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(C)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

Is there anything we don?t know about Victoria Beckham? She was a member of the most successful British girl band(乐队)of all time-the Spice girls-who sold more than thirty million ___85___ all over the world .She is married to the England football captain,David Beckham. She is one of the most photographed women in the world.

So can her autobiography (自传)tell us anything we haven?t known about V ictoria Beckham? The surprising answer is yes.

Victoria?s book, “Learning to fly,” is about her thoughts to be famous. We learn that at the age of eight, Victoria __86__ one day turning on the Christmas light in London. She tells us about getting into the Spice girls and what she first thought of is the other band members .And, of course, we can also read about the moment her and David?s ___87___first met at a party and they fell in love at once.

Many people do not know that V ictoria is a trained dance teacher. She graduated from a famous dance school in England-Lane?s Theatre Art School. While she was there, she was bullied (欺负)by other students. And the headmistress ___88___ liked her for not being as slim and beautiful as the others.

The best part of “Learning to fly,” is its honesty. V ictoria does not hide her ___89___side because she was brave enough to face it. She describes how at one point she almost go away from David because of her worry about other women-she once hit him in the face when she heard he had kissed another girl.

She tells us that when her baby, Brooklyn ,was first born she spent thousands of pounds each week on his protection. She explains she often feels much pain these days ___90___ the newsmen who always follow her and keep searching the next photograph of her.

This is a story about the real truth behind all the photographs .Her autobiography tells the world that Victoria, as the rest of us, ___91___ the same ambitions and fears as well. Through her book, she encourages her fans that dreams can come true.

85. A)footballs B)photos C)records D)robots

86. A)consisted of B)dreamed of C)took care of D)made fun of

87. A)eyes B)books C)parts D)presents

88. A)always B)certainly C)already D)seldom

89. A)luckier B)cheaper C)weaker D)prouder

90. A)instead of B)because of C)in favour of D)with the help of

91. A)prevents B)wastes C)enables D)shares

(D). Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

James is a good student and he has lots of friends, but he also has a problem .Some older boys are bullying him at school .James isn?t happy and he doesn?t know what to do about it .Here are some suggestions to the t 92 in this situation .

Don?t feel worried. It?s not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very l 93 and angry, but you are not alone. Don?t feel that you have to hide the problem .Y ou should find a person you can trust, and tell him/her. It might be your teacher, your parents, or even your

friend?s parents . A94 you tell someone ,you will get some support and feel some relief.

Speaking to an adult might make you a little nervous, but here are other things you can do .Some people show their feelings more e 95 on paper .Write a letter to someone or keep a diary .All the details should be i 96 in it about what the bullies do ,as well as when and where the bullying happens. Y ou can use it to prove what is going on .And it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or a 97 responsible adult . Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!

Also, never show that you are very u 98 ,and don?t try to fight with the bullies .Y ou could get into trouble yourself .Pay no attention to them and just walk away . The bullies will soon stop.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)

We often say that intelligence(智力) means being able to solve problems. Sometimes animals seem able to do this. 85 , dogs and cats often find their way home from long distance. To do this, they have to use their intelligence. They have to remember and think. But many birds find their way over long distances, too. They 86 thousands of miles every year when they move from cold to warm countries. We do not know how they do this, but we know they do not use their intelligence. They do not remember places and directions and then make decisions. 87 birds are able to make these journeys without help as soon as they can fly. They are born with this ability. This is not intelligence. We call this "instinct' (本能).

Often we can not be sure whether an animal is 88 intelligently. When a dog hears a strange noise, it barks. This is instinct. It can not stop itself from doing this. It does not 89_know why it is doing this. But suppose a house is on fire and the dog barks outside its

master's bedroom until he wakes up. Is the dog using its intelligence? Is it solving the problem by waking its master or is it simply barking instinctively because it is afraid? Often we can not be sure.

Many animals, however, can be taught to solve problems, especially when they are given 90_. Rats have been taught to touch a key .to get food. Animals in circuses have been taught to do all sorts of tricks to amuse the audience. In all these cases, we may say that an animal is using intelligence. This may be thought of as a 91 kind of intelligence.

85. A) In fact B) For example C) On the other hand D) At present

86. A) travel B) litter C) escape D) jump

87. A) Early B) Clean C) Y oung D) Big

88. A) acting B) shouting C) selecting D) disturbing

89. A) mainly B) usually C) suddenly D) really

90. A) examples B) suggestions C) rewards D) seats

91. A) perfect B) low C) different D) strange

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

I once believed that a friend is a friend all the way. Now I have changed my ideas about friendships.

Friends of convenience

They can be the people who live next door or the mothers of our children's closest friends. Friends of convenience are convenient i92 .They'll help us when we need it. They'll look after our cats whenwe go on holidays. But we don't ever get too close or tell too much. We keep our public face and emotional distance. That m 93 we'll talk about being overweight but not about being sad or disappointed. However, people still feel these friendships valuable to them.

Special-interest friends

These friendships aren't deeply personal or emotional. Their value is that they can s 94 interest, so we may have an office friend, a tennis friend, or even a shopping friend.

Historical friends

We all have a friend who knew us when ... maybe we were back in the second grade of . t primary school, when our family lived in that two-room flat downtdwn. He or she was the first, the only friend we told our s 95 to.

The years have gone by, and we have gone different ways. We have 1 96 in common now, but we're still a personal part of each other's past. We know how we looked before our teeth were straightened, and our getting together reminds us of an earlier part of ourselves,which is important and n 97 lost.

Cross-generational friends

These are friendships that form across generations. I have in my own life a p 98 friend, a woman of 65, who is wise, who listens well, and who represents not only an ideal mother to me but also the person I'd like to be when I grow up.

Best friends, I believe, totally trust, support and love each other.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

Y ou have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes* break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you can't believe how 85 time has passed.

If you are familiar with this scene, you'll know how time flies when you are having fun. Now scientists have thought over a reason why this is the case.

Scans(扫描仪)have shown that patterns of activity in the brain 86 according to how we focus on (专心于) a task. When we feel 87 we concentrate(专心于)more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly.

In an experiment carried out by a French laboratory. 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their brain activity.

The volunteers were told to first concentrate on 88 an image appeared for, then focus on the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration(持续时间) and color. The results showed that 89 was more active when the volunteers paid attention to more subjects.

It is thought that if the brain is focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to spread its resources, and pays 90 attention to the clock. Therefore, time passes without us really noticing it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its 91 energies on monitoring the passing of time. As a result, time seems to drag.

Next time you feel bored in class, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!

85. A) slowly B) quickly C) terribly D) foolishly

86. A) change B) develop C) grow D) stop

87. A) interested B) bored C) excited D) active

88. A) how often B) how soon C) how long D) how fast

89. A) the time B) the experiment C) the clock D) the brain

90. A) no B) more C) some D) less

91. A) enough B) full C) right D) proper

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their o 92 had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were h 93 after the storm. They didn't know where to go.

A farmer, Bob, said that the storm b 94 early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.

"I was eating with my wife and children," he said, '"When we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house f 95 down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him, s 96 but very frightened." Bob continued, "My boy cried out immediately when he saw me. I wanted to give him a hand It that time, but failed. We both tried hard and finally he managed to find his way out."

Mrs. Woo said that her husband has just 1 97 for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children. ''There was no time to take a 98 ," she said, "A few minutes later, the roof came down."

Rescue workers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought them food, clothes and shelter.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)

Where in the world can you take an hour's train ride, and pass a forest, a London street, a scene from the Wild West, and a burning building that never burns down? There's only one place, and that's Hollywood, in California. The scenes you see from the tourist train are film sets in the Universal Studios, one of the oldest and largest movie companies in the USA.

A visit to Universal Studios brings ____85_____ memories of great days of Hollywood, the films and the stars. But they are only memories. Hollywood isn't quite the same as it used to be. Costs(成本、费用)have ____86____ and confidence has gone down. Movie-makers are afraid to spend their money on expensive new ideas. Instead, they ____87_____ old ones.

The film industry is changing fast. Teenagers still go out to the movies. The theatre is a good place to meet friends away from there. But older people ____88_____ stay home to watch series, like Dynasty have become as important to Hollywood as expensive movies. These "soap opera(肥皂剧)", as they are called, show rich, ____89_____ families living in beautiful homes and wearing beautiful clothes. But the actors and actress are nearly all middle-aged, like many of the people who watch them.

Though it is soap operas that are keeping the film-makers of Hollywood in Business, big films are still being made in America. But more and more of them are made outside Hollywood. New Y ork is the most important new center, but there are many others ____90_____ . Movie-makers have realized that they don't need Hollywood any more. Mondern cameras and real houses expensively made ____91____ in a studio instead. Other states, such as Florid and Texas, are working hard to take the film business away from California. They are offering better working conditions(条件)and lower cost. But Hollywood is fighting back. The state of California is trying to keep its best-known industry.

85. A. behind B. back C. across D. above

86. A. looked out B. prepared for C. dealt with D. gone up

87. A. arrange B. Create C. repeat D. destroy

88. A. suddenly B. usually C. seriously D. politely

89. A. powerful B. helpful C. simple D. foolish

90. A. just now B. at first C. in time D. as well

91. A. noises B. chances C. copies D. mistakes

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

In the United States, young people generally enjoy much freedom. It is probably true that nowadays young Americans have more freedom t 92 they ever had. It is not really clear whether all of this freedom is a good thing with respect to dating relationships (关系). Dating has changed greatly in recent years.

According to traditional dating ways in the United States, much of the responsibility for a date falls on the young man. The young man must first call the girl he w93 to date early in a week. Most girls in traditional dating relationships expect to get a telephone call f 94 a young man by Wednesday. Most dates take place on weekends. Fridays and Saturdays nights are p 95 for dates. The young man must ask the girl out and suggest the things that they might do. Usually it is the young man who pays for all of the evening's activities.

Some young people in the United States, e 96 college students, do not go out on traditional dates. Instead, they go out on group dates. This means that small groups of young people go out with each other. All of the people in the group are usually friends, but some in the group may not know before.

As a result, every person pays for his or her expenses. This means that the girls must pay for their admission(入场) tickets for the movies, for a cup of coffee, or for a _ 97 else that they spend on during the date.

The group is very different from the traditional date. Y oung people in the Unite States today enjoy both kinds of these dating ways. Traditional dating ways give young people a chance to get to know one another better. Group dates give young people a chance to know many other young people and to have a more relaxed evening. Both kinds of dates have their a 98 . The group date is really a new idea among young people. It seems to be a wonderful for the reasons described above.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文):(14分)

A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didn?t know what she had to do and wanted to

___85___. She felt tired for fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but another came.

Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen. He poured water into the pans (锅) and boiled it. When the water was boiling, in the first pan he put some carrots, in the second he put some eggs and in the last he put some coffee. He ___86___ them for a few minutes without any words.

The girl closed her mouth and waited impatiently, not knowing ___87___ her father was doing that. After about 20 minutes, her father turned off the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and put them in another bowl. After that the coffee was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter, he asked, “What do you see?” “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” she answered.

Her father told her to close her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did and felt that the carrots were soft. After that he asked her to take eggs and ___88___ them. Then, she got boiled and hard eggs. At last, the father asked her to smell the coffee. “What?s the meaning, Father?” He ___89___ that each one had the same unlucky experience— the boiled water, but each had a different reaction (反应). The strong and hard carrots had become soft and ____90___after being in the boiling water. The eggs became hard after being cooked. The coffee was very special and it changed the water. “Who are you?” asked her father, “When calamity (厄运)

___91___ your door, what?s your reaction? Are you carrots, eggs or coffee?”

85. A. grow up B. give up C. set up D. pick up

86. A. looked for B. searched for C. waited for D. cared for

87. A. that B. where C. what D. why

88. A. keep B. protect C. break D. drink

89. A. explained B. complained C. told D. expected

90. A. strong B. thin C. weak D. hard

91. A. break into B. comes into C. arrives at D. knocks at

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Every year a lot of films are made, but not all of them are good for us. Most of these films are not suitable for children. B 92 we see a film in a cinema or watch a DVD at home, we should be c 93 to choose a good one.

A good film usually gives us a lesson. For example, …Beauty and the Beast? teaches us to love someone for his/her good h 94 but not for his/her looks. …The Lion King teaches us to be brave and be fair to other people.

Some films are quickly f 95 ; others stay for a long time as classics (经典) . People can see a classic film many times and still enjoy it. Every time they see it, they learn something n 96 . For example, if you worry about your looks, you may watch …Beauty and the Beast? again and learn that looks are not so important. If you are sad, you may watch …Mouse Hunt? again to make y97 happy.

There are many kinds of films. There are adventure films, comedies, horror films, science fiction films, documentaries(纪录片), action films, love stories and so on. H 98 , many of these films are only suitable for adults. So always ask your parents before you see a film.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择恰当的单词或词语完成


Ben is reading the following magazine article now. He wants to find out more about a special kind of theft.

Identity(身份) theft

The modern world is very convenient . It?s85 to buy or rent things. We can do a lot of our shopping and banking on the Internet. However, we also face a growing problem : identity theft.

We often give our personal information to stores. That 86 our birth date, personal ID number, and home address. When we apply for a store membership, we give our information to a stranger. When buying something online, we do the same thing.

87 work hard to get that information. They steal receipts(收据) and 88 computers. They

also try to steal our passwords. They can use that information to “become” another person. That?s identity theft.

One common crime is to apply for a credit card using 89 else?s name. The thief buys expensive things but doesn?t pay the bill. That can hurt a victim?s credit. With bad credit, it?s

harder to get bank or car loans.

90 can you prevent identity theft? First, be careful about giving away personal information.

91 give someone your birth date and personal ID number when necessary. Second, tear up old

credit card receipts and bank statements if you don?t want them. Finally, some experts recommend paying in cash as much as possible.

( ) 85. A. hard B. interesting C easy D exciting

( ) 86. A. includes B. collects C consists D means

( ) 87. A. People B. Thieves C. Engineers D. Bank clerks

( ) 88. A. break into B. break out C. work for D keep off

( ) 89. A. someone .B no one C anyone D everyone

( )90. A. When .B Where C. How D. Why

( )91. A. Never B. Ever C. Only D Even

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格呢填入合适的词,


One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. They love to chat there. As usual, they sat under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.

They turned a 92 but could not see anything. They were frightened.

“Is anybody there?” Millie asked. N 93 answered. They listened very carefully and heard the strange noise again. The two girls were very afraid. They ran away quickly. On their w

94 , they met Andy.

“What happened?” Andy asked.

“There?s a ghost in the park. Please help us,” Millie said.

“R 95 ? Tell me more.” Andy said.

Millie told Andy everything. Andy went to the park, stood beside the tree and listened carefully. Then he heard the whisper! He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper. He was not sure the sound came from the bushes. He s 96 carefully.

“Oh! Here it is “, Andy said to himself. He found a little cat in the bushes. It was very weak. When it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper.

Andy put the little cat into a box and went to find Millie and Amy. They were s 97 frightened. Andy opened the box and showed them the “ghost”.

“This is the ghost in the park,” Andy said, Millie and Amy were surprised ---it was a little cat! L 98 that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre. People in the animal center would take care of it.


C. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文):(14分)

In the past, if an American wanted to buy a new car or a TV set, he or she worked and saved money until there was ____85____ to pay for the item. But today, even people who are flat broke (破产的)can walk out with thousands of dollars worth of goods. They have credit cards.

Credit cards are pieces of plastics that banks give people. People can charge things on their credit cards and ____86____ them later. Most credit cards give people months or years to pay though they must pay a little every month.

Getting a credit card is a piece of cake (very easy). Banks like credit cards because ____87____ can charge (ask in payment) up to 20 percent interest(利息)on people?s credit card debts. They allow people to charge(透支)up to $9,000 on a single credit card but many Americans have several different credit cards.

One American family owed $12,000 to credit card companies before it decided it was in trouble. Both parents had good jobs and they owned a house, but they spent more than they could afford ____88____ their three children and they spent a night on the town every week. “It was really easy to whip out(迅速抽出)a piece of plastic,” said the mother. Companies called collection agencies began calling the family at all hours. The agencies threatened to ____89____ the family?s house. Finally, they got professional help to pay off their debts(债). For two years, they tightened their belts(锁紧裤袋)and paid $500 each month to the credit card companies.

Altogether, Americans owe $570 billion, not coming loans(贷款)for their home. Sometimes credit card users get____90____ trouble because they run up big bills(欠下大笔钱款)and lose their jobs or get divorced(离婚). But almost half of those in trouble simply didn?t ____91____ their money wisely.

85. A) muchB) a lot C) enough D) quite a few

86. A) spend B) pay for C) return D) buy

87. A) theyB) it C) oneD) ones

88. A) to B) onC) withD) for

89. A) takeB) carry C) holdD) bring

90. A) on B) withC) toD) in

91. A) manage B) keepC)controlD) cost

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

The newest touch screen mobile phone that has been recently introduced by Apple Company is the Apple iPhone 4. It has surely a_____92_____ attention from fashion persons from all over the world. Exquisite(优美精致的)appearance, unique design, high-quality image and sound enjoyment, powerful iTunes store, all these make iPhone become p____93____ as soon as it was released(发行,推出). After much expectation, people lined up for hours at stores around the world to buy the latest smart-phone(智能手机)by Apple.

The phone can help people realize the dream of video calling. Friends can say hello with a big smile from across the globe. The mother can take a good look at her son a____94_____. The communication will be more convenient.

The iPhone 4 is faster, thinner, has a longer battery life, and it features(以……特色)video calling. Apple is not the only c____95____ that makes so-called smart-phones that allow users to access the Internet. But loyal customers say its simplicity(简易)akes the iPhone stand out(出色). All of these a_____96_____ features of the Apple iPhone 4 will ensure(保证)high quality performance that you will not experience w_____97_____ any other types of phone. In addition, as this phone is multi-functional(多功能的), it can do more than just the usual call and text(短信), you will surely appreciate everything that it can actually do for you. More perfect appearance and powerful functions will bring another round of Apple frenzy(狂热).

But technology expert says Apple?s iPhone faces growing competition from o____98_____ companies, such as Google, that make their own smart-phones. With competition, experts expect prices to drop, making smart-phones much more accessible to(更易买到)consumers around the world.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

A father sent his 5-year-old son to learn how to play the piano.

A few months passed, and then a very famous pianist came to their town. They___85____ to get two tickets to one of his concerts.

On that day, the lather sat down with his son. However, it was too difficult for the child to just sit doing nothing, so he walked away quietly.

When the stage (舞台) lights became dark, the father found that his

son was no longer with him.___86___, he found his son was on

stage and walking towards the piano. The child sat in front of the

piano and started playing a very ___87____ tune (曲调) Twinkle,

Twinkle, Little Star.

The light operator was also surprised when he heard the music, and he thought that the concert had made some ___88___. So he turned the lights on the boy. Everybody was surprised to see the little child sitting at the piano __89___ the famous pianist.

The pianist was surprised, too. ___90___ when he saw the child playing happily, he was not angry: he sat down and played with the child. The pianist filled the weaknesses so that they could give a beautiful piano concerto (协奏曲).

When they finished, the audience gave them a big round of cheers.

Unfortunately, because of this, the child became too proud, "Just after one month of piano practice I can be so great!" The child didn't ___91____that the one that made the conc ert perfect was the pianist sitting beside him.

85. A) preferred B) managed C) wanted D) started

86. A) After all B) In other words C) To his surprise D) At least

87. A) difficult B) perfect C) successful D) simple

88. A) progress B) fun C) changes D) mistakes

89. A) instead of B) in front of C) because of D) in charge of

90. A) But B) So C) Since D) After

91. A) expect B) believe C) hope D) realize

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

In August 2005. Mark Bent, 49, a businessman, first visited a village in Africa. He found

people were too p 92 to have electric light. So he spent $250,000 developing and producing a solar-powered flashlight (太阳能手电筒). "In places where is no electricity or running water, having light at night is their d 93 . I will try my test to help them," said Bent The solar-powered flashlight gets power from the sunlight and can last for 7 hours every night. People just put three AA batteries (蓄电池) in it. The batteries are o 94 80 cents.

Over the last year. Rent said, he and his friends have sent 10,500 flashlights to many refugees (难民). In a refugee camp, a refugee named Peter Gatkuoth wrote about the i 95 of the solar flashlight. "If we meet a thief, we will turn on our solar flashlight and the thief will run away. If a person is s 96 at night, we will use the flashlight to take him to the health center. If wild animals come close to me, I will use the light to f 97 them away. Others said the lights were hung above school desks for children and adults to study after a day's work.

With a little research, Bent found that nearly two billion people around the world live without electric light. A lot of children have breathing p 98 , in part because of the use of wood and candles for light in their small homes.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage .

An agriculture expert in West Africa once wrote about methods of how to kill mice without a lot of money. These methods are used by some local farmers. This expert in Mali said his gardener set four traps(陷阱)with this method—and caught one hundred and fifty ___85___ in just one night.

The trap is easy to make. You need a plastic bucket (桶) that is empty and uncovered. Dig a hole in the ground and place the bucket inside. The top should be the same level with the ___86___ of the ground. Fill the bucket with water to within eight centimeters of the top. Add small pieces of food wastes. These food wastes should float (漂浮) ___87___ . Also put some wastes on the ground near the trap.

During the night, mice will come out to ___88___ food wastes. They will fall into the trap.

If you don't have enough food to float, you can try another way. Put two pieces of cloth over the top of the bucket or the hole in the ground. I-cave a small opening where the pieces of cloth meet

Put a little food wastes on the cloth. When mice walk onto the cloth to eat, they will slide through opening into the water.

At one time or another, most farmers have problems with mice. Mice cat a lot of rice. They also carry diseases. People get ___89___from eating or touching the rice that mice have got into.

There are other ways that farmers can ___90___ these problems. One way is to use buildings specially designed to keep mice out. Another way is to use poisons(毒药) to kill the mice. However, both of these methods can be costly.

Farmers must buy die materials to build the buildings. Or they must buy chemical poisons to Jail the mice. But these poisons can also be ___91___ to other living things—including the farmers who use them.

85. A) cats B) mice C) dogs D) chickens

86. A) surface B) cover C) part D) halfway

87. A) on the trap B) on the top C) on the water D) on the ground

88. A) drink B) eat C) make D) hide

89. A) a fever B) a cold C) sick D) a headache

90. A) deal with B) get on C) take care D) cut down

91. A) various B) dangerous C) nervous D) precious

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Cindy wanted a job. She thought that if she had a job after school, she could e___92___her own money. Then she wouldn't have to ask her parents for money.

Some of her friends worked when school was finished for the day. So Cindy went to some of the stores and asked for work. She f___93___ got a job in a cafe. She was very happy.

She came home and told her parents,-"Mum, Dad, I got a job at a cafe. Now I will have my own money.

“Congratulations!” they said. They asked her lots of questions about the job and about people who owned the store.

"Don't worry. Mum" Cindy said, "I think they are n___94___ people and I will be happy there." Her parents allowed her to take the job.

After the first day, they asked her if it was good.

"It was w___95___" said Cindy "The owners were very friendly. They showed me how to do things and helped me all the time."

Two days later, Cindy's parents saw her come home from job. She looked u___96___.

"What's the matter?" they asked her.

"I am tired." she said. "The owners of the cafe" arc making me work too hard. When I started, they were very friendly but now they are bossy. They watched me all the time and complained when something goes wrong, even if it isn't my fault. Sometimes they even criticize (批评) me in front of c___97___.Today a friend from school came to the cafe and I was telling her what was on the menu, and the owner told me to stop talking to my friend and get on with my work. It isn't f ___98____"

"Don't you like working there now ? " asked her mother.

"Yes, I do like working there," said Cindy. "I don't like the owners working there!"


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

It's getting late. You're trying to finish a book. But your eyes start to feel very ___85___. Only two more pages to go until... z z z z z z z z z z z z z.

Sleeping is part of our natural daily rhythm. Our eyes close, our bodies relax. We do not ___86___ to light or noise. Everything about us seems to slow down. Everything, that is, except our brains. How do scientists know this? Scientist use special wires and machines to study brain activity during sleep. They attach a special machine to sleeping patients. This machine ___87___ brain waves.

Scientists found that there are several stages of sleep. During one stage of sleep, called REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep; our Drams can be as active as they are when we are awake. we ___88___ have three to five periods(片段)of REM sleep per night. This is when we have most of our dreams.

Surprisingly, scientists don't know exactly ___89___ we sleep. However, they have some good ideas. Many people think that sleeping gives our body a "time-out" so it can repair and build itself. Some chemicals that make you grow are released when you sleep. Other chemicals that help you fight disease are also more active when you rest.

Sleeping may also be important for ___90___. Some studies show that people remember things better after they "sleep on it." In most cases, you wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed. That is, unless you've had a terrible dream.___91___, your heart may still be pounding (砰砰跳) from a nightmare(恶梦)

85. A) warm B) heavy C) narrow


86. A) look forward B) pay attention C) do harm

D) give response

87. A) records B) attracts C) causes

D) requires

88. A) hardly B) nearly C) usually

D) especially

89. A) how B)why C) where


90. A) driving B) writing C) learning

D) playing

91. A) At most B) At last C) In addition

D) In fact

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert. It's famous not only for its 6pals (猫眼石), but also for a very unusual r 92 —the people live and work underground.

Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the boiling hot days and f 93 cold nights—daytime temperatures can rise to 50 *C or more and on a cold night the thermometer can hit zero. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer to the unfavourable climate. In the underground homes, the-temperature is always a very pleasant 19*C to 24"C. But that's not the only a 94 the people there don't need to pay builders if they want to build a home or make any changes.

You would be very surprised to see how well people manage to live underground. They have fitted kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes e 95 spas(温泉). "People are wrong about this place," says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. "They think it's impossible to live here and that we're like primitive (原始的) cave people, but that's not t 96 . When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, there was no electricity or running water. Life was very difficult and many people decided to leave. But now, things have c 97 a lot and we're very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!"

Abigail and Brian Tynan left their large house in Melbourne two years ago to live in an underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my underground home," remembers Brian. "It was like a cave. It took us about a year to turn it into a cosy home, but we've settled in now and I'd rather live here than a 98 the ground. It's my choice and I really enjoy it."


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)

My mother often asked me, "What is the most important part of the body?" Through the years I would guess at what I thought was the correct answer.

When I was younger, I thought light was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ___85___, Mommy."

She said, "No, many people are blind. But you ____86____ thinking about it and I will ask you again soon."

Then last year, my grandpa ___87____. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. My mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final goodbye to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you

know the most important body part yet, my dear?"

I was shocked ___88___ she asked me this at that time. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the confusion on my face and told me, "this question is very important. It shows that you have ___89____ lived your life. " I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder(肩膀)."

I asked, "Is it because it hold up your head?"

She replied. "No, it is because it can holed the head of a friend or loved one when they ___90____. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and ____91____ that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it."

85. A. ears B. eyes C. head D. body

86. A. feel B. stop C. forget D. keep

87. A. came B. worried C. died D. disappionted

88. A. if B. when C. before D. unless

89. A. really B. easily C. carefully D. escapecially

90. A. sleep B. think C. laugh D. cry

91. A. visitor B. classmates C. friends D. teachers

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格呢填入合适的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出):(14分)

Americans love cars. They go e 92 in them. 85% of people in the US go to and from work by car. And most adults have driving licenses. Why does this car culture exist(存在)?How it started

America's love of cars started after the war when soldiers returned home from World War II to rebuild their lives. They borrowed money from the government to buy houses and cars. They became the s 93 of importance. The more money they had, the bigger their cars were. Making of roads

During the war, President Eisenhower noticed what good roads Germany had. He decided to build new fou-lane roads in America. He said if something happened suddenly, the two-lane roads wouldn't allow all the cars to l 94 the places quickly. Car and oil companies liked his idea and building started.

Car lovers

Not just teenagers are c 95 about cars. Some Americans love their cars so much that they paint their cars b 96 . These are called Art Cars. Every April there is an activity in Houston, Texas, where they show their cars.


Cars have polluted the environment. American President Bush refused a worldwide law that is a 97 pollution. Many countries were angry about it. Bush said he had to think of the American economy(经济)and all the American people that make money from cars. People in factories say they want to make cars that pollute less. But o 98 say making cars that pollute less will never be as good as having fewer cars.


C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage

Saving the environment is actually quite simple, when you come to think about it.

It does not have to be a complex___85___. If you and everyone follow these tips, you are helping save the environment friendly.

Switch off the light when you leave the room. By now you have probably wasted thousands of watts lightning you room ___86___ you weren’t there. If you work on a Home office, this habit is not only bad for the environment, but also for your pocket.

Turn off the computer when possible. If you know that you will be ___87___ for hours or more, however, turning it off could result in large saving over the long run.

Print only when necessary. Sure, reading on paper might be more ___88___, but you should avoid print those two-line e-mails every time, Read it on the screen and print only necessary document. Remember also to use ___89____ sides of the sheet.

Use fluorescent lamps. (荧光灯). The fluorescent lamps may ___90____ more in the stores, but within the time you use one ,you should have already recovered the investment. A normal incandescent light bulb lasts 750 hours but a fluorescent will gave off the same amount of light yet last for 75000 to 10000 hours with 1/3 of the wattage.

Use low lush toilets. In your household, 40% of the pure water is flushed down the toilet. You can ___91___this simple way at home; use small plastic bottles, filled with water or stones to displace the amount of water in toilets, This will makes it a low flush toilet or you can use a displacement bag in your tank, which might save you 1-2 gallons per flush.

84. A promise B process C product D progress

86. A while B before C after D since

87. A off B in C far D away

88. A careful B cheerful C comfortable D changeable

89. A all B some C both D either

90. A cast B take C spend D buy

91. A arrange B try C find D invent

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Anger is a common and healthy human emotion, But when it get out of control, It can c______ problems: problems at work, in your personal relationships and in your family life, Everybody gets angry sometimes. Although being angry is a familiar situation, what you do when you feel angry is important. This is d_______ for kids and even for adults, too.

These ideas may calm you down and help solve the problem which is troubling you. First, exercise can be good for people who are trying to get their tempers u______ control because it’s a method of releasing energy and stress. For example, you will feel good to dance around your room with your favorite music! Second, get into the h______ of saying how you’re feeling and why. If you are having trouble with your temper, talk with your parents or friends and tell them what you are trying to do . Words help you show your feelings and r_____ understanding from others. Third, breathe deeply and repeat a calm word or phrase s______, such as relax or take it easy to yourself while breathing. Besides, you’d better think of people and things you are thankful for because you can’t be truly angry and thankful as the same time.

Anger is never an excuse to give up your work or influence the people around you .,Remember: life will always be filled with p______, frustrated and some other unexpected actions. You can’t change that, but you can change your way to face the events that affect you. Learning to control your angry responses can help you stay away from being even unhappier.


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成

短文): (14分)

If you get pocket money by babysitting or doing yard work for a neighbor, then

you probably know a thing or two about managing money. 85 , when you’ve

worked that hard, you don’t want to spend it all on candy.

Using your money in the right way or 86 some for the future is important.

Once you grow up, your success might 87 how well you manage your money.

It’s easier to start these good 88 when you’re young. Meghan Coyle is a

12-year-old business girl. She has made more than $320 in two years by walking dogs after school.

“I’ve been a dog-walker for two years and it’s been a lot of 89 . I really enjoyed it. My mom never gave me pocket money, so I had to make money in some other way. Lots of kids don’t realize how hard it can be to have a job. It can be hard to keep customers happy. There are some days when it’s raining and I would rather be somewhere else, but I still go out with a dog,” Coyle said. “Start a business that interests you. First, you have to advertise. The90 and safest way is to talk with neighbors and family friends. After you have the customers, keep your customers happy! Send cards that you make by yourself to them on holidays. That always surprises them. Always be willing to do more than they ask. On holidays, give your customers coupons (优惠券) 91 they will keep coming back to you for your service or products.”

Is it a good idea to do some work to make pocket money? Now think about it and start your own business!

85. A) After all B) For example C) In return D) At most

86. A) wasting B) saving C) borrowing D) spending

87. A) take up B) depend on C) turn into D) lead to

88. A) activities B) hobbies C) exercises D) habits

89. A) pain B) fun C) surprise D) trouble

90. A) luckiest B) loudest C) easiest D) latest

91. A) as soon as B) so that C) now that D) unless

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (14分)

I was in New York and rode with a friend in a taxi. When we got out, my friend said to the driver, “Thank you. You did a good job of driving.”

The driver was surprised for a second.

“I admire the way you keep cool in h 92 traffic,” my friend said. “Thank you,” the driver said and drove off.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“I am trying to bring l 93 back to New York,” he said. “I believe it can save the city.”

“How can one man save New York?”

“It’s not one man. S 94 the driver has 20 passengers. He’s going to be nice to those 20 people because someone was nice to him. Those people in turn will be kinder to their employees (雇员), or shopkeepers, or waiters, or their own families. At last the goodwill could s 95 to at least 1,000 people. If I can make three people happy, then finally I can change the attitudes (态度) of 3,000 people.”

“It sounds good,” I said, “but I’m not sure whether it would work in practice.”

“Nothing is lost if it doesn’t. It didn’t take a 96 of my time or money to tell that man he was doing a good job. I have made a study of this. The thing that seems to be lacking (缺乏) for the postal employees is that no one tells the people who work for the post office what a good job they’re doing,” he said.

“B 97 they’re not doing a good job,” I said.

“They’re not doing a good job because they feel n obody cares whether they do a good job or not. Why not say a kind word to them? When those people hear my words, they will feel better. The city will benefit from their h 98 . If more people join me, the city will become a better place,” he said.

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 首字母填空类短文题是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象很严重。 主观型首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让我们根据短文的意思把单词拼写完整,使文章连贯。学生们在通读全文、掌握大意的前提下,采用先易后难,再逐项填空的应试策略。做题时要通过字里行间来捕捉信息,既要理清逻辑,又要综合考虑,最后通过复读全文来消除疏漏。给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。下面就讲一讲做这类题的方法与技巧: 1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形填空一样,首先要通读短文,了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成,只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过。因此,在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。 2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词 在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。 3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲技巧 再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。 4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形 做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。从实际中看,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,但是,问题往往出现在单词的形式变化上。比如填q ,要求填写quickly ,而多数考生只知道填写quick ,忽略了词性问题。因此,深思熟虑很重要。 通过以上对首字母填空类型题的讲解,同学们一定对这类题型有了更多的了解,掌握了此类题的考点和做题的技巧后,给同学们准备了以下的练习题,请同学们及时巩固学习内容。

2015年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A) A dog. B) A cat. C) A rabbit. D) A bird. 8. A) In France. B) In Britain. C) In Italy. D) In Germany. 9. A) At 6:30. B) At 7:00. C) At 7:30. D) At 8:00. 10. A) Sam. B) Judy. C) Kitty. D) Eddie. 11. A) Spring. B) Summer. C) Autumn. D) Winter. 12. A) Because a huge dog ran after her. B) Because she had a terrible dream. C) Because her dad woke her up. D) Because the street was too dark. 13. A) Walking to his office. B) Looking for a flat. C) Taking some pictures. D) Decorating his bedroom. 14. A) How to make movies. B) How to read novels. C) How to learn English. D) How to talk with foreigners. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. The boy went to a store to choose a mobile phone for his mum. 16. With the help of the shop assistant, the boy knew how the phone worked. 17. The price of the white phone was too high for the boy. 18. The white phone couldn’t be used to send emails or play games.

上海市2019年中考英语二模汇编:完形填空 宝山 Kids love to run here, there and everywhere. But as we age, we seem to lose the enjoyment of running. This popular form of exercise,though,offers great benefits (好处)to everyone. It helps with weight control, and it (75)__________ the effects of aging. It helps us relax and increases confidence. Running keeps the heart healthy and muscles and bones strong. It reduces the risk of heart disease. There are other benefits linked to running besides those related to (与有关)(76)__________. You can run almost anywhere: you don't need a gym membership or expensive equipment. For that reason and others, running is a favourite form of exercise for many people. If you want to run, how can you get started? It is not (77) __________to start exercising when you're not feeling well. If you haven't exercised in a while, you should check with your doctor. He or she will let you know if you're healthy enough to begin a new exercise routine. If your doctor says OK, you're ready to go! What’s next? Choose a good pair of running shoes. They don't need to be expensive; they just need to give your feet good support. Find a running (78)__________. On days that you don't feel like exercising, he or she can help encourage you. If you can't find anyone who enjoys running, take your dog along. It is always ready to go outside, and the exercise makes it healthier too. Practice safety first. Be aware of the traffic and run facing the cars coming toward you. Don't wear headphones while running outside. They prevent you from hearing cars,stray dogs, etc. Be sure to carry identification(身份证明),and wear (79)__________clothing in order to be seen easily. If you're ready to start, why not take part in is the next “Let's Run"? The event is a fundraiser (资金筹集活动)that benefits children and parents in need. It's a great way to experience the joy of running (80) __________giving a helping hand to the poor. 75. A. improves B. increases C. delays D. changes 76. A. enjoyment B. health C. energy D. wealth 77. A. special B. fair C. dangerous D. wise 78. A. neighbor B. assistant C. passenger D. partner 79. A. tight B. thick C. bright D. clean 80. A. for B. while C. if D. though 崇明 If you are reading this article in class, you are probably trying to read it quickly. You have been taught to skim and scan, to ___75___key words so as to understand the main idea of the article and the important points in the article. Skimming and scanning is a good method when you are pressed for time, such as when you are taking an exam, but, today, many people skim and scan everything and they have___76___the ability to enjoy reading. In response to this, something called the “slow reading movement” has become popular. The idea is that people should ___77___ their computers and mobile phones for half an hour or forty- five minutes each day and enjoy reading a good book – slowly! In many cities there are even slow reading clubs where members go to a safe, not to discuss books, but to sit quietly with each other, drink coffee and just read. Reading, of course, isn’t easy. You have to sit still, for one thing. And it can seem ___78___ when compared to the excitement of playing video games. But, for me, reading has been a long0lasting ___79___ in my life. From the age of ten, when I got my first library card, I’ve enjoyed the company of pirates and heroes, of evil criminals and

模块十九:首字母填空 一、首字母填空解题技巧 首字母填空是阅读体中的一个重点和难点,但是只要掌握良好的解题技巧,静下心来认真对待,细心捉摸就一定能攻克这一堡垒。在做这道题是一般应该把握好如下步骤: 1、通读全文,理解短文大意,判断需填选项的词性,同时将一眼能够得出的答案迅速填上。 2、在理解作者的写作意图上进行换位思考,把自己想象成作者去努力使文章完整、通顺。对于一下子拿不定主意的空项要及时跳过,而不能在上面纠缠,因为往往后面的内容会给予更好的提示。 3、进一步阅读全文,力求整篇文章完整通顺,且符合情理,否则宁缺勿乱。 4、检查每一个答案的正确性,包括名词的数、动词的时态、形容词和副词的准确运用等等。 二、例题分析: A The earth moves round the s 1 . When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is d 2 .When our part of th e earth turns a 3 from the sun, it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it is much n 4 to the earth.The sun is very bright. It gives very strong l 5 . The moon looks quite bright, but it d 6 give any light at all. The light from the moon comes f 7 the sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter t 8 the stars. But in fact the stars are a lot bigger and brighter than the m9 . They look smaller than the moon because they are f 10 away from the earth. 【解题指导】 本文是一篇科普文章。第一段说明了地球因自转而产生昼夜交替。第二、四两段说明了人们观看月亮、太阳和星星时发生的近大远小的视觉现象,第三段说明了太阳与月亮发光与反光的特征。本文每一个考点都是对天文知识的考查。因此,没有一定的天文常识,则不易读懂本文,更不用说解题了。近年来,中考完形填空的题材趋于多样化。人物、科普、史地、故事、政治、经济、风土人情,均为选材范围,这就要求考生知识广博、视野开阔、广泛涉猎。 63 / 1 【答案及简析】 1. sun. 地球围绕太阳运转是天文常识。 2. day. 地球面对太阳的半个球面是白天。 3. away. turn away from意为“背离”。地球上背对太阳的一面是夜晚。 4. nearer. much 后接比较级。和太阳比起来月亮离地球近多了。 5. light. give light意为“发光”。太阳是发光体。 6. doesn't. 月亮不发光。 7. from. 月亮反射太阳的光,人们所看到的月亮的光来自于太阳。

2012年宝山(嘉定)区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Sleep is not the same every night. We experience some deep sleep and some active sleep(积极 睡眠), which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking(梦游) would happen in active sleep, but a person isn't physically active d 86 active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave(慢波)or deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers a 87 walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' e 88 are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend(往往会) to go back to bed on their own and they won't r 89 it in the morning. Doctors say sleepwalking sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting e 90 sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional(偶然的) sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, a 91 " it may look funny or even scary (惊恐的) for the people who see a sleepwalker in action. It's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施) should be t 92 so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking. 长宁区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Everyone needs sleep. In fact, all living things need sleep. Having a sound and good rest m_____86_____ us healthy. It is believed that our brain develops best during sleep. It helps all our systems work well w_____87_____ we are awake. Sleep allows our brain to reorganize all events during the day and will improve our memory development. For a student, eight to ten hours of sleep is required to give him or her e_____88_____ for the following day. A good sleep allows them to grow physically and mentally (心理上). With e_____89_____ sleep at night, students would be able to wake up early and be ready for school activities. They will be able to listen carefully in class and would have the ability to memorize the things that they learn and r_____90_____ them in the future. Eight hours of sleep makes students active t_____91_____ the whole day at school. They would be able to perform well in class, take down notes and finish their homework. When they have slept well, they can e_____92_____ understand their lessons. Good sleep prepares them well for the challenges (挑战) at school, from paperwork to sports. They will be ready to solve difficult tasks that require mental ability and skills.

2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.

【英语】英语中考英语完形填空(word) 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me even though they are very 1 . When I 2 to Canada, I couldn't even order food on the flight. After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first 3 card. My mark in English was 65. I was very 4 . I couldn't 5 what would be said at the parent-teacher interview. "Hello!" Mrs. Franceschini welcomed my parents. "Richard just came to Canada a few months ago. I am amazed at how his English has 6 so fast," she said. "On his first day, he was very shy and only used 7 words. Now he can answer and ask questions by us in whole sentences." 8 many other Chinese parents, my mom asked if she could give me extra homework. "Don't worry. Richard is already working very hard," Mrs. Franceschini laughed. Then she shook my hand. "Richard, you did a good job. I am 9 of you!" she said. Back in Shanghai, my teacher Miss Li was very 10 . In a test, my average(平均分)was 97, top of the class. I was proud to take parents 11 the interview. Miss Li told my parents, "Feng Yu is doing pretty well. But because of his 12 , he lost 3 points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school." I thought she was being 13 to me. But when I was about to leave, I realized Miss Li was ver nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mials address were on the card. "Feng Yu, you re my best student. I 14 you a successful life," she wrote. "If you want to talk or need any help, I am always here for you." Miss Li and Mrs. Franceschini are both great teachers, just in different ways. One built up my learning abilities. 15 gave me tons of confidence and made learning enjoyable. I'm proud to have had them as my teachers. 1. A. kind B. strict C. similar D. different 2. A. moved B. arrived C. reached D. visited 3. A. birthday B. green C. report D. ID 4. A. satisfied B. upset C. serious D. careful 5. A. imagine B. tell C. wonder D. doubt 6. A. changed B. improved C. spoken D. increased 7. A. long B. popular C. simple D. complete 8. A. With B. Except C. Against D. Like 9. A. proud B. certain C. afraid D. free 10. A. patient B. strict C. friendly D. hard-working 11. A. in B. off C. to D. up 12. A. method B. action C. habit D. carelessness

-1- My husband and I are very lucky. We have close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people. Our first friend Greta is an a____1____. We see her when she isn’t making a movie in Hollywood. When we meet her, she always tells us about her l____2____ in Hollywood as a movie star. Greta is our very close friend. We like her very much. Our second friend Dan is a scientist. We see him when he isn’t busy in his lab. When we get together with hi, he always tells us about his new e____3____. Bob and Carol are also our friends. They are famous newspaper r____4____. Bob is 46 years old and Carol is 50 years old. We see them when they aren’t travelling around the world. However, we don't see Greta, Dan, Bob, and Carol very often. In f____5____, we seldom see them b____6____ they’re usually so busy. But we think about them a____7____ the time. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -2- My favorite shop is c____1____ “Model World”. It is located on the second f____2____ of Happy Plaza. It is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. “Model World”s____3____ all kinds of models. It has model soldiers, cars, boats, planes, space rockets and even dinosaurs. It has models for people of all age. The shop assistants at “Model World”are very nice. They are quite interested in making models t____4____. They will give you useful a____5____ and they are pleased to answer all of your questions. The prices there are neither very cheap nor e____6____. My best buy was a model of a helicopter. It cost me $240, but it had over 400 pieces. It was really f____7____ to make models. If you are interested in models, you should visit this shop. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -3- People began making clocks over 500 years ago. The first clocks had o____1____ one hand — the hour hand. The minute hand appeared at a later time. The first clocks were big and heavy. Some rich people had servants to c____2____ their clocks. Time p____3____ and clocks became smaller. Clockmakers were able to make smaller parts for clocks and the sizes were reduced. Bells became a p____4____ of some large clocks in cities and towns. They were for people unable to s____5____ the clock. Some clocks were put in large towers. Many of these clocks s____6____ exist today in Europe. Some of them are 400 to 500 years old. Big Ben in London is a very famous tower clock. The first alarm clocks were used by monks(僧人) to w____7____ them for prayers(祈祷). Today many clocks even alarm clocks are electric. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -4- Early men did not have clocks. They told time by the sun and the shadows of trees. Then, they placed sticks in the ground instead of t_____1_____. They made marks on the ground, and the s_____2_____ from the sticks told the time of day. Later, men began to use sundials(日晷). But sundials

(1) Energy and the environment We are beginning to understand that we must take of our environment. We need energy to run our cars, keep our houses w___1___ in winter and make machines w___2__. But when we produce energy, we usually produce waste and this pollutes the air. We create a lot of air pollution by burning o__3__ for our cars or by using coal to make electricity. This air pollution damages tresses, and also makes the world m____4____ hotter. Some other ways of making energy do not produce wastes. We can use rivers to make power; We can t___5___ the light from the sun into electricity and we can make use of the wind by building windmills (风车). F____6___ the time being, most of these sources of energy only produce a small part of the electricity we need. Many countries now have nuclear power (核能) stations. These can produce large amounts of power, h____7___, they create dangerous waste. There have also been some very serious accidents. 1.________ 2._______ 3.________ 4. ________ 5._________ 6._______ 7.________ (2) When I was a child, I like people with blue eyes. I had a few dolls, and I a___1___ made their eyes blue. I was really very happy with my dolls with blue eyes. Time went q____2___. Soon I was not a child any more. I finished my studies when I was 20. I liked to drive my father’s old car. Once I went to a town nearby. I was busy that day and p____3___ my car near the office. In a few minutes I came back and a young policeman was waiting for me n___4___ my car. I was not h___5__to see him because I knew I had parked badly. I gave him a few pounds for the fine and just then I saw his beautiful blue eyes. I said to him, “Your eyes are so nice.” He smiled and said good-bye to me. In the evening the blue-eyed policeman telephoned me. The next day we went to the cinema. And what else? My story has a happy e____6__. We married and we now live happily t___7____.

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