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a. 作者简介:fujuoo,GMAT 720 (M50, V37)。

b. 写作目的:我写这样一个争议题解析,是因为我本人在GMAT的准备过程中,遇到了许多的困难,走了很多弯路,尤其在做GWD的过程中,许多题并没有一个标准答案,大家在网上讨论的意见也很纷杂,经常看看大家的讨论却发现自己更糊涂了。但是,我这一路走来,感觉对GMAT还是有点心得的,尤其是我从CD得到了很多,有义务把我的这点心得回馈给CD,希望能够为正在准备GMAT的CDers提供点解题思路。


c. 使用注意:文档中所有的题目都是按照GWD(XY版)的题号进行标注的,多数参考答案也参照了携隐版主给出的答案。如果有读者所用的版本并非




Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previous election.

A. a greater proportion than it was

B. a greater proportion than

C. a greater proportion than they have been

D. which is greater than was so

E.which is greater than it has been

我的观点:此题是B、C争议题,参考答案是B。我倒没有觉得C选项的they 指代有问题,网上讨论说they应该指代half,但我觉得they指代costs似乎也说得通,我主要感觉C的现在完成时存在问题,肯定不应该用现在式,应该用过去式。至于A,把it was换成they did比较好。选B的主要理由是than前后的主语谓语都一样,可以省略,补全了应该是a greater proportion than costs accounted in any previous election。


On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.

A.On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by

imprisonment that a United States citizen hold

B.With a law passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that

a United States citizen hold

C. A law passed in 1933 that made it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a

United States citizen holding

D.Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment

for a United States citizen to hold

E.Due to a law being passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by

imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold

我的观点:此题的参考答案是D。A选项that后面是个从句,从句的主语是单数,谓语不能用hold,应该用holds。B的错误同A。C应该用for sb to do的结构。E 中的being多余。


Which of the following best describes the function of the first sentence (lines 17-24)

of the second paragraph of the passage?

A.To answer a question posed in the first sentence of the passage about why firms

adopt particular strategic missions

B.To refute an argument made in the first paragraph about how top management

decision-making affects whether firms will adhere to their strategic plans

C.To provide evidence supporting a theory introduced in the first paragraph about

what makes firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plants

D.To qualify an assertion made in the preceding sentence (lines 6-16) about how top

management decision-making affects the likelihood that firms will adhere to their strategic plans

E.To explain a distinction relied on in the second paragraph (lines 17-68) regarding two different kinds of strategic missions


GWD-XY02- Q32:

Newspaper editorial:

In an attempt to reduce the crime rate, the governor is getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher. Part of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses. However, this action is clearly counter to the governor’s ultimate goal, since after being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter

anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed.

B.Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the

general population.

C.The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already

less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.

D.Taking high school level courses in prison has less effect on an inmate’s

subsequent behavior than taking college-level courses does.

E.The governor’s ultimate goal actually is to gain popularity by convincing people

that something effective is being done about crime.

我的观点:此题可以说是我遇到的GMAT真题中最难的逻辑题,参考答案是C,我认为答案应该是A,据说official answer也是A,不过我没有找到。下面给出选A的理由:


argument指的是文中的最后一句话(红色字体)。那么,如何判断argument 基于什么假设?即我们把该假设取反,如果在取反之后,导致文中的观点不成立了,那么该选项是argument的基础所在。现在,我们把A取反,A的本意是“不参加课程导致不阻止犯罪”,现在我们取反,即:“不参加课程——阻止犯罪”,那么不参加课程的人犯罪减少。现在,我们回头看文中的红色部分,说参加的人犯罪减少,那么如果不参加的人犯罪也减少,则文中红色部分的结论就不成立了,因为参照系已经发生了变化,即参加的人和不参加的人犯罪率都减少,不具备可比性了。

2、论坛的评论:I disagree though. C: The group of inmates who chose to take

college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.

What you said should be worded like this : inm eates who took courses were already less likely to commit crimes. Then you can say that these inm ates who took college-level courses were predisposed or had already made up their mind not to commit crim es after they are released.

But since answer c is " inmates were NOT already less likely to commit crim es", meaning "these inmates who took college-level courses are as likely to commit crim es after being released as those who didn't take such courses.

So it m eans that no m atter inmates take courses or not, they will commit crimes

after they are released anyway. In short, answer C weakens the argument, which claim ed that the courses were helpful b/c inmates who took them

commited far fewer crimes overall than those who didn't.

As for answer A : Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she m ight otherwise have committed. I hate this kind of convoluted sentence. (m e too^_^)But, anyway. First take a look at "is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime",

meaning "won't deter crim e", maning "will commit crim e" Second, put the whole thing together " NOT able to take courses..will commit crimes". Doesn't this mean if inmates are able to take courses, then they won't commit crimes? This answer strengthens the argument. So it is the answer.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/d617681361.html,/forums/gmat-critical-reasoning/20493-attempt-reduce-crim e-rate.ht m l


的时候10秒钟之内就把C给排除了,此题用排除法排除4个选项之后,只剩下A可选。此题争议主要在A、C,其实C能够很快的排除掉。C选项的涵义是“参加课程的人没有更少犯罪”,或者说“参加和不参加的人犯罪是一样多的”,注意,这个结论正好是支持governor的观点的,即是文中前两句话(蓝色字体)的假设所在,而整个短文的argument是红色字体,由于红色字体是反驳蓝色字体的,那么,C选项不可能既是蓝色字体的假设,也是红色字体的假设,即它不可能同时是两个完全相反的观点的基础所在。选C 的朋友可以试一下,把文章的后两句话去掉,其余不变,C正好是该题的答案。如果这样的话,岂非后面两句反对的话在题中一点作用都没有了?我觉得选C的人主要是没有搞清文章的argument所在。

GWD-XY02- Q39:

Minivans carry as many as seven passengers and, compared with most sport utility vehicles, cost less, get better gas mileage, allow passengers to get in and out more easily, and have a smoother ride.

A.Minivans carry as many as seven passengers and, compared with most sport utility

vehicles, cost less,

B.Minivans, which carry as many as seven passengers, compared with most sport

utility vehicles, they cost less,

C.Minivans carry as many as seven passengers, in comparison with most sport

utility vehicles, and have a lower cost, they

D.Minivans, carrying as many as seven passengers, compared with most sport utility

vehicles, cost less,

E.Minivans, which carry as many as seven passengers, compared with most sport

utility vehicles the cost is lower, and they

我的观点:此题是A、D争议题,我倾向于选D。选A的人可能认为carry and cost 构成一个小平行,然后再和后面的动词构成大平行。但我认为这样的理由欠妥,因为没有理由构建这种小平行,and的出现明显破坏了平行结构。至于D,我觉得两个插入语,可能会导致修饰上的歧义,结构上也不好,但是至少非常完美的满足了平行的要求。因此,虽然D也存在一些问题,但还是要比A更优一些。

GWD-XY03- Q1:

So dogged were Frances Perkins’ investigations of the garment industry, and her lobbying for wage and hour reform was persistent, Alfred E. Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt recruited Perkins to work within the government, rather than as a social worker.

A.and her lobbying for wage and hour reform was persistent,

B.and lobbying for wage and hour reform was persistent, so that

C.her lobbying for wage and hour reform persistent, that

D.lobbying for wage and hour reform was so persistent,

E.so persistent her lobbying for wage and hour reform, that

我的观点:此题为C、E争议题,参考答案是E。我觉得C对,因为E选项是一个平行结构,至少在so之前需要一个and连接,否则“so persistent……”该做什么成分?

GWD-XY03- Q9:

The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.propose a particular change to business school curricula

B.characteri ze students’ perceptions of business school curricula

C.predict the consequences of a particular change in business school curricula

D.challenge one explanation for the failure to adopt a particular change in business

school curricula

E.identify factors that have affected the prestige of a particular field in business

school curricula


GWD-XY03- Q18

A new hair-growing drug is being sold for three times the price, per milligram, as the drug’s maker charges for another product with the same active ingredient.




D.of what

E.at which

我的观点:此题是C、D争议题,据说标准答案是D,但CDers讨论倾向于选C。我觉得D更优,因为如果选C的话,that引导一个定语从句,price要做charge 的宾语,而charge的宾语应该是money或者20 dollars之类的,其中似乎有点细微的差别。此题我也拿不太准,大家批判着参考。

GWD-XY04- Q6:

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Krech’s objections to Martin’s theory?

A.Further studies showing that the climatic change that occurred at the end of the

Pleistocene era was even more severe and widespread than was previously


B.New discoveries indicating that Paleoindians made use of the small animals,

plants, and insects that became extinct

C.Additional evidence indicating that widespread climatic change occurred not

only at the end of the Pleistocene era but also in previous and subsequent eras

D.Researchers’ discoveries that many more species became extinct in North

America at the end of the Pleistocene era than was previously believed

E.New discoveries establishing that both the arrival of humans in North America

and the wave of Pleistocene extinctions took place much earlier than 11,000

years ago

我的观点:此题不是争议题,参考答案为B。我只是在此给出我个人的看法:B: The term of “make use of ” does not mean “deplete”. K attributes the human activity as secondary reason to the extinction. Thus, “make us of” supports rather than weakens K’s argument.

C: If climatic changes occurred previously, why did not the extinction occur then?

GWD-XY04- Q25:

The passage suggests that the presence of G10 garnet in a kimberlite pipe indicates that

A.the pipe in which the garnet is found has a 90% chance of containing diamonds

B.the levels of calcium and chrome in the pipe are conducive to diamond formation

C.the pipe passed through a diamond-stability field and thus may contain diamonds

D.any diamonds the pipe contains would not have come from the diamond-stability


E.the pipe’s temperature was so high that it oxidized any diamonds the pipe might

have contained


GWD-XY05- Q4:

Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.

A.movies—less than those

B.movies—fewer than have been

C.movies, which is less than those

D.movies, a number lower than the people

E.movies, fewer than the ones

我的观点:B、E争议题。我觉得E更好一点,ones指代比较清楚。B选项没有比较的对象,fewer than后面直接接一个谓语,感觉不太好。

GWD-XY05- Q10:

According to the passage, within the field of educational history, Thomas Woody’s 1929 work was

A.innovative because it relied on newspaper advertisements as evidence

B.exceptional in that it concentrated on the period before the American Revolution

C.unusual in that it focused on educational attitudes rather than on educational


D.controversial in its claims regarding educational opportunities for boys

E.atypical in that it examined the education of girls


GWD-XY05- Q38:

Journalist: Well-known businessman Arnold Bergeron has long been popular in the state, and he has often talked about running for governor, but he has never run. However, we have just learned that Bergeron has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for candidacy by submitting a detailed list of his current financial holdings to the election commission. So, it is very likely that Bergeron will be a candidate for governor this year.

The answer to which of the following questions would be most useful in evaluating the journalist’s argument?

A.Has anybody else who has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for the

upcoming election reported greater financial holdings than Bergeron?

B.Is submitting a list of holdings the only way to fulfill the election commission’s

financial disclosure requirements?

C.Did the information recently obtained by the journalists come directly from the

election commission?

D.Have Bergeron’s financial holdings increased in value in recent years?

E.Had Bergeron also fulfilled the financial disclosure requirements for candidacy

before any previous gubernatorial elections?


GWD-XY06- Q7 :

The passage is primarily concerned with discussing

A. a study suggesting that the semiconductor industry’s approach to patenting during

the period from 1982 to 1992 yielded unanticipated results

B. a study of the semiconductor industry during the period from 1982 to 1992 that

adv ocates certain changes in the industry’s management of the patenting process C.the connection between patenting and innovation in the semiconductor industry

during the period from 1982 to 1992

D.reasons that investment in research and development in the semico nductor

industry did not increase significantly during the period from 1982 to 1992

E.certain factors that made the period from 1982 to 1992 a time of intense patenting

activity in the semiconductor industry

我的观点:A、C争议题,参考答案是A,我觉得C对。因为文章并没有主要讨论一个study,study只是一个例子而已。在第8行提到studies(注意,不是a study),第15行提到Z和H两个人,后面明显有一个for example跟着,暗示这是一个例子。C选项我觉得没有错误。

GWD-XY06- Q20:

Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also caused erosion and very quickly deforested whole regions.

A.Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland

(especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also

B.Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland

(especially in the Northeast), which gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but also

C.The systematic clearing of forests in the United States, creating farmland

(especially in the Northeast) and giving consumers relatively inexpensive houses

and furniture, but also

D.The systematic clearing of forests in the United States created farmland

(especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also

E.The systematic clearing of forests in the United States not only created farmland

(especially in the Northeast), giving consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it

我的观点:此题为A、B、D争议题,我最开始选的是E,现在更倾向于D。首先,A中的gave和create平行,但很明显时态不同,无法构成平行;B中的which 指代farmland,从句意上理解不对,应该是the systematic clearing of forests gave……;E选项试图用not only……but also这个结构,而且它把also省略,也是符合语法规范的,但这个选项的问题在于not only……but also结构的不对称,not only后面接了一个动词,而but also后面接代词主语,很明显破坏了平行结构。D选项应该没有问题,but做连词,表示转折的涵义,而且,从句意上来判断,整个句子也确实有转折的意味。虽然D选项的but it also结构看起来比较怪异,但一时还难以说出其错误所在。因此,我觉得D选项较优。

GWD -XY06-Q34

Fossils of the arm of a sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles islands.

A.sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made

it the earliest known mammal of

B.sloth, that they found in Puerto Rico in 1991, has been dated at 34 million

years old, thus making it the earliest mammal known on

C.sloth that was found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years

old, making this the earliest known mammal of

D.sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years

old, making the sloth the earliest known mammal on

E.sloth which, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years

old, made the sloth the earliest known mammal of

我的观点:C、D争议题,参考答案为C,我觉得D对。C中的that的先行词是sloth,而很明显,根据句意是fossils was found。当然了,在A of B that结构中,that进行跳跃指代的情况也比较常见,但是在这个句子中,that紧接着的was非常明确的限定了that是指sloth。而且,C选项中的谓语动词was也与主语fossils 不一致,谓语was前面的逗号似乎也不是很有道理,应该去掉。总之,我觉得C 选项的问题很多,不可能是正确选项。

GWD-XY07- Q1

A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer’s Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by Black Americans—the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man.

A.Black Americans—the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and

Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man

B.Black Americans—including Native Son by Richard Wright and Invisible Man by

Ralph Ellison

C. a Black American—including Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph

Ellison, author of Invisible Man

D. a Black American—the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and

Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man

E. a Black American—the others being Richard Wright’s Native Son and Ralph

Ellison’s Invisible Man

我的观点:B、E争议题,参考答案为E,我倾向于B。在B中,including修饰three best novels。至于E选项,being比较冗余,而且划线前面的结构three best novels written by,在这里,written明显在修饰novels,后面接单数名词是不对的,应该接复数形式Black Americans。另外,多说两句,一般来讲,being在句中出现,可以迅速排除该选项,主要的错误就是冗余。而being正确的情况有两种:1、prep + being + done(例:without being seen)2、be being done(进行时态的被动)。除了这两种用法之外,being出现即错。——tip来源:新东方。

GWD-XY07- Q39:

Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.

A.while in Germany it is just over 33 percent

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d617681361.html,pared to Germany, which uses just over 33 percent

C.whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in


D.whereas just over 33 percent of the energy comes from nuclear power in Germany

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d617681361.html,pared with the energy from nuclear power in Germany, where it is just over

33 percent


GWD-XY08- Q1.

According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas.

A.minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in

planning to practice

B.minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates who

plan on practicing

C.minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on


D.it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other

graduates will plan to practice

E.it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan

to practice

我的观点:此题是A、C争议题,参考答案是A。我最开始也选A,后来发现C 似乎也有道理,而A选项的be likely in planning to do感觉比较怪异。C选项的倍数表达没有错误,但是不应该省略are。这道题我感觉有点迷茫,总体而言,如果考到的话,我建议选A。


Although exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a

slow-developing cancer, researchers believe that infection by the SV40 virus is a contributing cause, since in the United States 60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40. SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus. Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the researchers’ hypothesis?

A.SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.

B.Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent

contamination with SV40.

C.Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traced of

the virus.

D.In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to


E.In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from

mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.


GWD-XY08- Q22

The single-family house constructed by the Yana, a Native American people who lived in what is now northern California, was conical in shape, its framework of poles overlaid with slabs of bark, either cedar or pine, and banked with dirt to a height of three to four feet.

A. banked with dirt to a height of

B. banked with dirt as high as that of

C. banked them with dirt to a height of

D.was banked with dirt as high as

E.was banked with dirt as high as that of

我的观点:此题是A、D争议题,参考答案是A。我偏向于A,感觉to a height of 比较好。至于D,“和三四英尺一样高”总感觉有点别扭,因为“三四英尺”本身是一个度量单位,是没有高度的。此题我也拿不准,各位可以批判着参考。

GWD-XY08- Q29

Smithtown University’s fund-raisers succeeded in getting donations from 80 percent of the potential donors they contacted. This success rate, exceptionally high for university fund-raisers, does not indicate that they were doing a good job. On the contrary, since the people most likely to donate are those who have donated in the past, good fund-raisers constantly try less-likely prospects in an effort to expand the donor base. The high success rate shows insufficient canvassing effort.

Which of the following, if true, provides more support for the argument?

A.Smithtown University’s fund-raisers were successful in their contacts with

potential donors who had never given before about as frequently as were fund-raisers for other universities in their contacts with such people.

B.This year the average size of the donations to Smithtown University from

new donors when the university’s fund-raisers had contacted was larger than the average size of donations from donors who had given to the university before.

C.This year most of the donations that came to Smithtown University from

people who had previously donated to it were made without the university’s fund-raisers having made any contact with the donors.

D.The majority of the donations that fund-raisers succeeded in getting for

Smithtown University this year were from donors who had never given to the university before.

E.More than half of th e money raised by Smithtown University’s fund-raisers

came from donors who had never previously donated to the university.

我的观点:此题是A、C争议题,参考答案是A,我倾向于C。选A的人可能是这样认为的,既然SU和其它学校在未捐款人中取得了相同的成功率,那么就说明他们没有做无用功。但是,成功率相同,不能说明effort也相同,很可能SU 在未捐款人上下了很大的功夫,但是只取得了和其它学校相同的成功率,这恰恰说明他们做了很多无用功。而且,我觉得other universities是一个无关选项。至于C,“绝大部分老捐款人的捐款来自于SU从未联系过的捐款人”,这说明SU 忽视了老捐款人,而这一点正是文中所批判的,他们对这部分人从来都没联系过,正说明他们应该对这些人do more canvassing effort。所以,支持了文中的结论。

GWD-XY09- Q23: GWD-11-33

After more than four decades of research and development, a new type of jet engine is being tested that could eventually propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or help boost cargoes into space at significantly lower costs than current methods permit.

A.tested that could eventually propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours

or help

B.tested that could eventually have the capability of propelling aircraft anywhere in

the world within two hours or to help

C.tested, eventually able to propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours,

or helping

D.tested, and it eventually could propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two

hours or helping

E.tested, and it could eventually have the capability to propel aircraft anywhere in

the world within two hours or help


GWD-XY10- 22

Often patients with ankle fractures that are stable, and thus do not require surgery, are given follow-up x-ray because their orthopedists are concerned about possibly having misjudged the stability of the fracture. When number of follow-up x-rays were reviewed, however, all the fractures that had initially been judged stable were found to have healed correctly. Therefore, it is a waste of money to order follow-up x-rays of ankle fracture initially judged stable.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A) Doctors who are general practitioners rather than orthopedists are less likely than orthopedists to judge the stability of an ankle fracture correctly.

B) Many ankle injuries for which an initial x-ray is ordered are revealed by the

x-ray not to involve any fracture of the ankle.

C) X-rays of patients of many different orthopedists working in several hospitals were reviewed.

D) The healing of ankle fractures that have been surgically repaired is always checked by means of a follow-up x-ray.

E) Orthopedists routinely order follow-up x-rays for fractures of bone other than ankle bones.

我的观点:此题为B、C争议题,参考答案是C。对于B选项,首先我认为initial x-ray是无关条件,其次,整个B选项都是无关选项,各位可以把这个所谓的争议选项再仔细琢磨一下。对于C来讲,排除了由于只review一个医生或者一个


GWD-XY11- Q4

Which of the following, if true, would most clearly undermine the author’s statement in the last sentence of the passage(lines 38-43) regarding the distribution of wealth in Western Pueblo settlements?

A.Only community members of exceptional wealth are likely to have been buried

with their personal possessions.

B.Members of communities with extensive agricultural systems are usually buried

without personal possessions.

C.Most artifacts found in burial sites were manufactured locally rather than imported

from other communities.

D.Burial artifacts are often ritual objects associated with religious practices rather

than being the deceased’s personal possessions.

E.The quality of burial artifacts varies depending on the site with which they are


我的观点:此题是D、E争议题,参考答案为E,我倾向于D。选项应该能够weaken the conclusion that “different distribution of wealth is found”. E是一个无关选项,而且与下文(第43行的same site)相矛盾。

GWD-XY11- Q5

According to the passage, which of the following is probably true of the storage spaces mentioned in line 14?

A.They were used by the community elite for storage of their own food supplies.

B.They served a ceremonial as well as a practical function.

C.Their size is an indication of the wealth of the particular community to which they


D.Their existence proves that the community to which they belonged imported large

amounts of food.

E.They belonged to and were used by the community as a whole.

我的观点:此题是B、E争议题,参考答案是B,我倾向于E。文中第23-24行(in such apparently communal spaces.)很明显指出E答案的正确。选B的人可能基于文中第16行(underground ceremonial chambers)的信息,但是,存储的位置靠近ceremonial place,并不能说明它们serve a ceremonial,文中并没有此类的明确信息。

GWD-XY11- Q16.

In response to mounting public concern, an airplane manufacturers implement a program with well-publicized goal of reducing by half the total yearly amount of hazardous waste generated by its passenger-jet division. When the program began in 1994, the division’s hazardous waste was 90 pound s per production worker, last year

it was 40 pounds per production worker. Clearly, therefore, charges that the manufacturer’s program has not met its goal are false.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.the amount of nonhazardous waste generated each year by the passenger-jet

division has not increased significantly since 1984

B.at least as many passenger jets were produced by the division last year as had been

produced in 1994

C.since 1994, other divisions in the company have achieved reductions in hazardous

waste output that are at least equal to that achieved in the passenger-jet division.

D.The average number of weekly hours per production worker in the passenger-jet

division was not significantly greater last year than it was in 1994.

E.The number of production workers assigned to the passenger-jet division was not

significantly less in 1994 than it was last year.

我的观点:此题参考答案为B,我选的是E。我们先把文章的argument理顺,红体字是文章的argument,意思是“program达到了它的目标”,问这一观点的基础所在。首先,B不可能对,因为文中比较waste的时候,单位一直是per production worker,衡量waste的时候也一直用这一单位,B选项甚至没有出现这个单位,而是衡量passenger,因此不可能是正确选项。至于E选项,涵义是“1994年工人的数量没有比现在少”,我们现在把该假设取反,即“1994年工人的数量比现在少很多”,那么工人数量乘以每个工人的平均waste重量,即为总重量,因此,在这种情况下,不能肯定总重量被减少了一半。即对于E取反之后,argument 不再成立了。因此,E是argument的基础所在,即为正确选项。

GWD-XY11- Q30.

Unlike that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s innovative study relies not on the records of White slave owners but on the records of the slaves themselves, especially the 70 or so autobiographies and memoirs that have been preserved.

A.that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s

B.that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame in his

C.earlier works on slavery, Blassingame in his

D.earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s

E.the earlier works on slavery, Blassingame in his

我的观点:此题为A、D争议题,参考答案是A,我倾向于D。由于works和study 是同类事务,因此直接比较就行了,没必要加that。

GWD-XY11- Q41.

Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.

A.Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for

private conversation; instead, it is

B.Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private

conversation, but which is

C.Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could

substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become

D.Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute

for the telephone, which has become

E.Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for

private conversation, other than what it is,

我的观点:此题是C、E争议题,参考答案是E,我倾向于C。首先,C选项中的conceive of sth as sth这个结构非常完美。其次,E选项other than前后不平行,而且what it is后面的逗号是怎么回事?what it is这个短语有必要吗?

GWD-XY12- Q19

Aroca City currently funds its public schools through taxes on property. In place of this system, the city plans to introduce a sales tax of three percent on all retail sales in the city. Critics protest that three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes. The critics are correct on this point. Nevertheless, implementing the plan will probably not reduce the money going to Aroca’s schools. Several large retailers have selected Aroca Cit y as the site for huge new stores, and these are certain to draw large numbers of shoppers from neighboring municipalities, where sales are taxed at rates of six percent and more. In consequence, retail sales in Aroca City are bound to increase substantially.

In the argument given, the two potions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A.The first is an objection that has been raised against a certain plan; the second is a

prediction that, if accurate, undermines the force of that objection.

B.The first is a criticism, endorsed by the argument, of a funding plan; the second is

a point the argument makes in favor of adopting a alternative plan.

C.The first is a criticism, endorsed by the argument, of a funding plan; the second is

the main reason cited by the argument for its endorsement of the criticism.

D.The first is a claim that the argument seeks to refute; the second is the main point

used by the argument to show that the claim is false.

E.The first is a claim that the argument accepts with certain reservations; the second

presents that claim in a rewarding that is not subject to those reservations.

我的观点:此题是A、D争议题,参考答案是A。首先,A非常完美,并没有任何的错误。其次,D选项中,seek to refute是不对的,argument并没有seek(这并非argument的主旨所在),也没有refute,后面的false就更不对了,请参考文中的红色字体。

GWD-XY12- Q32

Delta products, Inc., has recently switched at least partly from older technologies using fossil fuels to new technologies powered by electricity. The question has been raised whether it can be concluded that for a given level of output, Delta’s operation now causes less fossil fuel to be consumed than it did formerly. The answer, clearly, is yes, since the amount of fossil fuel used to fenerate the electricity needed to power the new technologies is less than the amount needed to power the older technologies, provided that the level of output is held constant.

In the argument given, the two boldface portions play which of the following roles?

A.The first identifies the content of the conclusion of the argument; the second

provides support for that conclusion.

B.The first provides support for the conclusion of the argument; the second

identifies the content of that conclusion.

C.The first states the position that the argument opposes; the second states the

conclusion of the argument.

D.Each provides evidence that calls the conclusion of the argument into question.

E.Each provides support for conclusion of the argument.

我的观点:此题是A、E争议题,参考答案是E,我倾向于A。首先,我认为文中的红体字(或者蓝体字,二者是等价的)是conclusion of the argument所在。其次,我觉得E不对,第一个黑体字只是陈述了一个事实,不可能对文中的结论起到任何支持的作用。第二部分黑体字由于有since开头,很明显是支持结论的。当然了,A也有问题,我觉得可能是题目打错了,A中的“content”如果改为“context”,则A选项就没有任何问题了。我觉得此题存在问题,大家理解就好,不必过于纠结答案了。

GWD-XY12- Q38

In one state, all cities and most towns have antismoking ordinances, a petition entitled “Petition for Statewide Smoking Restriction” is being circulated to voters by campaign workers who ask only, “Do you want to sign a petition for statewide

smoki ng restriction?” The petition advocates a state law banning smoking in most retail establishments and in government offices that are open to the public.

Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?

A.Health costs associated with smoking cause health insurance premiums to rise for

everyone and so affect nonsmokers.

B.In rural areas of the state, there are relatively few retail establishments and

government offices that are open to the public.

C.The state law would supersede the local antismoking ordinances, which contain

stronger bans than the state law does.

D.There is considerable sentiment among voters in most areas of the state for

restriction of smoking.

E.The state law would not affect existing local ordinances banning smoking in

places where the fire authorities have determined that smoking would constitute a fire hazard.

我的观点:此题是B、C争议题,参考答案是B,我倾向于C。我觉得B是一个无关选项。下面,我解释一下选C的理由。题目问的是什么会导致voters产生误解,这些voters认为提案是把local ordinances延伸到statewide。而C表达的涵义是州法律会替代更严厉的地方法律。因此,按照C的表述,是用宽松的州法律替代严厉的地方法律,而非把地方法律扩展到整个州的范围。这会让voters 产生误解。

网上的讨论:This is the explanation of choosing C:

A, B, and D are irrelevant and, therefore, gone. Now, consider the stem. If voters understand the petition in circulation as supporting a statewide extension of the current local ordinances, what would make the petition misleading? If the local ordinances are strict and the proposed state law were to be less strict, though applicable statewide, then that would be misleading to voters. In other words, the local ordinances would not be extended statewide. That's what C says. The reference answer, E, is irrelevant and incorrect.

来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d617681361.html,/forums/gmat-sentence-correction/105569-one-state.html GWD-XY12- Q39

Five hundred million different species of living creatures have appeared on Earth, nearly 99 percent of them vanishing.

A.Five hundred million different species of living creatures have appeared on Earth,

nearly 99 percent of them vanishing.

B.Nearly 99 percent of five hundred million different species of living creatures that

appeared on Earth have vanished.

C.Vanished are nearly 99percent of the five hundred million different species of

living creatures that appeared on Earth.

D.Of five hundred million different species of living creatures that have appeared on

Earth, nearly 99 percent of them have vanished.

E.Of the five hundred million different species of living creatures that have appeared

on Earth, nearly 99 percent have vanished.


GWD-XY13- Q16.

The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of his early experiments in his “Essay on Heat and Light,” a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.

A. a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a

B. a critique of all chemistry following Robert Boyle and also his envisioning of a

C. a critique of all chemistry after Robert Boyle and envisioning as well

D.critiquing all chemistry from Robert Boyle forward and also a vision of

E.critiquing all the chemistry done since Robert Boyle as well as his own

envisioning of

我的观点:此题是A、B争议题,参考答案是B,我倾向于A。在选项A中,a critique 和a vision平行,感觉比较舒服。在选项B中,following的用法就不太好,一般来讲在介词和动词的ing形式之间,应该选介词,因为更简洁,而且B选项中的his也容易造成指代混淆,envisioning也明显没有vision更简洁。

GWD-XY13- Q19

In 1992 outlaw fishing boats began illegally harvesting lobsters from the territorial waters of the country of Belukia. Soon after, the annual tonnage of lobster legally harvested in Belukian waters began declining; in 1996, despite there being no reduction in the level of legal lobster fishing activity, the local catch was 9,000 tons below pre-1992 levels. It is therefore highly likely that the outlaw fishing boats harvested about 9,000 tons of lobster illegally that year.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.The illegal lobster harvesting was not so expensive that the population of

catchable lobsters in Belukia’s territorial waters had sharply declined by 1996

B.The average annual lobster catch, in tons, of an outlaw fishing boat is has

increased steadily since 1992.

C.Outlaw fishing boats do not , as a group, harvest more lobsters than do licensed

lobster-fishing boats.

D.The annual legal lobster harvest in Belukia in 1996 was not significantly less than

9,000 tons.

E. A significant proportion of Belukia’s operators of licensed lobster-fishing boats

were out of business between 1992 and 1996

我的观点:此题的参考答案是A,据说official answer也是A,但是我倾向于C。我一直都没搞明白为什么A是对的,不过在这里就不用我的思路影响大家了。链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d617681361.html,/forums/gmat-critical-reasoning/36609-fishing-boats.html







阅读:阅读是我比较弱的一个项目,最开始的时候,阅读基本看不懂,于是买了本《杨鹏难句》,这本书非常的实用,在你把每个句子读20遍以后,就会对GMAT 阅读的写法比较有感觉了。我大概精读了20几个句子之后,就放弃了这本书,开始了OG的复习。开始做OG阅读的时候,发现正确率还挺高的,基本上80%-90%的水平,于是欣欣然忘乎所以,以为GMAT阅读不过如此,但这是一个非常具有迷惑性的陷阱。大家一定要记住,GMAT考的不是你的阅读能力,而是你在时间压力下的阅读能力,半个小时做完一篇阅读,一个都不错,并不是什么难事,难的是在七八分钟以内把文章读完,把四五个选项选对。但是,虽然这样,基础还是要打好的,我大概把OG阅读精读了15篇左右,每篇读了至少10


独立性检验典型题例解析 所谓独立性检验,就是要把采集样本的数据,利用公式计算2 k 的值,比较与临界值的大小关系,来判定事件A 与B 是否无关的问题。 具体步骤:(1)采集样本数据。 (2)由 22 ()()()()() n ad bc K a d c d a c b d -=++++ 计算2K 的值。 (3)统计推断,当2K >3.841时,有95%的把握说事件A 与B 有关;当2 K >6.635时,有99%的把握说事件A 与B 有关;当2 K ≤3.841时,认为事件A 与B 是无关的。 附临界值参考表: P (K 2≥x 0) 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.10 0.005 0.001 x 0 2.706 3.841 5.024 6.635 7.879 10.828 下面我们通过几个典型例题对独立性检验问题进行剖析,使同学们进一步掌握这类问题的研究方法。 例1、为了研究色盲与性别的关系,调查了1000人,调查结果如下表所示: 根据上述数据试问色盲与性别是否是相互独立的? 分析:问题归结为二元总体的独立性检验问题。 解:由已知条件可得下表 男 女 合计 正常 442 514 956 色盲 38 6 44 合计 480 520 1000 依据公式22 ()()()()()n ad bc K a d c d a c b d -=++++得2 k =()520 4804495651438644210002 ????-?=27.139。 由于27.139>6.635,所以有99%的把握认为色盲与性别是有关的,从而拒绝原假设,可以 认为色盲与性别不是相互独立的。 评注:根据假设检验的思想,比较计算出的2 k 与临界值的大小,选择接受假设还是拒绝假设。 男 女 正常 442 514 色盲 38 6



第101道选A 先看边数每一列的边数 第一列:3 , 4 , 5 第二列:6 , 7 , 8 第三列:3 , 3 ,? 可以看出,第2列的边数6=3+3 ,7=4+3 ,8=?+5 ?=>3 再看点数 第一列的总点数=第二列的总点数×2+第三列的总点数×1 所以答案为A

第102道B 解析:两套图各图项一一对应相似 第一套图图1对应第二套图图1,都为有弧度较大的部分(看红圈部分)第一套图图2对应第二套图图2,也有相似部分(看红圈部分) 第一套图图3对应第二套图图3,都为两条弧线构成,而且中心对称(看红线部分) 第130道选D 三个图为一列,均以中间的图形项为中心, 横竖列:第一个图旋转90度后=第三个图。

斜列:第一个图旋转180度后=第三个图 第104道选B 这是一道图形拆分图,答案项通过组合后=原图项(规律) 套用上面的规律:以原图竖的分割线为准,以两边的顶点为中心,两个半圆逆时针旋转90度=答案项 第105道选A 每套图只有一种构成元素,是出现两次的,其他的都只出现一次 第106道选C

第二组图形按大、中、小规律出现,且前两个图形对应部分相同的在第三个图形变空白、不同的变阴影。 第107道选A 主要看直线的数量变化和直线上面图形的方位变化 横着看三个图为一列,可以观察到每一列的直线的总数都是6,而且都是1,2,3这样的变化。直线上面的图形方位都是以每一列的第个图为基准旋转90度,故答案是A 第108道选A 把三角形内的两条分割线分割出来的3个图形看为3列, 先看第一套图:圆为第一列的元素往第二列移动+1个圆,直线往上移动-1条直线


解析几何题怎么解 高考解析几何试题一般共有4题(2个选择题, 1个填空题, 1个解答题), 共计30分左右, 考查的知识点约为20个左右. 其命题一般紧扣课本, 突出重点, 全面考查. 选择题和填空题考查直线, 圆, 圆锥曲线, 参数方程和极坐标系中的基础知识. 解答题重点考查圆锥曲线中的重要知识点, 通过知识的重组与链接, 使知识形成网络, 着重考查直线与圆锥曲线的位置关系, 求解有时还要用到平几的基本知识,这点值得考生在复课时强化. 例1 已知点T 是半圆O 的直径AB 上一点,AB=2、OT=t (0>=+b a b y a x 有且仅有一个交点Q ,且与x 轴、y 轴分别交于R 、S , 求以线段SR 为对角线的矩形ORPS 的一个顶点P 的轨迹方程. 讲解:从直线l 所处的位置, 设出直线l 的方程, 由已知,直线l 不过椭圆的四个顶点,所以设直线l 的方程为).0(≠+=k m kx y 代入椭圆方程,222222b a y a x b =+ 得 .)2(22222222b a m kmx x k a x b =+++ 化简后,得关于x 的一元二次方程 .02)(222222222=-+++b a m a mx ka x b k a 于是其判别式).(4))((4)2(222222222222222m b k a b a b a m a b k a m ka -+=-+-=? 由已知,得△=0.即.2 2 2 2 m b k a =+ ① 在直线方程 m kx y +=中,分别令y=0,x=0,求得).,0(),0,(m S k m R - 令顶点P 的坐标为(x ,y ), 由已知,得??? ????=-=?????? ?=-=.,.,y m x y k m y k m x 解得


5.3 典型习题和题例分析与解答 题5.1 假设指令的解释分取指、分析和执行3步,每步的时间相应地为 t 取指、t 分析、 t 执行, (1)分别计算下列几种情况下,执行完100条指令所需时间的一般关系式; i.顺序方式; ii.仅“执行x”与“取指x剩”重叠, iii.仅“执行x”、“分析r+:”,“取指。+:”重叠. (2)分别在t 取指= t 分析=2, t 执行=l及 t 取指= t 执行=5, t 分析 =2 两种情况下,计算出上述各结果。 [分析] 可先按指令间所要求的时间关系画出指令间的时间重叠关系图,由图就可以列出各种情况下,计算100条指令所需时间的一般关系式。再将给出的时间值代入,实际完成100条指令所需的时间就可以求得。 * 顺序方式工作的时间关系如图5.1所示。 取指k分析k执行k取指k+1分析k+1执行k+1取指k+2分析k+2执行k+2 图顺序方式工作的时间关系图 仅“执行k”与“取指k+1”、重叠方式工作的时间关系如图5.2所示. 取指k分析k执行k 取指k+1分析k+1执行k+1 ' 取指k+2分析k+2执行k+2 图5.2 仅“执行k”,与“取指k+1”重叠方式工作的时间关系图

仅“执行k”、“分析k+1”、“取指k+2”重叠方式工作的时间关系如图5.3所示.取指k分析k执行k 取指k+1分析k+1执行k+1 ^ 取指k+2分析k+2执行k+2 图5.3 仅“执行k”、“分析k+1”、“取指k+2”重叠方式工作的时间关系图 [解答] (1)计算执行完100条指令所需要的时间: (i)顺序方式工作时为 100(t t t ?++ 取指分析执行 ) (ii)仅“执行k”,与“取指k+1”重叠方式工作时为 — {} 10099max t t t t t ++?+ 取指分析取指执行执行 , (iii)仅“执行k”、“分析k+1”、“取指k+2”重叠方式工作时为 {}{}{} max98max max, t t t t t t t t t ++?++ 取指分析取指取指分析执行执行分析执行,,, (2)当t 取指= t 分析=2、 t 执行=l时,代入上面的各式,可求得100条指 令执行所需要的时间是: 顺序方式工作时为500。 仅“执行k”,与“取指k+1”重叠方式工作时为401。


小学五年级数学典型题解析实例 一、把5米长的绳子平均分成6段,每段是全长的( 61 ),每段长( 65 )米。 正确答案:把5米长的绳子平均分成6段,每段是全长的( 1 ),每段长( 65)米。 错误现象: 1. 把5米长的绳子平均分成6段,每段是全长的( 65),每段长( 61)米。 2. 把5米长的绳子平均分成6段,每段是全长的(1),每段长(1)米。 错误原因:学生出现第一种错误主要时弄不清楚什么时候该用具体数据,什么时候该用整体“1”;出现第二种错误是对分数的概念还弄不清楚,对这样的错误要让学生明确分母就是表示平均分成的份数。 思路点拨:第一个空是求每段是全长的几分之几,解答时就应该把全长即整条绳子看做单位“1”,把它平均分成6份,每份就是,列式为1÷6=61 ;第二个空是求每段的具体长度时,就要把绳子具体的长度5米平均分成6段,列式为5÷6= 5 (米)。做题时最重要的是注意对应好关系,求全长的几分之几时,就要把全长看作整体“1”去平均分成若干份;求具体一份的长度时,就要把全长的具体长度去平均分成若干份。 二、春光小学今年有学生840人,比去年增加40人,今年的学生人数比去年增加百分之几? 正确答案: 40÷(840-40) =40÷800 =0.05 =5%。 答:今年的学生人数比去年增加5%。 [常见错误]: (1)(840-40)÷840 =800÷840 ≈0.952 =95.2%。 答:今年的学生人数比去年增加95.2%。

(2)(840-40)÷840 =800÷840 ≈0.952 =95.2%。 1-95.2%=4.8%。 答:今年的学生人数比去年增加4.8% 错误原因:第一种错误,在于没有找准单位“1”。错误二,它求的是“去年的学生人数比今年减少百分之几”。用这种方法解题的学生总以为,“去年的学生人数比今年减少百分之几”,就是“今年的学生人数比去年增加百分之几”。其实这是不相等的,其理由和甲数比乙数多几就是乙数比甲数少几,但甲数比乙数多百分之几,一般决不是乙数比甲数少百分之几一样。这种错误与学习整数求差的定势影响有关,只要弄清了道理就不会犯这类错误了思路点拨:分数、百分数应用题是小学数学较难学好的内容之一。 正确辨认应用题中的“标准数”,这是解答分数、百分数应用题的关键。在确定“标准数”时,要特别注意分析应用题中含有“分率”或“百分率”的词句。当正确地确定题中的“标准数”以后,就可以找出题中各个数量间的对应关系。


经典题目20例 1.若函数()421x x f x a =-?+在区间[]1,1-上至少有一个零点,则实数a 的取值范围是 . 解析:()4210x x f x a =-?+=,241x x a ?=+,411222x x x x a +==+,由于[]1,1x ∈-,所以12[,2]2x ∈,函数1()22x x g x =+的值域为5[2,]2 ,因此,实数a 的取值范围是5[2,]2 . 2.已知12,F F 是椭圆和双曲线的公共焦点,P 是它们的一个交点,且123F PF π∠=, 记椭圆和双曲线的离心率分别为1e ,2e ,则121e e ?的最大值为 A. 3 C. 2 解析:设椭圆的长轴为2a ,双曲线的实轴长为2m ,公共的焦距为2c ,不妨设交点在第一象限,即12PF PF >.根据椭圆及双曲线的定义,122PF PF a +=,122PF PF m -=,可得1PF a m =+,2PF a m =-.在12F PF ?中,由余弦定理整理得:22234a m c += .22243c a m =+≥ ,所以 21213 am a m c c c e e =?=≤?. 3.以下命题错误的有 ①②③ ①若函数32()(1)31f x x a x x =+-++没有极值点,则24a -<<; ②若函数()3 mx f x x = +在区间(3,)-+∞上单调递增,则0m ≥; ③若函数ln ()x f x m x =-有两个零点,则1m e <; ④已知函数()log (01)x a f x a =<<,,,k m n R +∈且全不相等,则 ()2k m f ++()2m n f +()()()()2 k n f f k f m f n ++<++. 解析:①函数32()(1)31f x x a x x =+-++没有极值点,等价于函数()0f x '≥恒成立, 2()32(1)3f x x a x '=+-+,24(1)4330a ?=--??≤.24a -≤≤;②()3 mx f x x =+


【例题解析】 例1.(2008广东卷)下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音都不相同的一项是() A.滋润./蕴.含赡.养/瞻.仰调.试/调.和 B.对峙./嗜.好竣.工/英俊.强.迫/倔强. C.造诣./逃逸.堤.岸/提.拔抹.黑/抹.布 D.湖畔./装扮.怄.气/枢.纽阻塞./边塞. 解析:本题主要考查形近字和多音字的读音,要注意据义、据形定音。答案为B(A项读音rùn/yùn、shàn/zhān、tiáo/ tiáo;B项读音:pàn/bàn、?u/shū、sa/sài;C项读音:yì/yì、dī/tí、mǒ/mā;D项读音:zhì/shì、jùn/jùn、qiǎng/jiàng) 例2.(2008山东卷)下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是() A.仲(zh?ng)裁阿(ē)谀入场券(quàn)捕(pǔ)风捉影 B.袅娜(nu?)勒(lēi)紧嚼(ju?)舌头百孔千疮(chuāng) C.精辟(pì)躯壳(qiào)横剖(pōu)面一语中的(dì) D.柏(bǎi)树模(m?)具配给(jǐ)制否(pǐ)极泰来 解析:该题中每一个选项中加点的字都是常见易读错的字,多音字占多数,针对命题特点,只要平时多注意积累,勤查字典,就可迎刃而解。答案为C(A项中“捕风捉影”的“捕”应读“bǔ”;B项中“嚼舌头”的“嚼”应读“jiáo”;D项中“模具”的“模”应读“m ú”。) 例3.(2008全国卷)下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是() A.刍议(chú)条分缕析(lǘ)圈养(quān)全然不乐(qiǎo) B.倏忽(shǖ)越俎代庖(páo)牛虻(máng )自惭形秽(huì) C.靛蓝(dián)毁家纾难(shū)干涸(h?)白头偕老(xi?) D.手帕(pà)相互龃龉(yǔ)麾下(huī)探本溯源(shu?) 解析:C(A“圈”读“juàn”;B“虻”读“m?ng”;D“溯”读“s ù”。) 例4.(2008天津卷)下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 () A.文身诡谲流金铄石食不厌精,脍不厌细 B.桥礅碑帖原物璧还家有敝帚,享之千金


第395道选B 解析:逆时针方向,依次增加一个图1的阴影部分得下一个图 同理第二套,选B(注意方向) 第396道选D 解析:第一套图是以图1为中心,图2和图3左右对称。 第二套图是以图2为中心,图1和答案项左右对称 第397道选第3个 解析:第一套图:图2+图3+去同存异=图1 第二套图:图1+图2+去同存异=图3 两套图之间的关系:规律相似,都是两个图项叠加去同存异得另一个图项

第398道选1 解析:第一套图: 图1+图2+去掉图1的小圆点+再把图2的圆形放到两个正方形之外=图3 同理第二套图,选1 A B C D 第399道选B 解析:整套图各图项相似,第二套图左右两边的分枝都是连在一起的 第400道选A 解析:减少上面的一个实心正方形(或圆形)加一竖线和一斜线 减少下面的一个实心正方形(或圆形)增加一斜线

第401道选A 解析:以图1为基准,整个图形依次旋转90度,得下一个图 第402道选C 解析:观察每两个图之间的变化:右上方和左下方这两个方位依次交替增加一斜边 第403道选A 解析:图1+图2+图1=图3

第404道选A 解析:分针不动,时针顺时钟旋转。 第405道选C 解析:主要看竖线旁边的图形的外框:每一项竖线旁边的图形的外框都不一样。 第406道选A 解析:第一套图:图1和图3的构成元素相同(都是三角形) 两套图各图项一一对应相似。 同理第二套图选A

第407道选2 解析:第一套图:先把图2看成是斜放的,图1叠加图2=图3 叠加后图2没有超过底边,根据这个规律套到第二套图,既可推出答案 第408道选D 解析:这道题是选出与题干最不相似的图形,A,B,D三项都是由直线构成与题干相似,只有D项有弧线。所以答案是D 第409道选C 解析:两个图之间有相似的部分 第410道选B 解析:以图1为基准,整个图形依次逆时钟旋转90度,每旋转一次黑点交替上下移动得下一个图

诗歌赏析 表现手法 题例

诗的表现手法 情景交融、借景抒情、托物言志、比喻、夸张、动静结合、以动衬静、以乐景写哀情、象征(用象征化抽象为具体)、用映衬对比突出形象特征等、直接抒情、间接抒情(借景抒情、寓情于景、)、衬托{正衬、反衬},联想、想象、用典、比拟、借代、互文、通感、双关、反语、反复、借古抒怀、借古讽今、铺垫、以小见大、虚实相生(结合)(塑造人物形象时,称正面描写和侧面描写相结合)、比兴(间接抒情的诗歌)白描等表现技巧。一)、借景抒情法 借景抒情又可称之为情景交融、触景生情、以景衬情、寓情于景等,是古诗词最为常用的艺术表现手法。古诗词中只要提到景,就可以将其归为借景抒情一列。尽管有时关于表现手法的提问重心不同,但答借景抒情至少是不错的。试举两例: 其一:武昌阻风 (宋)方泽 江上春风留客船,无穷归思满东流。 与君近日闲临水,贪看飞花忘却愁。 问:诗人用什么艺术手法表达了什么样的思想感情?

答:借景抒情,表达了诗人满腹的相思和愁绪。 其二:宣城见杜鹃花 李白 蜀国曾闻子规鸟,宣城还见杜鹃花。 一叫一回肠一断,三春三月忆三巴。 问:诗中主要运用了怎样的艺术手法? 答:触景生情,表达了苦苦的思乡之情。 (二)、托物言志法 托物言志也常被称为借物抒怀、托物喻人等,是作者通过对花、鸟、鱼、虫、山川、草木等自然景物的褒贬臧否来含蓄地表达志向或抒发对世事及个人身世的感慨。试举两例: 其一:画眉鸟 欧阳修 百啭千声随意移,山花红紫树高低。 始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼。 问:本诗表现手法上最突出的特点是什么? 答:借物抒怀,表达了对自由的热情赞美,对束缚个性、禁锢思想、窒息性灵的憎恶。


第51道选A 图项构成元素其总数不变,都是5 第52道选D 第1套图所有的图项都3条直线构成,第2套图所有的图项都为4条直线构成 霞露霖雯? A.何 B.吴 C.旭 D.凌 第53道选B 解析:都是上下结构的字 第54道选第3个选项 解析:主要是看每一个图的重心变化,从图1到图3的重心变化是下,中,上 N A H V P ? 1.C 2.F 3.L 4.K 第54道选3 解析:共有6个字母,左3个字母都为3划,右3个字母都为2划

第55道选B 解析:第一套图:把各个图项分为构成两部分:1闭合图形2闭合图形外边的线段 第1部分 先看闭合图形:边数为4,3,4而且每一个闭合图形都不同,重心中,下,下① 第2部分 再看闭合图形外的线段方位:两个是在上方,一个是在左侧。 (即:两个方位相同一个方位不同)②联立第一套图规律①和规律②套到第二套图,看是两套图各图项是否一一对应相似。 第二套图:第1部分: 先看其边数,3,4,?,按两套图各图项一一对应相似的规律: ?=>4边,先排除A 看各图项:都为不同的闭合图形,按两套图各图项一一对应相似的规律: ?=>和第二套图的其他图项不相同的闭合图形,排除C 再看重心:下,中,?,按两套图各图项一一对应相似的规律: ?=>重心向下,再排除D 上面的种分析都符合规律①, 再看线段的方位:在具备规律①的基础上,加上一一对应相似的 规律; 看是否也符合②。要闭合图形外线段的两个 方位相同一个方位不同,那么只有B和C 项。但是C项不符合规律①,所以推出答案 是B

第56道选A 解析: 第一幅图的第一排移到第二排(第二幅图),再移到第三排(第三幅图)。。第一幅图的第二排移到第三排(第二幅图),再移到第四排(第三幅图)。。第一幅图的第三排移到第四排(第二幅图),再移到第一排(第三幅图)。。 第57道选C 解析:第2套图联线两端的图形互换 第58道选D 解析:第一套图从图1到图3是方框递减,图2和图3都有2个小圆 根据两套图的相似性图1到图2也是方框递减 第2套图是图2和答案项都有2个叉,图3有2个圆



第51道选A 图项构成元素其总数不变,都是5 第52道选D 第1套图所有的图项都3条直线构成,第2套图所有的图项都为4条直线构成 霞露霖雯? A.何 B.吴 C.旭 D.凌 第53道选B 解析:都是上下结构的字 第54道选第3个选项 解析:主要是看每一个图的重心变化,从图1到图3的重心变化是下,中,上 N A H V P ? 1.C 2.F 3.L 4.K 第54道选3 解析:共有6个字母,左3个字母都为3划,右3个字母都为2划

第55道选B 解析:第一套图:把各个图项分为构成两部分:1闭合图形2闭合图形外边的线段 第1部分 先看闭合图形:边数为4,3,4而且每一个闭合图形都不同,重心中,下,下① 第2部分 再看闭合图形外的线段方位:两个是在上方,一个是在左侧。 (即:两个方位相同一个方位不同)②联立第一套图规律①和规律②套到第二套图,看是两套图各图项是否一一对应相似。 第二套图:第1部分: 先看其边数,3,4,?,按两套图各图项一一对应相似的规律: ?=>4边,先排除A 看各图项:都为不同的闭合图形,按两套图各图项一一对应相似的规律: ?=>和第二套图的其他图项不相同的闭合图形,排除C 再看重心:下,中,?,按两套图各图项一一对应相似的规律: ?=>重心向下,再排除D 上面的种分析都符合规律①, 再看线段的方位:在具备规律①的基础上,加上一一对应相 似的规律; 看是否也符合②。要闭合图形外线段的两 个方位相同一个方位不同,那么只有B和 C项。但是C项不符合规律①,所以推出 答案是B

第56道选A 解析: 第一幅图的第一排移到第二排(第二幅图),再移到第三排(第三幅图)。。第一幅图的第二排移到第三排(第二幅图),再移到第四排(第三幅图)。。第一幅图的第三排移到第四排(第二幅图),再移到第一排(第三幅图)。。 第57道选C 解析:第2套图联线两端的图形互换 第58道选D 解析:第一套图从图1到图3是方框递减,图2和图3都有2个小圆 根据两套图的相似性图1到图2也是方框递减 第2套图是图2和答案项都有2个叉,图3有2个圆


操作题例题与解析 将以下素材按要求排版。 (1)、将标题字体设置为“华文行楷”,字形设置为“常规”,字号设置为“小初”、选定“效果”为“空心字”且居中显示。 (2)、将“陶渊明”的字体设置为“隶书”、字号设置为“小三”,文字右对齐加双曲线边框,线型宽度应用系统默认值显示。 (3)将正文行距设置为25磅。 【素材】: 归去宋辞 ——陶渊明 归去来兮!田园将芜胡不归?既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲?悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追;实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。舟摇摇以轻殇,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。乃瞻衡宇,栽欣载奔。童仆欢迎,稚子候门。三径就荒,松菊犹存。携幼入室,有酒盈樽。引壶觞以自酌,眇庭柯以怡颜。倚南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安。园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。策扶老以流憩,时翘首而遐观。云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还。暑翳翳以将入,抚孤松而盘桓。【答案与解析】具体操作步骤如下: (1)选定“归去来辞”,单击“格式”菜单中的“字体”命令,打开“字体”对话框。将“中文字体”下拉框设置为“华文行楷”,“字形”选择框设置为常规,“字号”选择框设置为“小初”,选定“效果”框中的“空心字”复选框。 (2)单击“确定”按钮,然后单击“格式”工具栏上的“居中”按钮,将文字居中显示。 (3)选定“陶渊明”,单击“格式”菜单中的“字体”命令,打开“字体”对话框,将“中文字体”设置为“隶书”,“字号”设置为“小三”。 (4)单击“确定”按钮,然后单击格式”工具栏上的“右对齐”按钮,将文字右对齐显示。 (5)再次选定“陶渊明”,单击“格式”菜单中的“边框和底纹”命令,打开“边框和底纹”对话框。在“设置”中选定“方框”;在“线型”下选择双曲线;在“应用范围”框中选择“字体”,单击“确定”按钮。 (6)选定正文,单击“格式”菜单中的“段落”命令,打开“段落”对话框。单击“行距”框右端的下拉按钮,打开下拉列表,选择“固定值”,然后将后面的“设置值”设置为25磅。


案例分析一 ●某建筑公司与某学校签订一教学楼施工合同,明确施工单位要 保质保量保工期完成学校得教学楼施工任务。工程竣工后,承包 方向学校提交了竣工报告。学校为了不影响学生上课,还没组织 验收就直接投入了使用。使用过程中,校方发现了教学楼存在得 质量问题,要求施工单位修理。施工单位认为工程未经验收,学 校提前使用出现质量问题,施工单位不应再承担责任。试问: ●1、本案中得建设法律关系三要素分别就是什么? ●2、应如何具体地分析该工程质量问题得责任及责任得承担方式, 为什么? 答1:①主体就是某建筑公司与某学校,客体就是施工得教学楼。②某学校享有得权利就是获得一个保质、保量、保工期得教学楼。 义务就是按时、按量得支付施工方得工程款。 某施工方享有得权利就是按时、按金额得获得工程款。义务就是保质、保量、保工期得完成教学楼。 2:①从学校方考虑 学校还没有组织竣工验收就投入了使用,这个行为违反了工程竣工方面得法律法规。如果就是一般问题,由学校方面承担。 ②从施工方考虑 施工方向学校已经提交了竣工报告,教学楼就是施工方自行验收合格,对学校得日常使用不存在使用不当问题,所以如果教学楼出现了结构方面得质量问题,要按照质量缺陷得原因分解责任。

教学楼得质量缺陷就是客观存在得,因此承包方应当承担维修,产生得费用问题就由学校与施工方协商。如果协商不成采用诉讼。 案例分析二 某建筑公司(施工单位)与某房地产开发公司(建设单位)签订了一个施工承包合同,由建筑公司承建一栋20层得办公楼。合同约定开工日期为2006-4-8,竣工日期为2007-8-8。每月26日,按照当月所完成得工程量,开发公司向建筑公司支付工程进度款。 问本案例得法律关系构成就是什么? 答:①主体就是某建筑公司与某房地产开发公司,客体就是一栋20层办公楼。②某建筑公司享有得权利就是按时、按金额得获得工程进度款。义务就是保质、保量、保工期得完成一栋20层得办公楼。 某房地产开发公司享有得权利就是获得一栋20层保质、保量、保工期得办公楼。义务就是按照合同规定支付工程进度款。 案例分析三 【背景资料】 ●某省重点工程项目计划于2004年12月28日开工,由于工程复 杂,技术难度高,一般施工队伍难以胜任,业主自行决定采取邀 请招标方式。于2004年9月8日向通过资格预审得A、B、C、 D、E五家施工承包企业发出了投标邀请书。该五家企业均按接 受了邀请,并于规定时间9月20日~22日购买了招标文件。 ●招标文件中规定,10月18日下午4时就是招标文件规定得投标 截止时间。评标标准:能够最大限度地满足招标文件中规定得


Pv问题例题解析 【例1】桌上有1空盘,允许存放1个水果。爸爸向盘中放苹果,也可以向盘中放桔子。儿子专等吃盘中的桔子,女儿专等吃盘中的苹果。规定当盘空时一次只能放1个水果供吃者取用。请用Wait()、Signal()原语实现爸爸、儿子、女儿三个并发进程的同步。 【南京大学2000】【分析】这是复杂情况的“生产者—消费者”问题,既有同步又有互斥。爸爸进程与儿子进程、女儿进程需要同步,儿子进程与女儿进程需要互斥。设置4个信号量S(盘子是否为空,初值为1)、So(盘中是否有桔子,初值为0)、Sa(盘中是否有苹果,初值为0)和mutex(用于对盘子的互斥访问,初值为1)。由于只有一个盘子(相当于只有一个buffer),对盘子的互斥访问发生在对盘子的存取操作上,S、So和Sa就可以保证对盘子的互斥操作了,故mutex也可以省略。 解:设三个信号量: S --- 盘子是否为空,初值为1; So --- 盘中是否有桔子,初值为0; Sa --- 盘中是否有苹果,初值为0; Semaphore S=1, So=0, Sa=0; Main() { Cobegin Father(); Son(); Daughter(); Coend } Father() { While(1) { Wait(S); 将水果放入盘中; If (放入的是桔子) Signal(So); Else Signal(Sa); } } Son() { While(1) { Wait(So); 从盘中取出桔子;Signal(S); 吃桔子; } } Daughter() { While(1) { Wait(Sa); 从盘中取出苹果;Signal(S); 吃苹果; } }


盈亏问题例题解析 4、盈亏问题例题解析 例1:小朋友分桃子,每人10个少9个;每人8个多7个。求有多少小朋友多少桃子? 一盈一亏,则公式为:(9+7)/(10-8)=8(人),相应桃子为8X10-9=71(个)例2:士兵背子弹。每人45发则多680发;每人50发则多200发,多少士兵多少子弹? 全盈问题。大的减去小的,则公式为:(680-200)/(50-45)=96(人)则子弹为96X50+200=5000(发)。 例3:学生发书。每人10本则差90本;每人8本则差8本,多少学生多少书? 全亏问题。大的减去小的。则公式为:(90-8)/(10-8)=41(人),相应书为41X10-90=320(本) 1:数学竞赛获奖的同学中,若增加2名男生,减少1名女生,则男、女生人数同样多;若减少1名男生,增加1名女生,则男生人数是女生人数的一半,求获奖的同学中男、女生各有多少人? 2:小明用一根绳子去测量井深,他把绳子两折来量,还高出井口60厘米;他把绳子三折来量,离井口还差40厘米。求井深和绳长? 例1:每猴4个桃,还剩10个桃;每猴5个桃,缺了5个桃子。 例2:每猴3个桃,还剩25个桃;每猴4个桃,剩10个桃子。 例3:每猴5个桃,还少5个桃;每猴6个桃,少20个桃子。 例4:小朋友们去划船,如果增加1条船,每条船上正好坐4人;如果减少1条船,正好每条船上坐6人,一共有学生多少人?原计划坐几条船? 例5:军队分配宿舍,如果每间住3人,则多出20人;如果每间住6人,余下2人可以每人各住一个房间,现在每间住10人,可以空出多少个房间? 例6:元旦快到了,学而思学校的少先队员去摆花盆。如果每人摆5盆花,还有3盆没人摆;如果其中2人摆4盆,其余的人各摆6盆,这些花盆正好摆完,问有多少少先队员参加摆花盆活动,一共摆多少花盆? 盈亏问题精讲 何为盈亏?在我们分东西时,比如给猴子分桃时,可能不够,也可能会剩下。当多了、剩下了、余下了,我们叫做“盈”;当少了、不够了、缺了,我们叫做“亏”。盈亏问题一般会涉及两次分配。但是注意:我们以给猴子分桃为例,在这两次分配过程中,猴子的只数是不变的,桃子的个数是不变的。 在给猴子分桃子时:我们是把桃子分给猴子,把分的东西“桃子”叫分配对象;而猴子是接受桃子的,把接受东西的叫接受对象。 一、直接型盈亏问题 (一)【盈亏型】 (1)例1:每猴4个桃,还剩10个桃;每猴5个桃,缺了5个桃子。 (2)分析:1、理解分配时,可以分别用“盈”来表示(盈余、多了,还剩);“亏”表示(缺、少了,不够)。 2、第二次分配建立在第一次分配的基础上,只需要再给每只猴5-4=1个桃子,因为第一次分配后盈10个桃子,第二次分完亏5个桃子,所以得出,第二次分配应该再分10+5=15个桃子。 3、15个桃子对应的是每只猴子得到1个桃子,所以求猴子的只数列式为:(10+5)÷(5-4)=15(只) 桃子的个数为:15×4+10=70(个) (3)总结公式:第一次分配剩下10个,即盈10;第二次分配缺了5个,即亏5. 【盈亏型】(盈+亏)÷两次分配差=人数或单位数 (二)【盈盈型】 (1)例2:每猴3个桃,还剩25个桃;每猴4个桃,剩10个桃子。 (2)分析:1、第二次分配建立在第一次分配的基础上,只需要再给每只猴4-3=1个桃子,因为第一次分配后盈25个桃子,第二次分完盈10个桃子,所以得出,第二次分配应该再分25-10=15个桃子。 2、15个桃子对应的是每只猴子得到1个桃子,所以求猴子的只数列式为:(25-10)÷(4-3)=15(只) 桃子的个数为:15×4+10=70(个) (3)总结公式:第一次分配剩下25个,即盈25;第二次分配剩下10个,即盈10,我们把大的叫:“大盈”,小的叫:“小盈”


牛吃草问题 “一堆草可供10头牛吃3天,这堆草可供6头牛吃几天?”这道题太简单了,同学们一下就可求出:3×10÷6=5(天)。如果我们把“一堆草”换成“一片正在生长的草地”,问题就不那么简单了,因为草每天都在生长,草的数量在不断变化。这类工作总量不固定(均匀变化)的问题就是牛吃草问题。 例1牧场上一片青草,每天牧草都匀速生长。这片牧草可供10头牛吃20天,或者可供15头牛吃10天。问:可供25头牛吃几天? 分析与解:这类题难就难在牧场上草的数量每天都在发生变化,我们要想办法从变化当中找到不变的量。总草量可以分为牧场上原有的草和新生长出来的草两部分。牧场上原有的草是不变的,新长出的草虽然在变化,因为是匀速生长,所以这片草地每天新长出的草的数量相同,即每天新长出的草是不变的。下面,就要设法计算出原有的草量和每天新长出的草量这两个不变量。 设1头牛一天吃的草为1份。那么,10头牛20天吃200份,草被吃完;15头牛10天吃150份,草也被吃完。前者的总草量是200份,后者的总草量是150份,前者是原有的草加20天新长出的草,后者是原有的草加10天新长出的草。 200-150=50(份),20—10=10(天), 说明牧场10天长草50份,1天长草5份。也就是说,5头牛专吃新长出来的草刚好吃完,5头牛以外的牛吃的草就是牧场上原有的草。由此得出,牧场上原有草 (l0—5)× 20=100(份)或(15—5)×10=100(份)。 现在已经知道原有草100份,每天新长出草5份。当有25头牛时,其中的5头专吃新长出来的草,剩下的20头吃原有的草,吃完需100÷20=5(天)。 所以,这片草地可供25头牛吃5天。 在例1的解法中要注意三点: (1)每天新长出的草量是通过已知的两种不同情况吃掉的总草量的差及吃的天数的差计算出来的。 (2)在已知的两种情况中,任选一种,假定其中几头牛专吃新长出的草,由剩下的牛吃原有的草,根据吃的天数可以计算出原有的草量。 (3)在所求的问题中,让几头牛专吃新长出的草,其余的牛吃原有的草,根据原有的草量可以计算出能吃几天。


教育教学案例分析经典试题100例(附答案) 皇甫学校编辑:李敬之 {注}案例分析题(答题要求:对题目中所给的一些富有成效的教育现象的案例进行回答时,只需说明其中所蕴涵的道理,对题目中所给出的具体事例的案例解答时,考生需要应用所学的教育学、心理学以及新课程知识给予正确评价,并且指出本事例中当事人的正确行为应该是什么?并说明理由) 浅谈教育教学案例分析 一、什么是教育教学案例分析 教育教学案例分析是指围绕一定的教育目的,把教育教学实践过程中真实的情景加以典型化处理,形成可供学习者思考分析和决断的案例(往往是一个故事、一个事例或一个事件),通过学习者独立分析或相互讨论,来提高学习者分析和解决教育问题能力的一种方法。 上海市一位青年教师曾写过一篇《走近语文教学的艺术殿堂》,其中写到在一次作文讲评课上,让一个男生上讲台朗读,结果这位略有口吃的同学遭到了哄笑。 台下的同学们紧紧注视着他,课堂里死寂一片。沉默中,我突然从后悔自责中省悟:初为人师的我不是也有过临场时的恐惧和冷场时手足无措的尴尬吗?然而是自信战胜了这一切。有时候,一次小小的成功能够激活一个人在的巨大的自信,可一次难忘的失败也往往可以摧毁一个人仅有的一点自信。眼前的这一个男孩难道会陷入后一种情形吗?不,绝不能。我终于微笑着开口了:?既然他不太习惯在众目睽睽之下说话,那索性我们大家都趴在桌上,不看,只用耳朵听吧!?我带头走到教室后,背对讲台站定,同学们也纷纷趴下头来。终于,我的背后传来了轻巧的羞怯的声音。那的确是篇好作文,写的是他和父亲间的故事。因为动情的缘故,我听到他的声音渐渐响了起来,停顿也不多了,有的地方甚至可以说是声情并茂了,我知道他已渐渐进入了状态,涌上心头的阵阵窃喜使我禁不住悄悄回头看看他。我竟然发现台下早已经有不少同学抬起头,默默地赞许地注视着他。朗读结束后,教室里响起一阵热烈的掌声。我知道这掌声不仅仅是给予这篇作文的。(案例分析并不注重?唯一?的标准答案,而更注重学习者的思考与分析过程。) 二、教学案例分析与教师教育理论学习 案例是学校问题解决的源泉。党的十五大报告中向全党提出:"一定要以我国改革开放和现代化建设的实际问题,以我们正在做的事情为中心,着眼于马克思主义理论的运用,着眼于对实际问题的理论思考,着眼于新的实践和新的发展。"针对当前教育理论界风行的"浅入浅出"、急功利近,"深入深出"、食洋不犯"浅入深出"、故弄玄虚,以及刻意包装、虚假宣传、浮躁肤浅的不良风气,课题组鲜明地提出,要"深入浅出",返朴归真,坚持深入学校实际,研究现实问题,脚踏实地做学问。 案例是教师专业成长的阶梯。案例是理论联系实际的桥梁,案例是教育理论的故乡。 案例是教师独特的话语系统。我从数千个案例中选编了100个经典的案例,它们表述的风格不同,案例的写法各异,焕发出每所学校独特的个性色彩。但它们也有一个共同的特点,就是从不同角度生动地记录了中国基础学校在改革发展进程中,观念的变革,实践的探索,理性的思考,前进的足迹,具有强烈的时代特征和鲜明的中国特色。 教育教学案例分析是教师教育理论学习的重要内容,是自身成长与发展的重要途径。它与教育理论学习关系非常密切:过分偏重教育原理(原则、观念),难免空泛;过分依赖教学经验(技能技巧),易致盲目。以案例为基础的探讨恰好可以弥补这两者的缺失。案例研究分析的是真实教学情境下,面对不确定的、复杂多变的教学情境,教师所作的决策判断或两难困惑,从而促进教师实践的反思和默会的智慧。 教育理论是教学案例分析的基础,教学案例分析是教育理论学习的重要补充以及具体运


小学数学14种难题类型题例题解析汇总 1、余数问题例题解析 例:如果时钟现在表示的时间是18点整,那么分针旋转1990圈后是几点钟? 分针旋转一圈是1小时,旋转24圈就是时针转1圈,也就是时针回到原位。1980/24的余数是22,所以相当于分针向前旋转22个圈,分针向前旋转22个圈相当于时针向前走22个小时,时针向前走22小时,也相当于向后24-22=2个小时,即相当于时针向后拔了2小时。即时针相当于是18-2=16(点)。 2、年龄问题例题解析 例1:小军今年8岁,爸爸今年34岁,几年后,爸爸的年龄的小军的3倍? 岁差不会变,今年的岁数差点34-8=26,到几年后仍然不会变。 已知差及倍数,转化为差比问题。 26 /(3-1)=13,几年后爸爸的年龄是13X3=39岁,小军的年龄是13X1=13岁,所以应该是5年后。 例2:姐姐今年13岁,弟弟今年9岁,当姐弟俩岁数的和是40岁时,两人各应该是多少岁? 岁差不会变,今年的岁数差13-9=4几年后也不会改变。 几年后岁数和是40,岁数差是4,转化为和差问题。 则几年后,姐姐的岁数:(40+4)/2=22,弟弟的岁数:(40-4)/2=18,所以答案是9年后。 3、牛吃草问题的例题解析 例:整个牧场上草长得一样密,一样快。27头牛6天可以把草吃完;23头牛9天也可以把草吃完。问21头多少天把草吃完。 每牛每天的吃草量假设是1,则27头牛6天的吃草量是27X6=162,23头牛9天的吃草量是23X9=207; 大的减去小的,207-162=45;二者对应的天数的差值,是9-6=3(天) 结果就是草的生长速率。所以草的生长速率是45/3=15(牛/天); 原有的草量依此反推。 公式就是A头B天的吃草量减去B天乘以草的生长速率。 所以原有的草量=27X6-6X15=72(牛/天)。 将未知吃草量的牛分为两个部分: 一小部分先吃新草,个数就是草的比率; 这就是说将要求的21头牛分为两部分,一部分15头牛吃新生的草; 剩下的21-15=6去吃原有的草, 所以所求的天数为:原有的草量/分配剩下的牛=72/6=12(天) 4、盈亏问题例题解析 例1:小朋友分桃子,每人10个少9个;每人8个多7个。求有多少小朋友多少桃子? 一盈一亏,则公式为:(9+7)/(10-8)=8(人),相应桃子为8X10-9=71(个)例2:士兵背子弹。每人45发则多680发;每人50发则多200发,多少士兵多少子弹? 全盈问题。大的减去小的,则公式为:(680-200)/(50-45)=96(人)则子弹为96X50+200=5000(发)。 例3:学生发书。每人10本则差90本;每人8本则差8本,多少学生多少书? 全亏问题。大的减去小的。则公式为:(90-8)/(10-8)=41(人),相应书为41X10-90=320(本)5、植树问题例题解析 例1:在一条长为120米的马路上植树,间距为4米,植树多少颗? 路是直的。所以植树120/4-1=29(颗)。 例2:在一条长为120米的圆形花坛边植树,间距为4米,植树多少颗? 路是圆的,所以植树120/4=30(颗)。 6、工程问题例题解析 例:一项工程,甲单独做4天完成,乙单独做6天完成。甲乙同时做2天后,由乙单独做,几天完成? [1-(1/6+1/4)X2]/(1/6)=1(天) 7、差比问题例题解析 例:甲数比乙数大12,甲:乙=7:4,求两数。 先求一倍的量,12 /(7-4)=4, 所以甲数为:4X7=28,乙数为:4X4=16。

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