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创新英语预备级Unit 6

创新英语预备级Unit 6
创新英语预备级Unit 6

Unit 6


Background information

◆United Way International国际联合劝募协会


第一个联合劝募于1887年在美国科罗拉多州的丹佛市成立,原因是为了解决在淘金热中涌入丹佛市寻找美好未来,却在淘金梦破灭后留下的十万余丧失生计人口的救济需求。当时四位不同宗教的领袖及一个女性社区义工团体决定共同募款来解决整个社区的问题。自那时起,联合劝募的社区募款方式就被公认为一种「花最低成本募集最多资金」的最佳方法。在某些国家,联合劝募以不同的名称出现-公益金 (Community Chest)、红羽毛 (Red Feather)、联合基金 (United Fund) 或是翻译成各国的母语。然而,他们大多数仍保留了联合劝募的「助人之手」(helping hand) 的识别标志。虽然他们的名字不尽相同,这些各自独立的组织却怀著共同的宗旨:增加人们的组织能力去关怀更多需要的人。

◆Silicon Valley 硅谷

(美国加州)硅谷位于全球高科技发展重镇,所以在这一地区的大小城市希望和硅谷沾亲带故,让世人对之刮目相看。如该地区各地自称的硅谷心脏、硅谷首都、硅谷大门等,根据诺贝尔奖得主William Shockley 称,真正的硅谷诞生地应该位于山景城(Mountain View)的一幢建筑里,因为在那里建立了第一个制造晶片的实验室。




Warm-up Activities

Activity One:

Directions: Ask students to discuss:

Which of the two opinions do you support more?

1) Spare well and have well.(会节省,不受穷。)

2) Riches come from a wise mind and good investment. (财富来自于智慧和好的投资。) Tips:

---- I support the first one. Everyone, poor or rich, should cultivate the habit of saving. If one becomes extravagant, he or she will probably end up with nothing at all.

---- I support the latter opinion. Investment can encourage people to become daring, wise and creative. One may become even richer with the right investment projects. Besides, if one just relies on savings, he or she will miss many good chances to enjoy life.


Directions: Ask students the following questions.

1) If you have an extra sum of money, will you put it in the bank or invest it? Why?

2) Before investing, what factors will you take into consideration?


---- bank interest is little but safe; investment involves risk, chance, but benefit much ... .... Profits, potential risks, partners, policy ...

Activity Three:

Directions: Ask students the following question.

Do we work just to make money?


---- Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and

contentment. We are all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life——the goods and services that make possible our version of modern civilization. But we are much less conscious of the extent to which work provides the more intangible, the crucial

psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life. :

Text comprehension

Main idea: The text mainly talk about why people struggle to build wealth and money, it

tells three main reasons and analyses each of the reasons, and the author

has a conclusion of how to build wealth and money at the end.

Text Organization:

Part One: Para 1. Although wealth and money are the topics of every one?s life, we devote time to it is surprisingly low.

Part Two: Para 2-5. There are three main reasons why people do not ever accumulate

any reasonable wealth.

Part Three: Para 6. Conclude how to build wealth and make money.

Background information

·Robert Kiyosaki


·Rich Dad Poor dad富爸爸,穷爸爸


Language Focus

◆We all know that wealth and money are the main topics of every one?s life whether we

accept it or not.


wealth n.→wealthy adj.

whether …or not

e.g. I don't care whether I get it or not. 我不在乎我是否可以得到它。

◆However, the amount of time we devote to is surprisingly low.

amount of 大量的……(+不可数名词)

the amount of ……的数量

e.g. She was daunted by the a mount of work still to be done.

Just think of the amount of time wasted.

surprisingly adv. → amazingly adv.

devote vt. ( ~ to sth. ) 投入,致力于……

e.g. Please devote more time to your work.

He devoted himself entirely to his country.



e.g. She dedicated her first book to her husband.

Dedicate to my beloved.

◆It is puzzling to see … do not spend time planning to address such an important issue in life. 98%的人没打算花时间去琢磨生活中这一如此重要的问题,这一点令人费解!

It is puzzling to do →puzzle = confuse

spend →spend some time ( in )doing sth.

spend some money on sth.

address n. 地址,称呼


e.g. What's your home address?

Please notify us of any change of address.

1. deal with对待,处理,解决

e.g. We should address her as our equal. 我们应该平等地对待她。

The problem will only get worse if it is not addressed.

2.( address oneself )致力于,从事于,忙于,把注意力放在(to)

e.g. Let us address ourselves to the matter in hand. 让我们动手干手头的事。

They were asked to address the problem in 10 days.

3. make a speech to a person or audience, esp. formally向…讲话, 向…发表演说; 写信给…

e.g. He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech. 他对听众讲起话来滔滔不绝。

You should address your thoughts to the Department Office.

4. 在(信封或包裹等)上写上收信人的姓名、地址

e.g. The letter was addressed to the wrong house. 这封信写错了地址。

There is a letter addressed to you

5. 称呼

e.g. How should we address Miss Yang?s husband?

Issue n. (特别重要或大众关注的) 问题,争议

Vt. 出版, 发行

e.g. There was no issue at all between us.我们之间毫无争议。

The economic issues should be the most important in a country.

I bought the book the day after its issue.

e.g. The government issues money and stamps. 政府发行货币及邮票。

The Issuing Authority of my ID card is T ong Ren Municipal /mju?n?s?p?l/ Public Security Bureau /?bj?ro/ and the Date Issued is Dec.20, 2007(Expiration Date: Dec.20, 2007--Dec.20, 2027)

◆… do not ever accumulate any reasonable wealth…

accumulate vt./vi. 堆积; 积累; 积存; 积聚;(数量)逐渐增加

e.g. She accumulated hundreds of books over years.

By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.

He has accumulated rich experience in practice.

Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not clean regularly.

Snow accumulated on the ground.地上积了一层雪。

◆Second, they are conditioned to believe…

be conditioned to: be accustomed to, be trained in certain habits 习惯于, 被限制在

be in good condition状况良好

be in no condition (身体状况)不适宜

on condition that 以……为条件, 如果

e.g. She is conditioned to read in the morning.

The young people are soon conditioned to the hot weather.

e.g. Even after the earthquake, the building is in good condition.

e.g. He?s in no condition to drive home / travel.

e.g. I'll do it on condition that you pay for everything.

◆Third, once there is some money saved, they play it safe and never invest…

play safe:be very careful求稳(不冒险, 小心翼翼)

e.g. In such things it's always good to play safe.

I don't think it will rain today, but we'd better play safe and take an umbrella.

◆Lack of accounting skills is the main reason why people get into massive debt. massive adj. 巨大(额)的,大量的,大规模的

e.g. His cost of shopping is too massive to make him feeling the pinch.

We have experienced massive changes in recent years.

We must make massive efforts to improve our future lives.

◆Another reason, of course, is the life style people are used to and ready to live beyond their means without thinking a bout consequences.

means n. 收入, 财富 / 手段,方式,方法,途径

beyond one?s means: more than one can afford超过(某人的)购买能力

by all means 一定,务必,无论如何,尽一切办法

by means of: With the use of 通过、采用…方式, 借助

by no means: certainly not 绝不, 一点不

e.g. They live far beyond their means.

The price has gone beyond our means. 价格已超出了我们的收入。

Her tastes and her means don't jump together.她的爱好和她的收入很不相称。

e.g. All possible means have been tried, but we still failed.

T aking a plane is the quickest means of getting there.

◆As long as someone, banks or credit companies, is willing to lend the money,…

★as long as

1. 表示时间: 与……一样长, 长达……之久

e.g. During the holidays , I like to stay in the countryside as long as I can .

She lived abroad as long as 10 years.

He didn?t stay there as/so long as she.

★be willing to 愿意、乐意

e.g. He was willing to lay down his life for his country.他愿意为祖国牺牲他的生命。

◆That's how people end up with massive loans and debts.

★end up with\end up\end up doing、end up in在...中结束

end up sth = end sth,结束某事

end up with sth 以什么为结束

end up doing sth 以做什么事情、或者什么状态结束

e.g. The meeting ended up with a song.(a song是主语The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束).

Y ou could end up running this company if you play your cards right. 你要是处理得到头来这个公司能归你掌管.

Their effort ended up in failure(failure是主语Their effort 的结果).

◆on one hand, on the other hand

e.g.On one hand we should study hard , on the other hand we should keep healthy .

◆ Most of the education we receive in schools and colleges makes us think that taking up

a jo

b and working on it till you retire is the only way to make money.

★take up


e.g.He took up Spanish while in Spain.


e.g.She took up her Boston bag and left.


e.g.It took up a whole week to write the article.


◆ ...this notion is very well supported by everyone you are surrounded by...

★ be surrounded by(with)被......环绕着,周围都是......

e.g.the school is surrounded by the fence.

◆ but it is amazing to see we don't even stop and think ...

★ amazing adj. 惊人的,令人吃惊的

e.g.It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。

★amaze vt.使大为惊奇,使惊愕

e.g. Y our letter amazed me.


e.g.We were amazed that he agreed so quickly.

He was amazed at what he saw.看到这情形他惊诧不已。

◆...their source of income is either through business or excellent investment choice they make...


e.g.Either Mr.Li or Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now.

◆Another trait of wealthy people is their ability to take a risk or try something new.



Jim's two most pleasing traits are generosity and energy.


a trait of 一点,少许,微量

The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humour.那位神父讲道有幽默感。

★take a risk冒险

I have to take a lot of risks in my job.

◆...risk on the other hand can reward very well.

★ reward : n.1.2




e.g.It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work.他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。


e.g.A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。v.t.


e.g.Winners will be rewarded a trip to England.优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏。

2. 报应;惩罚(坏人或坏事)

He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct.他的恶行迟早会受到报应。

★rewarding adj. 有益的、有回报(价值)的

e.g.Gardening is a very rewarding pastime.

◆... Where return could be 10% on average...

★ on average平均、一般而言

e.g.We received 20 calls a day on average. 我们平均每天接到二十个电话。

People lose (on average) 2.5 percent per decade starting in adulthood."


◆... they are always presented with investment opportunities...

★ present给予、提供;引起、造成;

e.g.All this presented new safety problems.

★ present n.礼物,赠品

★present adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,当前的

e.g.I'm not at all satisfied with the present situation.

◆... And can go well up to 500%, 600%,etc.

★go up


e.g. Prices havegone up again.


e.g. New factories aregoing up everywhere.


e.g. The whole building went up in flames.

★ up to 表示达到......程度或数量,=as far as

e.g. Up to ten people can sleep in this tent.


e.g The No.4 bus runs to 9 o'clock in the evening.

I'll wait for you until ten o'clock tomorrow morning.


e.g. Shall we go out for dinner or eat at home?

◆。。。T o have your financial situation under control...

★under control

e.g. Everything is under control.

Keep your temper under control. 别发脾气。

◆ ... or invest in high return opportunities...

★in return 作为回报

e.g. What do we give him in return?

"Gratitude takes three forms_a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and giving in return"感恩有三种形式:藏在心里,说在嘴上,见于行动

★in returnfor sth:on account of sth 作为对...的回报;考虑到

e.g.The little girl gave me a big hug in return for my help.






与现在事实相反动词用过去式,be-were Would/should /could/might+


与过去事实相反have+p.p. Would/should/could/might/c ould/might+have+p.p.


Were to +动词原形

Should +动词原形





e.g. If I were in your position I would marry her.


e.g. If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.

If he had taken your advice ,he wouldn't have made such a bad mistake.


e.g. I would go shopping with you if it were to be Sunday tomorrow.

If he were to be given another chance to do it again,he could certainly achieve more.




Had I been(= If I had been ) in that situation,I would not have let the thief escape away with so much money.

Should there be (= If there should be) a drought,what should we do at that time ?

Had it not been for your help, we could have finished it on time.



If we hadn't been working hard in the past few years, things wouldn't be going so smoothly.

If the Party hadn 't led the Chinese people to liberate the country,Chinese people would still live a life in pain and poverty.


有时假设的情况并不以条件从句的形式表现出来,而是通过某个介词或介词短语(如:with,otherwise,without,but for,in that position )、上下文或其它方式表现出来。这种句子称为含蓄条件句。例如:

But for the help from you , I would not have had the cha nce to go to college.

I would never mind you making such loud noises, but,you see,my baby is in a deep sleep.

It was so quiet ; you could have heard a pin drop.


1. wish结构

过去Had done



e.g. I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around

He wishes he hadn't lost the chance.

I wish I hadn't wasted so much time.

2. as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况是当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下:


e.g. Y ou look as if you didn't care.你看上去好像并不在乎。

He talks as if he knew where she was.


e.g. He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.

The girl listened as if she had been turned to stone.那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头似的。

(3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“wou ld/could/might+动词原形”。

e.g. He opened his mouth as if he would say something.

It looks as if it might snow.

3. 主语从句中的虚拟语气

1)It be + 形容词+ that ...(should)...

用于该句型的形容词是:necessary, good, important, right, wrong, better, natural, proper, funny, strange, surprising .

一些名词也可以用于在该结构中。如:a pity,no wonder....

2)It be + 过去分词+ that ...(should)....


3)It is time(about time,high time)that ...(过去式动词形式或should+动词原

形).... It is high time I went home now. = It is high time I should go home now.

4. 在suggest ,order,demand ,propose,command,request,desire,insist等表示建议、命令、要求、意见的动词后接的宾语从句中要使用虚拟语气。

e.g. He suggests that she should leave the house at once.

The leader ordered that the task(should) be finished as soon as possible.

He proposed that we (should) deal with the problem by the view of development. 5.表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气



e.g.My suggestion is that we should go there at once.

What do you think of his proposal that we should put on a play at the English evening?

Unit 7


Part One Listening Comprehension

Warming up:

T alk about the hobbies.

a. d eveloping a sense of responsibility

b.an ideal way to relax

c. maintaining balance in our lives

d. uncover and nurture talents you didn't even know you had.

Task 1


—— rural [英][ru?r?l] adj. 乡村的;农村的;似农村的

—— cure [英][kju?]

—— curious[英]['kju?ri?s]

—— sincere[英][sin'si?] adj. (指感情或行为)真实的; 诚挚的(指人) 诚实的; 直率的—— poor[英][pu?] pool [英][pu:l]

—— scare[英][sk??] vt.1. 恐吓; 使惊恐adj.1. 吓人的


1、prefer... to... 喜欢A胜于B

2、poorly[pu?li] adv. 拙劣的、蹩脚的

3、A is not better than B A不比B好(强)

A is no better than

B 和……一样;实际等于… (A和B都很坏(差))

4、than I expected 比我预期的、想象的

5、nothing better than 没有什么比...... 更好的......

Task 2


1、be keen on 与be keen to意思一样都表示渴望;热切;热衷于

be keen on doing sth

be keen to do sth

2、(Wynton Marsalis)温顿马沙利斯小喇叭手(trumpet player)


1、cultivate v. develop, improve

2、painstaking [英] […pe?nzte?k??] adj. 极小心的, 需细心的;辛勤的, 辛苦的; 需专注的

3、throughout prep.(表示时间)自始至终;在…期间;(表示区域)遍及…地域;遍及…场所

adv. 处处、始终、在所有方面

Part Two Reading

Passage One

stay up : not go to bed

Passage One

1、Workaholism: 工作狂

2、Remmeber the following sentences:

A feeling of satisfaction

A sense of self and individualism个人主义;我行我


1、 show off:使突出;炫耀, 卖弄

2、 parachute [?p?r??u:t]

3、 tape :v. 用带子捆起来

4、 spring clip:弹簧卡子

5、 employment: profession

6、 addicted: adj.accustomed 上瘾的

Questions for the students to further understanding of the passage:

1、How many hobbies does the wrtier enjoy in total?What are they?

——Saving tinfoil

——tying a string onto a handchief and a rock onto the string

——the rubber band gun


——reading and trading comic books

——drawing pictures freehand

——reading weatern or mystery novels



2、What does employment mean?

The benefits of Having a Hobby

Some people look on a hobby as a waste of time. They might think that a hobby has no purpose or it's simply something to do to pass the time. For hobbies, a hobby is much more than just a pastime. A hobby has many benefits and advantages for each individual. For some, a hobby is an emotional outlet, for others a way of gaining knowledge. Hobbies keep our minds —— and our hands-one, consider the following advantages to help guide your decision.

Time for ourselves

One of the biggest advantages of a hobby is that it allows for quiet time. People tend to think more clearly when enjoying their favorite hobby, without the distractions of the outside world to bother them. The mind wanders and hobbyists often come up with some of their best ideas while enjoying their favorite time-passing activity.

Reading a Talent or Passion

Hobbyists often find a talent or passion they may not have known they had before. Something that you're interested in.From there, you might find that you're better at it than you ever could have guessed.

Hobbies Offer a Time of Relaxation

Most hobbies are an ideal way to relax. Coming home from work and sitting down to enjoy your favorite pastime helps to take your mind off of the stresses of the day. Hobbies also help unwind before bed so you can get a better night's sleep.

With all of the benefits that a hobby can provide, it's no wonder why the hobby store industry is such a successful market. There are literally hundreds of hobbies to choose from and the only limits a person has are the ones they place on themselves. The ideal hobby for each individual is one that involves something he or she enjoys and would love to do in a regular basis.


上海牛津英语5a知识点汇总 Module1Unit1 一,核心词汇 1.first第一 2.second第二 3.third第三 4.fourth 第四 5.fifith第五 6.sixth第六 7.party派对,聚会 8.begain开始 9.bring带来10.wear穿着11.favourite最喜欢的 二,词组 1. at Peter’s birthday party在Peter的生日聚会上 2. on the 19th of September在9月19日 on Sunday在周日 4.at two o’clock在两点 5. in the afternoon在下午 6. at night在晚上 7. sb. be tired某人很累 8. my favourite color我最喜欢的颜色 9. That sounds interesting.那听上去有趣 10. I can’t wait! 我等不及了! 11. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐 12. Welcome to my party. 欢迎来我的派对 13. a pair of orange trousers一条橙色的裤子 14. make a birthday invitation制作一张生日请帖 15. make a hat制作一顶帽子 16. have some fun过得高兴 17. birthday present生日礼物 三,词汇解释 1.bring,take,carry辨析 bring是指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方。例如: Bring me some water, please.请给我取点水来。 carry及物动词,“搬运,运送”,一般是指搬运较重的物品。例如: carry a box on one’s shoulder扛着箱子 carry a baby on one’s back背着孩子“携带,带”例如: Almost every teacher carries a watch.差不多每位教师都带着一只表。 I never carry much money about me.我身边不带许多钱。 How many kilograms of luggage can I carry with me? 我随身可以带多少公斤行李? take是指把人或物从说话人的地方带 到别处去。例如: Take my box to my room.把我的箱子拿到房间去。 2. wear 穿着表示一种状态; put on 穿上是瞬间动作。 四.本课重点 本课重点学习疑问句when’s …?和日期表达法。When 用来询问某件事什么时候发生,通常问的是某一天。它的 回答是It’s on …。 注意,what time也可用来询问时间,但它通常询问某一时刻。 五.课文学习 1.When is your birthday?It is on the 19th of September. when用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,指“什么时候”。用来对时间进行提问。例如: ⑴When will you come to see me? 你什么时候要来看我? When are they going to visit the Great Wall? 他们打算什么时候 去游览长城? ⑵序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。 The second is what I really need.第二个是我真正需要的。(作主语) He choose the second.他挑选了第二个。(作宾语) We are to carry out the first plan.我们将执行第一个计划。(作定语) She is the second in our class.在我们班她是第二名。(作表语) 注意:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词 the;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再......”,“又......”。 We'll go over it a second time.我们再念第二遍。 ⑶日期的写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。 例如: March 1也可以写成March 1st; May 29也可以写成May 29th。 但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式。 例如: October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first 2. what do you have? what意为“哪个,哪些,什么”,询问内容。 What is your birthday present?你的生日礼物是什么啊?


七年级英语下册写作话题与范例 一介绍类作文 (一)人物介绍(写作内容:姓名年龄国家爱好能力长相穿着性格….) 1. 自我介绍 My name Liu Ming ,I’m 14 years old .I’m a Chinese boy . I’m now studying in a middle school . My favorite subject is English ,because I think it’s very interesting. I also like art very much .I can draw well . I am tall and of medium build . I have short black hair ,My eyes are small and I have a big nose .I like to wear jeans and a blue jacket .I don’t think I am very handsome. At school ,I study hard and I am good at every subject .I’m also friendly to my teachers and classmates , they like me a lot . I think I am popular in my class ,it is me .Can you tell me something about yourself 2.介绍朋友,my friend /I have a good friend I have a good friend. Her name is Mary. She is fifteen years old. Mary enjoys singing and drawing ,and she can draw every well .so her dream is to be an artist one day .well ,what does she look like let me tell is tall and of medium build. she has long straight hair and a round face. She has two big eyes. she loves to wear skirts, Mary looks very beautiful .also, She is friendly and fun , she often helps everyone wants to make friends with her, I think Mary is a good girl ,I like her a lo t 3..介绍老师My teacher /my favorite teacher /A good teacher in my eyes There are many teachers in my life ,But Miss Zhang is my favorite teacher, She teaches me English . She is about 30 years old.. she is tall and of medium build. she has long straight hair and a round face.. she loves to wear skirts, Miss Zhang works very hard ,she is strict with her work ,she teaches us very well, Her classes are interesting, I find it easy to learn English well .all the students are happy in Miss Zhang’s classes . also, Miss Zhang is friendly and fun , she often plays with us after class .she often tells some interesting stories to us . Miss Zhang is a good teacher , she is also a good friend to me. I like her very much (二)介绍家庭My family / I have a happy family 】 My name is Jack .there are four people in my family , they are my father ,my mother ,my sister and I .’m 15 years old ,I’m studying in a middle school .when I grow up , I want to be an actor ,I think it is an interesting job . my sister Gina is in my school ,but in different classes. She likes music very much , her dream is to be a singer. My father is 35years old ,he is a good doctor(医生),he works very hard ,he make people healthy. I think it’s a great job. My mother is a teacher , She teaches Math in a high school .she is strict in her work ,my mother loves her students,she is friendly to them and helps them . my parents often play and talk with my sister and I after work .I am lucky that I have a happy family , I love my family very much . (三)介绍学校My school / our school I am students from a middle school, my school is in the center of our town .,t is big and beautiful .it is near some mountains .In the front of our school . there is a river . there are some new tall buildings in the school. The teaching building is in the middle ,Across from it ,there are


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1.Can you play the guitar? ①play sb.sth.”=“play sth.for sb.”表示“为某人播放……” 例如: Play me a song=Play a song for me.请为我放一首歌听听吧。 ②“play sth.on+乐器”表示“用乐器演奏…”, 例如:The girl often play the English song on the piano.这个小女孩经常用钢琴演奏英文歌曲。 ③play chess“下国际象棋”,例如: Can you play chess?你会下棋吗? 【误区警示】“下棋”用play chess,棋类之前不加冠词。 2..I want to join the art club.我想加入艺术俱乐部。 【用法透析】 1)句中join为动词,表示“加入,成为……的一员,连接,结合”等之意。 例如: She wants to join the English club.她想加入英语俱乐部。 Come and join us.来加入我们吧。 Join the two maps togethes.把这两个地图连起来。 2)句中art为“艺术,美术”, 如:an art teacher美术老师,an art lesson一堂美术课,an artist一位艺术家 2.Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? 【易混辨析】speak/say/tell/talk speak意为“说话”,指说话的能力和方式,一般作不及物动词,意为“演讲”,作及物动词时,其后跟某种语言。 例如: Who wants to speak at the meeting? 谁想在会议上发言? Do you speak Chinese? 你会说汉语吗? talk意为“谈话,交谈”,指相互间的谈话,一般作不及物动词时,要谈到某人某事时,后面接介词about 或of。 例如:Don’t talk in class!不要在课堂说话。 Let’s talk to Mr Green.咱们跟格林先生谈谈吧。 say意为“说出,说过”,强调说话的内容。 例如: Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说话吗? They say China is great.他们说中国是伟大的。 tell意为“告诉”、“讲述”,to: Can you tell me about it?你能告诉我有关此事吗? 4.Tom can play the quitar but he can’t play it very well.汤姆会弹吉它,但是他弹得不是很好。 【用法透析】 1)这是一个由转折连词but连接并列句,前面的简单句是情态动词can的肯定句形式,后面的简单句 是情态动词can的否定式。 2)句中veny well意为“很好”,是副词短词,常用来修饰句中的动词,放于句尾。 如: She speaks English very well.她英语说得很好。 5.Are you good with children?你和孩子们相处得好吗?【用法透析】(1)be good with表示“与……相处得好”, 例如: My father is good with my mother.我爸爸和我妈妈相处得好吗? (2)be good with的同义表达方式为:get on well with, 例如:How do you get on well with your friend? 你和你朋友相处得怎么样? 【发散思维】be good at something表示“擅长做某事”,介词at后面可以直接接名词,如果接动词的话,


牛津英语5A期末试卷姓名:班级:学号: 一,听录音,选出你所听到的单词.(6分) ( ) 1. A. have B. jacket C.tape ( ) 2. A. ski B. start C. skate ( ) 3. A. walk B. wall C. work ( ) 4. A. large B. laugh C. lantern ( ) 5. A. floor B. follow C. flower ( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond 二,听录音,选出正确答语.(6分) ( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. Its not nice. C. That’s OK. ( ) 2. A. I have some candles. B. We need some candles. C. They need some candles. ( ) 3. A. There are some magazines. B. Yes, they’re maga zines. C. They’re on the desk. ( ) 4. A. They’re five squares. B. There are five squares. C. I can see some squares. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like ducks. C. We have ducks. ( ) 6. A. We like playing with marbles. B. We are playing with marbles. C. We can play with marbles. 三,听录音,在空格内填入你所听到的单词.(8分) 1. They _____________ _____________ a Music lesson. 2. Our new _____________ is _____________ the garden. 3.____________ are some ______________ in the vase. 4. What _____________ is the ______________ 笔试部分(80分) 一,判断划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写S,不同的写D .(10分) ( ) 1, after class ( ) 2, dance cat ( ) 3, skate face ( ) 4, father fat ( ) 5, basketball plane ( ) 6, can and ( ) 7, beside nine ( ) 8, milk behind ( ) 9, clock song ( ) 10,some hot 二,请你选择正确答案.(15分) ( ) 1. She is ________ a picture in the study. A. writing B. drawing C. looking ( ) 2. This is ________ bear. That is ________ elephant. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a ( ) 3. Tom ________ a toy car. Tom’s p arents ________ two cars.


写作指导 【写作任务】 假设你是王林,上周你作为交换生来到英国学习,并住进了你的寄宿家庭。你的英国好友尼克(Nick)发信息询问你的住宿情况。请你写一篇不少于70词的短文,向他作简单介绍。 【任务分析】 本次写作任务要求对朋友的询问进行回复,介绍自己的住宿环境。出于礼貌,应该首先对朋友的关心表示感谢。在正文部分可以按照由外到内、由大到小的顺序来写,即首先介绍整体环境,然后说明周边设施,最后写房间内部特征等。【学生习作】 Thank you for asking, Nick. My host family live in a great neighborhood. There is a restaurant on the left of the house. On the right of it is a supermarket. There is also a library near it. I like the library. A small garden is behind the house and a bank is across from it. I have a small room in the house. It’s clean and tidy. Everyone in the host family is nice to me. 【习作点评】 1. 该习作作者基本按照由大到小的顺序对自己的住宿环境进行了介绍,最后还写到了寄宿家庭的成员对自己的态度,是一篇结构清晰、内容完整的习作。 2. 该习作中用到了there be句型及多个表示方位的介词短语,用法准确、灵活,体现了作者扎实的英语功底。 3. 作者在描写周边设施时,顺序稍显混乱。相比之下,图书馆的位置应该较远,应该放到该部分的最后再介绍,这样会使习作显得更条理。 【习作改进】 Thank you for asking, Nick. My host family live in a great neighborhood. There is a restaurant on the left of the house. On the right of it is a supermarket. A small garden is behind the house and a bank is across from it. There is also a library near it. I like the library. I have a small room in the house. It’s clean and tidy. Everyone in the host family is nice to me.


7下英语知识点 姓名:班级: 几组近义词: 一、speak/say/tell/talk(说) eg:1.I can_____English. 2.Hello! Can I _______ to Tom? 1.Our teacher often _______” Don’t swim in the river alone.” 2.I want to _______ with you. 3.Let’s _______ about the wether. 4.Can you _______me a story? 5.He ______ us to arrive at school on time. 二、take/spend/pay/cost(花) 1.花某人一些时间做某事: 2.某人花一些时间做某事: 3.某人花一些钱在某物上: 4.某人为某物花一些钱: 5.某物花某人一些钱: 三、Also/too/either(也) 肯定句子中用:肯定句尾用:否定句尾用: 1.I’m ten years old. He is____ ten years old. 2.I’m ten years old. He is ten years old,________. 3.I’m not ten years old. He isn’t ten years old,_________. 四、some/any. 1.There is_______water in the glass.

2.There isn’t_______water in the glass. 3.Is there _______water in the glass? 4.Would you like ______noodles? 5.How about _______flowers? 五、Still与yet 1.I am ________hungry. 2.I am not sure_________. 六、Interesting与interested 1.The story is ___________ 2.I am _________in soccer. 3.She is _________in the __________book. 类同词:bored/ boring,excited/exciting,relaxed/relaxing, Surprised/surprising 七、Shout at与shout to 八、Question 与problem 九、Other 与else 1.What ______can you see in the picture? 2.What _______animals can you see in the picture? 3.I have two sisters. One lives in Yibin ,_________lives in Beijing. 4.There are some people in the park.Some are taking a walk,______ are talking happily. 5.We should help each_______. 6.I don’t like this pen ,Can you show me __________ one.


七年级下册英语教学计划 XX年七年级下英语教学工作计划 一、学情分析 经过一学期的学习,从上期期末成绩来看。大部分学生成绩还算中上,但两班的两级分化严重。学生的作文失分较多。对难的应对能力欠佳。他们的学习目的明确、态度端正。掌握了英语学习的一些基本方法。能多积极主功、认真地学习。而且一部分学生的学习成绩优秀。但有些学生没有明确的学习目的。缺乏积极主动性。自觉性较差,相应的学习习惯也差。学生的听力也有待提高。在这方面失分较多。主要是听的时间少,接触英语的时间少。因比,在本期的教学中,教师一方面应加强基础方面的训练,让学生掌握词汇、语法、句型等基本的训练。为进一步学习英语打下坚实的基础。另一方面,应加强学生对难题处理训练,不能一遇到难题就绕道走。应该迎难而上。再者,让学生多听一听录音,加强听力训练。还要加强学生对知识探究能力的培养。还要注重学生的能力拓展培养。注重培养良好的师生关系,尊重、理解学生。与每一位学生共同分享快乐和忧愁。争取共同进步。 二、教学目标 1、培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,尽最大的能力提高学生的学习效率,多开展问答练习,培养学生听、说、读、写

的能力。使学生获得英语基本能力,拓展英语知识和迁移。 2、加强潜能生的培养 3、对尖子生的培养,加强他们处理难题的能力 4、加强作文训练 二、教学措施和方法 措施: 1、培养学生的学习兴趣,引导学生掌握正确的学习方法和策略。 2、发挥学生主体和教师的主导作用。 3、培养良好的师生关系,形成和协的课堂氛围。 4、启发学生的思维,产生知识迁移和拓展。 5、鼓励学生自主探究、合作探究、共同提高。 6、加强听力训练 方法: 任务型教学、教师提问题、学生规范操作。听说领先、写作跟上,综合训练,扎实基础。 四、教材分析 七年级下册共12个单元,文化背景知识和学习策略为补充材料。全书采取任务型语言教学模式。融汇话题、交际功能和语言功能。形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每单元都列出了会话主题和要求、结构。sectionA部分为知识的主结构。有听力以及对话形成,sectionB部分是知识的


5A 课文必会单词 first第一,second第二,third第三,fourth 第四,fifth第五,sixth 第六patry 聚会,begin 开始,bring 带来,wear穿戴,favourite最喜欢的taxi出租车,undeground地铁,zebra crossing斑马线,traffic light(s) 交通信号灯,pavement人行道,live 居住,leave 离开,by 乘坐(介词,表达方式),on foot 步行,arrive at到达,cross 穿过工人worker 飞行员pilot 农民farmer 售货员shop assistant 飞fly 帮助help 生病的sick write an e-mail写一封电子邮件go shopping 购物play chest下棋once一次twice两次talk谈话the internet互联网same相同的different不同的both(两者)都all (三者或以上)都class 班级each other互相together一起north北south 南west西east东study学习 a lot of许多hotel旅馆ban银行hospital医院bakery面包店museum博物馆cinema电影院along沿着turn转弯button纽扣zip 拉链pocket口袋need需要put on穿上try on试穿fever发烧toothache牙疼cough咳嗽cold感冒well身体好的medicine药first首先next接着then然后finally最后tea茶boil煮开drink喝水smoke吸烟start开始campfire营火match比赛、火柴careful小心的safety安全 课本句子/语法 一、1)一般现在时中,第三人称单数动词后面加s 或es 2)一般现在时中,行为动词变疑问句、否定句时用助动词:do、does,三单用does。 3) 喜欢做某事:like to do sth. = like doing sth. 4) 划线提问时,行为动词划线要还原成do(或者适当形式)。 1,________ _______ ______ the party begin? 聚会几点钟开始呢? It ________(begin) at two o’clock in the afternoon. 下午两点钟开始 5, Mr Hatter______ hats. He’s always very busy. Hatter先生制作帽子。他总是很忙。 But Mr Hatter’s son, Tommy,_____(have)no hat,. He is very _____. 但是Hatter的儿子,Tommy,没有帽子。他很难过。 1, Ben ______ (ride) his bike to school. Ben骑自行车去上学。 He never ______(walk). He always _____(ride). 他从不走路。他一直骑车。 Kitty always _______(walk) to school. She never ______(ride).Kitty一直走路上学,她从不骑车。 频率副词:一直_______ 经常________= _________ 有时_______ 很少_______ 从不_____ I come to school ____ ____(改同义句).我坐公共汽车上学= _____________________________ by bus= take a bus坐公共汽车on foot = walk 步行 1,What _____ you want to _____(be)? 你想成为什么? , I want to ______ a pilot(改一般疑问句并回答). 我想成为一个飞行员。______________________ I want to fly an aeroplane in the sky. 我想在天空中开飞机。_______________________ I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一个医生。= ____________________________________ I want ______(help) sick people.我想帮助生病的人。 想要做某事: ________________________= _________________________________


Unit 1 ◆短语归纳 1.play chess 下国际象棋 2. playthe guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English说英语 4.English club英语俱乐部 5. talkto 跟…说 6. playthe violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8.play the drums 敲鼓 9. makefriends结交朋友 10. dokung fu 练(中国)功夫 11.tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends在周末 ◆用法集萃 1.play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2. play the+西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器 3.begood at doing sth.=dowell in doingsth. 擅长做某事 4. be goodwith sb.和某人相处地好 5.needsb.todo sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can +动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿…… 8. join the…club 加入…俱乐部 9.like to do sth.=love to do sth.喜欢/喜爱做某事 ◆典句必背 1.Canyoudraw?Yes,Ican. / No, Ican’t. 2. Whatclub doyouwant to join? Iwantto jointhe chess club. 3.Youcan join the Englishclub. 4. Sounds good./Thatsounds good. 5. I can speak EnglishandIcan also play soccer. 6.Please call Mrs.Miller at 555-3721. ◆话题写作 Dear Sir, I want to join yourorganization(组织) to helpkidswithsports,music andEnglish.My nameis Mike. Iam 15 yearsold. I’m astudent inNo. 1Middleschool. Ican play theguitar well.Icansing many songs. Ican swim and speakEnglishwell,too.I think Icanbe good with the kids. I alsodo wellin telling stories. I hopeto get yourletter soon. Y ours,


牛津英语5A期中测试卷 一. 判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T",不同的写“F”。10% ( ) 1. A.these B. Chinese ( )2. A. read B. bread ( )3. A. horse B. house ( )4. A. rubbish B. rubber ( )5. A.sugar B. butter ()6. A. son B. sun ( )7. A.happy B. many ()8. A. bad B. dad ( )9. A.sharp B. large ()10. A. tooth B. foot 二. 根据要求写出单词。10% 1. 在九月_______________ 2. 生日宴会________________ 3. 乘地铁_______________ 4. 到学校________________ 5. 下车_______________ 6. 一周一次________________ 7. 购物_______________ 8. 在同一个班_______________ 9. 逃跑_______________ 10.面朝南方_______________ 三. 单项选择题。10% ( ) 1. This is the way I ______ my lunch. A. eat B. drink C. has ( ) 2. I get up ______ half past six. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 3. Min and Mog ____________ at 6: 00 in the afternoon. A. go to home B. goes home C. go home ( ) 4. What _________ do you eat supper? A. time B. country C. colour ( ) 5. I like fish _______ I ________ like carrots. A. but; don’t B. but; doesn’t C. and; doesn’t ( ) 6. _________ car do you like? The blue one. A. Which B. who C. when ( ) 7. What am I doing? You’re ____________. A. drive a car B. driving a car C. driveing a car


人教版七年级下册英语各单元作文范文 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Dear Sir, I want to join your club to help kids with sports, music and English. My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I’m a student in No. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well. I can sing many songs. I can swim and speak English well, too. I think I can be good with the kids. I also do well in telling stories. I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Mike Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 谈论日常作息习惯:《My School Day》 I am a student. I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty. Then I go to school at eight. School starts at eight thirty. I eat lunch at twelve. I go home at 17:00. I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano. I do my homework at 20:00. At 22:00, I go to bed. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 1.主题:上学的交通方式; 2.写作思路:开篇点题,点出自己的出行方式; 3.具体内容:自己选择这种交通方式的原因; 4.结束语: 表明自己的观点。 《The Best Way for Me to Go to School》 Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot. First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better. So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you? Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Dear Tom, Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them. We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class. I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me. Yours, Li Ming


新目标英语七年级下册知识点总结 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1,情态动词+V原can do= be able to do 2,Play+ the+ 乐器 +球类,棋类 3,join 参加社团、组织、团体 4,4个说的区别:say+内容 Speak+语言 Talk 谈论talk about sth talk with sb talk to sb Tell 告诉,讲述tell sb (not)to do sth Tell stories/ jokes 5,want= would like +(sb)to do sth 6,4个也的区别:too 肯定句末(前面加逗号) Either否定句末(前面加逗号) Also 行前be 后 As well 口语中(前面不加逗号) 7,be good at+ V-ing=do well in 擅长于 be good for 对…有益(be bad for对…有害) be good to 对…友好(good 可用friendly,nice,kind替换) be good with和…相处好=get on/ along well with 8,特殊疑问句的构成:疑问词+一般疑问句 9,How/ what about+V-ing …怎么样?(表建议) 10,感官动词(look, sound, taste, smell, feel)+adj/ like 11,选择疑问句:回答不能直接用Yes或者No,要从中选择一个回答 12,students wanted for school show(wanted表示招募,含有被动意义) 13,show sth to sb=show sb sth give sth to sb=give sb sth 14,help sb (to)do sth Help sb with sth With sb’s help= with the help of sb Help oneself to 随便享用 15,be busy doing sth/ be busy with sth 16,need to do sth 17,be free= have time 18,have friends= make friends 19,call sb at +电话号码 20,on the weekend= on weekends 21,English-speaking students 说英语的学生(带有连词符,有形容词性质) 22,do kung fu表演功夫 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1,问时间用what time或者when At+钟点at 7 o’clock at noon/ at night(during/ in the day) On+ 具体某天、星期、特指的一天on April 1st on Sunday on a cold winter morning In +年、月、上午、下午、晚上 2,时间读法:顺读法 逆读法:分钟≤30用past five past eight(8:05)half past eight(8:30)

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