当前位置:文档之家› 保险专业英语常用词汇大全



acceptance policy 核保政策

accounting period 结算期

aggregate limit 累积限额

aggregated loss 累积损失

antiselection 逆选择

ART (Alternative Risk Transfer 新型风险转移balance 所欠款项

barrages 堰坝

captive pools 自保组合

catastrophe risk 巨灾风险

ceiding company 分出公司

cession limit 分保限额

claim-prone 容易出险

claims assistance 理赔协助

clean cut 结清方式

coinsurance 共保

commencement and termination 起讫

cover 承保

cover 责任额health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险

sickness insurance 疾病保险

insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险

insurance for medical care 医疗保险

"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险

life insurance 人寿保险

endowment insurance 养老保险

insurance on last survivor 长寿保险

social insurance 社会保险

personal property insurance 个人财产保险

insurance of contents 家庭财产保险


All Risks 一切险

deposit premium 预付保费

destroyed 毁坏

earth caves 土坏房屋


event limit 事件限额

ex gratia payments 通融赔款

excess loss 超额赔款

exclusion 除外责任

exposed areas 风险承受区域facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区

finite risk 有限制的风险

flash floods 骤发洪水

flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥

frame structure 框架结构

full coverage 全额承保

full insurance value 足额保险价值full liability 全部责任

Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所risk of breakage 破碎险

risk of clashing 碰损险

risk of rust 生锈险

risk of hook damage 钩损险

risk of contamination (tainting 污染险

insurance against total loss only (TLO 全损险

risk of deterioration 变质险

risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险

risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险

risk of normal loss (natural loss 途耗或自然损耗险

risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险

risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险

insurance against war risk 战争险

Air Transportation Cargo War

GNPI 总净保费收入

hailstorm 雹暴

heavy damage 严重破坏

hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构

hour clause 小时条款

hurricane 飓风

individual losses 单一损失insurability 可保性

insured losses 保险损失

intensity 烈度

layering 层次

less exposed 损失可能性小

liability 责任

light damage 轻度破坏

line slips 分保条

loading 附加费

loss occurrence 损失发生

loss occurring basis 损失发生基础loss participation 分担损失Risk 航空运输战争险

overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险

insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC 罢工,暴动,民变险

insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险

risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND 盗窃提货不着险

risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting 淡水雨淋险

risk of leakage 渗漏险

risk of shortage in

weight/quantity 短量险

risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险


risk of bad odour(change of flavour 恶味险,变味险

loss settlement 损失赔付

magnitude 震级

malicious damage 恶意损害

moderate damage 中度破坏

multi-story building 多层建建筑

Munich Re 慕尼黑再

net retained lines 净自留额

net retained losses 损失净自赔额

no profit commission 无纯益风险

non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知

object 标的

obligatory reinsurance 固定分保

original deductibles 原始免赔额

original rate 原始费率

paid-up capital 已付资本

peak accelerator 峰值加速度

peril 危险

PICC Re 中保再risk of mould 发霉险

on deck risk 舱面险



Terms used in insurance industry



actuarial method


Advance Loss Profits (ALOP


Advance profit




Business Interruption Insurance (BI



placement 安排

PML 可能最大损失

policyholder 保单持有者

pool 共保组合

portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐

portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐

premium 保费

previous losses 既往损失

priority 分保自留额

priority 自付责任


proportional reinsurance 比例再保险rainstorm 雨暴

rating 费率

reinforced concrete building 钢筋混凝土建筑reinstatement 恢复保额

reinsured 分出公司

reinsurer 再保险人

retention 自留额自保公司





ceding company




claim settlement


combined ratio


Consequential Loss (CL


Contractor's All Risks (CAR 建筑工程一切险建工险


retention areas 滞洪区

return period 重现期

revoke license 吊销营业执照

seaquake 海震

second event cover 第二事件承保securitization 证券化

seismic demage 震害

set-off 抵销

shear wall structure 剪力墙结构

single 险位超赔

spread loss 分散风险

stop loss 赔付率超赔

storm surges 风暴潮

susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性tarrif 费率表

TG 拐点周期

tidal wave 海啸

topographic map 地形图

tornado 龙卷风保障

Delay in completion




engineering insurance


Erection All Risks (EAR


excess of loss cover


EXL protection


facultative business



Incurred but not reported losses 已发生但未报的损失

IBRN reserve

total sum insured 总保额treaty-limits 合约限额

tube structure 筒体结构underwriting policy 承保政策windstorm 风暴


hour clause 小时条款hurricane 飓风

individual losses 单一损失insurability 可保性

insured losses 保险损失intensity 烈度

layering 层次

less exposed 损失可能性小liability 责任

light damage 轻度破坏

line slips 分保条

loading 附加费IBRN 储备金

indemnity period/limit


inflated claim


insurance capacity



insured property








Loss of profit


Machinery (Breakdown Insurance

loss occurrence 损失发生

loss occurring basis 损失发生基础

loss participation 分担损失

loss settlement 损失赔付

magnitude 震级

malicious damage 恶意损害

moderate damage 中度破坏

multi-story building 多层建建筑

Munich Re 慕尼黑再

net retained lines 净自留额

net retained losses 损失净自赔额

no profit commission 无纯益风险

non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知

object 标的

obligatory reinsurance 固定分保

original deductibles 原始免赔额

original rate 原始费率

paid-up capital 已付资本机器损坏〕险,机损险





multiple claim




officer & director liability


outstanding claim reserve


PC industry

property & catastrophe industry peril




peak accelerator 峰值加速度

peril 危险

PICC Re 中保再

placement 安排

PML 可能最大损失

policyholder 保单持有者

pool 共保组合

portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐

portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐

premium 保费

previous losses 既往损失

priority 分保自留额

priority 自付责任


proportional reinsurance 比例再保险rainstorm 雨暴

rating 费率

reinforced concrete building 钢筋混凝土建筑reinstatement 恢复保额9保险英语翻译

pool? 英语翻译:联营

possible maximum loss 英语翻译:可能的最大损失

premium 英语翻译:保费

primary insurance company 英语翻译:原保公司、主保险商

principal/employer 英语翻译:业主

professional? 英语翻译:专业险

profit margin? 英语翻译:利润边际

property?? 英语翻译:财产险

proportional cover


punitive damage





reinsured 分出公司

reinsurer 再保险人

retention 自留额

retention areas 滞洪区

return period 重现期

revoke license 吊销营业执照

seaquake 海震

second event cover 第二事件承保securitization 证券化

seismic demage 震害

set-off 抵销

shear wall structure 剪力墙结构

single 险位超赔

spread loss 分散风险

stop loss 赔付率超赔

storm surges 风暴潮

susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性tarrif 费率表

TG 拐点周期分保人分保公司reinsurer







return period




solvency margin 赔偿能力

standing charges 维持费用

subject insured 风险标的

sum insured

tidal wave 海啸

topographic map 地形图tornado 龙卷风

total sum insured 总保额treaty-limits 合约限额

tube structure 筒体结构underwriting policy 承保政策windstorm 风暴




保险合同Insurance?Contract 保险单Policy






保险人Insurer 保额

tarrif zone


Third Party Liability (TPL 第三者责任险

treaties business






working expenses /cost










Workers?Compensation?and?Employer?Liability ?Insurance








累积结余 (accumulated value)

全险 (all risks)

年金 (annuity)

比例计算法 (average)

「比例分担」条文 (average condition)

受益人 (beneficiary)

改善 (betterment)

盗窃罪 (burglary)

现金价值 (cash value)

保险凭证 (certificate of insurance)

赔偿 (claim)

损害赔偿合约 (contract of indemnity)

间接损失 (consequential loss)

分摊 (contribution)

互有疏忽 (contributory negligence)

参与供款计划 (contributory plan)

可转换定期寿险 (convertible term insurance)

冷静期 (cooling-off period)

保障范围 (cover)

承保单(附条文收据)(cover note (conditional receipt))

客户保障声明书 (customer protection declaration form)

递减定期寿险 (decreasing term insurance)

自付额/免赔额 (deductible)

界定福利计划 (defined benefit plan)

重复补偿 (double indemnity)

批单 (endorsements)

储蓄保险 (endowment insurance)

不受保项目 (exceptions)

自付额 (excess)

不受保项目 (exclusion)

见 exclusions

起赔额(率) (franchise)

不可争议条款 (incontestability provision)

可保权益 (insurable interest)

中间人 (intermediary)

儿童保险单 (juvenile insurance policy)

定额定期寿险 (level term insurance)

雇员征费 (levy)

有限责任 (limits of liability)

理赔师 (loss adjuster)

恶意破坏 (malicious damage)

重大转变 (material changes)

重要事实 (material fact)

期满 (maturity)

期满日 (maturity date)

指定风险保险 (named peril policy)

疏忽 (negligence)

缴清保单 (paid-up policy)

终身寿险 (permanent life insurance)

个人责任 (personal liability)

保单 (policy)

保单附加条款 (policy rider)

保单现金提取条款 (policy withdrawal provision)

保费 (premium)

第一受益人 (primary beneficiary)

公众责任 (public liability)

附加保障 (rider)

标准风险 (standard risks)

次标准风险 (substandard risks)

自杀不保条款 (suicide exclusion provision)

投保额 (sum insured)

退保手续费 (surrender charge) 定期寿险 (term life insurance)

第三者 (third party)

第三者责任 (third party liability / public liability)

完全及永久伤残 (total and permanent disability)

投保不足 (under-insurance)

核保人 (underwriters)

核保 (underwriting)

最高诚信 (utmost good faith)

投资人寿保险 (variable life


无效 (void)

保费豁免/伤残权益 (waiver of premium for disability benefit)

保费豁免/支付**益 (waiver of premium for payer benefit)

终身寿险 (whole life insurance)

每年续保定期计划 (yearly renewable term)

Insurance Policy (or Certificate)保险单(或凭证)

1.Risks & Coverage险别

(2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险)

(3)all risk一切险(综合险)

(5)war risk战争险

(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款

(7)additional risk附加险

(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses 仓至仓条款

(10)rain fresh water damage淡水雨淋险

(11)risk of shortage短量险

(12)risk of contamination沾污险

(13)risk of leakage渗漏险

(14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险

(15)risk of odour串味险

(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating受潮受热险

(17)hook damage钩损险

(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险

(19)risk of rusting锈损险

(20)risk of mould发霉险

(22)risk of spontaneous combustion自燃险

(23)deterioration risk腐烂变质险

(24)inherent vice risk内在缺陷险

(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss 途耗或自然损耗险

(26)special additional risk特别附加险

(27)failure to delivery交货不到险

(28)import duty进口关税险

(29)on deck仓面险



(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hong Kong, including Kowloon, or Macao出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款

(33)survey in customs risk海关检验险

(34)survey at jetty risk码头检验险

(35)institute war risk学会战争险

(36)overland transportation risks陆运险

(37)overland transportation all risks陆运综合险

(38)air transportation risk航空运输险

(39)air transportation all risk航空运输综合险

(40)air transportation war risk航空运输战争险

(41)parcel post risk邮包险

(42)parcel post all risk邮包综合险

(43)parcel post war risk邮包战争险

(44)investment insurance(political risks)投资保险(政治风险)

(45)property insurance财产保险

(46)erection all risks安装工程一切险

(47)contractors all risks建筑工程一切险


2.the stipulations for insurance保险条款

(1)marine insurance policy海运保险单

(2)specific policy单独保险单

(3)voyage policy航程保险单

(4)time policy期限保险单

(5)floating policy (or open policy)流动保险单

(6)ocean marine cargo clauses海洋运输货物保险条款

(7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products)海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款

(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses海洋运输货物战争险条款

(9)ocean marine insurance clauses


会计专业专业术语中英文对照 一、会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation

会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss 历史成本原则 Cost Principle 收入实现原则 Revenue Principle 配比原则 Matching Principle


Insurance English A.常用句子 1、I’m looking for insurance from your company. 我是到贵公司来投保的。 2、Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People’ Insurance Company of China.张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。 3、After loading the goods on board the ship, I go to the insurance company to have them insured. 装船后,我到保险公司去投保。 4、When should I go and have the tea insured? 我什么时候将这批茶叶投保? 5、All center. Let’s leave insurance now. 好吧,保险问题就谈到这里。 6、I have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance. 我是来解释这件保险的不幸事件的。 7、I must say that you’ve corrected my ideas about the insurance. 我该说你们已经纠正了我对保险的看法。 8、This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance. 这个问讯处为顾客提供大量关于货物投保方面的信息。 9、The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover. 只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。 10、The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us. 损失不包括在我方承保的范围内。 11、The extent of insurance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risk clause. 保险的范围写在基本保险单和各种险别的条款里。 12、Please fill in the application form. 请填写一下投保单。 13、What risks is the People’s Insurance Company of China able to cover? 中国人民保险公司承保的险别有哪些? 14、What risks should be covered?


财务术语中英文对照大全,财务人必备! 2015-05-28注册会计师注册会计师 知道“会计”的英语怎么说吗?不会?那可真够无语的额! 想要进入外资企业做会计?想要进入四大会计师事务所工作?好的英语水平是必不可少的!所以小编特地整理了财务数中英文大全,赶紧从基础英语学起,拿起笔做好笔记吧! 增加见识也好,装装逼也行。 目录 一、会计与会计理论 二、会计循环 三、现金与应收账款 四、存货 五、长期投资 六、固定资产 七、无形资产

八、流动负债 九、长期负债 十、业主权益 十一、财务报表 十二、财务状况变动表 十三、财务报表分析 十四、合并财务报表 十五、物价变动中的会计计量 一、会计与会计理论 会计accounting 决策人Decision Maker 投资人Investor 股东Shareholder 债权人Creditor 财务会计Financial Accounting 管理会计Management Accounting 成本会计Cost Accounting

私业会计Private Accounting 公众会计Public Accounting 注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会IASC 美国注册会计师协会AICPA 财务会计准则委员会FASB 管理会计协会IMA 美国会计学会AAA 税务稽核署IRS 独资企业Proprietorship 合伙人企业Partnership 公司Corporation 会计目标Accounting Objectives 会计假设Accounting Assumptions 会计要素Accounting Elements 会计原则Accounting Principles 会计实务过程Accounting Procedures 财务报表Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption


初中数学英语词汇 一般词汇: 加数addend 平均数average 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl. 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 图表chart 位移displacement 展开expand 展开式expand form 简化simplify 求值evaluate 乘multiply 因式分解factor 代数词汇: 加plus(prep., add(v., addition(n. 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep., subtract(v., subtraction(n. 被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 积product 乘times(prep., multiply(v., multiplication(n. 乘数multiplicator 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 除divided by(prep., divide(v., division(n. 被除数dividend 除数divisor 商quotient 大于is greater than 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than 小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 自然数natural number 整数integer 指数exponent 小数decimal 小数点decimal point 正positive 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil 代数algebra 单项式monomial 公式formula, formulae(pl. 多项式polynomial, multinomial 等式,方程式equation 代数方程algebraic equations 不等式inequation 一次方程simple equation 二次方程quadratic equation 乘方power 三次方程cubic equation 四次方程quartic equation 二次方,平方square 三次方,立方cube 四次方the power of four, the fourth power n次方the power of n, the nth power 开方evolution, extraction 二次方根,平方根square root 三次方根,立方根cube root 四次方根the root of four, the fourth root n次方根the root of n, the nth root 几何词汇: 几何geometry 角angle 角度degree 弧度radian 锐角acute angle 直角right angle 钝角obtuse angle 平角straight angle 底base 边side 高height 三角形triangle 锐角三角形acute triangle 直角边leg 斜边hypotenuse 勾股定理Pythagorean theorem 钝角三角形obtuse triangle 不等边三角形scalene triangle 等腰三角形isosceles triangle 等边三角形equilateral triangle 四边形quadrilateral 平行四边形parallelogram 矩形rectangle


保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策accounting period 英文翻译:结算期aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险 insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)平安险 With Particular Average (W.P.A.)水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险 insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险 insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险 risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND) 盗窃提货不着险 risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险 risk of leakage 渗漏险 risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险

会计英语-单词表 谷丰

专业词汇汇总表 Chapter 1 Non-for-profits organization 非赢利组织Service 服务 Manufacture生产 Merchandise 商品 Accounting会计 Management管理层 Accounting system记帐系统 Financial accounting财务会计Financial report财务报告 Decision-making决策制定 Audit 审计 Management accounting管理会计Cost accounting成本会计 Operating cost 生产费用,营业成本Budgeting预算 Accumulate累积 Accounting process核算过程Transaction交易,业务 Events事项 Expenses费用

Income收入 Identify确认 Measure计量 Record记录 Communicate沟通 Financial position财务状况Performance经营 Entity实体 Enterprise企业 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Statement of financial position财务状况表Equity权益 Debt债务 Return回报 Creditors债权人 Supplier供应商 Customer客户 Economic resource经济资源 Financial structure财务结构 Liquidity流动性 Solvency偿债能力 Cash现金

Cash equivalents现金等价物 Financial performance 财务业绩 Accrual basis权责发生制 Assets资产 Liabilities负债 Equity权益 Going concern永续经营 Liquidate清算,清盘(破产公司) Economic entity经济实体 Unit of measurement货币计量 Accounting period会计分期 GAAP (general accepted accounting principle)一般公认会计准则 Profitability获利能力 China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC) 中国证监会Listed company上市公司 Disclose披露 Understandability可理解性 Relevance相关性 Reliability可靠性 Comparability可比性


2.有关集合数学专业英语词汇 代数部分 union并集? propersubset真子集?1.有关数*算 solutionset解集?? add,plus加? 3.有关代数式、方程和不等式subtract减? difference差?? algebraicterm代数项?multiply,times乘? liketerms,similarterms同类项?product积? numericalcoefficient数字系数?divide除? literalcoefficient字母系数??divisible可被整除的? inequality不等式?dividedevenly被整除? triangleinequality三角不等式??dividend被除数,红利? range值域??divisor因子,除数? originalequation原方程?quotient商? equivalentequation同解方程,等价方程?remainder余数?? linearequation线性方程(e.g.5?x?+6=22)?factorial阶乘? power乘方? 4.有关分数和小数radicalsign,rootsign根号? roundto四舍五入? properfraction真分数?tothenearest四舍五入 improperfraction假分数?

mixednumber带分数?cuberoot立方根?? vulgarfraction,commonfraction普通分数?commonlogarithm常用对数? simplefraction简分数?digit数字? complexfraction繁分数??constant常数? numerator分子?variable变量?? denominator分母?inversefunction反函数? (least)commondenominator(最小)公分complementaryfunction余函数? 母?linear一次的,线性的? quarter四分之一?factorization因式分解? decimalfraction纯小数?absolutevalue绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32? infinitedecimal无穷小数roundoff四舍五入? recurringdecimal循环小数? tenthsunit十分位??6.有关数论 5.基本数学概念naturalnumber自然数? positivenumber正数? arithmeticmean算术平均值?negativenumber负数? weightedaverage加权平均值?oddinteger,oddnumber奇数? geometricmean几何平均数?eveninteger,evennumber偶数? exponent指数,幂?integer,wholenumber整数? base乘幂的底数,底边?positivewholenumber正整数? cube立方数,立方体?negativewholenumber负整数?? squareroot平方根?consecutivenumber连续整数?


1.The accounting equation and the balance sheet Accounting 会计 Assets 资产 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeeping 笔记 Budget 预算表 Capital 资本 Creditor 应付账款 Debtor 应收账款 Equity 股东基金 Horizontal balance sheet 横式资产负债表 Liabilities 负债 V ertical balance sheets 竖式资产负债表 2.The double entry system for assets, liabilities and capital Account 帐户 Credit 借方 Debit 贷方 Double entry bookkeeping 复式笔记 3 The asset of stock Purchases 购

Returns inwards 销货退回 Returns outwards 购货退出 Sales 销货 4 The effect of profit or loss on capital and the double entry system for expenses and revenues Drawings 提取 Expenses 费用 Profit 利润 Revenues 收入 5 Balancing off accounts Balancing the account 平帐 6 The trial balance Trial balance 试算表 7 Trading and profit and loss account: an introduction Gross loss 毛损 Gross profit 毛利润 Net loss 纯损 Net profit 纯利



保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策accounting period 英文翻译:结算期aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险 insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)平安险 With Particular Average (W.P.A.)水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险 insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险 insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险 risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND) 盗窃提货不着险 risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险 risk of leakage 渗漏险 risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险


?accounting 会计、会计学 ?account 账户 ?account for / as 核算 ?certified public accountant / CPA 注册会计师?chief financial officer 财务总监?budgeting 预算 ?auditing 审计 ?agency 机构 ?fair value 公允价值 ?historical cost 历史成本?replacement cost 重置成本?reimbursement 偿还、补偿?executive 行政部门、行政人员?measure 计量 ?tax returns 纳税申报表 ?tax exempt 免税 ?director 懂事长 ?board of director 董事会 ?ethics of accounting 会计职业道德?integrity 诚信 ?competence 能力 ?business transaction 经济交易?account payee 转账支票?accounting data 会计数据、信息?accounting equation 会计等式?account title 会计科目 ?assets 资产 ?liabilities 负债 ?owners’ equity 所有者权益 ?revenue 收入 ?income 收益

?gains 利得 ?abnormal loss 非常损失 ?bookkeeping 账簿、簿记 ?double-entry system 复式记账法 ?tax bearer 纳税人 ?custom duties 关税 ?consumption tax 消费税 ?service fees earned 服务性收入 ?value added tax / VAT 增值税?enterprise income tax 企业所得税?individual income tax 个人所得税?withdrawal / withdrew 提款、撤资?balance 余额 ?mortgage 抵押 ?incur 产生、招致 ?apportion 分配、分摊 ?accounting cycle会计循环、会计周期?entry分录、记录 ?trial balance试算平衡?worksheet 工作草表、工作底稿?post reference / post .ref过账依据、过账参考?debit 借、借方 ?credit 贷、贷方、信用 ?summary/ explanation 摘要?insurance 保险 ?premium policy 保险单 ?current assets 流动资产 ?long-term assets 长期资产 ?property 财产、物资 ?cash / currency 货币资金、现金


数学专业英语词汇(T) 数学专业英语词汇(T)数学专业英语词汇(T)t distribution 学生t 分布 t number t数 t statistic t统计量 t test t检验 t1topological space t1拓扑空间 t2topological space t2拓扑空间 t3topological space 分离空间 t4topological space 正则拓扑空间 t5 topological space 正规空间 t6topological space 遗传正规空间 table 表 table of random numbers 随机数表 table of sines 正弦表 table of square roots 平方根表 table of values 值表 tabular 表的 tabular value 表值 tabulate 制表

tabulation 造表 tabulator 制表机 tacnode 互切点 tag 标签 tame 驯顺嵌入 tame distribution 缓增广义函数tamely imbedded 驯顺嵌入tangency 接触 tangent 正切 tangent bundle 切丛 tangent cone 切线锥面 tangent curve 正切曲线 tangent function 正切 tangent line 切线 tangent of an angle 角的正切tangent plane 切平面 tangent plane method 切面法tangent surface 切曲面 tangent vector 切向量 tangent vector field 切向量场tangent vector space 切向量空间tangential approximation 切线逼近


一.专业术语 Accelerated Depreciation Method 计算折旧时,初期所提的折旧大于后期各年。加速折旧法主要包括余额递减折旧法 declining balance depreciation,双倍余额递减折旧法 double declining balance depreciation,年限总额折旧法 sum of the years' depreciation Account 科目,帐户 Account format 帐户式 Account payable 应付帐款 Account receivable 应收帐款 Accounting cycle 会计循环,指按顺序进行记录,归类,汇总和编表的全过程。在连续的会计期间周而复始的循环进行 Accounting equation 会计等式:资产= 负债+ 业主权益 Accounts receivable turnover 应收帐款周转率:一个时期的赊销净额/ 应收帐款平均余额 Accrual basis accounting 应记制,债权发生制:以应收应付为计算基础,以确定本期收益与费用的一种方式。凡应属本期的收益于费用,不论其款项是否以收付,均作为本期收益和费用处理。 Accrued dividend 应计股利 Accrued expense 应记费用:指本期已经发生而尚未支付的各项费用。 Accrued revenue 应记收入 Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 Acid-test ratio 酸性试验比率,企业速动资产与流动负债的比率,又称quick ratio Acquisition cost 购置成本 Adjusted trial balance 调整后试算表,指已作调整分录但尚未作结账分录的试算表。 Adjusting entry 调整分录:在会计期末所做的分录,将会计期内因某些原因而未曾记录或未适当记录的会计事项予以记录入帐。 Adverse 应收帐款的帐龄分类 Aging of accounts receivable 应收帐款的帐龄分类 Allocable 应分配的 Allowance for bad debts 备抵坏帐 Allowance for depreciation 备抵折旧 Allowance for doubtful accounts 呆帐备抵 Allowance for uncollectible accounts 呆帐备抵 Allowance method 备抵法:用备抵帐户作为各项资产帐户的抵销帐户,以使交易的费用与收入相互配合的方法。 Amortization 摊销,清偿 Annuity due 期初年金 Annuity method 年金法 Appraisal method 估价法 Asset 资产 Bad debt 坏帐 Bad debt expense 坏帐费用:将坏帐传人费用帐户,冲销应收帐款 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bank discount 银行贴现折价 Bank reconciliation 银行往来调节:企业自身的存款帐户余额和银行对帐单的余额不符时,应对未达帐进行调节。 Bank statement 银行对帐单,银行每月寄给活期存款客户的对帐单,列明存款兑现支票和服务费用。


保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策 accounting period 英文翻 译:结算期 aggregate limit 英文翻译: 累积限额 aggregated loss 英文翻译: 累积损失 antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译: 新型风 险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险 insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财 产保险

catastrophe risk 巨灾风险ceiding company 分出公司cession limit 分保限额claim-prone 容易出险claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式coinsurance 共保commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋insurance of contents 家庭财产保险险别 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险


1 概率论与数理统计词汇英汉对照表 A absolute value 绝对值 accept 接受 acceptable region 接受域 additivity 可加性 adjusted 调整的 alternative hypothesis 对立假设 analysis 分析 analysis of covariance 协方差分析 analysis of variance 方差分析 arithmetic mean 算术平均值 association 相关性 assumption 假设 assumption checking 假设检验 availability 有效度 average 均值 B balanced 平衡的 band 带宽 bar chart 条形图 beta-distribution 贝塔分布 between groups 组间的 bias 偏倚

binomial distribution 二项分布binomial test 二项检验 C calculate 计算 case 个案 category 类别 center of gravity 重心 central tendency 中心趋势 chi-square distribution 卡方分布chi-square test 卡方检验 classify 分类 cluster analysis 聚类分析coefficient 系数 coefficient of correlation 相关系数collinearity 共线性 column 列 compare 比较 comparison 对照 components 构成,分量compound 复合的 confidence interval 置信区间consistency 一致性 constant 常数



changes. Batch-level activities Activities that are performed each time a batch is produced. Benchmarking An approach that uses best practices as the standard for evaluating activity performance. Best-fitting line The line that fits a set of data points the best in the sense that the sum of the squared deviations of the data points from the line is the smallest. Binding constraints Constraints whose resources are fully utilized. Break-even point The point where total sales revenue equals total costs; the point of zero profits. Activity output The result or product of an activity. Activity output measure The number of times an activity is performed. It is the quantifiable measure of the output. Activity reduction Decreasing the time and resources required by an activity. Activity selection The process of choosing among sets of activities caused by competing strategies. Activity sharing Increasing the efficiency of necessary activities by using economies of scale. Activity volume variance The cost of the actual activity capacity acquired and the capacity that should be used. Activity-based cost (ABC) system A cost system that first traces costs to activities and then traces costs from activities to products. Activity-based costing (ABC) A cost assignment approach that first uses direct and driver tracing to assign costs to activities and then uses drivers to assign costs to cost objects. Activity-based management (ABM) A systemwide, integrated approach that

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