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第42卷 第2期


测 井 技 术WEL L LOGGING T EC H NOLOGY Vol .42 No .2Apr 2018

基金项目:国家油气重大专项(2016ZX 05046002‐003);中国石油天然气集团公司科学研究与技术开发项目(2016A ‐3601)第一作者:袁超,男,1987年生,博士研究生,从事放射性测井方法研究、测井资料处理与应用。E ‐mail :y uanc @p etrochina .com .cn 文章编号:1004‐1338(2018)02‐0145‐05结合地层元素测井和密度测井提高孔隙度







中图分类号:P 631.84 文献标识码:A

Doi:10.16489/j .issn .1004‐1338.2018.02.004


FormationElementalLoggingandDensityLoggingYUAN Chao 1,M A Meng 2,ZHOU Cancan 1,FENG Zhou 1,SHI Yufeng 3(1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development ,PetroChina ,Beijing 100083,China ;

2.China Petroleum T echnology &Development Corporation ,Beijing 100028,China ;

3.T arim Branch ,China Petroleum Logging CO .L T D .,Korla ,Xinjiang 841001,China )

Abstract:T he conventional logging evaluation

methods can not accurately calculate porosity in the reservoirs

w hich are characterized by complex mineral components and contents .In order to solve this problem ,formation element logging is combined with density logging to improve the evaluation accuracy of porosity .A new optimization method based on multi ‐objective p rogramming (M OP )is used to obtain high ‐p recision mineral contents by inversing the element contents measured directly from formation element logging .Based on that ,the matrix density can be calculated

,and the precise porosity can be obtained with the combination of density logging data .Comparing the results of this new method with the core analysis results to validate the accuracy of this method .It is found that the correlation coefficient between them is higher than the conventional methods such as density logging method and the neutron ‐density crossplot method ,w hich proves that this method can improve the accuracy of porosity evaluation .Keywords:formation elemental logging ;density logging ;p orosity evaluation ;accuracy improve ‐ment 万方数据

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