当前位置:文档之家› 2013年浙江工商大学615综合英语考研真题【圣才出品】




I. Vocabulary & Structure (30%)

Directions:There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one that best

completes the sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. He was so ______ by his work that he did not notice that other employees had already left.

A. prevailed

B. predominated

C. prescribed

D. preoccupied

2. The salesgirl hasn’t been ______ in the way she treats different customers.

A. consistent

B. insistent

C. continuous

D. continual

3. As for Ann, I am not sure about her ______ in Italian.

A. fluency

B. coherence

C. clarity

D. excellency

A. stand

B. face

C. run

D. suffer

5. They send information every week, ______ whether it’s useful or not.

A. depending on

B. irrespective of

C. inclusive of

D. relevant to

6. When minerals are ______ from land surface mines, grasses and trees must be removed causing erosion of the bare earth.

A. explored

B. exploited

C. extracted

D. exported

7. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.

A. transmission

B. transformation

C. transition

D. transfer

A. claims

B. objections

C. complaints

D. clues

9. Many men lost their jobs during the business ______.

A. deposition

B. depression

C. breakdown

D. disturbance

10. If you are ______ with this test, perhaps you should attempt an easier one.

A. stumbling

B. stressed

C. straining

D. struggling

11. The government is trying its best to ______ its policy helping the unemployed.

A. complement

B. implement

C. supplement

D. compliment

12. Except on official ______ such as formal reception, American society has a certain amount of informality.

B. activities

C. occasions

D. circumstances

13. It is ______ to think that he got the job without a qualification.

A. inclusive

B. inaccessible

C. incapable

D. incredible

14. Can you wait thirty seconds while I ______ into the Post Office for some stamps?

A. saunter

B. breeze

C. pop

D. go

15. He was ______ with embezzlement and sentenced to three years in prison.

A. accused

B. charged

C. convicted

D. arrested

16. The chess players tried very hard to ______ each other with every move in the tournament.

A. outnumber

C. outcome

D. outwit

17. Robert ______ his success to his hard work.

A. distributes

B. contributes

C. attributes

D. resolves

18. Many of the earlier ______ into the United States have established large plantations.

A. immigrants

B. inhabitant

C. ingredients

D. emigrants

19. Which of the following progressives expresses different meaning from others?

A. You are continuously finding fault with me.

B. I am wondering if I may have a word with you.

C. She’s always borrowing money and forgetting to pay me back.

D. He is constantly complaining about the house.

20. ______ did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus.

A. Quickly

B. Very quickly

D. Such quickly

21. He is a brilliant and hard-working student, ______ who will be successful in whatever career he chooses.

A. and

B. he

C. one

D. so

22. Everybody except ______ agreed to our proposal.

A. he

B. him

C. for he

D. for him

23. The eyes of ______ girls were fixed on Alex during the exhibition.

A. the other three

B. other three

C. three other

D. three the other

24. He has a good appetite. He can eat ______.

A. twice as the amount as you

B. twice the amount that you eat

C. twice as more as you




2016年浙江大学博士生英语 听力 PART A Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass that's home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, it's too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at T aylor Slough. This is a good place to start because it's home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. You'll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Don't worry, there's a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there we'll head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you who'd like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. We'd hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now they're not so bothersome, but you'll still want to use an insect repellent. Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass that's home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, it's too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at Taylor Slough. This is a good place to start because it's home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. You'll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Don't worry, there's a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there we'll head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you who'd like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. We'd hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now they're not so bothersome, but you'll still want to use an insect repellent.----- 文章来源托福听力 听力是托福内容,完型填空是大学英语教程第四册里面的内容~~~


2012级新编大学英语(四)(浙大版)期末口语考试范围与内容: 单元范围:Book 4 unit 2 – unit 7 考试内容:每个单元前两篇文章指定的句子翻译;每个单元三篇课文(包括after – class reading passage 2)课后词组的造句;每个单元配套的小组讨论话题。注:句子翻译和小组讨论话题详见以下附件内容,其中小组讨论的话题由开学的11个话题缩减为9个。课后词组及造句这里不提供样板,请同学们课后按照课本自行准备。 以下附件为小组讨论话题和每单元的指定句子翻译: 小组讨论话题 Unit 2 * Is calling better than writing? * What are the most dangerous sentence (words) and the most powerful sentence (words) in your mind? Why? Unit 3 *Who are teachers’ pets, boys or girls? How to avoid gender bias in the classroom? Unit 4 * Which should be emphasized in education, knowledge or creativity? Unit 5 * What is your favorite sport? How do you benefit from it? * Should athletes be role models? Unit6 * Why would people like to take risks? * Are environmental risks worth taking? And how to avoid? Explain your answer. Unit 7 * Talk about the similarities and differences between your expectations of college life and the reality. 大学英语(四)Unit 2 – Unit 7 汉译英句子 Unit 2 The Power of Words 1.因为那时我是个十几岁的小伙子,所以他的话最鼓舞人心了。 Because I was a teenager t hen, his words couldn’t have been more inspiring. 2.每当我怀疑自己不是当作家的料时,便会重温他的便笺。 Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread his note. 3.毫不奇怪,他的朋友圈子就像附近的伊利(Erie)湖那么大。


2011年浙江工商大学外国语学院读书会“红色之旅,科普之行”赴嘉兴暑期实践团策划书 目录 一、活动背景及意义 二、实践概况 三、实践具体内容 四、实践机构设置 五、实践前期、中、后期时间安排 六、实践相关说明 七、实践拟取得的效果 八、资金预算

一、活动背景与意义 1、活动背景: 1)、2011年是中国共产党建党90周年,也是“十二五”的开局之年,同时是我校成立100周年。为了庆祝建党90周年和我校建校100周年,为了讴歌中华民族实现伟大复兴的的百年奋斗历程,颂扬中国共产党的丰功伟绩,为了加强社会主义核心价值体系建设,进一步增强大学生的使命感、责任感和荣誉感,为加深人民群众对党的历史、党的知识和党的理论路线方针政策的认识,推动创先争优活动深入开展,所以我们开展了这次实践活动。这次实践活动的宗旨也在于激发大学生的爱国、爱党和爱校热情,充分发挥大学生的引领作用,深入基层组织工作和学习。 2)、在胡锦涛总书记做的十七大报告上,明确了党的十七大的主题是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗。因此,面对当前的机遇和挑战,我们大学生更应该走出校园深入社会基层,真切地了解当地的经济现状,感受当地人民的生活,宣扬科学发展观,宣传“崇尚科学”引导广大群众崇尚科学、拒绝邪教,真正学习和理解崇尚科学的重要意义,这也是我们本次社会实践的主要目标。同时我们将尽力帮助他们解决一些实际问题,真正意识到当代大学生所肩负的历史责任感,以科学的高标准严格要求自己,积极践行学习科学文化知识,提高自己的综合素质和技能,积极响应党中央国务院的号召,实现自己的人生价值和理想。


Reading Text 1 Few social problems have increased so suddenly or been dramatized so effectively as the plight of the homeless in the 1980s and 1990s.Once an invisible people who could easily be ignored, the homeless are now recognized everywhere on the streets and in the public facilities of major cities. There are bag ladies who roam the streets carrying what is left of their possessions in shopping bags or grocery carts. There are disoriented men curled up on benches, in stairwells, or alongside walls. There are children – some runaways and some throwaways scrounge(偷,骗取) for food and shelter. The number of homeless people in underdeveloped societies in the mid-1980s was estimated by the United Nations (UN) to be more than 100 million. The so-called “new”homeless live in the developed, industrialized nations of Europe, North America, and East Asia. Accurate statistics have been impossible to verify, in part because of the conflicting viewpoints on the subject of homelessness. Politicians, lawyers, and others who become advocates for the homeless have said that there are from 2 to 3 million homeless in the US alone. Others who have studied the problem from a less sympathetic point of view suggest that the


第 1 页,共 1页 浙江工商大学2012年博士研究生入学考试试卷(A )卷 招生专业: 经济学 考试科目:中级微观经济学 考试时间:3小时 总分:100分 1、如果消费者将全部收入花费在两种商品的购买上,其中一种商品是吉芬品,试证明当这种吉芬商品的价格上涨时,另一种商品的消费量必定减少。请证明之(15分)。 2、某市场上只有A 、B 两个厂商,它们对某种产品的市场需求曲线为100()A B P q q =-+,其中,P 为产品价格,A q 为厂商A 的需求量,B q 为厂商B 的需求量,两个厂商的边际成本都为1。 (1)假设厂商A 、B 是两个古诺厂商,则这两个厂商的反应线分别是什么?求解古诺均衡时两个厂商的产量和利润(10分)。 (2)假设厂商A 是市场的领导者,厂商B 是市场的追随者,试求解斯塔克博格模型的均衡解(10分)。 (3)如果厂商A 和厂商B 不清楚谁是领导者,谁是追随者,则第(2)问中的斯塔克博格模型结果是什么?请给出你的理由(5分)。 3、请说明什么是价格歧视?广义上的价格歧视有哪几种类型?各自的内容和产生原因是什么?试用图形说明不同类型的价格歧视对消费者福利的影响?(20分) 4、已知某地区一企业的生产函数满足柯布—道格拉斯函数(Cobb-Douglas 函数): (,)Y F K L AK L αβ==,其中,0,1αβ<<并且0A >, 而资本和劳动的要素价格分别为r 和ω。 (1)假定总预算支出给定,且为0I ,那么请分别求出该企业的资本和劳动要素的需求函数(即为马歇尔需求函数)(10分)。 (2)假定给定最小产量为0q 的条件下,请重新求解该企业资本和劳动要素的需求函数(即为希克斯需求函数)(10分)。 5、请简述科斯第一定理、第二定理和第三定理,并以科斯定理来分析讨价还价行为与经济效率的关系(20分)。 —————————————答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效———————————


Test One(听力播放) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will hear the question only once. When you have heard the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. A. He’s worried. B. It’s getting late. C. He heard a noise outside. D. He can’t see out of the window. 2. A. Soon B. In 20 minutes. C. They don’t care. D. They don’t know. 3. A. Here. B. A pass. C. An official. D.A letter of introduction. 4. A. Home. B. To town. C. To his friends. D. To a restaurant. 5. A. She uses coffee. B. She hates coffee. C. She never liked coffee. D. She liked coffee before. 6. A. The pay isn’t important. B. They don’t need the money. C. He wants to save the money. D. He doesn’t like waiting in line for his pay. 7. A. He wants to go to sleep. B. Doctors always tell him lies. C. He doesn’t believe in medicine. D. He needs a rest without being bothered. 8. A. He eats too much. B. He kills chickens. C. He only eats chickens. D. He married a greedy person. 9. A. Buying trees. B. Who owns the tree. C. Their family trees. D. How old the tree is. 10. A. A stranger. B. A ticket seller. C. A train attendant. D. Another passenger. Section B Directions: In this section of the test you will hear three brief talks. You will hear them only once. After each one you will hear some questions. You will hear each question only once. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to choose the best answer from the four choices given. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by blackening the corresponding letter with a pencil.


关于开展2014年浙江工商大学 暑期社会实践总结交流和评比工作的通知 各学院团委: 2014年暑期,全校各学院开展了各具特色、热火朝天的社会实践活动。为进一步推动我校社会实践工作的特色化、可持续发展,校团委决定于9月份开展社会实践总结、交流和评比工作。说明如下: 一、奖项设置及评奖要求 详见《浙江工商大学暑期大学生社会实践评比细则》(附后)。 二、各个奖项的评审安排 1.先进集体 各实践团队自主申报,经所在学院团委审核、推荐,由校团委组织各学院学生评委召开评审会议,择优确定十佳团队、优秀团队,公示无异议后发文表彰。 评审时间:2014年9月23日(周二)下午13:30 评审地点:下沙校区学生活动中心多功能厅 说明:(1)每个学院可申报一支团队,每支团队的汇报时间不超过5分钟; (2)各学院团委书记和学生代表(各学院推报3名学生评委,限选参加过当年社会实践的同学)担任评委。各学院可自行组织同学观摩评比。 2.组织工作奖、优秀实践基地奖 各学院团委自主申报奖项,由专家评阅材料打分,择优确定奖项,并经公示无异议后发文表彰。 说明:(1)各学院均可申报组织工作奖,同时可申报一个优秀基地; (2)校团委邀请校内外专家组成评委组。得分将在去掉一个最高分和一个最低分的基础上加总而成。 3.先进个人、优秀论文 学生本人自主申报,经团支部推荐,由各学院团委首先组织院级评审,确定院级先进个人、优秀论文;再根据校团委确定的名额数,择优向校团委推荐校级先进个人、优秀论文。经校团委审核,公示无异议后发文表彰。

说明:(1)各学院先进个人名额数≤各学院班级数×2人。如班级人数不足30人,先进个人名额数≤各学院班级数×1人。 (2)各学院优秀论文名额数≤各学院班级数×2篇。如班级人数不足30人,优秀论文名额数≤各学院班级数×1篇。 (3)“各学院班级数”指二、三、四年级的班级总数(不含新生班级数)。 三、申报材料上交要求 1.报送要求 (1)申报先进集体、组织工作奖和优秀基地的,应上交申报材料清单1(详见附件8)以及相应申报表,清单和申报表应加盖学院团委公章,并以学院为单位上交所有材料电子版。申报截止时间:9月19日。 (2)申报先进个人、优秀论文的,应上交申报材料清单2(详见附件8)以及相应申报表,清单和申报表应加盖学院团委公章(如申报表格不入档案,不需交书面稿),并以学院为单位上交所有材料电子版。申报截止时间:9月22日。 (3)电子版名称要求:申报先进集体、组织工作奖和优秀基地的应注明团队、学院或基地名称;申报先进个人应以申报者姓名标注文档,申报优秀论文应以论文名称标注文档。 2.报送方式 联系人:储晓丹,电话:28877139;郑晓春,电话:28877133; 邮箱:zjgsusqsj@https://www.doczj.com/doc/db13598992.html, 地点:下沙校区学生活动中心406室、404室 共青团浙江工商大学委员会 20 14年9月


2011年浙江大学考博英语真题听力原文,仅供参考 第一篇 Among my experiences as a college president is the all‐too‐frequent phone call in the night that begins: "One of your students is in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning." The whole country got a similar wake‐up call in Ju ne when it was reported that alcohol abuse on college campuses is on the rise, especially for women, and that college students drink far more than nonstudents. One statistic showed that college students spend more money on alcohol while in college than on books. Alcohol abuse, although tragic, is but one symptom of a larger campus crisis. A generation has come to college quite fragile, not very secure about who it is, fearful of its lack of identity and without confidence in its future. Many students are ashamed of themselves and afraid of relationships. Students use alcohol as an escape. It's used as an excuse for bad behavior: the insanity defense writ large on campus. This diminished sense of self has caused a growth in racism, sexism, attempted suicide, theft, property‐damage and cheating on most campuses. This is not the stuff of most presidents' public conversations. Nor can it be explained away as an "underclass" problem; it is found on our most privileged campuses. It is happening because the generation now entering college has experienced few authentic connections with adults in its lifetime. I call this the "Culture of Neglect," and we — parents, teachers, professors and administrators — are the primary architects. It begins at home, where social and economic factors — such as declining incomes requiring longer work hours — result in less family time. Young people have been allowed to or must take part‐time jobs rather than spending time in school, on homework or with their families. More children and youths are being reared in a vacuum, with television as their only supervisor, and there is little expectation that they learn personal responsibility. Immersed in themselves, they are left to their peers. 31. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ( ) . ×正确答案为C [A] it is easy to be a college president [B] a college president has to sit up till midnight [C] alcohol abuse is quite common on campus [D] it is harmful for college students to drink alcohol 32. According to the author, college students turn to alcohol as a(n) ( ). ×正确答案为C [A] inspiration [B] stimulation [C] escape [D] relaxation 33. The word "architects" in Para. 2 can be best replaced by ( ). ×正确答案为D [A] artists [B] experts [C] discoverers [D] designers 34. How do parents react to the "Culture of Neglect"?( ) ×正确答案为B [A] Parents have lowered their expectations on children. [B] Parents take little care of the growth of their children. [C] Parents spend too much time watching television.


Unit 1 Please talk about the reasons for shyness and how to overcome it. 李:Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people, when they are talking with strangers ,their faces turn red and hardly say anything. 寿: Yes ,that's really common to see .I think people will be shy when they are not so confident .they are likely to guess what others think about them ,and always feel that what they say will be funny and laughed at a lot. 李:yes,I can not agree with 李any more,shy people having self-esteem,are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.they need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing" 张: I think so .Sometimes I would be shy, especially when I stood in front of many people .I'm excessively concerned with my actions and too nervous to say anything. 韩:I have the same experience with you .At that time,worrisome thoughts are constantly swirling in my mind .I can't help thinking they were against me. 李:is there any ways to overcome shyness?this is what I eager to know .You know, shyness has become barriers when we make friends or do other things. 寿: I think the first step is When you talk with people, try to relax and tell yourself that they are just like your friends .They won't find mistakes on what you are to say or to do, you can just be yourself. 韩:good opinion,for example, you may be timid about being with a group of strangers at a party.don't feel that you must converse with everyone,concentrate on talking to only one or two people,you will feel more comfortable


浙江工商大学硕士研究生培养方案 管理科学与工程 (2016年制订) (一)学科简介 管理科学与工程一级学科硕士点是浙江工商大学“大商科”学科布局的核心学科之一,是体现理工学科与经管学科交叉融合特色的重要学科。本硕士点是浙江省重点科技创新团队“电子商务技术科技创新团队”、浙江省高等学校创新团队“电子商务与物流优化团队”以及浙江省重点实验室“电子商务与物流信息技术”、浙江省重点实验教学示范中心“现代商贸信息技术与工程”的依托学科点之一。在浙江省电子商务、物流与供应链管理、系统工程与优化等研究领域具有较强的特色和优势。 (二)培养目标 培养热爱祖国、遵纪守法、具有较高创新能力和适应能力的应用型、复合型高素质管理科学与工程人才。本学科研究生要求能够扎实地掌握管理科学与工程学科的基础理论知识和工程应用能力,能在导师指导下创造性地研究和解决与本学科有关的理论和实际问题,具有运用专业知识解决实际工程问题的能力,具有创新意识和实事求是、认真严谨的科学作风,熟练掌握至少一门外语。 (三)主要研究方向 1、电子商务:围绕互联网+经济的商业背景下,重点研究面向移动互联下的商务大数据和云计算基础性支撑技术、农村和跨境电商的模式与机制、移动电商等方面的研究,并在此基础上开发新型电商平台实现技术的规模化应用。 2、物流与供应链管理:围绕物流系统规划与设计、物流信息技术应用、供应链物流系统分析与优化等领域,重点研究复杂物流系统仿真与优化技术、全过程集成及流程优化理论方法和覆盖电子商贸生态系统的供应链综合服务平台的研究与开发。 3、系统工程与优化:围绕商贸流通和互联网行业,研究和解决互联网环境

下的复杂系统工程问题。重点研究互联网资源调度与优化、复杂网络与社交网络计算、面向电商的博弈优化理论等。 4、智慧商贸:围绕“智能、安全”的现代商贸技术及应用为核心,重点研究智慧社会中现代商贸的大数据管理与优化技术、现代商贸的大数据分析与挖掘技术、现代商贸的网络空间安全保障技术等。 5、服务管理与工程:围绕现代服务业,重点研究服务创新的运行机制、移动互联背景下用户体验和用户服务的构成维度、高科技行业众包或互联网+时代利益驱动机制、创新知识传导机制、评估服务实际运行情况的度量方法以及通过反馈、沟通、自我调整、修改优化、对服务系统进行控制、通过服务需求预测提高服务价值及用户满意度的方法等。 (四)培养年限 学制2.5年,在职硕士生学习年限最长可延至4年。 (五)学分要求和课程设置 总学分不低于33学分,包含实践学分。管理科学与工程一级学科硕士研究生培养计划的课程设置详见表1。 (六)文献阅读主要书目和期刊目录 本学科硕士生在学位论文开题之前须完成由导师指定的文献阅读任务,在论文开题时需要提交经导师确认的已完成阅读书目和期刊目录清单。 (七)中期考核 本学科硕士生应在第四学期完成中期考核,中期考核合格者,才能继续下一阶段学习。中期考核包括研究生自评总结、课程学习情况审核、学位论文进展情况检查以及导师对研究生政治思想表现、学习和科研能力的评定,最终由学科学位委员或学位委员会制定的中期考核委员会作出综合评定意见。 (八)学位论文 学位论文选题要求背景清晰,具有前沿性,了解该领域国内外研究状况,对科学技术进步和国民经济发展具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。论文研究工作要求综合运用科学理沦、方法和技术手段取得创新性成果。论文撰写概念清楚,结



学苑教育考博辅导老师为您提供备考建议,希望对您有所帮助。 Today,cigarette smoking is a common habit. About forty-three percent of the adult menand thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarettesregularly. It is encouraging to see that millions of people have given upsmoking. It is a fact that men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men andwomen the age group with the highest proportion of smokers is 24-44. Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person’ssmoking habit. City people smoke more than people living on farms.Well-educated men with high incomes are less likely to smoke cigarettes thanmen with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, if awell-educated man with a higher income smoked at all, he is likely to smokemore packs of cigarettes per day. The situation is somewhat different for women.(80)There are slightly moresmokers among women with higher family income and higher education than amongthe lower income and lower educational groups. These more highly educated womentend to smoke more heavily. Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenaged smokers fromupper-income, well-educated families, and fewer from families living in farmareas. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of theirparents smoke. 1. What do we know from the first paragraph ? A.More and more people take up the habit of smoking. B. There are more smoking women than smoking men in USA. C. It is good news that more people have given up smoking. D. The U.S. has more smoking people than any other country. 2.What factors determine a person’s smokinghabits ?


2020年大学生社会实践心得体会:大学生就业调查 本文是关于2020年大学生社会实践心得体会:大学生就业调查,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 随着当今社会经济的高速发展,人才供求趋向多元化,这一转变也使得各级高校进入了大势扩招期,从而圆了浩浩荡荡90后的学子梦。然其引发的问题也不容小觑。一方面,高校的爆发性扩招导致了整体教育水平的下降,另一方米娜,高校长期教育的滞后性导致应届大学生与社会的需求的不完全匹配。 当应届大学生“遇上”严峻的就业压力,大学生应该怎么做呢? 为此,浙江工商大学金融社联团队,积极响应学校号召,开展了“以实践行-----寻找企业眼中的大学生”为主题的社会实践,收获颇丰。 此次调研历时30天,交织着我们一行人的投入与收获。社会实践的筹备阶段正值期末考试阶段,故时间不可不谓十分紧张,但团队成员都打起了十二分热情,分秒必争,有条不紊的开展着自己的工作。从分配任务到编写问卷,从联系公司到实地采访,虽然途中遇到大大小小的问题,但这丝毫没有打击团队的信心,迎难而上,是我们的天真和骄傲。几百份资料,几百通电话,社联这只团队超额完成了任务,为整个活动的进行打下了可靠的地基。 xx主席曾说:“青年的价值取向决定了未来整个社会的价值取向。”在这个竞争型的社会里,大学生作为中坚力量,作为中国梦的实践者和实现者,更应该磨砺自己,充实自己,勤于实践,主动出击。基于此,金融社联暑期社会实践团队积极勤恳,以实践行,众人一心,将实践的完美进行放在一切行动的第一位。 虽然七月是天气多变之节,阴阴晴晴翻转如滚轴,但也有着从未摇摆的——我们澎湃的的热情与昂扬的信心。穿过拥挤不堪的公交站,地铁口,踏过繁华商业区与幽静梧桐林,我们怀揣着少年的锐气,来到了一个个目的地,向各个企业发出我们友好的问询。 本次社会实践活动,我们在综合了地域,时间和所学专业等因素后,着重选择了下沙周边和杭州市区的大小金融机构进行走访调研。走访对象有传统金融企业,如银行、保险公司等,也有蒸蒸日上的新型金融企业,如期货、投资公司等。当然,为了调研数据的完整性和科学性,我们又对浙江省各地不同规模的企业进

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