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一.提纲式作文(一般说明文记叙文议论文等体裁相结合)For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.

1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象

2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性

3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做

Attend Your Classes Regularly

Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.

In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.

Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And someday we’ll benefit from it.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:

On Events of Network Public Opinion. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.

1. 如今网络时代,网络舆论事件时有发生

2. 网络舆论事件逐渐趋多的原因

3. 网络舆论事件的影响与效果

On Events of Network Public Opinion

Do you still remember the “Guo Meimei Scandal” which has aroused national fury and mistrust toward Red Cross Society of China in 2011? However, it was just a start of the influence of network public opinion of China in changing the society. Now, nearly every day or two, there will be a new event heatedly commented by Chinese netizens through online facilities.

Actually, network public opinion is the co-product of the interaction between two factors. For one thing, the highly developed internet has brought the explosion of information to ever ybody’s life. Each piece of information can potentially be an “event”. For another thing, democratic consciousness has grown stronger in minds of Chinese people. Network is the democratic outlet where their free speech can be fully realized.

Now, network public opinion has become the constructive power for a better society, which has been acknowledged by all levels of governments. With overwhelming influence and massive power, it will help a lot in constructing Chinese social equity, including improving Chinese democracy, promoting anti-corruption; bring in judicial fairness, and so on.



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description ofthe picture and then express your views on the huge difficulty of teenagers’ homework. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

( Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help dad.)

The Great Difficulty of Teenagers’ Homework

Given is an interesting but thought-provoking cartoon: a father looks at the math homework of his son, and the boy says it is not embarrassing to ask for help. The picture tells the truth that teenagers’ homework has become increasingly difficult, even for adults.

There are three reasons accounting for this phenomenon. To begin with, as the future of the whole family, children now are faced with a wide range of advanced and difficult subjects. What’s more, hoping their children can survive in the fierce competition, parents force children to learn more difficult subjects, which may be even beyond the

parent’s comprehension. Last but not least, teachers also try to teach as much knowledge as they can.

In conclusion, students are surely confronted with mounting pressure from hard homework. Both schools and parents should adjust their attitudes and lift the heavy burdens on the children’s shoulders.



Education Pays

Education pays in higher earnings and lower unemployment rates

Note: Data are for persons age 25 and over. Earnings are for full-time wage and salary workers.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey.


Education Pays

What is shown in the chart above is that those people with high degree earn more than those with lower. For example, staff with master’s degree receive a better payment than those with bachelor’s degree, according to a survey of the payment to the employee. The survey indicates that education degree does have a relationship with earnings, contrary to the recent theory of useless education.

Recently, there is a heated discussion about the significance of the education. Some people hold a view that higher education is useless since college education cannot mesh with the social needs. Some think that higher education is indispensable if you want to go far in both your studies and life. Now that survey has proved which part is wiser.

As for me, I definitely support the view that education is necessary for people’s life. Reading can not only make me survive well in this society with fierce competition but alsohelp me make sense of life. I pursue for it for my whole life.




Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of being participants rather

than mere onlookers in life. You should write at least 120 words, no more than 180 words.

Be participants Rather than Onlookers

Just as the saying goes, never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make things happen. It obviously emphasizes the importance of being participants instead of mere onlookers in life.

There are several reasons accounting for it. To start with, you will never learn the essence of life unless you try something on your own. Whether it’s a success or a failure, it will make your life more colorful. Furthermore, chances are only for those who are brave enough to challenge themselves. They tend to have more choices and opportunities than others. Last but not least, Rome is not built in one day. Only if you are a doer rather than a watcher can you get life-long valuable experience.

It is no exaggeration to say that many of the young generations prefer to be onlookers, which seems to be easier and less stressful. But this kind of attitude is devastating. We should start making a change by applying what we have learned into practice, and play our part in bettering our world, which will finally benefit not only ourselves but also the future generations.



A Witness of a Theft Incident

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Witness of a Theft Incident. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 描述你在公共场所目睹的一次扒窃事件

2. 谴责这种不文明的现象并提出解决建议。

A Witness of a Theft Incident

Yesterday, I witnessed a theft incident on my way home. The thief was so rampant that it left me a deep impression。

It happened during the rush hour, when many people were buying tickets at the subway station. After a woman bought her ticket, she put her purse back into her bag and ready to leave, when a middle-aged man brushed past her muttering “Excuse me”. She didn’t feel anything unusual and went into the station. Indeed, her purse had been stolen by that man. To our surprise, the thief seemed not to be nervous at all and even began to look others up and down. Maybe he was searching for the next target. At that time some passers-by, including me, witnessed the process. But unfortunately, no one dared to warn that woman.

This incident makes me feel ashamed and leaves me in deep thought. The pickpocket s have posed a great threat to residents’ property. Undoubtedly, it is urgent to take actions to prevent such social evils. However, it cannot depend on the police only. Instead, it needs our common efforts. We shouldn’t keep silent any more. We should be aware that our forces are far beyond those thieves.


英语四级作文预测范文:抢红包 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then give your comments. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Grabbing red envelopes has been hogging the limelight in our daily life since the 2016 Spring Festival. At no point is it clearer that this activity has endowed our vapid life with the flavor of high-tech and fun, especially giving traditions typical of festive periods, such as the Chinese New Year and Chinese Valentine’s Day, a facelift. However, some people may be trapped in a situation where they put the cart before the horse. Disappointedly, what some people do on festivals is not to communicate with their relatives and friends but to hold their cell phones and fix their eyes on the screen all day long, just in order to grab red envelops. For my part, what really matters is the relationship instead of the money. Essentially speaking, gifting red envelopes is beyond reproach. Only in a rational way shall we not be reduced to slaves of materialism or hijacked by the high technology. Festivals offer precious opportunities for us to send good wishes to our beloved ones and what we should do is to cherish these chances rather than to ignore the essential connotation of the festivals. Anyhow, kinship, friendship and other relationships are above anything and we ought to make every endeavor lest the profound cultural atmosphere of traditional festivals should decline. 【参考译文】 从2016年的春节起,抢红包在我们的日常生活中变得越来越流行。俨然,抢红包这种现象往我们比较乏味的日常生活中添加了些许高科技的元素和乐趣,尤其使得那些传统节假日(比如说春节和七夕节,等等)的习俗变得焕然一新。 但是,有些人似乎有点本末倒置了。令人失望的是,有些人在节假日整天拿着手机,盯着屏幕不放,为的是能抢到红包,却不和家人、亲戚朋友交流。在我看来,真正重要的是人与人之间的那份感情而不是金钱。从本质上来说,发红包无可厚非。但是只有理性的做法才会让我们能免于成为物质的奴隶并且不被所谓的高科技所绑架。


1、Writing Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Is the Ban on Abusive Language Online Helpful? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.对网上不文明语言的禁令引起热议 2.有人认为禁令有效,也有人认为禁令无意义 3.我的观点 Is the Ban on Abusive Language Online Helpful? Recently, the topic whether the ban on abusive language on the Internet is helpful or not has aroused great attention and debate. Some people believe it helpful while others doubt its effectiveness. Those in favor of this move state that imposing the ban on online abuse is a counterattack against the deterioration of the communication method on the Internet. More significantly, it’s no doubt that the ban gives positive guidance to either netizens or the public and helps encourage higher morality. However, other people oppose that the ban, as a matter of fact, is unnecessary and difficult to practice, for the users can well disguise their true identity. Furthermore, morality should be something rooted in an individual’s heart so to underline the ban will do nothing to encourage people to be more polite. Personally speaking, I agree with the former opinion. Abusive language online, in most cases illogical, is a desperate insult to suppress others’ ideas. Thus, ban concerning this issue can offer helpful instructions to the netizens. In addition, it also contributes to promoting the moral standards of the whole society.

高考必背作文 美文背诵

我们见证了青春 “走过岁月,我才发现世界多不完美,成功或失败都有一些错觉,沧海有多广,江湖有多深,局中人才了解……”我喜欢《今天》这首歌,不仅仅因为它优美的旋律,更因为那一句“局中人”使我们明白只有局中人才了解局中之情。我们不正是青春的“局中人”吗?“剧中人”不仅了解局,更是“局中之事”的见证者,见证那局中难以忘怀的请。 青春有太多欢笑,太多感动,太多迷茫。在这懵懵懂懂的年龄,我们尽情的挥洒汗水,放肆的欢笑,痛快的流泪。青春像一首诗歌,唱在我们的内心,青春像一幅图画,映在我们的脑海。青春向东升的旭日,照亮我们的人生。青春是球场上奔跑的活力,是绿茵道上朗朗的读书声,是教室里如饥似渴的眼神,也是年少时桀骜张狂的个性。 叛逆是青春的前奏,约束是青春的休止符。我们叛逆,但并不荒唐,我们憎恨那墨守成规的教条,向往自由个性的学习生活,我们喜欢自己为自己导航,对的我们据理力争,错的我们勇于承认并改正。我们明白,只有这样的青春才值得炫耀,才能走出优美的旋律。我们不是被格式化的机器人,我们个性中不失优雅,桀骜中不乏谦虚,叛逆中不缺自信。 摇篮告诉幼小的生命,人生不是平静的,更是动荡的,杆栏告诉行人,只有约束才有保护;冰告诉水,凝聚才不至于流失;不倒翁告诉跌跌撞撞的人,肚子里应该有货;青春告诉我们,这些才是人生的真谛。 我们喜欢自己叱咤球场上的英姿,那是巨大压力下的无限释放,球场上的我们才是最真实的,有血有肉有灵魂的我们。球场上我们时而欢呼雀跃,时而垂头

丧气,时而惊呼不断……虽然只是短暂的瞬间,但我们喜欢。我们也会为草木凋零而潸然泪下,为时间转瞬即逝流连忘返,为月亮盈亏圆缺黯然神伤,为生活酸甜苦辣追逐向往,这些不正是表现了青春的敏感纯真与无邪吗? 青春是个性张扬的年代,更是奋斗的年代,什么样的耕耘,决定什么养的收获。踏踏实实,勤勤恳恳,用知识武装头脑,用内涵来强化个性,这样的青春不更能震撼灵魂吗? 我们都是青春舞曲的“局中人”,我们无疑是自己青春的见证人。但有时我们难以分清究竟是我们见证了青春还是青春见证了我们的成长。 青春承载了我们的梦,也完善了我们的人生。青春过去留下的痕迹,就是我们一往无前奋斗的足迹。 青春轻轻地走了,正如她轻轻地来。她走了,却带给我们无限感慨。讲述青春的故事,书写青春的风采;我们从青春走过,我们是青春的见证人。


一、网恋 Directions: Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)its side-effect (2)your viewpoints You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love. Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet. Internet has indubitably provided various information for us, and on-line love is nothing but an artifact of fictitious world offered by internet. On the other hand, it is vital that we should make internet serve us better, and at the same time,as far as on-line love is concerned, being objective and levelheaded analysis is not far from being a sensible attitude. 范文精译: 尽管大家普遍认为网络在我们的日常生活中越来越重要,但当前的调查表明它同时也给一些年轻人带来了弊端。人们可以通过网络做他们喜欢做的一切,诸如打游戏、聊天。有些人甚至与聊天者谈起了恋爱,这就是所谓的网恋。 尽管网恋比较新颖,但仔细分析过后不免有些荒唐。这些年轻人没有意识到他们双方并不彼此了解。据报道,每年都有网友被那些专门通过网络做非法勾当的人欺骗。 毋庸置疑,网络给我们提供了各种各样的信息,而网恋只不过是网络这个虚幻世界的产物。一方面,我们应该使网络更好地为我们服务;同时就网恋而言,客观对待、冷静分析才是明智之举。 二、论美女经济 Directions: Write an essay with the title of On“Beauty Economy”,and your essay should be based on the following outline : (1)describe briefly the phenomenon of “beauty economy” (2)list positive effect (3)list negative effect You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: The “beauty economy” actually is “the eyeball economy”. The beauties are used to attract the public attention and make a profit. Meanwhile, the beauty contest activity which we are familiar with is regarded as the most gigantic manifestation of beauty economy. In the supporter’s eyes, the beauty economy gains high business profits through plans, organization, propaganda of the beauty contest. The participants can have the qualifications to participate in the competition as honour. The winners make their social status reach a high position. Thereupon, people become enthusiastic about beauty economy. The merchant has been laughing uproariously which hawked. The beautiful woman has the stage which declares a position. However, others don’t agree with it. Firstly, the beauties are treated as “unliving objects” just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored. Secondly, it leads to the distorted beauty culture. Many girls even women worship blindly the beauties and spend a lot of money in face-lifting to emulate them. Then our traditional aesthetic conceptions are totally overturned, and our conventional virtues completely disappear. Last but not the least, the beauty economy misleads the values. Relying on“being beautiful”, pursuing the wealth, they go after like ducks. And it also causes them to be the money worship.


2017年作文预测 作者:一括牛气的人参 其他均无准确翻译而本文为本人自己翻译如有雷同请告知作者!希望与广大读者提供方便

英语四级作文预测范文:抢红包 Grabbing red envelopes has been hogging the limelight in our daily life since the 2016 Spring Festival. At no point is it clearer that this activity has endowed our vapid life with the flavor of high-tech and fun, especially giving traditions typical of festive periods, such as the Chinese New Year and Chinese Valentine’s Day, a facelift. However, some people may be trapped in a situation where they put the cart before the horse. Disappointedly, what some people do on festivals is not to communicate with their relatives and friends but to hold their cell phones and fix their eyes on the screen all day long, just in order to grab red envelops. For my part, what really matters is the relationship instead of the money. Essentially speaking, gifting red envelopes is beyond reproach. Only in a rational way shall we not be reduced to slaves of materialism or hijacked by the high technology. Festivals offer precious opportunities for us to send good wishes to our beloved ones and what we should do is to cherish these chances rather than to ignore the essential connotation of the festivals. Anyhow, kinship, friendship and other relationships are above anything and we ought to make every endeavor lest the profound cultural atmosphere of traditional festivals should decline. 【参考译文】 从2016年的春节起,抢红包在我们的日常生活中变得越来越流行。俨然,抢红包这种 现象往我们比较乏味的日常生活中添加了些许高科技的元素和乐趣,尤其使得那些传统节假日(比如说春节和七夕节,等等)的习俗变得焕然一新。 但是,有些人似乎有点本末倒置了。令人失望的是,有些人在节假日整天拿着手机,盯着屏幕不放,为的是能抢到红包,却不和家人、亲戚朋友交流。在我看来,真正重要的是人与人之间的那份感情而不是金钱。从本质上来说,发红包无可厚非。但是只有理性的做法才会让我们能免于成为物质的奴隶并且不被所谓的高科技所绑架。 节假日提供给我们千载难逢的机会去向我们所爱的人表达良好的祝愿和祝福,我们应该珍惜这些机会而不是忽视了节假日的真正内涵。不管怎样,亲情,友情和其他诸多情感是至高无上的,我们应该尽全力不让传统节假日的那种浓厚的文化氛围衰落和凋零。


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion


高考语文满分作文背诵汇编 (满分作文写作技巧+满分作文背诵) (绝对精品文档,价值很高,值得下载收藏) 2017北京高考满分作文:痛苦也美丽 我是一颗沙粒,随风在大地中飘行,时间的浪潮轻轻拍打着我的身体,我从这到那,漂流无痕。 我遇到过一只鸟儿,他扇动着宽阔的翅膀,美丽无比。他的羽毛飘飞在空中,带起了我。我轻轻地靠在他的背上,那有一种热,可以在瞬间融化我的全身。风告诉我:“他从来不鸣。” 我爬去看他的喙,美丽的弧线冲开空气的阻碍,他的喙近乎完美。我问他:“你要去哪?他回答我:“去我该鸣叫的地方。”我把脸贴近他的喙,同样的热度,可以将空气灼烧。 我看到他停在树枝上,夕阳映照在他身上,镶上一层橘黄色。他腾飞而起,带起了树杆在身后风中不住摇曳,他直射而出,喙如利刃般划开空气的干裂,那双美丽的翅膀却紧闭着。最后,我看到他冲向了一簇荆棘,他的身体瞬间被荆棘紧紧包围,有一股红色的液体在每个破口处汹涌而出,染红他那身美丽的羽毛,那是一种热度,燃烧了

投洒在荆棘上的夕阳。这时,他美丽的喙缓缓开启,从那里,迸发出一种绝美的音乐,在空旷的山谷上里,震响苍穹。 风说:“不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。” 我说:“却是以生命为代价。” 风说:“他很痛苦。” 我说:“但他很美丽!” 风带我继续前行,我飞过田野、山坳,偶尔在小溪旁歇歇脚,我行,我随,风起,我舞。 我听到山上有歌声,低沉雄浑,他们唱着:“国破无家,采薇深山,薇草可食,何处为家?”我看到他们衣粗衣,背干柴,行走在崎岖的山路间,一行行水从他们的眼里流出来,他们的声音渐渐嘶哑。最后他们扯着嗓子,风里夹杂着嗓子被扯破的声音。 “国破无家,采薇深山,薇草可食,何处为家?”歌声夹杂在风中,飘走在苍穹。风说:“叔齐、伯夷采薇,身心俱疲。” 第二天,我看到清晨的露珠从叶尖滑落,晨曦的微光照在伯夷、叔齐毫无生气的脸上,他们的脸上,依旧挂着两行水。 鸟儿依旧停在树梢上,叫着,树叶飒飒地响,滴落了一地的露珠。 我说:“真美!” 风说:“却以弃尸山野为代价。” 我飘过,随风漂泊。秋近了,叶片枯黄了脸。风呼呼地吹着口哨,叶片飘零,在空中旋转着起舞,静静地融入大地,无声无息。 我说:“零落成泥碾做尘。”


S e c t i o n I V W r i t i n g Part A 51. Directions: You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members. You should state reasons for your recommendation. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points) 【参考范文】 要点归纳: 1.题目要求写一封信,书信格式要完整; 2.收信人为俱乐部成员,是自己的朋友,用语要友好、亲切; 3.写信内容必须包括:推荐一本书,陈述推荐理由,可以从书的名气、内容和意义等方面构思理由。 Dear friends, There will be a big even for book lovers next week --- a book reading session will be hosted. For its

efficiency and effect, I’d like to recommend a book. The book deserving praise and attention is The Road Less Traveled. It is about how to be spiritually healthy and has been a best seller of psychology category for nearly 30 years. The secret of life achievement the author listed stands the test of time and proves to be more meaningful in the modern time when there are an increasing number of people suffering emotionally. It is definitely a highly informative and readable book and hopefully you will love it.


2018年12月英语四级作文真题及范文【三套全】Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Currently,whether to start a career after graduation has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. People's opinions about this issue vary from person to person. I consider that starting our own business tends to pose a considerable number of threats to our future. First and foremost, compared with graduate education, our knowledge will be limited and our horizons will be narrowed if we choose to take a position after graduation due to the fact that possessing a bachelor’s degree is to maintain one’s competitiveness. In addition, applying for a job is likely to take up our precious time which can be used for more valuable activities. Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that we should be prudent and cautious when we face various options after graduation. Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of living in a big city. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Currently,whether to live in a big city has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. People's opinions about this issue vary from person to person. I consider that living in a big city tends to pose a considerable number of threats to our future. First and foremost, since the phenomenon of left-behind children has arisen as one of the most fearful social situations, parents are likely to have less family time with their children, which is detrimental to fostering harmonious families. In addition, busy city life is also negative for our mental health. The fierce competition that exists everywhere in big cities is destructive to our relationship with our colleagues, neighbors, and even friends, resulting in our isolation and loneliness. Taking all these factors into consideration, I solidly consider that we should be prudent and cautious when we consider about the question of whether we should live in big cities. Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


英语四级作文万能模板及范文(多种版)Argumentation型 1) some, others, I 型 (1)模版一 There is no consensus among the people as to the view of ______ ___ (主题). Some people hold the idea that _______________________ (观点A). A case in point is that _____________________________ (支持观点A的例子). On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. Acco rding to them, ______________ (观点B). The most typical example is that __________ (支持观点B的例子). Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is more convinc ing. (2)模版二 ___________ (主题) is a common occurrence in our lives. The att itudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people te nd to ______________ when they are asked _________________ (观点A) because _______________________ (支持观点A的原因). The most typical example is that ____________________________ (支持观点A的例子).


作文经典语段背诵 1、请保留一份单纯,使你多一份与人的友善,少一些心灵的冷漠麻木;请保留一份单纯,使你多一份人生的快乐,少一些精神的衰老疲惫;请保留一份单纯,使你多一份奋进的力量,少一些故作高深的看破红尘。 6、什么是幸福?幸福是果园里果农望着压满枝头果实的满脸喜色,幸福是教室里莘莘学子憧憬未来的动人笑脸,幸福是实验室里科学家又有新发现时的舒展眉头,幸福是领奖台上运动员仰望国旗冉冉升起时的莹莹泪光。幸福是奋斗的结晶,勤劳的丰碑。 7、未经历坎坷泥泞的艰难,哪能知道阳光大道的可贵;未经历风雪交加的黑夜,哪能体会风和日丽的可爱;未经历挫折和磨难的考验,怎能体会到胜利和成功的喜悦。挫折,想说恨你不容易…… 8、幸福,时时刻刻围绕在你身旁。如果你从母亲手中接过饭碗,心存温馨,那就是幸福;如果你在灯下读着朋友的来信,品味友情,那就是幸福;如果你独坐一隅,静静听歌,凝神遐思,那就是幸福 10、远去的飞鸟,永恒的牵挂是故林;漂泊的船儿,始终的惦记是港湾;奔波的旅人,无论是匆匆夜归还是离家远去,心中千丝万缕、时时惦念的地方,还是家。 12、人生就像一座山,重要的不是它的高低,而在于灵秀;人生就像一场雨,重要的不是它的大小,而在于及时。 13、要装进一杯新泉,你就必须倒掉已有的陈水;要获取一枝玫瑰,你就必须放弃到手的蔷薇;要多一份独特的体验,你就必须多一份心灵的创伤。 14、"指点江山,激扬文字"是一种豪迈的潇洒,"天生我材必有用"是一种自信的潇洒,"独钓寒江雪"是一种高洁的潇洒,"不破楼兰终不还"是一种悲壮的潇洒。

15、风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;阳光从云中穿过,留下丝丝温暖;岁月从树林走过,留下圈圈年轮,朋友,我们从时代的舞台上走过,留下了什么呢? 16、希望大海风平浪静,却常常有狂风和恶浪。希望江河一泻千里,却常常有旋涡和急 20、它可能是一座山,让你感受巍峨,它可能是一片海,让你体会壮阔,它可能是一首交响乐,让你领略激越,它可能是一座石雕,让你明白雄健。 21、在经受了失败和挫折后,我学会了坚韧;在遭受到误解和委屈时,我学会了宽容;在经历了失落和离别后,我懂得了珍惜。 22、不是苦恼太多,只是我们不懂生活;不是幸福太少,只是我们不懂把握。 23、责任感是诸葛孔明"鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已"写就的《出师表》,责任感是孔繁森离家别母血洒高原树立的公仆丰碑,责任感是贝多芬挑战人生超越自我谱写的《命运交响曲》。 24、金钱可以买来名贵的手表,但买不来宝贵的时间;金钱可以买来美味的食品,但买不好的胃口。 28、成熟是一种素质,一种源于心灵表于行动的素质;成熟是一种能力,一种自我约束自我管理的能力;成熟是一种态度,一种对任何事物都保持冷静的态度;成熟是一种心境,一种能看淡一切,万事淡如水的心境。 一)排比、比喻 1、面对着苍茫的群山,面对着无际的原野,面对着清澈的小溪,面对着芳郁的野花,面对着浅浅的草叶,我沉默,我惊叹,我欣喜,我欢乐,我无言。 2、我还是爱着属于我的初三的。爱属于初三给与我的心旷神怡的时刻:当你冥思苦想,而终于恍然大悟的时候,你会品尝成功的喜悦;当你忙里偷闲和别人闲聊上几句家常时,你

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