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Syllabus for undergraduate of OUC

Course name:Accounting Course time:Spring semester

Course teacher:An Yi

1.Course Overview

The syllabus of this course is revised according to the 2016 undergraduate planner. This course will be opened for the second year undergraduate students major in tourism management. The course is offered in the spring semester.

2. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon complete of Accounting, students should be able to understand and explain the following:

*The purpose of financial accounting.

*The requirement for the quality of accounting information.

*The definition of assets, liabilities, owner’s equities, income, expenses and profit.

*The basic and the comprehensive equation for accounting.

*Using double entry method to record business transactions and issues.

*The basic cycle for identification, measurement and reporting of accounting elements.

* The basis structure of financial statements

* Basic financial analysis of accounting information

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3. Course Expectations

The students should attend the class, listen to the lecturer carefully, take notes, and participate in class discussion actively. Also, students are expected to finish after-class assignments timely as well as prepare a group presentation and several in-class tests deliberately.

4. Assignments

*presentation 5%

*in-class test 20%

*after-class assignment 5%

*Final Exam(Comprehensive) 70%

5. Books To Purchase

Accounting, 4th edition by Dongbei University of finance and Economics

6. Grading Policy

*You should attend at least 80% of lectures. Otherwise, you will not be able to attend the final exam.

*In-class test is compulsory. If you miss the test without attending a supplementary test, you would not be able to attend the final exam.

*There would be usually no extension for the submission of your assignments, only if you could provide sufficient explanation.

*The presentation is a group work, which means all the students in the group should present a certain topic for a couple of minutes.

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7. Course Calendar

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1. Accounting is an information and measurement system that identifies, records, and communicates relevant, reliable, and comparable information about an organization's business activities. 2. Bookkeeping is the recording of transactions and events and is only part of accounting. 3. An accounting information system communicates data to help businesses make better decisions. 4. Managerial accounting is the area of accounting that provides internal reports to assist the decision making needs of internal users. 5. Internal operating activities include research and development, distribution, and human resources. 6. The primary objective of financial accounting is to provide general purpose financial statements to help external users analyze and interpret an organization's activities. 7. External auditors examine financial statements to verify that they are prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles. 8. External users include lenders, shareholders, customers, and regulators. 9. Regulators often have legal authority over certain activities of organizations. 10. Internal users include lenders, shareholders, brokers and managers. 11. Opportunities in accounting include auditing, consulting, market research, and tax planning. 12. Identifying the proper ethical path is easy. 13. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) requires each issuer of securities to disclose whether is has adopted a code of ethics for its senior financial officers and the contents of that code. 14. The fraud triangle asserts that there are three factors that must exist for a person to commit fraud; these factors are opportunity, pressure, and rationalization. 15. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) does not require public companies to apply both accounting oversight and stringent internal controls. 16. A partnership is a business owned by two or more people. 17. Owners of a corporation are called shareholders or stockholders. 18. In the partnership form of business, the owners are called stockholders. 19. The balance sheet shows a company’s net income or loss due to earnings activities over a period of time. 20. The Financial Accounting Standards Board is the private group that sets both broad and specific accounting principles. 21. The business entity principle means that a business will continue operating for an indefinite period of time. 22. Generally accepted accounting principles are the basic assumptions, concepts, and guidelines for preparing financial statements. 23. The business entity assumption means that a business is accounted for separately from other business entities, including its owner or owners. 24. As a general rule, revenues should not be recognized in the accounting records until it is received in cash.


第三章 习题一 一、目的练习供应阶段的总分类核算。 二、资料新风厂为增值税一般纳税人,其增值税税率为16%。2×18年6 月份发生下列经济业务: 1. 从银行提取现金800 元备用。 2. 向大达厂购入乙材料1,000 千克, @10 元。货款及税款均未支付。 3. 采购员林芳暂借差旅费500 元, 以现金付讫。 4. 从华民厂购入甲材料1,000 千克, @30 元。货款及税款以银行存款付讫。 5. 上项甲、乙两种材料验收入库, 结转其采购成本。 6. 向中信厂购入丙材料100 千克, @5 元。货款及税款以银行存款支付。材料当即验收入库。 7. 以银行存款偿还前欠大达厂货款11,600 元。 8. 采购员林芳出差回厂报销差旅费, 实际报销差旅费520 元, 以现金补付差额。三、要求根据上述经济业务编制会计分录。 1.借:库存现金 800 2.借:在途物资——乙材料 10000 贷:银行存款 800 应交税款——应交增值税 1600 贷:应付账款——大达厂 11600 3.借:其他应收款——林芳 500 4.借:在途物资——甲材料 30000 贷:库存现金 500 应交税款——应交增值税 4800 贷:银行存款 34800 5.借:原材料——甲材料 30000 6.借:原材料——丙材料 500 ——乙材料 10000 应交税款——应交增值税 80 贷:在途物资——甲材料 30000 贷:银行存款 580 ——乙材料 10000 7.借:应付账款——大达厂 11600 8.借:管理费用 520 贷:银行存款 11600 贷:其他应收款——林芳 500

库存现金 20

Assignment 会计学基础英文版作业1

Assignment 1.What information is presented in a balance sheet? Assets liabilities and equity. 2.Why are the personal activities of a business owner excluded from the financial statements of the owner’s business? A financial statementthat reports the assets, liabilities, and equityof an entityat one point in time. 3.What’s the significance of money-measurement concept? The money-measurement concept states that accounting reports only those facts that can be stated as monetary amounts. 4.Find a piece of news about FASB. Eternal convergence May 9th 2012, 17:20 by L.G. | NEW YORK HOW is an investor to compare financial statements from companies in two different countries? That was the question asked a decade ago when the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) began drawing up a new set of International Financial Reporting Standards. At the same time, the IASB set out to harmonise its standards with America’s Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It even seemed possible that if the two boards got close enough with harmonisation that America might adopt the international standards wholesale. At a conference at Baruch College in New York on May 3rd, grandees from the FASB and the Securities and Exchange Commission (which would make the decision to adopt international standards) explained where the project has got to. A wholesale adoption of the international standards now seems off the table. Instead, the talk is of “endorsement”. The FASB, rather than going out of business or becoming America’s l ocal branch of the IASB, would remain America’s standard-setter, and America’s generally accepted accounting principles (known as US GAAP) would not be replaced by international rules. Instead, the SEC staff envisions that FASB would work with IASB on the drawing up of standards. When IASB came up with a new one, the FASB would issue the same standard itself, only adding modifications when American conditions required it. And only in the rare cases, where the two boards could not agree, would it issue a different standard.


You already know that receivables arise from a variety of claims against customers and others, and are generally classified as current or noncurrent based on expectations about the amount of time it will take to collect them. The majority of receivables are classified as trade receivables , which arise from the sale of products or services to customers. Such trade receivables are carried in the Accounts Receivable account. Nontrade receivables arise from other transactions and events, including advances to employees and utility company deposits. To one degree or another, many business transactions result in the extension of credit. Purchases of inventory and supplies will often be made on account. Likewise, sales to customers may directly (by the vendor offering credit) or indirectly (through a bank or credit card company) entail the extension of credit. While the availability of credit facilitates many business transactions, it is also costly. Credit providers must conduct investigations of credit worthiness, and monitor collection activities. In addition, the creditor must forego alternative uses of money while credit is extended. Occasionally, a creditor will get burned when the borrower refuses or is unable to pay. Depending on the nature of the credit relationship, some credit costs may be offset by interest charges. And, merchants frequently note that the availability of credit entices customers to make a purchase decision. Banks and financial services companies have developed credit cards that are widely accepted by many merchants, and eliminate the necessity of those merchants maintaining separate credit departments. Popular examples include MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. These credit card companies earn money off of these cards by charging merchant fees (usually a formula-based percentage of sales) and assess interest and other charges against the users. Nevertheless, merchants tend to welcome their use because collection is virtually assured and very timely (oftentimes same day funding of the transaction is made by the credit card company). In addition, the added transaction cost is offset by a reduction in the internal costs associated with maintaining a credit department.THE COSTS AND BENEFITS OF SELLING ON CREDIT CREDIT SALES CREDIT CARDS chapter 7 Accounts Receivable Principles of https://www.doczj.com/doc/f05322893.html, Your goals for this “receivables” chapter are to learn about:The costs and benefits of selling on credit.Accounting considerations for uncollectible receivables.Alternative approaches to account for uncollectibles.Notes receivable and interest, including dishonored obligations. ? ? ? ?


《会计学》作业三 一、单项选择题 1.企业外购的原材料验收入库后,其实际成本在()科目核算。 A.材料采购 B.原材料 C.库存商品 D.入库材料 2.车间管理人员工资及福利费应该记入( )科目。 A.管理费用 B.制造费用 C.生产成本 D.销售费用 3.用来反映和监督企业库存商品实际成本增减变动和结算情况的科目是()。 A.销售费用 B.库存商品 C.制造费用 D.财务费用 4.下列与“本年利润”科目的贷方对应的科目有()。 A.管理费用 B.主营业务收入 C.应付职工应酬 D.应交税费 5下列项目中,不属于管理费用的有()。 车间管理人员工资及福利费 B.行政管理部门管理人员工资及福利费 C.行政管理部门耗用材料 D.行政管理部门办公用房的租金 6.企业职工工资及福利费应通过()科目进行核算。 A.应付账款 B.管理费用 C.营业外收入 D.应付职工薪酬 7.与“主营业务成本”的借方科目相对应的科目是()。 A.材料采购 B.库存商品 C.原材料 D.应交税费——应交增值税 8.通过银行收到销货款62 000元,其中属于上月应收12 000元,本月应收40 000元,预收下月10 000元。在权责发生制下,本月的收入应为()元。 A.50 000 B.62 000 C.40 000 D.52 000 9.年末结转后,“利润分配”科目的贷方余额表示()。 A.利润实现额 B.利润分配额 C.未分配利润 D.为弥补亏损 10.甲企业购进材料100吨,货款计1 000 000元,装卸费1 000元,并以银行存款支付该材料运输费1 000元,保险费5 000元。则材料的采购成本为()元。 A.1 000 000 B.1 005 000 C.1 007 000 D.1 006 000 11.下列各个项目中,应记入“制造费用”科目的是()。 A.生产产品耗用的材料 B.机器设备的折旧费 C.生产工人的工资 D.行政管理人员的工资 12.”生产成本”科目的期末借方余额表示( )。 A.完工产品成本 B.半成品成本 C.本月生产成本合计 D.期末在产品成本 13.某企业本月支付行政管理部门管理人员工资15 000元,行政管理部门本月修理费200元,生产车间保险费3 000元。该企业本月管理费用发生额为()。


会计学第一章总论 班级姓名学号 一、单项选择题 1.会计是以( B )为主要计量单位,核算与监督一个单位经济活动的经济管理工作。 A. 实物 B. 货币 C. 工时 D. 劳动耗费 2.按期计提固定资产折旧是以(C )为基本前提的。 A. 会计主体 B. 权责发生制 C. 会计分期 D. 货币计量 3.企业会计核算的基础是(B )。 A. 收付实现制 B. 权责发生制 C. 实地盘存制 D. 现金收付制 4.企业本月收到上期产品赊销款80000元;本期销售产品60000元,收到货款10000元,余款尚未收到。按权责发生制原则,本月实现的产品销售收入为(B )元。 A. 80000 B. 60000 C. 90000 D. 10000 5.企业将融资租赁方式租入的设备确认为固定资产,是基于(B )要求的考虑。 A. 重要性 B. 实质重于形式 C. 明晰性 D. 谨慎性 6.业务收支以外币为主的企业,会计核算可以选用一种外币作为记账本位币,但其编制的财务会计报告应折算为(C )反映。 A. 记账本位币 B. 功能货币 C. 人民币 D. 某种外币 7.正确地划分投资者和被投资者经济活动范围的界限,是会计核算(B )基本假设的要求。 A. 会计分期 B. 会计主体 C. 持续经营 D. 货币计量 8.会计分期是建立在(B )基础之上的。 A. 会计主体 B. 持续经营 C. 会计核算 D. 货币计量 9.( D )界定了从事会计工作和提供会计信息的空间范围。 A.会计职能 B。会计对象 C。会计内容 D。会计主体 10.( A )作为会计核算的基本前提,就是将一个会计主体持续经营的生产经营活动划分为若干个相等的会计期间。 A.会计分期 B.会计主体 C.会计年度 D.持续经营 11.为避免损失发生时对企业正常经营的影响,企业应对可能发生的损失做出合理预计。这体现的会计信息质量特征是(C ) A.实质重于形式 B.权责发生制 C.谨慎性 D.重要性 12.下列(B )不属于会计核算的方法。 A.成本计算 B.会计分析 C.复式记账 D.登记账簿 13.下列项目中,属于企业资产的是(C )。 A. 短期借款 B. 应付和预收款项 C. 应收和预付款项 D. 应付债券 14.下列项目中,不属于流动资产的是( B )。 A. 其他应收款 B. 预收账款 C. 存货 D. 应收利息 15.下列项目中,不属于资产负债表要素的是(C )。 A. 资产 B. 负债 C.收入 D. 所有者权益 16.下列项目中,属于企业负债的是(B )。 A.应收账款 B. 预收账款 C. 其他应收款 D. 应收票据 17.某日,甲公司的资产总额为400万元,流动负债总额为50万元,所有者权益总额为250万元,则当日该公司的非流动负债总额为( A. )。 A. 100万元 B. 150万元 C. 300万元 D. 350万元 18.资产、负债和所有者权益是( B )。


ACCOUNTING M ATCHING 1- 1 Many accounting professionals work in one of the following three areas. A. Financial accounting B. Managerial accounting C. Tax accounting Identify the area of accounting that is most involved in each of the following responsibilities. 1. Internal auditing. 5. Investigating violations of tax laws. 2. Exter nal audit ing. 6. Planning tran sacti ons to mini mize taxes. 3. Cost accounting. 7. Preparing external financial statements. 4. Budgeti ng. 8. Reviewi ng reports for SEC complia nee. 1- 2 Identify the following users as either external users (E) or internal users (I). 1- 3 Match each of the numbered descriptions with the principle it best reflects. Indicate your answer by writing the letter for the appropriate principle in the blank space next to each description. A. General accounting principle B. Cost prin ciple C. Busin ess en tity prin ciple E. Specific accounting principle F. Objectivity prin ciple G. Goin g-c oncern prin ciple D. Revenue recog niti on prin ciple 1. Usually created by a pronoun ceme nt from an authoritative body. ____________ 2. Finan cial stateme nts reflect the assumpti on that the bus in ess con ti nues operati ng. 3. Derived from Ion g-used and gen erally accepted acco un ti ng practices. 4. Every bus in ess is acco un ted for separately from its owner or own ers. 5. Reve nue is recorded only whe n the earnings process is complete. 6. In formati on is based on actual costs in curred in tran sact ions.- 7. Finan cial stateme nt data are supported by evide nee other tha n some one belief.- 1-4 Identify the items from the following list that are likely to serve as source documents. a. Sales ticket d. Teleph one bill g. Bala nee sheet b. I ncome stateme nt e. I nvoice from supplier h. Prepaid in sura nce c. Trial bala nce f. Compa ny revenue acco un t i. Bank stateme nt 1-5 Identify the financial statement(s) where each of the following items appears. Use I for income statement, E for statement of owner ' s equity, and B for balance sheet. a. Customers b. Suppliers c. Brokers d. Busin ess press e. Man agers f. District attor ney g. Shareholders h. Len ders i. Con trollers j. FBI and IRS k. Con sumer group l. Sales staff s opinion or


第四章日常会计记录 (一)会计凭证 一、单项选择题 二、多项选择题 1.下列属于一次原始凭证的有(ABD)。 A.收料单 B.报销凭单C.限额领料单D.购货发票 E.付款凭证 2.下列属于原始凭证的基本内容的是(ABDE)。 A.填制凭证的日期 B.填制和接受凭证的单位的名称C.会计科目 D.实物数量及金额 E.凭证的编号 3.下列属于记账凭证的有(AC)。 A.科目汇总表 B.收料凭证汇总表C.现金汇总收款凭证 D.现金收入汇总表 E.限额领料单 4.下列属于外来原始凭证的有(ABC)。 A.购货发货票 B.出差人员车票C.银行结算凭证 D.领料单E.收款凭证 5.下列凭证中可以不附原始凭证的有(BE)。 A.收款凭证 B.更正错账的记账凭证C.转账凭证 D.复式记账凭证E.结账的记账凭证6.记账凭证必须具备的基本内容包括(ABCD)。 A.填制凭证的日期 B.凭证编号和经济业务内容摘要 C.会计科目和记账金额 D.所附原始凭证的张数 E.接受凭证的单位名称 7.以下所列属于一次凭证的有(ABD)。 A.发料单 B.出库单C.限额单D.借款单E.以上全部正确 8.复式记账凭证的优点有(ABC)。 A.可以集中反映账户的对应关系 B.便于查账 C.可以减少记账凭证的数量 D.便于计算每一科目的发生额 E.便于分工记账 三、判断题

1.原始凭证是在经济业务发生或完成时取得或编制的。它载明经济业务的具体内容,明确经济责任,是具有法律效力的书面证明。(√) 2.转账凭证是用于不涉及现金和银行存款收付业务的其他业务所用的记账凭证。(√)3.汇总原始凭证:是指在会计核算工作中,为简化记账凭证编制工作,将一定时期内若干份记录同类经济业务的记账凭证加以汇总,用以集中反映某项经济业务总括发生情况的会计凭证。(× 4. 在一笔经济业务中,如果既涉及现金和银行存款的收付,又涉及到转账业务时,应同时填制收(或付)款凭证和转账凭证。(√) 5.原始凭证是登记日记账、明细账的根据。(×) 6.根据一定期间的记账凭证全部汇总填制的凭证如“科目汇总表”是一种累计凭证。(×) (二)会计账簿 一、填空题 1.会计账簿按其用途不同,可分为(序时账簿)、(分类账簿)和(备查账簿)。 2.会计账簿按其外表形式的不同,可分为(订本账)、(活页账)和(卡片账)。 3.总分类账采用(订本账)的外表形式,其账页格式多为(三栏式)。 4.明细分类账的格式包括(三栏式)、(数量金额式)、(多栏式)和(横线登记式)四种。 5. 现金日记账,是(出纳)根据(现金收款凭证)、(现金付款凭证)和(银行存款付款凭证)凭证,按经济业务发生的先后顺序进行登记的。 6.现金日记账和银行存款日记账必须(日清月结)。 7.错账更正方法有(划线更正法)、(红字更正法)和(补充更正法)。 8. 对账的内容包括(账证核对)、(账账核对)和(账实核对)。 二、单项选择题 1. 应收账款明细账一般采用的格式是(A) A.借、贷、余额三栏式 B.数量金额式 C.多栏式 D.贷方多栏式 2. 多栏式现金日记账属于(C) A.总分类账 B.明细分类账 C.序时账 D.备查账簿 3. 必须采用订本式的账簿有(A)


《会计学原理》名词解释 1.Accounting: is an information and measurement system that identifies records and communicates relevant reliable and comparable information about an organization’s business activities.(P2) 2.Managerial accounting: is the area of accounting that serves the decision-marking needs of internal users.(P4) 3.Events: refer to happenings that affect an entity’s accounting equation and can be reliably measured.(P11) 4.External user: of accounting information are not directly involved in running the organization.(P3) 5.Internal user: of accounting information are those directly efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.(P4) 6.Ethics: are beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. They are accepted standards of good and bad behavior.(P5) 7.Cost principle: means that accounting information is based on actual cost.(P7) 8.Revenue recognition principle: provides guidance on when a company must recognize revenue.(P7) 9.Matching principle: prescribes that a company must records its expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported.(P7) 10.Going-concerning assumption: means that accounting


1 简述稳固基础理论证券作为标的资本价值的代表权证虽然是虚拟资本,但它代表的标的资产的价值高低和未来的期望使它具有内在价值。上市交易后,这个内在价值应是证券市场价格波动的稳固基础,若证券市场是有效的,则因供需要求不平衡的投机行为使得证券的市场价格偏离这个内在价值基础,而正好由于市场的有效性(公平、公正、公开)其投机行为又将在偏离的市价上进行调整,使之回归于这个内在价值周围。这个原理被称为证券运行的稳固基础理论。 2 简述证券市场监管原则 1、公开性原则。证券监管组织应制定和实施相应办法,公开证券发行核准程序,公开证券市场参与主体所需的信息,并保证公布的信息具有真实性、可靠性、及时性、完整性,保证证券市场参与者的知情权和信息享有权。 2、公平性原则。证券监管措施的实施,应确保证券发行、交易活动的当事人具有平等的法律地位,恪守自愿、有偿、诚信的原则,各自的权益得到公平对待。 3、公正性原则。证券监管部门对所有市场参与者的合法权益进行保护,促使证券市场参与者自觉遵守相应法律和规章。 4、合法性原则。保证市场的一切活动和行为都必须依法进行,监管部门的一切监管行为都必须依法实施,对证券市场中违纪违法行为,必须依法严惩。 5、系统风险控制原则。证券市场是高风险行业,虽然非系统风险由组织和个体承担,而系统性风险,监管部门必须加以控制。 评分标准:5点各10 分。 3 简述股票的内在价值 股票是公司资本资产的代表权证,是一种虚拟资本,其市价完全可能远离净值而独立运行。虚拟资本到底虚拟到什么程度,即有个含金量问题。注意虚拟并不是虚假,投资者投资股票是投资未来,当前不好的将来未必不好。所以从投资分析的理论角度应当有个体现其含金量的“内在价值”,是对股票价值各种影响因素进行科学的分析的理论结果,是衡量股票市场价格高低的标准。 4按发行主体对债券进行分类,并分析各优缺点 1、政府债券:政府债券的优点是信誉很高,风险很小,投资这种债券安全可靠,变现也方便、容易,债券的流动性强,所得利息免交所得税。缺点是投资收益相对其它债券较低。 2、金融债券:金融债券的优点是信誉可靠,风险较小,投资这种债券比较安全可靠,变现也较方便容易,流动性强,投资者投资这种债券能获得比政府债券高,比公司债券低的收益。 3、公司债券:公司债券的优点是收益较高,缺点是信誉有好有坏,风险相对较大,此外,它还要交纳所得税。投资者要善于识别,以防所持债券到期难以兑付。 简述移动平均线MA(n) 的作用 1、趋势追踪性:因为消除了短期的偶然因素造成的波动,可以突出体现相对长期的价格趋势走向。 2、滞后性:由于MA(n) 做了平滑处理,所以短期内曲线要掉头相对困难,具有滞后性。n 值越大,这种滞后性越强。 3、稳定性:因为移动平均线是若干日股价的综合平均,所以股价行情线总是绕着它上下波动,MA(n) 具有很强的稳定性。 4、助动性:由于股价运行关于时间具有连续性,当实际行情的股价向上突破MA(n) 时,应该还有相 对长一段在其上运行的倾向。 5、支撑打压性:若实际行情在MA(n) 上方运行,则长期的移动平均线相对于短期行情起到了助涨支撑的作用。短线触及MA(n) 又回头上行称为技术性反弹,若向下突破支撑就成了一个重要的交易信号。同理,短线在长线的下方,长线就成了压力线,短线要突破压力线向上

奥鹏南开20春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003)《会计专业英语》在线作业_2 随机.doc

1.The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are( ) A.forensic accounting and financial accounting B.managerial accounting and financial accounting C.managerial accounting and environmental accounting D.financial accounting and tax accounting systems 【参考答案】: B 2.Cash equivalents() A.are illegal in some company B.will be converted to cash within two years C.will be converted to cash within 90 days D.will be converted to cash within 120 days 【参考答案】: C 3.Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock ( ) A.resale to employees B.bonus to employees C.for supporting the market price of the stock D.to increase the shares outstanding 【参考答案】: D 4.Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock. A.resale to employees B.bonus to employees C.for supporting the market price of the stock D.to increase the shares outstanding 【参考答案】: D


中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院 会计学原理课程作业3(共 4 次作业) 学习层次:专科涉及章节:第5章——第6章 1、资料:(一)假定三星工厂2004年2月末有关账户的余额如下:(单位:元) 现金200 银行存款20 000 应收账款9 800 原材料40 000 库存商品50 000 生产成本20 000 固定资产100 000 合计240 000 短期借款100 000 应付账款10 000 实收资本130 000 合计240 000 (二)3月份该工厂发生下列经济业务 (1)购进材料一批,计价3 000元,材料已入库,货款以银行存款支付。 (2)从银行提取现金100元。 (3)仓库发出材料10 000元,投入生产。 (4)某公司投入新机床一台,计价20 000元。 (5)向银行借入短期借款9 000元存入银行。 (6)以银行存款1 000元偿还某单位货款。 (7)收到华新公司所欠产品款1 500元,存入银行。 要求:1)、开设有关“T”字账,并填入期初余额。 2)、根据上述业务编制会计分录,并根据分录记入各有关账户。 3)、结出各账户的本期发生额和期末余额,并编制试算平衡表。

2、某企业为一般纳税人,本月份发生如下相关经济业务: (1)销售产品100件,每件售价300元,成本200元,该企业采用交款提货的销售方式,已将提货单和发票帐单交给购货单位,并收到购货方开来的转帐支票,款存银行。 (2)向外地销售一批产品,售价总额为40000元(不含增值税),产品成本30000元,代垫运杂费1500元,采用托收承付结算方式。当月收到全部款项存人银行。 (3)开出转帐支票支付本月的广告费50000元。 (4)计算当月的城建税,税率为7%(假设该企业当月进项税额为7200元。提示:先算销项税,再算出当月应交增值税)。 (5)计算当月的教育费附加,教育费附加按3%计算。 (6)本月发生捐赠支出20000元,用银行存款支付。 要求:A、计算本月主营业务收入、主营业务成本、主营业务税金及附加、主营业务利润。 B、若当月管理费用为2 000元、财务费用为800元,其他资料不变。计算当月营业利润、利润总 额。 3、某企业主营业务收入为65万,主营业务成本为57万,主营业务税金及附加1万,营业费用2.15万,管理费用

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