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Thank you for asking, Nick. My host family live in a great neighborhood. There is a restaurant on the left of the house. On the right of it is a supermarket. There is also a library near it. I like the library. A small garden is behind the house and a bank is across from it. I have a small room in the house. It’s clean and tidy. Everyone in the host family is nice to me.


1. 该习作作者基本按照由大到小的顺序对自己的住宿环境进行了介绍,最后还写到了寄宿家庭的成员对自己的态度,是一篇结构清晰、内容完整的习作。

2. 该习作中用到了there be句型及多个表示方位的介词短语,用法准确、灵活,体现了作者扎实的英语功底。

3. 作者在描写周边设施时,顺序稍显混乱。相比之下,图书馆的位置应该较远,应该放到该部分的最后再介绍,这样会使习作显得更条理。


Thank you for asking, Nick. My host family live in a great neighborhood. There is a restaurant on the left of the house. On the right of it is a supermarket. A small garden is behind the house and a bank is across from it. There is also a library near it.

I like the library. I have a small room in the house. It’s clean and tidy. Everyone in the host family is nice to me.


七年级英语下册写作话题与范例 一介绍类作文 (一)人物介绍(写作内容:姓名年龄国家爱好能力长相穿着性格….) 1. 自我介绍 My name Liu Ming ,I’m 14 years old .I’m a Chinese boy . I’m now studying in a middle school . My favorite subject is English ,because I think it’s very interesting. I also like art very much .I can draw well . I am tall and of medium build . I have short black hair ,My eyes are small and I have a big nose .I like to wear jeans and a blue jacket .I don’t think I am very handsome. At school ,I study hard and I am good at every subject .I’m also friendly to my teachers and classmates , they like me a lot . I think I am popular in my class ,it is me .Can you tell me something about yourself 2.介绍朋友,my friend /I have a good friend I have a good friend. Her name is Mary. She is fifteen years old. Mary enjoys singing and drawing ,and she can draw every well .so her dream is to be an artist one day .well ,what does she look like let me tell is tall and of medium build. she has long straight hair and a round face. She has two big eyes. she loves to wear skirts, Mary looks very beautiful .also, She is friendly and fun , she often helps everyone wants to make friends with her, I think Mary is a good girl ,I like her a lo t 3..介绍老师My teacher /my favorite teacher /A good teacher in my eyes There are many teachers in my life ,But Miss Zhang is my favorite teacher, She teaches me English . She is about 30 years old.. she is tall and of medium build. she has long straight hair and a round face.. she loves to wear skirts, Miss Zhang works very hard ,she is strict with her work ,she teaches us very well, Her classes are interesting, I find it easy to learn English well .all the students are happy in Miss Zhang’s classes . also, Miss Zhang is friendly and fun , she often plays with us after class .she often tells some interesting stories to us . Miss Zhang is a good teacher , she is also a good friend to me. I like her very much (二)介绍家庭My family / I have a happy family 】 My name is Jack .there are four people in my family , they are my father ,my mother ,my sister and I .’m 15 years old ,I’m studying in a middle school .when I grow up , I want to be an actor ,I think it is an interesting job . my sister Gina is in my school ,but in different classes. She likes music very much , her dream is to be a singer. My father is 35years old ,he is a good doctor(医生),he works very hard ,he make people healthy. I think it’s a great job. My mother is a teacher , She teaches Math in a high school .she is strict in her work ,my mother loves her students,she is friendly to them and helps them . my parents often play and talk with my sister and I after work .I am lucky that I have a happy family , I love my family very much . (三)介绍学校My school / our school I am students from a middle school, my school is in the center of our town .,t is big and beautiful .it is near some mountains .In the front of our school . there is a river . there are some new tall buildings in the school. The teaching building is in the middle ,Across from it ,there are


英语写作课教学设计 一、教学目标 知识目标: 1.明确书面表达的要求,学会在规定时间内完成审题、确定文体、抓住要点、组织语言、书写修改等一系列工作。 2.学会内容表达的完整性、行文的连贯性、遣词造句的准确性。 能力目标:提高学生写作水平和综合运用英语的能力。 核心素养培养:文化意识 二、教学辅助:多媒体 三、教学过程: (一)Lead-in 导入的任务是唤起注意,酝酿情绪,带入特定的语言交际场。使用课前演讲环节让两名学生介绍西方传统节日,圣诞节,在出示放鞭炮、家庭聚餐、红包、舞狮舞龙等图片问学生想到了什么,从而引出中国的传统节日春节。 (二)Presentation 指导学生分析写作材料,找出所有内容要点,已有材料,掌握事实。用大屏幕展示写作材料: 题目一 中外文化交流活动即将到来,请你写一篇60词左右的英语

短文,介绍中国的传统节日——春节。 题目二 给你美国的笔友写一封信,介绍你在刚刚过去的春节里的相关活动,60词左右。 参考词汇:Chinese knot 中国结,Spring Festival Couplets 春联,red pocket 红包,on wechat 在微信上 要求学生认真阅读材料,读完材料后,问学生有关问题:1) What should we write? 2) What expressions and sentence can we use? 3) How can we organize the necessary information and the related ideas we want to write? 再要求学生分小组讨论(4人1组)。这一过程的任务是拓宽思路,集思广益,讨论找出全部要点并交流如何表达这些要点以及可用哪些词组和句型,应用什么时态。同时进一步引导学生复习和扩大词汇和短语,使用相关的基本句型。教师巡视,必要时给予帮助和指导或参与学生的讨论。 (三)Writing 要求学生四人一个小组在两个题目中任选一个完成,四人中一名学生负责记录,另三名学生负责文章的构思,这一阶段的具体任务有四项:1、草稿;2、自检错误;3、文字推敲、润饰;4、初步定稿。在这一过程中,教师巡视,给以学生必要的帮助和指导,特别是帮助指导一些有困难的学生。查看学生写作的内容要点是否齐全,表达是否准确,用词、句型结构的使用是否正确,


1 Module 1 根据要求完成写作。 (一) 根据所给的要求,写一则寻物启事。 寻物对象:一件紫色的T恤衫 寻物人:Amy 招领电话:2265712 Lost ___________A purple T-shirt Call Amy at 2265712 _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 根据所给的要求,制作一张俱乐部的海报 名称:乒乓球俱乐部 内容:练习乒乓球,结交新朋友 时间:星期日下午3点至5点 地点:体育馆 (The Sports Team) Module2 假如你是Nico的朋友Betty,来自美国,你想竞选你们班的班长,请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文介绍自己,为自己“拉票”。 Hello, everyone! My name is Betty. I’m from America and I’m 14 years old. I’d like to be the class monitor. I can sing, dance and play the piano. And I do well in tennis. I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. I can get on well with everyone. Please choose me and I will be your best friend.


七年级下册英语作文 Jenny was compiled in January 2021

七年级英语下册英语作文 Module 1 根据要求完成写作。 (一)根据所给的要求,写一则寻物启事。 寻物对象:一件紫色的T恤衫 寻物人:Amy 招领电话:2265712 Lost _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________ 根据所给的要求,制作一张俱乐部的海报 名称:乒乓球俱乐部 内容:练习乒乓球,结交新朋友 时间:星期日下午3点至5点 地点:体育馆(The Sports Team) Table tennis Club

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Module 2 假如你是Nicolai的朋友Betty,来自美国,你想竞选你们班的班长,请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文介绍自己,为自己“拉票”。 Hello, everyone! My name is Betty. I’m from America and I’m 14 years old. I’d like to be the class monitor. I can sing, dance and play the piano. And I do well in tennis. I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. I can get on well with everyone. Please choose me and I will be your best friend. Module 3


写作指导 【写作任务】 假设你是王林,上周你作为交换生来到英国学习,并住进了你的寄宿家庭。你的英国好友尼克(Nick)发信息询问你的住宿情况。请你写一篇不少于70词的短文,向他作简单介绍。 【任务分析】 本次写作任务要求对朋友的询问进行回复,介绍自己的住宿环境。出于礼貌,应该首先对朋友的关心表示感谢。在正文部分可以按照由外到内、由大到小的顺序来写,即首先介绍整体环境,然后说明周边设施,最后写房间内部特征等。【学生习作】 Thank you for asking, Nick. My host family live in a great neighborhood. There is a restaurant on the left of the house. On the right of it is a supermarket. There is also a library near it. I like the library. A small garden is behind the house and a bank is across from it. I have a small room in the house. It’s clean and tidy. Everyone in the host family is nice to me. 【习作点评】 1. 该习作作者基本按照由大到小的顺序对自己的住宿环境进行了介绍,最后还写到了寄宿家庭的成员对自己的态度,是一篇结构清晰、内容完整的习作。 2. 该习作中用到了there be句型及多个表示方位的介词短语,用法准确、灵活,体现了作者扎实的英语功底。 3. 作者在描写周边设施时,顺序稍显混乱。相比之下,图书馆的位置应该较远,应该放到该部分的最后再介绍,这样会使习作显得更条理。 【习作改进】 Thank you for asking, Nick. My host family live in a great neighborhood. There is a restaurant on the left of the house. On the right of it is a supermarket. A small garden is behind the house and a bank is across from it. There is also a library near it. I like the library. I have a small room in the house. It’s clean and tidy. Everyone in the host family is nice to me.


关于八年级作教学的反思(仁爱版) 写作是一种语言输出的过程,这种语言输出的能力不是一天就练出来的,而是要经过长期不懈的训练才能获得。然而在实际写作过程中,有的学生感到无从下笔,即使能写,也仅仅是简简单单的句子;有的学生甚至对英语写作望而生畏,消极应付;总体上学生存在严重的英语表述上的困难。写作能力不高主要表现在:母语影响、词汇量少;单词造句、搭配不当;不懂句型、语法不通;信息不全、条理紊乱;语言连贯性差,缺少锻炼;缺少整体的谋篇布局和前后呼应。因此,如何有效地改进英语写作教学,结合自己的教学心得,我认为,培养学生的写作能力可从以下三方面入手。 一.扩展语言输入,奠定写作基础 英语作为一门语言,它具有一定的工具性和人文性,它的结构应是:词—句—篇。“词”是基础,“句”是过渡,“篇”是则是目的。整个训练遵循“词不离句,句不离篇”的原则,由浅入深,循序渐进,不断提高。为了提高学生的写作能力,我在日常教学中,尝试了“词、句、篇”三步曲的写作教学。在教学中做到“教、学、用”三者的统一。 (一)巧记单词 书面表达需要一定的词汇量,学生书面表达时容易忘记单词或把汉英词汇等同起来。因此,要求学生坚持每天听写、默写、循环记忆单词,掌握巩固词汇。还要求学生给出与单词有关的同义、近义、反义和词形相似的词,使词汇量得到最大限度的复现。 (二)用词造句、连词成句 造句是英语写作中极其重要的一环。可以说,会造句就会写作。要学会造句,需要注意以下几方面。 1、熟练记忆词汇和短语 这个环节是最基本、最重要的。记忆单词和短语时,可以从五个方面入手:词性、拼写读音、意思、用法。抓住了这一点,就像打好了万丈高楼的地基。否则,写作就无从谈起。 2、熟练记忆各种句型和结构 在牢记词汇和短语的基础上,还要记忆各种句型和结构,为造句进一步打下坚实的基础。像There be / How many / How much / be+adj / be+V-ing / make sb. do sth /plan/wish/hope/want to do sth.等句型和结构。在表达某个意思时,注意让学生尽量使用学过的结构造句,不可随心所欲地造出汉语式的英语句子。 3、掌握各种时态及语态的含义和用法 要写出一个英语句子,就要明白时态和语态。也就是说,谓语动词使用什么形式。这就要求学生对八种常用时态和两种语态非常清楚。因此,熟练地使用各种时态语态对于造句尤为重要。 4、掌握句子类型和成分 简单句的五种基本句型是句子类型中最基本的型式,每个英语句子都是以它们为模型写成的。掌握了它们,适时引导学生扩大句式,鼓励学生利用课文中的句型造句。另外还要训练学生“一句多译”的能力。有时候,拿到一个中文句子,可能不会译,这时,就要想办法,换成其他的表达方法,迂回曲折,达到目的。通过这样的训练,可以增加学生的多渠道的语言思维,提高应变能力,从而避免“中国式”的英语。


初一上学期英语写作指导 一、如何进行人物介绍和能力描述 人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。在进行介绍时,可从姓名、年龄、年级、班级、工作、籍贯、爱好、朋友等多方面进行表述,常用的句型有: 1. I’m …. / My name is …. / His name is …. 我是……。/ 我叫……。/ 他叫……。 2. I’m / He’s / She’s from…. 我/他/她来自于……。 3. I’m / He’s / She’s …… years old. 我/他/她……岁。 4. I’m / He’s / She’s Chinese. 我/他/她是中国人。 5. I’m / He’s / She’s in …. 我/他/她在……班。 6. I / He / She can … and he / she can …. 我/ 他/ 她会…. 和…。 7. I / He /She can … , but he / she can’t …. 我/ 他/ 她会…. 但不会…。 二、如何描述物体所在的位置 一般描述物体位置可以按空间顺序描写,运用适当的介词说清物体的具体位置, 常用的句型有: 1.This is …. 这是……。 2.There is / are …. 有……。 3.The … is in front of the classroom. …在教室前面。 4.The … is behind / next to / under the …. …在…的后面/ 隔壁/下面。 5.Next to the… is …. 挨着……是……。 6.There are some … in my school. 我的学校有一些…。 三、如何描述和介绍家庭情况、职业 可先介绍家庭的总体情况,然后再分别介绍家庭中各个成员之间的关系,最后可以发表一下对家庭的感受或做适当的评价。可用以下句型: 1.There are ……people in … family. …家有……口人。 2.They are ……. 他们是……。 3.I / He / She have / has got …. 我/ 他/ 她有……。 4.I / He / She haven’t / hasn’t got any …. 我/ 他/ 她没有……。


七年级上册英语作文范文 1. My Friend(我的朋友) I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old.Her telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is on March 5th. Her favorite subjects are English and P.E. She likes sports.She always plays basketball after school. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends. 1.我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫玛丽。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她最喜欢的科目是英语和体育。她喜欢运动。她总是在放学后打篮球。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。 2.假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。 Hello,everyone! I'm Li Mei. Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. A nd my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students. 2.大家好!我是LiMei.看!这是我的全家福。这是我的祖母。她58岁。这是我的父亲。他是一名教师。他36岁。我的母亲也是36岁。那个男孩是谁?哦,他是我哥哥。他13岁,我12岁。我的哥哥和我都是学生。 3.假设这是TOM的房间,请你用80词左右介绍他的房间。 Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is under the sofa. The keys are in the bookcase. The computer is on th e desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room? 3. 瞧!这是汤姆的房间。他的照片挂在墙上。他的T恤在床上。他的棒球棒在沙发下面。钥匙在书柜里。计算机在书桌上。汤姆的棒球在哪里?哦,在床底下。地板上是什么?它们是汤姆的鞋子,袜子和电脑游戏。你觉得汤姆的房间怎么样?


初中七年级英语教学工作总结范文 引导语:以下是由为您编辑的初中七年级英语教学工作总结范文,欢迎阅读!! 本学年,我担任七年级两个班的英语教学工作。在工作中我认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向老教师和其他同事学习。结合本校的实际条件和学生的实际情况,我获取了很多宝贵的经验,学到了实用的教学方法。以下是我在本学期的教学工作总结。 一要针对不同的班级进行课堂教学 每一个班级就像每一个人,性格、脾气、禀性各有不同。所以我针对我教的两个班级进行教学设计:210班的同学思维比较活跃,回答问题积极,但中等生占较大多数,尖子生相对较少。因此,上课时我弱化难点,强化重点,照顾到了大部分同学;而211班的同学偏向沉稳,积极性有些欠缺。虽然有尖子生,但由于后进生比例较大,不足于带动整个班级。所以,对于尖子生我鼓励他们要有“超前 ”意识,人家没看到的,没做到的我已经完成了,而对于差生则鼓励他们把最基本的,最常用的单词,句子弄懂。经过一段时间的实践,证明教学效果比上个学期有了进步。 了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。这就是教育学中提到的“备教法的同时要备学生”。这一理论在我的教学实践中得到了验证。 二备课充分,事半功倍

古人说过,“不打无准备之仗”,上课也是一样,不上无准备之课。我根据教材内容及学生的实际,并且针对七年级教学目标:“旨在培养学生兴趣”的基础上训练认读单词的能力,设计课的类型,拟定采用的教学方法,并对教学过程的程序及时间安排都作了详细的记录,认真写好教案。对每一课都做到“有备而来”,每堂课都在课前做好充分的准备,并制作各种利于吸引学生注意力的有趣教具,课后及时对该课做出总结,写好教学后记,并认真按搜集每课书的知识要点,归纳成集。 三增强上课技能,提高教学质量。 上课时使讲解清晰化,条理化,准确化,条理化,准确化,情感化,生动化,做到线索清晰,层次分明,言简意赅,深入浅出。在课堂上特别注意调动学生的积极性,加强师生交流,充分体现学生的主作用,基本做到了让学生学得容易,学得轻松,学得愉快;注意精讲精练,在课堂上我讲得尽量少,让学生有更多动口动手动脑的机会;同时在每一堂课上都充分考虑每一个层次的学生学习需求和学习能力,让各个层次的学生都得到提高。 四贯彻教学大纲的听、说、读、写进行教学。 在教学过程中,将英语分成听、说、读、写几方面进行教学。 听:平时放录音,让学生跟录音读,训练学生的听力,并且利用撑握英语进行训练,还找一些专题训练,提高学生的听力。 说:充分利用早读,鼓励学生大胆读书,平时让学生在日常生活中,多说英语,课堂上多让学生进行work in pairs训练,提高学生的口


关于英语写作教学的探索与研究 【摘要】英语的听、说、读、写是英语的四项基本语言技能,四者密切相关,相互渗透,互为基础。写是语言能力的重要表现形式。写的能力要在听、说、读的基础上进行培养和提高,而写的训练又能进行一步提高听、说、读的能力。因此,写的训练应该贯穿于教学的全过程,寓写于听、说等诸方面的训练中,才能真正全面提高学生写的能力。 【关键词】英语写作;词句基础;模仿练习;语篇衔接目前,高中英语书面表达训练相对滞后,教师大多只注重写作结果,而忽视写作前的引导过程。学生的习作也是信息处理的很凌乱,表达缺乏逻辑性而且内容空洞。因此,在高中阶段加强写作训练是很有必要的。以下是我围绕外研版英语教材并结合自己的教学实践所谈的关于高中英语写作 教学的体会。 一、积累词句,抓好基础 培养和提高学生的英语写作能力应从词句入手,抓好基本功训练。犹如土木砖石是建筑的材料一样,词汇是说话写作的必需材料。大纲明确指出,学生应“能拼写所学单词”、“知道基本词义,能听懂,在口、笔头练习中能运用”。为达到大纲要求,提高学生写的能力,我在多年的教学中,一

直都要求学生默写正确率达到96%,对默写错了的,要立即订正。 此外,对于课文中出现的活跃动词要特别注意,因为动词掌握得好坏,是学生能否正确遣词造句的关键,每学到一个重要动词,都要学生联系简单句五个基本句型考虑组成句子。 再者,英语是结构语言,具有其自身的固定搭配、习惯用语和基本句型。对于学生,尤其是高一新生来说,可以根据教材不同话题的写作要求,进行写作基本训练。外研版教材话题新颖,有许多新的常用词汇、短语和重要句型。例如,Book 3 Module One Europe,本模块主要介绍欧洲某些国家的名称、首都、语言、著名城市和文艺建筑,要求学生进一步了解欧洲概况,学会表达地理位置,最终能以笔头形式自如的介绍城市和地区的位置及特色。我教学写作部分之前,每天给学生2~3个短语或句型,让学生造句;或者给出两句中文,让学生根据所给的词组译成英文。 二、套用格式,进行模仿写作训练 当学生具备一定的遣词造句能力之后,教师可以根据教材内容开展模仿写作训练。教师在精心筛选话题之后,围绕话题设计一定的写作格式,让学生套用。这种方法可以使学生的习作结构完整、格式规范,有利于学生养成规范的写作习惯。例如,外研版Book Two Module Six Films and TV

七年级英语作文 12篇

新目标英语七年级上册作文范文: 1. My Friend(我的朋友) I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old.Her telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and Chiese.She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to the music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends. 1.我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。 2.假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。Hello,everyone!I'm LiMei.Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students. 2.大家好!我是LiMei.看!这是我的全家福。这是我的祖母。她58岁。这是我的父亲。他是一名教师。他36岁。我的母亲也是36岁。那个男孩是谁?哦,他是我哥哥。他13岁,我12岁。我的哥哥和我都是学生。 3.假设这是TOM的房间,请你用80词左右介绍他的房间。 Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room? 3. 瞧!这是汤姆的房间。他的照片挂在墙上。他的T恤在床上。他的棒球棒在梳妆台后面。钥匙在抽屉里。计算机在书桌上。汤姆的棒球在哪里?哦,在床底下。地板上是什么?它们是汤姆的鞋子,袜子和电脑游戏。你觉得汤姆的房间怎么样?


人教版七年级下册英语各单元作文范文 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Dear Sir, I want to join your club to help kids with sports, music and English. My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I’m a student in No. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well. I can sing many songs. I can swim and speak English well, too. I think I can be good with the kids. I also do well in telling stories. I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Mike Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 谈论日常作息习惯:《My School Day》 I am a student. I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty. Then I go to school at eight. School starts at eight thirty. I eat lunch at twelve. I go home at 17:00. I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano. I do my homework at 20:00. At 22:00, I go to bed. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 1.主题:上学的交通方式; 2.写作思路:开篇点题,点出自己的出行方式; 3.具体内容:自己选择这种交通方式的原因; 4.结束语: 表明自己的观点。 《The Best Way for Me to Go to School》 Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot. First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better. So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you? Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Dear Tom, Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them. We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class. I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me. Yours, Li Ming


初一上学期英语写作指导 仅作参考,供有自学能力的学生学习,时间匆忙,未仔细校 版) 如何进行人物介绍和能力描述 人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。 在进行介绍时,可从姓名、年龄、年级、班级、工作、籍贯、爱好、朋友等多方面进行 表述,常用的句型有: 1.1 ' m …./ My name is …./ His name i我是..... …./我叫....... 。/他叫 2. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s f ro我/他?/她来自于... 。 3. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s ..... years/他她....... 岁。 4. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s C hir我se他/她是中国人。 5. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s i n我/他/她在........ 班。 6. I / He / She can … and he / she can 我/ …他. / 她会…. 和…。 7. I / He /She can …,but he / she can 我7他… 她会….但不会…。 例一: 假设你有一位来自美国的朋友Smith,请你根据下面的提示写一篇短文介绍他。提 示: 1. 他是第十一中学的学生; 2. 他在一年级六班; 3. 他会弹钢琴但不会踢足球. 4. 他还有一位好朋友叫贝蒂; . 我们在同一所学校上学。 范文: I have a good friend. His name is Smith. He comes from America. He s a student in No. 11 Middle School. He 7 s in Class 6, Grade 1. He can play the piano but he can t play football. He another good friend. Her name is Betty. We are in the same middle school. We all like our school. 二、如何描述物体所在的位置 一般描述物体位置可以按空间顺序描写,运用适当的介词说清物体的具体位置,常用的句型有: 1. This is ?这 是


My favorite animal There are many kinds of animals in the world(世界上有许多种类的动物). Animals are our friends. And I think everyone has his favorite animal. Now let me tell you about my favorite animal. I have a dog. he is my favorite animal. His name is Beibei. He is one year old now. He is very small. He is black and white. And he has one sister. She is yellow and white. His mother is white. His father is black. Beibei is very cute. And he is very lovely. So I like him very much. He has a very small nose, two eyes and two small ears. He has a small mouth, too. He has four legs and a small face. He loves meat very much. I often go to the supermarket to buy some meat for him. He likes me very much. I like to play with my dog. In the evening, We often go for a walk in the park. We are very happy. I love Beibei. He is my friend. Do you like my dog, Beibei? School rules

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