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高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 06含答案

高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 06含答案
高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 06含答案




1.He finally won his f________after twenty years in jail.

2.Tomorrow will be my mother’s_________(五十)birthday.

3.These poor children have to go out for food in_____(冰冻)weather.

4.They met with a traffic accident during the ride._________(幸运地),nobody was injured.

5.Students in this school are______(禁止)to carry mobile phones to the classroom.

6.Her________(手指)were cut when she was cutting meat last week.

7.Please put some________(柴火)on the fire,or it will go out.

8.At the sound of the gun,all the birds in the tree f_______away in all directions.


1.The fall of the river here is three feet.

2.Does he have any family?

3.She’s a very good woman;unkindness is foreign to her nature.

4.He started getting fresh with the new secretary.


feel like;for fear of;free from;figure out;focus…on

1.She really____having a talk with him about his study at school.

2.The drug problem is getting so widespread throughout the world that no countries can boast of_______it.

3.We cannot____why quite a number of insects,birds and animals are dying out.

4.You should____your attention____your work.

5.He left an hour early______missing the train.


1.When we visited my old family home,memory came_____back.


B.to flood



2.But for their help,we_______the program in time.

A.can not finish

B.will not finish

C.had not finished

D.could not have finished

3.At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few month to see_____it got any better.





4.You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request_____a question.

A.in search of

B.in the form of

C.in need of

D.in the direction of

5.Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away_______.

A.fleeing the thief

B.was fleeing the thief

C.the thief was fleeing

D.fled the thief

6.Most air pollution is caused by the burning of____like coal,gas and oil.





7.The newly-designed shirt____me but the color____me well.

A.doesn’t fit;fits

B.isn’t fit for

C.doesn’t fit;suits

D.isn’t fit for;suits

8.It is one of the funniest things___on the internet so far this year.


B.being found

C.to find


9.This is the first time I______really relaxed for months.


B.have felt


D.will have felt

10.Some teenagers tend to be distracted by new things so that they cannot___on their study.







1.The old lady’s f_______was held at the local church.

2.We shall be landing shortly and please f_______your seat-belts.

3.Buses run___________(频繁)between the city and the airport.

4.He was born on F_____________20,1972.

5.He made a___________(发财)in real estate.

6.She looks_________(面熟)to me,but I don’t remember her name.

7.They bought a lot of_________(家具)after they moved into their new flat.

8.The People’s Republic of China was_________(建立)in1949.


1.The show was far from being a failure;it was a great success.

2.The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.

3.She’ll soon leave London for good.

4.She had fair hair and skin.

5.She signed the letter in good faith,not realizing its implications.


fall behind;fall off;fix on;face to face;for the moment;in favor of

1.He’s working hard for fear that he would________________.

2.I’ve often talked to him on the telephone,but I’ve never met him_________________.

3.Mrs.Rumbold’s eyes were_________________the plate and in a short time she was busy eating.

4.The man on the motorbike_________________and hurt himself.

5.Please_________________when the ship sails for New York.


1.He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army_______.

A.for long

B.once in a while

C.for good

D.once upon a time

2.The noise was so____that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.





3.–This doesn’t____me.Do you have a larger one?--Sorry,but the color is different.Does it____you?





4.The government plans to bring in new laws___parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.



C.to be forced

D.having forced

5.Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to______,so she left.

A.show off

B.go up

C.fit in

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef4083659.html,e over

6.The art show was______being a failure;it was a great success.

A.far from

B.along with

C.next to

D.regardless of

7.–Hey,you haven’t been acting like yourself.Is everything OK?--__________.

A.I’m fine,thanks

B.Sure,it is

C.That’s good

D.It’s OK

8.____to reach them on the phone,we sent an email instead.



C.To fail

D.Having failed

9.The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons____for the day.



C.had finished

D.were finished

10.We all know that,_____,the situation will get worse.

A.not if dealt carefully with

B.if not carefully dealt with

C.if dealt not carefully with

D.not if carefully dealt with


v1.0 可编辑可修改单词连连看:选出英语单词相对应的中文含义,并将选项填在对应单词的序号前面 ()1. announce .关心;v.涉及()2. available B.宣布 () C.突破 () D.卓越的,非凡的 ().潜在的,n.潜能 () F.可获得的 ()G.发明 ()H.决定,下决心 ()I.效力,有效性 ()J.偶然的,意外的 ()1. intellect A.拿回,撤销()2. mystery B.诗歌的,诗意的()3. figure out C.有智慧的,聪明的 ()4. take back D.传达,运输()5. cling to E.解决,算出,指出 ()6. get sick of F.目前的,现存的()G.坚持,依附,粘住 ()8. poetic H.秘密,神秘 ()9. convey I.生病,对...厌倦()J.情绪的,易激动的 BFAHC IDJEG CHEAG IJBDF ()1. risk .交易;v.讨价还价()2. balance B.乞讨,恳求 ()3. bargain C.背叛,泄露 ()4. bother .风险;v.冒...的危险()5. beg E.打败,敲打 ()6. behave F.烦扰,打扰 ()7. benefit G.表现,举止,运转()8. betray H.责备 ()9. beat .利益;v.有利于().平衡;结算v.使平衡()1. book (v.) A.埋葬,隐藏()2. break .检查,核实;n.支票()3. bury C.对...索费,充电,控告 () D. n. v.挑战 () E.环绕四周 () F.随身携带,搬,扛 ()G.预定,登记 ()H.弄坏,打破(记录);休息 () (v.) I.取消 () around J.担任 DJAFB GICEH GHAFI DBCJE () A.澄清,阐明 ().教练; v.训练() C.完成 () D.分类,分等()=remove E.安慰


高三英语单词过关检测一 班级:________________ 姓名:________________ 得分:_________________ 1.the ______________ 大西洋 2.Constable was a great English___________. 康斯太布尔是伟大的英国画家. 3.We waited for the ___________ of our guests. 我们等著客人的到来。 4.He shot an ___________ at the hare. 他对准野兔射了一箭。 5.He has written an ___________ for the magazine. 他已给该刊撰写了一篇文章。 6.The _______________ of the city is very much polluted.那个城市的空气受到严重污染。 7.She was ___________ of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。 8.China is an ___________ country. 中国是个亚洲国家。 9.We had an ____________ about politics. 我们就政治展开了争论。 10.She will ____________ to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录. 11.The news _____________ everyone. 这消息使大家感到惊讶. 12._____________ is one of my favorite subjects. 天文学. 13.The _________ won two gold medals in the Olympics.这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。 14.We have already made _______________ for our vacation. 我们已经为假期作了安排。 15.He worked as an ___________ to the President. 他当过总统助理。 16.He was born in _____________. 8月 17.They decided to ___________ at night. 他们决定夜晚进攻. 18.Listen ___________ to the speaker. 专心地听演讲人的话 19.She shows a very positive ___________ to her work. 她工作态度非常积极. 20.These toys are a real ___________ at such low prices.这些玩具的价格这么便宜, 真划得来。 21.He is the first ___________ to walk on the moon.他是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。 22.The ___________ enjoyed every minute of the performance.观众自始至终欣赏这次演出。 23.He is from ___________.澳洲 24.My car ___________ has run down. 我汽车上的电池用完了。 25.The ground is covered with leaves in _____________. 秋天 26.The ___________ age of the students is 19. 学生的平均年龄是19岁. 27.They all ___________ mentioning that name. 他们都避免提及那名字。 28.Vocabulary is ___________ to English learners. 词汇对于英语学习者来说是基本的。 29.The offer is very ___________ to us. 这一出价对我们具有很大吸引力。 30.Playing ___________ is good for our body. 羽毛球 31.Passengers checked their ___________ before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。 32.Try to ___________ your diet by eating more fruit and less meat. 尽量多吃水果少吃肉, 均衡饮食. 33.I think you need to see a doctor for your ___________.我想你的腰痛需要看医生。 34.They are vacationing at the ___________.他们正在海滨度假。 35.Our dog always ___________ at strangers. 我们的狗一见生人就叫. 36.___________ is very popular among Americans. 棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。 37.Schools have ___________ the use of cell phones. 学校已经禁止使用手机. 38.He was shot to death in a gun ___________. 他在枪战中被击毙。 第 1 页共8 页

2019高考英语 词汇(26)练习

词汇(26) 复习:1、核心单词2、重点短语3、写作句式4、我读我练(词汇应用、句式仿写) 【单句单词语法填空】 1. He must have sensed that I ________(look)at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?” 答案:was looking 题干中没有出现具体的时间状语,可以从意义上去把握。此句在意义上应该用进行时,又根据此句中的must have sensed和glanced at可知是过去进行时。句意:他一定感觉到我在看着他。他突然看向我然后轻声问道:“你为什么一直那样盯着我看?” 2. I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy,but________(hold)back thankfully by the shop window. 答案:was held 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。h old back“阻隔,隐瞒”。句意:我非常想进去玩玩具,但是我幸好被橱窗阻隔了。根据句意,此句含有被动语态在里面,hold back 要用被动语态。 3.(2015·四川,4改编)More expressways________(build) in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. 答案:will be built 根据题干中的时间状语soon可知,用将来时。expressways与build为被动关系,用被动语态。句意:四川不久将建设更多的高速公路以促进当地经济的发展。 4.(2015·重庆,1改编)—Is Peter coming? —No,he ______(change) his mind after a phone call at the last minute. 答案:changed 句意:——Peter来吗?——没有,刚才接到一个电话后改变主意了。根据at the last minute发生在过去,故用一般过去时。 5.(2015·重庆,13改编)In my hometown,there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat ______(be) cut. 答案:has been 表示动作已经发生或完成用现在完成时。句意:在我的家乡,收麦过后农民会举行一个丰收晚宴。 核心单词 1.shallow adj. 浅的;浅薄的

江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(原卷版) (3)

2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)28 一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项) 1.In modern times, people have to learn to _______ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life. A. look up to B. live with C. lock up D. live up to 2.Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year, and his performances always _______ the expectations of most audience. A. look up to B. be linked to C. keep up with D. live up to 3.Mangkhut, the strongest typhoon so far, made landfall on the coastal city early on Monday, _______ electricity supplies. A. knocking over B. knocking down C. knocking out D. knocking on 4.The boss didn’t accept the reason for her being absent for the meeting that she didn’t know there was a meeting and _______ 100 yuan from her salary this month. A. kept up B. kept back C. kept out D. kept off 5.He remains _______ despite the high price put on his head by the authorities. A. at a loss B. at large C. at intervals D. at length 6.Don’t _______ a person simply because the question he or she has asked seems like something obvious. A. look out B. look up C. look down upon D. look forward to 7.Just _______ the past 100 years and you’ll discover that a mistake can sometimes be a good thing. A. look up to B. look forward to C. look back on D. look down upon 8.Paul _______ Rose at first sight at his friend’s party, But after his offer of love was turned down for several times, he _______. A. lost heart to, lost heart B. lost his heart, lost his heart C. lost his heart to, lost heart D. lost heart to, lost his heart 9.When reading _______ the lines, readers can connect the literature to their own experience. A. with B. for C. beyond D. on 10.—Do you think Jack will lend us a hand? —He is the _______ one to help others. He might lend his hand, though. A. latter B. first C. last D. least 11.Every time you enter the subway station, you must have the contents of your bag checked to make sure you aren’t carrying any _______ illegal things. A. legal B. lame C. illegal D. later 12.Only those people who use a kitchen frequently understand the best way to _______. A. let it out B. pick it out C. left it out D. lay it out 13.—It’s said that your boss will give you a fat raise soon. —She’s very _______ with promises but much less with money. A. legal B. literary C. likely D. liberal


高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef4083659.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance A. define B.cheat C.entertain D.bless 9.It is difficult to to a new culture and language. A.enter B.adjust C.generate D.disclose 10.The of the criminal act was two years in jail A.consequence B.stress C.basis D.affects 11.George can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program. A .fancy B.detail C.tone D.promotion 12.Ben is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets. A.loyal B.royal C.pleasant D.awful 13.It really me to see how much food we waste every day. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef4083659.html,mands B.depresses C arises D.recommends 14.There was not enough to prove him guilty of crime


形式1: 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在句子右边的横线上写出各单词的完全形式。(每空只写一词) 1.I o___ my career to my instructor at the University of Oregon, who gave me encouragement and hope. 2. F me for not paying you proper respect when I came in just now. 3. Learning to recognize speech patterns will certainly help you understand s English whether it is live or recorded. 4. G speaking, the more expensive the radio, the better it is. 5. Each Christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and m . 6. I hope our business relationship will c in the future. 7. Now Indians are t the lead in cyberspace. 8. WTO aims to encourage international t to flow as freely as possible. 9. In a crisis, when everybody else gets very excited, you have to become the calmest person in the room, so you can figure a way out of the s . 10. Her silver hair s she has been weathered by years of hard work. 11. War is a c way of solving problem. 12. She left m in case John dropped by. 13. S from a major heart attack in 2001, he lived for another four years. 14. If h to a high temperature, water will change to vapor. 15. You b when you take air into your lungs and send it out again. 16. We made ourselves a p and we’re never giving up. 17. I won’t waste any more of your v time. 18. Social connections and work experience play more important r in job hunting. 19. “The book does c the subject” said the editor. 20. On my a at Beijing, I hurried to see her. 21. When you send a letter, you write the address and stick the stamp on the e. . 22. The thief was s to five years in prison. 23. I’m not s with the way he cut my hair. 24. The heavy rain p us from entering the site. 25. Fruit and vegetables are sold by w . 26. Many goods have been i into China in recent years. 27. Salty food makes you t . 28. England is s from France by the Channel. 29. The man is suffering from a s illness. He is not able to go to work. 30. She succeeded in writing a book last year. It is a highly p novel. 31. Sometimes it’s very hard to know the coming disaster in a . 32. His height gives him an a over the other players. 33. Did Tom b reak the glass on p ? 34. –Sorry to have troubled you. – Don’t m it 35. Certain textbooks are in short supply; in p French dictionaries are urgently needed. 36. You’ll just have to be p and wait till I’m off the phone. 37. - What’s the r between the two speakers? -The man is a boss and the woman is his secretary. 38. The child r the time wasted on playing computer games. 39. His way of living is quite r ; so he is in good health. 40. When ending a short letter of message, you write: Hope to see you soon, with best r . 41. Come s to the point. 42. I r his view, although I do not agree with him. 43. Only a few villagers r after a strong tidal waves. 44. These songs always r us of our old days. 45. They are making steady p towards a peace settlement. 46. Each page of the contract should be s by all three parties. 47. A t jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move because the road is blocked. 48. They have r the number of staff from 80 to 50. 49. She had changed so much that I could hardly r her. 50. Parking is not p between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 形式2: 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每


高考英语重点词汇填空专项练习 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 1. Prices have risen steadily during the past _________(十年), namely from 2005 to now. 2. His interest in this subject gradually _________(减少) because he dislikes the new teacher. 3. Such _________(装饰品) is a typical feature of the new year festival. 4. It was not long before the ________(潮湿的) clothes dried up in the sun. 5. I must apologize for the ________(延误) in writing back to you. 6. I am much __________(高兴) to be present at the lecture and to give you a speech. 7. The thin mailman _________(递送) letters and parcels from door to door every morning. 8. Our headteacher _________(要求) we get to the classroom before half past six in the morning. 9. He had been suffering from toothache for a few days before he went to see a _________(牙医). 10. The hero should _________ (值得/应得) praise and a reward for his brave behavior. 11. It’s admitted that everyone _________(期望/想要) to live in a world free of wars and starvation. 12. If you don’t speak good English, you will be at a big _________(劣势) when seeking a job. 13. There was a ________(失望的) look on his face when he failed to pass the driving test again. 14. Our school _________(阻止/使气馁) us from staying up late to study. 15. Every day after I get up, I _______(给……穿衣服) my son and then wash his hands and face. 16. So _________(满是灰尘的) is the window that I can’t see anything clearly outside. 17. I _______(捐赠) my blood for free each year with the hope of helping those people in need. 18. He works hard, but he does not ______(赚/挣) much money to support his family. 19. I go all out for my ideal university, for I think nothing is more important than ________(教育). 20. What is certain is that every ________(结果) must have a cause. 21. I work hard to improve my English, believing that my ________(努力) will pay off soon. 22. There are four _________(紧急情况) exits in the department store in all. 23. To save money, many shops prefer to ________(雇佣) students during summer vacation. 24. Without your _________(鼓励), I would have given up learning and dropped out of school. 25. When asked why she remained single all the time, she felt a bit _________(尴尬). 26. Some people are tired of living on the earth and want to ________ (体验) the life on Mars. 27. With the College E Examination coming, we are under great pressure. 28. Mr. Smith is an ________(专家) on foreign language teaching. 29. Only by practicing a lot can you speak (流利的) English. 30. She had the f the other day and she went to see a doctor. 31. He is so poor that he can’t afford to buy the ________ (昂贵的) furniture. 32. The whole building was in ________(火焰) and it took two hours to put out the great fire. 33. As the saying goes, f is the mother of success. 34. We should try our best to create a better living ________ (环境). 35. Mr. Wang often encourages me to join in more activities to ________ (丰富) my


词汇(24) 复习:1、核心单词2、重点短语3、写作句式4、我读我练(词汇应用、句式仿写) 【单句单词语法填空】 1、—Didyouenjoytheparty? —Yes,We________(treat)wellbyourhosts. 答案:weretreated 根据上下文,这里谈的是举行过的一次聚会,应该用过去时,并且“我们”是被主人招待的,所以需用一般过去时的被动语态。句意:——你喜欢这个聚会吗?——是的,我们的主人很好地招待了我们。 2.Inthelastfewyears, China________(make)greatachievementsinenvironmentalprotecti on. 答案:hasmade 时间状语in/overthelastfewyears通常与现在完成时连用。句意:在过去的几年中,中国在环境保护方面取得了巨大成就。 3.(2015·北京,30改 编)—Dr.Jacksonisnotinhisofficeatthemoment. —Allright.I________(call)himlater. 答案:willcall 据第一句的时态判断,Dr.Jackson目前不在办公室,所以打电话是将来的事。句意:——Dr.Jackson现在不在办公室。——好的,我待会再给他打。 4.(2015·天津,6改 编)Janecan'tattendthemeetingat3o'clockthisafternoonbecauses he________(teach)aclassatthattime.

答案:willbeteaching 根据题干时间状语 3o'clockthisafternoon的提示可知,动作发生时间为将来;而句尾的atthattime为一个特定的时间点,因此,该题强调在将来的大时间背景下的某一个特定时间点发生的事,故用将来进行时。 5.(2015·天津,9改编)Despitethepreviousroundsoftalks,noagreement________(reach)sofarbythetwosides. 答案:hasbeenreached 本句中的时间状语sofar表示“到目前为止”,为现在完成时的标志词。reachnoagreement短语中noagreement作主语,reach要用被动,故结合时态可知填hasbeenreached。 核心单词 1.regulation n. 规则,规章 2.reject vt. 拒绝 3.relation n. 关系;亲属 4.relative n. 亲属,亲戚 5.relax v. (使)放松,轻松 6.relevant adj. 紧密相关的;有意义的 7.reliable adj. 可信赖的,可依靠的 8.relief n. 缓解,消除;救济;援救 9.religious adj. 宗教的 10.remain vi. 剩下;保持,仍是 11.remark n. 谈论;评论 v. 说起;评论 12.remind vt. 提醒,使记起 13.remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的


词汇(23) 复习:1、核心单词2、重点短语3、写作句式4、我读我练(词汇应用、句式仿写) 【单句单词语法填空】 1. When you phoned me, I was having a meeting; how I wish I ________(answer) your call. 答案:had answered 句意为:当你给我打电话的时候,我正在开会。我多么希望我(之前)接了你的电话。wish 后的从句中用虚拟语气,根据句意可知是对过去情况的虚拟,所以谓语动词用had done形式。 2. Had it not been for my teacher's help, I wouldn't________(win)the first place in contest. 答案:have won 条件从句中的谓语动词用“had+过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用 “should/would/could/might+have done”。根据句意答案为have won。 3.(2014·湖南,22改编)If Mr.Dewey ______(be) present, he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there. 答案:had been 句意为:如果杜威先生在场的话,他就会为那里的人提供任何可能的帮助。从主句中的would have offered可以看出,从句表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故应用过去完成时。 4.(2014·甘肃天水一中段考改编)John wants to see me now, but I have so much work on hand that I would rather he ________(come) tomorrow than today. 答案:came would rather后面接从句时,从句中的谓语动词通常要用一般过去时,表示对现在或将来的假设。 5.(2012·陕西,17改编)If my car______(be)more reliable,I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer. 答案:had been 句意为:如果我的车更可靠点儿的话,我去年夏天就会开车去拉萨,而不是坐飞机去了。根据语境可知,此处是对过去事实的虚拟,故if条件句用过去完成时,主句谓语用“would/could/might/should+have +过去分词”。 核心单词 1.queue n. 行列,长队 2.racial adj. 种族的 3.railway n. 铁路;铁道 4.random adj. 随意的,未经事先考虑的 5.range n. 幅度,范围 vi. (在某范围内)变动 6.react vi. 反应;起化学反应 7.reality n. 现实 8.realize vt. 认识到,实现 9.reasonable adj. 通情达理的,正当的,合理的 10.recognize vt. 认出

2018年高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 17 含答案

2018广州天河中学高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题17 字母t 专练(1) I. 核心词汇 1. The island is shaped like a _________(三角形). 2. His ____________裤子) were slightly short. 3. It was a brave decision to change _____________(方针) in the middle of the project. 4. The TV sex educational program is aimed at t _________, not adults. 5. Modern t ________ makes it possible for people to live longer than before. 6. The government is determined to _________(解决) inflation. 7. He showed considerable _____________(天资) for getting what she wanted. 8. The university will reach its ____________(目标) of 10,000 students next year. II.熟词生义练习: 把下列句子译成汉语,注意黑体字的含义 1.The divorced woman is the talk of the street. 2.I am not familiar with chemical terms. 3.Tires are usually made of rubber. 4.Harris got a ticket for speeding. 5.It’s my treat today. III. 用方框中短语的适当形式填空 1.He ______________________the good weather to go for a walk. 2.Don’t _______ i t ________________ that I should do it. 3.She _____________________teasing her younger sister. 4.We will __________________ with the weather and go for a picnic. 5.We should _____ ____________________the proposals of our parents. IV. 单项填空 1.One of the most important questions they had to consider was _____ of public health. A. what B. this C. that D. which


高中英语必修一单词测试卷一、单词汉译英 1. 调查;测验 2.不理睬;忽视 3.(使)担心;涉及;关系到 4.黄昏傍晚 5.打雷雷鸣 6.整个的;完全的 7.窗帘;门帘;幕布 8.伙伴.合作者.合伙人 9.捆扎;包装打行李 10.确实如此;正是;确切地 11.项目;条款 12.电梯;升降机 13.航行;航海 14.公寓住宅;单元住宅 15.逐渐的;逐步的 16.词汇;词汇量;词表 17.较后的;(两者中)后者的 18.频繁的;常见的 19.请求;要求 20.词语;表达 21..西北方的;来自西北方的 22.口音;腔调;重音 23.流动;流出n.流动;流量 24.顽固的;固执的 25.坚决的;有决心的26.海拔高度;高处 27.冰河;冰川 28.保险 29.可信赖的;可靠的 30.在…下面 31.民族;国家国民 32.苦难;痛苦 33.极度的 34.幸存者;生还者;残存物 35.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击 36.电,电流;电学 37.掩蔽;掩蔽处避身处 38.真诚地;真挚地 39..骑自行车的人 40.慷慨的大方的 41.忠实的;深爱的 42.法则;原则;原理 43.律师 44.同盟;联盟;联合会 45.暴力;暴行 46.乐意的;自愿的 47.恐怖;可怕的人 48.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳;奖赏 49.辨认出;承认;公认 50.意见;看法;主张 二、单词英译汉 1.upset 2.spellbind 3.power 4.settle 5.loneliness 6.recover 7.gossip 8.grateful 9.petrol 10.official 11.conquer 12.native 13.enrich 14.fluently 15.dialect 16.straight 17.block 18.journal

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