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高三英语下册教案 unit 4学案1

高三英语下册教案  unit 4学案1
高三英语下册教案  unit 4学案1


高三()姓名____________ 备课组长:申继忠

Words and expressions:


1.merely ______________(同义)


3.identification_____________ (v.)

4.promote_________________ (n.)

5.botanical ________________ (n.)

6.wealth _________________(adj.)

7.appoint ________________ (n.)

8.calculate _______________ (n.)

9.astronomy _______________(人)

10.expense _________________(adj.)

11.involve _________________ (n.)

12.settle ___________________ (n.)

13.accumulate _______________(n.)

14.abandon _________________ (n.)

15.appear __________________ (n.)

16.output _________________(反义)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11751343.html,tter __________________(反义)


distinguish vt. vi. 区别,辨别

1) distinguish (between)

I couldn’t _________________________________________.我区分不出这对孪生兄弟。distinguish A from B=differ / tell A from.B. 把A和B区分开来

we should learn to __________________________________. 我们应学会分清是非.

2)d istinguished adj. 著名的,显眼的

a distinguished scholar 著名的学者

be distinguished for 以…..而著称

He is distinguished for his knowledge of science.

in detail=at length 详细地


Read the text and finish the following exercises:

True or false questions:

1. We should classify them scientifically by grouping plants in families.

2. Carl Linnaeus is the first to do this.

3. Four scientists are mentioned.

4. James Cook made two voyages

5. It was Daniel Solander who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.

6. Before Linnaeus botany was a branch of medicine.

7.Some economic species plants such as cocoa and hemp could help to develop local economies. True: _________________________ False:___________________________

Time and events:

Before 1700 _____________________________________________________________

1759 ____________________________________________________________________

1766 ___________________________________________________________________

1768 ___________________________________________________________________

1771 ____________________________________________________________________

1778 ____________________________________________________________________

Read the text and choose the best answer.

1. Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us _________ .

A. the importance of botany

B. how to classify plant species into groups

C. Linnaeus’ contribution to botany

D. Linnaeus’ discoveries about different species

2. Joseph Banks chose a career in science because __________.

A. he thought that was a good way of making a living.

B. He was interested in botany.

C. his father had died when he was only eighteen years old

D. he was very wealthy

3. Which of the following sentences is true?

A. Linnaeus’ contribution to science was quite small.

B. Linnaeus’ ideas were completely new.

C. Before Linnaeus there was no system to classify plants.

D. Linnaeus’s system was simple and clear.

4. The members of the Royal Society aboard the Endeavour included _____

A. Joseph Banks and James Gook

B. Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks

C. James Gook and Daniel Solander

D. Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks

5. Joseph Banks' interests lay in ____

A. astronomy and botany

B. botany and medicine

C. agriculture and botany

D. geography and economy

Language points:

Paragraph 1

1.Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups, but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus. 另一些人尝试按植物种类分类,但是突破性的进展来自卡尔.林尼厄斯的工作。

1) classify …into …: group …into …将……分类

People who work in libraries spent a lot of time classifying books.

The books in the library ________________ according to subject ________________________.图书馆里的图书按科目分成不同类。

The information ______________________________. But only the headmaster can see it.


2) breakthrough C 突破,重大进展make a breakthrough

Scientists______________________________________________ in the treatment of cancer.科学家在治疗癌症方面已取得重大进展。

2.In his system the identification of different species was based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers. 在他的分类体系中,不同种群的鉴别是以花中的雄性和雌性器官的排列为基础的。

1) identify: recognize and correctly name sb./ sth.辨认,确认(身份);鉴定

The body was identified as that of a drug dealer. 那具尸体被辩出,原来是一名毒贩。

I find it difficult _________________________. 我觉得他的书写很难辨认。

UFO stands for unidentified flying object.

identification 1) 辨认,鉴定2)(能证明身份的)证件

The identification of the crash victims (坠机伤亡者)is a long and difficult task.

Do you have any identification, a passport or an ID card?

2) base…on…/ be based on…以……为基础

Mendel’s attraction to research was based on his love of nature.门德尔对感兴趣是源于他对自然的爱。

You should _________________________________. 你应该以审慎的研究为基础,而下结论。This story _______________________ . 这故事是以事实根据的。

Paragraph 2

3.Linnaeus’system soon conquered the world. In 1759, Linnaeus’s student, Daniel Solander, traveled to England to promote the new system. 林尼厄斯的体系很快征服了世人。1759年,林尼厄斯的学生丹尼尔.索兰德去了英国,以便进一步发展新的体系。

promote 促进;促销;提升

The soldier was promoted to the rank of captain.那士兵被提升为上尉。

The factory is trying its best to promote its new product.工厂正努力推销它的新产品。

The UN makes effort to promote the world peace.联合国努力推进世界和平。

I’m in the middle of a tour right now, promoting my new single “Stupid Friday.”我现在正在进行巡回演出,促销我的单曲“Stupid Friday”.

Paragraph 3

4.Born into a life of privilege, Joseph Banks was the don of a wealthy family. 约瑟夫?班克斯是一个富裕家庭的儿子,生来就享有特权生活。

1) was/ were born into / to/ of 出生于…家庭

was / were born + n./ adj. 天生就是;生来就

I _________________. 我出生于工人家庭。

She was born deaf/ unlucky.

He ______________. 他生来就是个律师。

2) privilege : ①special right 特权,特殊待遇

Big businesses_____________that smaller ones do not.大企业享有小企业不能享有的特权。

He gives his friend the privilege of using his private library.


It is _____________to know you.认识你很难得。

I consider it _________________________________


5.Many young men in his position would lead a cosy life, but young Banks had an appetite for knowledge. 像处于他那样位置的很多年轻人都愿意过一个非常舒适的生活,但是小班克斯有着渴求知识的欲望。

1) lead a …life = live a … life = live a life of…

From then on, the old couple ___________________.


2) cosy (英)cozy ①warm and comfortable 温暖舒适的②friendly 友好的;融洽的Sitting by the fire, I felt warm and cosy.

--- What is your mother doing?

---She is having a cosy chat with a neighbour.

3) appetite ①a desire for food 食欲②a desire 欲望

I have completely _________since the operation.自从手术后,我完全失去胃口。短语:have a good appetite 胃口好

give sb. a good appetite 使某人食欲大开

have an appetite (desire) for sth. 渴望…(…for success; for knowledge )

6.Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science. 尽管他很富有,但他谋求在科学上有一番成就。

1) Despite his wealth: _____________________________2)career ①(个人的)事业,(终身)职业②experience 生涯,经历

make a career in science 在科学上创建自己的事业

Now he is at the summit of his career._________________

____________didn’t last long. 他的演艺生涯没有持续多久。

Paragraph 4

7.In 1768, the Royal Navy appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeavour to take members of the Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti. 1768年,英国皇家海军指定詹姆斯.库克为“奋力号”船的船长,带领皇家学会成员去塔希提岛远征。

appoint: choose for a position or a job

vt. 任命;委派

①appoint +n.

The president ________________. 总经理任命一位新主任。

②appoint +n. +(as/to be) 任命某人为……be appointed as /to be+ n. (职务);

I felt it a great honor ___________________.


The teacher ____________________.老师指定我打扫教室。

③appoint sb. to do sth. 指定某人做某事be appointed to do sth.

He _______________________.他被指派去调查那些投诉。

④appointment 约会,预约

have/ make an appointment with 与…约定/ 约会

date (尤指异性之间)约会

I made an appointment with (to see) the doctor at three. 我和医生约好3点钟看病。

Tom was absent form yesterday’s meeting because he had a date with his girlfriend.

⑤adj. appointed 指定的,约定的at the appointed time 在约定的时间

I didn’t see her _________________. 我没有在约定的会面地点见到她。Paragraph 5

8.As astronomy was one of the most important braches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition. 因为天文学是一个重要的科学分支,因此英国政府赞助了天文学部分所有的设备和经费。

It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research. 就是约瑟夫.班克斯使英国皇家植物园成了一个科学经济研究中心。(the last sentence in the last paragraph)1)强调句型“It is / was +被强调的部分+ that / who +其它”

It was his detailed description that made the truth known to all.

____________________________________? 是谁首先来到澳大利亚的?

It was __________________________________ that laid the foundation for classification.


It was ___________________________________that the fire broke out.


2)expense 1) 费用,开支(复数)2)牺牲,损失

I share my mother’s ___________________ (生活费)with my brother.

We should _______________________.我们应该削减开支。

短语:1)at one’s expense 由某人付钱或负担费用

2)at the expenses of sth. 以…为代价;牺牲

He took us out for a meal ______________________ rather than at the public expense.


He achieved fame and wealth ____________________.他以牺牲健康为代价得到名誉和财富。注:fee 专业服务费tuition fees 学费;entrance fees 门票费

Paragraph 6

9.On their three-year voyage, Joseph Banks did not only study and describe new plants he found, but also looked out for new economic species: plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold. 在他们的三年航行探险中,约瑟夫?班克斯不仅对所发现的植物进行了研究和描述,而且他还找到新的具有经济效益的物种:能够在英国和世界其他地区生长并能出售的农作物。

look out vi. take care / be careful当心

look out for sth. : keep trying to find 留心寻觅……

_____________________ while crossing the road. 过马路时当心车辆。

The scientist _________________________________(寻找经济作物)and tried to find out their properties.(特性)

10.Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale, helping to develop local economies with these new imports约瑟夫?班克斯是第一位大规模的把植物从一个大陆移到另一个大陆的人,用这些进口的东西来帮助发展当地的经济。.

scale 规模on a large scale 大规模地

They are preparing for war ______________________.他们正在大规模备战。

Paragraph 7

11.The voyage had been a great success. 这次航行是一个伟大的胜利。

a success 一件成功的事,一个成功的人士

What determines whether you are________________________?什么决定你的成功和失败?

It is too early to declare __________________________.宣布他的努力获得成功为时过早。12.Wonderful discoveries had been made of strange new lands, cultures, animals and plants. 得到了令人惊奇的发现:惊奇的新大陆、文化、动植物等。

discovery C 发现

短语: make a discovery of sth. = discover sth.

make a discovery in …在…方面作出发现

13.After that Captain Cook made two more voyages around the world, but Joseph Banks never undertook another. 在那之后,库克船长又进行了两次环世界旅行,但是约瑟夫?班克斯再也没有参加另一次旅行。

undertake vt. ①take on 承当(责任,艰苦的工作等)

②promise or agree 答应,同意undertake to do sth.

Who volunteers to ______________________? 谁志愿承担这项任务?

He ____________________________ within two months.他答应在两个月内还清所有的债务。

14.From behind his desk, however, he was involved in enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and the settlement of Australia. 然而,班克斯参加了其他的一些工作如:非洲和澳大利亚的殖民地的探险。

involve ①include (必然)包含;need 需要②使(别人或自己)卷入

be/ get involved in 卷入;参与

What does the job of editing involve? 编辑工作包含些什么?

Winning the game ______________________________.要赢得比赛需要技巧和运气。

Don’t ________________________________.不要把我卷入你们的争吵。

I don’t want to ____________________________about who is to blame for the accident.


15.He accumulated a great deal of knowledge about plants and agriculture. 他在植物和农业方面积聚了大量的知识。

16.In growing strawberries Banks went back to the abandoned practice of spreading straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering. 在种草莓时,班克斯采用了早已废弃的在果实下铺稻草的方法来降低用水量。

1) abandon

①give up 放弃(原则,希望,事业等)

abandon smoking戒烟abandon one’s post 放弃职位

abandon one’s family抛弃家庭abandon one’s hope 放弃希望

He was charged with ____________________________. 他被指控放弃原则。

The captain refused __________________ and sank with it.船长拒绝弃船,和船一起沉下去了。


He was blamed for ____________________________________.(遗弃妻儿到国外学习)

③abandon oneself to 沉溺于……


2) practice : a way of doing sth. often or a thing done regularly 惯例,常规,惯常做的事

It’s the practice____________________________________ in India.(新娘的父亲为婚礼买单)

Integrating skills--- WILDLIFE AND GARDEN ROSES

Reading comprehension:

1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_________.

A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants

B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants

C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants

D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants

2. Darwin observed that the birds with _______ would eat__________.

A. small beaks l hard seeds

B. broad beaks;hard seeds

C. hard beaks;hard seeds

D. broad beaks;soft seeds

3. Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _________.

A. the Endeavour

B. Tahiti

C. the Beagle

D. space

4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that___________.

A. the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment

B. the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand

C. the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment

D the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________.

A. he was invited to join scientific expedition

B. he was interested in them

C. he could do a lot of experiments

D. he wanted to finish his book “On the Origin of Species”

Language points:

Paragraph 1

1.Darwin’s observation on that voyage led him to write his famous book On the Origin of Species.达尔文的那次航行考察使他写出了他的名著《物种起源》。

Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.达尔文回到英国老家之后,他发现栖息地的不同可以引起鸟类以及植物种群的不同。(Paragraph 3)

lead sb . to do sth. 使…做某事

Mother led me to believe that the new baby was a kind of present for me.

What on earth _______________________?到底是什么使你离家出走。

lead to 导致,通向

All roads lead to Rome.

Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression.缺少锻炼会导致精神不振。

Paragraph 2

2.Most of the life forms could be found nowhere else.多数生命形态在其它地方是找不到的。

nowhere adv. n. 任何地方都不,无处,不知名的地方

I went nowhere this afternoon.= Nowhere _______________ this afternoon.

The key was ______________________________. 那把钥匙到处找都找不到。

Paragraph 3

3.He had found the key to explaining differences between species.于是他找到了物种之间之所以有差异的关键所在。

the key to doing sth. 做某事的关键

Paragraph 4

4.During the 1840s and 1850s Gregor Mendel conducted his experiments with flowers and peas.19世纪40年代到50年代,格雷戈?门德尔用花朵和豌豆进行了实验。

conduct vt.

①carry out 进行(调查,实验,询问等)


The company ___________________________to find out customers’reaction to their new product.公司进行调查以发现消费者对新产品的反应。

Plastics and rubber won’t __________________________(导电)but copper will.

5.Although his experiments were designed to support the ideas concerning the influence of environment upon plants, he found that many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. 虽然他的实验目的是为了验证环境对植物的影响,但是他却发现许多特性是代代相传的,并不受环境的影响。

1)design ①设计

The president __________________________________. 总统制定新的外交政策。

She ___________________ for the singer.她为那个歌星设计服装。


be designed for…

be designed to do sth.

The experiment _________________________.这个实验的目的是检测新药。

The road was not designed for heavy lorries.这条路不适宜走重型卡车。

This house ____________________________. 这个房子适合大家庭。

2)concern C/U

①anxiety 担心,忧虑②care 关心,关切的事物

There is growing concern about violence on television.人们对电视上的暴力内容越来越担忧。____________________________ is the economy of China.我最大的担心是中国的经济。

短语:(1)be concerned about = be worried about

(2)be concerned with / about = care for 关心

(3)show concern for 关注

(1)We _________________________________. 我们对他的健康深感担忧。

(2)We _____________________________________. 我们非常关心台湾的前途。

(3)The whole nation _______________________________ in the disaster stricken area


③concerning:about (正式)关于

She isn’t willing to answer the questions _______________________.


Paragraph 5

6.As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century form the belief that the influence of the environment was behind the develop of new species.达尔文和门德尔的结果,使得19世纪的科学家们形成了这样一种理念:环境的影响导致了新物种的发展。

behind prep. 特殊用法

①responsible for 是产生…的原因,导致②supporting 支持

I wonder what is __________________________________.我不知道什么使他改变计划。The workers are very much _______________________________.工人们非常支持这些提议。

7.It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.而要重新认识环境对物种的重要性还需要下一代科学家的努力。

in view


There was _________________ except white snow. 除了白雪以外什么也看不到。

I will keep my goal ___________. 我会把目标记在心中。

in view of ①在看得见的……的地方②鉴于……,考虑到……

I came in view of the castle.我来到可看到城堡的地方。

___________________, his father decided not to punish him. 考虑到他年轻,他父亲决定不惩罚他。

短语:bring sth. back in view ①重现②重新认识

The police ____________________________________________.警方重现了他遇害的地点。We should _________________________________________________________.


Paragraph 7翻译


Paragraph 8

8.However, Turesson’s findings show that habitat, such as soil conditions, is of equal importance to the output of crops.然而杜尔松的调查研究结果却表明,生长地的情况,如生长地的土壤条件,对粮食农作物产量也具有同样重要的意义。

of 拥有…的特征或性质

She is a woman of great determination.她是一个意志坚定的人。

They are ___________________, but ____________________.他们年龄一样大,但不一样高。This book is of great value. = This book is _______________________. 这本书很有价值。


高三英语专题复习教案 ------读写任务话题作文 设计者:李映珠 【教学目标】学生进一步熟悉读写任务指定话题写作特点和要求,掌握常用的写作模式和句型。消除对写作的恐惧心理,培养写作兴趣。 【教学重点】怎样写好指定话题写作 【教学难点】如何利用句型结构组织语言 【教学方法】讲练结合,精讲多练,引导学生体会与模仿。 【教学步骤】 Step 1 Discussion (what to write). What aspects will we mention when talking about environmental protection? global warming, littering, water pollution, air pollution, CO2, sea level to rise, human activities, suggestions, environmental friendly, etc. Step 2 Classification. Help the students classify the aspects mentioned above about environmental protection: a problem/ phenomenon, reasons/ effects or measures. Step 3 Organizing the information into sentences for each classification (how to write). 1.Discussion: how to put forward a problem/ phenomenon 2.Summary: (句子模板) ◆Recently, _________________________ has always aroused the greatest concern. ◆In recent days, we have to face the problem that __________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3.Practice: (仿写) 1)全球变暖。 Recently, global warming has always aroused the greatest concern. 2)作弊问题越来越严重。 In recent days, we have to face the problem that cheating is more and more serious. 4.Discussion: how to analyze the reasons/ effects 5.Summary: (句子模板) ◆The ____________ for / of ___________can be listed as follows. On one hand, ________________.On the other hand, __________________.


外研版初三英语(上)学案 Module 9 Cartoon stories 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标: 功能:能够掌握咨询和提供信息的方式;能谈论卡通人物。 语法:能够掌握定语that, which, who引导的从句,以及引导词的省略。 词汇:能够正确使用下列单词和词组:flash, over there, word, have a word with, heaven, mess, private, heart, win the heart of, everywhere, handbag, favourite, lead, rule, peach, common, boss, surface, ever since 理解下列单词和词组:cartoon, drawing, cute, lovable, monster, Belgian, cartoonist, series, experience, creator, late, single 2.技能目标: a. 能够听懂对话中人物的情感以及提出建议的方式方法。 b. 能够询问、提供有关卡通的信息。 c. 能够读懂介绍卡通人物的故事。 d. 能够用定语从句描写卡通作品;完成对同学所喜爱的卡通类型和喜爱程 度的调查。 3.情感态度:通过了解对话中Tony所遇到的困难,培养体谅、关爱以及移情的态度。 4.学习策略:通过听读语言材料学会在整句话中识别理解词汇;通过练习学会归纳总结本模块的语法现象。并进行系统的操练;能够根据自己 的情况预习教材,并进行拓展;能够与小组同学合作介绍卡通作 品。 【重点及难点】 定语从句(3)—引导词的省略 1. 定语从句如果修饰人,常常用关系代词who,有时也用that(作主语时多用 who)。例如: He is a man who / that often helps others. 他是一位经常帮助别人的人。 如果这个关系代词在从句中作宾语,就应当用whom或that,但这种情


阅读理解(新课标版高三英语教案教学设计) (共3课时)张远哲 教学内容:阅读理解的解题指导及相关练习。 三维目标:、 (1)知识目标:了解阅读理解的命题特点、解题方法及技巧。 (2)能力目标:熟练掌握阅读理解的考核项目及解题思路、备考策略。 (3)情感目标:揭开阅读理解的神秘面纱,使学生树立信心,从容应对。 教学重点:阅读理解的解题方法及技巧。 教学难点:如何从对整篇文章的把握,对特定细节以及复杂句子的理解方面提高学生的归纳、推理、判断能力,选出最佳选项。 教学方法:演绎归纳法。通过对此题型的讲解和归纳,使学生能够更容易从方法上去把握,从练习中去体会其解题的规律。 教学课时:3~4课时 教学用具:多媒体课件;黑板; 教学过程: Step 1 Introduction 2007年广东省高考英语阅读理解题的考查目的: 高考阅读理解要求考生在20分钟左右的时间内,完成对三篇不同题材、体裁文章的理解。另外,今年还增加了信息匹配题。要求考生在5分钟左右的时间内,完成对一篇文章有关信息的筛选和匹配。阅读理解考查的不仅是考生对整篇文章的把握能力,还考查了他们快速捕捉信息、准确理解特定细节以及复杂句子的能力;考生不仅要理解文章的表层意思,更重要的是要通过文章的表层去合理推断、挖掘文章的隐含意义、延伸意义。这是对考生能力、智力、心理的一个综合检验。阅读理解的好坏在很大程度上决定着英语考试成绩。

2007年广东省高考英语阅读理解题的命题形式 高考阅读理解试题的类型主要分为四种:细节理解题、推理判断题、猜测词义题和主旨大意题。它们常见的提问形式如下: (1)细节理解题常见的提问形式 Which of the following (statements) is TRUE/not TRUE? According to the passage, who(what, where ,when, why, how, etc,)…? The following are mentioned EXCEPT______? Why does the author say…? Where in the passage does the author describe…? (2) 推理判断题常见的提问形式 The writer implies that______ It can be inferred from the passage that______ It suggests that_______ It can be included from the passage that_____ We can draw a conclusion that_____ We can learn from the passage that____ (3)猜测词义题常见的提问形式 The underlined word “hit”( in paragraph 1) probably me ans___ What does the underlined part“reimburse you” probably mean? By saying “it is all worth it” in the last paragraph ,the author means that _ _____ (4)主旨大意题常见的提问形式 What is the main idea of the passage? The best title for the passage might be____ The main purpose of the passage is to _____


Writing How to write an English diary Teaching aims: a) How to write an English diary. b) The form of English diaries. c) To improve the students’ writing ability. Important points: The skills of English writing. Difficult points: How to make every sentence appropriate and precise. Teaching procedure: Step I.Leading-in After exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in English.(As we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. But few of you write in English, which is a good way to improve your writing and speaking. So why not write English diaries? Today our topic is how to write English diaries.) Step II. Discussion First, give the students about three minutes to check their

人教 模块一 Unit1 学案

课题Book1 Unit1 Period one warming-up and reading 核心目标: 1 巩固所学字词的识记; 2 通过练习熟练词的实际运用,掌握重点字词的用法; 当堂训练(15分钟): 一.请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 1.Failing in the examination again u__________ her a lot. 2. Many middle school students i__________ Chinese. 3. Many people enjoy watching a s__________ of TV plays. 4. My father s__________ from high blood pressure. 5. Three a__________ to four is seven. 6. I’m rather c__________ about my brother’s health. 7. The tourist carried a p__________ on his back. 8. The children played o__________ until it started to rain. 9. We c__________ the old lady down. 10. We d__________ with them on the point. 二.短语翻译: 1. 度假__________ 2. 列出__________ 3. 有……的麻烦__________ 4. 关心/ 挂念(某人/ 某事)_________ 5. 应该/有责任做某事__________ 6. 经历/ 经受…________ 7. 躲/ 藏起来__________ 8. 不理某人(事)__________ 9. 偶然; 碰巧__________ 10. 建议做某事__________ 11. 和某人相处好__________ 12. 太多__________ 13. 对…着迷__________ 14. 按照,根据……__________ 15. 变松了;释放…...__________ 16. 如此……以至于…__________ 课后检测(20分钟):单项选择 一.把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


人教修订版英语高三上Unit 5 Getting the Message Writing教案 内容说明: 1.本节课设计的指导思想以及课后反思; 2.本节课的教学过程; 3.本节课授课中所需材料。 1.本节课的设计与反思 这节写作课是充分利用人教社新编版高三教材第五单元的内容,结合高三教学的特点来设计的一堂议论文写作课。这节课的总体设计指导思想就是:充分利用教材提供的有用信息,结合教学的实际需要,把握教学的最佳时机。因为广告这一话题对于学生来说是一个熟悉的话题,即使不进行专门学习,他们也有很多想法。但是,在学完课文之后,学生能不能学以致用,能不能在语言表达上有相应的提高,就有待于教师设计好教学任务,进行必要的指导和训练。而另一方面,考虑到议论文的写作教学也是高三写作教学的一个重点,所以我就抓住契机,给学生设立了一个真实的情景(real context),让他们对广告利与弊的各抒己见,从而把课本上有用的表达法变成自己的语言。在设计教案前,我主要考虑了以下几个因素:1.教学时间和阶段教学计划。这节课是在高三讲授新课阶段进行的,根据我们学科的阶段教学计划和学校的安排,我把这堂课确定为议论文写作的启蒙课,即这是高三阶段对议论文写作的第一次指导,所以在指导的深度上还未达到高考的要求。这节课的主要目标是让学生明确议论文的结构,结合课文所学语言,写出一篇语言水平相对较高,结构较为严谨的文章。 2.议论文的命题意图和评分标准。在备课过程中,我反复研读高考作文评分标准,并对作文的内容、语法及篇章结构方面都一一作了分析。我首先考虑的是从哪些角度入手去帮助学生解读范文, 对评分标准有一定的认识,从而使学生明确如何展开议论文写作。 3.学生现在的实际写作水平。高三学生已经具备了一些写作的基本知识,但是,学生目前面临两个问题: (1) 拿到作文题目能写一些东西, 但是在内容和结构安排上还不够规范; (2) 语言表达能力不强, 尤其 是针对日常熟悉的话题, 词汇重复率太高, 语言肤浅贫乏。作为议论文写作的启蒙课, 这节课要着力达到两个目的: (1) 规范议论文写作的框架;(2)充分利用课文的经典语言,来扩大学生对于广告这一话题的词汇量。 在对学生和教学内容进行了充分的分析之后,我进行了精心的准备。授课当天是我给学生讲的第六节课,师生之间的互动还没有达到最高峰。此外,通过课堂提问,暴露出一部分同学课下没有对课文进行及时的复习,导致在课堂上不能用顺畅的语言表达出自己的观点,在这一部分耽误了一些时间。但学生听讲的认真程度并没有降低,事实上整个课堂教学的实施过程还是比较顺畅的。 课后反馈:在课堂上,我给了学生12分钟现场写了一篇作文,并且拿了学生的作文进行现场点评。重点是看文章的结构和连词的使用。课后,我把全班学生的作文都收上来进行了批改,在结构方面,学生没有出现失误,并且水平较好学生的作文语言也比较生动,使用了较为丰富的词汇。所以,总的说来,我觉得这节课达到了我预期的目标。 2.Lesson Plan


( 英语教案 ) 学校:_________________________ 年级:_________________________ 教师:_________________________ 教案设计 / 精品文档 / 文字可改 高中:高三英语教学总结及反思 (教案文本) Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners, and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad.

高中:高三英语教学总结及反思(教案文 本) 高三这一年,对老师和学生来说都是一次磨砺。作为一名高三的英语老师,随着今年考试题型的突然变化,曾有一定的迷茫感,但同时这也是一件好事,促使我们用更多的时间去学习、研究新题型和高考,以便能够更好地教授学生。 回首自己高三这一年来的教学工作,在老教师的指导和帮助下,在与其他教师的交流和讨论中,教学还是比较成功的。对学生的考试技巧指导及训练是有效的、针对性强的。这主要得益于我们有一个团结、合作的学科组,在此我谈谈对复习备考的一些想法和做法。 一、加强研究,提高复习备考工作的针对性 认真学习并分析了高考题的类型,目的是总结规律寻找突破口。从历年高考试题的整体研究中找共性;从2004年各类试题的研究中

找趋势;开拓性地抓复习备考。今年高考新增加的题型,为任务型阅读,考查考生在有限的时间内根据需要捕捉有效信息的能力。阅读试题的考查全面,对中学英语教学起到了很好的导向作用。在常规教学及复习备考中,我们始终抓住加大阅读量,开展泛读教学,加强阅读技巧的指导,形成有效的阅读策略,从根本上培养考生的良好的阅读习惯和逻辑思维能力。另一增加的内容为单词拼写:该题型为10年以前高考题型。十年后再次出现。在平时的练习中我们比较重视的词汇的巩固及扩充,以及好句子和好课文背诵这一环节。 二、制定计划,加强复习的目标性。 我们根据学生的具体情况,制定出切实可行的复习计划,把复习分为三个阶段。 1、夯实基础,发展能力。 近年来高考英语逐渐侧重于语言能力的考查,对语言知识的直接考查相对地减少了。因此,在复习过程中,首先组织学生巩固各项基础知识,同时通过不断的语言练习,掌握一定的技巧。在此基础上,再通过科学系统的训练,发展能力,收到了事半功倍的效果。


高三英语公开课教案: Gerund ---------------梁胜利 教学目标: 动名词可以起名词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语和定语。教学重点:动名词与不定式作主语,表语的区别 教学难点;现在分词的形式与动名词相同,但功能不同.可在句中充当定语,表语,状语和补语。 教学过程:动名词的语法作用 1. Playing football is my favourite sport.主语 2. Our work is serving the people. 表语 3. I remember being taken to Wuhan when I was a very small child. 宾语 4. W e have a swimming poor in the back yard.定语 I remember being taken to Wuhan when I was a very small child.(动名词的一般被动态) She admitted having opened the box.(动名词的完成被动态)How about the two of us taking a walk down the garden? (MET93 17) (动名词的复合结构) 动名词与不定式作主语,表语的区别 v-ing形式作主语时往往表示一般性的、习惯性的动作;而不定式作主语则表示在具体情况下特定的或一次性的动作。但有时可

以通用。 只能用动名词作宾语的动词 1.advise, allow, avoid, admit, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practise, risk, suggest,dislike,appreciate 2.feel like, give up, put off, keep on, look forward to ,insist on , can’t help ,get used to ,devote …to 3.It’s useless/no use/no good… doing 在begin, start, continue,intend 等动词后跟v-ing形式和不定式作宾语,句子含义相同 在like, love, hate等动词后v-ing形式作宾语时往往表示一般性的、习惯性的动作;而不定式作宾语则表示在具体情况下特定的或一次性的动作。 下列动词后跟动名词或不定式意思完全不同。 v 1.remember,forget, regret + doing 记得/忘记/遗憾曾做过某事 + to do记得/忘记/遗憾要做某事 v 2.want,need,require +doing 需要被做 +to do 需要做 v 3.stop,try, mean,go on


Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第一课时Section A 1a—2d 课型:听说课 学习目标: 1、我会读P1-2的单词,理解并会用以下的单词:textbook,conversation, aloud,pronunciation,sentence,patient 2、我能运用以下句子谈论学习英语的方法。(难点) 1)---How do you study for a test?---I study by working with a group. 2)---Do you have a conversations with friends?---Yes , I do./No, I don’t. 3)---Have you study with a group?---Yes,I have./No,I don’t. 3、我通过了解正确的学习方法我提高学习效率,从而提高我的学习成绩。 Learning Process学习过程 Steap I目标导航,自主学习(课前完成) 读一读,记一记P1-2的单词,默读并理解1c,2c,2d的对话,根据中文写出单词或短语。(一)单词 1.教科书;课本 2. 交谈;谈话 3.大声地;出声地 4.句子 5.有耐心的;病人 (二)短语 1. 与朋友一起学习___________________ 2. 制作单词卡___________________ 3. 向老师求助___________________ 4. 听磁带___________________ 5. 读课本___________________ 6. 向某人要某物___________________ 7. 为考试而准备___________________ 8. 与某人交谈___________________ 9. 大声朗读___________________ 10. 练习(做)某事___________________ 11 .口语表达能力___________________ 12. 英语口语___________________ 13. 太......而不能___________________ 14. 完成做某事___________________ 15.不得不做___________________ 16. 作报告___________________ 17. 抓住主要意思___________________ 18. 逐字___________________ 19. 词组___________________ 20. 对某人有耐心___________________ StepⅡ合作探究,展示提升(20分钟) Task 1、短语过关:对子就关于英语学习方法的短语中英互译 Task 2、听力过关:按课本完成1b,2a,2b的听力。 Task 3、编写对话:你可以借鉴1c,2c聊聊英语的学习方法 Task 4、朗读2d,画出对话中提到的学习方法,并回答下列问题。 1. How does Jack? Why? __________________________________________________ 2. What suggestions does Annie give to Jack?___________________________________ Task 5: 质疑互究: 1.by的几种用法 (1)--How do you study for a test? --By ____________________(小组合作学习) (2). Annie went to Beijing __________________ (乘火车) yesterday. (3). His grandfather made a living _____________________ (靠卖水果) in the past. (4). The scientists have to arrive at the village _____________________ (八月以前). (5). Allen goes ________________________(经过邮局) on his way to school every morning.


人教版高三英语全册教案 目录 Unit 1 That must be a record! (1) Unit 2 Crossing limits (6) Unit 3 The land down under (14) Unit 4 Green World (19) Unit 5 Getting the message (25) Unit 6 Going West (32) Unit7 A Christmas Carol (38) Unit 8 Learning a foreign language (42) Unit 9 Health Care (45) Unit 10 American literature (51) Unit 11 Key to success (65) Unit 12 Education (70) Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone (78) Unit 14 Zoology (86) Unit 15 Popular youth culture (89) Unit 16 Finding Jobs (97)

Unit 1 That must be a record! I.单元教学目标 技能目标Goals ▲ Talk about records, adventures and hobbies ▲ Practise mea suring and comparing ▲ Review the subject ▲ Fill in a form II.目标语言 功能句式 1. Talk about records, adventures and hobbies 2. Practise measuring and comparing Typical measurements (m=meters cm=centimeters h=hours) Height of people (When referring to people, ―tall‖ is used, not ―high‖, and measurements are given in feet and inches (but not yards) or meters and centimeters. She is about 5ft 6 in tall. The world‘s tallest man is 2.55m. Speed A speed limit of 30 mph Sound travels 186,300 miles in a second. Measurement of Temperature The normal temperature of the human body is 37°C. The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is-89.2°C. Crossed the Three Gorge on a high wire, 646 meters long, 402 meters high, time 13 minutes 48 seconds. Walked across Mt Heng, 1,399 meters long, 436 meters high, time 52 minutes 13 second At Tiankeng, walked 687 meters, about 662 meters above the ground 词汇 1. 四会词汇beard, voyager, tight, tightrope, edition, moustache, brewery, conclude, hire, length, athletic, fade, account, attempt, suitable, inspect, confirm, certificate, gradual, blank, enthusiastic, bid, decade, committee, fascinate, burst, underline, globe, bush, skilful, administration, permission, schoolmate, grandparent, recently, familiar, helmet, truly, delight, delighted, energetic, cautious, outgoing, register 2. 认读词汇cheetah, sailfish, gorge, Urumqi, feat, hectare, Lance Armstrong, Juan Antonio Samarranch, spaceman, ramp, skateboarder, skateboard, capture, factor, teenage, skim 3. 词组set down, in a row, in the first place, apply for, burst into sth, center on/ upon, concentrate on 4.重点词汇set down, attempt, suitable, apply for, inspect, confirm, enthusiastic, bid, fascinate, burst into sth. underline, center on/ upon, concentrate on, delight, delighted, cautious, outgoing, register 语法Review the Subject 重点句子 1.Instead, the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways. 2.Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong‘s struggle against disease. 3.These new sports are called ―extreme sports‖ and all center on the ―X-factors‖--- the pure joy of doing something that you did not think you could do and overcoming your fears. III.教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析


Module4 Unit11 Media Teaching Aims: 1.To review some key words and phrases in this unit. 2.To improve students’ reading skills. Teaching Difficulties: How to lead students to talk about something about media. Teaching Importances: How to let students master these key words. Teaching Aids: A computer. Teaching Process: Step1: Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step2: Lead in Everyone is connected to some form of media, so how do people contact with each other nowadays? How about you? (suggested answers: QQ ; MSN ; Blog ; Twitter ; Facebook ; or even Pinterest) Step3: Warm up Ask students to fill in the blanks with some key words listed in Exercise 1. Then lead them to read several times. Step4: Presentation To review the important usages of words on the book and do the exercises. Notes: demand to do / on demand/ in demand/ demand that- arise & raise & rise blame sb. for sth./ blame sth. on employ sb. in doing sth./ to do sth./ as… pretend to do/ that- Step5: Practice Ask students to finish these exercises and check answers one by one. Step6: Conclusion: 1.To read the passage on the blackboard together and write down the useful phrases on the notebooks. 2.To give the homework to students. 第二单元我们周围的空气


必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists 导学案 教学目标: 能力目标(Ability aim) 1.To activate the students’ knowledge about great scientists in the world and their achievements. 2 .To get the students understand the spirit of science. 3.To enable students to communicate with each other and improve students’ language expression ability. 语言目标(Language aim) 1. Important words: engine, characteristic, radium, enthusiastic, cautious, spin, instruct, attend, cure, severe, reject. 2.Important sentences: be absorbed in, expose to ,face the challenge ,gather information ,be determined to ,the cause of ,look into ,slow down ,supporting evidence ,die of ,draw a conclusion , In addition, link to , absorb into , to blame, handle from, lead to, make sense, 自主学习 一 Review the following words and phrases(翻译) 1 try this quiz____________ 9 mark____________________ 2 discover________________ 10 attack___________________ 3 lift up_________________ 11 evidence_______________ 4 invent__________________ 12 hit________________ 5 instrument____________ 13 be determined to____________ 6 become inspired_________________ 14 source___________________ 7 terrify_________________ 15 deliver__________________ 8 multiply_______________ 16 prevent … from…_______ 二Important words(重点词汇) 1.______________vt.&vi. 结束;推断出→________________n. 2.______________vt.&n. 打败,战胜;失败→______________(同义词) 3.______________vt. 照顾,护理;出席,参加 4.______________vt. 暴露;揭露 5.______________vt.&n. 向----挑战 6.______________vt.&n. 治愈,治疗;痊愈 7.______________vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 8.______________adj. 致命的;完全的;充满仇恨的;如死一样的 9.______________ vt. 怀疑→__________adj 怀疑的-→___________n.嫌疑犯10_____________vt. 污染,弄脏→____________n.﹝u﹞污染 11_____________vt.&n. 责备,谴责 12_____________vt. 宣布;通告→_______________n. 宣布 13_____________vt.&vi. 捐献,捐助;贡献→_______________n.捐献,贡献14_____________vt. 命令;指示;教导→____________n.命令;指示→__________n. 指南;使用说明


高三英语Astronomy教案 2010年《高考风向标》•英语 目录第一部分教材梳理 必修一 Unit 1 Friendship 单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点 词汇填空 大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写 单元自测 Unit 2 English arund the rld

单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点 词汇填空 大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写单元自测 Unit 3 Travel urnal 单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点

词汇填空 大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写 单元自测 Unit 4 Earthquaes 单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点 词汇填空 大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写 单元自测 Unit Nelsn andela—a dern her 单元要点预览 语言要点

词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点 词汇填空 大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写单元自测 必修二 Unit 1 ultural relis 单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点 词汇填空

大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写单元自测 Unit 2 The lpi Gaes 单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析 词性变化 重点单词 重点词组 重点句子 要点 词汇填空 大意概括 佳句背诵与仿写单元自测 Unit 3 puters 单元要点预览 语言要点 词语辨析


第1课时Unit 1 My name 's Gina (总第1课时) Section A 1a—2c 【学习目标】:1、熟悉掌握词汇name clock 等 2、学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼. 3、能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际. 【学习重点】:使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型. Nice to meet you . What's your name My name is ...... 【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇name ,clock 1、认真观察第一页的图画,小组讨论你所认识的物品的英语单词. 2,、试着写出含有的物品的英语单词. 3、小组竞赛,展示( 看谁总结的多, 写的准确) 学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼. 1、教师自我介绍,引导学生介绍自己. A: Hello , I am Gina , What's your name B: My name is Alan . 2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己. 3,、分角色朗读1A对话. 学习任务三: 能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际. 1,、听录音, 给1B 的对话编号. 2、根据听力对话进行自由交际. 3、小组竞赛, 展示对话交际。 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 小组讨论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区别, 如何用英语拼写 你的名字 三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 1,、归纳你所学到的问候语. 2、自己编写一个打招呼并询问姓名的小对话. 四、诊断评价 (一)单项选择. 1. _______your name My name is Gina . A. What B. What's C. Who D. which

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