞机30分钟餐标需要和代理再谈 12.神仙珊瑚岛Island Hideaway at Dhonakulhi 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场300公里。得做内陆飞机50分钟(不是水飞啊)餐标需要和代理再谈 13.泰姬魅力岛Taj Exotica 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场8公里豪华快艇15分钟餐标BB 14.娜拉杜岛Naladhu Maldives 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场22公里豪华快艇25分钟餐标需要和代理再谈 15.索尼娃姬莉岛Soneva Gili 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场14公里豪华快艇15分钟餐标需要和代理再谈 16.泰姬珊瑚岛Taj Coral Reef Resort 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场36公里豪华快艇60分钟餐标需要和代理再谈 17.瑞堤拉岛One & Only Reethi Rah 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场40公里豪华快艇50分钟餐标需要和代理再谈 18.悦榕庄-瓦宾法鲁Vabbinfaru 该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场18公里豪华快艇30分钟餐标FB


马尔代夫旅游常见问题 基本知识 马尔代夫是一片群岛,首都是马累,去马尔代夫度蜜月是指去马尔代夫的某1个或2个岛度蜜月!底子上一个休假村会占一个岛,也就是所谓的一岛一酒店。马代有120个左右的休假村岛屿,每个岛屿都不大。 怎样抵达马尔代夫 首要要从国内飞到马尔代夫的首都马累,然后坐快艇或许水上飞机抵达方针休假村。从国内飞到马累的航空公司有: 斯里兰卡航空(UL): 因为价钱廉价,所以是大大都人的挑选,缺陷是要转机(科隆坡)+经停(曼谷),比拟傲人,到马累必定是夜里。(好消息是,从马累到小岛的飞翔中,大大都人会看到这一生中见过的最美的星空!海里是没有灯火污染的) 新加坡航空(SQ): 最理想的航班,飞机好,效劳号,送蜜月蛋糕,让你心境爽到极致(需求给他们打个电话预定,说你那天做飞机,那天是蜜月)。缺陷是价钱高,不过冷季的时分会偶然推出特价,请时不时的重视下他们的官网,碰碰命运 阿联酋航空(EK): 比来越来越盛行,价钱廉价,就是要在迪拜绕一大圈....这个比拟合适要坐水上飞机的同学,因为飞机都是白日飞,坐阿联酋飞机的话,时刻在迪拜里耗着,然后在飞机上过夜,相对合算些。 另外,卡塔尔航空(多哈转机),国航和南航好像也有航线,请征询。(TIPS,请给那些报纸上的署理打电话,多问几家,必定有廉价机票,别光看网站的,机票都可以挑选送票上门,然后你先别付钱,去航信的网站可以直接查询机票真伪的:) 若是挑选的岛需求坐水上飞机 要注重的是,水上飞机只需白日飞翔,所以说,若是你抵达时刻是夜里,那你有必要先订好在马累的住宿(当前驴友引荐住马累的Holiday inn - 点击检查) 另外,水飞对行李分量需求很严厉,会一件一件的称重。 水飞的流程: 入关后,去找酒店货台处理登记手续(要看酒店入住店和护照),然后带你去水飞货台,注重,一切的行李城市被称重(不论你是邮寄仍是手提),因为水飞对分量有需求,超重要罚钱哈~ 然后问你有没有要随身带的,有的话你就可以把行李拿出来背身上,可是不要拆标签。马代的水飞有两种色彩,蓝黄(南线岛屿)和红白(北线岛屿),邮寄后就可以坐相应色彩的中巴车到水飞歇息室(注重,不是一切酒店都在一个歇息室,上车前,和下车前都请供认下),抵达歇息室只需把登机牌和护照给他看下就可以到周围沙发歇息了,有的水飞歇息室会供给酒店。 挑选需求水飞的岛,仍是挑选需求快艇的岛? 简略的说,水飞好玩,是次可贵的体会,缺陷就是价钱高,舒适度通常,而且只需白日飞。快艇则是


马尔代夫菜单介绍 Starters, Soupsand Salads 头盘,汤和沙拉 Soup of the day 每日例汤 Chilled tomato gazpacho, poa原文http://hi.baidu.com/new/2261309582ched scallop, avocado & lime salad 番茄凉菜汤,清蒸扇贝,鳄梨和莱姆沙拉 Vietnamese rice paper rolls with prawn, asian herbs, chilli, lime dippingsauce 越南米饭裹大虾、亚洲香草、辣椒,还有莱姆蘸酱 Salad greens, oven dried pear, walnuts & goats feta with honey &thyme dressing 素沙拉浇梨干、核桃和羊奶酪配百里香糖浆 Char grilled asparagus, date & orange salad with hummus &pistachios 焦嫩烤芦笋,橙子沙拉配中东鸡豆粘酱和开心果  Tomato & buffalo mozzarella with basil & balsamic 番茄和水牛芝士配葡萄香醋和罗勒 Yellow fin tuna carpaccio, lemon, dried tomato, olive, caper & parsleysalad 薄切金枪鱼配柠檬,干番茄,橄榄油,酸豆和香芹沙拉 Poached prawn, pomegranate, fennel & rocket salad with pomegranate& tomato dressing 清蒸大虾,石榴,茴香和芝麻菜沙拉配石榴和番茄酱 Local lagoon lobster, avocado & papaya salad with lime dressing &mango mayonnaise ¥38 当地环礁龙虾,鳄梨和番木瓜沙拉配莱姆汁和芒果蛋黄酱 Salt & pepper squid with shredded vegetable salad & chilli,vinegar dressing ¥26 椒盐乌贼配蔬菜沙拉和辣椒,醋酱汁 Caesar salad soft cooked eggs, crisp proscuitto & anchovy dressing ¥20 凯撒沙拉煮鲜蛋,脆意大利熏火腿和鳀鱼酱 Sandwiches andPizzas All sandwichesserved with salad greens 三明治和批萨(所有三明治配素沙拉) Open faced 7 grain sandwich, with grilled zucchini, peppers, hummus &semi dried tomatoes (V) ¥24 北欧式三明治,配烤小西葫芦,胡椒, 中东鸡豆粘酱和半干番茄 Panini of prosciutto, mozzarella, balsamic onion, tapenade & roquette (avail. V) ¥24 乡村软式法国面包火腿三明治,芝士,葡萄香醋洋葱,法式剌山柑酱和芝麻菜 Chicken tikka flatbread sandwich with cucumber, tomato & shreddedlettuce & mint raita ¥24 咖喱鸡薄饼三明治配黄瓜,番茄和碎生菜以及薄荷酸奶沙拉 Cocoa burger – chopped sirloin, crisp proscuitto, Emmenthal cheese &tomato kasundi chutney ¥28 COCOA汉堡 – 包括牛腰肉排, 意式脆熏火腿, 芝士和番茄果肉酱 Pizza with roast pumpkin, grilled peppers & pesto, roquette &parmesan shavings ¥24 皮萨 - 南瓜,烤辣椒和意式青酱,芝麻菜拌奶酪 Pizza with buffalo mozzarella, tomato, capers, olives & torn basil ¥24 皮萨 - 水牛芝士,番茄,酸豆,橄榄油和罗勒 Pizza with prawns, buffalo mozzarella, grilled peppers, dried chilli,shaved fennel & oregano ¥26 皮萨 – 大虾,水牛芝士,烤辣椒,干辣椒,茴香和牛至 Pasta, Noodlesand Rice (通心粉,面条和米饭)  Salad of soba noodles, mixed mushrooms & seaweed with spicy misodressing 蘑菇拌海菜荞麦面沙拉加辣味噌  Organic brown rice sushi assortment with soy & wasabi 红糙米饭花色寿司配大根酱  Organic whole wheat spaghetti, black olives, roquette, goats cheese &roasted pepper 全麦细面条,黑橄榄油,芝麻菜,羊奶酪和烤辣椒(Shambhala Cuisine) Linguine with clams, white wine, garlic, chilli, parsley & lemon ¥28 宽面条,用蛤,白酒,大蒜,辣椒,香芹和柠檬煮成 Fettuccine with Angus beef bolognaise, basil & parmesan shavings ¥28 意大利面配曼哈顿牛排肉酱,罗勒和碎香芹 Indian Mee Goreng – fried egg noodles with prawn, chicken, tofu & egg ¥26 印度炒面 – 有大虾,鸡肉,豆腐和鸡蛋做成的炒蛋 Nasi Goreng – Indonesian fried rice with chicken satay, prawn crackers& fried egg ¥24 巴厘岛炒饭 – 有鸡肉沙爹,大虾段和炒蛋做成的印尼炒饭   Entrée(前菜) Chilled zucchini and basil soup with parmesan &olive oil sorbet ¥18 冷小西葫芦罗勒汤配帕尔梅桑奶酪橄榄油冰霜 Freshly shucked Pacific oysters with tomato granite & tomato, cucumber& coriander salsa ¥24 新鲜太平洋牡蛎配番茄冰沙和番茄、黄瓜、香菜煮成的拉美风格蔬菜酱 Orange, artichoke, broad bean & shaved fennel salad with spicedalmonds & orange blossom dressing ¥24 橙子、朝鲜蓟、蚕豆、茴香制成的沙拉配五香杏仁加牛油果酱汁(Shambhala Cuisine) Grilled Mediterranean vegetable salad with goats cheese, pine nuts, redpeppers & balsamic vinaigrette ¥24 烤地中海蔬菜沙拉配羊奶酪、松子、红辣椒和意大利式黑醋 Tuna tartare with pomegranate dressing, avocado, tomato & cucumbersalad ¥26 鲔鱼塔塔配石榴汁,鳄梨,番茄和黄瓜制成的沙拉(Shambhala Cuisine) Roast pumpkin & ricotta ravioli with seared scallops, fried garlic,chilli, sage & almonds ¥28 烤南瓜和意大利式ricotta奶酪饺子配香煎干贝,炒蒜,辣椒,山艾和杏仁 Tandoor prawn, papaya, orange & sesame salad with fresh coconutchutney & curd ¥26 印度烤虾,木瓜,橙子和芝麻制成的沙拉配新鲜印度椰子酱和凝乳 Seafood fritto misto with lemon & spiced salsa verde ¥28 意大利式素炸海鲜什锦鱼配柠檬和五香拉美风味蔬菜酱 Grilled quail wrapped in pancetta, marinated pepper & eggplant saladwith Persian feta & almond sauce ¥28 培根包烤鹌鹑,泡椒和茄子沙拉配波斯奶酪和杏仁酱 Spiced tea smoked duck & scallop salad with Szechwan pickledvegetables, orange, hoisin dressing ¥28 五香樟茶鸭和扇贝沙拉配四川泡菜,橙子,海鲜酱  Seafood mulligatawny soup ¥20 海鲜咖喱肉汤 Freshly shucked Pacific oysters with tomato granite & tomato, cucumber& coriander salsa ¥24 新鲜太平洋牡蛎配番茄冰沙和番茄、黄瓜、香菜煮成的拉美风格蔬菜酱 Orange, artichoke, broad bean & shaved fennel salad with spicedalmonds & orange blossom dressing ¥24 橙子、朝鲜蓟、蚕豆、茴香制成的沙拉配五香杏仁加牛油果酱汁 Grilled Mediterranean vegetable salad with goats cheese, pine nuts, redpeppers & balsamic vinaigrette ¥24 烤地中海蔬菜沙拉配羊奶酪、松子、红辣椒和意大利式黑醋 Tuna tartare with pomegranate dressing, avocado, tomato & cucumbersalad ¥28 鲔鱼塔塔配石榴汁,鳄梨,番茄和黄瓜制成的沙拉(Shambhala Cuisine) Seared tiger prawns with goats cheese tortellini, pine nuts, raisins, nutbrown butter & parmesan ¥28 烤大虾配意式羊奶酪饺子,松子,葡萄干,黑果仁黄油和意大利干酪 Squid ink linguine with shaved squid, tomato masala & wilted greenswith saffron raita ¥28 乌贼墨汁宽面条,配印度式番茄和绿色蔬菜以及藏红花酸奶沙拉 Crispy fried soft shelled crab with green papaya salad & spicy peanut,lime dressing ¥28 脆炸软壳蟹配番木瓜沙拉和辣味花生,莱姆汁 Organic chicken salad with cucumber, cherry tomatoes & cashews,tamarind, lemongrass dressing ¥26 黄瓜,小番茄,腰果,罗望子,柠檬香茅拌鸡块沙拉(Shambhala Cuisine) Shaved proscuitto, honey roast pear & pickled onion salad withpecorino & hazelnuts ¥28 意大利熏火腿片,烤甜梨和拌洋葱榛子奶酪沙拉   Mains 主菜 Baked ginger tofu, buckwheat noodles, ponzu sauce & ginger cress salad (V) ¥26 烘姜汁豆腐,荞麦面,柚子酱油和姜汁水芹沙拉(Shambhala Cuisine) Nicoise salad of char grilled Yellowfin tuna¥36 法式半焦烤金枪鱼淋酱沙拉 Crisp skinned white snapper, green beans, pancetta & asparagus withalmond lemon sauce ¥36 脆皮白鳟鱼,绿豌豆,意大利培根和芦笋配柠檬杏仁沙司


1、华尔街 Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券 交易所). The phrase "Wall Street" is also used as a metonym(换喻词) to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole. Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey. JPMorgan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001. 2、自由女神 Statue of Liberty Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the


美国州名美国州名英文州名简写和简称首府首府英文名阿拉巴马州Alabama AL 蒙哥马利Montgomery 阿拉斯加州Alaska AK 朱诺Juneau 阿利桑那州Arizona AZ 菲尼克斯Phoenix 阿肯色州Arkansas AR 小石城Little rock 加利福尼亚州California CA 萨克拉门托Sacramento 科罗拉多州Colorado CO 丹佛Denver 康涅狄格州Connecticut CT 哈特福德Hartford 特拉华州Delaware DE 多佛Dover 佛罗里达州Florida FL 塔拉哈西Tallahassee 乔治亚州Georgia GA 亚特兰大Atlanta 夏威夷州Hawaii HI 檀香山火努鲁鲁Honolulu 爱达荷州Idaho ID 博伊西Boise 伊利诺斯州Illinois IL 斯普林菲尔德Springfield 印第安纳州Indiana IN 印第安纳波利斯Indianapolis 爱荷华州Iowa IA 得梅因Des Moines 堪萨斯州Kansas KS 托皮卡Topeka 肯塔基州Kentucky KY 法兰克福Frankfort 路易斯安那州Louisiana LA 巴吞鲁日Baton Rouge 缅因州Maine ME 奥古斯塔Augusta 马里兰州Maryland MD 安纳波利斯Annapolis 马萨诸塞州Massachusetts MA 波士顿Boston 密歇根州Michigan MI 兰辛Lansing 明尼苏达州Minnesota MN 圣保罗St. Paul 密西西比州Mississippi MS 杰克逊Jackson 密苏里州Missouri MO 杰斐逊城Jefferson City 蒙大拿州Montana MT 海伦娜Helena 内布拉斯加州Nebraska NE 林肯Lincoln 内华达州Nevada NV 卡森城Carson City 新罕布什尔州 New hampshire NH 康科德Concord 新泽西州New jersey NJ 特伦顿Trenton 新墨西哥州New mexico NM 圣菲Santa Fe 纽约州New York NY 奥尔巴尼Albany 北卡罗来纳州North Carolina NC 纳罗利Raleigh 北达科他州North Dakota ND 俾斯麦Bismarck 俄亥俄州Ohio OH 哥伦布Columbus 俄克拉荷马州Oklahoma OK 俄克拉何马城Oklahoma City 俄勒冈州Oregon OR 塞勒姆Salem 宾夕法尼亚州Pennsylvania PA 哈里斯堡Harrisburg 罗得岛州Rhode island RL 普罗维登斯Providence


马尔代夫133个岛最新介绍 马尔代夫选岛篇(2+2+2+2+15+12+17+27+4+6+4=93) 1、Meemu Atoll, Maldives 1.1、Medhufushi Island Resort(4星半、应该没有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水) 1.2、Chaaya Lagoon Hakuraa Huraa Hotel(4星、应该没有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水) 2、Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives 2.1、Angsana Resort & Spa Maldives Velavaru(5星、应该没有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水) 2.2、Vilu Reef Beach & Spa Resort(4星半、应该有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水) 3、Faafu Atoll, Maldives 3.1、The Rania Experience Spa(6星、应该没有防堤坝、最奢华的度假村之一) 3.2、Filitheyo Island Resort(4星半、应该没有防堤坝、水上别墅可直接下水、有人工开掘浮浅水道) 4、Felidhoo Atoll 4.1、Alimathà Acquatic Resort(3星半、应该没有防堤坝、水上别墅可直接下水、水上别墅1房1户) 4.2、Dhiggiri Tourist Resort(4星、应该没有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水) 5、South Ari Atoll 5.1、Angaga Island Resort(3星、应该有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水) 5.2、Athuruga Island Resort(4星、应该没有防堤坝、无水上别墅) 5.3、Conrad Maldives Rangali Island(6星、应该有防堤坝、水上别墅1房1户、直接下水、独特的2岛1酒店) 5.4、Diva Island Resort(4星半、应该有防堤坝、水上别墅1房2户、直接下水、水上别墅有观鱼玻璃) 5.5、Holiday Island 5.6、Kuda Rah Island Resort 5.7、Lily Beach Resort 5.8、Maafushivaru Twin Island 5.9、Machchafushi Island Resort 5.10、Minhi Island Resort 5.11、Ranveli Village 5.12、Sun Island Resort 5.13、Thudufushi Island Resort 5.14、Vakarufalhi Island Resort 5.15、Vilamendhoo Island Resort 6、North Ari Atoll 6.1、Adaaran Club Bathala 6.2、Banyan Tree Madivaru 6.3、Dhoni Mighili度假村 6.4、Chaaya Ellaidhoo Reef Resort 6.5、Gangehi Island Resort 6.6、Halaveli Holiday Village 6.7、Kandholhu Island Resort度假村 6.8、Maayafushi Tourist Resort度假村


洛杉矶—夏威夷 [飞行约6小时餐:早餐+午餐+晚餐酒店:Waikiki Sand Vila Hotel或同级] 乘飞机抵达夏威夷首府火奴鲁鲁。夏威夷群岛位处北回归线上,气候宜人,共有八个岛屿,由西南到东北排列在太平洋上,其中五个大岛为:夏威夷岛、茂宜岛、欧胡岛、木罗开岛和兰纳岛。夏威夷群岛无穷的魅力,完善的旅游和观光设备以及低购物税的政策使之成为理想的度假胜地,每年吸引无数来自世界各地的游客。火奴鲁鲁位于欧胡岛,威基基海滩,海滩沙幼水静,绵延十几里,碧海蓝天,白帆点点,大自然景色迷人,是享受的阳光与海滩极佳地点。抵达后参观【珍珠港】(约1.5小时),珍珠港是第二次世界大战期间美国舰队受到轰炸之军事港口,【亚利桑拿纪念堂】建在战役中沉没的亚利桑拿号的残骸上,游客现亲临感受战争带来的伤害,风力非风的【大风口】(约20分钟),下午入住酒店休息调整时差。 夏威夷 [餐:早餐+午餐+晚餐酒店:Waikiki Sand Vila Hotel或同级] 早餐后参观全美唯一的【夏威夷皇宫】(约20分钟),代表夏威夷形象的【州政府】(车上看)【卡哈拉高级住宅区】(车上看),俯瞰风景优美的【恐龙湾】(约15分钟)和【喷泉口】(约20分钟),行程结束后客人可自行前往沙滩享受阳光与海滩。 夏威夷群岛由130个大小岛屿组成。夏威夷(Hawaii)、毛伊(Maui)、

瓦胡(Oaku)、考爱(Kauai)四个主要岛屿及莫洛凯(MoLokai)、拉奈(Lanai)、尼华(Nihau)、卡霍奥拉维(Kahoolawe)等几小岛构成了通常意义的夏威夷群岛。徒步环岛旅行的时间最好安排在7-10天左右。 瓦胡岛 环岛一周:威基基(沿巴里高速公路)→卡内奥黑(Kaneohe)(沿海北上)→波里尼西亚文化中心(绕岛)→日落海滩(沿海南下)→哈莱瓦(Haleiwa)(沿卡美哈美哈高速公路)→瓦希阿瓦菠萝园(Wahiawa)(沿卡美哈美哈高速公路)→珍珠港(乘游览船)→克瓦洛海湾→威基基。 考爱岛 推荐路线:利胡艾(向北乘车)→威鲁亚河(乘游览船)→羊齿洞窟;利胡艾(向南乘车)→科罗亚(沿南海岸)→喷水穴(沿南海岸)→哈那佩佩溪谷(沿南海岸)→威美亚;峡谷(向北)→卡拉劳眺望台;利胡艾(沿北部海岸)→哈那来谷(沿北部海岸)→哈那洞窟 毛伊岛 推荐路线:卡胡鲁伊(向西)→威鲁库(向西)→伊亚奥峡谷;卡胡鲁伊(向东沿山路)→哈雷亚拉火山 若时间、精力充裕,可从卡胡鲁伊骑自行车或驾车沿山路去往东部休闲地汉那(Hana),一路上风景千变万化令人目不暇接。 夏威夷岛 推荐路线:希洛(沿西北部公路)→国立夏威夷公园(登山)→几劳亚喷火山(骑马或步行)→冒纳罗亚火山;科纳(乘海底玻璃船)→库克船长纪念碑;科纳(沿东北高速公路)→威美亚高原


美国夏威夷英文介绍 Hawaii 夏威夷风情 For most of us, Hawaii begins to weave her spell with some little glimmer of awareness. Golden beaches and golden people. Sun, sand, sea, and surf ... And somewhere between the blue skies and the palm trees ... we're hooked. 对于大部分人来说,那些星星点点的关于夏威夷的印象,足以让我们沉浸于她的魅力。金色的海滩,金色的人们。阳光、沙子、大海、浪花……在蓝天和棕榈树之间,我们流连忘返。 The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is friendly. The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long. It's a little warmer in summer, and a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody. 夏威夷岛是世界上最美丽的地方之一。这里天气宜人,气温整年在华氏60-90度之间变化。夏天稍暖,冬天稍凉,但对于某些人来说每天都是晒太阳的好日子。 夏威夷英文介绍 There are no strangers in Paradise. Perhaps the most beautiful part of Hawaii is the genuine warmth of people. We call it the spirit of Aloha. It has allowed a melting pot of cultures from all over the world to find common ground, and a new home, in this most gentle of places. 在这人间天堂没有陌生人。也许夏威夷人与生俱来地的热情才是这里真正魅力所在。我们称之为爱的精神。它是世界上最文明的地方之一,世界各地的文化都可以在这熔炉中找到共同点,生根发芽。


夏威夷群岛位于北太平洋,由8个大岛和120多个小岛组成。夏威夷群岛没有非常有名气的名胜古迹,但却用她得天独厚的自然风光和岛上居民的热情,招呼着每年来自全球成千上万的游客。 夏威夷群岛的八个主岛:夏威夷岛、毛伊岛、卡胡拉韦岛、拉奈岛、莫洛凯岛、瓦胡岛、可爱岛、尼豪岛全都是火山岛,其中瓦胡岛是夏威夷州州府檀香山所在;可爱岛静谧安详,极具田园风光;毛伊岛的秀丽山谷、夏威夷大岛的火山熔岩同样不可错过。 夏威夷的波利尼西亚文化创造出许多独特的文化表演,其中,草裙舞是游客印象最深刻的。夏威夷融合东西方之文化,连结南北半球文明,是名副其实的闪耀在太平洋上的一颗明珠 Hawaii is the most recent of the 50 U.S. states (joined the Union on August 21, 1959), and is the only U.S. state made up entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii’s diverse natural scenery, warm tropical climate, abundance of public beaches, oceanic surroundings, and active volcanoes make it a popular destination for tourists, surfers, biologists, and volcanologists alike. Due to its mid-Pacific location, Hawaii has many North American and Asian influences along with its own vibrant native culture. Hawaii has over a million permanent residents along with many visitors and U.S. military personnel. The state encompasses nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, which comprises hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles (2,400 km). Hawaii is the 8th-least extensive, the 11th-least populous, but the 13th-most densely populated of the 50 U.S. states. Hawaii's ocean coastline is approximately 750 miles (1,210 km) long, which is fourth in the United States after those of Alaska, Florida and California. Hawaii is one of two states that do not observe daylight saving time, the other being Arizona. It is also one of two states that are not in theContiguous United States; the other is Alaska. Hawaii is the only state with an Asian plurality.


Introduction The Maldivian archipelago located 300 miles southwest of the southern tip of India and 450 miles west of Sri Lanka is a beautiful string of 1,1 90 low-lying coral islands scattered across the equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, giving a rare glimpse of what is aptly described as a tropical paradise . The Maldives, where sands are white as the smiles of the locals, where fish swim happily in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, where the weather is a dream, and the deep rays of the sun wait to engulf you their arms. In ancient times, the shores of the Maldives welcomed lost travellers. Still welcoming, these shores remain, providing a tranquil haven for visitors. Sun, sea and sand which add up to being a heavenly getaway from the rest of the world and its worries. The seawater is hyaline as air, and air is clear as seawater.Coral reef is attractively bright-colored,The undersea world is full of odd unreal colour.The island appears simple, nature, All of the secular troubles vanished without a trace in this fresh wind,Peace and tranquility will washing the soul as new. Luxury hotel Resorts and hotels woo tourists with promises of, 'the last paradise on earth', and they will not disappoint. It is a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the wealth of marine life and the reefs as well as being popular with honeymooners and older couples seeking to rejuvenate their lives. Maldives delicious food Maldives is a muslim country,Islam do not eat pork, not drinking, non-idol worship. But this place is island country, abounds in many kinds of fish, crabs and lobsters.There're also have lots of tropical fruits. This is the first all-glass undersea restaurant on earth,and it call ”Ithaa”. Interestingly, perhaps taking into account the feelings of fish,the restaurant does not provide the fish food. The Maldives Honeymoon If a honeymoon is meant to be a celebration of love in an intimate,secluded, and most importantly, beautiful setting, then the Maldives is the world’s best backdrop for all these things. Maldives specialty Shell Maldives is the hometown of tropical fish Handicrafts

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