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China’s Dream; the Chinese Dream


China’s Spirit; the Spirit of China; China’s character; China’s soul把权力关进制度的笼子

keep power in the cage of systemic checks; Power should be placedunder close oversight/checks.


Power should be covered withantisepticand be kept in a straitjacket;Power should be insulated from corruption.


Getting things done is more important thanshouting/yelling; Don’tjust

shout/yell. Roll up sleeves and get things done!


Only the wearer knows whether his shoes fit.


One should not stick his head in the past when his body is already inthe 21st Century.


Governing a big country is as delicate as frying a small fish; A bigcountry should be governed with the same care of frying a small fish.空谈误国,实干兴邦。

Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical work willmake it thrive.



In fighting corrupting, we should go after both tigers and flies, that is,both the high and low-ranking officials who have benefited from graft.敢于担当。

One should face up to his responsibility.


The iron must be of good quality to be hammered/struck into a tool.物必先腐,而后虫生。

Worms can only grow in something that is already.


If you fall behind, you will be bullied. Only by developing yourself canyou thrive.


build positive energy to promote reform


The Communist Party of China should be open/receptive/responsiveto sharp criticism.



Step onto the stone and you should leave your footprint on it; clutcha piece of iron and you should leave your handprint on it. This meansone should take forceful steps and deliver tangible results.


In learning about China, one should avoid making the mistake of theblind men who tried to learn about the elephant by feeling/touching it.领导者要有如履薄冰、如临深渊的自觉。

A leader/leading official should exercise his responsibility with

utmostcare/caution as if he were walking/treading on thin ice or standing onthe edge of an abyss/cliff.


We must not slacken our efforts or be negligent of duty in the slightestway.


We should fully dedicate ourselves to our work/duty/mission.我们要忠诚于宪法,忠实于人民。

We should abide by the Constitution and be loyal to the people.以民之所望为施政所向。

We should follow people’s wishes in exercising governance.


We will take it as our scared mission to realize people’s aspiration fora better life.


When/where the government takes on a misplaced role, we shouldreturn the hand misplace on the government to the market.这是削权,会很痛,甚至有割腕的感觉,但是我们要有壮士断腕的决心。

Thismeans cutting one’s power, which is quite painful, like cuttingone’s own arm. But we should have the resolve to do so. / But we aredetermined to make such sacrifice.



This will push through the society’s moral and psychological limit.己正才能正人。

Only when one is upright himself can he ask others to be upright.为官发财,应当两道。

Holding government/public office and making money should be keptseparate. You cannot have it both ways.


To ensure that the people lead a good life, the government shouldtighten

belt/practice frugality/practice austerity/practice economyfirst.


In pursuing reform, we have entereduncharted/deep waters. But wemust wade through these waters no matter how deep they are.现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。

Taking away some of their vested interests is more difficult thanchallenging their way of thinking.


We need to upgrade China’s economy.


We should put in place an action forcing mechanism to make bothbusinesses and the government live up to their responsibilities.行大道,民为本,利天下。

Followthefundamentaltruth,workforpublicgood/putpeople’sinterests first and bring benefits to all the people


1 Unit5元素周期表 As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed 随着我们对原子的描述越来越详尽,我们发现我们陷入了进退两难之境。有超过100多中元素要处理,我们怎么能记的住所有的信息?有一种方法就是使用元素周期表。这个周期表包含元素的所有信息。它记录了元素中所含的质子数和电子数,它能让我们算出大多数元素的同位素的中子数。它甚至有各个元素原子的电子怎么排列。最神奇的是,周期表是在人们不知道原子中存在质子、中子和电子的情况下发明的。Not long after Dalton presented his model for atom( )在道尔顿提出他的原子模型(原子是是一个不可分割的粒子,其质量决定了它的身份)不久,化学家门开始根据原子的质量将原子列表。在制定像这些元素表时候,他们观察到在元素中的格局分布。例如,人们可以清楚的看到在具体间隔的元素有着相似的性质。在当时知道的大约60种元素中,第二个和第九个表现出相似的性质,第三个和第十个,第四个和第十一个等都具有相似的性质。 In 1869,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,a Russian chemist, 在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ,一个俄罗斯的化学家,发表了他的元素周期表。Mendeleev通过考虑原子重量和元素的某些特性的周期性准备了他的周期表。这些元素的排列顺序先是按原子质量的增加,,一些情况中, Mendeleev把稍微重写的元素放在轻的那个前面.他这样做只是为了同一列中的元素能具有相似的性质.例如,他把碲(原子质量为128)防在碘(原子质量为127)前面因为碲性质上和硫磺和硒相似, 而碘和氯和溴相似. Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table.Instead of Mendeleev在他的周期表中留下了一些空白。他非但没有将那些空白看成是缺憾,反而大胆的预测还存在着仍未被发现的元素。更进一步,他甚至预测出那些一些缺失元素的性质出来。在接下来的几年里,随着新元素的发现,里面的许多空格都被填满。这些性质也和Mendeleev所预测的极为接近。这巨大创新的预计值导致了Mendeleev的周期表为人们所接受。 It is known that properties of an element depend mainly on the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of the atoms of the element. 我们现在所知道的元素的性质主要取决于元素原子最外层能量能级的电子数。钠原子最外层能量能级(第三层)有一个电子,锂原子最外层能量能级(第二层)有一个电子。钠和锂的化学性质相似。氦原子和氖原子外层能级上是满的,这两种都是惰性气体,也就是他们不容易进行化学反应。很明显,有着相同电子结构(电子分布)的元素的不仅有着相似的化学性质,而且某些结构也表现比其他元素稳定(不那么活泼) In Mendeleev’s table,the elements were arranged by atomic weights for 在Mendeleev的表中,元素大部分是按照原子数来排列的,这个排列揭示了化学性质的周期性。因为电子数决定元素的化学性质,电子数也应该(现在也确实)决定周期表的顺序。在现代的周期表中,元素是根据原子质量来排列的。记住,这个数字表示了在元素的中性原子中的质子数和电子数。现在的周期表是按照原子数的递增排列,Mendeleev的周期表是按照原子质量的递增排列,彼此平行是由于原子量的增加。只有在一些情况下(Mendeleev注释的那样)重量和顺序不符合。因为原子质量是质子和中子质量的加和,故原子量并不完全随原子序数的增加而增加。原子序数低的原子的中子数有可能比原子序数高的原


增进相互了解Enhance mutual understanding

protracted struggles 长期奋斗 peace-oriented 以和平为宗旨的staunch force 坚定力量 讲话remarks 开幕式opening ceremony 代表on behalf of

共商大计for this important discussion on 世界互联网大会World Internet Conference 各位嘉宾all participants 表示热烈的祝贺express warm congratulations on 多次来过乌镇visitedWuzhen on several occasions 感到亲切、熟悉,感到耳目 一新 both familiar and new 促进gave a strong boost to 创客creator 智慧旅游smart tourism 网上医院online hospital 刮目相看find new in many ways 焕发出新的魅力added a new, fascinating dimension to the charm of 网络化、智慧化的乌镇Internet-empowered and smart town 传统和现代、人文和科技融合发展的生动写照a vivid example of what can be achieved by combining tradition with modernity and integrating culture with science 缩影showcases 体现reflects 全球互联网共享发展的理念the global Internet development is indeed shared by all 纵观世界文明史Looking at the history of world civilizations 农业革命、工业革命、信息革命agricultural, industrial and information revolutions 带来巨大而深刻的影响has a great and profound impact on 日新月异experiencing rapid changes with each passing day 社会生产social production 扩展新领域opened new horizons 国家治理state governance 认识世界、改造世界understand and shape the world “鸡犬之声相闻”的地球村a global village where distance no longer prevents people from interacting with each other and communication is made easier than ever before


英文翻译练习(一) The status of Philosophy in Chinese culture has always been regarded as a comparison with that of religion in other cultures. In China, Philosophy is the concerned field by each educated one. Long time ago in China, a person would firstly accept enlightened education in Philosophy if he could be given education. Children should read the Analects, Mencius, The great Learning, The Doctrine of mean once they entered school. The Four Books were regarded as the most important documents after Song(regarded as “new Confucianism”in west).When children began to learn words, the commonly used textbook is Three Words, in which every three words a group, every six words one sentence, and the even sentence rhyme has rhyme, easy to read aloud and easy to remember. In fact, this book is used to learn words for Chinese children. The first sentence of Three Words “Man’s nature is good at birth.” Is the basic idea of philosophy of Mencius.


安乐死(个案研究) 达克斯柯沃特 在一次严重的汽车爆炸事故之后,达克斯柯沃特就一直忍受着身体被强烈灼伤的痛苦。他说:“我承受着如此剧烈的痛苦以至于在事故爆发前的几个月我就已经不想再活下去了”。在此后长达数十年的痛苦治疗中,达克斯反复要求他的医生,亲人,朋友帮助他结束他痛苦的人生。达克斯失去了双目和双手,但是其他的身体器官还是健康的,目前,他正在从事律师的工作。他始终坚信,他安乐死的要求被拒绝是错误的,鉴于此,一个有关本案的包括达克斯本人,他的医生以及他的朋友和家庭成员在内的互动小组正在被建立起来。 戴安娜普瑞特 戴安娜普瑞特患有运动神经元疾病,而且面临着一个她并不想面对的痛苦的死亡。她说,“我想在我的家人的陪伴下,选择一种快速的,没有痛苦的死亡方式”。她向英国法院进行呼吁,不过没有成功,最终,欧盟人权法院允许她的丈夫对她进行安乐死。 杰克科沃基安医生 因为拍摄快要死亡的病人的眼睛,科沃基安医生赢得了“死亡医生”的称号。在他以后的职业生涯中,他开始为病患提供“死亡指导”,当绝症患者意识到他在帮助人们安乐死的时候,越来越多的人们开始来到他这里,尽管有一些失败的诉讼案件,但是科沃基安医生还是帮助了超过130人实施了安乐死。 科沃基安医生认为仅仅帮助他人去死是不够的,他杀死了一个叫托马斯的人,并把他的死亡过程拍摄成了一部六十分钟长的纪录片,最终,他在自己的工作室被铺,并且由于在法庭上他没有成功的对自己的行为进行无罪辩护,他被判处10-25年的有期徒刑,他在2006年成为末期与C型肝炎病患者,并要求被赦免。 以上内容来自BBC网站 案例一:托尼布兰德,1989年 当约克郡Airedale 医院的医生们要求高等法院准许他们撤销安插在


Unit 1 The RootsofChemistry I.Comprehension. 1。C 2. B3.D 4. C 5. B II。Make asentence out of each item by rearranging the wordsin brackets. 1.Thepurification of anorganic compoundis usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for thispurpose。 2.Science is an ever-increasing body ofaccumulated and systematized knowledge and isalsoan activity bywhic hknowledge isgenerated。 3.Life,after all, is only chemistry,in fact, a small example of c hemistry observed onasingle mundane planet。 4.Peopleare made of molecules; someof themolecules in p eople are rather simple whereas othersarehighly complex。 5.Chemistry isever presentin ourlives from birth todeathbecause without chemistrythere isneither life nor death. 6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankindand al so permeatesall aspects of human life, although manyof us are notfully awareofthis. III。Translation. 1.(a)chemicalprocess (b) natural science(c)the techni que of distillation 2.Itis theatoms that makeupiron, water,oxygen and the like/andso on/andsoforth/and otherwise. 3.Chemistry hasa very long history, infact,human a ctivity in chemistrygoes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times. 4.According to/Fromthe evaporation ofwater,people know /realized that liquidscan turn/be/changeinto gases undercertain conditions/circumstance/environment。 5.Youmustknow the propertiesofthe materialbefore y ou use it. IV.Translation 化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物.自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果。人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢.这三步


新闻时政短语英文翻译汇总(一) 1.to foster a culture of clean government 廉政文化建设 2. the implications of social harmony the characteristics of harmonious society 和谐社会的内涵 3. scientific outlook on development 科学发展观 4. harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony 和谐共赢 5. social assistance (aid) system 社会救助体系 6. become increasingly prosperous 日益昌盛maintain prolonged stability 长治久安 7. enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness 增强综合国力和国际竟争力 8. bring about development and prosperity 实现发展繁荣 9. cadre and personnel system 干部人事制度 10. system of dual control over cadres 干部双重管理体制 11. non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁 12. leadership system against corruption 反腐败领导体制 13. outdated governance 不合时宜的社会治理模式 14. urban social security system 城镇社会保障体系 15. new thinking on energy development 新能源观 16. innovation-oriented country 创新型国家 17. foster integration with the global economy 促进全球经济一体化 18. export processing zone 出口加工区 19. maintain prolonged stability 长治久安 20. the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities 党的民族政策 21. Party and government organs 党政机关 22. duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法 23. system of public servants 公务员制度


Americans are much more likely than citizens of other nations to believe that they live in a meritocracy, i.e. Government by people selected according to merit. But this self-image is a fantasy: America actually stands out as an advanced country in which it matters most who your parents were, the country in which those born on one of society’s lower rungs have the least chance of climbing to the top or even to the middle. And if you ask why America is more class-bound in practice than the rest of the Western world, a large part of the reason is that our government falls down on the job of creating equal opportunity. The failure starts early: in America, the holes in the social safety net mean that both low-income mothers and their children are all too likely to suffer from poor nutrition and receive inadequate health care. It continues once children reach school age, where they encounter a system in which the affluent send their kids to good, well-financed public schools or, if they choose, to private schools, while less-advantaged children get a far worse education. 美国人可能比任何其他国家的人都更相信他们生活在一个精英制度之下,人们推选的政府也是据其优势。然而,这个自我形象是一种幻想:作为先进国家,实际上美国的突出特点是出身至关重要,在这个国度里,来自社会底层的人几乎没有机会爬到社会中层,更不用说社会顶层。 如果你要问为什么实际上美国比其他西方国家都要阶级分明,主要原因就是我们的政府在创造公平机会方面的失败。 这种不公平很早以前就开始了:在美国,由于社会安全网存在漏洞,这就意味着低收入的母亲和他们的孩子完全有可能存在营养不良,得不到足够的医疗服务。孩子到了上学年龄这种情况也不会得到改观,他们所遇到的体制是富人可以送自己的孩子到资金充足的好的公立学校上学,如果愿意,还可以从送到私立学校上学,而穷人孩子接受的教育却非常差。


黄冈师范学院 2009—2010学年度第一学期期末试卷考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试A卷 考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思 考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200601 一、Translate the following into English(20 points) 1.过滤 2.浓缩 3.结晶化 4.吸附 5. 蒸馏6.超临界的 7.二氯甲烷 8.热力学平衡 9.亲电性 10.表面张力 11.共轭的 12.酮 13.平衡常数 14.丙基 15.丁基 16.亚甲基 18.环己酮 19.同位素 20.标准熵 二、Translate the following into Chinese(20 points) 1. methyl propanoate 2. rate constant 3. ethyl methyl ketone 4. free energy 5. radical intermediate 6. isobutyl methyl ether 7. 3-chloropropene 8. primary radical 9. n-propyl bromide 10. bond energy 11. circulating electrons 12. local magnetic fields 13. tetramethylsilane 14. mass to charge ratios 15 phenylamine 16 amide 17. amine 18. nucleophile 19. perchlorate 20. carbocation 三、Translation the following into chinese (40 points) A卷【第1页共 3 页】


5.2 请改译下列译文(时政翻译) 1. 严格依法治税,做到应收尽收,堵塞“跑、冒、滴、漏”。 原译:We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration so that all taxes due are collected and “running, fake, dropping and leaking taxes”are prevented. 改译:We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration so that all taxes due are collected and tax evasion and fraud are prevented. 2. 我们妥善处理了改革、发展、稳定这三者的关系。 原译:We have balanced the relationships among the three factors of reform, development and stability. 改译:We have balanced reform, development and stability. 3. 农村剩余劳动力的转移又大力推动了工业的发展。 原译:The shift of redundant rural labor vigorously stimulated industrial development. 改译:The shift of surplus farm(rural)labor stimulated(boost/ invigorate/ galvanize)industrial development. vigorously develop/ push= stimulate / boost/ invigorate/ galvanize 4. 建设一支高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部队伍。 原译:We shall build up a contingent of administrative cadres who are highly competent and professionally specialized. 改译:We shall build up a contingent of administrators / executives who are highly competent and professionally specialized. 浦东新区管理委员会 原译:the Pudong New Area Administrative Bureau/ Committee 改译:the Pudong New Area Administration 5. 外国人申请各项签证,应当提供有效护照,必要时提供有关证明。 原译:When applying for various kinds of visas, aliens shall present effective passports and, if necessary, provide pertinent evidences. 改译:When applying for various visas, aliens shall present valid passports and, if necessary, provide pertinent evidence. 6. 这件事对我们的伙伴关系会带来负面影响。 原译:It will have negative impact on our relations of partnership. 改译:It will have negative impact on our partnership. 7. 本办法所称的土地使用费,系指使用土地资源性质的费用,不包括征地拆迁安置费用和基础设施建设费用。 原译:The land use fees mentioned in these Procedures refer to the fees for the use of land resources only and do not include expenditures with regard to requisition of land, demolition of buildings, resettlement of families and basic infrastructure construction. 改译:The land use fees mentioned in these Procedures refer to the fees/ones for the use of


Unit10 Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons碳氢化合物的命名 Alkanes烷烃 理想的,每一种化合物都应该由一个明确描述它的结构的名称,并且通过这一名称能够画出它的结构式。为了这一目的,全世界的化学家接受了世界纯粹与应用化学会(IUPAC)建立的一系列规则。这个系统就是IUPAC系统,或称为日内瓦系统,因为IUPAC的第一次会议是在瑞士日内瓦召开的。不含支链的烷烃的IUPAC命名包括两部分(1)表明链中碳原子数目的前缀;(2)后缀-ane,表明化合物是烷烃。用于表示1至20个碳原子的前缀见表 表中前4个前缀是由IUPAC选择的,因为它们早已在有机化学中确定了。实际上,它们甚至早在它们成为规则之下的结构理论的暗示之前,它们的地位就确定了。例如,在丁酸中出现的前缀but-,一种表示在白脱脂中存在的四个碳原子的化合物(拉丁语butyrum白脱(黄油))。表示5个或更多碳原子的词根来源于希腊或拉丁词根。 含取代基的烷烃的IUPAC名称由母体名称和取代基名称组成,母体名称代表化合物的最长碳链,取代基名称代表连接在主链上的基团。 来源于烷烃的取代基称为烷基。字母R-被广泛用来表示烷烃的存在.烷烃的命名是去掉原烷基名称中的-ane加上后缀-yl。例如,烷基CH3CH2-称为乙基。 CH3-CH3乙烷(原碳氢化合物)CH3CH2-乙基(一个烷基) 下面是IUPAC的烷烃命名规则: 1. 饱和碳氢化合物称为烷烃。 2. 对有支链的碳氢化合物,最长的碳链作为主链,IUPAC命名按此主链命名。 3. 连接在主链上的基团称为取代基。每一取代基有一名称和一数字.这一数字表示取代基连接在主链上的碳原子的位置。 4. 如果有多于一个的相同取代基,要给出表示支链位置的每个数字。而且,表示支链数目的数字由前缀di-,tri-,tetra-,penta-等表示。 5. 如果有一个取代基,主链碳原子编号从靠近支链的一端开始,使支链位号最小。如果有两个或多个取代基,支链从能使第一个取代基位次较小的一侧编号。 6. 如果有两个或多个取代基,它们按字母顺序排列。当排列取代基时,前缀iso-(异)和neo-(新)也按字母排列,前缀sec-(仲)和tert-(特)在字母排列中忽略 此外,按字母排列取代基时,表示倍数的前缀2,3,4等也被忽略。 Alkenes烯烃 烷烃的碳原子间只有单键。烯烃在两个碳原子间有双键(两个键)。考虑到两个碳原子间以双键相连。因为双键用去了两个碳原子的共4个电子。所以只剩下4个电子以供成


英语翻译时事政治短语 按照客观规律和科学规律办事act in compliance with objective and scientific laws 八个坚持、八个反对eight do’s and eight don’ts 八项主张eight-point proposal 保持昂扬向上的精神状态be filled with an enterprising spirit 保证中央的政令畅通ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried o ut without fail 标本兼治address both the symptoms and root causes 不确定因素uncertainties 参政议政participation in and deliberation of state affairs 长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe 长治久安maintain prolonged stability 长治久安maintain prolonged stability 崇尚科学respect and promote science 传播先进文化spread advanced culture 传统安全威胁traditional threats to security 从严治军the army must be strict with itself 党的领导方式the Party’s style of leadership 党的民族政策the Party’s policy toward ethnic minorities 党的侨务政策the Party’s policy toward overseas Chinese affairs 党的宗教信仰自由政策the Party’s policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党风廉政建设责任制responsibility system for improving the Party’s work style a nd building clean government 党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting opinions concerning major


一、改译 宰客slaughter customers(cheating customers) 自学self learn(study on one’s self) 彩票colorful tickets(lottery) 救火save a fire(Firefighting) (电脑)死机systerm dead(computer crash) 吃食堂eat the canteen(eat in the canteen) 风凉话cold word(sarcastic remark) 太平门safe door(emergency exit) 三角债triangle debts(chain debts) 扣帽子put a hat on(put a label on) 文化程度cultural degree(education level) 抓紧时间grasp time firmly(hurry up) 来信写道the latter writes(the letter reads) 提高英语水平raise the level of one’s English(Improve one’s English) 胸有成竹have a bamboo in one’s stomach(have a well-thought-out plan) 二、直译 大海捞针Look for a needle in the ocean 猫哭耗子假慈悲Cat cry for mouse 嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗Marry a chicken with chicken married dog follows dog 挥金如土Spend money like water 易如反掌As easy as to turn one's hand 打草惊蛇To beat the grass and frighten away the snake 呆若木鸡Dumb as a wooden chicken 千里之行始于足下Every journey begins with the first step 瑞雪兆丰年A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest . 跑得了和尚跑不了庙Run a monk can not run the temple 三、重点翻译 她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非 She always makes mischief between neighbors. 她毛遂自荐来这所学校当老师 She recommending herself to be a teacher in this school. 正真的好朋友应该是雪中送炭 True friend is who provides you timely help. 我要有个三长两短,你给我娘捎个话 If something happens to me, please give my mother a massage. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧 As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood. 你这人真的是狗嘴里吐不出象牙 他对你的许诺不过是个空头支票而已 His promise to you just a blank check. 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远 I like that house,but the fly in the ointment is too far away from the work place.


10级应用化学(2)班郑禄春 B2010063224 Lessen 24 ChemicalReactions Conservation of mass and energy(质量与能量守恒) Two conservation laws(定律) applyto allchemical reactions: E nergy can neither be created nor destroyed, andmattercanneither be created nor destroyed. Thus the atoms taking part in a chemical reaction may be rearranged, but all the atoms present in the reactan ts must also be present in the products, and the totalmass of the reactants must equal thetotalmass ofthe products. 化学反应 质量守恒和能量守恒 两个守恒定律(定律)适用于所有的化学反应:能量既不能创造也不能消灭,物质也不能创造也不能消灭。因此原子参与化学反应可能重新安排,但所有的原子出现在反应物必须包含在产品,反应物的总质量必须等于生产物的总质量。 What is a chemical reaction? A chemicalreaction occurs when substances (the reactants) collide (碰撞)with enough energy torearrange to form different c ompounds (the products). The change in energy that occurs when a reaction take place is described by thermodynamics(热力学)andt he rate or speed at which a reactionoccursis described by kinetics (动力学) . Reactions in which the reactantsand productscoexist are considered to be in equilibrium(处于平衡). A chemical equation consists of the chemical formula(化学式)of the rea ctants, and the chemical formula of the products. The twoare separated byan → usually read as“yields”andeach chemical formula is separated from others by a plus sign (加号). Sometime s a triangle is drawn over the arrow symbol todenote energy must be addedto the substances for the reaction to begin. Each chemical formula may be preceded by a scalar(数量的) coefficientindicating the proportion (比例) of that substance necessary to produce the reaction in formula. Forinstance, theformula for the burning of methane(CH4 + 2O2 →CO2 + 2H2O) indicates that twice as much O2 as CH4 is needed, and when they react, twiceas much H2O as CO2 will be produced. This is because during the reaction,each atom of carbon needs exactly two atoms of oxygen to combine with, to produce the CO2, and every twoatoms of hydrogen need an atom of oxygen tocombine withto produce theH2O. If the proportions of the reactantsare not respected, when they are forced toreact, either not all ofthe substance used willparticipate in the re action, or the reaction that will take place willbe different from the one notedin the equation.. 什么是化学反应 一个化学反应发生在物质(反应物)碰撞有足够的能量去重新排列,形成不同的化合物(产品)。当反应发


1.经济的快速发展the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard 3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为It is commonly b elieved/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少be indispensable to … 19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exception 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on… 22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon 25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation 27. 开阔眼界widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision 28.学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills 29.经济/心理负担financial burden / psychological burden 30.考虑到诸多因素take many factors into account/ consideration 31. 从另一个角度from another perspective 32.做出共同努力make joint efforts 33. 对…有益be benefici al / conducive to… 34.为社会做贡献make contributions to the society 35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for… 36.综合素质comprehensive quality 37.无可非议blameless / beyond reproach 39.致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to… 40. 应当承认Admittedly, 41.不可推卸的义务unshakable duty 42. 满足需求satisfy/ meet the needs of… 43.可靠的信息源a reliable source of information 44.宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources

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