当前位置:文档之家› 商务英语期末复习重点.doc



The four c's model for evaluating principle development, human resources!评价人力资源? What is E-commerce?(什么是电? performance

的四个C模式):Ixompetence 2:commitment 3:congruence 4:cost

子商务):E-commerce is doing

business through electronic

?media or the practice of buying




effectiveness and selling products and services ? Segmentation bases(细分依据):

What is corporate culture?(什么是企业文化?): is described as

over the internet,utilizing

? technologie s such as the

Marketers can


consumer markets according to

the personality of

an organization.or simply as how Web,Electronic Data




things are done around here.is a broad term used

fund trancsfers

?and smart cards,without



to define the unique personality or character of a particular companyor organnization, face-to-face meeting between the

two parties of the transaction.

segmentation bases divide a


? in terms of personal

and includes such elements as ? Types of E

as core values and beliefs,corporate

ethics,and rules of behavior.An organization's 的类型):intra-organizational



n,sec,race,social class,

?marital status,or family size.

culture is transmitted in different ? (B2B)E-commerce;Business-to-C ? The research processf调研过程):

waysjncluding long standing and often unwritten rules,shared standards about its onsumer(B2C)E-



五个步骤;Forming the


question;research design;data


importance,prejjudices,standard ? Government ?to?itizen(G2C)analysis;choosing the best


social etiquette and E-Commerce;Government-to-Bus



? Marketing research(市场营销调

demeanor;established customs ?Compensation (报酬):企业应

该研):Marketing research is the

foe how to relate to peers and what

is and what is and is not




process of systematically


? analysing and interpreting date

appropriate behavior. ? A work force will be an pertaining to the compant's

Creation of corporate culture(企业文化的创建):Three majior factors contribute to the invalubale asset to the

organization, and the firm should

compensate them





emergence of organizational ? with equitable and competitive marketing decisions.

culture .They are company wages and salariesjringe ? Sole proprietorshipsf个人企业):

founders,ecperience with the genera business and industry environment,and contact with

benefits and other forms of reward

? What is human resources

An organization that is

owned,and usually managed,by

one person is

others. management?(什么是人力资源?called a sole proprietorship.

Tools for transmitting culture(企业文化的传播途径):symobols.

管理?): It includes such basic

? activities as human resource

Disadvantages:the owner is

personally responsible for all

stories, jargon, ceremonies, and statements of planning,recruitment,selection’s

ocilaization,training and

aspects of

?the business.He has unlimited

? Difference between selling and marketing (销售与营销的差别): Selling:lemphasis is on the product,2company

? first makes the product and then figures out how to sell it 3management


sales-volumeoriented,4planning IS ?

shor-run,in terms of today's products and markets.Sstresses needs of seller. Marketing:lemphasis ?

is on customers ,wants.2conpany first


customers'wants and then figures out how to make and deliver ?

a product to satisfy those wants.3management


profit-oriented.4planning is long termjn




newproducts,tomorrow'smarkets,an d future growth.Sstresses wants of buyers.

liability.lf the business is being sued,so is the business owner.lf the business

owes money,the business owner is responsible for the debts,and the owner may have to use personal assets to pay.

Partnerships!合伙企业):A general partnership is a business with at least one general partner who has

unlimited liability for the debts of the business. A limited artnership is an arrangement where a person

can contribute to a business without being involved in the affairs of the partnershipp. Mergers & Acquisitionsf 企业兼 并和收购):有三种,A horizontal mergerjoins firms in the same industry

and allows them to dicersify or expand their products. A vertical merger is the joining of two firms involved

in different stages of related businesses-a


mergin with a aspplier of component products,or

a manufacturer merging with a distributor of its products. A potential


merger (conglomerate ) unites




unrelated industries.

The marketing concept (市场营 销观念):The marketing concept is the philosophy that firms should analyze

the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs,better than the competition.


随着全球经济的快速发展和经济一体化的进程,世界各国的经济贸易往来日益频繁,而众所周知,英语是当今全球运用最广的语言,因此英语便也成为了对外贸易中的主要用语我们也称之为商务英语。而商务函电是指在对外贸易中所使用的信函,电报,电传,传真,电子邮件等通讯方式。所以商务英语函电就是指在对外贸易活动中以英语为载体而进行的商务函电往来。商务英语函电是国际商务往来中经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外贸易业务和有关商务活动的基础及重要工具。商务英语函电是对外贸易的交流工具,它贯穿于对外贸易的各个环节,及时,具体,完整,准确地为贸易双方传递商务事业信息以及帮助双方达成最有效的交流与沟通。商务英语函电是对外贸易的重要媒介,它在各国之间相互沟通,开展业务,达成交易,建立友好关系工作等对外贸易活动中起着举足轻重的作用,是对外贸易中不可或缺的组成部分。如果没有往来的商务英语函电,贸易双方就无法完成正常的交流与沟通,无法获知对方的各项商务信息,因此大部分的国际贸易活动也都不可能顺利进行,所以,商务英语函电在对外贸易中的重要性可想而知。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第一个重要性就表现在它的索取信息和传递信息的功能。对外贸易本身就是特指国际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。他不同于国内贸易,可以去实地进行考察,双方面对面进行交流与沟通,从而获取一切对方的商务事业信息,对外贸易大多涉及本国以外的不同国家与不同地区,在很大程度上受到贸易双方地理位置等客观条件的限制,如果也像国内贸易那样进行面对面的索取信息与传递信息,这个过程肯定是繁琐而复杂的,而且加上空间和时间的限制,这个过程的成本费用也会很高,速度也会很缓慢,过程中的安全问题也不能得到保障,甚至于可能在这种实际的信息传递中造成数据的丢失或者毁坏。商务英语函电的存在,就让这些问题得到了一一化解,索取信息和传递信息不会再受到时间和空间等因素的限制,甚至比以前更加快捷,可以快速的索取有效的信息传递给从事对外贸易的双方,利用商务英语函电开展对外贸易,买卖双方可采用标准化、电子化的格式合同、提单、保险凭证、发票和汇票、信用证等,使各种相关单证在网上即可实现瞬间传递,大大节省了单证的传输时间,而且还能有效地减少因纸面单证中数据重复录入导致的各种错误,对提高交易效率的作用十分明显,而且加上中间大量环节的减少,也在一定程度上降低了对外贸易过程中的成本。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第二个重要性表现在它一直贯穿于对外贸易的始终,处理整个对外贸易中各个环节的相关事宜。它涉及外贸业务中的各个环节。从建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、执行提供、装运、保险、付款,到执行合同过程中的纠纷,以及最后的索赔,大都需要商务英语函电的解决。对外贸易过程各环节中所有往来的商务英语函电也都构成重要的法律依据,特别是当产生贸易纠纷时,它有可能左右解决纠纷的最终结果。而前面提到的还仅仅是体现在实实在在的对外贸易实际活动中,事实上,商务英语函电还在对外贸易过程中起着很多隐性作用,其实在建立业务关系之前商务英语函电的重要性就体现出来了,商务英语函电的出现让我们摒弃了传统方式上的寻找合作伙伴的方法,通过商务英语函电的平台,不但能节省大量的人力,物力,财力让你找到满意合作伙伴,也可以大大的拓宽你的选择范围,进一步寻找潜在客户。商务英语函电在洽谈过程中也起着重要的作用,他可以跨越传统的面对面洽谈的限制,在获得大量信息的情况下,还能提供更多更方便的异地洽谈方式。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中第三个重要性主要是在它使对外贸易双方更加方便的保持联络与沟通感情,促进双方得后续合作甚至长期合作。对外贸易过程中,买卖双方肯定不会只想仅仅只合作一次,甚至于双方特别互相认可的话,是容易发展长期的战略合作伙伴的,而商务英语函电就提供了这样一个长期交流的机会,商务英语函电能让交易双方能在最快的时间内进行信息与意见的交流,能在第一时间获知对方的需求,不管你在任何地方,任何时 1


【无忧考网https://www.doczj.com/doc/e910889925.html, - 商务英语考试(BEC)】: 1.Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken. 有劳贵方,不胜感激。 2.We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter. 不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。 3.We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair. 对贵方在此事中的慷慨之举,深表感谢。 4.Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us. 对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。 5.We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter. 贵方对此悉心关照,不胜感激。 6.We should be grateful for your trial order. 如承试订货,不胜感激。 7.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements. 如承赐示具体要求,不胜感激。 8.It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. 如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。 9.We shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration. 如承优惠考虑报价,不胜感激。 10.We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received. 收到贵方大宗订货,不胜感激。 11.We assure you of our best services at all times. 我方保证向贵方随时提供最佳服务。 12.If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. 贵公司若有所需求,我公司定尽力效劳。 13.It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur. 我方如有机会同样效劳贵方,将不胜欣慰。 14.We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you. 我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。 15.We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commission charges. 我方将很愉快与贵方合作,收费低廉。 16.We have always been able to supply these firms with their monthly requirements without interruption. 我方始终能供应这些公司每月所需的数量,从无间断。 17.We take this opportunity to re-emphasize that we shall, at all times, do everything possible to give you whatever information you desire. 我们借此机会再此强调,定会尽力随时提供贵方所需的信息。 18.We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise. 我们始终能向贵方提供品质最佳的产品,报价最为优惠。 19.This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enable them to enjoy a maximum profit. 这样可以使我方经营者具有很强的竞争力,还可获得最大的利润。 20.We solicit a continua ance of your confidence and support.


国际商务英语教材重点句型 看一个人的心术,要看他的眼神;看一个人的身价,要看他的对手;看一个人的底牌,要看他的朋友。明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。 一、汉译英 1、国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而此国内贸易要复杂得多。 International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than, domestic business. 2、有形贸易是指将在一国生产或制造的商品,出口或进口到另一国消费或转售。 Visible trade refers to exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in an-other. 3、外国直接投资,简称FDI。投资者通过控制其投资在他国的企业和资产获得回报。 Foreign direct investments of FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country. 4、国民生产总值指一个经济体凭借其居民拥有的资产和劳动力所生产的货物和服务的市场价值。 GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy. 5、日本和中国是重要贸易伙伴,两国经济互补,又是一衣带水的近邻。中日贸易关系对两国都有重要的意义。 With mutually complementary economy, Japan and China are major trade partners, and the two countries are close neighbors separated only by a strip of water. Sino-Japanese relations are therefore of great importance to both countries. 6、加拿大和美国有很长的共同边境,而且大部分加拿大居民居住在边境地区。加美两国以其富有的市场,拥有世界最大的双边贸易。Sharing a very long common border along which most of the Canadian people live, Canada and the United States, with their respective rich market, enjoy the largest single bilateral trade in the world. 7、欧盟委员会是它的执行机构,有20个委员会,管理23个负责不同事务的部门。 Its executive body is the European Commission composed of 20 commissioners overseeing 23deaprtments in charge of different affairs.


商务英语信函写作地简洁原则 随着全球经济一体化进程地不断发展,世界范围内地经济合作与交流也在不断增多.人们不可能跟自己地贸易伙伴一一亲自会面协商.而且我们常常需要将自己地贸易伙伴做出地各种承诺变成有籍可查地文字记录.这时商务信函就成了取代亲自拜会地一种便宜有效地沟通媒介.我们给贸易伙伴地每一封信都代表着自己 所在公司地形象,显示着公司地水平和实力.“一封好地商务信函有助于促进和发展同客户地关系,在促进达 成新地业务方面起着积极地作用.”(摘自《丹尼尔·肯尼迪方法:推销信创造地奇迹》)所以在写作时我们应该严格遵守并且灵活运用“7C”原则: Completeness(完整)Concreteness(具体) Correctness(正确)Conciseness(简洁) Clearness(明晰)Courtesy(礼貌) Conscientiousness(诚意) 这七个原则是商务信函写作地最基本地指导原则,对于写好一封商务信函起着很重要地作用. 我们知道,在商务活动中,时间和效率对于每一个商务人士来说都是非常重要地.在和自己地贸易伙伴合作和交流地每一个环节上,我们都要尽可能地减少给对方造成时间浪费,以便对方能够在同我们地商务交往中提高效率.写作商务信函最直接地目地就是进行有效地沟通和交流,简洁地表达与有效率地掌握分寸是最重要地.因此,商务信函地写作重点应始终放在“效率”二字上,短小精悍、切中要点.简洁就是用最简单地话语准确地表达自己地意思.而无需以牺牲完整、具体、礼貌为代价.一般不需要礼节性地寒暄,最好是开门见山、直入主题;语言精练,言简意赅.信函中地冗言必须省去,尽可能地将交易地详细事项整理后,简洁地向对方陈述,要尽可能地避免毫无重点而罗嗦冗长地写上好几张地情形.让对方很清楚地了解你想说什么,非常轻易地领会你地意图,从而快捷迅速地做出反应. 在商务写作过程中,笔者认为简洁是最重要地一个环节,同时也是最难做到地.所以下面我将对简洁原则从全文组织结构、段落、句子和词汇这四个方面作一些研究和探讨. 一、压缩篇幅,删繁就简. (一)3W式结构. 一封商务信函地全文结构可以用3W 来表示,即:Why do you write the letter? (第一部分) ;What’s the detailed reason? (第二部分) ;What do you expect your reader to do? (第三部分).我们在上文中已经提到过,商务信函写作地最主要目地就是沟通和交流.收信人或许每天都要看很多地信函,一封冗长、拖沓、空洞、开头就不得要领地信函第一眼看到会让人感到厌烦,从而对写信人地印象大打折扣. 1、第一部分(Why do you write the letter?):在信函地一开头就要目地明确、简明扼要告诉读信者为什么要写这封信,如: 例(1):I am replying to your letter of April 15 asking us to clear our March payment. 这样地开头直接告诉对方写信是为了回复对方4月15日让己方对三月份地订货付款地来信.这样可以使得读信人立刻知道写信地意图,在读信地时候可以有充分地心理准备,或者把注意力集中在问题地重点上.不会因为一些无关紧要地寒暄而分散注意力. 在这方面,我们最应该注意地就是避免中国式地寒暄和问候,不要为了追求客气而落入俗套. 例(2):It was a long time since I saw you in Qing Dao 3 months ago. 这样地信函开头不仅罗嗦、冗长,而且会给收信人一种错觉:这是一封朋友之间相互问候地私人信件.因而将它搁置一边,待自己较为空闲时再看,很可能会因为延迟阅读而给双方带来无可弥补地损失. 2、第二部分(What’s the detailed reason?):即商务信函地征文,叙述事实或者理由来支持信里地第一句.会显出你郑重其事、思想缜密.把所要列举地事实或者理由合并成最重要地一点或者两点,在不影响清楚准确地基础上越简洁越好.如:


商务英语写作 商务英语信函范例:教你学写邀请与答复信 函 invitation and reply dear mr. / ms, we should like to invite your corporation to attend the 2000 international fair which will be held from august 29 to september 4 at the above address. full details on the fair will be sent in a week. we look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于八月二十九日到九月四日举办的2000国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。希望不久能收到你的来信,并能来参加。 您诚挚的

肯定答复 dear mr. / ms, thank you for your letter of june 28 inviting our corporation to participate in the 2000 international fair. we are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.


国际商务英语函电答案【篇一:世纪商务英语外贸函电(第二版)课后习题答案】 letter 1.at, of, with, in, for letter 2.from, into, with, of, to p40 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e910889925.html,rming, interesting, dealing, sample, details, quality, prices, applied, items, inquiry unit 3 p55 letter 1.from, for, by, with, on letter 2.with, in, of, in, from p56 2.referring, established, cost, quality, opinion, responsibility, part, satisfied, information, decision unit 4 p71 letter 1. to, of, at, in, by letter 2.with, in, with, for, with p73 2.advertisement, leading, interested, details, dealers, line, market, replying, over, item unit 5 p88 letter 1.for, with, at, by, to letter 2.for, for, by, at, by/under p89 2.inquiring, quotation, receipt, subject, confirmation, discount, catalogue, brochure, separate, appreciate unit 6 p105 letter 1.of, on, in, with, to letter 2.of, in, by, for, at p106 2.offer, regret, price, sold, level, difference, transaction, counter-offer, samples, acceptance unit 7 p122 letter 1.to, of, of, in, for,


国际商务英语复习题 1.Vocabulary and Structure 1.Please be informed that any additional freight will be__________buyers’account. A. to B.on C.in D.of 2.You can fly to London to have the business talk this evening____you change planes in Paris. A.in case B.provided C.unless D.except 3.We have been________with that client for so many years. A.contacting B.approaching C.doing business D.getting touch 4.We invite your_________to our enquiry without any delay. A.attending B.attention C.attraction D.interest 5.Chinese cotton piece goods are quite_________in the Far Eastern market,of which we have had some experience. A.welcome B.popular C.appreciated

6.We would like to________that your price is on the high side on our buyer’s market. https://www.doczj.com/doc/e910889925.html,rm B.advise C.notify D.announce 7.Not until the seller ships the goods____to pay in the letter of credit. A.is the buyer required B.the buyer is required C.will the buyer be required D.the buyer will be required 8.Everything______consideration,the price is reasonable. A.take into B.taking into C.being taken D.taken into 9.It needs____that the L/C should reach us30days before the month of shipment A.being mentioned B.mentioned C.to be mentioned D.mention 10.The plane arrived late,thus_______us unable to leave for Guangzhou in time. A.making B.made C.make D.to make 11.Emphasis has to be laid on the point_______shipment must be made within the validity of the L/C. A.what B.which C.that


启头句: 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that../ We have the pleasure of informing you that../ We are pleased (glad) to inform you that..兹欣告你方.... 16) Refering to your letter of ......we are pleased to .关于你方...月...日来信,我们很高兴... 19) We wish to refer to your letter of ...concerning 现复你方...月...日关于...的来信 20) In compliance with the request in your letter of ... we...按你方...月...日来函要求,我方... 37) We thank you for your letter of https://www.doczj.com/doc/e910889925.html,rming us that..我们感激贵方...月...日的来函,惠告... 21) In connection with the question of supplying you with ..., we are pleased to say that...关于向你方供应...的问题,欣告你方... 29) We owe your address to ..我方从...获得你方地址。 36) In replay to your letter of ...concerning...we are glad to be able to /story to have tell you that...兹复贵方...月...日有关...的来函,很高兴/抱歉告知贵方... 41)We must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of...迟复贵方...月...日函,甚歉! 43)In reply to your letter/inquiry of ... , we wish to inform you that...兹复贵方...月...日函/询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方... 77)As requested/ In accordance with your wishes we are sending you... 按你方的要求,现奉上.. 商业信函常用开头语 3.惠请告知某某事项等 1)Please inform me that (of) ;13)We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on, as to; about) 6.特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等7)In response to your letter of l0th May, I wish to say that; 10)In reply to your letter of February 8th, I inform you that (of) ; 7.非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。 l)We regret to inform/say/advise you that (of) ; 9.我们对于您某月某日来函的询价,深表谢意等。2)I thank you for your inquiry of the 10th May ; 10.兹函附某某,请查收,等。 1)Enclosed please find ;3)We enclose herewith ;7)We are pleased to enclose herewith 11.遵照某月某日来函指示,等。2)According to the directions contained in yours of the 6th May ; 4)In conformity with (to) your instructions of the l0th ult. 12.关于详情,下次叙述,等。 2)Particulars will be related in the following. 3)I will relate further details in the following. 13. 如下列所记,如附件所述,1)As stated below, 10)As already mentioned,


International Business English Lesson 1 International Business Business Knowledge: The major differences between international business and domestic business A. Differences in legal systems B. Differences in currencies C. Differences in cultural background D.Differentinnaturalandeconomicconditions The major types of international business A. Trade https://www.doczj.com/doc/e910889925.html,modity trade b.Service trade B. Investment a.Foreign direct investment b. Portfolio investment C. Other types a.Licensing and franchising b.Management contract and contract manufacturing c. Turnkey project and BOT Answer the following questions: 1.Whatdoesinternationalbusinessreferto?Pleasetellthedifferencebetweeninternationalbusinessanddo mestic business. A:Internationalbusinessreferstotransactionbetweenpartiesfrom differentcountries.Sometimes businessacrossthebordersofdifferentcustomsareasofthesamecountryis alsoregardedasimportandexport. Some major differences between international business and domesticbusiness is following: (1)Differences in legal systems (2)Differences in currencies (3)Differences in cultural background (4)Different in natural and economic conditions 2.Pleaseexplainthedifferencesbetweenvisibletradeandinvisibletrade.Whichisbecomingmoreandmore important andaccounts for anincreasingproportionininternationaltrade? A:Visibletradeistheformofcommoditytrade.Theformoftransportation,communication,banking,insur ance,consulting,informationetc.iscalledinvisibletradeorserviceindustries.Thelater is becomemore andmoreimportant. 3.Canyoucitesomeexamplestoillustrateculturaldifferencesininternationalbusiness? A:Culturaldifferencesincludinglanguage,customs,traditions,religion,value,behavioretc. 4.Please elaborate on the two categories of international investment. What is their major difference?


通知与确认商务英语信函写作 一、通知对方收到来信的确认函 1. dear mr/mrs, thank you for your letter no. a-3 of 6th may, offering us 6 ui-4 viewdatas. we have passed it on to our technical department for their consideration. we shall reply as soon as possible. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 谢谢您五月六日标号为a-3的来信,该信向我们提供6 ui-4图像数据。我们已把该信转给了技术部,备他们考虑。 我们将尽快回信 你诚挚的 2. dear mr/mrs, we have today received with thanks information concerning transactions onthe new york wheat exchange which will be made full use of by our researchdepartment. we look forward to further cooperation with you. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们今天收到了有关纽约小麦交易所的业务信息,非常感谢,我们的研究部门将充分利用这些信息。

期待与你进一步合作。 你诚挚的 二、确认达成的协议 confirming agreements reached 3. dear mr/mrs, last friday, when we were discussing the problems of defectivecontainers.you suggested that i simply mail you a report each month on thenumber of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you. i plan to put this into effect at once. but, i first wantto make sure that i understand you correctly. if i don’thear from you within the coming week, i’ll assume that youapprove. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 上周五,我们讨论了次品集装箱的问题,你建议我只需把顾客每月退回的次品集装箱 的数量写个报告给你,而不是直接退集装箱。 我计划立即付诸现实。但我想确认我理解正确,到下周为止,如我不能收到你的来信,我即认为你没有异议。 你诚挚的 4. dear mr/mrs, we write to confirm our agreement reached during ourconversation on 9th june about special discountson m-s acoustical partitions as describedon page 8of our catalogue. these prices will prevail through30 june.partition regular price special


《商务英语函电与写作》课程标准 课程编码:1701206 适用专业:应用英语专业 课时:64学时学分:4学分 一、课程定位 《商务英语函电与写作》是应用英语专业的专业核心课程。本课程的教学目的是通过教授对外贸易函电常用词汇、短语、术语、习语和习惯表达方式以及语言结构、写作技巧,培养学生的阅读、翻译、写作能力,使学生能够使用英语处理进出口业务往来书信、传真、电子邮件、合同、协议、单据;同时还要为培养学生参加相关职业上岗资格考试打下基础。 通过学习本门课程,使学生能以英语为工具开展外经贸业务,将来成为适应社会需要的既能熟练掌握外语又能从事对外经贸工作的高端技能型人才。 本课程坚持以高职教育培养目标为依据,遵循结合理论联系实际,以把“学”和“用”结合起来的原则,以培养锻炼职业技能为重点。注重培养学生的动手实践能力和分析问题、解决问题的能力。采用行之有效的教学方法,注重发展学生专业思维和专业应用能力。 二、课程设计思路 (1)依据应用英语专业岗位的需要,设计岗位学习任务 根据岗位需求,应用英语专业的培养目标定位为:培养德智体美全面发展,具备扎实的英语听、说、读、写、译五项应用能力,熟悉国际商务知识,掌握商务活动的操作程序及规范,能够胜任咸宁区域及武汉城市圈内的涉外企事业单位的销售、跟单、文秘、翻译、报关等岗位的可持续发展的技能型人才。由此确定应用英语专业毕业生三大核心工作岗位:一是外贸业务员,二是报关员、报检员,三是涉外翻译。 (2)以贸易工作过程为出发点,进行总体目标设计,围绕商务英语函电写作技能的培养,

进行相关能力分析,设置课程内容。 (3)以职业能力培养为重点,开发课程体系 (4)以工作过程为导向,与企业专家一起设计学习任务 根据行业专家对国际贸易岗位群的任务和职业能力分析,在课程内容的构建中,以典型的工作任务和案例为载体设计学习任务。 (5)以工作任务为基础,整合教学内容 以商务英语写作为基础,将贸易理论知识和电子商务知识,与真实商务案例结合,在商务英语函电写作技能训练的过程中,融合贸易知识、电子商务、网络营销、商务单证等必备知识进行讲解,把学生可以通过自我学习培养可持续能力的部分作为拓展知识,在实践实训环节,设计了软件模拟、阿里密籍、商务平台、贸易术语、单证缮制、电子商务、流程图示、单证样本等众多实用拓展知识。 (6)以真实的贸易岗位案例为依托,进行实践技能训练 依据工作任务完成的需要及高等职业院校学生的学习特点和职业能力形成的规律,依托商务英语专业校内网络实训教室、模拟软件、互联网案例及校外实训基地,结合国际贸易业务员,报关员,报检员等职业资格技能鉴定考核标准,整合理论与实践,设计实训教学方案。(7)以考核方式改革为手段,加强过程考核 考核主体多元化:由学校、教师、实训小组和行业专家等对学生综合评价。 考核形式多样化:将平时成绩、实践设计、顶岗实绩等情况纳入考核范围。 考核地点灵活化:考核地点在教室、网络教室、校外基地、校外相关企业、交易会等场所。考核注重过程化:将过程考核嵌入终结性考核中。 考核标准:学生考试成绩由三部分组成 平时成绩(50%)根据学生课堂表现、出勤情况、小组合作成绩、技能测试等加以评定。 期末考试成绩(20%)期末考试成绩主要通过闭卷考试技能综合测试形式进行评定。


Unit1 customs area visible trade invisible trade gross domestic product (GDP) portfolio investment stocks bonds certificate of deposit licensing franchising trademark patent royalty copyright licensor licensee franchiser franchisee management contract value chain contract manufacturing turnkey project BOT (Build Operate Transfer)intellectual property Unit2 national income GNP(Gross National Product) per capita income PPP(purchasing power parity) consumerism income distribution Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development infrastructure Commonwealth of Independent States staple goods creditor country ASEAN factors of production 关税区 有形贸易 无形贸易 国内生产总值 证券投资 股票 债券 大额存单 许可经营 特许经营 商标 专利 专利使用费,许可使用费,版税版权 给予许可的人 接受许可的人 给予特许的人 接受特许的人 管理合同 价值链 承包生产 “交钥匙”工程 建设、经营、移交 知识产权 国民收入 国民生产总值 人均收入 购买力平价 消费,消费主义 收入分布 经济合作与发展组织 基础设施 独立国家联合体(独联体) 大路货 债权国 东南亚国家联盟 生产要素


Dear Sirs, We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor ofyour Embassy in London and are now writing you for theestablishment of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here oflight industrial products, and feel sure we can sell largequantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitiveprices. As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank ofEngland, London, as a reference. Please let us have all necessary information regarding yourproducts for export. Yours faithfully。 求商务函电还盘函翻译。1.5月21日来信收到,得知贵方对我们的文具很感兴趣,但以为我方4月30日的价格偏高,无法成交。 2. 我们的报价已被贵地其他客户所接受,已有大批成交而且询价单滔滔而至,我方无奈下降报价。 3. 希望贵方从新考虑,早日来传真告知。 counter offer thank you for your e-mail of May 21.we learn that you areinterested in our school tools ,but you cann't accept our higherprice of Api.30. our quotation has been accepted by other clients ,a greet oforders have been bargained and large enquiries are pouring in ourcompany.so we cann't cut down our price. please think better of above,we are looking forward to your earlyfax. 求商务函电翻译 1.潜在的客户the potential customers 2.粗暴搬运rough handling 3.经营范围scope of business 4.中性包装neutral packing 5.样品本samples 6.分批装运partial shipment

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