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典范英语读后感1 上学期,我们集体购买了《典范英语6》,通过一年的学习,我们的英语是在提高,学习了许多知识。





《童年》读后感2 寒假,我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深。






读后感3 有一个在城堡。皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友。国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁。女皇诺拉不休息。公主简写了一份通知。她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上。清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水才去拜访城堡。日子一天天过去,没人来问关于清洁的工作。这个城堡变得非常脏。一天早上,皇后诺拉看到了一个令人震惊的意见。国王哈利在做饭。史密斯队长在拖地。琼斯上尉洗女王诺拉的皇家衬衫,女皇认为你应该去与龙战斗。但他们不这么认为。女王诺拉非常伤心,便去了皇家旅行。三个戴着面具的人站在那里。整天这个蒙面女子在城堡里清洁、打扫、洗。公主简认为他们会偷东西。公主简走到她背后。她抓住了桌布拉过来用奶清洗了一下。二公主简关闭了那个按钮。三公主简匍匐在她身后。


读后感4 读了《“刺猬女孩”艾可儿》有感“学习成绩固然重要,但是拥有健康向上的品行以及各种生存技能同样重要,只有全面发展,你才是一个真正的好学生”,这句话给我们道出了学习好有时并不重要,其实最重要的是一个良好的心态,健康的品行,不受外界影响,全面的发展才是真正的好学生。很久很久以前,会魔法的于小鱼老师与邪恶领主之间的斗争不断打响。而这次是从一只花斑猫的到来,它的到来彻底打乱了模范学生艾可儿的生活,仿佛一夜之间她变成了一个自私又乖戾的“刺猬女孩”,伤害了每一个关心她的人。但是,多年的同窗之情使同学们没有抛弃她,大家在于小鱼老师的带领下,帮助艾可儿重新找回自我,又一次粉碎了黑暗领主的阴谋。在这本书中,我仿佛也看到了我乖戾的时候。只因为一点小事和同学大吵大闹;在家里也是如此,爸爸妈妈处处都依着我,“讨好”我。我想以后可不能再让他们这样费心了。书中说过“‘刺猬女孩’到底还是浑身带刺,是不会变成天使的”。可是,魔鬼也有天使般的笑容,我相信我会真正做到“老师的好帮手,同学的好伙伴,家人的好宝贝”。


Let the love between everyone When the sun of the spring was at the middle of the sky,I closed the book called Waiting For Goldie slowly。At that time,I felt a sunshine lighted up in my real heart,not only for the hot sun,but also for the meaningful story. Danny was the leading of the story,and Goldie was a champion racing pigeon of Danny’s Granddad。But one day,Danny was missing,and Danny was very worried about it,because his Granddad had a heart attack,if let he know the truth,he would even have another heart attack. So, Danny decided to look for Goldie by himself. First,he thought Goldie might be ate by the falcon,and he hated it very much. The sen tence “My fists are all bunched u p,in tight white knots” proves that Danny was really angry,But when he got to the quarry and found a chick of falcon,he changed his mind. The chick was too small and hopeless,that even made him think about Goldie. “All my angry feeling gush away,like water down a plughole”. I was moved by the love between Danny and Goldie,but I was move attracted by Danny’s kind and compassion. Surely,he found Goldie finally,but he didn’t hurt the falcon at last. In my opinion,I think the story was all about love: Danny’ s love to Granddad,Granddad’ s to Goldie. But the most important love that mov ed me is Danny’s love to the little falcon chick. As we know,at first,Danny even wanted it kill falcons,but finial he didn’t do that. What has made him do such different thing? I think it is the love. Love is the most beautiful thing in our world,we can’t see it ,but we can feel its existence。With the love,our heart can be warm。Sometimes,a word or action of love can make difference. So,Let’s lean to give love,share love,let the love between everyone. ——Written by 802 Daisy


第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕


老人与海英语读后感300字8篇 老人圣地亚哥是一位老渔民,老人与海就讲述了他在连续八十 四天都没有捕到一条鱼的情况下,终于独自一人钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这条鱼庞大的像一座山丘,所以将老渔民圣地亚哥的小渔船整整拖了几天几夜叉筋疲力尽,被老人杀死绑在了小船的一头。老人返航的时候却遇到了鲨鱼,他应用的抵抗鲨鱼的攻击。可最后回到港湾的时候,大鱼只剩下鱼头、鱼尾和一条脊骨。 这篇小说描写了老人在中亚紫霞仍保持着优雅的风度。作者这 样写突出了老人威严冷静的性格特点,就像我们小学五年级的一篇课文《桥》中的老支书一样。面对鲨鱼的攻击,老人并没有吓呆了,而是沉着的应对鲨鱼疯狂的攻击才保住了自己的性命。如果老人并没有沉着的应对鲨鱼的攻击,那老人将会一无所有(宝货老人的生命)这篇小说主要告诉我名字一个人应用有的最宝贵的精神—人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败。圣地亚哥也因此而成为了文学史上最着名的“硬汉”之一 所以在生活上我们要学习老渔民圣地亚哥的品格与精神,才能 成为对住过有用的人。 开始,老人先是准备了几天,然后划船离开码头。几天后,他 找到合适的地点钓起鱼来。可令他非常意外的事情发生了,他捕到一条大鱼,然而当天,他没办法把那条鱼拉上来,因为鱼太大太有力量了。就这样,一场较量开始了。连继二天,他们都在拉来拉去。到了第三天,较量终于以老人获胜结束了。老人发现那条大鱼竟然比老人

的船还长,老人决定把那条大鱼绑在船舷上返航。可一件非常不幸的事发生了,途中鲨鱼开始吃那条鱼。就这样,老人和鲨鱼战斗起来。每天,老人都要打死一些鲨鱼,虽然很残酷,可要保住这条鱼又有什么办法呢。 最终,鱼肉被鲨鱼吃光了,只剩下骨架,老人被打败了。然而他休息了几天,又准备出海打鱼了。 我要学习老人坚持不懈的精神。 今天,我把《老人与海》这一本书读完了,这一本书主要讲了一位老人在海上钓鱼,可他一连84没有钓上一条鱼。 其实这本书我读完后,并没有完全理解这本书的意思,于是我就问了妈妈,妈妈就又给我讲了一遍,我才明白了一些。 老人一连84天没有任何收获,可是他没有放弃,仍然不停的给自己加油鼓劲,最后他决定去深海里捕捉一条大大的鱼,于是他就出发了。最后虽然他钓到了一条好大的鱼,但在在往回返的时候却被大鲨鱼给吃光了,只留下了一条巨大的鱼骨头。他很伤心。 看完这本书,我心里有点难过。我觉得老人很可怜。 今年暑假,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放


9-4 summary Zhou yanjunStevie's father became a forest warden. So Stevie's family moved intoatinycottageontheedgeofathickforest.Thepreviousownerwholivedtherebeforecall edOldBilly.HeleftadogcalledBlackDan.Itbelonged to Old Billy before. Black Dan was the seventh. And Old Billygot rid of all of the other six dogs in the forest. One day when Stevie wasgoing to sleep, he heard a sound like howling. The next day he heard itagain. Black Dan howled back and ran out of the house quickly into theforest.SteviefollowedBlackDanintotheforest.Thenhewassurrounded by six Black Dans. He was so scared and tried to escape. Heran into an old mine but the dogs were still following. He kept runninguntil he reached the very edge of a mine shaft. Just when he was fallingdown the hole, Black Dan sopped him and pulled him back. Then he gotup and went out of the tunnel and got home with Black Dan guardinghim all the way. Black Dan became the hero who had saved his life. Thisstorytoldusthatdogoftenprotectsmasterfromdistress.Ittreats us so faithful, so we should take good care of the dog like Stevie.Do not exploit dog for yourself as Old Billy. A dog's life is very short for apeople, and can only have one master, so pleaselook after them well.Dog is human's best friend. 1/ 1


读后感100字一年级【五篇】 【导语】 “读后感”的“感”是因“读”而引起的。“读”是“感”的基础。如果是走马观花地读,囫囵吞枣 地读,可能连原作讲的什么都没有了解,哪能有“感”?读得肤浅,当然也感得不深。只有读得认真,才能有所感,并感得深刻。我们为大家提供《读后感100字一年级【五篇】》,欢迎阅读。 【篇一】白雪公主读后感100字 星期天妈妈妈给我买了一本书,《白雪公主》,内容让我很感动。 美丽的白雪公主善良可爱,可惜一出生就没了母亲,父亲给她找了个继母,*的继母嫉 妒白雪公主的美丽,让猎人杀掉白雪公主,幸运的白雪公主化险为夷逃过了这一劫。因祸 得福遇到了七个小矮人。继母得知白雪公主还没死,便大发雷霆。研制了一把毒梳子。这 下继母要亲自出马杀掉白雪公主了。她化装成一位卖梳子的商人,正好七个小矮人不在家,她先环顾四周,没看到人才敲门“咚咚咚,咚咚咚。”白雪公主打开门,继母把有毒的梳子 在白雪公主乌黑的头发上梳了几下,白雪公主立刻晕倒在地。七个小矮人回来发现晕倒在 地的白雪公主,马上从白雪公主乌黑的头发把毒梳子拿掉,白雪公主才醒过来了。“什么 白雪公主还没死!气死我了,看来我只好放最后一搏了。”继母又研制出一个毒苹果,只 有得到王子的吻,才能醒来。她化装成一位老奶奶,骗白雪公主吃下了毒苹果,继母掉下 了悬崖。矮人们回到家,伤心欲绝,就在这时王子出现了,他救了公主,从此他们过着幸 福生活。 善有善报恶有恶报,*的继母得到了恶报,善良的白雪公主得到了善报。 【篇二】《父与子》读后感100字 我看见了一本《父与子》,我好奇的哪儿翻翻这儿翻翻,我看的嘻嘻的笑了起来,书很 好看,也很搞笑,讲的是爸爸和儿子发生的生活事情,比如:爸爸和儿子骑着马去旅行, 马跑的很快他们两就被甩下来了,爸爸想了一个主意,在马背上绑上一个扁担,他们可以 牢固的坐在马上,还可以在马背上赛跑,我对妈妈说:“妈妈你看真搞笑,妈妈看了也说 有趣。”我和妈妈笑的可真开心,今天真好玩。 【篇三】《海的女儿》读后感100字 今天,我读了《海的女儿》这个故事。 这个故事讲的是小人鱼公主爱上了王子,为了王子忍受了很多痛苦。最后,小人鱼公主 化为泡沫,因为她不想伤害自己心爱的人。


名著的英语读后感 第一篇:呼啸山庄名著英语读后感 a reading report of wuthering heights the book i have read this term is wuthering heights. emily bronte is perhaps the greatest writer of the three bronte sisters——charlotte bronte, emily, and anne bronte. emily bronte published only one novel, wuthering heights . some of her best lyric are also rated with the best in english poetry. her famous poems are love and friendship, the bluebell. a man named lockwood rents a manor house called thrushcross grange where the housekeeper nelly tells him the story here. one day, mr. earnshaw, the owner of the manor, goes to liverpool and returns home with an orphan boy. at first, the earnshaw children——a boy named hindley and his younger sister catherine ——detest heathcliff. but catherine quickly es to love him. mr. earnshaw prefers him to his own son, and he sends hindley away to college when he treats heathcliff badly. then mr. earnshaw dies, and hindley returns with a wife. he treats heathcliff as a labor to seek revenge on him. one night, heathcliff and catherine wander to thrushcross grange. catherine is bitten by a dog and is forced to stay at the the grange. during that time, she infatuates with edgar. catherine’s desire for social advancement prompts her to bee engaged to edgar linton. heathcliff runs aways froms wuthering heights, and returning shortly after catherine and edgar’s marriage. then he deviously lends money to drunken hindley. when hindley dies, he inherits the manor. he places himself in line to inherit thrushcross grange by marring isabella linton. catherine bees ill, she gives birth to a daughter and dies. shortly therefore, isabella flees to london and gives birth to heathcliff’s son, named hareton. thirteen years pass, young catherine meets hareton. they began a secret romance. linton pursues catherine only because his father forces him to. when edgar nears death, heathcliff lures and holds catherine prisoner until she marries linton. then edgar and linton die soon. six months later, lockwood returns, and finds that catherine grows to love hareton as they live together and plan to be married. heathcliff bees


Book report —Pride and Prejudice Free from pride and prejudice for true love This paper is a famous love novels in the world, writed by Jane Austen from English , He was borned in Hampshire Steven town,her father was a priest. she had never got formal school education,so her knowledge was basically form her father teached.she beagun writing at the age of eleven , never married . Passed away when she was forty one year old. This book is primarily concerned with Elizabeth and Darcy's love story,But the story is the other three stories, are generally by describing the experience of four pairs of lovers to elaborate the attitude of the author . The heroine Elizabeth was born of a small landlord family, as the rich kid, Darcy regardlessed of their gap existed between them, went afer her, but Elizabeth rejected him , because of his misunderstanding and prejudice.but the main is she hates his arrogance because of this kind of arrogance actually reflected the status differences, as long as there was this kind of arrogance, between he and Elizabeth was impossible to have common thoughts and feelings, also impossible to have the ideal marriage .Elizabeth had observed after Darcy's communicating and a series of actions, especially to see him that conceited attitude changed in the past, eliminated the misunderstanding and prejudice to him, thus concluded She would have a happy marriage with him. People can't be distinguished with preconception,education People are equal on personality knowledge on breeding,Rich people can’t be arrogant for their own rich ,or the status of the high.meanwhile,also don’t have inferiority feeling for poor economy. The prejudice is caused by a vanity, a person can't just look pretty ugly or not to distinguish good and bad, Elizabeth produced on DARCY ,because of darcy's wealth arrogance and wick him scare mongering hates darcy, in the circumstance that did not fully understand, there WAS a prejudice to him .As an old saying goes, all that glitters is not gold, whether learning or any other things in life, only ACTS appearance, cannot see its essence


Name: _____________________ Class: _____________________ Date: _______________________ Title of the book: Amy the Hedgehog Girl (7-1) ● Words Study 1. 野生动物 _________ 2. 专家 __________ 3. 对......无所不知 ____________ 4. 按时____________ 5. 继续试下去_________ 6. 打断道________ 7. 温柔地 _____________ 8. 吃光 ____________ 9. 设法 ___________ 10. 太棒了________ 11. 不许拍照 __________ 12. 不仅如此 ________ 13.expect ___________ 14. mean __________ 15.dig _____________ 16. delighted___________ 17. gently__________ 18. rudely __________ 19.promise ____________ 21.get dark __________ 21 amazing __________ 22. whisper _________ 23. odd _____________ 24.manage to ___________ ● Questions and answers: 1. Who was Mr. Peck? Why didn’t he like hedgehogs? (Chapter 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Amy learn to talk with hedgehogs? What do hedgehogs like to eat? (Chapter 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why were there so many people watching Amy at night? How did Amy deal with the money? (Chapter 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who helped Mr. Peck win the third prize? What did he buy for the hedgehogs? (Chapter 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think of Amy? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ● What can you remember?


简爱英文读后感100字 简爱英文读后感100字(一)Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely.She respected herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse,I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends! 简爱英文读后感100字(二)lls us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love. Novels by the end of the row that this is such a life. Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect, so perfect a little superficial, but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life. ------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.'s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water ……英语简爱读后感简爱的英文读后感简爱读后感英文版分页:123


英语名著读书笔记 【篇一:300字英语名著读后感】 frankenstein was a good scientist.he wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.he worked very hard on these two things.he wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.he made a body in his laboratory and he didnot let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.he bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. he used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. in the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. but when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. he became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.he killed frankensteins son, william and fiancee ,elizabeth.frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died. it is a very terrible story. frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. this is not just to create a simple person, but to create a satan, a devil. if people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.there would not be many people losing their lives.in the story,the monster asked frankenstein to make a second creature. but at last, frankenstein did not.i think he is right.if he does that,there may be more people to be dead.maybe in the future,there will be no person on earth. it is awful. from the story,i learned that everyone should have sympathy. do not only care about appearance. 【篇二:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery


了不起的盖茨比英文读后感 The novel described for the 20's through the perfect artistic form to sell "the American dream" which liquor nouveau riche Gates compared pursues vanishing, has promulgated the American society's tragedy. Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story. But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as * the method pursue wealthy material life "the American dream". Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life. He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost. He was what a pity wrong. He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman. He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the


A Book Which Make Us Happy To Study English ---------the book review on Good English When I get this set of books first time, I found it was really a wonderful book to learn English. It chooses the most veritable English articles by best writers and these articles are always interesting stories or scripts of stage plays. All the students can?t get rid of temptation of it. Our English teacher always tell us the story behind every book and we enjoy listening it. Some books can be played by ourselves. We write the scripts, choose the actors, prepare the equipment and direct it all by ourselves, everyone plays a part in this play. I believe that everyone loves learning English in excitement like this, but there?re still a lot of stude nt studying in this way: listening, writing,exercising over and over again. They can?t get happy from leaning English even hate English. We are in great danger! All the Chinese students are in great danger! They always pay more attention to the grammars an d don?t notice that the foreign cultures, the pronunciation and what the writer want to tell us. “Good English” gives us the best experiences of learning English. We can …travel? all over the world and …talk? with the foreign native speaker during we study English happily.


英语读后感100字 Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter,together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger,his best central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort,who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world,after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule. 哈利·波特是一系列的书面由英国作家JK罗琳7奇幻小说.这些书纪事同名青少年精灵哈利波特的冒险,与罗恩·韦斯莱和赫敏·格兰杰,他最好的朋友在一起.中央故事弧关心哈利的对抗邪恶的巫师伏地魔,谁杀死了哈利的父母在他的追求征服魔法世界,之后他试图征服麻瓜(非魔法)世界他的统治的斗争. Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox

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