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The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes.


The diagram on the left illustrates the process by which cement is made whilst the diagram on the right shows us how concrete is made.

We can clearly see that the first stage in cement production is to put two substances –limestone and clay – through a crusher to create a powder. This powder then goes through a mixer and is then heated in a rotating heater. Once the powder has gone through the mixer and heater, it is ground and the cement is packed into bags.

The diagram on the right hand side tells us that concrete is a mixture of four ingredients in differing proportions. Cement makes up 15% of the mixture, water constitutes 10%, sand 25%, and gravel (i.e. small stones) 50%. These ingredients are mixed in a rotating concrete mixer to make concrete.

In summary, the production of cement and the production of concrete appear to be fairly simple processes


Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?


I disagree with the idea that increasing petrol prices is the best way to deal with traffic and pollution.

First of all, if petrol prices are increased, this will most likely lead to less petrol being used. This will make environmentalists happy, but it will also increase the cost of anything that uses petrol in its production or in transport – in other words, everything from plastic bags to computers. This is likely to lead to slower economic growth as less is bought and produced. Of course, there will be less traffic and there will be less pollution, but I do not think that the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.

I think that traffic problems can be dealt with by making drivers pay more to use certain roads at certain times. This has been very effective in London, where there is a charge for cars to use roads in the centre of London during working hours. As a result, traffic and pollution have decreased without harming the local economy.

Pollution could also be reduced by encouraging people to use energy more efficiently. The government could use and advertise campaign to show people that wasting energy by, for example, leaving electrical items on when they are not being used results in more pollution from electricity generation. In a similar way, the government could inform people about the financial benefits of insulating their homes.

To conclude, I believe that a rise in petrol prices would reduce pollution, but cause economic problems. Therefore, I think there are better alternative solutions available.

范文 2——提高汽油价格是解决日益增长的交通和污染问题的最佳方法

In this essay, I shall say why I believe that increasing petrol prices is the best way to reduce traffic and pollution problems and suggest other measures that might be effective.

If the price of petrol is increased, it is likely that people will try to use less of it. This should see a reduction in car use and therefore less pollution. Some people claim that this will have negative effects on the economy, but I disagree. People will almost certainly use less petrol in cases where using it is not very economic. For example, most drivers use their vehicles for short journeys which they could easily make on foot. It is these journeys that they are likely to stop making by car, not essential ones for their private lives or for work.

Another way of reducing traffic problems is to only allow certain cars to use the roads on given days. This method was used effectively in Beijing during the Olympic Games, reducing both traffic problems and pollution without any significant negative effects on the local economy. However, for a scheme like this to be successful, there needs to be a good public transport system.

Pollution can also be reduced by using other forms of energy generation. If we use these, we can make our economy better in the long term by investing in the technologies of the future. We will also improve the health of the population through having less pollution.

To summarise, I think that increasing petrol prices is the best way of reducing traffic and pollution problems and that there are other good ways of achieving this.


Passage1 The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 1. 难度分析:较简单 2.文章标题:The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 旅游业的意义 3.文章话题:社会类

5. 题型分析: 文章题型由三个题型组成:小标题配对题+判断题+句子填空,第一大题属于段落主旨题,后两题是细节题型。 6.题目解析: Questions 1-4 小标题配对题 1. Paragraph B 2. Paragraph C 3. Paragraph D 4. Paragraph E 答案解析: 1. 选ii。定位到第二段第一句话:Tourism in the mass form as we know it today is a distinctly twentieth-century phenomenon. 表明就我们所知,广义的旅游业是一个

二十世纪的现象。选项中的mass tourism与原文中的tourism in the mass form是同义替换。 2. 选i。定位到第三段第一句话:Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance. 即目前旅游业对经济及社会都非常重要。选项中的significance替换原文的importance。 3. 选v。定位到第四段第一句话:However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden or obscured its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself. 意思是旅游业的主要问题是这个产业本身的多样性和分散性,这使得其经济影响变得不那么明显。选项中的difficulty,effects分别替换原文的problems和impact。 4. 选vii。定位到第五段第一句话:Once the exclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become an institutionalised way of life for most of the population. 表明旅游业曾经是富人们的特权,而现在已经变成大多数人们习以为常的一种生活方式了。选项中的world,impact替换原文的most of the population, institutionalised。 Questions 5-10 判断题 5. The largest employment figures in the world are found in the travel and tourism industry. 6. Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product. 7. Tourism has a social impact because it promotes recreation. 8. Two main features of the travel and tourism industry make its economic significance difficult to ascertain. 9. Visitor spending is always greater than the spending of residents in tourist areas. 10. It is easy to show statistically how tourism affects individual economies. 答案解析: 5. 选TRUE。定位到第三段第三句话: According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (1992), ‘Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure including value-added capital investment, employment and tax


2015年6月6日雅思写作(一) 题目类别society 提问方式Discussion 考试题目 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。 Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected. Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases. Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life. In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


1 / 11 剑桥雅思8阅读解析 READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below. The Nature of Genius There has always been an interest in geniuses and prodigies. The word 'genius', from the Latin gens (= family and the term 'genius', meaning 'begetter', comes from the early Roman cult of a divinity as the head of the family. In its earliest form, genius was concerned with the ability of the head of the family, the paterfamilias, to perpetuate himself. Gradually, genius came to represent a person's characteristics and thence an individual's highest attributes derived from his 'genius' or guiding spirit. Today, people still look to stars or genes, astrology or genetics, in the hope of finding the source of exceptional abilities or personal characteristics. The concept of genius and of gifts has become part of our folk culture, and attitudes are ambivalent towards them. We envy the gifted and mistrust them. In the mythology of giftedness, it is popularly believed that if people are talented in one area, they must be defective in another, that intellectuals are impractical, that prodigies burn too brightly too soon and burn out, that gifted people are eccentric, that they are physical weaklings, that there's a thin line between genius and madness, that genius runs in families, that the gifted are so clever they don't need special help,


Question 1 答案:TRUE 关键词:large numbers of people, build the pyramids 定位原文: 第1段第2句: “The conventional picture is that…” 解题思路: 此题通过定位词可以迅速定位至首段第2句话,题干对文章定位句的概括性改写分析如下:generally believed — conventional picture, large numbers of people — tens of thousands of slaves. 因此答案很明显应该是TRUE。 Question 2 答案:FALSE 关键词:hieroglyph, Egyptian monument 定位原文: 首段第5句: “While perusing a book…” 解题思路: 此题定位词在文中原词出现,可以快速定位。文中定位句指出Clemmons是在一本关于埃及古迹的书中读到的象形文字信息,而题目却说她在一座埃及古迹的墙上发现了象形文字,显然题目与文章相悖,因此此题答案为FALSE。 Question 3 答案:NOT GIVEN 关键词:experiment, bird flight 定位原文: 无 解题思路: 题干的定位信息在文章中未出现,此题为最典型的“原文完全未提及型”,故答案为NOT GIVEN Question 4 答案: TRUE 关键词:theory 定位原文: 第4段首句:”Earlier this year...”今年早些时候,他们把Clemmons空头理论付诸实验 解题思路: 题目与文章完全相符,因此此题答案为TRUE Question 5


剑桥雅思10TEST2 PASSAGE1阅读解析 1. 总体难度概括:中等 2. 文章介绍:标题: tea and the industrial revolution 话题:历史类 3. 词汇准备: a段 anthropological adj. 人类学的 historian n. 史学工作者 wrestle v. 斗争 enigma n. 奥秘 birth n. 诞生 strike v. 罢工;打击;冲击 b段 puzzle n. 谜团 factor n. 因素 drive v. 推动,驱动 affluent adj. 富足的 criteria n. 标准【criterion的复数】 sufficient adj. 足够的 convinced adj. 确信的 c段 propose n. 提议 cupboard n. 柜橱 fuel v. 助燃,加速 antiseptic adj. 防腐的,杀菌的 property n. 性能 tannin n. 单宁酸 ingredient n. 配料 hops n. 啤酒花 succumb v. 屈从 dysentery n. 痢疾 eccentric adj. 奇怪的 deduction n. 推理 skepticism n. 怀疑论 wary adj. 谨慎的 admiration n. 羡慕 strengthen v. 加强 notable adj. 值得注意的

distinguished adj. 杰出的 favorable adj. 有利的 appraisal n. 评价 d段 alight v. 偶然发现 static adj. 静态的 virus n. 病毒 bacteria n. 细菌 malaria n. 疟疾 sanitation n. 卫生 e段 dig v. 探寻 reveal v. 揭示 antibacterial adj. 抗菌的 agent n. 药剂 preserve v. 保护 malt n. 麦芽 gin n. 杜松子酒 f段 grip n. 掌握,控制 prevalence n. 流行 coincidence n. 巧合 clipper n. 帆船 sip v. 啜饮 g段 forge v. 伪造 futures n. 期货 wheel n. 轮子 4. 题型分析 这篇文章是由二种题型组成,都是阅读考试中常见的题型。 段落选标题+判断题 5. 题目解析

2015年6月6日 雅思大作文解析

2015-6-6 Task 2 An ask 2 Analysis Some people p ople prefer to provide help and support directly to loca local community who need it. Others prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有?人喜欢直接帮助社区中需要帮助的?人。也有些?人喜欢把钱投给国内或国际慈善组织。讨论这两个观点并且表达你?自?己的想法。 1Topic 话题 Charity 2Question type 题型Discuss 3 5W ANALYZE THE QUESTION审题 (WHO+what+when+where+why+how) WHO: people WHAT: do charity How: direct support vs money donation Where: local vs national & international 4identify key words and their synonyms 关键词理解 support directly=direct involvement give money to=donate charitable organizations=charities 5identify all the writing tasks 确定全部写作任务 1. some people prefer direct help 2. others donate to non-pro?t organizations 3. own opinion Brainstorming and organ d organizing ideas 写作思路 Direct support Donation to non-profit 6Necessary: 必要性 组织运作不当,造成损失: charity frauds Bene?ts: 重要性 积极参与:direct involvement 及时?高效: concretely helping ?立竿?见影: make a signi?cant difference Necessary: 必要性 有些问题单纯本地解决不了 not easy to tackle at the local level Bene?ts: 重要性 资本有效运作:Meet more basic needs with fewer dollars 减税福利:tax bene?ts for helping globally


剑桥雅思8阅读Test1Passage3原文翻译-心灵感应 解析查看,请点击:剑桥雅思8阅读Test1Passage1原文+答案解析 人类可否只通过思想进行沟通交流? 一百多年来,关于心灵感应的话题在科学界产生很大意见分歧,时至今日,它依然在学界精英中引起激烈辩论。 自上个世纪70年代以来,在世界各大高校和科研院所,超心理学者们冒着被同行嘲笑和怀疑的风险,将关于心灵感应的各种不同说法进行严格的科学实验,其结果及其启示即使在研究者本身中,也引发了很大争议。 有些科学家认为,实验结果提供了强有力证据,可以证明心灵感应是真实存在的。另一些超心理学家则相信,该研究虽试图用科学证据证明心灵感应存在,却并未取得成功,相关研究也都处在失败的边缘。不过无论是怀疑者还是倡导者都同意一点,即迄今最有力的证据来自于“ganzfeld”实验。该实验名称来自德语,意思是“全域”。通过冥想心灵感应实验者的报告,超心理学家怀疑,可能因为人们之间传递的“信号”过于模糊,以至于很容易被正常的脑波活动所覆盖。如果这样的话,当人们身处一个伴有灯光和音响的温暖轻松的环境,经历冥想般的宁静,会更容易感知此类信号。 该实验几乎满足了所有的条件。参加者待在密封的房间里,坐着柔软的躺椅,听着轻松的音乐,眼睛被特殊的过滤器覆盖,只看见柔和的粉色光。早期的实验主要涉及选图。先从一个大型图库中任意选出四张图片,再让实验者指认其中一张。具体操作步骤是,作为“发送人”的实验者努力将一张图通过思维传给密封房间内的“接收人”。当传送结束后,“接收人”需从四张图中选出哪一张才是刚刚被传送的图。如果是随便猜测,可达到25%的命中率。然而,如果心灵感应真的存在,命中率就应该更高。1982年,心灵感应研究的先行者之一,美国超心理学家查尔斯·荷诺顿(Charles Honorton)分析了这些早期实验的结果。结果证明典型的命中率要高于30%。虽然比例高不了多少,但统计测试表明,结果已不完全是偶发几率。 “ganzfeld”实验似乎可以证明心灵感应是真的存在。但是在这个论据本身有个不足之处,在很多传统科学领域中也常常被忽视:不能因为排除了偶然几率的存在,就能证明心灵感应就是真实存在的。很多其他方法也可以得出正向的结果:既有图片线索偶然传递给接受者的感官泄露,也有彻底的欺骗。作为回应,研究人员回顾了截至1985年的全部ganzfeld 研究,结果显示80%的研究提供了重要的统计数据。不过,他们也同意,实验中太多的因素都可导致正向结果,因此他们制定了清单,希望在未来研究中可采用新的标准。 此后,许多研究人员转向autoganzfeld 测试。这种自动化技术使用电脑来完成关键任务如随机选择图像。通过最大限度地减少人为参与,尽量降低错误结果出现的风险。1987年,荷诺顿(Honorton)使用了“荟萃分析”,这是一种可以从系列研究中找出整体结果的新型统计方法。他对数以百计的 autoganzfeld 实验结果进行了分析,虽然没有以前那样引人注目,结果依然令人印象深刻。 然而,单独的ganzfeld 实验研究彼此间缺乏一致性,这让一些超心理学家感到十分困扰。心灵感应拥护者们指出,如果要求每一项研究都得出满意结果,起码忽略了一个基本的统计学事实:需要大量的样本才能得出少量的结果。如果像目前的结果显示那样,偶然几率是 25%,而心灵感应存在的几率只略高于它,真正的证据就不可能由一个典型的约40人参加的ganzfeld 实验所提供:因为样本集合不够大,数目不够多。只有用“荟萃分析”将多项实验研究结合起来,心灵感应存在的证据才会由模糊变得清晰。而这貌似也是研究者们所正在追寻的。



Passage1 Question 1 答案: H 关键词: national policy 定位原文: H段第1句“The New Zealand Government…” 解题思路: 这一段的首句就以一种叙事口吻向考生交代了新西兰全国上下正在开展的一场为残疾人服务 的战略,该句含义为“新西兰政府已经制定出一项‘新西兰残疾人事业发展战略’,并开始进入广泛咨 询意见的阶段。”另外,在该段其它语句中也提到the strategy recognises..., Objective 3...is to provide...等信息,非常符合题干中account一词的含义。 Question 2 答案: C 关键词: global team 定位原文: C段最后一句“The International Institute of…” 解题思路:这句含义为“在世界卫生组织的建议下,国际噪声控制工程学会(I-INCE)成立了一个国际工作小组来”,这句话中international能够对应题干中的global, 而working party能够对应team。这是对应关系非常明显的一道题目。 Question 3 答案: B 关键词: hypothesis, reason, growth in classroom noise 定位原文: B段第3句“Nelson and Soil have also suggested...” 解题思路:在该段首句中就出现了classroom noise这个词,因此该段有可能就是本题的对应段落。在接下来的叙述Nelson and Soil have also suggested...中,suggest一词能够对应题干中的hypothesis 后一句中的This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels,与题干中的one reason相对应 Question 4


雅思写作流程图解析 朗阁海外考试研究中心刘雅敏 相比较其它小作文题型,雅思写作中的流程图对于很多考生来说都会感觉束手无策,尤其 是拿到题目时无从下手。这主要是由流程图的考察重点决定的。不同于图表题型在表达方 式上的固定,流程图更加能够考察考生“真正的”词汇量。虽然流程图出题频率不算高(去 年48场A类考试中,流程图出现6次),且普遍集中在工业生产过程和自然现象这两类,但题材差距很大,2014年的6场考试以及今年出现的2次流程图的具体题材如下: 由于题材不同,所以每次考试的词汇要求都不同,这无疑增加了考生的备考难度。 另外,一般情况下流程图都是以图片而非数字形式出现,所以有不少刚接触流程图的同学 认为它更接近大作文的语言风格。其实不然,流程图的文章风格偏客观描述,而且与其它 小作文题型一样,流程图还有一个特点——主要扩展顺序为时间顺序,这一点不同于大作 文主要以逻辑顺序为扩展顺序。无论大作文还是小作文,逻辑性是一切文章的灵魂,而要 想使流程图的写作逻辑严密,就要按照时间顺序展开,并加入恰当的时间顺序连接词。 除了小作文的共性外,流程图又有自身在表达方式上的特殊要求。具体而言,要注意两点:动词的使用和三大句型的运用。 一、动词的使用

考生面临的比较普遍的问题就是:图里面的词汇可能认识的只有一半,碰到这种情况,考 生应尽量猜,运用常识和看图猜词意。图里面可能会给出一定数量的动词,也可能没有给出。具体而言,一般会出现三种情况: 1. 图详细+注解详细 流程图中出现过的词汇可以使用一次,第二次出现的时候尽量换成其同义词甚至可以是近 义词。但即使猜出了大概含义,找出同义替换仍然比较困难。对此,有两种解决方案: 1). “名词动用”,如果原图给出了某个词的名词形式,在你的作文中可以将其转变成该词 的动词形式。同理,形容词可以换成副词(通常在该形容词后加-ly),副词变成形容词。 比如剑桥真题6 Test 3的范文中:原图第二个步骤中的“food”, 作者改成了动词“feed”。 2). 根据“下义词”,找出其“上义词”,比如说“furnace”(熔炉)在“玻璃瓶的回收”之类的 流程图中都会出现,我们称之为“下义词”(即含义较具体),而其“上义词”(即概括性较 强的表达)可以是“a container”。 2. 图详细+注解简略 这种情况要求考生把图片中出现的、而注解中表述比较简略而省掉的信息运用考生会的表 达方式补充出来,尤其注意动词的使用。比如:“玻璃瓶的回收”这一流程中有个步骤是把 碎玻璃倒进熔炉里面将其融化,图片画得较详细:一个椭圆形的鼎样容器,上面画的温度 计显示融化玻璃的具体温度数值,燃料是用木炭还是煤炭还是天然气……但下面的注解可 能只有三个单词:the melting process。显然,我们不可能只用这三个单词描述这一步骤,原因很简单,即考生都熟悉的一个悲剧——图描述完了,字数没写够!遇到这种情况,建议考生用自己的话把图表信息补充完整。 3. 图简略+注解更简略 同样还是以“玻璃瓶的回收”流程为例,其中一个步骤是玻璃瓶被重塑成新瓶子、并注入相 应液体产品后,被卡车送到超市,消费者购买并使用。该步骤在原图中只出现了两个名词——“supermarket”和“customers”。实战中有相当数量的考生只用一句话说完了这个步骤(比如:These bottles are transported by trucks to supermarkets, and then they would be bought by consumers.)。这种写法与上面的写法后果是一样的——


Passage 1 Question 1 答案: YES 关键词: reasons, arguments occur 定位原文: 第1段第2、3句“Popular linguistic debate... ”语言学上的普通争论通常会升级为谩骂和论战。语言属于所有人,所以大多数人认为他们有权保留自己对语言的看法。 解题思路: 题干要判断对于语言的争论,原因是否可以理解。原文陈述,语言属于所有人,大多数人有权保留对语言的看法,所以人们的观点会产生分歧是可以理解的。题干与原文完全一致。 Question 2 答案: NO 关键词: language education, language usage 定位原文:第1段第4句“And when opinions differ,…”而当看法出现分歧时,人们可能变得情绪激动。语言用法方面的一点小事,就能像语言学教育政策中的重大问题一样很容易引起争论。 解题思路:题干要判断人们对待语言教育的态度是否比对待语言用法的态度更加强烈。原文陈述,语言用法方面的一点小事都能像语言学教育政策中的大事一样引起争论,这说明对待语言用法与语言学教育政策的态度同样强烈。题干与原文所述观点不一致。 Question 3 答案: YES 关键词: intelligence, affect 定位原文:第2段第2句“No part of society or social…”所有社会组成部分或者社会行为无一例外。语言因素影响我们如何判断一个人的个性、智力、社会地位、教育程度、工作能力以及许多身份与社会生存的其他方面。 解题思路:题干要判断使用语言的方式是否会影响人们对一个人智力的评估。原文陈述,语言因素影响我们如何判断一个人的个性、智力……题干与原文完全一致。 Question 4 答案: NOT GIVEN 关键词: prescriptive, 18th century

剑桥雅思6 Test1 听力 Section1考点+解析

雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑6 Test1 听力 Section1考点+解析,需要本单元写作教程培训的考生,请点击:剑6 Test1 task1 写作范文-“About water use worldwide”。 文本及疑难解析 1. They've got a lot of facilities we don't have and vice versa. 他们有很多我们这里没有的设备,反之亦然。 Vice versa在这里的意思是“我们也有很多他们没有的设备”。 2. We're currently running a range of yoga classes,too. 我们目前也提供一系列的瑜伽课程。 本句中range不直接翻译为“范围”,例如:This range of collection is of great surprise.这一系列的收藏太让人惊喜了。另外,run在此句中可以理解为“正在运行”,更为常用的词义为“经营”,例如:It's challenging to run a business all by oneself. 3. We'll also have a fully-licensed restaurant by the end of the year. 年底时我们会有一家完全得到许可经营的餐厅。 此处fully-licensed理解为“手续齐全的”。 4. …oh,no,I'm sorry,it's just gone up by£50,sorry about that… 哦,非常抱歉,现在涨了50镑。 go up by的意思是“涨了多少钱”。 5. Well, that's Silver—it's the same as Gold except you have to pay a small fee of £ 1 per lesson for any you do and you can only use the center at certain times. 那就是银卡,除了每一节课要付1英镑和中心设施有时间限制外,银卡和金卡是一样的。 6. Well,it's still rather more expensive than I thought. 可这依然比我想象的贵得多。 rather在这里起强调作用,也可以用far more expensive表达相同的意思。 7. Ah,then the Bronze scheme would probably suit you best. 那么铜卡应该最适合你。 8. We book you in for an assessment with an instructor,who will show you how to

剑桥 雅思 10 test 4 的三篇阅读的解析

1. 2. The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 3. 4. primitive a. motivation n. vital a. civilisation n. economy n. distinctly adv. phenomenon n. advent n. connotation n. revolution

availability n. commercial a. industrialised a. employment n. estimate v. investment n. excess n. profound a. obscure v. ... diversity n. fragmentation n. accommodation

remain v. amorphous a. exclusive a. institionalised a. commodity n. income n. quote v. valid a. domestic a. 5. + + 6. Questions 1-4 1. Paragraph B 2. Paragraph C

3. Paragraph D 4. Paragraph E 1. ii Tourism in the mass form as we know it today is a distinctly twentieth-century phenomenon. mass tourism tourism in the mass form 2. i Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance. significance importance 3. v However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden or obscured its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself. difficulty effects problems impact 4. vii Once the exclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become an institutionalised way of life for most of the population. world impact most of the population, institutionalised Questions 5-10 5. The largest employment figures in the world are found in the travel and tourism industry. 6. Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product. 7. Tourism has a social impact because it promotes recreation. 8. Two main features of the travel and tourism industry make its economic significance difficult to ascertain. 9. Visitor spending is always greater than the spending of residents in tourist areas. 10. It is easy to show statistically how tourism affects individual economies. 5. TRUE According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (1992), ‘Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure including value-added capital investment, employment and tax contributions’ figures measure


雅思写作地图题深度解析(上) 朗阁海外考试研究中心姜芮 在雅思小作文中,流程图和地图题无疑对于广大考生来说都有不小的威胁,很多考生在遇到此类型的题目时,会变得手足无措,不知道应该从何写起。许多考生抱着侥幸的心里,往往不重视此类小众题目的备考,结果作文分数受到了很大的影响。在本系列文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组的专家将着重对雅思写作地图题做一个深度解析。 我们用两个经典的地图题真题为例,在近两年出现的数次地图题中,多数都是属于这类“三格地图”。 WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the development of the village of Kelsby between 1780 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 在审题过程中我们需要特别注意以下几点: 1. 时态:关注时态是小作文能否取得高分的关键,同样对于地图题,我们也应该很好地注意时态,本文的时间是明确的,都是过去的时间,因此全文应当使用一般过去时。 2. 顺序:该图属于动态的地图题,这种类型的地图题一律按照时间顺序来写。在这道题中,也就是按照图的顺序依次来写,不要把元素拆开。如果是静态的地图题(即不涉及时间变化的题型),则按照空间顺序来写。在描述单幅地图时,我们可以采取上北下南的顺序描述,或者从左到右的顺序也可以,但值得注意的是,如果地图上有明显的方向标示,那就要根据这个标示来描述。 下面我们一起来分析文章的写作。 第一段:Introduction 引言段就是把题目进行改写。原文中的diagram,可以替换成figure,原文中的shows,可以改为illustrate, demonstrate, reveal, indicate等词。宾语development,可以替换成transformations,也可以改为宾语从句how the village of Kelsby developed/ changed. 题目中给出的时间比较模糊,可以具体化为in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 【例文】The three maps illustrate how the village of Kelsby changed in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 第二段:描述1780年的地图 1780年的情况只涉及到静态的数据,因此只需要用存在句即可表达,不涉及任何变化的单词。但是,考生非常容易把这些元素全部用there be这个句型来表达,从而导致句式单一。表示存在的句型除了there be之外,还有非常简单的have句型,还有lie/ be located/ be situated这样的结构。另外还有一种倒装句型,比如“桌子上面有一本书”,可以翻译为on the desk is a book. 除此之外,要注意几个元素的顺序问题。这里有四大元素:住宅区homes,树林woods,农场farms,还有一条河流river。理论上只要按照一定的空间顺序(比如顺时针、逆时针,从左到右)都是可以的,但是要考虑家庭数量的变化是导致其它所有变化的根本原因,因此建议先写住宅区homes。 还有就是土地单位的表达,land是不可数名词,因此不能说a land,只能说a piece of land。为了表达更加精确,可以用a plot of land(一小块),a stretch of(一长片),a large expanse of(一大片)。 另外朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生们还要注意方位词的表达。地图题中常用的方位词有:in the east/ west/ south/ north of ...; in the eastern/ western/ southern northern part of ...; 如果是在角落,可以用in the southwestern corner of ...; 在河流的上/下游:at the lower/ upper reaches of the river; 在河岸:alongside the riverbank; 在河流的南端:at the southern end of the river.

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