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The way of Chinese people’s life has been changed through the China’s “New Four Great Inventions”. What are “New Four Great Inventions”?They are High-speed rail, Shared bike, Online shopping and AliPay.

What did the China’s “New Four Great Inventions” bring to us?

High-speed rail—Modern transportation makes everybody neighbors. The invention of the high-speed railway makes it easy to thousands of miles a day. Today China’s rail transit technology is the best, the China’s daily avera ge of 4, 000 trains, sending about 4.6 million passengers.

Shared bike—Short walks become more convenient and faster, and carbon missions are reduced, which is friendly to the environment. You can download the APP about shared bikes, pay some money, then you can use bicycles everywhere in the street. The Chinese shared bicycle programs have been becoming more and more popular.

Online shopping—Don’t need to go out to find the needs for living. Online shopping, as the name implies, is to pay money online. Purchases(购买物) can be sent home. China has 751 million internet users, 724 million mobile phone users; total transactions (销售额) on November 11 and December 12 hit a record high every year. Online shopping lets Chinese internet users enjoy “shopping carnival” every day.

Alipay—A software which can replace cash payment. With intelligence phones’ popularization, AliPay has become an indispensable (不可或缺的) APP. Through scanning the “QR code”, AliPay wants to realize the ambition of “replacing cash payments” gradual ly. On 11 November 2018, both the mobile payment account and the transaction reached 213.5 billion.

There is no doubt that China has already used its own power of “New Four Great Inventions” to become the great powerful technological country, showing the p ower of China once again.

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_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】China’s new “Four Great Inventions”— High-speed rail, Shared bike, Online shopping and AliPay have changed Chinese people’s life. High-speed rail makes trips faster than before. Meanwhile, Shared bike lets the short walks become faster, more convenient and environmentally friendly. Online shopping creates many business opportunities on the internet and Alipay will gradually replace cash payment. Without doubt, new four inventions contribute to a great and powerful technological China.






第一、二段总起全文,介绍了中国新的“四大发明”,因此围绕这一句话可以展开概述。第三、四、五和第六段详细介绍新的“四大发明”。第四段介绍高速铁路,其中“The invention of the high-speed railway makes it easy to thousands of miles a day.”指出高速铁路的发明使得交通更加快速,故可根据本句进行概述为High-speed rail makes trips faster than before.;第五段介绍共享单车“Short walks become more convenient and faster, and carbon missions are reduced, which is friendly to the environment.”指出共享单车使短途行走变得更加方便快捷,减少了碳排放任务,对环境友好。故可根据本句进行概述为Shared bike lets the short walks become faster, more convenient and environmentally friendly.;第五段介绍了网上购物,指出“total transactions (销售额) on November 11 and December 12 hit a record high every year.”高额的销售额意味着更多的商业机会;第六段介绍支付宝“A software which can replace cash payment.”可替代现金支付,故可根据本句进行概括为Alipay will gradually replace cash payment. 。

最后一段阐述新“四大发明”对中国的影响为:become the great powerful technological country。


上海高考英语题型训练:概要写作 概要写作是在正确理解文章的基础上,在不改变原文的中心思想,体裁和结构的 前提下,省去细节,用简明、精炼的语句高度浓缩地概况文章的主要内容和观点。 注意只需要用不同语言复述原文主旨,不能加入自己的观点。 I helped an old man in rags who lost his way, Main point: I helped an old man. Details: in rags, who lost his way. 概要写作是阅读理解和书面表达的沟通桥梁,考查的是学生在实现自由的思维表 达之前,对他人的信息在理解的基础上进行概括表达的能力。选材上,提供一篇350词以内的短文,题材不限,一般以议论文说明文或者记叙文为主,要求考生 写出一篇60词以内的内容概要。完成一篇概要写作,需要经过三个步骤。 1,读懂原文,找出段落主题句,概况全文中心思想。在阅读过程中,需要准确 把握文章的段落大意,剔除非重要信息,弄清楚不同体裁的文章的内部逻辑关系 以及文章的篇章结构。 2,组织语言,对主题句和中心思想同义替换表达。在转换改写中,注重语言表 达的独立性和准确性以及高级性,不照抄原文句子,尽量用自己的语言转换表达, 同时要注意篇幅的比例安排,用较多的文字去表达重要的内容。 3,找出恰当的关联词,连贯全文。要牢记各段落要点之间的逻辑关系和自然衔接,关注文章内部逻辑,关注一切有转承关系的连接词,尤其是一些副词, 比如,however, besides, in addition, therefore, instead等。 为写好概要写作,在平时的阅读中,应注意: 1,培养抓中心句、概况中心思想的习惯。 2,掌握句型转换方法,学会用不同的语法结构表达同一个主题。 3,积累同义替换词和连接词。 Summary Writing Direction: Read the following passage. Sammarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Unit 1, A remarkable variety of insects live in this planet. More species of insects exist than all other animal species together. Insects have survived on earth for more than 300 million years, and may possess the ability to survive for millions more. Insects can be found almost everywhere -- on the highest mountains and on the bottom of rushing streams, in the cold South Pole and in bubbling hot springs. They dig through the ground, jump and sing in the trees, and run and dance in the air. They come in many different colors and various shapes. There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their amazing ability to adapt permits them to live in extreme ranges of temperatures and environments. The one place they have not yet been found to any major extent is in the open oceans. Insects can survive on a wide range, of natural and artificial foods—paint, pepper, glue, books, grain, cotton,other insects, plants and animals Because they are small they can hide in tiny spaces. Also, insects have an enormous reproductive capacity: An African ant queen can lay as many as 43,000 eggs a day.


英语作文 V. 书面表达(1 题,10 分) 请以"Why are Bicycles so Popular in China?"为题,根据下列要点用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。 1. 大多数中国人居住的地方离上班或上学的地点不远,骑自行车很方便。而且,骑自行车是锻炼身体的好方法。 2. 自行车是一种很方便的交通工具(means of transportation),骑自行车做短途旅行,想到哪都可以。 3. 骑自行车可以节省能源,减少空气污染。 Why are Bicycles so Popular in China? Bicycles are a convenient means of transportation. People can go wherever they like by bike on a short trip. It is easy to go to work or school by bike because most of the Chinese live not far away from where they work or study. Riding bicycles is also good exercise, which can help build people's bodies. What's more, riding bicycles can save energy. China has a population of more than 1,300 million. As bicycles are not expensive, almost every family has one. Now each family in China has at least a bike instead of a car. Thus a great deal of energy is saved and serious air pollution is reduced. That's why bicycles are so popular in China. 假如你是Amy,请你给你的网友Joan发一封电子邮件告诉她你在老师的帮助下学习英语的一些变化和取得的进步。 1.过去:认为学英语就是背语法规则和英语单词:不喜欢读英语,更不愿意和同学练习对话。 2.现在:意识到英语是说出来的,开始喜欢讲英语并和同学用英语交流;经常上网阅读一些新的英语文章并查阅一些英语资料,对英语越学越感兴趣并且取得了很大的进步。 注意:词数100左右,开头已给出,不记入词数。 生词:互联网internet 软件 software Dear Joan, Hello! I’ m glad to send you an e-mail to tell you that I ‘m getting more and more interested in English. However, in the past I thought learning English meant learning grammar rules and words by heart. I didn’t like to read or speak English, nor was I willing to practice dialogues with my classmates. Now with my English teacher’s help, I came to realize we learn to spe ak English by speaking as we learn to sing by singing. I began to enjoy speaking English and communicate with my classmates. I often read some fresh English news or articles and look up some information on the internet. As a result, I have made great progress in English. Yours sincerely, Amy 假如你的朋友李明应邀去参加美国朋友的家庭宴会,他不懂如何应付。请你给他提些建议,告诉他如何去做以便给人留下好印象。根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文。


高中英语写作课上【高中英语写作教学方法】 英语写作是高考英语试卷的重要组成部分,所以在英语教学中,如何进行英语写作教学,如何培养学生的英语写作技巧、提高学生的英语写作水平,成了广大教师和学生最头疼的问题之一。学生厌烦写作,老师困惑写作,但写作在高考考卷中占有30分。弃之,对学生意味着高考失败;从之,费时颇多,结果令人失望。因此,改进高中英语写作教学方法、培养学生写作技巧已成为我们英语教学中亟待解决的问题。 首先,关于英语写作方法教学。新课改下的写作教学,其核心思想是教师在教学过程中指导学生学习写作,提议采用过程写作法,在这个过程中教师的指导尽量慢慢减少,让学生最终成为独立的写作者。这种指导写作法包括写前(Pre-writing)、写中(While-Writing)和写后(Post-writing)三个阶段。 1、写前(Pre-Writing),激发学生的写作兴趣。要让学生主动产生一种极想表达自己观点的动机。比如关于环境保护,因为学生身处周围环境,污染给生活带来的影响他们深有体会,所以教师要在头脑风暴活动中以小组的形式鼓励他们积极参与,说出他们周围各种各样的环境污染,如水污染、空气污染、人文环境污染等等;再以讨论的方式,让他们思考和讨论如何阻止各种污染,人们若停止污染后会出现何种理想而有利于人类生存的环境等。我想这样对激发学生的

兴趣和想象力是非常有好处的,而想象力的充分展开就能使我们达到我们写作教学的第一个目的,即让学生知道“写什么”。 2、写中(While-Reading)。讨论完了,规定的时间内让学生把讨论的结果在老师的指导下以提纲(Outline)的形式用英文写出来。写完让他们自己检查有无遗漏点,若没有,即可连句成篇写初稿了。写初稿时,先不要求他们怎么注意语法结构、怎么注意规范书写等等,只要求他们很自然地把自己的想法和观点表达出来,把通过头脑风暴得到的信息进一步归纳、筛选,找出“污染——结果——有效措施——新的环境”之间的逻辑关系,这是在写作中组织内容的有效办法。初稿既定,指导学生按题目要求安排文章结构,提炼语言。 3、写后(Post-Reading)。写后活动主要是修改和反馈。修改是让学生有机会对自己的作品进行再思考、再升华,是真正提高写作能力的有效途径。所以,完成初稿后,可在规定的时间内,以学生为主体,进行自评或互评。由于学生写作水平各不相同,所以在自评或互评中,教师应给出修改指导,不能让学生随便改,否则不能起到完善的作用。另外,还要让学生清楚,修改并不意味着只是找自己文章或者同学文章中的错误,修改的目的是完善作文,同时也要发现文章中的优点,发现自己在平时英语学习中其它方面的错误。


2016年浙江新高考英语题型解读—概要写作 一、2016年浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题 第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is no thing fixed about attitudes to dirt. In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block o ut disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up t he skin and let ills in. A particular danger was though to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 15 46. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a frie ndly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman h ad taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman sho uld not go out. Though the belief in the merit (好处) of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been re garded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning awa y dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of pre venting disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War II. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter th an white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too f ar? Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of diseas e. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist (免疫学家), encourages ch ildren to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter (后者) positi on is gaining some ground. (原创范文,仅供参考) One possible version: People have mixed opinions towards dirt on our skin. (要点 1 ) For a long time in histo ry, people of some European countries, such as France, believed that dirt protected peop le from getting ill. (要点 2 ) However, people began to change their attitudes to dirt abou t 200 years ago. People have been told that washing dirt off our body can keep us health y. (要点 3) However, some scientists believe that exposure to some dirt may help our im mune system. (要点 4) 【范文点拨】 (一)要点分析 1. 文章第一段就是本篇文章的主题句,亮明了总的观点:However, there is nothing fix ed about attitudes to dirt. 换句话说:Different people have different attitudes towards di rt. 再结合下文谈到的主题可知Different people have different attitudes towards dirt on th


高中英语书面表达 基本句型训练 【句型解析】所谓简单句就是由一个主语(包括并列主语) 和一个谓语(包括并列谓语)组成的句子, 即一个主谓关系的句子。 , 或者该用be时却没用。因此, 我们须注意:(1)英语句子通常要有谓语动词, 否则就不完整;(2)当句中已有谓语动词时, 若不是进行时态或被动语态, 一定不要再用be。 【句型试练】用基本句型翻译下列各组句子, 然后合并成一篇通顺自然的5句话的短文。 ●话题:心中有梦想 ·单句翻译: 1.David 7岁了。(主系表) 2.他有一个梦想。(主谓宾) 3.他想在天上飞。(主谓宾) 4.他做了一架纸飞机。(主谓双宾) 5.他完成了作业。(主谓宾) 6.他玩纸飞机。(主谓) 7.天上有一架飞机在飞。(there be句型) 8. 他的父亲鼓励他努力学习成为飞行员。(主谓宾宾补) 9. 他非常努力地学习。(主谓) 10. 十八年后他实现了他的梦想。(主谓宾) ·合并成文:【拓展练习】用基本句型翻译下列各组句子, 然后合并成一篇通顺自然的5句话的短文。 ●话题:爬山日记 ·单句翻译: 1. 爬山是一种很好的运动。(主系表) 2. 爬山有益于健康。(主系表) 3. 今天我和同学去爬西山。(主谓) 4. 我们是乘出租去的。(主谓) 5. 我们大约在早上八点到达那里。(主谓) 6. 有许多游客在爬山。(There be) 7. 我们很兴奋。(主系表) 8. 我们一刻没耽搁就开始爬山。(主谓宾) 9. 班长小明帮了我很大忙。(主谓宾宾) 10. 我是唯一的女孩。(主系表) 11. 我们中午到达山顶。(主谓宾) 12. 我们很累但很高兴。(主系表) 13. 男孩子们让我跳舞。(主谓宾宾补) 14. 我的表演让他们忘记了疲劳。(主谓宾宾补) ·合并成文:


观点论证型议论文 Hearing your homework take up too much of your spare time ,I feel sympathetic towards you.However,in my opinion, homework is an essential part of learning process. Firstly, homework ensures review and preview. In addition,Homework is beneficial to the development of self-study abilities.For example, some assignments involve investigating,summarizing,analyzing and evaluating, which are all important skills. Finally, homework provides feedback to our teachers, if we do a poor job, our teachers will take measures to help us. In conclusion,proper amounts of homework in proper forms are of great benefit to us (To sum up/ in conclusion... is of great benefit to...) (According to the above, we can conclude/draw a conclusion that... 申请信 Dear Sir or Madam, I read the announcement of the summer camp that you post on the internet, and I have a strong desire to participate in it, I know that students from different countries are welcome to attend and I am anxious to join in. First of all, having been exposed to English for ten years in china, I have a good commend of both spoken and written English.What is more, I will be able to share information and exchange ideas with students from other countries, which will broaden my horizon greatly. I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration, and please reply at your earliest convenience. Yours, Li Hua Dear Sir or Madam, I read the advertisement that you're employing a part-time Chinese tutor and I have a strong desire to participate in it. First of all, having been exposed to English for ten years in china, I have a good command of both Chinese and english. I suppose I am qualified to be a tutor.What is more, I will be able to share some Chinese culture, such as festivals and history.Not only do I want to help students learn Chinese well, but also I can exchange ideas with them, through which we can broaden our horizons greatly. Now I formerly apply for the job, and I sincerely hope I can be accepted.Please take my application into consideration, and your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours, Li Hua 投诉信 To whom it may concern, I'm sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about the laptop and English novels purchased from your website. I ordered these products two weeks ago but I didn't receive them until yesterday.And much to my disappointment, a few pages of the novel like pages 35 and 36 are missing.In addition the model of the laptop isn't the one I ordered.I'm sorry to have received such poor survice, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem.I hope that you either change this product for another new one or get a full refund. I would appreciate it if you could give due attention to the matter. Yours, Li Hua


高中英语写作课教学设计 院系:外国语学院 班级:2010级(1)班 姓名:赵乙徽

英语写作课教学设计 设计意图:运用“讨论式”的英语教学模式和采用“任务型”英语教学途径,培养同学们的听说读写能力,突出阅读和写作技能的 训练、学习策略的培养、阅读和写作的实践,从而使学生领 会语言信息的输入与输出、阅读和写作之间的内在联系,并 引导学生独立思考并以讨论、合作学习的方式练习英语写作。教学年级:高一 课题名称:Unit 3 Information Report——Moon Park 授课类型:英语写作 教材版本:人教版 相关领域:景点描写 授课时间:45分钟 教学目标:1.培养学生的阅读策略和提高阅读能力 2.下课后学生能够写一篇描述地点或景点的文章 3.能够正确的运用本单元学到的单词、短语和语法 教学重点:引导学生仔细阅读文章,了解文章中心思想,并能之后用自己的话描述一个喜欢的地方,实现用词准确,行文流畅 教学难点:学生需要学会合理运用有关的语法项目来描述地点 教学方法:讨论法 教学手段:多媒体Powerpoint 教学过程:

第一环节:信息输入——阅读课(用时约20分钟) Step 1:Pre- reading 课前给学生布置如下任务:1):what kind of things can you do at a fun park? 2):look at the picture below.do you know what this ride is called?what does it do? 要求学生带着这些问题预习课文。由于学生是在任务目标驱 使下预习,预习就很有成效,而不是走过场。为课堂讨论奠 定了基础,同时也提高了课堂教学的效率,发挥了学生的主 体作用,培养了学生查找信息的能力和较强的自学能力。 Step 2: Lead-in 让学生讨论以下问题: Answer the following questions: 1):Have you ever been to a fun park? What kind of things can you do at a fun park? Look at the picture below.Do you know what this ride is called?What does it do? 分组展示预习任务的完成情况。一方面教师可以检查学生的 预习效果,另一方面做到以学生为中心自然导入新课。学生 分组(四人一组)讨论,(也是初步展示预习成果),学生 交流气氛热烈,学习兴趣很高。为使学生主动参与教学的全 过程开了好头。 Step 3: Reading 这一阶段为学生对语言知识、语言材料进行加工、处理的


高中英语课堂教学评价标准 一、教师主导作用 ◆教学理念 1.体现《新课标》的思想精髓,面向全体学生,注重学生个性发展,注重因材施教。2.体现当代外语教学理念,灵活使用先进的外语教学方法和教学策略。 ◆教学素养 1.熟悉教材,能创造性地使用教材。内容科学,容量、难易程度适当;体现学科知识的整合。 2.教学目标、重点明确,注重联系学生生活实际创设真实的语言环境。从学生实际和教学要求出发,内化和活化教材。 3.专业基本功扎实,能用流利的英语组织教学。 4.语音、语调和语流地道、自然,语言知识准确。 5.有驾驭课堂的语言表达能力、组织能力和应变能力。 ◆教学艺术 1.教学思路清晰,收放自如,难易得当。 2.教学语言生动,善于创设问题情景来启发、提问和开展活动。教态亲切自然,有感染力。 3.注重教学方法的调控和学习方法的指导。 4.课堂结构有层次,过渡自然。 ◆创新意识 1.有自己独特的教学特色,教学设计新颖。 2.能把现代教学理论和课堂教学实际有机结合。 3.教学改革意识明显,能在教学过程中生成新的教学资源。 二、学生主体地位 ◆学习常规 1.课前有预习,带着问题上课。 2.认真做好课堂笔记。 ◆课堂氛围 1.积极参与语言实践活动,参与面广并富有成效。 2.积极参与师生之间、学生之间真实的情感交流。 3.交际活动有合作意识,愿意倾听、获取他人信息。 ◆思维状态 1.思维活跃,能主动表达看法、观点。 2.能较好地感知、理解学习内容。

3.注意力集中,思维紧随整个教学过程。 ◆创新精神 1.敢于提出质疑,勇于探索。 2.有独特见解或解决方案。 3.善于将知识迁移,有较强的知识再生能力。 三、教学实际效果 ◆目标达成 1.完成课时计划,达到预期知识和能力目标。 2.不同层次学生都学有所得。 3.学生对知识、技能掌握好。 ◆学生面貌 1.学生对本节课的教学满意。 2.学生学习兴趣浓厚。 3.学生学习方法得当。 ● 评价一节英语课是否达到“自主学习”方式的要求,主要抓住以下五个环节: 一看,学生学习热情的高低。是否解决好了“要我学”与“我要学”的问题;二看,教师主导作用发挥得如何。能否有效地启发、引导学生进行自主学习;三看,学生参与自主学习人数的多少;四看,教学设计的激思程度。教学设计是否有利于激活学生的创造性思维;五看,学生在课堂上发表意见的多少。教师是否精心设计了让学生自由发表意见的时间和情景。


高考英语题型训练:概要写作 概要写作是在正确理解文章的基础上,在不改变原文的中心思想,体裁和结构的前提下,省去细节,用简明、精炼的语句高度浓缩地概况文章的主要内容和观点。注意只需要用不同语言复述原文主旨,不能加入自己的观点。 I helped an old man in rags who lost his way, Main point: I helped an old man. Details: in rags, who lost his way. 概要写作是阅读理解和书面表达的沟通桥梁,考查的是学生在实现自由的思维表达之前,对他人的信息在理解的基础上进行概括表达的能力。选材上,提供一篇350词以内的短文,题材不限,一般以议论文说明文或者记叙文为主,要求考生写出一篇60词以内的内容概要。 完成一篇概要写作,需要经过下列步骤。 1,读原文,找出全文中心思想和段落主题句。注重全文第一句,每段首尾句。碰上细节句,比如具体数字、举例等可以跳过不读。 2,组织语言,对主题句和中心思想同义替换表达。在转换改写中,注重语言表达的准确性、高级性,不照抄原文句子,同时注意篇幅的比例安排,用较多的文字表达重要的内容。 转换方式: (1)常用词替换:比如be able to 替代can, have the ability;a great many 替换 a lot of; convincing替换persuasive等。 (2)改变词性,比如successful变成succeed in doing; happy变成happily; adapt 替换adaptive, reproduction替换reproduce、reproductive等。 (3)改变句式,比如把原文两个句子变成主从复合句,把原文的从句变成非谓语动词,普通句改成it is句式等。 3,找出恰当的关联词,连贯全文。如:first, what’s more, last but not least等,关注各段落之间的逻辑关系,关注一切有转承关系的连接词,如however, besides, in addition, therefore, instead等。 4,大略估算一下字数,如果不足50个字,尝试加上形容词、副词如:extraordinary, amazing, significantly, greatly等,或者用定语从句,状语从句、非谓语动词加上一点文中的细节扩张原来的短句。 5,检查:语法错误如单复数、主谓一致、时态、主干和从句主谓齐全、非谓语动词准确。杜绝低级错误。 为写好概要写作,在平时的阅读中,应注意: 1,培养抓中心句、概况中心思想的习惯。 2,掌握词性和句型转换方法,学会用不同的语法结构表达同一个主题。 3,积累同义替换词和连接词。


写作基础训练三 1 Tom感到既紧张又害怕。 _____________________________________________________________________________. 2.那个年轻人的照相机和Tom的照相机一样。 ______________________________________________________________________________. 3.高中生背英语单词是很重要的。 ____________________________________________________________________________. 4.我的英语老师就写作给我建议。 _____________________________________________________________________________. 5.粗心不是一个好习惯. ____________________________________________________________________________. 6.他们的争论持续了一个小时。 ____________________________________________________________________________. 7.我喜欢读小说。 ___________________________________________________________________________. 8.我们必须努力学习来实现梦想。 ____________________________________________________________________________. 9.Mary让我耐心一点。 ____________________________________________________________________________. 10.毫无疑问学生在课堂上玩手机是不被接受的。 _____________________________________________________________________________.


写作 假如你是李华,你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件,她在邮件里向你询问在高中如何学好英语。请你根据下列的内容给她写封回信。 1.上课认真听讲,做好笔记,课后及时复习; 2.词汇是基础,每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词,朗读课文; 3.课外多与同学用英语交流,提高听力和口语能力; 4.每天坚持写日记。 注意:1.词数120—150词左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总数; 2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail.

Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail.Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all,you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can/regularly after class.As is known to all=As we all know (众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance/ essential.You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud.What’s more,try to communicate with your classmates in English out of class.In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English https://www.doczj.com/doc/e32236685.html,st but not least,you should develop the habit of keeping a diary,which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you.Remember:where


高中英语写作教学现状与方法研究 洋泾中学沈兰萍 【摘要】本文通过对执教学生的写作现状的调查分析,依托过程-体裁教学理论,有机地把教学材料与书面表达结合起来,因文制宜地进行科学合理的教学实践尝试,摸索了一种有效又切合高中实际的提高书面表达能力的途径。 【关键词】写作问题 ; 教学策略 英语写作在听说读写四项技能中相对较难,它能够体现英语学习者的英语表达能力和思维能力,能够比较客观地反映他们综合运用语言的能力。因此,培养学生的笔头交际能力是高中英语教学的目的之一。历年高考中的Translation 和Guided writing是直接检测学生写作技能的题型,要求学生具有较高的写作能力。然而,在目前的英语教学中,写作训练相对薄弱,存在着“学生说到写作心烦,教师见到学生的习作头痛”的现象。从历年高考来看,学生的书面表达失分相当多,问题主要表现在写作内容贫乏、用汉语思维方式造句、谋篇布局与衔接能力薄弱以及语法错误多等方面。自95年始新教材的全面推广使用,从客观上加强了英语写作教学,广大英语教师也在进行空前的辛勤耕耘,而学生的写作水平却仍在低谷徘徊,这说明了什么?是近几年中学英语教学没有什么进步?还是大纲规定的“写作能力”要求过高?为此,笔者对目前高中学生英语书面表达能力的现状进行了多方面的调查和分析,并就怎样提高课堂写作教学的心得略陈管见。 一、写作调查与分析 笔者对本校06届学生刚进入高三时进行了书面表达能力的测试调查,进行现状分析,以更清楚地了解学生书面表达能力以便进行有的放矢的写作教学。 (一)、写作实例调查 完成NCE(Book V) Unit1 Common Home教学后,笔者让学生写了一篇题为”Give opinions on endangered animals”的文章。答卷时间和评分标准类同高考,阅卷后对两个班的97篇习作文章进行了逐个的错误登记、归类,并进行了统计分析。调查结果列表如下: 错误类型97篇习作中错误总量平均每篇习作错误数量


新高中英语概要写作答题技巧 概要写作要求读懂所给的阅读材料,用自己的语言高度概括文章的主要内容和观点,有三个步骤:1阅读 a.把握文章体裁。概要写作的前提是要理解原文。首先,通读原文,把握文章体裁、中心思想和整体结构,根据文章的体裁特点来决定内容的取舍,可以从以下方面的内容(见下表)入手。 ▲不同体裁文章的要点 b.画出主题句或关键词,主题句一般出现在段首或段尾。在找到主题句后,要分析主题句的意义,进一步确定衬托主题句的一些关键词(组)如动词、名词等。 c.整合概括大意。根据阅读时获取的信息、主题句或关键词(组)等,对相关的内容进行整合,理清各层次、要点之间的关系,用自己的语言把词(组)扩展成句,归纳出各段落的大意,也就是表达的要点。2写作

概要写作不是对原文的简单复述,而是在透彻理解原文的基础上,对原文进行高度的概括。注意以下几点: a.准确。准确理解原文包括对原文中每个要点及与之相关的“一些重要论据,句子的理解等。概要写作必须绝对忠实于原文,既不能遗漏任何要点,也不能随意添加内容。概要写作的时态顺应与原文的时态,顺序一致。由于概要写作是转述别人的事情或观点,所以,不管原文使用何种人称概要写作一般都要用第三人称。 b.客观。在进行概要写作时,要依据原文作者的观点,客观地转述文中的要点,不要把自己个人的观点和看法掺杂进去,不要使用“I think”和“I believe”等主观性的词句。由于概要写作不允许照抄原文中的句子,因此,可采用句型转换、同义词转化、语态互换等手法将原文中的句子进行改头换面,达到“雁过不留痕”的效果。如可用单个词汇替换具有相同语法功能的单词和词组:用determine 代替“make up ones mind”;用therefore和to等表示逻辑意义的连接词代替较长的词组“as a result”和“in order to”等。 c.简洁。由于概要写作的词数有限,所以,可以采取削“枝”去“叶”的方法来减少词数。通常的方法是去掉原文中的一些实例、冗长的说明、描述性的修饰语以及省略或简化图表,删除直接引语的对话。如果必须保留某些重要的对话,可将其改为间接引语的形式,即把对话体变为叙述体;或采用主谓缩写( we are→we're;they will→they'll),句式省略( when he crossed the road= when crossing the road),合并句子,使用简单句、并列句,with的复合结构,适当使用复合句等方法来进行概要写作。 d.连贯。连接词是内容概要的桥梁,它在句与句或段与段之间起铺垫的作用,能够把内容概要有机地串联起来,确保行文流畅,衔接紧凑。因此,概要写作哪怕只有一个段落,也要根据原文的层次结构,在适当的地方添加连接词,如表示顺序关系的“firstly”¨secondly"“finally”;

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