当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语完形填空常考短语非常实用)




1.With?the?help?of?在~~帮助下? under?the?leadership?/?care?of?在~~领导/关心下?

2.be?strict?with?sb.?对~人要求严格? be?strict?in?sth.?对~事要求严格?

3.?at?present=at?the?present?time?目前? for?the?present?暂时?

4.?in?the?sun/sunshine?在阳光下? under?the?sun?在世界上?

5.?lie?in?位于~~之内? lie?on?同~~接壤? lie?to?位于~~之外?

6.?at?least?至少? in?the?least?丝毫,一点?

7.?by?name?名叫? in?the?name?of?以~~名义?

8.?in?the?air?空中,在流传? on?the?air?播出?

9.?in?the?way?挡路,障碍,用~~方法? in?a?way?在某点上,在某种程度上

get?one’s?own?way?to?do?随心所欲? give?way?让步,屈服? lose?one’s?way?迷路by?the?way?顺便说一下? on?one’s?way?to?在去~~的路上? Come?this?way?这边走? 10.?at?the?corner?在拐角处(外角)in?the?corner?在角落里(内角)


11.?judge?by?/?from?根据~~来判断? judge?for?oneself?由某人自己来判断

12.?at?the?end?(of)?在~~结束时? at?the?beginning?of?在~~开始

时?at?the?back?of?在~~背后,支持? at?the?age?of?~~岁时? at?the?foot?of?在~~脚下 at?the?bottom?of?在~~底部? at?the?top?of?在~~顶上 at/on?the?edge?of?在~~边上?

13.?in?the?course?of?在~~过程中? in?the?eyes?of?从~~观点看来,在~~眼里

in?the?face?of?面对~,尽管,纵使? in?the?middle?of?在~中间?


14.?on?the?eve?of?在~~前夕? on?the?side?of?在~~一边?

15.?after?a?time?=?after?some?time?过一段时间后? for?a?time?=?for?some?time?一时,有一段时间?

16.?behind?time?迟到,过期? behind?the?times?落在时代后面?

17.?at?no?time?决不? in?no?time?立即,马上?


at?times?=?sometimes?有时 at?all?times?经常,一直,始终? at?the?same?time?同时? at?the?time?在~~的时候 by?the?time?到~~的时候?

19.?for?a?moment?一会儿? for?the?moment?暂时? at?the?moment?当时?


20.?once?or?twice?一两次? more?than?once?不止一次 once?more?重新,又?

once?upon?a?time?从前? once?in?a?while?偶尔?


break?away?from?脱离,逃离? break?down?破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚? break?in?闯进,打断;使顺服? break?into?闯入;强行进入;突然开始 break?out?爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚? break?the?law?违反法律? break?the?record?破记录?

break?one’s?promise?失言? break?up?开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解?


be?caught?doing?被发现做某事? be?caught?in?the?rain?淋雨? catch?a?bus/train?赶汽车/火车? catch?a?cold?伤风,感冒? catch?one’s?word?听懂某人的话? catch?sight?of?发现,瞥见 catch?up?with?赶上,追及,追上?

3.?以come为中心的词组 come?across?偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付? come?along?一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现 come?at?达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击? come?back?回来;恢复,复原 come?down?倒下;降落;跌落;病倒? come?from?来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于 come?in?进来,进入;流行起来;获名次? come?into?being?发生,产生,出现,形成come?into?power?开始执政,当权,当选? come?into?use?开始使用,获得应用 come?on?上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出?come?to?know?开始了解到 come?out?出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露 come?to?苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于? come?to?an?end?终止,结束 come?true?实现,成为现实;证实? come?up?走近;上楼;长出,发芽


be?done?in?精疲力竭? be?done?with?完全结束? do?a?good?deed?做一件好事?

do?away?with?去掉,废除;弄死;浪费? do?good?to?(=do?sb.?good)?有益于?

do?harm?to?(=do?sb.?good)?有害于? do?its?work?有效,有作用? do?much?极有用? do?wrong?to?做错? do?one’s?best?尽某人最大努力? do?one’s?homework?做作业? do?one’s?utmost?尽力而为? do?proud?足以使~~骄傲? do?sb.?justice?公平对待某人do?some?cleaning?(V+ing,etc.)?搞卫生? do?sb.?a?favor?帮助某人?

do?well?in?学得不错,干得漂亮? do?with?和~~相处,忍受,处理? do?without?不需要,不用? do?wonders?创造奇迹? have?much?to?do?with?和~~很有关系?

have?nothing?to?do?with?与~~无关 have?something?to?do?with?和~~有关?

in?doing?so=in?so?doing?这时,在这种情况下 That?will?do.?行了;够了?


get?about?徘徊,走动,旅行;流传? get?above?oneself?自视高傲? get?accustomed?to?习惯于,对~~习以为常? get?across?度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解 get?ahead?of?胜过,超过? get?along?前进,进步;同意;离去?

get?along?with?与~~相处? get?at?发现,了解;掌握;攻击?have?got?to?do?不得不,必须 get?away?离开,逃脱? get?back?取回,回来;报复? get?behind?落后;识破? get?down?咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁? get?down?to?认真对待,静下心来? get?familiar?with?熟悉? get?hold?of?获得,取得? get?home?到家? get?in?进入,陷入;牵涉 get?off?送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身? get?on?上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处 get?upon?with?进步;在~~方面获得成功? get?o ne’s?hand?in?熟悉;习惯 get?out?of?由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休? get?over?越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成 get?ready?for?为~~作准备? get?rid?of?除去,去掉;免除,摆脱? get?through?到达,完成,通过;及格? get?together?积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见? get?up?起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织? get?used?to?习惯于?


be?given?to?沉溺于,癖好? give?about?分配;传播? give?and?take?相互迁就?

give?away?赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发? give?back?归还? give?cause?给予~~的理由

give?ear?to?侧耳倾听? give?forth?发出,放出;发表? give?in?屈服,让步,投降give?in?to?同意,接受;向~~让步? give?off?发出(烟,气味)? give?oneself?out?to?be/as?自称为 give?oneself?up?to?专心于;向~~自首? give?out?分发,公布? give?place?to?让位于,被~~所替代? give?rise?to?引起,导致;使~~发生? give?sb.?to?understand?通知某人? give?up?放弃;停止? give?way?to?让步,退却;屈服于?


look?about?四下环顾;查看? look?after?照顾,看管? look?around?东张西望 look?at?注视,着眼于? look?back?回顾? look?for?寻找;期待,期望? look?down?on?俯视;轻视? look?forward?to?盼望,期待 look?into?窥视;调查;浏览? look?like?看起来象? look?on?旁观;面向 look?out?向外看;注意;当心,堤防? look?over?从上面看过去;检查look?through?透过~~看去;看穿;浏览? look?up?to?仰望,尊敬


be?made?from?由~~原料制成? be?made?of?由~~材料制成? be?made?up?of?由~~组成make?a?fool?of?愚弄,欺骗? make?a?mistake?弄错? make?a?point?of?doing?强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持? make?advantages/use?of?使用,利用? make?after?追求,追赶? make?believe?假装? make?certain?确信,把~~弄清楚 make?contact?with?接通,与~~接触,与~~联系? make?for?去向,向~~前进;有利于 make?friends?with?和~~交友? make?into?把~~制成,使~~转变为? make?much?of?重视;理解;赏识? make?one’s?mind?on?sth.?决定某事? make?one’s?own?当作自己的看待? make?oneself?at?home?随便,别拘束? make?out?填写;开支票;理解;辨认? make?the?best?of?尽量利用;极为重视 make?up?弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化装? make?up?to?接近,巴结;向~~求爱? make?way?for?为~~让路,让路于? on?the?make?急求成功;增加?


put?aside?把~~放在一边;搁置;排除? put?away?把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉 put?back?把~~放回原处;驳回? put?down?放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落put?forward?提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议? put?~~?into?把~~放入;插入;翻译成 put?off?推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞? put?on?上演;穿上,带上?put?up?with?忍受,容忍 pu t?one’s?heart?into?全神贯注,专心致志? put?up?举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列?


be?taken?aback?吃惊? take?a?seat?就坐? take?a?shower?淋浴,洗澡? take?aim?瞄准,设立目标? take?away?拿走,减去;夺去? take?~~?by?surprise?出奇制

胜?take?one’s?place?就坐,入坐 take?care?of?当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责 take?office?就职,上任? take?~~?for?把~当作 take?off?脱去,除去;离开;起飞;模仿;起程;致死;复制,作副本;减弱take?one’s?temperature?量体温? take?part?in?参与,参加?take?it?easy?别着急,慢慢来 take?place?=?happen?发生,举行? take?the?place?of?代替 take?pride?in?以~~为荣,对~~骄傲? take?sb.?by?the?arm?拉某人的胳膊?


give?a?new?turn?to?对~~予以新的看法? in?one’s?turn?轮到某人做某事 out?of?turn?不按次序的,不合适宜的? take?one’s?turn?to?do?轮到做 turn?a?blind?eye?to?对~~视而不见? turn?against?背叛,采取敌对态度 turn?back?折回,往回走? turn?down?折叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑 turn?into?走进;变成,变为? turn?to?~~for?help?求助于 turn?off?关上(自来水,电器开关);解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产 turn?on?打开(自来水,电器开关);反对;依靠,依赖,取决于turn?one’s?attention?to?把注意力转向? turn?out?培养;证明是;制成;实际情况是 turn?out?to?be?原来是,证明是,结果是turn?over?a?new?leaf?翻开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新 turn?(a)round?旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策 turn?to?变成;着手于? turn?upside?down?颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱?


2.?be?of?value?/?importance?/?use?/?no?use?/?color?/?age?/?size?/?height?/?weig ht?/?significance?



5.?by?air?/?bicycle?/?boat?/?bus?/?car?/?letter?/?post?/?plane?/?telephone?/?tr ain?/?wire?



8.?in?fact?/?reality?/?substance?/?nature?/?practice?/?theory?/?short?/?brief?/ ?a?word?/?detail?/?all?/?average?/?full?/?time?/?fashion?/?existence?/?turn?/?v ain?/?haste?/?appearance?/?common?/?sum/?

general?/?particular?/?public?/?secret?/?order?/?part?/?power?/?stock?/?case?/? bed?/?future?/?name?/?addition?/?sight?

9.?on?duty?/?shift?/?holiday?/?leave?/?business?/?purpose?/?time?/?sale?/?show? /?board?/?hand?/?record?/?request?/?root?/?earth?/?farm?/?principle?

10.?for?example?/?instance?/?all?/?good?/?nothing?/?convenience?/?short?/?fear? /?sale?

11.?by?weight?(?volume?size?number~~?)?/?profession?/?definition?/?rule?/?turn? /?chance/?accident/?

mistake?/?hand?/?train?(?bus?,taxi?,ship?,boat?~~)?/?air?/?land?/?force?/?day?/ ?nature?/?sight?

12.?at?most?/?least?/?best?/?worst?/?once?/?first?/?last?/?home?/?school?/?will ?(?at?will:任意)?/?work?/?






17.?out?of?action?/?order?/?condition?/?use?/?operation?/?step?/?joint?/?repair /?gear?/?balance?/?range/?


18.?with?caution?/?interest?/?difficulty?/?ease?/?advantage?/?effect?/?reason?/ ?vigor?/?reserve?/?success?/?confidence?

19.?beyond?comprehension?/?conception?/?description?/?expression?/?doubt?/?cont rol?/?reach?/?power?/?measure?/?grasp?/?compare?/?controversy?/?dispute?/?hope? /?example?



高中英语词组大全 A a (large) number of 许多 a bit 一点儿 a block of 一块 a bottle of 一瓶 a few 许多 a good/great deal of 大量(的);非常多(的)a great/good many 很多的, 非常多的a group of 一群,一组 a little 许多 a lot of/lots of 许多 a pair of 一双,一对 a piece of 一片(张,块) a pile of 一堆 a place of interest 名胜 a set of 一套 a sort of 一种 a type of 一种类型的 a waste of 白费; 浪费 above all 首先;首要 according to 根据...

act as 充当;作;起......的作用 add up to 加起来是 add... to 把.....加到......上 admit doing sth 承认做过某事 advise doing sth 建议做某事 advise sb. against doing sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事advise sb not to do sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 afford to do 有经济条件做某事 after a (short) while 不久以后 after all 毕竟;终究 after graduation 毕业以后 again and again 反复地;再三地 agree on 商定;决定;达成共识 agree to do sth 同意做某事 agree to sth 同意(计划或建议) agree with sb/what sb does 同意某人的意见 all along 一直,始终 all day and all night 整日整夜 all kinds of 各种各样的 all night 整夜 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防


◎高中英语常用词组归纳(珍藏版)All(a.,pron.&n.) all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟 first of all 首先 in all 总共 most of all 最最 all at once 突然,同时,马上 all of a sudden 突然 all right 好吧,行,情况不错 all sorts of 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all the best 万事如意 all the more 更加 all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)all the year round 一年到头 AS(conj.,adv.& pron.) as…as…与。。。。。。一样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as if(as though) 好象 as follows 如下 as for 就。。。。。。而言 as(so) long as 只要 as soon as 一。。。。。。就 as soon as possible 尽快 as usual 象往常一样 as well 也,还 as well as 同。。。。。。一样 might(may) as well 不妨 so as to 以便 At(prep.) at a time 一次,每次 at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭 at first 最初 at home 在家 at last最后,终于 at least 至少


高中英语各种教材词组汇总大全(超级实 用)[1] ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.co m/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 · a short cut 近路/捷径·abandon oneself to sth 沉湎于… ·be able to do sth. 有能力做某事 be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事 ·do sth. to the best of one’s ability 尽某人全力做某事·abnormal behavior 反常的行为 ·above all 最为重要的是after all 毕竟 in all 总共 not at all 根本不 ·be absent from school/work 缺课/旷工 ·be absent-minded 心不在焉的 ·be absorbed in专心于… ·the academic year 学年 ·have the access to sth./ doing sth. 有机会做某事/有接近…的权利 ·by accident 意外地·according to 根据…·account for 解释;说明·open an account 开户

头 ·take …into account 把…考虑在内 ·accuse sb. of 指责某人某事/指控某人某事 charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事 ·be accustomed/used to sth./doing 习惯于做某事 ·make a great achievement/great achievements 取得重 大成绩 ·acid rain 酸雨 ·act as 担任;充当·take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事 ·take an active part in 积极参加… ·adapt oneself to sth./doing 适应于(做)某事 be adapted to sth./ doing ·add to beauty/difficulties 增添了美丽/困难·add up to 合计达… amount to合计达…·in addition 此外,另外·in addition to sth. 除…之外 ·admire sb. for sth. 羡慕/钦佩某人某事 ·admit one’s mistake 承认某人的错误 ·be admitted to university 被大学录取·adopt one’s advice 采纳某人的建议 ·adopt a child 收养一个孩子


高中英语词组固定搭配 a bit (of) 有一点,一会儿 a few 一些,少量 a great deal 大量,许多 a good/great many 大量,许多 a kind of 一种,一类 a little 一点,少许 a lot of 许多,大量 a number of 一些,许多 a pair of 一双,一副 a piece of 一块,一张,一根,一片above all 首先,首要 according to 根据,按照 add up to 合计达… after all 毕竟,终究 after class 课后 again and again 反复地,再三地agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree with sb. 同意某人的看法ahead of 在…之前 all in all 总的来说,总计 all kinds of 各种各样的 all over 到处,遍及,结束 all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了 all the best 一切顺利,万事如意answer for 对…负责 apart from 除去,除了 arrive at (in) a place 到达某地 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 as a result (作为)结果 as...as 像,如同 as soon as 一…就… as far as (表示程度,范围)就…;尽…as if 好像,仿佛 as long as 只要 as though 好像,仿佛 as usual 通常,平常地 as well 也,还有 as well as 除…之外(也) belong to 属于 be proud of 骄傲,自豪 be strict with 对…严格要求both...and 两个都,既…又… break away from 脱离… break down 损坏; (化合物)分解,(汽车)抛锚break in 闯入,强行进入,插嘴,打断 break off 打断; 折断 break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break up 分解;分裂 bring in 引来,引进,吸收 bring on 引起,导致,使前进 bring up 教育,培养 build up 逐步建立 by accident 偶然 by air ( bus, train, ship ) 乘飞机(公共汽车,火 车,轮船) by and by 不久以后,逐渐地 by day 日间,在白天 by the way 顺便说 call for 提倡,号召, 需要 call in 召来,召集 call on 拜访,访问 call up 号召,打电话 care for 喜欢;照顾(病人) carry off 携走,夺走 carry on 继续下去; 继续开展 carry out 开展,执行 catch up with 赶上(或超过) change into 转换成,把…变成 check in 报到,登记 check out 查明; 结账 clear up 整理,收拾, (天气)放晴 come about 发生,产生 come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) come back 回来,想起来 come down 落,下来 come from 出生(于),来自 come in 进入,进来 come off 从…离开,脱落 come on 来吧,赶快 come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行 come to 共计,达到 come true 变为现实,成为事实 come up 上来,上升,抬头 come up with 追上;想出(主意);找出(答案) 1


高考英语常用介词短语和固定搭配一.相近介词和介词短语 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the sun 在世界上 5. lie in 位于~~之内 lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外 6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义 8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出 9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上 get one’s own way to do 随心所欲 give way 让步,屈服 lose one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下

on one’s way to 在去~~的路上 Come this way 这边走 10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角) in the corner 在角落里(内角) on the corner 在角落上(外角上) 11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断 judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断 12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时 at the beginning of 在~~开始时 at the back of 在~~背后,支持 at the age of ~~岁时 at the foot of 在~~脚下 at the bottom of 在~~底部 at the top of 在~~顶上 at/on the edge of 在~~边上 13. in the course of 在~~过程中 in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里 in the face of 面对~~,尽管,纵使 in the middle of 在~~中间 in the end =at last=finally 最后 14. on the eve of 在~~前夕 on the side of 在~~一边 15. after a time = after some time 过一段时间后for a time = for some time 一时,有一段时间


重点中学高考资源整理 高中英语(全册)动词短语考点汇总 全册A-Z顺序整理,附例句

(1)act短语: act as 担任……职务,起……作用act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处 理某事) act out 表演(对话、故事等)act up 捣乱,出毛病 例如: I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen. Mr Black is acting for the old man in his case. (布莱克先生代那个老人处理他的案件。) The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus. He’s a tough kid and he acts up a lot. (2)break短语: break away 摆脱,脱离break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱…… break down 出故障,坏掉,中止,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入 break into …闯入……,破门而入 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发 break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule 违反规定 break through 突围,冲跨break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 例如: The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught. If you keep on working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later. The car broke down just on my way here. If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. If anyone tries to break into the building, the alarm will go off. She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup. I broke off the conversation and answered the phone. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? It may take a long time to break through the problem. In spring the icebergs begin to break up. (3)bring短语: bring about 引起,导致,使发生bring along把……带来,领来 bring back 拿回来,使恢复bring sb back 送回某人 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 (比较:sth / sb come back to life 复苏,苏醒) bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价[比较:(the price ) go down / up 价格 下降/上涨] bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring to 使苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring / carry sth to / into effect实施……(比较:sth come / go into effect 开始


高中英语常考词组 1.stop to do sth. 和stop doing sth. “stop to do sth。” 表示停止做其它事情而去做“to do sth。”所表示的事情,可以将“to do sth。”理解成“stop”的目的状语;“stop doing sth。”表示不做“doing sth。”所表示的事情。 例如:“Stop talking. Let’s begin our class。” said the teacher. 老师说:“别说话了,让我们开始上课。” We have kep t doing our homework for along time. Let’s stop to listen to music. 我们做家庭作业很长时间了,让我们停下来听听音乐。 2.forgetto do sth和forget doingsth. (remember to do sth. 和remember doing sth。) “forget to do sth。”表示将来不要忘记做某事,谈的是未来的事情;“forget doing sth。”表示忘记过去应该做的事情。 例如:“Don’tfo rget to do your homework。” said the teacher beforethe class was over. 老师在下课前说:“不要忘记做家庭作业。” “I’m sorry. Iforgot doing my homework. May I hand it in this afternoon, Mr. Chen” said Li Ming. 李明说:“对不起,我忘记做家庭作业了。我今天下午交好吗,陈老师” . done。(过去分词)(让别人)做某事 例如:I had my hair cut yesterdayafternoon. 我昨天下午理了发。 My computer can not work now. I musthave it repaired. 我的电脑有故障了,我必须让人修好它。 4. 感官动词后接不带to的不定式或者现在分词的区别 例如:see sb. do sth。看见某人(经常)做某事和see sth。看见某人(正在)


高考英語常用短語 …(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词) …has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大 a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数) A (together) with B ……A与B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致) A as well as B ……A跟B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致) A besides B… 除了B以外,A……(谓语动词与A 一致) a bit of 一点(接不可数名词) a bit 一点(接形容词) a bunch of 一束、一捆 a certain 某一个(接可数名词单数) a copy of 一份(报纸等) a couple of几个、一些、三两个(接可数名词复数) a crowd of 一群、许多 a developed country(一个)发达国家 a developing country (一个)发展中国家 a diet of healthy foods一份营养食谱 a fallen tree 一棵倒了的树 a few moment later 一会儿、不久以后 a few pieces of advice 几点建议 a good/great deal of 大量(接不可数名词) a good/great many 大量(接可数名词复数) a great deal 许多东西 a group of 一群…… a highly-developed country 高度发达国家 a kind of sth.一类…… a knife and fork 一副刀叉 a knowledge of 某一学科的知识 a lack of 缺乏 a large quantity of 大量(接可数、不可数名词) a large/small/great amount of 一些(接不可数名词) A like B… 像B一样,A……(谓语动词与A一致) a little bit 一点(接形容词) a little 一点(接形容词) a loaf of bread 一个面包 a lost life in a desert 鸿沟 a lot more interesting 更有趣 a lot more 许多 a lucky escape 幸运地逃脱 a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱、九死一生 a piece of advice一条建议 a place of interest 一处名胜 a point of view 一种观点


·abandon oneself to sth沉湎于…·be able to do sth. 有能力做某事 be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事 ·do sth. to the best of one’s ability 尽某人全力做某事 ·abnormal behavior 反常的行为·above all 最为重要的是 after all 毕竟 in all 总共 not at all 根本不 ·be absent from school/work 缺课/旷工 ·be absent-minded 心不在焉的 ·be absorbed in专心于… ·the academic year 学年 ·have the access to sth./ doing sth. 有机会做某事/有接近…的权利 ·by accident 意外地 ·according to 根据… ·account for 解释;说明 ·open an account 开户头·take…into account 把…考虑在内·accuse sb. of 指责某人某事/指控某人某事 charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事·be accustomed/used to sth./doing 习惯于做某事 ·make a great achievement/great achievements 取得重大成绩 ·acid rain 酸雨 ·act as 担任;充当 ·take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事·take an active part in 积极参加…·adapt oneself to sth./doing 适应于(做)某事 be adapted to sth./ doing ·add to beauty/difficulties 增添了美丽/困难 ·add up to 合计达… amount to合计达… ·in addition 此外,另外 ·in addition to sth. 除…之外·admire sb. for sth. 羡慕/钦佩某人某事·admit one’s mistake 承认某人的错误·be admitted to university 被大学录取·adopt one’s advice 采纳某人的建议·adopt a child 收养一个孩子 ·in advance 预先 ·advanced technology 先进的技术·take advantage of 趁机利用 ·have a big advantage over… 与…相比有优势 ·be to one’s advantage 对某人有好处·advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事advise doing sth. ·current affairs 时事 ·can/ be able to afford sth.支付得起…·be named after…以…来命名·again and again 再三地,反复地·be against one's will 违背某人的意愿·the aged 年老者 ·agree on /upon sth.. 就…达成一致 ·agree to one’s suggestion/proposal 同意某人的建议 agree with one’s suggestion/proposal ·ahead of time 提前 ·first aid 急救 ·aim at sth./doing sth. 瞄准某物;旨在做某事 ·alarm clock 闹钟 ·be alert to sth./sb. 对…警惕·allow …to do sth. 允许…做某事allow doing sth. ·leave …alone 别管… ·get along/on well with… 与…相处融洽;进展顺利·be amazed/surprised/astonished at… 对…很惊讶 ·one’s ambition to do sth. 做某事的志向 ·make an announcement 做一个通知·be anxious about 为…而担心 ·be anxious for 急于得到…


72. deputy 英 ['depj?t?]美 ['d?pjuti] n. 代理人,代表 adj. 副的;代理的 I delegated my responsibilities to my deputy.我把职责委托给了我的代理人。 When he was ill,his duties devolved on his deputy.他生病期间他的工作移交给了他的副手。 73. kick off [足球]中线开球;[口](使)开始;[美,口]死;踢开 1.Kick off your shoes and find a game on TV.脱下鞋子打开电视找场比赛看吧。 2.They kick off their campaign against Paraguay tomorrow night. 他们脱掉他们明天晚上对阵巴拉圭。 74. gluttony英 ['gl?t(?)n?]暴食,暴饮暴食;贪食,贪吃 1.In love,as in gluttony,pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision. 在爱情中,如同暴饮暴食,快乐的关键在于毫厘不差的精准。 75. unique 英[ju?'ni?k]美 [j?'nik] adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数] 唯一的,独一无二的 n. 独一无二的人或物 We all have unique skills and gifts.我们都拥有独特的技能和天赋。 In this case however,despite the name of the property,it need not and should notbe unique. 尽管该属性的名称如此,但在这种情况下,它不需要也不应该为唯一的。 76. pyramid英 ['p?r?m?d]美 ['p?r?m?d] n. 金字塔;角锥体 vi. 渐增;上涨;成金字塔状 vt. 使…渐增;使…上涨;使…成金字塔状 Imagine this as a pyramid and not a triangle.想象一下这是个金字塔,不说三角形。 We can reach the glorious summit of pyramid if we learn English in this way.我们按照这样的过程学习英语,就一定能达到金字塔光辉的顶端! 77. phenomenon [f?'n?m?n?]n. 现象,事件;奇迹;非凡的人 This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems. 这种现象并不像它看上去那样骇人。78. complement英 ['k?mpl?m(?)nt]美 ['kɑmpl?m?nt] n. 补语;余角;补足物 vt. 补足,补助 1.You do not want to duplicate efforts, though you may come to complement them. 虽然您可能会为其做补充,您不会想去做重复的工作。 79. bid [b?d] vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐 vi. 投标;吩咐 n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取 n. (Bid)人名;(俄)比


A across from 在对面 act a part 假装 add up to 达到(数字) all to once 忽然;突然 all but (=almost) 几乎,差点 apart from 除…外还 apply one’s mind to 专心于 ask after 问候 at a loss 不知所措;困惑不解 at the risk of 冒着…危险 at one time 曾经 at a time 一次,每次 at times 有时 Are u kidding? 开玩笑吧? above all 最重要 account for解释说明 around the clock整天不间断,一天24小时不停 as a matter of fact事实上 at sb`s service愿意为某人效劳 (at)the entrance to… (在)...入口处 as long ago as追溯到,早在 as a (general) rule一般地说来 answer the invitation 答复邀请 allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 at the invitation of sb.应某人的邀请advise sb. to do sth.劝说某人去做某事ahead of time 提前 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指责,指控某人作某事 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉 B back and forth 来来往往;(前后)来回地burst into 闯进 be absent from 不在;缺席 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 be aware of 意识到 be better off 境况好 be blind to …对…视而不见be burdened with…负重 be engaged in 忙于;致力于 be favourable to 有助于;有力于 be responsible for 对…负责;是…原因be satisfied with 对…满意 by accident 偶然地;意外地 by all means 通过各种方法;一定要 by and by 不久以后;很快的 by no means 无论如何,决不 be named after sb. 以某人的名字命名 be taken into account 被考虑到 be accustomed to习惯于 be attached to对…有感情 be bound for去…地方 be in the dark蒙在鼓里,不知道 be made of money很有钱 be sick of对…负责任 be tied up in忙于做… be up to sb. 由某人来决定 be supposed to do (同should) bulletin board广告栏,布告栏 by all means当然 brief and to the point 简单扼要的;简洁的be trapped in …被困在... be equipped with 装备 be cross with/at sb. 生某人的气 be at war with…与…处于战争状态 be in safe hands 在可靠的人那里 behind time 晚,迟到 burst out 突然冒出 ┏but for 若没有 ┣can’t but do 只能 ┗the first line but two 第三厅 ┏be tired of …厌倦,厌烦(精神上) ┗be tired from/with…因...疲劳(体力上) C come into being 产生;存在 compare …to…把…比作…compare…with…把…与…进行比较congratulate sb. on …就…祝贺某人count on/upon 指望;依靠 cross out 除去;勾销


O once upon a time 很早以前;从前 obey the rule(s) 遵守规则 object to 反对, 不赞成, 讨厌 occur to 发生;被想到, 想起 of (great) importance 很重要,非常重要 of a kind/sort 同类的, 徒有其名的,蹩脚的 of a sort 同类的,勉强称得上的 of course 当然,自然,毫无疑问 of (great)significance 非常重要的 of late 近来, 最近 of one’s own属于某人自己的,某人自己所有的 off and on 断断续续地, 间歇地,偶尔 off duty 不上班,不执勤,下班 off the coast 在海岸附近; 在海面上;沿海 off/away from/beside the point 离题, 跑题 offer first aid to sb. 给某人实施急救 offer sb. a lift (home) 让某人搭便车(回家) offer sb. sth. 给某人提供… offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供 offer to do 主动提出 on (the) one hand 一方面 on (the)average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说on (upon) the whole大体上; 基本上; 总的看来 on / at the weekend ; on / at weekends 在周末 on a diet 节食 on a large/small scale 大/小规模地 on a visit to 访问; 参观 on account of 因为, 由于, 为了 on all fours 四肢扑地, 爬行 on all sides 四面八方, 到处 on and on 不断地, 不停地;一直进行着 on behalf of 代表, 为了 on board 在船/车/飞机上 on business 因公, 有事 on condition that 如果, 条件是 on credit 赊(购) on display 展出, 卖弄; 炫耀; 出风头 on duty 值班, 上班 on earth 究竟, 到底 on end 竖立起来,毛骨悚然; 连续 on file 存档,文件上档案中


高中英语重点短语大全 词组在高考英语各类题型中随处可见,对理解句子和文章起着非常重要的作用,另外,如果写作中能够适当运用词组,也会加分不少,所以,千万不要忽视对词组的记忆和运用哦! drop off 下降,减少;睡着,入睡 find out 查明,找出,发现 clear up 清理;澄清,解决;(天)放晴 die down 逐渐消失,变弱 at will 随心所欲 and yet 然而 anything like 像……那样的东西 be confined to 限制在,局限于 to some extent在一定程度上 long-term interest 长远利益 make friends (with) 与...交朋友 little by little 逐渐地,一点点地 no matter 无论 in the mood for 有情绪去做..,有心境做 no more...than 和...一样都不... without accident 安全地 get down (从...)下来;写下;使沮丧 do without 没有...也行,用不着 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ed12361005.html,pany 陪伴 take effect 生效,起作用

make a face 做鬼脸 by nature 天生的, 生来 be of the opinion 持有...的看法 by mistake 错误地 in the mood for 有心境做 at most 最多, 至多 object to 反对 participate in 参加 be patient with 对...耐心 peculiar to... 特有的, 独具的 be opposed to... 反对... account for 解释,说明 have the advantage of... 知道...所不知道的事in agreement 同意,一致 in person 亲自, 当面 prohibit...from 禁止, 阻止 on purpose 故意 beyond the reach of 无法达到 in place of 代替 take pride in 以...自豪 proceed from 由…发出 in progress 进行中


1. a big headache 令人头痛的事情 2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 5. absent from 不在,缺席 6. abundant in 富于 7. account for 解释 8. accuse sb. of sth. 控告 9. add to 增加(add up to) 10. after all 毕竟,究竟 11. agree with 同意 12. ahead of time / schedule 提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once 突然,同时 16. all but 几乎;除了...都 17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次,重新 19. all over 遍及 20. all right 令人满意的;可以 21. all the same 仍然,照样的 22. all the time 一直,始终 23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒 24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心 25. anything but 根本不 26. apart from 除...外(有/无) 27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求 28. applicable to适用于 29. apply to适用 30. appropriate for/to适当,合适 31. approximate to近似,接近 32. apt at聪明,善于 33. apt to易于 34. around the clock夜以继日 35. as a matter of fact 实际上 36. as a result(of) 因此,由于 37. as a rule 通常,照例 38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言 39. as far as 远至,到...程度 40. as follows 如下 41. as for 至于,关于 42. as good as 和...几乎一样 43. as if 好像,防腐 44. as regards 关于,至于45. as to 至于,关于 46. as usual 像平常一样,照例 47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又 48. as well 同样,也,还 49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊 50. aside from 除...外(还有) 51. ask for the moon异想天开 52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措 53. at a time 一次,每次 54. at all costs 不惜一切代价 55. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 56. at all times 随时,总是 57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 58. at any rate 无论如何,至少 59. at best 充其量,至多 60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 61. at first 最初,起先 62. at hand 在手边,在附近 63. at heart 内心里,本质上 64. at home 在家,在国内 65. at intervals 不时,每隔... 66. at large 大多数,未被捕获的 67. at last 终于 68. at least 至少 69. at length 最终,终于 70. at most 至多,不超过 71. at no time 从不,决不 72. at one time 曾经,一度;同时 73. at present 目前,现在 74. at someone's disposal 任...处理 75. at the cost of 以...为代价 76. at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 77. at the moment 此刻,目前 78. at this rate 照此速度 79. at times 有时,间或 80. aware of意识到 81. back and forth 来回地,反复地 82. back of 在...后面 83. back up后备,支援 84. bare of几乎没有,缺乏 85. be able to do能够 86. be around差不多 87. be available to sb.可用,可供 88. be bound to一定 89. be capable of doing能够 90. be concerned with 关心…,涉足… 91. be dying to渴望 92. be fed up with受够了be tired of

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