当前位置:文档之家› 高二上学期英语期中考试试卷第12套真题




1. 阅读理解

Have you ever been to Taiwan, China’sbiggest island? Do you want to pay a visit there? We’ll show you the best ofT aiwan island.

A four-day tour

Price: Only ¥5,000

Including: Round –trip planetickets between Beijing and Taiwan. Bus service around Taiwan. Great tourguide service.


▲Sun Moon Lake

Abeautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake lookslike the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. That is whypeople call it the Sun Moon Lake.

▲Ali Mountain

Thenearest mountain around the Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a partywith Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.

▲Peng Lake

Agreat place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit andfresh fish.

▲Gao Xiong

Agreat place to spend a full day shopping.

Office hours: Monday — Friday:9:00 am — 7:00 pm

Saturday:9:00am — 4:00 pm


Bookby phone now for next month.

(1)This passage is written to .

A . show you the best of Taiwan

B . tell you something about Taiwan

C . attract more people to visit Taiwan

D . describe how beautiful Taiwan is (2)Which is not included in the price for the tour?

A . Plane tickets.

B . Bus service.

C . Guide service.

D . Hotel.

(3)Where can you have a good time with the local people?

A . Sun Moon Lake

B . Ali Mountain

C . Peng Lake

D . Gao Xiong

2. 阅读理解

A driver stopped his car ona street side to have a rest. As he lay down in the seat and closed his eyes, aman came up and knocked at the window to ask the time. The driver opened hiseyes and looked at his watch. “It’s 8 a. m.” he said. Then he went tosleep again.

But soon he woke up becausea second person was knocking at the window. “Sir, do you have thetime?” he asked. The driver looked at his watch again, and told the man itwas 8: 30 a. m.

At this rate , he could not have a good rest, so he wrote a short note and put it up on the window for all to see. It said, “Idon’t have the time.”

Again the man lay down inthe seat for his sleep. A few minutes later, a third person came along andbegan knocking at the window. “Hey, sir,” he said. “It’s aquarter to nine.”

(1)The driver stopped his car because he .

A . didn’t know the time

B . lost his watch

C . saw his friend

D . was very tired

(2)He was woken up again by the second person .

A . a few minutes later

B . half an hour later

C . forty-five minutes later

D . the next morning

(3)The driver after he put up the note on the window.

A . had a very good rest

B . was woken up again very soon

C . really forgot the time

D . made a phone call to the third person

(4)The third person came to knock at the window to .

A . ask the time

B . have a sleep

C . tell him the time

D . ask for help

3. 阅读理解

Here is a story telling anAmerican general who was a very importantfigure in the American army during the First World War. Everybody in the UntiedStates knew him and many people wished to have a picture or something of his intheir homes.

Soon after the war thegeneral returned to Washington. One day he went to a dentist and had six teeth pulled out. A week later the general heardthat his teeth were being sold in curiosity shops at $5 each. On each of the teeth there was a label with the name of the general and words, “Buy these teeth

andshow them to your friends at home.” The general got angry. He rushed to hisoffice and ordered six officers to go around the city and buy all his teeth.

The officers went out andvisited every curiosity shop in the capital. They were away from the office allday. In the evening they returned and put on the table in front of the generalthe teeth they had bought. They had collected 175 teeth.

(1)The general’s teeth were sold in .

A . the museum

B . the special shops selling some rare and interesting things

C . the department store

D . the hospital

(2)In the evening, the officers went back with all the teeth which cost .

A . $785

B . $1, 050

C . $157

D . $875

(3)The general felt when he heard his teeth were sold.

A . happy

B . excited

C . sad

D . angry

(4)The general ordered his men to .

A . look for his teeth and buy all of them

B . arrest the dentist at once

C . make all the shops stop selling teeth

D . buy all the teeth in all the shops

4. 阅读理解

Don’t drive your kids toschool. Let them ride a bike to school.

In England 8.3 millionchildren travel to school every day. It is reported that only a small number ofpupils cycle to school , although one in three children wouldactually like to.

Experts say that to stayhealthy, children need at least one hour of moderate exercise every day. But only six out of ten boys and four out often

girls get that. One of the reasons is that parents have developed a habitof driving their children to school when they could just walk or ride a bike toschool.

Teachers often say thatchildren who walk or ride a bike to school are more ready to listen to theirclasses, ask and answer questions in class than those driven by car, and theschool journey is a good chance for children to learn about road safety andother life skills. Also, for many children, riding a bike is more fun thangoing to school by car.

Most parents know thebenefits. Then what’s stopping them from letting their kids ride a bike? Safetyis the number one worry for them. But actually riding a bike is not asdangerous as parents think it is.

When you decide to buy abike, you should be aware that a bike that is toobig or too small is dangerous. Don’t try to get a bike that you r child will “growinto”. Get the right size in good working order. Generally, 20- inchwheels are on bikes for 5-8 year old; 24 -inch wheels are for 9-11 year old; 26-inch wheels are suitable for those over 11, and some older children shouldeven take bikes with 28 -inch wheels, but the main thing is that the bike fitsyour child.

(1)This passage is mainly written for .

A . teachers whose students have asked their parents to drive them to school

B . children who have asked their parents to drive them to school

C . parents who drive their children to school

D . parents who drive to work (2)Which of the following benefits of cycling to school is NOT mentioned

in the passage?

A . It will help children keep healthy.

B . It will make children more active in class.

C . It will make children feel freer.

D . It will be more fun for children.

(3)Pa rents don’t allow their children to ride a bike to school mainly because .

A . their children don’t want to

B . they are worried about their children’s safety

C . they don’t know what size bike to choose

D . they haven’t enough money to buy a bike

(4)Generall y, what size bike is suitable for a 10-year-old child?

A . A bike with 20-inch wheels.

B . A bike with 24-inch wheels.

C . A bike with 26-inch wheels.

D . A bike with 28-inch wheels


5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。

Successful people not onlyhave healthy morning habits, but also know how to finish off their day right.And they all have particular habits.

Read a book. ________They all know the importance of educatingthemselves every single day in order to achieve better results in theirprofessional and personal lives. Reading will make you more likely to succeed.

Organize the following day.Having a well-written plan can really benefit the tasks you have set for theday. It is really difficult to remember all the things you need to do. ________Successful people know the importance of

awell-planned day. So before you go to bed, write down your 3 most importantgoals for tomorrow.

Spend time with family.Life is not all about work. We all need to enjoy ourselves and spend qualitytime with the people we love. ________Going for a walk, playing a game with yourkids or just enjoying a movie night, can all be really great exercises tostrengthen your close relationships.

Get a workout. ________I am sure you have heard this many times, butexercise can really benefit your body, mind, and build your self-confidence tohelp you keep a healthy lifestyle.

________If you like getting things done in theevening, this could be the best time of your day to work on some art. Bycreating something artistic, you might even discover some hidden talents.

A. Create your art at night.

B. It is useful for improvingyour thinking.

C. Many successful people readevery day.

D. We must create somethingmeaningful.

E. So why not write them alldown in a journal?

F. Successful people know howto make time for their family.

G. After a tiring day, it isimportant for you to go out and get your body moving.


6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A little boy almost thoughtof himself as the most unlucky child in the world because a disease made hisleg lame . He1played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always2his head without a word.

One3the boy’s father asked forsome young trees from the neighbor. He wanted the4to plant a young tree eachperson in front of the house. The father said, “Whose young tree grows best, Iwill buy him or her a favorite 5.” Seeing his brothers andsisters watering the trees, however, the boy had an idea. He hoped that thetree he planted would 6soon. So, after watering it once or twice, henever 7it.

A few days later, when thelittle boy went to see his tree again, he was 8to find that it didn’t fadebut grew some fresh leaves. 9the trees of his brothers and sisters, histree was even greener. His father kept his 10, bought the little boy hisfavorite gift and said that from the tree he planted, he would become anoutstanding 11when he grew up.

Since then, the little boyslowly became12. One night, he lay on thebed but could not sleep. Then he got up and came to the 13. To his surprise, his 14was splashing something onto his tree. 15he understood —his father had been16fertilizing his small tree!

He returned to his room, 17running down. 18passed. The little boy didn’t become abotanist , but he was electedPresident of the United States.

His name was FranklinRoosevelt. Love is the 19nourishment of life. 20it is just a drop of clear water, it can stillhelp the tree of life thrive .

(1)A . bravelyB . seldomC . freelyD . always(2)A . raisedB . noddedC . loweredD . knocked(3)A . springB . momentC . minuteD . week(4)A . neighborsB . friendsC . childrenD . boys(5)A . young treeB . treeC . giftD . toy (6)A . dieB . growC . breakD . survive(7)A . ran afterB . looked afterC . belonged toD . listened to(8)A . pleasedB . upsetC . worriedD . surprised(9)A . Compared withB . Similar toC . Connected toD . Popular with(10)A . requestB . scheduleC . promiseD . secret(11)A . presidentB . botanistC . artistD . researcher(12)A . cleverB . angryC . optimisticD . foolish(13)A . fieldB . courtyardC . parkD . farm(14)A . brotherB . sisterC . fatherD . neighbor(15)A . suddenlyB . For a momentC . In timeD . From then on(16)A . busilyB . heavilyC . angrilyD . secretly(17)A . waterB . tearsC . sweatD . rain(18)A . HoursB . MonthsC . DecadesD . Centuries(19)A . lastB . onlyC . leastD . best (20)A . Even ifB . Now thatC . If onlyD . What if四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Life in high school is busybecause of the goal —College Entrance Examination. Many people say that duringthese three years there is nothing ________ except boring study and endlessexercises.________, as a high school student,I can’t agree with them. Personally, I live ________enjoyable and exciting lifein high school. Without doubt study is so important that I must devote ________ to it. Althoughsometimes study may make me discouraged or even crazy, I still can enjoy mylife. I can also get a sense of satisfaction when I

make progress in my study.In high school my friends bring much ________ to me and I ________ by my parentswhen I want to give up. They are the persons who grow with me. Besides,________ in high schoolcare much about us students both in study ________in life, and classmates arealways kind to each other. We build deep friendship together. All of these makeup my enjoyable life in high school, ________I will value forever. Last,I really hope ________ a chance to study ina key university.


8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






As Christmas is coming, Iplan to buy something for my parents. What I want to give back is a VIP cardfor a health club but neither of them is doing enough exercise. My father workshardly as a teacher, spent most of his time at school. My mother loves readingand often bury herself in her books. Therefore, all of them should exercisemore from now on. I want to give them this card to express my love and thanksfor them. I hope that they will be able to get relaxing in the health club andmake more friends here. At the same time, I

hope that they can take care theirhealth.


9. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点写封建议信。






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