当前位置:文档之家› 核心词汇





1.放;置;使处于She set a tray down on a table.

2.使处于某种状况Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease.

3.为…设置背景The novel is set in London in the 1960s.

4.设置;调整;安排She set the camera on automatic.

5.摆放餐具Could you set the table for dinner?

6.镶嵌She had the sapphire set in a gold ring.

7.安排;确定;决定They haven’t set a date for their wedding yet.

8.树立;创立;开创This could set a new fashion

9.布置;分配;指派Who will be setting the French exam?

10.凝固;凝结Leave the concrete to set for a few hours.

11.使现出坚定的表情Her jaw was set in a determined manner.

12.固定发型;做头发She had her hair washed and set.

13.把(断骨)复位The surgeon set her broken arm.

14.排版Books were previously set by hand but much of the work is now done by computer.

15.为…谱曲;为…配乐;Schubert set many poems to music.

16.落下We sat and watched the sun setting.


1.一套;一副;一组You can borrow my keys—I have spare set.

2.一组(配套使用的东西)a chess set

3.一伙人;阶层;团伙the smart set


5.布景We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.

6.舞台The cast must all be on (the) set by 7a.m.

7.(网球、排球比赛等的)盘;局She won in straight sets.

8.集合set function

9.一组歌曲a stunning solo set of ten songs

10.(在某学科上能力相当的)一批学生She’s in the top set for French.

11.(尤指坚定的)姿势;姿态;神情She admired the firm set of his jaw.

12.头发的定型;做头发a shampoo and set costs £15.



15.幼苗;插枝;球茎onion sets


1位于…的He had close-set eyes.

2.安排好的;确定的;固定的;Each person was giving set jobs to do. 3.固定的;顽固的;固执的;As people get older, they get set in their ways.

4.套餐Should we have the set menu?

5.有可能的;做好准备的Interest rates look set to rise again.

6.呆板的;不自然的His face took on a set expression.



1.货摊;摊位a market stall



4.Bra(剧场的)正厅前排座位the front row of the stalls





1.熄火;抛锚The car stalled and refused to start again.

2.故意拖延(以赢得时间)They are still stalling on the deal.

3.拖住(以赢得时间做某事)See if you can stall her while I finish

searching her office.

4.暂缓;搁置;停顿Discussions have once again stalled. Impose


1.推行;采用(规章制度);强制实行A new tax was imposed on


2.迫使;把…强加于This system imposes additional financial

burdens on many people.

3.使(别人)接受自己的意见She didn’t want to impose her

values on her family.

4.勉强(某人做某事);硬要和…在一起You must stay for lunch. Well,

thanks, but I don’t want to impose…

5.使接受;使意识到(自己在场或想法)European civilization was

the first to impose itself across the whole world.



1.报章杂志;报刊;印刷媒体The story was reported in the press and on television.

2.记者;新闻工作者;新闻界The press was not allowed to attend the trial.

3.报道;评论The airline has had a bad press recently.

4.印刷机;印刷We were able to watch the books rolling off the presses.

5.出版社;印刷所Oxford University Press

6.压平机;压榨机;榨汁机a garlic press

7.挤压;推;按He gave the bell another press.

8.拥挤的人群the press of bodies all moving the same way



1.推;挤She pressed her face against the window.

2.按;压He pressed the lid firmly shut.

3.将…塞进;把…按入He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on.


5.拥挤;推搡的移动The photographers pressed around the royal visitors.

6.催促;敦促;逼迫If pressed, he will admit that he knew about the


7.坚持;反复强调I don’t want to press the point, but you do owe me $ 200.

8.把…压平;压扁Press the soil flat with the back of a spade.

9.熨平My suit needs pressing.


11.压制The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metals.



1.使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉;使失去信心Wet weather always

depressed me.

2.使萧条;使不景气The recession has depressed the housing


3.降低价格;减少工资to depress wages

4.按;压;推下(尤指机器部件)to depress the clutch pedal



1.表达;表露;表示Teachers have expressed concern about the

emphasis on testing.

2.表达(自己的思想情感)Teenagers often have difficulty expressing


3.显而易见;不言自明Their pleasure expressed itself in a burst of


4.用符号表示;代表The figures are expressed as percentages.


1.快速的;快递的;特快的an express train

2.明确的;明白表示的It was his express wish that you should

have his gold watch after he died.


1.使用快速服务I’d like to send this parcel express ,please.


1.特快列车Trans-Siberian Express



1.(对某事)犹豫;迟疑不决She hesitated before replying.

2.顾虑;疑虑Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any



1.特色;特征;特点An interesting feature of the city is the old


2.面容的一部分(如鼻、口、眼)Her eyes are her most striking


3.(报章、电视等的)特写;专题节目a special feature on education



1.以…为特色;以…特征The film features Anthony Hopkins as


2.起重要作用;占重要地位Olive oil and garlic feature prominently

in his recipes.



1.击败;战胜He defeated the champion in three sets.

2.困惑;难住The instruction manual completely defeated me.

3.使失败;阻挠;挫败The motion was defeated by 19 votes. Noun

1.失败;战败;失败The party faces defeat in the election.

2.击败;战胜the defeat of fascism


1.效率;效能;功效I was impressed by the efficiency with which she

handled the crisis.

2.提高功效的方法We are looking at our business to see where

savings and efficiencies can be made.




足够的;充足的Allow sufficient time to get there.



1.效应;影响;结果Modem farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.

2.外观;声响;印象;效果The overall effect of the painting is overwhelming.

3.(个人)财产;所有物;财物The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects.


使发生;实现;引起to effect a cure


1.影响Your opinion will not affect my decision.

2.(疾病)的侵袭;感染The condition affects one in five women.

3.(感情上)深深打动;使悲伤They were deeply affected by the news

of her death.

4.假装She affected a calmness she did not feel.

5.(为引人注意而)使用;穿戴I wish he wouldn’t affect that ridiculous




1.粗略的;肤浅的;粗枝大叶的;浅薄的The book shows a somewhat

superficial understanding of the historical context.

2.表面的;外面的;外表的When you first meet her, she gives a

superficial impression of warmth and friendliness.

3.表层的;表皮的superficial burns

4.浅薄的;肤浅的The guests engaged in superficial chatter.

5.表面的;浅表的a superficial deposit of acidic soils


1.人工的;人造的;假的An artificial limb

2.人为的;非自然的A job interview is a very artificial situation.

3.虚假的;假装的artificial emotion


1.官能;天赋She retained her mental faculties until the day she died.

2.才能;能力the faculty of understanding complex mistakes.

3.(高等院校的)系;院the Faculty of Law

4.全体教师the Law School faculty



1.因素;要素The closure of the mine was the single most important

factor in the town’s decline.

2.(增或减的)数量;倍数The real wage of the average worker has

increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.

3.系数The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder.

4.凝血因子Haemophiliacs have no factor 8 in their blood.


把…因素包括进去Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project.



1.行为;行动;所为The murder was the act of a psychopath.

2.法案;法令an Act of Congress

3.假装You could tell she was just putting on an act.

4.(戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕The hero dies in Act 5,Secene3.

5.一段表演a circus act

6.表演者;音乐组合Oasis had a reputation as one of rock’s most

impressive live acts.


1.做事;行动It’s vital that we act to stop the destruction of the


2.行为John’s been acting very strangely lately.

3.假装He’s been acting the devoted husband all day.

4.扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色)The play was well acted.

5.充当;起作用Can you act as interpreter?

6.有作用;有影响Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.



1.起反应;对…做出反应;回应Local residents have reacted angrily to

the news.

2.对食物等不良反应;过敏People can react badly to certain food


3.起化学反应;发生物理变化Iron reacts with water and air to

produce rust.



1.交流;沟通;合作Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact

with each child.

2.相互影响;相互作用Perfume interacts with the skin’s natural




1.忙碌的;活跃的Although he’s nearly 80, he is still very active.

2.积极的They were both politically active.

3.定期进行的;起作用的The virus is still active in the blood.

4.活跃的;充满活力的That child has a very active imagination.

5.起化学作用;有效的What is the active ingredient in aspirin. Actual


1.真实的;实际的The actual cost was much higher than we had


2.(强调事情的最重要部份)真的;…本身;The wedding preparations

take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.



1.精确的;准确的She gave an exact description of the attacker.


3.精密的;严密的Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact



1.要求;索取She was determined to exact a promise from him.

2.迫使;强迫;强求Stress can exact a high price from worker. Operation


1.手术Will I need to have an operation?

2.有组织的活动;行动The police have launched a major operation

against drug suppliers.

3.企业;公司a huge multinational operation

4.活动;业务the firm’s banking operations overseas

5.运算;运作The whole operation is performed in less than three


6.运转;运行;操作Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation

of the engine.

7.军事行动He was the officer in charge of operation.



1.合作的;协作的;同心协办的Cooperative activity is essential to

effective community work.

2.协助的;配合的Employees will generally be more cooperative if

their views are taken seriously.

3.共享的;合作的The cooperative movement started in Britain in the

19th century.


合作企业;合作社组织The factory is now a work er’s cooperative. Profit


1.利润;收益;赢利The company made a healthy profit of $106m last


2.好处;利益;裨益Future lawyers could study this text with profit. Verb

获益;得到好处;对…有益Farmers are profiting from the new legislation.



1.优势;益处;成效I’ve had the benefit of a good education.


3.奖金;补贴;保险金The insurance plan will provide substantial cash

benefits to your family in case of your death.

4.慈善活动 A benefit match


对有用;使受益We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.



1.复杂的;详尽的;精心制作的She had prepared a very elaborate



1.详尽阐述;详尽描述He said he was resigning but did not elaborate

on his reasons.

2.详细制订;精心制作In his plays he takes simple traditional tales and

elaborate them.



1.表明;清楚显示(情感、态度或品质)Social tensions were manifest

in the recent political crisis.

2.显现;使人注意The symptoms of the disease manifested

themselves ten days later.


明显的;显而易见的His nervousness was manifest to all those present. Noun




1.控制;操纵;影响She uses her charm to manipulate people.

2.操作;使用Computers are very efficient at manipulating information.




1.方式;方法She answered in a businesslike manner.

2.举止;态度His manner was polite but cool.

3.礼貌;礼仪It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.

4.规矩;习俗the social morals and manners of the seventeenth




1.用手的;手工的;体力的manual labor

2.手动的;手操纵的;手控的My camera has manual and automatic







1.大量生产;成批生产manufactured goods

2.编造;捏造a news story manufactured by an unscrupulous journalist

3.生产;产生Vitamins cannot be manufactured by our bodies.


1.大量制造;批量生产the manufacture of cars

2.工业品a major importer of cotton manufactures Manuscript


1.手稿;原稿I read her poems in manuscript.

2.手写本;手抄本medieval illuminated manuscript.



1.矿井;矿a copper mine


3.IDM a mine of information


1.开矿;采矿The area has been mined for slate for centuries.

2.布雷于;用雷炸毁The coastal route had been mined. Minister


1.部长;大臣the Minister of Education

2.牧师a Methodist minister






1.(企业、学校)管理;行政Administration costs are passed on to the customer.

2.施行;执行the administration of justice

3.管理部门;行政部门university administrations

4. (尤指美国)政府This happened frequently during the Nixon Administration.

5.(药物的)施用the administration of antibiotics



1.较小的;次要的;轻微的There may be some minor changes to the


2.小调的;小音阶的the key of C minor


1.未成年人It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors.






1.主要的;重要的;大的We have encountered major problems.

2.严重的Never mind—it’s not major.

3.大调the key of D major


1.少校He’s the major of US army.

2.主修课程;专业课Her major is French.

3.主修学生;主修生She is French major.




主修She majored in History at Stanford.



1.减少;缩减;减弱;降低The world’s resources are rapidly


2.贬低;贬损;轻视I don’t wish to diminish the importance of their




1.官方使命;使团的使命 a trade mission to China

2.使团;代表团;执行任务的地点the head of the British mission in


3.传教;布道a Catholic mission in Africa


5.使命;天职Her mission in life was to work with the homeless.

6.军事行动The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission.

7.太空飞行a US space mission



1.委员会The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the

disturbances at the prison.

2.佣金;回扣You get a 10% commission on everything you sell.

3.手续费One percent commission is charged for cashing traveler’s


4.正式委托a commission to design the new parliament building

5.军官职务He resigned his commission when he got married.

6.做出错事;犯下罪行the commission of crime


1.正式委托(谱写或制作) She has been commissioned to write a new

national anthem.

2.任命…为军官He has just been commissioned as a pilot officer. Miss


1.未击中;错过未达到How many goals has he missed this season?

2.未见到;未听到The hotel is the only white building on the


日语能力考试N3级核心词汇必备—名词(ナ—ホ)(未名天日语版)ナ行名词 な?名a名字,名称b名誉,名气 ないか?①内科 ないかい?内科医 なか①仲 ながそで?④長袖 なかなおり③仲直り言归于好,和好 ながねん?長年 なかま?仲間伙伴 なかみ②中身?中味(相对于外表的)内容,内部的东西,内涵 ながめ③眺め景色,风景,景致 なかゆび②中指 ながれ③流れa水流,人流b河流 なきごえ③?泣き声(鸟,虫、猫等)叫声 ない①無し なぞ?謎 なっとう③納豆 なっとく?納得 なにごと?何事a什么事情b任何事情 なべ①鍋 なべりょうり③鍋料理火锅 なま①生 なみき?並木(道路两旁的)林荫树 なやみ③悩み にちじ①②日時日期和时间 にちじょう?日常 にちようひん?③日用品 にってい?日程 にょうぼう①女房老婆,老板 にんじん?人参胡萝卜 にんずう①人数 ねがい②願いa愿望,意愿,心愿b申请书,请愿书 ねっとう?熱湯开水,热水 ねまき?寝巻き睡衣 ねむけ?眠気觉得发困 ねんがじょう③?年賀状

ねんかん?年間 ねんじゅう①年中 ねんだい?年代 ねんとう?年頭年初 ねんまつ?年末 ねんれい?年齢 のうか①農家 のうぎょう①農業 のうさくぶつ④③農作物 のうさんぶつ③農産物 のうじょう③農場 のうそん?農村 のうみん?農民 のうりつ?能率 のうりょく①能力 のぞみ?③望み のり②海苔 のりおり②乗り降り乘车和下车 のりば?乗り場车站,码头 ハ行名词 はいけい①拝啓 はいそう?配送 はいたつ?配達 ばいてん?売店 はいゆう?俳優 はえ?蝿苍蝇 はかり③秤 はくしゅ①拍手 はし?端a物体的顶端b物体,方位到的边缘はじ②恥耻辱,丢人,羞耻 はじまり?始まり はしら③?柱 バスてい?バス停 はた②旗 はだか?裸 はたけ?畑 はたらき?働き ばっきん?罰金 はっけん?発見 はっそう?発想


displacement n. 移置 , 转移 , 取代 , 置换 , 位移 , 排水量dramatic adj. 戏剧性的 , 生动的 eventually adv. 最后 , 终 于 exhibit vt. 展出 , 陈列 n.展览品 , 陈列品 , 展品 v.展示exploitation n.开发 , 开采 , 剥削 , 自私的利用 , 宣传 , 广告 fluctuations n. 波动 , 起伏 highlighted adj. 突出的 implicit adj.暗示的 , 盲从的 , 含蓄的 , 固有的 , 不怀疑的, 绝对的 induced vt. 劝诱 , 促使 , 导致 , 引起 , 感应 inevitably adv. 不可避免 infrastructure n. 下部构造 , 基础下部组织 inspection n. 检查 , 视察 intensity n. 强烈 , 剧烈 , 强度 ,亮度 manipulation n. 处理 , 操作 , 操纵 offset n.抵销 , 弥补 , 分支 , vt.弥补 , 抵销 , 用平版印刷 vi.偏移 , 形成分支 paragraph n.(文章 )段 , 节 , 段落 plus prep.加上 adj.正的 , 加的 practitioners n. 从业者 , 开业者 predominantly adv.卓越的 , 支配的 , 主要的 , 突出的 , 有影响的 prospect n.景色 , 前景 , 前途 , 期望 vi. 寻找 , 勘探 radical adj. 根本的 , 基本的 , 激进的 n.激进分子 random n.随意 , 任意 adj.任意的 , 随便的 , 胡乱的adv.胡乱地 reinforce vt. 加强 , 增援 , 补充 , 增加 ...的数量 , 修补 , 加固n.加固物 restore vt.恢复 , 使回复 , 归还 , 交还 , 修复 , 重建 revision n. 修订 , 修改 , 修正 , 修订本 schedule n.时 间表 , 进度表 v.确定时间 tension n. 紧张 (状态 ), 不安 , 拉紧 , 压力 , 张力 , vt. 拉紧 , 使紧张 termination n. 终止 thereby adv.因此 , 从而 , 在那方面 , 在那附近 uniform adj. 统一的 , 相同的 , 一致的 ,;n.制服 vt.使成一 样 , 使穿制服 vehicle n. 交通工具 , 车辆 , 媒介物 , 传达手段 via prep.经 , 通过 , 经由 virtually adv. 事实上 , 实质上 widespread adj. 分布广泛的 , 普遍的 visual adj. 看的 , 视觉的 , 形象的 , 栩栩如生的accommodation n.住处 , 膳宿 , (车 , 船 , 飞机等的 )预定铺位 , (眼睛等的 )适应性调节 analogous adj.类似的 , 相似的 , 可比拟的 anticipate vt. 预期 , 期望 , 过早使用 , 先人一着 , 占先 v. 预订 , 预见 , 可以预料 assurance n.确信 , 断言 , 保证 , 担保attain vt. 达到 , 获得 v.达到 behalf n.为 , 利益 bulk n.大小 , 体积 , 大批 , 大多数 , 散装 vt.显得大 , 显得重 要 ceases v停.止 , 终了 ,n.停止 coherence n.一致 coincide vi. 一致 , 符合 commence v.开始,着手 concurrent n 同时发生的事件 adj.并发的,协作的,一致 的 confined adj. 被限制的,狭窄的,分娩 的 controversy n. 论战 ,争论 ,辩论 conversely adv.倒的 ,逆的 device n. 装置 ,设计 ,图案 ,策略 ,发明物 ,设备;【计】安 装设备驱动程序 devote v.投身于 ,献身于 diminish v.( 使 )减少 ,( 使)变小 distorted adj. 扭曲的 ,受到曲解 的 duration n. 持续时间 ,为期 erosion n. 腐蚀 ,浸蚀 ethical adj. 与伦理有关的 ,民族的 ,民族特有的 founded v.建立 ,创立 inherent adj.固有的 ,内在的 ,与生俱来的 insight n. 洞察力 ,见识 integral adj. 完整的 ,整体的 ,【数学】积分的 mature adj. 成熟的 ,到期的 ,充分考虑的 ,(票据等 )到期的 vt.使成熟vi. 成熟 ,到期 mediation n.仲裁 ,调解 ,调停 advocate n.提倡者 , 鼓吹者 vt.提倡 , 鼓吹 channel n.海峡 , 水道 , 沟 , 路线 vt.引导 , 开导 , 形成河道;信道 ,频道 classical adj.古典的 , 正统派的 , 古典文学的 comprehensive adj. 全面的 , 广泛的 , 能充分理解的 , 包容 的 comprise v.包含 , 由 ...组成 confirmed adj. 证实的 , 惯常的 , 慢性的 contrary adj.相反的 , 逆的 , decades n十.年 , 十 definite adj. 明确的 , 一定的 deny v.否认 , 拒绝 differentiation n. 区别 disposal n.处理 , 处置 , 布置 , 安排 , 配置 , 支配 empirical adj. 完全根据经验的 , 经验主义的 , 【化】实验式 equipment n.装备 , 设备 , 器材 , 装置 , 铁道车辆 , 才能extract n.精 , 汁 , 榨出物 , 摘录 , 选粹 vt.拔出 , 榨取 , 开方, 求根, 摘录, 析取, 吸取 foundation n.基础 , 根本 , 建立 , 创立 , 地基 , 基金 , 基金会


公务员考试高频词汇集锦 01黯然、暗然、岸然:?黯然?,指?阴暗的样子?,也用来指?心里不舒服,情绪低落的样子?。??暗然?的?暗有?光线不足、黑暗?的意思。?岸然?指?严肃的样子?。 02、爱护、爱戴:适应对象不同,前者上(长辈)对下辈,后者下(幼)辈对上(长辈)。 03、安详、慈祥、祥和:?安详?指神态平静、从容稳重。?祥?指吉利,如?祥云、祥端、发祥?。?慈祥?形容老年人的态度神色和蔼安详。?祥和?指气氛而言。注意?安详、慈祥、祥和?的写法。 04、安静、宁静:都指没有声音,没有吵闹和喧哗。?安静?重在稳定,有使安稳平静下来的意思,它有一个由喧闹到安静下来的过程。而?宁静?重在平和,一般多指环境或心情平和安静,它描述的是一种很安静的状态或气氛。?宁静?是高于?安静?的一种情境,除了指环境外,更多的时候是指一种心情上的安宁,是人们追求的不受外界干扰的有质量的生活境界。而?安静?多指环境没有声音或吵闹。?安静?的使用范围要比?宁静?大一些。? 05、安臵、安排:前者指使人或事物有着落,安放。后者指有条理,有先后的处理。 06、必须、必需:都含有?必要?的意思。?必须?是副词,有强调语气作用,多作状语。(1)表示一定要,强调事实或情理上的必要性。后面带动词或带形容词,有时还可以用在分句前面;(2)加强命令语气;(3)?必须?的否定形式是?无须、不须、不必?。?必需?是动词,表示一定得有、不可缺少的,作定语或作谓语。凡是?不可不?的行为就用?必须?。

07、表率、表帅:??表率?是名词,指?好榜样?。其中?表?为?榜样、模范?,?率?为?表率、楷模?。?表率?是由?表?和?率?两个同义语素构成的并列式合成词。在古代汉语中,?表率?也可用作动词,有?督促率领?的意思。?表帅?,在古代汉语和近代汉语中,用同?表率?的动词意义,表示?督促率领?。现在一般不用这个词。因?表帅、表率?同音,?帅?又有?军队中最高的指挥员?的意思,故人们常将?表率?误写为?表帅?。? 08、报道、报导:这是一对等义词。都指:1、通过报纸、杂志、广播电视或其他形式把新闻告诉群众。2、用书面或广播、电视形式发表的新闻稿。现在人们倾向于用?报道?。?报道?读bàodào,?报导?读bàodǎo。 09、暴发、爆发:都是动词,都含有?突然发作?的意思,但前者强调突然性,后者强调爆炸性,?爆发?的使用范围比?暴发?宽。暴发:(1)指突然发财或得势,多含有贬义。(2)指突然发作,多用于山洪、大水或疾病等具体事物。爆发:(1)指因爆炸而迅猛发生,多用于具体事物。(2)指像爆炸那样突然地发生,多用于抽象事物,如革命、起义、运动等重大事变,再如力量、情绪等等。 10、辩驳、辩论、辩(辨)白、辩解:?辩驳?指提出理由或根据来否定对方的意见;?辩论?指彼此用一定的理由来说明自己的见解,揭露对方的矛盾,以便达成共识;?辩白?指说明事实真相,用来消除误会或受到的指责;?辩解?指对受人指责的某种见解或行为加以解释。 11、辨别、辨认、辨析:?辨别?指根据不同事物的特点,在认识上加以区别;?辨认?指根据特点辨别,做出判断,以便找出或认定某一对象;?辨析?指辨别分析。? 12、表示、显示、显露:?表示?(1)事物本身或凭借其他事物显露出某种意


MBA英语考试核心词汇 A. abide 遵循(…by);容忍The one thing she cannot abide is lying. abnormal 反常的abnormal behavior abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom abrupt 突然的,意外的an abrupt departure absolute 纯粹的,完全的have absolute trust in sb. absorb 吸收,吸进 A sponge absorbs water. abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract. absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd. abuse 滥用abuse one's authority(office) aaccelerate 加速,增速accelerate one’s steps access 接近(或进入)的机会have regular and immediate access to the President accommodate 使适应,使符合一致accommodate oneself to changed circumstances accompany 陪伴,伴随She was accompanied to a dinner by her friend.

accomplish 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等)accomplish one's purpose accord 使符合,相一致(with) His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words. account 记述,叙述give a brief account of what has happened accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚accumulate wisdom accurate 准确的,精确的an accurate estimate accuse 指控,指责They accused her publicly of stealing their books. accustom 使习惯于accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early acquaint 使认识,使了解 activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed. acute 尖锐的,敏锐的an acute thinker adapt (使)适应adapt oneself to new conditions address 演说 a television address adhere 黏附,附着Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another. adjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs adjoin 贴近,与...毗邻His house adjoins the lake.


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站) 1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动)PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于 custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses .


高考必备单词985(A-B) A absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏absorb vt.吸收,使专心abstract a.抽象的n.摘要academic a.学院的,学术的access n.接近,通道,入口accordingly ad.因此,依照account n.记述,解释,帐目accurate a.准确的,正确无误的accuse vt.指责,归咎于 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现行的 adapt vt.使适应,改编 admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏admit vt.承认,准许…进入adopt vt.收养,采用,采取adult n.成年人a.成年的advance vi.前进,提高n.进展adventure n.冒险,惊险活动affair n.事情,事件,事务affect vt.影响,感动 afterward (s) ad. 后来,以后,后agent n.代理人,代理商agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学ahead ad.在前,向前,提前 aid n.帮助,救护,助手 aim vi.瞄准,针对,致力aircraft n.飞机,飞行器 alarm n.惊恐,忧虑,警报album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片alcohol n.酒精,乙醇altogether ad.完全,总而言之amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕ambition n.雄心,抱负,野心amount n.总数,数量,和amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐analyze vt.分析,分解,解析ancestor n.祖宗,祖先 anger n.怒,愤怒vt.使发怒angle n.角,角度 anniversary n.周年纪念日announce vt.宣布,发表 annoy vt.使恼怒,打搅anxious a.忧虑的,渴望的anyhow ad.无论如何 apart ad.相隔,分开,除去apartment n.一套公寓房间apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错appearance n.出现,来到,外观apply vt.应用,实施,使用appointment n.任命,约定,约会appreciate vt.欣赏,领会,感谢approach vt.向…靠近n.靠近architecture n.建筑学,建筑式样argue vi.争论,争辩,辩论arrange vt.筹备,整理,调解arrest vt.逮捕,拘留arrival n.到达,到达者 artist n.艺术家,美术家 ash n.灰,灰末,骨灰 ashamed a.惭愧(的),羞耻(的) aside ad.在旁边,到旁边 aspect n.方面,样子,外表 assistant n.助手,助教 assume vt.假定,承担,呈现 astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊 athlete n.运动员 atmosphere n.大气,气氛 attach vt.缚,系,贴,附加 attack vt.vi.n.攻击,进攻 attempt vt.尝试,试图n.企图 attend vt.出席,照顾,护理 attitude n.态度,看法,姿势 attract vt.吸引,诱惑 audience n.听众,观众 author n.作者,作家 available a.可利用的,通用的 average n.平均数a.平均的 award n.奖,奖品,判定 aware a.知道的,意识到的 awful a.令人不愉快的 B badly ad.坏,差,严重地 badminton n.羽毛球 baggage n.行李 bake vt.烤,烘,烧硬 balance vt.使平衡,称n.天平 ban n. 禁令vt. 禁止,取缔 band n.乐队,带,波段 bar n.酒吧间,条,杆 bare a.赤裸的,仅仅的 bargain n.交易vi.议价,成交 base n.基础,底层,基地 basin n.盆子,盆地 basis n.基础,根据 bath n.洗澡,浴缸 bathe vt.给…洗澡,弄湿 battery n.电池 battle n.战役,斗争vi.作战 beard n.胡须,络腮胡子 beauty n.美,美丽,美人 beer n.啤酒 beg vt.vi.乞求,请求 beginning n.开始,开端,起源 behave vi.表现,举止 belly n.腹部,胃 belong vi.属于,附属 belt n.带,腰带,区 bench n.长凳,条凳,工作台 bend vt.使弯曲vi.弯曲 benefit n.利益,恩惠,津贴 best a.最好的 better a.较好的ad.更好地 billion num.十亿 biology n.生物学,生态学 birthplace n.出生地 bite vt.咬,叮,螫 blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blank a.空白的n.空白 blanket n.毯子 bleed vi.流血 block n.街区vt.堵塞,拦阻 blouse n. 宽松的上衣 boil vi.沸腾,汽化vt.煮沸 bomb n.炸弹vt.轰炸 bone n.骨,骨骼 border n.边缘,边界 bother vt.烦扰,迷惑n.麻烦 brake n.闸,刹车vi.制动 branch n.树枝,分部,分支 brand n.商品,烙印vt.铭刻 brick n.砖块 brief a.简短的vt.作简报 broad a.宽的,阔的,广泛的 broadcast n.广播,播音 broom n. 扫帚 bucket n.水桶,吊桶 budget n.预算 burden n.担子,负担,装载量 burst vt.使爆裂vi.n.爆炸 bury vt.埋葬,埋藏 bush n.灌木 butcher n. 屠夫,屠户 button n.扣子,按钮vt.扣紧 C café n.咖啡馆,小餐厅 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 calculate vt.计算,估计,计划 calm a.平静的 candidate n.候选人,投考者 carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯 carrot n.胡萝卜 cart n.二轮运货马车 case n.情况,事实,病例 cash n.现金,现款 castle n.城堡 casual a.偶然的,随便的 cattle n.牛,牲口,家畜 cave n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞 centimeter n.厘米 central a.中心的,主要的 ceremony n.典礼,仪式,礼节 certainly ad.一定,必定,当然 chain n.链,链条,项圈 challenge n.挑战 champion n.冠军 channel n.海峡,渠道,频道 chapter n.章,回,篇 character n.性格,特性,角色 characteristic a.特有的n.特性 charge vt.索价,控告n.费用 chat vi.n. 闲谈,聊天 check n.支票 cheek n.面颊,脸蛋 chief a.主要的,首席的 1 / 7



职称英语考试备考技巧 一、词汇: 需要考生在最后阶段练习查字典,建议一天练习查60对,而且一个词汇题要反、正查,同时也要进行职称考试中常考词汇的记忆,这样可以在考试时提高速度,节省时间。 词汇题一般情况下仅凭字典一般也能做对,因此考生对自己不认识、不熟悉或没有绝对把握的题一定要通过字典来确认,从而确保词汇题100%的正确率。特别提醒考生,考试时要带上一本带有同义词的词典。且词典不能含有职称、考试等字样,更不能带电子词典。 二、阅读判断: 答题时需掌握一条原则,就是在文章中有明确提出的才能确定为对。题目中若出现must、only、all、always等时,答案一般不会是对的。 除上面的原则外,一般根据下列原则和规律也可以确定正确答案。选择A、B或C的三种情况: 选A的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全一致或基本一致 选B的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全相反 选C的情况:如果某题干部分或局部信息在原文中未提到 三、概括大意和完成句子: 概括大意要先看选项,寻找关键词,确定所考段落。完成句子则要根据所给的短句进行选择,比较好的方法是找同类动词。 同时读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇,正确答案常常是主题句的改写。读每段话时,并不是该段话全要仔细阅读。这样,既浪费时间,也不容易抓住重点。应该抓住该段话的主题句。 四、阅读理解: 首先要重点掌握教材上的阅读理解的重点文章的背诵,来抓住出自教材上的分数,这是顺利通过考试很关键的一步。

同时充分利用老师在课上讲的解题技巧,如大标题做题法、红花绿叶原则、顺序出题原则、关键词回归定位法通过做模拟试题来进行解题技巧的演练和应用。 在做题时要注意:搞清主旨题、细节题、推理题、逻辑关系题、观点态度题。注意标题、首尾段、首尾句、逻辑关系处、细节处等出题点;在阅读时见到日期、数量等要先做好标记,这样有重点有理有节的解题,才有可能取得满意的成绩。 五、补全短文: 要先看标题定文体,再看选项,观察选项时应注意抓主干,猜大意,弄清选项大意是表示定义、因果、例子还是措施;不要放过代词、专用名字、连接词、数字等特征词;然后回头再去看课文,明确1-5的位置。 解每道题时只需要阅读该题所在段落,不需要阅读其他段落。往往通过阅读该题目的前后句就能够确定答案,在考试时,应该注意利用以下前后句子存在的关系来做题: (1)利用转折关系 (2)利用归纳总结关系 (3)利用总分关系 (4)利用并列关系 六、完形填空: (1)掌握教材上的文章内容,尤其是2013年新增文章。把这些文章在考前一个月内,争取背到“滚瓜烂熟”,这样,就算考试时怎样变化都可以应付。 (2)语法知识的总结和固定搭配、词组的记忆。这样在做题时,阅读整篇文章,考生才能从头判断每个空所缺的词的语言形式,如词类、时态、语态,并判断该词应具有的符合文章上下文的词义,最后从给出的四个选项中,选出在语法与词义上均与原文相符合的一个。除掌握以上解题技巧外,考生最好配合在模拟真实的考试时间进行模拟试题的演练,这样不但可以直接掌握复习效果,还可以迅速找到自己的薄弱环节,通过单项训练,逐一提高成绩。最后,提醒考生,在抓紧时间复习的同时要放松心情,以轻松的心态迎接考试。预祝顺利通过考试! 全国职称英语考试必过秘籍(免背单词+免读全文版) 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”:


XX医院质量控制管理平台整体解决实施方 案1 XX医院质量控制管理平台整体解决方案 ————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: XX医院医疗质量控制管理平台解决方案xx信息技术有限公司 XX医院医疗质量控制管理平台整体解决方案 xx信息技术有限公司 2016年08月28日 目录 1.概述0 1.1. ............................................................................................... ........................ 项目背景0 1.2. ............................................................................................... ........................ 现状分析1 1.2.1. ............................................................................................ ......... 普遍问题1

......... 医院现状3 2.建设目标及原则(7) 2.1. ............................................................................................... ........................ 建设目标7 2.2. ............................................................................................... ........................ 指导思想8 2.2.1. ............................................................................................ ......... 行业标准8 2.2.2. ............................................................................................ ......... 质控原则9 2.2. 3. .................................................................................................. ... 设计思想9 2.3. ............................................................................................... ........................ 管理范围11 2.4. ............................................................................................... ........................ 服务对象11 2.5. ............................................................................................... ........................ 规划原则12


专升本考试英语核心词汇积累 because [bi'k z] conj.因为; because of 因为,由于; 基于; become [bi'k m] v. (became, become)变成,成为,开始变得 before [bi'f :] prep. (指时间)在...以前; (指位置)在...前面;(指顺序、重要性等) 在...之前,先于 conj.在...以前ad.较早;以前,以往; behind prep.在...的背后,(遗留) 在...后面,落后于 ad.在背后,向后,落在后面; below prep. 在……下面; beneath prep. 在……下方(面) beside prep. 在……旁边;靠近 besides prep. 除……以外(还有)

ad. 还有,此外 between prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间 v.是,就是;表示,意味着;等于,值;成为,变成aux.v. [与动词的现在分词连用,构成各种进beyond prep. (表示位置) 在……的那边; 迟于;超出ad.在更远处 begin [bi'gin] v.开始; beginner n. 新手; beginning n. 开始,开端; at the beginning 起初; behalf [bi'hɑ:f] n.利益 behave v.举止端正, 表现,守规矩,行为; (机器等)运转 Behave yourself! 规矩点! behaviour (=behavior) n.行为,举止; (机器等)运转情况 belief [bi'li:f] n.相信;信念;信仰;信条;


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站)1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动) PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses . 我已经习惯戴眼镜了。 = I am accustomed to wearing glasses. 派生accustomed a. 习惯的 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做sth. be devoted to doing sth. 投身于sth. 8. achieve vt. 1.完成,达成 2.凭努力获得或达到 achieve + fame 名声 +goal 目标 +knowledge 知识 +success 成功 PK acquire 实现(被动) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 finish 结束(不是实现) conclude 下结论(只能加句子) 9. acknowledge vt. 1.承认= admit = confess acknowledge A as B 承认A就是B 2.公认为,认为 3.感谢 10. accept vt. = take 1.主动接受 PK receive 被动接收(receipt收据)2.承认,认可 11. adapt vt. 来自apt adj. 有……倾向性的 1.使适应 adapt A to B 使A适应B 2.改编 12. adjust vt. 来自just adj. 正义的 1.调节,使适应 2.调整,校准 3.整理,核算 派生adjust A to B 13. admire vt. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕 I admire you. 我羡慕你。


大学英语六级翻译高频词汇之节日篇 元旦New Year's Day 情人节Valentine's Day 国际妇女节International Women' Day 植树节Tree Planting Day 愚人节April Fools' Day 国际劳动日International Labor Day 中国青年节Chinese Youth Day 国际儿童节International Children's Day 中国共产党成立纪念日Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China 中国人民解放军建军节Army Day 中华人民共和国国庆节National Day 中国教师节Teacher's Day 万圣节Halloween 母亲节Mother's Day 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历七月初七/中国情人Double-Seventh Day 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历腊月初八腊八节 (the laba Rice Porridge Festival) 春联Spring Festival couplets 年画New Year pictures 剪纸paper-cuts 除夕the eve of the lunar New Year 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 放爆竹let off firecrackers 拜年pay a New Year visit 团圆饭family reunion dinner 敬酒propose a toast 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper) 舞狮lion dance 舞龙dragon dance 灯笼lantern 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会exhibit of lanterns 禁忌taboo 压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift 祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 元宵rice dumpling 踩高跷stilt walking 扭秧歌yangge dance 扫墓sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones 赛龙舟dragon-boat racing 粽子zongzi (sticky rice dumpling wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) 月饼moon cake 赏月appreciate the glorious full moon 赏菊admire the beauty of chrysanthemum 登高climb mountain 大学英语六级翻译高频词汇之社会篇 小康社会 a well-to-do society 人民生活people’s livelihood 生活水平living standards 生活质量quality of life 住房条件housing conditions 文化程度educational level 就业率employment rate 人均收入average income per capita 年平均工资average annual pay 奖金bonus 生活费用cost of living 消费价格指数consumer price index 环境污染指数environment pollution index 衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling 购买力purchasing power 贫困家庭the needy family 贫困地区poverty-stricken region 下岗be laid off 小康relative affluence 安居乐业live a good life 共同富裕shared prosperity 社会保险social insurance 助学金grant-in-aid 赈灾救济金disaster relief funds 人口population 人口分布population distribution


信息发布控制管理软件 解决方案 1.1信息发布系统功能特性 1)系统是基于网络(有线、无线、3G、4G,局域网或互联网)的媒体发布系统。 2)系统管理软件可跨系统(Windows、linux)运行。系统基于B/S架构,管理者可 在网络上,通过浏览器登录系统,经过认证进入管理系统后就可进行相应权限的控制管理。 3)终端播放软件支持LINUX、Window7 、Android、嵌入式LINUX(Sigma8653)。 4)支持触摸导航节目制作。 5)提供专业化的节目制作工具,能够在同一界面实现多种分辨率的同比例放大与缩小, 为使用者提供全局化的布局方式 6)能够实现对接入终端的精确监控,主要包括终端内存、硬盘、cpu,下载进度及播 放内容,并提供图形化的直观展示效果,以方便管理 7)最少支持一机双屏异步或同步显示,方便系统后期扩展; 8)支持文件格式: a)支持多种视音频编码标准和图文格式。如:MPEG1/2/3/4、WMV 、WMA、 Real 、Flash、JPEG、BMP、GIF、TIFF、Word、Excel、PDF、PPT等; b)支持动画flash、SWF,无需转换,直接本地播放; c)支持MMS/ASF/WMV等流媒体格式 9)系统支持中文、英文多语言菜单; 10)支持中英文滚动字幕,多种显示模式供选择 11)支持实时天气、新闻、日期时间、基金股票信息播放 12)具有暂停、插播功能,具有定时下发节目内容,定时播放功能; 13)可发布不同的内容:通知、新闻、形象宣传、实时天气等,以及紧急通知及自然灾 害警告,如台风、地震等相关信息 14)同一播放终端的显示屏可同时发布不同内容形式,可兼容各类信息类型,如视频、 图片、滚动字幕等在同一屏幕分屏、分区播出,更加丰富多样化 15)支持显示屏界面内容分区显示,实时播放音视频、图片、文字、FLASH、PPT等组

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