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姜堰中学高三英语综合练习Dec.16th2013 1.I saw Bob play the piano at John’s party and on that _____he was simply brilliant.





2.Unwilling to go to school,the boy was ____just to sit in front of the television all day.





3.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,_____New York is an example.

A.For which

B.In which

C.From which

D.Of which

4.Julie is one of the women who always ______the latest fashions.

A.Make up for

B.Get along with

C.Keep up with

D.Put up with

5.A growing anxiety is disturbing the public_____the economy will continuously decline.





6.Australia’s small population____,its outstanding performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing.


B.To be considered


D.Being considered

7.Many people prefer to watch football games ______instead of on televsion.





8.The project of Taizhou Bridge on the Yangtze River is the greatest in recent years in our city___of cost.

A.In view of

B.In terms of

C.By way of

D.By means of

9.Soccer, popular in the USA,is a game_____player hold the ball and run with it.





10.Because of the poor management ,the company was _____to the new president from Shanghai.

A.Turned up

B.Turned out

C.Turned down

D.Turned over

11.Young as the girl is ,she is very ____about her dress.





12.Many people have been ______drunken driving since the new

regulation came into practice in 2008.

A.Accused with

B.Charged with

C.Charged of

D.Scolded with

13.The book can be helpful to _______wants to make a good impression in a job interview.

A.Those who


C.No matter who


14._____to the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace,known for its simple design and painted ceiling.


B.Having added

C.Being added


15.--If I don’t get some money from my parents by Friday,could I borrow some from you?

--______.But can I know why?

A.Never mind

B.Not at all

C.By no means

D.By all means


绽放青春 放飞梦想青春仪式方案

绽放青春放飞梦想 ——泰州市姜堰区励才实验学校八年级“青春仪式”活动方案【活动背景】 十四岁,是青春的第一步,是从少年迈向青年的转折点。在八年级学生中举行“十四岁青春仪式”,让学生展示自己的才华,放飞理想,在活动中指导学生珍惜十四岁的青春年华,迈好青春第一步,培养良好的行为习惯、集体主义观念和社会责任感,让学生在成才的轨迹中留下难忘瞬间。 【时间地点】12月22日下午第三节,操场 【活动流程】 序言:Victory(进场背景音乐:Victory) 主持人宣布青春仪式开始 第一篇章:扬帆青春 1.开启青春门——窦校、章校开启青春门各班班主任送青春礼物(背景音乐:《颁奖曲》,班主任自主准备,可以是青春励志的书签、文具、书籍等) 2.迈进青春门——投放成长纪念封《写给十年后的自己》和跨入青春门(学校统一制作成长纪念封,学生写好交班级学生代表统一投入成长邮箱) 3.放飞青春梦(在气球上写上自己的梦想,一起放飞气球) (背景音乐:《超越梦想》) 第二篇章:青春风采 1.合唱《青春修炼手册》(全体学生) 2.朗诵《少年中国说》(全体学生) 第三篇章:青春榜样 1.主持人宣布初二年级青春榜样名单(类型:学习、文明、艺术、运动、文学、管理、实践、生态、活力、孝心(含助人)) 2.宣读青春榜样颁奖词,颁发荣誉证书 3.获奖代表分享成长故事 4.获奖代表感恩家长,给家长献花(背景音乐:《时间都去哪儿了》) 第四篇章:立志青春

1.青春感悟:各自的现状与未来的发展规划(现场采访两名同学,时间不超过1分钟) 2.青春祝福:青春使者寄语和期望(窦校长讲话) 3.青春誓言:全体学生宣誓 4.青春唱响:学生合唱《我相信》 5.主持人宣布青春仪式结束 第五篇章:青春留念 青春仪式结束后分班级进行合影(让班级所有学生从青春门走过,合影留念,背景音乐:《让我们荡起双桨》) 【创新做法】 1.本次青春仪式参与度极高,没有像其他学校一样与入团仪式相结合,与入团相结合让学生认为是入团学生的事,不入团的仅仅是看客,参与积极性降低。 2.通过校园“青春榜样”评选,在广大学生中充分发掘奋发进取、无私奉献的典型人物,发现校园里的美,以先进的事迹感染人、以进取的精神激励人、以身边的榜样引导人,充分展示我校学生风采,为实现学校持续、健康、有序、高效发展提供强大的精神动力。 3.第一篇章“扬帆青春”中的“迈进青春门”环节,投放成长纪念封《写给十年后的自己》,所有参加青春仪式的学生每人事先准备好纪念封,在现场依次投入学校准备的信箱中,并为大家保存。让每一个学生许下对自己未来的一份祝愿,学校将为他们见证。 【主要成效】 这次活动得到了团市委、市文明办、市关工委、市教育局等多位领导的肯定;参与活动的同学参与面广、积极性高、收获大;在场的家长们感慨良多,既有见证孩子成长的喜悦,也有对孩子将来的期望。新华日报社都及时报道了这次活动,取得了较好的社会影响。


姜堰市励才实验学校初一语文期终试题 第一部分基础知识及运用 1.下列词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项是( b )A.御聘.(ping)和煦.(xu)归省.(xing) B.自诩.(xu)称.职(chen)挑衅.(xin) C.迸.(bèng)发酝酿.(liang)黄晕.(yun) D.澄.清(ceng)濒.危(bin)卷帙.(zhi) 2.下列句子标点符号使用不正确的是( a )A.“吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。 B.他是一个音乐师的儿子,但从小就对“天空的音乐”有兴趣。 C.“哎呀,真是美极了!”皇帝说,“我十二分地满意!” D.这块水晶里,包着红屋顶,黄草山,像地毯上的小团花小灰色树影。 3.选出下列各组中对加点的文言词语理解不正确的一项 (1).A.恐前后受其敌.(敌人) B.项为之强.(僵硬) C.匠师如.其言(遵照) ( a ) (2)A.久之.(调节音节的作用) B.学而不厌.(厌倦) C.遂以名.楼(命名) ( b ) (3)A以.实奇(因为) B.至之.市(的) C.悉.为两段(全) ( b ) (4).A.不耻.下问(以……为耻) B.明.察秋毫(眼力) C.断其股.(屁股) ( c ) 4、下列语序排列正确的一项是 ( ) (1)首先设法安慰自己,树立信心,镇定情绪,消除心理障碍. (2)遇到无法下笔,思路阻塞,判断不清的难题时,不要着急. (3)心理平静后再冷静思考就不怕难题了. (4)这时候,你应该想:我难,别人也难,何必畏惧呢? A.(2)(3)(4)(1) B.(1)(4)(2)(3) C.(2)(1)(4)(3) D.(1)(4)(3)(2) 5、对《西江月》一词赏析有错误一项( a ) 明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。 七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。旧时茅店社林边,路转溪桥忽见。 A.“稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片”两句,分别从听觉和嗅觉捕捉景物特征,流露出词人热爱农村的思想感情。


高三英语练习七十三 命题人:校欣梓审核人:严书萍 一、单项填空 1. Is college, which is supposed to be a place for academic interests and independent thinking being ______into a factory only for producing professionals for a certain trade? A. transported B. transformed C. transferred D. transplanted 2. ______ with homesickness after separation from her family for months for the first time, the girl contacted her mum almost every day recently. A. Contented B. Supplied C. Covered D. Overcome 3. ---Do you t hink I really________ the wrong points in your speech at yesterday‘s meeting? ---Sure. Why________ you always pick holes in everything I say? A. shouldn‘t have mentioned; must B. couldn‘t mention; would C. wouldn‘t have mentioned; can D. mustn‘t mention; s hould 4. ---What do you think of Flying Swords of Dragon Gate(《龙门飞甲》)? ---Fantastic. Director Xu Ke________ each character in the movie impressive through lively dialogues and fascination plots. A.makes B. would make C. will make D. had made 5. One example of cybercrime is hacking, ________ users‘ computers are illegally accessed. A. that B. which C. where D. as 6. In today‘s competitive economy, ________ everyone is trying to do more with less, you‘ve got to figure out a way to profit from the very beginning. A. which B. that C. how D. where 7. It was not until last month ________ critics found ________ was shown on the screen, Love is Not Blind was surprisingly well-received by young people. A. that; that B. that; what C. when; what D. when; that 8. It was announced that only when the fire was put out ________ to return to their domitories. A. the students would be permitted B. had the students been permitted C. would the students been permitted D. the students had been permitted 9. It feels like________ adequate time for both doing exercises and listening to music is just not practical, but my good friend, Jack does manage it very well. A. accompanying B. allocating C. accomplishing D. advocating 10. Li Na‘s success has aroused new interest in tennis in Ch ina, which has also ________ a debate among fans, tennis players and experts. A. brought up B. brought about C. brought in D. brought out 二、完形填空: In a spirit of gratitude(感恩) and giving back to the parents who raised them, Bill and Jackie Merz‘s daughters have offered a generous invitation. ―They both live in Chicago now,‖ said Bill Merz, 75, a retired Sacramento State psychology professor. ―One was willing to put an extra floor on her house and __11__ an elevator for us so we could live there. __12__ wante d to change her basement for us. I told them we‘d have somebody shoot us __13__ we did that.‖ The Merzes, who live in their own home at Eskaton Village Roseville, enjoy their big, close-knit __14__, which also includes two sons in California and 11 grandchildren. But the idea of living with the kids in their older age leaves them __15__. ―My first reaction was, ?I don‘t want you to tell me __16__ to do,‘‖ said Jackie Merz, who is also 75 and a retired teacher and counselor. Most older adults __17__ to be a bit more euphemistic (委婉的) about it: Typically, they say that they don‘t want to be a __18__ to their kids, or that they don‘t want to bother them. __19__, statistics show a plainer truth. In huge numbers, seniors __20__ their freedom, and they want to live on their own__21__ they can. In the Sacramento region, US census figures (人口普查数据) __22__ that almost three-fourths of people 65 and older live in same-generation (as opposed to multigenerational) households. National figures are even __23__, with nearly 80 percent of older adults living in their own households – more than three times the __24__ of the 1940s. A recent survey from the research firm Gallup & Robinson highlights(凸显,突出)that sense


九年级数学 周练22 (1.22) 一.单选题 1. 下列方程中,是关于x 的一元二次方程的为( ) A. 0122=+x x B.02=--x x x C.0232=-xy x D.0-42=y 2. 已知如图,点C 事线段AB 的黄金分割点(AC >BC ),则下列结论中正确的是( ) A. 222BC AC AB += B.BA AC BC ?=2 B. 215-=AC BC D.CB AC BC AB = 3.下列事件中,属于必然事件的是( ) A .三个点确定一个圆 B .相等的圆心角所对的弧相等 C .平分弦的直径垂直于弦 D .直径所对的圆周角是直角 4.在△ABC 中,M 是AC 的中点,P 、Q 为BC 边的三等分点,BM 与AP 、AQ 分别交于D 、E 两点,若△ADE 的面积为40,则面积为( ) A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 5. 如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAO=2∠ABO=60°,点O 为坐标系的原点,点A 在函数)0(2>x x y = 的图象上,则点B 所在图象的函数是( ) A. x y 4-= B.x y 32-= C.x y 6-= D.x y 12-= 6. 已知A (11y ,-),B (22y ,-)在抛物线)(2)(2为常数m m x y +--=的图像上, 则下列结论正确的是( ) A.212y y >> B.122y y >> C.221>>y y D.212>>y y 二.填空题 7.抛物线1422 +-=x x y 的对称轴为直线 8.在比例尺为1:38000的泰州旅游地图上,某条道路的长为7cm ,则这条道路的实际长度 为 km


淮安市开明中学 初中数学七年级上册 (苏科版) 4.3用方程解决问题(1) 有某种三色冰淇淋45g,咖啡色、红色和白色配料的比为1:2:6,这种三色冰淇淋中咖啡色、红色和白色配料分别是多少? 如果在三色冰淇淋中,咖啡色、红色配料的比为2:3,红色和白色配料的比为1:2那么如何设未知数呢?相关的代数式是什么呢?方程怎么列呢?方程的解为多少?如何作答呢? 归纳: 用一元一次方程解决实际问题的一般步骤 审 找 设 列 解 答 分析题中已知什么,求什么.有哪些事物在什么方面产生关系 一个相等关系.(和/倍/不同方案间不变量的相等) 设未知数(直接设,间接设),包括单位名称. 把相等关系中各个量转化成代数式,从而列出方程. 解方程,求出未知数的值(x=a).代入方程检验 检验所求解是否符合题意,写出答案 例1:一张桌子有一张桌面和四条桌腿,做一张桌面需要0.03m3的木材 ,做一条桌腿需要木材0.002m3。现做一批这样的桌子恰好用去木材3.8m3,共做了多少张桌子? 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 如图 ,请说出这样的几个数之间的关系? 5 6 12 13 2 9 16 8 9 10 1、在某月的日历上,用正方形圈出22个数,其和是100,求这四个数。 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2、日历上,日历上有五个星期二,日期的和为80,你能说出这个月一号是星期几? 有一些分别标有4、8、12、16、20、……的卡片,后一张卡片上的数比前一张卡片上的数大4,小李拿了相邻3张卡片,且这些卡片上的数之和为348 (1)猜猜小李拿到哪3张卡片? (2)小李能否拿到相邻的3张卡片,使得这三张卡片上的数之和等于93?如果能拿到,请求出这三张卡片上的数各是多少?如果不能拿到请说明理由。 (1)一个两位数,个位上的数是a,十位上的数是b,则这个两位数可表示为__________。 练习 (2)一个两位数,个位数字是十位数字的4倍,如果把个位数字与十位数字对调,那么得到的新数比原数大54,求原数。 (3)三个连续偶数之和比最大的偶数的2倍多30,求这三个偶数 一个三位数满足以下条件: (1)三个数位上的数的和12, (2)百位上的数比十位上的数大6, (3)个位上的数是十位上的数的4倍, 求这个三位数 鸡兔同笼,共有头12个,脚36只,问笼中鸡兔各有多少只?


江苏省姜堰中学高三综合练习三 英语 第Ⅰ卷 (三部分,共85分) 第一部分基础知识(满分 1. He loves the song in p_______, for his mother used to sing it. 2. Look at the river! The water is as s_______ as glass. 3. In the film, the use of light and dark always s_______ good and evil. 4. Well done, Lucy! You are a________ right. 5. The secretary said reading letters o________ much of her time every day. 6. A large p________ of the population live in big cities. (百分比) 7. Recovery from the disease is very _______. (逐步的) Just have a little patience! 8. The thing that _______ me is that I made her sad. (使烦恼) 9. Our farm, __________ (配备) with modern machinery, has attracted lots of tourists.. 10. As is known, 90% of the engines in our country are __________ (出口) to Europe. 11. 直到深夜_____________________ 12. 考虑到相对少的人口_______________ 13. 就我而言_____________________ 14. 某物的优缺点_____________________ 15. 对……有很大的冲击力_______________ 16. 夺取对……的控制权_______________ 17. 对……负责___________________ 18. 被公认为_________________________ 19. 以有序的方式_________________ 冠名为……_______________________ 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C及D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.---A trip to outer space must be fun and exciting. ---_______. That’s why so much people are looking forward to such a trip. A. That’s all right B. I prefer to C. I suppose so D. It depends 22. They have been stopped from leaving their homes since King Gyanendra seized ________ control of ________ government three months ago. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; / 23. Despite the ______ progress of building work, the campaign against it is still going strong.


总分:150分) 1、下列词语中加点字注音全部正确的一项是:(2分) A.刹.那(chà)翌.日(yì) 恣.情 (zī) 诅.咒(zǔ) B.炊.烟(cuī) 拾.级(shè) 血脉.(mài) 冗.杂(rǒng) C.绮.丽(qǐ) 精髓.(suǐ) 嘹.亮(liáo) 应.当(yīng) D.风靡.(mǐ) 充沛.(pèi) 蜿.蜒(wān) 舷.窗 (xuán) 2、下列句子中标点符号使用有错误的一项是:(2分) A.我从舷窗向外眺望,一片蔚蓝色的世界:天,是蓝的;地,是蓝的。 B.“春雨细,柳丝长,夏日暴雨晒高阳,秋雨缠绵冬雨凉。”雨是一种最常见的自然现象,它 从天空中飘落,在泥土中消融。 C.北京师范大学教授于丹因其在《百家讲坛》的出色表现而迅速走红,人称“学术超女”。 D.许多人还不明白奥运会主体育场“鸟巢”为什么东西两头高,南北两头低? 3、下列加点的成语使用正确的一项是:(2分) A.他匆忙来到院子里,环顾四周,目空一切 ....,什么也没有发现。 B.这篇文章文采飞扬,笔触细腻,把夏日荷塘描写得入木三分 ....。 C.汶川5.12大地震牵动着每一个励才学子的心,在刚刚举行的“我为灾区献爱心”捐款仪式 上,同学们纷纷捐出自己的零花钱,有的甚至囊空如洗 ....也在所不惜。 D.将军的这件外套是战争时期穿过的,虽然补了又补,但他却敝帚自珍 ....,舍不得丢掉。 4、下列句子没有语病、句意明确的一句是:(2分) A.品茶,不仅要品其辛苦遭逢,更要品其色形味,品自己心性的聪慧与愚钝。 B.对于达赖集团的无耻言行,引起了全国人民的极大愤慨。 C.能否成功登上歌唱艺术的顶峰,关键在于你努力的程度。 D.中行、建行等金融部门宣布对所有的赈灾捐款开通绿色通道,并全部免除取消手续费。 5、对下列句子中加点词的理解全部正确的一项是:(2分) A. B.人恒过.(犯过失)驴不胜.怒(禁得起)灌木蒙从 ..(草木茂盛的样子) C.反取病.焉(困苦不堪)俶尔 ..远逝(忽然)躬.历山川(亲自) D.熙熙 ..而乐(快乐的样子)去国.怀乡(国都)深入不毛.(草木) 6、将下面的句子填在横线上,排列顺序正确的一项是:(2分) 当这个时候,饮马溪边,,给寂静的天山添上了无限生机。 ①鱼群闪闪的鳞光映着血水清流 ②你坐在马鞍上 ③在五彩斑斓的水石间 ④就可以俯视那阳光投射到的清澈的水底 A. ④②①③ B. ④③①② C. ②④③① D. ②①③④ 第二部分非选择题(138分) 二、按要求答题。(37分) 7、下列词语中共有4个错别字,一一找出打“×”,然后按顺序改正在田字格里。(4分) ⑴震撼⑵全神贯注⑶两全齐美⑷推陈出新 ⑸题纲⑹胸有成竹⑺兴高采烈⑻春华秋实 ⑼聘请⑽金壁辉煌⑾记忆犹新⑿清山绿水 8、根据提示补写名句或填写课文原句。(10分) ⑴桃李不言,。⑵,可以攻玉。 ⑶无可奈何花落去,。 ⑷不畏浮云遮望眼,。 ⑸芳林新叶催陈叶,。 ⑹,定然有美丽的街市。 ⑺常言道:“平安易老,磨难长生。”《<孟子>二章》中与这一看法相同的语句是: ,。 ⑻陆游词中有“已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨”一句,毛泽东在《卜算子咏梅》中反其 意而用之,则写成,。 9、阅读下面一首唐诗,回答问题。(6分)


高三英语练习 一、单项选择 1. China has officially set Sept 3 as "Victory Day" to mark China’s victory over Japan in World War II. The establishment of "Victory Day" highlights Beijing's ______ to peaceful development and the importance of ______ the past. A. commitment; acknowledging B. application; admitting C. acknowledging; committing D. admission; applying 2. Chinese officials hope that trade will ______ when the two countries ______ to hard currency. A. turn up; scratch B. pick up; switch C. catch on; squeeze D. hold on; status 3. "Chinese D ama”, a group mainly ______ of married women between 40 and 60, ______ the attention of the public for the first time in 2013. A. consisted; grabbing B. consisting; grabbing C. consisting; grabbed D. consisted; grabbed 4. Facebook has recently _____ a string of Facebook groups committed to illegally sharing copyrighted music. A. cracked down on B. fallen back on C. kept up with D. got away with 5. _____ making decisions, the human brain cannot be compared with the computer because in the long process of evolution, the slow pace of life didn't require such an ability of the human brain. A. On behalf of B. In contrast to C. In salute to D. In terms of 6. Housing prices _____ since a few years ago. Therefore, it’s time the central government _____ 1


江苏姜堰市励才实验学 校初二数学期中试卷 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

江苏省姜堰市励才实验学校2008—2009初二数学期中试卷 一.选择题(3′×12=36′) 1. 2的算术平方根是( ). (A )2 (B )±2 (C )—2 (D )±2 2.下列图形是轴对称图形的是(图中的文字可忽略不看) ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) 3.1x -实数范围内有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) (A )x >1 (B )x≥l (C )x <1 (D )x≤1 4.地球七大洲的总面积约是1494800002km ,如对这个数据保留3个有效数字可表示为( ) A .1492km B .1.5×1082km C .1.49×1082km D .1.50×1082km 5. 等腰三角形一边长为2,周长为5,则它的腰长为 ( ) A.2 B.5 C.1 D.1或2 6.下列的根式中,不需化简的二次根式是( ) (A )x 9 (B )92-x (C )9 x (D )2)9(+x 7.下列实数 722,3,38,4,3 π ,0.1,0.010010001(10)-两个之间依次多一个,其中无理数有( ) A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个

8.一座建筑物发生了火灾,消防车到达现场后,发现最多只能靠近建筑物底端5米,消防车的云梯最大升长为13米,则云梯可以达到该建筑物的最大高度是 ( ) A. 12米 B. 13米 C. 14米 D. 15米 9.下列几组数中不能作为直角三角形三边长度的是( ) A 25,24,6===c b a B 5.2,2,5.1===c b a C 4 5 ,2,32=== c b a D 17,8,15===c b a 10.下列各数互为相反数的是 ( ) A 、2 1 2与- B 、与2-4-、3322--与 D 、 ()222--与 11.如图,在8×8的正方形网格中,A 为其中一个格点,则在此网格中与点A 关于网格线所在直线对称的格点(除A 以外)共有( ) A.5个 B.6个 C.7个 D.8个 12.随地震波而来的是地底积蓄已久的能量.因为里氏震级并不像摄氏温度一样是等分性的指标,因此每两级地震所释放的能量也相差巨大.根据里克特在19531000倍.这意味着,里氏震级每高出0.1级,就会多释放出0.4125倍的能量(如7.8级比7.7级会多释放出0.4125倍的能量).那么5月12日下午2时28分四川汶川地区发生的8.0级大地震与5月25日下午4时21分四川青川一带发生的6.4级余震相比,前次所释放的能量约是后次的( ) A .22倍 B .34倍 C .40倍 D .251倍 二.填空题(3′×10=30′)


江苏省姜堰中学2011届高三二轮复习综合练习(二)(英 语) 第Ⅰ卷 (三部分,共85分) 第一部分听力 (共两节满分20分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where is the man? A.In a hotel.B.In a shop.C.At home. 2.What's wrong with Li Hua? A.He has got a toothache. B.He has got a backache.C.He has got a headache.3.What did they want to buy? A.A pair of shoes.B.A cheap shirt.C.An expensive coat.4.What are they talking about? A.The price.B.The direction.C.The time. 5.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a meeting room.B.In a restaurant.C.In a library. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.Who are the speakers? A.Students.B.Teachers.C.Clerks. 7.What are they mainly talking about? A.Noise in the office. B.A new meeting room.C.The story of a workmate.[来源:金太阳新课标资源网] 8.What does Stan suggest they do? A.Talk to Jack openly.B.Move to another office.C.Ask for a meeting room. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.What does the woman intend to do? A.Introduce the Workers Club. B.Invite the man to do sports. C.Invite the man to see a film. 10.What can we learn about the club? A.People can skate there. B.It's open until 12:00 at night. C.Three buses pass the club. 11.Where does the man work? A.At the Workers Club.B.At a high school. C.At a computer center. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。


江苏省姜堰市励才实验学校九年级化学5月学情了解(二模)试题 (满分:60分,时间:60分钟) 可能用到的相对原子质量:Na-23,O-16,Ca-40,H-1,Ag-108,Fe-56,Zn-65,C-12 第一部分选择题(共20分) 第1题一第10题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。每小题1分,共10分。 1.下列自然资源的开发利用中,一定涉及到化学变化的是 A.从海水中提取食盐 B.百炼成钢 C.用分离液态空气的方法制氧气 D.将石油分馏得到汽油、煤油等产品 2.下列有关燃烧和灭火的说法正确的是 A.可燃物只有在空气中才能燃烧 B.通过降低可燃物的着火点可以灭火 C.空气中混有可燃性气体,遇明火时可能发生爆炸 D.任何燃料完全燃烧时,一定会生成二氧化碳 3.下列有关实验现象描述正确的是 A.打开浓盐酸瓶塞,可看到大量白烟 B.在面包上滴加加碘食盐水,呈蓝色 C.点燃羊毛纤维能闻到烧焦羽毛气味 D.电解水实验中负极产生的气体使带火星的木条复燃 4.下列实验操作符合安全要求的是 A.验证氢气的可燃性 B.闻气体气味 C.移走蒸发皿 D.稀释浓硫酸 5.硼氢化钠(NaBH4),其中氢元素的化合价为﹣1)是一种安全车载氢源。有关硼氢化钠的说法正确的是A.含2个氢分子 B.硼元素的化合价为+3 C.只含一种非金属元素 D.Na、B、H的质量比为1:1:4 6.下列说法中正确的是 A.原子的质量几乎都集中在原子核中 B.生活中常接触到的“高钙牛奶”、“碘盐”中的“钙”、“碘”指的是离子 C.通常把PH<7的降水称为酸雨 D.氯化铵可以与草木灰(含碳酸钾)混合施用 7.属于有机物的是 A.葡萄糖 B.干冰 C.碳酸 D.木炭 8.食品安全与人体健康息息相关,生活中下列做法错误的是 A.食盐作为咸味剂 B.食醋作为酸味剂 C.甲醛作为防腐剂D.小苏打作为膨松剂 9.下列各组离子在水中能大量共存的是


江苏省姜堰市励才实验学校2008—2009初二数学期中试卷 一.选择题(3′×12=36′) 1. 2的算术平方根是( ). (A )2 (B )±2 (C )—2 (D )±2 2.下列图形是轴对称图形的是(图中的文字可忽略不看) ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) 3.1x -实数范围内有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) (A )x >1 (B )x≥l (C )x <1 (D )x≤1 4.地球七大洲的总面积约是1494800002 km ,如对这个数据保留3个有效数字可表示为( ) A .1492km B .1.5×108 2km C .1.49×108 2km D .1.50×108 2 km 5. 等腰三角形一边长为2,周长为5,则它的腰长为 ( ) A.2 B.5 C.1 D.1或2 6.下列的根式中,不需化简的二次根式是( ) (A )x 9 (B )92-x (C )9 x (D )2)9(+x 7.下列实数 722,3,38,4,3 π,0.1,0.010010001(10)-L 两个之间依次多一个,其中无理数有( ) A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 8.一座建筑物发生了火灾,消防车到达现场后,发现最多只能靠近建筑物底端5米,消防车的云梯最大升长为13米,则云梯可以达到该建筑物的最大高度是 ( ) A. 12米 B. 13米 C. 14米 D. 15米 9.下列几组数中不能作为直角三角形三边长度的是( ) A 25,24,6===c b a B 5.2,2,5.1===c b a C 4 5,2,32=== c b a D 17,8,15===c b a 10.下列各数互为相反数的是 ( ) A 、2 1 2与 - B 、与2-4- C 、3322--与 D 、 ()222--与


江苏省姜堰中学高考英语模拟试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷<选择题>和第Ⅱ卷<非选择题>两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(三部分, 共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中听给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of sports is the man’s favor ite? A.Golf B. Basketball C. Football 2.Which kind of bags will the man buy? A.The black ones B. The red ones C. Both the black ones and the red ones 3.At what time will the movie start? A.7:45 B.8:00 C.8:15 4. Which of the following is true? A. The man didn’t attend the meeting yesterday. B. The woman didn’t attend the meeting yesterday. C. The woman was present at the meeting yesterday. 5. How far is the department store from here? A. It’s very far and better to take a bus. B. It’s not far and walking there is OK. C. It’s very far and better to take a taxi. 第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项出选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. What’s Jack’s p lan for the weekend? A. He wants to play tennis with Mary. B. He wants to play tennis with Mary’s brother. C. He wants to pick up his brother at the airport. 7. Why can’t Mary go with Jack? A. Because she has to do her homework. B. Because she has to pick up some rubbish. C. Because she has to pick up her brother. 8. Do you think Mary will play with Jack? A. It hasn’t been decided. B. Yes. C. No.

泰州市姜堰区励才实验学校8B Unit 2 提纲

8B Unit 2 提纲 一.词汇; 1. travelling (n) 去旅游_go travelling_ v.__travel 过去式__travelled_过去分词__travelled____ 去太空旅游____go on a space travel________ 往返于这个城镇travel to and from the town Go on a tour ____of___ America have a trip ______to__someplace the journey ___to_____Beijing 2.miss (v) ①错过,错过做某事miss doing ②想念,miss my hometown very much非常想念我的家乡 adj.missing 我的手表不见了My watch has gone missing 3.fantastic;(adj) have a fantastic time doing sth= have a good /wonderful time doing 4..speed (n). 以低速at low speed 全速at full speed 高速at high speed It travels at half speed of light (以光速的一半). The car runs at the speed of (以------- 速度)eighty kilometers per hour. 4 ride 1)(n) .骑马,乘坐,乘车 I felt ill through the whole ride. 在整个乘坐过程中 It is only five minutes’ ride from my home to the school by bus.从我家到学校只有五分钟的路程。 2)(v) 骑,乘;ride a horse/bike/bus/train 过去式rode 过去分词ridden 5.indoor,(adj)室内的;indoor games室内游戏。反义词outdoor 6.character (n) 人物Everybody got excited when the parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon. 当迪士尼人物的游行在下午晚些时候开始的时候,人人都变得很激动。 性格,特征;characteristic 7. such as ;作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。Such as sth/doing sth for example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。 Some of the European languages come from Latin,such as French,Italian and Spanish. The robot can do whatever it is asked to, such as doing(do) the laundry and sweeping (sweep) the floor. He,for example,is a good student. 8. magic ( n). adj. magical它就像魔法一样It is like magic. 9. feel( v) 过去式____felt_____ 过去分词____felt_______ (系动词)feel+ adj 感觉瞌睡的feel slpeey feel like doing (do) sth =want to do sth (vt) We could smell the apple pie and feel the wind (感受到风) fall过去式______fell____过去分词_____fallen_____ 睡着了____fall asleep______ 10. a couple of 一对,两三个 A couple of days has passed (pass) since we met last time. A couple of key rings were bought (buy) at the shop yesterday. the couple,夫妇The couple are planning (plan) to go on a trip now. 11. at the end of 反义词组at the beginning of 最后in the end/finally/at last反义词组at the beginng end (vi) 结束;The film ended/finished/was over at 4.p.m. 结局ending adj endless 无止境的家庭作业endless homework over (adj)结束;Class is over,下课了。 (prep) (1) 超过,多于=______more than_______ (2) 在-------期间There have been (be) great changes in the town in /over/duringthe last five years.. The computer system was broken into (breakke into ) several times over the last year. (3)在------的上方,There is a bridge over the river. (4)越过;翻越这座山climb over the mountain. (5)(年龄)在--------以上The children over 12 (十二岁以上的孩子)aren’t allowed to join it. 13.marry v. adj.married , n. marriage 和某人结婚be married to sb/marry sb/get married to sb Jacky和Jane结婚十三年了,他们是十三年前结婚的。他们将庆祝他们结婚十三周年。 Jacky and Jane have been married for thirteen years. They married/got married thirteen years ago. They will celebrate their marriage of thirteen years. 14. die v. 过去式died 过去分词died 现在分词dying n.death adj. ____dead____, ______dying______ 雷锋死了已经有五十三年了,他五十三年前死的。他的死对于全世界而言是个巨大的损失。 Lei Feng has been dead for fifty-three years. He died fifty-three years ago. His death is a great loss to the whole world. 15.beauty.(n) adj_beautiful adv beautifully 大自然的美the beauty of mature (n) 美女The coats are those beatuies’(美女的) 16.sailing (n) 帆船运动,航行去航行go sailing. (v)___sail_____ He sails the sea (出海航行)to look for hidden treasure. 17.except意为"只有……除外;除去……",后跟名词或代词作宾语,强调从整体中除去部分,即except 后的部分不包括在整体之内。besides相当于as well as,意为"除了……以外还有……",即"除去一部分还有另外一部分"的意思,表示besides 后面的部分包括在整体之内。例如: ( A ) Does John know any other foreign language ________ French. A. except B. but C. besides D. beside ( A )Everyone is here ________ Xiao Wang and _______. A. except I B. besides I C. except me D. excepts me 18. view (n) 景色,风景We can visit a seaside city(沿海城市)like Dalian. Because the views(景色)there may be wonderful. 19..business (n)商业,生意。商人businessman pl. businessmen 商业信函business letters营业时间business time My dad has been to Chengdu on business twice. 我爸爸去成都出差过两次 20. direct adj.意思直接的,直达的adv. directly n.direction v. 意思指向,导演n. director 朝着四面八方in all directions 径直走向某人walk to sb directly 由那个著名的导演所导演的一部纪录片a documentary directed by the famous director 21.flight;(n) 航班;直飞成都a direct flight to Chengdou 22. point (n). 点,分数,尖头v. 意思指向 a pencil with a sharp point 带有尖锐头的一支铅笔score then points 得了10分 three point five 3.5 point outpoint to/at 指出(中文) 23.detail (n) pay attention to many details of it. 详细地阅读这篇文章read the passage in details 24.airport. (n) 在飞机场at the airport. 二;词组; 1我打算去南山度假。I’m going to South Hill for a holiday 在度假be on holiday 2. 闻到苹果派,感受到风smell the apple pie and feel the wind 3 丹麦的首都the capital of Denmark. 4 它来自由安徒生所写的故事。It comes from the story by Hans Christian Anderson. 5 在迪士尼乐园度过一整天spend a whole day at Disneyland 6为我们的亲戚朋友买很多礼物buy many presents for our relatives and friends 7整个乘坐过程我们都在尖叫,在大笑。We were screaming_and laughing through the whole ride 8匆忙赶往一个餐馆hurry to a restaurant 匆忙做某事do sth in a hurry / do sth hurriedly

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