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《成长的烦恼》 第一幕 背景介绍: 一家三口,爸爸妈妈是公司的职员,他们有一个可爱的小公主叫朵朵。妈妈说给孩子取名为朵朵,是希望她像花朵一样美丽,像云朵一样自由,长大后更能像天上的云朵一样载着梦想自由飞翔。 朵朵是一名10岁、三年级的小学生。这段时间,爷爷奶奶因身体不适回老家去静养了,现在每天放学都是朵朵独自回家。爸爸妈妈虽然很不放心朵朵,但是也很无奈,所以每天下班后,妈妈总是急急忙忙地去买菜,再急急忙忙地往家赶…… 这一天,妈妈下班了…… 剧情: 妈妈刚到家门口,拿着钥匙正准备开门,忽然听到里面隐隐约约传来的动画片的声音。“哎,这孩子又在看动画片了!”妈妈深呼吸了一口气,默念了三声亲生的,梳理好自己的情绪后,边开门边温柔地说,“朵朵,妈妈回来了!” 只见朵朵坐在客厅的沙发上,边吃着零食边看着电视,很是入神,对妈妈的归来浑然不觉。妈妈到厨房放下了手中的菜后,拿着朵朵专属的杯子,倒了一杯热茶,端到了客厅的茶几上,静静地坐在了朵朵的身旁。而朵朵对身旁的妈妈依然是视而不见,眼睛还是眨也不眨地盯着她那最喜欢的巴拉巴拉小魔仙…… 看看茶几上的一包薯片已经被吃了大半,再看看正要伸手再去拿的朵朵,妈妈再也坐不住了。 “朵朵,零食少吃一点,不然待会儿晚饭就吃不下了!”,妈妈边说边把茶几上的茶杯递到了朵朵的手上,“总吃这些垃圾食品不好,要多喝点水。” 而朵朵在接过妈妈手上的茶杯时,目光依然没有舍得离开电视。 朵朵啊朵朵,我该拿你怎么办?从下班进门的那一刻,妈妈就一直在忍,但是

朵朵这样的表现实在是让妈妈没办法再忍了!看着仍没有意向要去做作业的朵朵,妈妈说,“朵朵,我们每个人都有自己该做的事。接下来,妈妈要做的——是去做晚饭,而你要做的——就是去做作业,知道吗?” “妈妈,我知道!我把这杯水喝完就去做,还不行吗?” 这一幕被刚下班进门的爸爸全都看在了眼底。爸爸走到了客厅的沙发旁,站在了朵朵和妈妈面前,不怒自威地说,“我们的朵朵长大了,上了三年级,果然不一样!我们相信你会说到做到!”说完,爸爸拉着妈妈的手,一起走进了厨房。 听了爸爸的话,朵朵慢慢回忆起自己这学期的种种表现,想着爸爸妈妈每日的早出晚归和默默的付出,心里很不是滋味,眼眶也渐渐地红了……原本还看得津津有味的电视,好像也索然无味了,随后,朵朵放下了手中的杯子、拿起了遥控器、关掉了电视、拿起沙发上的书包,默默地走进了自己的房间…… 谢幕 再不快点,就要迟到了…… 怎么作业写这么慢…… 你怎么又粗心了…… 我养你这么大,你怎么不听话…… 爸爸妈妈,请你们不要像复读机一样重复着这样的话,也请你们不要烦恼,因为我们正像小树苗一样一天天在长高! 请相信:给我们时间、给我们空间、给我们犯错和改过自新的机会……假以时日,经过日晒雨淋、风吹雨打后的我们一定能养成好习惯,做最棒的自己!


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 广告的翻译 2 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 3 粤菜翻译之“信达雅” 4 从西方讽刺剧看品特的威胁喜剧 5 试探吸血鬼文化的起源 6 从女性主义角度分析美国女性--《律政俏佳人》 7 浅析科技英语的文体特点 8 小学英语语法任务式教学 9 论中国古典诗歌意象和意境英译——基于萨皮尔-沃夫假说 10 从电影《碟中谍》系列探讨美国式个人英雄主义 11 从中西文化差异的角度浅析商宴之道 12 浅析《黛西米勒》中男女主人公矛盾情感背后的文化冲突 13 汉英招呼语的对比研究 14 《野性的呼唤》的社会达尔文主义 15 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 16 内向型与外向型性格对英语学习的影响 17 跨文化交际下的中英文禁忌语的对比研究 18 美国体育运动词语对美国英语的影响及语用分析 19 Jane Austen’s Opinion towards Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 20 “中式英语”和“中国英语”两个概念的区别研究:以公示语为例 21 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 22 从《暴风雨》看凯特?肖班的自由派女性主义思想 23 浅谈简奥斯丁《劝导》的反讽艺术 24 论英语广告中隐喻的翻译 25 英语运用中的歧义分析 26 比较《简爱》中女性“陈规形象”与《飘》中女性“新形象” 27 对于高中生英语学习感知风格的调查研究 28 英汉颜色词语义对比研究 29 《麦田里的守望者》主人公的性格分析 30 中西商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究 31 科技英语中名物化的功能 32 跨文化交际在英文电影赏析的应用 33 从奥巴马访华报道看中美媒体报道差异 34 英文姓名的起源和文化内涵 35 On Advertising Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 36 Vocabulary Teaching Based on Pragmatic Approach 37 The Loneliness in Far From the Madding Crowd 38 《新成长的烦恼》影视字幕中文化负载词的英汉翻译策略 39 汉语外来词翻译的文化解析 40 The Comparison Between Chinese Numerical Idioms and English Numerical Idioms 41 英汉动物习语的对比研究

成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 122 Extra Lap

Growing Pains 122 Jason: Maggie! What's Uncle Bob doing sleeping in my office? Maggie: Oh...He and Mike played Poker last night. Mike won his room back. Jason: Really? Well, I'm glad to see Mike getting the upper hand for a change. Maggie: Me too. Too bad he lost your car. Jason: Well maybe Uncle Bob wouldn't mind giving us a lift to the store later. Mike: Where's Uncle Bob? Maggie: Still asleep I guess. Mike: You mean he's not up yet? Oh thank you, God! Dad can I borrow some of your shaving cream? Jason: I'd give it a while. Mike: Come on Mom! I mean I may never get another chance like this again, he's sprayed me four mornings in a row. Maggie: Four mornings in a row? T ake no prisoners. Mike: Yes sir! Jason: You're bad! Maggie: Always support the home team. Carol: Ok. Ben and I have ten Bucks saying Uncle Bob beats Mike in the Limbo contest. Ben: Want a piece of the action? Maggie: You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves betting against your own brother Jason: You're mother's right kids. Carol: It was Mike's idea. He said he'd cover any bet against him. Mike: And he's giving three to one odds. Jason: Three to one! Wow! Maggie: Jason! Jason: I'm just scratching. Jason: Mike! Mike: He's dead. Maggie: Oh my God! Maggie: For those of you that cried at the funeral, I just want to say that it's nothing to be ashamed of. Jason: Thank you Maggie. Maggie: Well! Are we all ready? Carol: This feels kind of strange Mom. Maggie: Oh it won't after we get started honey. Uncle Bob called th is a "remembering session". When someone in my family passed on, Uncle Bob would lead us all in sharing fond memories of that person. Jason: Who he would lovingly refer to as "the dearly defunct". Maggie: Who wants to start? Ok then, I will. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a

Hey Jude 歌词流程图及英文歌词与翻译

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. 嘿!Jude,不要这样沮丧 Take a sad song and make it better 唱首悲伤的歌曲让事情好转Remember to let her into your heart 将她牢记在心底 Then you can start to make it better. 然后开始让事情好转 Hey Jude, don't be afraid 嘿Jude,不要害怕 You were made to go out and get her. 你生来就是要得到她 The minute you let her under your skin, 在你将她放在心上的时候

Then you begin to make it better. 你就开始做的更好 And anytime you feel the pain, 无论何时,当你感到痛苦 hey Jude, refrain, 嘿Jude 停下来 Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. 不要把全世界都扛在你肩膀上 For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool 你应该很清楚谁耍酷谁就是笨蛋 By making his world a little colder. 这会使他世界更加冰冷 Hey Jude don't let me down 嘿Jude 不要让我失望 You have found her, now go and get her. 你已遇见她现在去赢的她芳心 Remember to let her into your heart, 记住将她牢记在你心中 Then you can start to make it better. 然后你就可以开始做的更好 So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, 所以遇事要拿得起放得下嘿!jude ,振作起来 You're waiting for someone to perform with. 你一直期待的那个和你一起表演的人 And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you''ll do 你不知道那个人就是你自己吗?嘿jude 你办得到的The movement you need is on your shoulder 下一步该怎么做就全看你自己 Hey Jude, don't make it bad. 嘿Jude 不要这样消沉 Take a sad song and make it better 唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些 Remember to let her under your skin 记得心中常怀有她 Then you'll begin to make it better 然后你就会使它变得更好 Better better better better better better, Oh. 更好、更好、更好、更好、更好 Na na na, na na na na, na na na


推荐20部美剧 1、Friends《老友记》,推荐指数:5星 讲述了6个青年男女的可爱幽默生活,历时10年十季,是《成长的烦恼》后,美剧的又一个经典。老实说第一集我看了好几遍才坚持看完,但后面就爱上了这部戏。这部也是英语口语听力的最佳教材,至今很多TOEFL老师还是力荐。什么时候无聊了,抽出一集看还是能让你开怀大笑。据说撒切尔夫人很喜欢这部剧,好像挺喜欢Joey。2、《24小时》,推荐指数:5星 2001年(刚好911)FOX推出的这部电视是里程碑式的作品,主人公是美国反恐特工的Jack,讲述了他和家人、同事、总统、**之间的错综复杂的关系,以及最终如何挫败**阴谋的故事。每集就是真实的一个小时发生的事,一季24集,刚好是整整一天的经历,所以比《越狱》还要紧张激烈。当初我第一次看第一季时,心跳加速得至今难以忘怀。第6季2007年1月份播出,Jack从中国回国,以前他是救美国,这次他将救自己。这部剧跟《越狱》一样,适合一季一季看。如果你喜欢《越狱》,这部一定要试试。对了,比尔盖茨也是《24小时》的忠实粉丝。(最近一集略显疲态,所以下降一位)3、Grey's Anatomy《实习医生格蕾》,推荐指数:5星虽然是医学剧,但是巧妙融合了生活、感情,所以活泼

有趣。编剧非常非常强,剧中不少病例让人很感动,背景音乐更是经典。总之是一部几乎完美的电视剧,除了感情生活有点乱之外,我曾开玩笑可以译名为《风流医生俏护士》。2006年美国超级碗决赛后这部戏收视率一直在《绝望的主妇》之上。目前正在播第三季,每集一两个病例,第二季口碑很不错。(第四季水准稍降)4、Boston Legal《波士顿法律》,推荐指数:5星我最喜欢一部法律剧,角色魅力,幽默对白,剧情张力,都是无可挑剔。前两季最经典,细细品味吧!或者再夸张点说,这是每个男人都应该看的剧!两个主角一老一中(年)都是活宝,特别对白比较直接!女人也该看,男主角Alan的魅力无法挡。5、Desperate Housewives 《绝望的主妇》,推荐指数:4星半。本剧通过一个自杀后的女人的灵魂,讲述了她的4个美丽、优越的年轻主妇朋友们,濒临崩溃、绝望生活的电视剧,这甚至吸引了布什夫人劳拉。第一季还是不错的,有悬念有冷幽默。第二季主题不是很明确。第三、四季水准回升。6、****** and the City《欲望都市》,推荐指数:4星半四个闺密的感情事和那档事,这部剧对女性观众的意义显然更大些。也许有点性启蒙和女权主义的色彩。7、Gilmore Girls《吉尔莫女孩》,推荐指数:4星半一部讲述单身妈妈和她女儿在小镇生活的故事,两个人说话都非常风趣,整部片子也很温馨,小美女和大美女各自的学习和工作,还有感情生活都是主要线索。编剧都是女


Hey Jude The Beatles

?这首歌就是英国的难忘今宵!!!伦敦奥运会的压轴歌曲,我觉得很适合大合唱由麦卡特尼创作的,鼓励列农的儿子朱利安勇敢面对现实,在约翰列侬离婚后希望朱利安不要消沉其实这首歌的原名是Hey Julian,后来改为Hey Jules, 最终变成Hey Jude

?《Hey Jude》是Paul McCartney(保罗·麦卡特尼,The Beatles(披头士乐队,又称甲壳虫乐队)成员之一)为一个五岁的孩子写下的一首歌。这个男孩叫Julian,是John Lennon(约翰·列侬)与前妻Cynthia 的儿子。1968年夏天,John Lennon开始和Yoko Ono(小野洋子)同居了,他与前妻Cynthia的婚姻也到了崩溃的边缘

?Paul一直非常喜爱John Lennon的儿子Julian,他担心大人之间的婚姻变故会对一个小孩子带来心理上的阴影。(不过,当时Paul也正和相恋5年的未婚妻Jane Asher分手,开始与Linda Eastman 的感情)他曾说:“我总是为父母离异的孩子感到难过。大人们也许没什么,但是孩子……”同时,他也想要安慰一下Cynthia。于是有一天,他去了Cynthia的家里,还给她带了一枝红玫瑰,开玩笑的对她说:“Cyn,你说咱俩结婚怎么样?”说完两人同时大笑起来,Cynthia从他的玩笑中感受到了温暖和关心。

?Paul在车里为Julian写下了这首Hey Jude (Hey,Julian),可当时的Julian并不知道。直到二十年后,Julian才明白这首歌是写给自己的。他一直很喜爱爸爸的这个朋友,像一个叔叔一样的Paul。John Lennon也非常喜爱这一首歌。自从第一次 听到,他就觉得,“噢,这首歌是写给我 的!”Paul 说“Hey,John!去吧,离开我们和Yoko在一起吧。”他似乎又在说:“Hey,John!不要离开!来 自:”https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea2605211.html,/view/965993.htm

成长的烦恼第一季 第一集剧本整理

Growing Pains成长的烦恼 【开场白】 Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. 我是杰森·西弗 I'm a psychiatrist(精神病专家/医生). 是个心理医生 I've spent the last 15 years helping people with their problems. 过去15年里,我致力于解决患者的问题 And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是麦姬·西弗 I've spent the last 15 years helping our kids with problems even Jason wouldn't believe. 过去15年里,我一直围着孩子们转,解决那些杰森也束手无策的问题Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local newspaper. 现在麦姬已重操旧业,在一家当地报社做记者。[local: 当地的] And Jason has moved his practice into the house. 杰森把他的诊所搬到了家里。[practice: (医生、律师等的)业务,生意] So he could be there for the kids. 这样就可以陪着孩子们了 They're great kids. 他们是可爱的孩子。 Most of the time. 大多时候都是。 And the rest of the time... 但是在其余的时间里… [rest: 剩余部分] - You'll love them anyway. - Yeah. -反正你会喜欢他们的。-没错Unbelievable. 鬼才相信。[unbelievable:难以置信的,不可信的] 01 Pilot出师受挫 [pilot: 舵手,领航员,向导,带路人] Alright, lady, drop that spatula or you're scramble d. 好,夫人,放下那锅铲,否则你就被炒了。 [spatula: 抹刀,小铲; scramble: 搅拌(牛奶等);炒(蛋)] Go ahead. Make my day(令我开心). 好啊,那样倒好了。 [go ahead: 开始(做某事); make sb.'s day: 使某人日子好过]

HI jude

《Hey Jude》歌词中英文... Hey jude, don't make it bad 嗨,jude,不要如此消沉 Take a sad song and make it better 唱一首感伤的歌,振作一些 Remember to let her into your heart 记得要真心爱她 Then you can start to make it better 生活会开始好起来 Hey jude, don't be afraid 嗨,jude,不要害怕 You were made to go out and get her 去追她,留住他 The minute you let her under your skin 当你深爱上她的那一刻 Then you begin to make it better 生活变得美好起来 And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain 嗨,jude,不管何时你感到痛苦,要忍耐 Don't carry the world upon your shoulders 别把整个世界压在心头 For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool 你知道愚蠢的人总是装做什么都不在乎 By making his world a little colder 把他的世界伪装得有些冷酷 Hey jude, don't let me down 嗨,jude,不要让我失望 You have found her, now go and get her 既然找到所爱的人,就要勇敢追求 Remember to let her into your heart 记住要真心爱她 Then you can start to make it better


中英双语歌词 Hey Jude, don't make it bad. 嘿 Jude 不要这样消沉 Take a sad song and make it better. 唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remember to let her into your heart, 记住要永远爱她 Then you can start to make it better. 开始新的生活 Hey Jude, don't be afraid. 嘿 Jude 不要担心 You were made to go out and get her. 去追她,留下她

The minute you let her under your skin, 拥抱她的时候 Then you begin to make it better. 将开始新的生活 And anytime you feel the pain, 无论何时,当你感到痛苦的时候 hey Jude, refrain, 嘿 Jude 放松一下自己 Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. 不要去担负太多自己能力以外的事 For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool 要知道扮酷是很愚蠢的 Hey Jude, don't make it bad. 嘿 Jude 不要这样消沉

Take a sad song and make it better. 唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remember to let her into your heart, 记住要永远爱她 Then you can start to make it better. 开始新的生活 Hey Jude, don't be afraid. 嘿 Jude 不要担心 You were made to go out and get her. 去追她,留下她 The minute you let her under your skin, 拥抱她的时候 Then you begin to make it better. 将开始新的生活 And anytime you feel the pain,


101 Pilot [00:27.20]Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula or you're scrambled. [00:27.20]贾森:好了,女士,把铲子放下,否则我就把你炒了。 [00:31.20]Maggie: Go ahead, make my day. Well, I guess I showed you. [00:31.20]梅吉:来啊。我好象已经让你见识过了。 [00:46.50]Jason: Show me more [00:46.50]贾森:再让我见见。 [00:47.80]Maggie: Oh Jason, the kids. [00:47.80]梅吉:噢,贾森,孩子们。 [00:51.80]Jason: I can kiss the kids later. You know I read an article that said that two career couples [00:51.80]贾森:我可以呆会吻他们。我读过一篇文章,说如果夫妻双方都有工作,[00:59.00]should really make a special effort to always remain...frisky. [00:59.00]尤其应该努力保持轻松。 [01:06.50]Maggie: At breakfast? [01:06.50]梅吉:早饭时? [01:08.50]Jason: At all meals. [01:08.50]贾森:在所有用餐时间。 [01:14.40]Mike: What's the matter? You guys aren't getting' enough? [01:14.40]迈克:怎么了?你们还没亲热够? [01:18.20]Jason: Michael, alot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that [01:18.20]贾森:迈克尔,如果小孩子那样说的话,会挨揍的。 [01:21.80]Mike: Come on dad, you can't hit me you're a liberal humanist. [01:21.80]迈克:来啊,爸爸。你不能打我的,你是开明的人道主义者。 [01:25.40]Jason: Could be an accident. [01:25.40]贾森:可能会有意外。 [01:28.10]Carol: Could be a dream come true. [01:28.10]卡罗尔:希望这个意外能够实现。 [01:30.80]Mike: Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo? [01:30.80]迈克:妈妈,我们为什么不把卡罗尔卖了,然后为沃尔沃买个唱盘? [01:33.50]Carol: Mike, you give new meaning to the word vacuous. [01:33.50]卡罗尔:迈克,你给空虚加了新含义。 [01:36.20]Mike: Oh yeah? What was the old meaning? [01:36.20]迈克:真的吗?那原来的意思是什么? [01:41.40]Carol: I rest my case. [01:41.40]卡罗尔:我不跟你说。 [01:44.70]Jason: Ben! Ben! What's so funny Ben? [01:44.70]贾森:本!本!什么事这么开心,本? [01:52.40]Ben: That Phyllis George, she's screwed up again. [01:52.40]本:是菲利斯乔治,她又闯祸了。 [01:58.80]Maggie: Hey, what's that you're reading about? [01:58.80]梅吉:嗨,你在看什么? [02:00.10]Carol: Well it says here that as the universe expands, all matter is degenerating into a state


JO: Honey, don't let that cloth get too close to that burner. LIZZIE: I know, Mother. JO: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know you're not a small child. ( phone ringing ) JO: Hello? Oh, hey, Debbie. Well, if you can't baby-sit tomorrow night you can't baby-sit. No, I'm not angry at you for calling me last minute. Okay. Bye-bye. ( sighs ) MA TT: Why is Mom mad at the meat? JO: Oh, hi, honey. How was practice? MA TT: Zachary Greenwald accidentally fell on a sprinkler head and had to get stitches. It was really cool. SAM: And Matt came very close to actually kicking the ball. Didn't you, champ? MA TT: Oh, yeah. SAM: (mouthing) "No way." JO: Oh, Debbie Gotchalk called. She can't baby-sit tomorrow night. SAM: Well, is there someone else we can get? JO: Oh, oh, don't get that Olivia Skivin. She makes us listen to county-western non-stop. ( country music plays ) MA TT: Not Mrs. Harvey. She smells dead. ( organ plays ) JO: We're not going for Tammy up the street 'cause she makes more an hour than I do. SAM: No way we're going with Mrs. Jaffey. Who lets a ten-year-old boy drink an entire quart of maple syrup?

成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 118 Reputation

Growing Pains 118 Mike: The commander of the confederate army was..Bruce Li, Robert Yili Coast, The civil started in 1861, and lasted far too long. In 1865….ah…you are so cool! You talking to me? I’m the only one here! Someone is knocking at the door. Mike: Leave me on, I’m trying to study scuzz ball. Jason: scuzz ball? Mike: so daddy, I thought you were Ben, I never call you to scuzz ball to your face. Jason: Ok, I thought you said you would be cleaning up your room. Mike: I did. Jason: Nice! Isn't that music a little loud? Mike: Absolutely. Jason powered off the record. Mike: Dad, what are doing? I’m trying studying here. Jason: Well, I sure don't want to interfer with a study method that has brought you to the brink of failure this year, right? but for the sake of the plaster on the living room ceiling I'd like you to study for this history test without any loud distractions. Mike: oh, I don't know dad. All that silence could really throw me off. Jason: Oh, let’s risk. Come on, just you a nd this book for one solid hour. Mike: what is this? are you pressuring me for a good grade? Jason: No, I am a realist Mike. I’m pressuring you for a passing grade. Come on, you've been sweeping through American history all year with sixty-seven. Mike: sixty-eight Jason: Oh, Pardon me. Come on,with this exam you have a chance to really improve on that. Aim fo rthe stars, seventy, seventy-five! Mike: I get the feeling you don't think I know this stuff.. Jason: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated...... Mike: True Jason: Well, a very wise man once said that those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. Mike: you mean like in summer school? Jason: Exactly. Mike: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated… while he was still alive! Maggie: Jason, look! Jason: Wah, Mike is still studying, what do you know! looks like I actually got through to him Maggie: Yeah, yeah, that must be, you probable got him so fired up he's dizzy with the thirst for knowledge. Jason: Ok, just listen.Mike,! Mike: Yeah? Jason: What are you doing? Mike: Why? Jason: I’m curious, are you still studying?

花城版音乐八年级下册第6单元《hey jude》优秀教案(重点资料).docx

1教学目标 情感目标通过欣赏歌曲《HeyJude》,丰富学生的情感体验,培养对生活的积极乐观态度。 过程与方法欣赏歌曲,体验歌曲所表达的感情,模仿歌手演唱,感受摇滚音乐的风格。 知识目标学习摇滚音乐表现的风格特点,认识摇滚乐的伴奏乐器。 2重点难点 1、模仿表现歌唱的风格——摇滚乐 2.欣赏歌曲《HeyJude》 3、模仿歌曲的风格特点——摇滚乐 3教学过程 3.1 第一学时 3.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】视频导入 1、问题导入提问学生音乐的类型有哪些,引出摇滚乐。 2、播放课件,观看2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式《HeyJude》的表演视频。 活动2【讲授】介绍歌曲创作背景 展示课件歌曲的创作背景《HeyJude》是披头士乐队成员之一保罗?麦卡特尼爵士为乐队灵魂人物约翰?列侬与前妻的儿子朱利安写的,内容是鼓励朱利安勇敢面对现实。麦卡特尼的演唱会也经常将这首作为保留曲目,在2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式老迈的麦卡特尼压轴演唱了这首经典歌曲,并同全场观众合唱,借此表达了奥运会对和平的期盼。 活动3【讲授】披头士乐队简介 展示课件 1、披头士乐队作为二十世纪最伟大的摇滚乐队为音乐爱好者所熟知,保罗作为乐

队的主要创作人和主唱,他不仅留下了无数脍炙人口的作品,而且在披头士解散后,更组建羽翼乐队等等,延续了披头士的辉煌历史,成为20世纪最具传奇色彩的音乐人。 他是一部活生生的摇滚乐史,披头士的创建、辉煌与解散过程中的种种传说和秘闻无不与之相关,单飞后的他更被吉尼斯世界纪录评为“流行音乐史上最伟大的音乐家与作曲家”,麦卡特尼是格莱美奖的常客,多年的音乐生涯使他到目前为止获得了16座格莱美奖杯,1次奥斯卡奖。除了音乐外,Paul McCartney还是个画家。他还极力推动动物权益与素食主义。新千年初期,就因为中国一部分人的虐待动物的行为而拒绝在中国演出。 活动4【活动】聆听歌曲 播放课件(披头士乐队《HeyJude》经典视频,再次感受摇滚音乐的风格特点 2、提问学生所认识的摇滚乐队有哪些,摇滚乐的风格特点和伴奏乐器有哪些? 活动5【活动】跟唱歌曲 跟唱歌曲 拓展欣赏不同版本《HeyJude》中国好声音第七期(钟伟强与毕夏版) 活动6【练习】表演活动 学生组建乐队模仿乐队表演 活动7【练习】课堂小结 通过学习歌曲《Hey Jue》,我们了解了摇滚音乐的风格,摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达情感。不同的音乐带给我们不一样的生活享受,鉴赏音乐、走进音乐,通过模仿乐队的表演,让我们感受到了摇滚音乐的美!

成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 108 Slice of Life

Growing Pains 108 jason: You know that in certain remote areas of Brazil, coffee is considered to be an aphrodaesiac.Mocca? maggie: Yes please. I think it's working. jason: Well in that case...Well it's there if you need it. maggie: Oh I love Saturday mornings...so tranquil. You know if you listen carfully, you can almsot here the leaves fall. jason: Big leaves this year. ben: You scuzz ball! carol: You're the scuzz ball! ben: Your Mamma! carol: Your Mamma! jason: Hey kids, kids, you both have the same https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea2605211.html,e on, what's this all about? ben: Carol turned the water off! I was taking a shower and Carol turned the water off. carol: I had to he wouldn't let me in the bathroom. ben: I was indisposed. carol: He was in there for an hour and a half. ben: One hour, thirty three minutes and twenty two seconds. carol: He's trying to get into the world record book. maggie: As what Ben, the human prune? ben: No. For taking the longest shower. The record's only three hundred and seventy four hours. I can beat that easy. jason: But Ben three hundred...that's two weeks. You can't stay in the water that long. ben: That's what they told Jaques Cousteaux. jason: Ben, Jaques had a submarine. ben: Not when he was nine. jason: Ben. ben: Great! I want to be immortal, instead, just wet. carol: Immortal? How long have you wanted to be immortal? ben: Since I was two. carol: Well if you promise to stay out of the bathroom, maybe I'll help you. ben: Ok. Hey, I wonder what's the longest anyones gone without a shower. carol: I think it was Mike last summer. jason: Well we were talking about those tranquil Saturday mornings... mike: Haaaaayaa! jason: I guess he couldn't get in the bathroom either. mike: Hey mom, dad, I wanna take Karate. I wanna split boards, I wanna break bricks. jason: Hey quick...hide the chimney. mike: Come on dad, I'm serious.The first class starts today. maggie: Mike...why are you so hot all of a sudden about taking karate? mike: Can you believe that dad, she wants to know why I wanna take karate. jason: Mike. mike: Yeah dad.

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