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孤立主义占有很重要的地位,世界大战的两次“中立”实际上是孤立主义的延续。然而这两次中立却各有异同... 更多还原【Abstract】 As the world’s leading capitalist powers,the

foreign policie of the American has deep influencean on China and the whole of the international situation."Neutral" is a

basic policy to avoid European war or dispute from the beginning of United States until the Pearl Harbor in the Second World War. "Neutral" is which America can do business with both disputes that in European powers of all previous race and dispute, and stimulate the development of America economy, It is the important factor that t... 更多还原


【Key words】the first world war;the second world war;the America neutral policy;American diplomacy;

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Abstract 7-8
































特朗普对外经济政策以贸易保护主义为核心,其政策包括:1、退出TPP《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》;2、提升贸易壁垒;3、通过税收政策使得企业回流美国。 贸易保护的直接效应会使消费品价格上升,从而引发通胀,并且会使经济整体效率下降。加拿大、墨西哥、日本、德国和中国等美国主要的贸易伙伴将受损。 对于中国来说,对美贸易依赖度较高的初级品制造业和机械产品出口将受到冲击 主要将会影响加拿大、墨西哥、日本、德国和中国.根据世界贸易组织(WTO)数据,加拿大进口的商品有60%来自于美国。墨西哥进口商品的80%以上来自于美国。 ? 贸易保护对美国的影响? ? 美国自身而言,贸易保护的直接效应可能使得关税部分转嫁给消费者。进口产成消费品价格上升侵蚀消费者剩余,美国国内供给不足或价格更高导致消费者面临的产品价格上升,而消均衡的费数量则减少,这对美国低收入者影响较大;进口半成品和投资品价格上升可能带来通胀,半成品和投资品价格上升可能会通过成本加成定价反映到最终消费品上,从而导致消费品价格上升,可能引发通胀;进

口数量减少会导致低效率和寻租,美国国内效率较低的企业受贸易保护也得以存活,经济整体的效率下降。 2月28日,美国贸易代表办公室发布《2018贸易政策日程和2017年报告》,明确提出,特朗普政府贸易政策有五大支柱:一是通过维护经济安全来保障国家安全;二是巩固美国经济,惠及所有美国人;三是达成让更多美国人受益的贸易协定;四是加强执法力度,让不遵守规则者不再获利(占美国便宜);五是改革世界贸易组织(WTO),在有效市场间推广规则,推动国际贸易,为世界创造更大福祉。 美国公布2018年贸易政策议程 2月28日,美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)发布消息称,已向国会提交特朗普政府2018年贸易政策议程。议程主要内容为:第一, 制定支持国家安全政策的贸易政策;第二,巩固美国经济发展;第 三,推进利于全民的贸易谈判;第四,实施并捍卫美国贸易法律法 规;第五,加强多边贸易体制。 ???????????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????????????????????????????. ??????????????????????????????????????. 1. ???????????????????????? 2. ????????????????????????????????????????? 3. ?????????????????????????, ??????????????? [??]???????, ???????|?????


“三农”问题的剖析与政策及其几点建议 徐文 摘要:所谓“三农”问题,是指农业、农村、农民这三个问题。近几年来,随着农业、农村形势持续好转,为实现国民经济又好又快发展、保持社会和谐稳定,奠定了坚实的基础,提供了重要的支撑,做出了很大的贡献。2009年,在应对国际金融危机冲击、保持经济平稳较快发展中,党中央、国务院总揽全局、审时度势,果断出台一揽子计划,及时采取加强“三农”的重大举措。 关键词:农村;农业;农民;“三农”问题;政策;建议 Abstract: The so-called "three rural" issue refers to agriculture, rural areas and farmers on these issues. In recent years, with agriculture, rural areas continued to improve the situation, to achieve sound and rapid economic development, maintain social harmony and stability, laying a solid foundation, providing important support, made a great contribution. In 2009, in response to the international financial crisis and maintain steady and rapid economic development, the State Council, the overall situation into consideration, decisively put the package in a timely manner to strengthen the "three rural" a major step. Keywords: Country ;Agriculture; Farmer; “T hree rural issue”; Policy ;Suggestion 一、浅析“三农”问题 (一)农业问题 主要突出表现在农业产业化方面的问题。自从我国实行改革开放政策以来,中国农业取得了巨大成就,但是,其脆弱地位并没有根本改变,增长曲线始终处于波动之中。现在是市场经济时代,而市场经济是以市场为导向、根据市场配置资源的经济形态,农业的产—购—销一体化的体制不顺畅是现代农业不能快速发展的一个重要原因。当某些政策倾向和外部环境对农民的利益造成损害时,农民就会采用减少投入、甚至撂荒的方式表示不满,由此导致减产。常常听到农民兄弟抱怨种了东西卖不出去或卖得过于低廉,根子在没有遵循市场规律。产供销形成一条龙是当前农业在市场经济中大有作为的一着好棋,党和政府在创设“产―供―销”链条的活动中起着关键作用。 农业产业化的另一个问题是中国农业目前基本上属于自给自足的小农经济,没有形成规模经济。加入世贸组织后,如何应对国外的集约型农业的挑战?这将是中国作为一个农业大国面临的严峻问题。从现在看来,目前中国应在解放剩余劳动力的同时,通过加快农业机械化提高农业劳动生产率,抛弃小农经济的自给自足,迎接入世挑战。 (二)农村问题 关于农村问题所涉及得面实在是太宽了,包括农业和农民问题也都属于该范畴,因此它所存在的问题也是诸多。为了解决这些问题,站在国家发展战略的高度,缩小城乡差距,促进新农村建设的全面发展,从04年至08年的五个中央一号文件中提出了解决的方针及措施。从环境保护层面上,明确了加强水利、林业、草木建设,促进生态修复,改善城乡人居环境;从基础政权层面上,明确了发展基层民主,深化改革乡镇机构改革,完善政务、村务的公开,实现基层群众自治;从收入分配层面上,明确了深化收入分配制度改革,增加农民收入;从社会保障层面上,明确了完善农村医疗保险和生活保障制度;等等还有许多问题及其对策。 (三)农民问题 关于农民的问题也比较多,最突出的也就是农民的文化素质问题和农民增收问题以及新生代农民工进城务工所带来的一些问题。 农民的文化素质通常是指其所具备的文化知识水平,反映农民接受文化知识教育的程度和掌握文化知识量的多少、质的高低。一个国家或地区的农民文化素质状况,一般是用全体


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


《经济应用文写作》形成性考核四 一、填空题(1个1分,共53分) 1. 性、性和性,是经济研究文章应当具备的三个基本特征 2.经济工作研究的特点主要体现为明显的性、较强的性、一定的 性。 3.经济工作研究的标题常见的有式标题和式标题。 4.经济工作研究的正文通常包括、和三个部分。 5. 性、性和性,是所有的学术论文都应具备的一般特征。 6.科学研究的课题主要包括两大类:一类是性研究的课题,一类是 性研究的课题。 7.选择科学研究的课题,主要应该依循以下两条原则:要选择的课题;要选择 的课题。 8.课题的客观意义包含两层内容:一是意义,二是意义。 9.要选择主观上有见解的课题,主要是指在选题时应考虑以下因素:要选择有完成的课题;要选择有完成的课题;要选择有完成的课题。 10.获取论文写作资料的基本途径有、、、。 11.检索文献资料的方法主要有三种:一是法,二是法,三是 法。 12.具体地说,选取论文材料的标准主要有四条:要选取的材料;要选取 的材料;要选取的材料;要选取的材料。 13.论文的正文通常是有三个部分组成的,即:、、。 14.按照层次或段落之间的结构关系的不同,可以把论文本论部分的结构形式分为 式、式和式三种。

15.一份完整、正规的论文写作提纲,应由、和等几个项目构成。 16.论文的标题主要有两种类型,一种是揭示的标题,一种是揭示的标题。 17.论文标题必须符合、、的要求。 18.按其功用的不同,可将论文中的注释分为两大类:一类是的注释,一类是 的注释;按其形式的不同,可将论文中的注释分为三类,即、 和。 二、名词解释(1个4分,共8分) 1.经济工作研究 2.经济论文 三、简答题(1个8分,共16分) 1.经济论文的基本特征有哪些? 2.简要说明科学研究课题的基本类型。 四、运用自己所学过的问题写作知识,对下面这篇学术论文进行分析(23分) 提示:(1)即可以从学术论文的特点、选题、取材以及结构程序等几个角度进行综合分析,


名词解释: Imagism: It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S. flourished from 1909 to 1917.The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell. Beat generation: The term was coined by Jack Kerouac in 1948 to refer to a group of disillusioned writers following World War Two. Later, this literary and cultural movement continued into the 1960s. The Beat Generation must not be confused with the Lost Generation of writers. Spokesmen and representatives of the Beat Generation were Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others. They revolted against an America that was materialistic, belligerent and frustrating. Social, intellectual and sexual freedom was advocated. Traditional culture and normal social behavior were attacked and violated. Many of them were drug addicts wearing long hair and dirty clothes. They were fond of slangs and jazz. Masterpieces created by writers of this g roup include Kerouac’s On the Road and Ginsberg’s Howl and Other Poems, which were regarded as pocket Bibles of that generation. Other prominent Beats include William S. Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, Michael McClure, and Neal Cassady. The Beat Generation, had greatly influenced the countercultural movements of the 1960s and the adolescents and adults in other countries. In England, the “angry young men” made an echo and imitated the American “beatnik.” 二、1. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature: it is generally regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism. The American Scholar:it has been regarded as “America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence”. 2. Henry David Thoreau: Walden 3. Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter: 主题:Hawthorne focuses his attention on the moral, emotional, and psychological effects or consequences of the sin on the people in general and those main characters in particular, so as to show us the tension between society and individuals. To Hawthorne, everybody is potentially a sinner, and great moral courage is therefore indispensable for the improvement of human nature. 4. Herman Melville: Moby Dick A. 作品分析: (1)Moby Dick represents the sum total of Melville’s bleak view of the world in which he lived. It is at once godless and purposeless. The loss of faith and the sense of futility and meaningless which characterize modern life of the West were expresse d in Melville’s work so well that the twentieth century has found it both fascinating and great. (2) One of the major themes of this novel is alienation, which exists in the life of Melville on different levels, between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. Melville also criticizes New England Transcendentalism of its emphasis on individualism and Oversoul. Another theme of this novel is “rejection and quest.” (3) The novel is highly symbolic. The voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience.” Moby Dick is the most conspicuous symbol in the book and it is capable of many interpretations. It is a symbol of evil to some, one of goodness to others, and both to still others. Its whiteness is a paradoxical color, signifying as it does death and corruption as well as purity, innocence, and youth. It represents the final mystery of the universe which man will do well to desist from pursuing. (4) Melville manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through employing the technique of multiple views of his narratives. He tends to write periodic sentences. His rich rhythmical prose and his poetic power have been profusely commented upon and praised. B. what does the white whale in Moby Dick symbolize? Why do you think so? For Captain Ahab, the white whale represents evil. After the loss of his leg in his encounter with the white whale, Ahab begins to hate Moby Dick and tries his best to kill the whale. It seems that he embodies all of the evil he once consigned to the white whale. For other members on the whaling ship, the white whale symbolizes the unknown, mysterious natural force of the universe. For the readers, the white whale is capable of many interpretations, for it is “paradoxically benign an d malevolent, nourishing and destructive,” “massive, brutal, monolithic, but at the same time protean, erotically beautiful, infinitely variable.” C. Major themes: obsession, religion, and idealism versus pragmatism, revenge, racism, sanity, hierarchical relationships, and politics. D. the Pequod is the microcosm of human society and the voyage becomes a search for truth. Moby Dick is a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search, not a discovery, of the truth. The whole story turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe, a spiritual exploration into man’s deep reality and psychology. 5. Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass.It has been praised as “Democ ratic Bible”, and as American Epic. 主题:(1)he shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of cities. (2) realization of the individual value. (3) pursuit of love and happiness. (4) Before and during the Civil War, Whitman expressed much mourning for the sufferings of the young lives in the battlefield and showed a determination to carry on the fighting dauntlessly until the final victory. 写作风格:(1) Whitman wrote “free verse”, that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. (2) There is a strong sense of the poems being rhythmical. Parallelism and phonetic recurrence at the beginning of the lines contribute to the musicality of his poems. (3) Most of the pictures he painted with words are honest, undistorted images of different aspects of America of the day. (4) Whitman’s language is relatively simple and even rather crude. Another characteristic in Whitman’s language is his strong tendency to use oral English. Whitman’s vocabulary is amazing. He would use powerful, colorful, as well as rarely-used words. Leaves of Grass的分析: (1). Grass, the most common thing with the greatest vitality, is an image of the poet himself, a symbol of the then rising American nation and an embodiment of his ideals about democracy and freedom. (2). In this giant work, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism are all that concerned him. (3). In this book he also praises nature, democracy, labor and creation, and sings of man’s dignity and equality, and of th e brightest future of mankind. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass sing of the “en-masse” and self as well. 6. Emily Dickinson: 诗歌的主要内容:love, nature, death and immortality. 7. Edgar Allen Poe: 短篇小说家和诗人。 Poe is the father of psychoanalytic criticism and the father of detective story. 主题:death of one’s beloved lover of great intelligence and beauty. He also writes about horror (Gothic) stories, murder, and insanity. 8. Henry James: The turn of the screw The founder of psychological realism. He was the first American writer to conceive his artistic work in international themes. 9. Mark Twain:The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Hemingway described it as the book from which “all modern American literature comes”. The style of this book is quite simple. The book is written in the colloquial style. Though a local book, it touches upon the human situation in a general, indeed universal way: humanitarianism ultimately triumphs. It tells a story about the United States before the Civil War, around 1850, when the great Mississippi Valley was still being settled. Here lies an America, wit its great national faults, full of violence and even cruelty, yet still retaining the virtues of “some simplicity, some innocence, some peace.” 10. Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Theodore Dreiser: 自然主义的代表人物。 11. F. Scott Fitzgerald:The Great Gatsby 迷惘一代的代表人物 12. Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms; For Whom the Bell Tolls; The Old Man and the Sea The title of For Whom the Bell Tolls comes from John Donne’s Meditation. 13. William Faulkner: stream of consciousness的写作手法 14. Ezra Pound: 意象派代表人物。 意象派基本主张: (1) Direct treatment of the “thing”, whether subjective or objective. (2) To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation (3) As regarding rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronome. 15. Robert Frost: natural poet. 16. Eugene Glastone O’Neill: Desire Under the Elms Long Days Journey into Night: Mark Twain H. L. Mencken considered "the true father of our national literatu re” Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1884) and Life on the Mississippi(1883) Twain shaped the world's view of American and made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had ever done. Mark Twain’s sty le 1) Twain is also known as a local colorist, who preferred to present social life through portraits of the local characters of his regions 2) Another fact that made Twain unique is his magic power with language, his use of vernacular. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentence structures are simple, even ungrammatical, which is typical of the spoken language 3) Mark Twain's humor is remarkable, too. Most of his works tend to be funny, containing some practical jokes, comic details, witty remarks. 4) Paid more attention to the "life" of the Americans, Concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region and the lower-class people 5) Nostalgic in a vanishing way of life and recorders of a present that faded before their eyes Adventures of Huckleberry Fin The character analysis and social meaning of Huck Finn Huck is a typical American boy with “a sound heart and a deformed conscience”. He appears to be vulgar in language and in manner, but he is honest and decent in es sence. His remarkable raft’s journey down on the Mississippi river can be regarded as his process of education and his way to grow up. Huck is the son of nature and a symbol for freedom and earthly pragmatism. Through the eye of Huck, the innocent and reluctant rebel, we see the pre-Civil War American society fully exposed. Twain contrasts the life on the river and the life on the banks, the innocence and the experience, the nature and the culture, the wilderness and the civilization. Ernest Hemingway A Nobel Prize winner for literature His style, the particular type of hero in his novels, and his life attitudes have been widely recognized, not only in English-speaking countries but all over the world Hemingway shot himself with a hunting gun In Our Time (1925)is the first book to present a Hemingway hero--Nick Adams The Sun Also Rises(1926) is Hemingway's first true novel. A vivid portrait of "The Lost Generation," -- a group of young Americans who left their native land and fought in the war and later engaged themselves in writing in a new way about their own experiences. Hemingway's second big success is A Farewell to Arms, telling us a story about the tragic love affair of a wounded American soldier with a British nurse -- emphasizes his belief that man is trapped both physically and mentally, but goes to some lengths to refute the idea of nature, man is doomed to be entrapped For Whom the Bell Tolls clearly represents a new beginning in Hemingway's career as a writer, which concerns a volunteer American guerrilla Robert Jordan fighting in the Spanish Civil War, this work Caps his career and leads to his receipt of the Nobel Prize The Old Man and the Sea, Men Without Women(1927), Death in the Afternoon(1932), The Snows of Kilimanjaro, To Have and Have Not (1937) Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain Hemingway was highly praised by the Nobel Prize Committee for "his powerful style-forming mastery of the art" of creating modern fiction. Indian Camp The title indicates that the material is contemporary and to some extent, representative of the early twentieth-century experience A reference to the well-know phrase from the Book of Common Prayer:" Give us peace in our time, O Lord," the title is very ironic because there is no peace at all in the stories In a chronological order, introduces Nick Adams to readers from his childhood to adolescence and manhood Nick watches his father deliver an Indian woman of a baby by Caesarian section, with a Jack-knife and without anesthesia. This incident brings the boy into contact with something that is perplexing and unpleasant, and is actually Nick's initiation into the pain and violence of birth and death. Most of Hemingway's later works are merely variations of the Nick Adams stories in In Our Time The Hemingway code heroes and grace under pressure They have seen the cold world, and for one cause, they boldly and courageously face the reality. They have an indestructible spirit for his optimistic view of life. Whatever the result is, they are ready to live with grace under pressure. No matter how tragic the ending is, they will never be defeated. Finally, they will be prevailing because of their indestructible spirit and courage. The iceberg technique Hemingway believes that a good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. The one-eighth is presented will suggest all other meaningful dimensions of the story. Thus, Hemingway’s language is symbolic and suggestive.

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