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商务英语2 3-businessenglish_第二三单元
商务英语2 3-businessenglish_第二三单元

商务英语/ 用英语开会

主持会议Starting & Controlling a meeting



Grace: OK, let's call the meeting to order. You've all looked at the reports given to you a few days ago. I've asked Sam, as marketing director, to lay out the main points of the agenda today. Sam?

Sam: Thanks Grace. Well, let me bring your attention to what I see as the main issues. First are the laws in Central and South America. Will they make it hard for us to do business there? Second is how to sell in that market. Should we try to sell by ourselves? Or should we get people there to sell for us? Yes, Grace? Grace: As you know, we've asked a law expert to come today. He isn't here yet, so I think we should get the show started with the second issue, how to sell in that market.

Sam: Good idea. Does everyone agree? Good. The main problem in the market is poor health conditions. We all know what happened to Nests when they sold their powdered milk in Africa. And we don't want that to happen to us. To address this issue, I'd like to call upon our medical expert, Dr. Vincent Davis, to take the floor. Vincent?

Vincent: In Africa, people had very little clean water. So they put dirty water in with the powder. Many people got sick, and Nests got in trouble because of it.

Grace: Can we find a way to prevent this? Isn't it also very hard to find clean water in Central and South America?


Grace: 好,现在会议正式开始。几天前发下去的通知,大家应该都看过了。我已经请行销主任Sam,详细说明今天议程的重点。Sam?

Sam: 谢谢您,Grace。请各位注意听我个人认为此事主要的症结是:中南美洲的法律,是否会造成我们在当地作生意的障碍?以及如何销售的问题,我们是要自己负责呢?还是请当地的厂商代售?Grace,有什么事吗?

Grace: 大家知道我们请了一位法律专家出席今天的会议,可是他现在还没到场,所以我想可以从第二个问题开始讨论-如何在当地销售。

Sam: 好主意。大家同意吗?很好。这个市场的主要问题是当地的卫生环境不良。我们都知道雀巢在非洲销售奶粉时所出的状况,我们不希望重蹈覆辙。谈起这个问题,我要请我们的医药专家Vincent Davis博士发言。Vincent?

Vincent: 在非洲,当地的住民可获取的净水少得可怜,所以他们用不洁的水冲泡奶粉。当时许多人因此生了病,结果雀巢公司就倒霉了。

Grace: 我们可以找出一个预防的方法吗?毕竟在中南美洲也不太容易找到干净的水,对吧?


lay (something) out 口头详细说明

"lay out"从字面上看,是说将某物展开,使之呈现在目;在此比喻…详细说明某事或某计划?。此外,"lay something out"尚有…准备;计划;击昏?等解释。

Let me lay things out for you; our price was higher than our competitor's, so we lost the business.


get the show started 揭开序幕;开始

"show"可指任何表演或戏院所上演的戏剧及影片等,用于此词组时则指任何活动。此词组以舞台开演来比喻…开始进行某一活动?。"get"在此处为使役动词,意思是…使?,"get something started"即有…使…开始?的含意。此外,这词组也等于"get the show on the road"。

The manager wants to get the show started right now, because he has to leave for the airport in an hour.经理一小时后要赶到机场,所以他想现在就开始开会。

take the floor 上台发言

"floor"为…地板?。"take the floor'是指…起立发言?,有站上讲台(stand in open floor space),面对大家的意思,通常是指在会议中正式的发言。

Bob, I'd like you to take the floor after Mary's talk about last year's sales.




1. Let's call the meeting to order.

2. Let's get things under way.

3. Let's get things started.

4. Shall we begin?

"order"在此是指…会议的程序与规则?;"call"有…宣布?的含意,"call (a meeting) to order"为开会时的惯用语,是…会议开始?的意思。此句型适用于主席宣布讨论要开始时,示意与会者安静,遵守会场的秩序。在此"call"亦可以"bring"代替。此词组适用于正式场合中。


1. Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main issues.

2. Let's focus on the main issues.

3. Let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues.

4. Allow me to set out the main issues for you.

"bring one's attention to..."的意思是…让某人注意(听、看)……。此句的"bring"可用"call"代替;"main"为…主要的?;"issue"是…争论点;关键;议论?。这句话是表示自己要宣布几个重要事项,请与会者注意所要说明及提示的要点;这是正式的表达用语,语气中带有权威感。


1. To address this issue, I'd like to call on...

2. To discuss this matter, I'd like to call on...

3. To shed some light on this, I'd like to call on...

4. To provide us with more detail, I'd like to call on...

"address"为…提及;陈述?;"call on someone"这个词组的意思是…要求某人(做某事)?,"on"之后的受词为被要求的人。此句型是在正式的场合中用以介绍下一位发言人。由于句首使用"To address this issue,"--…谈起这个问题?,显示特别强调这位发言者的意见值得采纳、尊重或听取;有时亦暗示主席或高阶人士也同样支


●More 宣布开会

当您站在主席位,各部门的与会者皆已坐定后,如何以一句话宣布会议正式开始,正是您学习…开会英语?的第一课。在本课文中Grace所使用的〝Let's call the meeting to order.〞即是一个普遍常用的说法,尤其这句话的口气充份表达身为…主席?的权威。为使您能熟悉多种正式宣布开会的句型,特别举出以下例子供您参考:


Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin.


Perhaps we'd better get started / down to business.

All right, I think it's about time we get started / going.

Right then, I think we should begin.


Let's begin /get going, shall we?

Shall we start?


A. 开会时尽量选择靠老板的位置坐---开会时除非座位已事先安排好,否则宜选择靠近老板或有实权者的座位。此举并不是势力眼的表现,而是您若故意保持距离,在他人眼中看来,是有欠团队精神的表现。这种不愿参与(成为一份子)的姿态,尤令高阶主管不悦。

B. 开会时避免选择靠门的座位---除了尽量靠近老板坐之外,莫忘了要远离门边的座位。因为门口是出入必经之地,人来人往难免会干扰到您的发言,并会转移他人对您的注意。况且会议上的一般习惯是:权力愈高者说话,他人愈会注意听。因此,发言时愈易遭到他人打断者,愈是人微言轻的人。为避免造成这种没有份量的尴尬场面,应避免选择靠门的座位。

C. 开会时避免选择靠窗的座位---同样地,美景如画的窗口、名画或令人感兴趣的物品旁边,皆不是好位子,宜避而远之;否则发言时自己将容易成为红花旁的绿叶,他人关爱的眼神也亦将投射在您身旁的物体上。

同意与反对Agreeing & Disagreeing



Vincent: As a good corporate citizen, we must face the following issues. One is to make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water. Two is that we find a way to give clean water to everyone who uses the powder.

Sam: Can we do both and still not make the price too high? We want to market it to the people who need it the most - the poor. And most of those people in those places are very, very poor.

Vincent: A valid point. Well then, let's toss the first problem around a little. We can't make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water. The price will be too high, and people could get sick if they still try to drink it. But I think we can add something that would make the color change.

Grace: Good idea. Like black or something. Nobody would let their kids drink something that didn't look like milk.

Sam: I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. These people wash, drink, and even swim every day in the water that LOOKS dirty. But they do it anyway, because they're so poor there's no way they can get clean water.

Vincent: That's true. Maybe we could add something that would make it smell bad too. If it smells bad and looks bad, that might make sure they don't drink it. But I don't know how much more it will add to the cost.

Grace: If it jacks up the cost too much nobody will buy it. That won't help anyone -- them or us. But we can't just sell it without a way to stop buyers from using dirty water.


Vincent: 身为一家有社会良知的公司,我们必须面对以下的关键问题:一是制造出一种无法用不洁的水冲泡的奶粉;二是找到法子,提供净水给所有食用奶粉的人。

Sam: 我们可以两样都做到,又不致使成本涨幅过高吗?我们想把奶粉卖给最需要的人--穷人。这些地方的住民大部份都非常、非常的穷。

Vincent: 完全同意。那,我们就先讨论一下第一个问题。我想我们无法制造出这种用脏水冲泡后即无法食用的奶粉。成本太高了!而且如果当地人硬是要喝,还是一样会生病的。不过我想我们可以掺入一些会改变颜色的添加物。

Grace: 好办法!诸如黑色之类的东西,没有人会让自己的孩子喝下不像牛奶的东西。

Sam: 很抱歉,我无法同意。这些人每天洗涤、饮用、甚至游泳,都在那些看起来很脏的脏水里;但是他们横竖还是用了。只因为太穷,他们根本没办法得到净水。

Vincent: 没错。不然我们添加一些会变得难闻的物质,如果牛奶既难闻又难看,那铁定没有人会喝了。不过我不知道成本会提高到多少。

Grace: 不过成本太高,就没有人会买了。这样对谁--不论是他们或我们,都没有好处。不过我们也不能只管销售,而不去想办法阻止顾客使用脏水。


good corporate citizen 有社会责任感的公司(公民)


It was over 10 years ago that Nests sold its powdered milk in Africa, but people still believe it is not a good corporate citizen.


toss (something) around 非正式的讨论;随意聊聊

"toss"的原义为…投掷?,尤其指不停地丢来丢去的动作;因而常用来比喻你一言,我一语地讨论。这种讨论是不拘形式,也不必按特地的程序进行。"toss around"为美式口语,意思是…随意、非正式地讨论?。

I'm not sure if Raymond or Nicole should become general manager; let's toss it around and see if we can decide right now.


jack up 上涨;上升


I don't think we can jack up our prices on our books anymore, because people don't have much extra money to spend these days.




1. We must face the following issues. One is... Two is...

2. I've come to the conclusion that the first issue is...; the second is...

3. I've reached the conclusion that the first issue is...; the second is...

4. There are (two) main issues here; the first issue is...; the second is...

这句型的功用在于提出关键性的归纳,并随后逐项加以解释。这句话由于以"we"为主词,没使用"I think"、"from my point of view"等牵涉个人的用语开头,所以大幅降低主观意识,会让在座者较易接受说话者的意见。


1. A valid point.

2. I agree completely.

3. I agree one hundred percent.

4. I agree wholeheartedly.

"valid"是…确实的;有价值的?;"point"为…重点;观点?。这用语是说对方提出的这一点很有参考价值,值得重视。等于"It's a valid point.",将"It's"省略后,语气更形简洁有力。这句话表示自己完全同意对方的看法,并百分之百地支持;常能发挥鼓励他人发言的作用,可用于正式或非正式的场合。


1. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.

2. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that.

3. I'm sorry, but I can't support that position / idea.

4. I'm sorry, but I can't go along with that.

"disagree"的意思是…不同意;反对?。这句话可用于半正式与正式场合中。请注意这句话所不同意的是…意见?而非…个人?,纯粹对事不对人,所以可以很技巧地避免让对方下不了台。用"I'm sorry"开头,尤显客气有礼。

●More 同意与反对



I'm in complete agreement.

I quite agree.

I couldn't agree more. Exactly! Precisely.


I agree.

You're right there.

I think you're right. That's true. That's right.


I disagree completely. That's out of the question. On the contrary. Of course not! That's ridiculous.


I don't agree.

That's not how I see it.

I wouldn't say that. I don't think it will work.

I disagree.


A. 参加会议时一定要带笔记本---请您永远记得带着笔记本去开会。做笔记除了记录重点,辅助记忆外,还可使自己看起来具有敬业的精神;表示自己不是随随便便地当个听众而已。此外,记笔记,也会让简报者觉得备受重视,对您留下好印象。相反地,不做记录,难免会给人漫不经心,不太积极的感觉。

B. 目光直视不闪躲,能给人自信的印象---无论自己是否为发言人,目光皆应直视与会者;这不但能表露出自信,也是尊重他人的表现。但切莫…干瞪眼?,否则将沦为傲慢无礼之态。另外,不妨在自家镜前练习,您将会发现…目光不闪躲?是与人争论时的妙招;因为当你一直无惧直视时,对方多半会将目光移开,而有意无意地,他人总会认为真理是站在目光笔直的那一方;这份自信无疑地会让您占上风。

C. 会议中传达讯息的身体语言---身体语言往往能有意无意地透露出许多讯息,可以用来表示同意或反对。几个表示…同意?的身体语言有:身体微向前倾、面向演说者、不以双手抱胸、不翘脚;表示…反对?的则有身子向后靠、脸不朝向演说者、双手交叉抱胸、翘脚(将一只脚平放在另一只腿上,即脚踝放在另一只脚的膝盖上,让对方看到鞋底)。

请求说明Asking for Explanations



Vincent: If you don't want the powder to cost more, we can't add anything. We'll just have to sell it the way it is now, and put a warning on. Then, if someone uses dirty water, they shoulder the responsibility, not us. Grace: I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. There are three very good reasons why it would be the wrong thing to do.

Vincent: You seem very sure of what you are saying. Can you back it up?

Grace: As I see it, first of all most people there can't read, so a warning won't help them at all. Second, even if their governments say a warning is enough, other groups won't. They'll call out the media hounds, and many people will be very, very angry with us. Sales will go down everywhere.

Sam: Hm. You said that there are three good reasons, Grace. Is there another reason you want to add?

Grace: Yes, there is. Third, and most important, it just wouldn't be right if we knew even one person wouldn't listen to the warning, and a child was hurt because of it.

Sam: Hm. You can't argue against that. How could we live with ourselves if we let that happen? And just because we wanted more money.

Vincent: It wouldn't just be because of the money. Those people aren't healthy, and our powder is better than mother's milk. Some people might get sick, but isn't it more important that we help so many others?


Vincent: 如果不想要奶粉成本上涨,我们就不能添加任何东西。只能直接拿现在的产品销售,并且加印警告标示。如果有人用了不洁的水冲泡,他们必须自行负责,错不在我们。

Grace: 抱歉,我不能同意。我有三个充份的理由足以说明这种作法有问题。

Vincent: 你说的好像很有把握。能不能再加以说明呢?

Grace: 就我看来,首先,在那里大部份的人都不识字,警告标示对他们根本没有用。第二,就算他们的政府说有警告标示就足够了,但是其它团体若不这么认为,引起舆论的注意,许多人将会对我们非常、非常的不满,各地方的销路都会走下坡。

Sam: 嗯。Grace,你说有三个充份的理由。那还有一个要补充的呢?

Grace: 是的。第三个,也是最重要的。如果就算是只有一个人因不理会警告,使得小孩受害了,这就证明只靠警告标示是不够的。

Sam: 嗯。说得没错。如果我们坐视这种情形发生,的确不能心安理得?难道只是为了赚较多的钱?!

Vincent: 我想不只是为了钱。这些人的健康情形不佳,而我们的奶粉比母奶好,就算有些人因而生病,我们还是帮了许多人,这不是更重要吗?


shoulder the responsibility 负责;挑起责任


I know the problems started in my department, but I don't think I should shoulder the responsibility for other people's mistakes.


call out the (media) hounds 唤起舆论的注意

"call out"的意思是…大声唤起;叫出?;"hound"为…猎犬?;"media"为"medium"的复数形,意思是…媒体?。这词组以叫唤猎犬追捕越狱者的意象,来比喻非法或不道德的行为受到法律或公益组织的注意,或遭舆论或大众媒体攻击的情形。

I just can't let our company sell cars that we know are unsafe; if management won't do something, I'll secretly call out the media hounds.


live with oneself 心安理得

"live with"原有…与…同住;可忍受?之意,表示虽不满意,仍能勉强接受。这个表达语常以否定形式出现,通常形容一个人若做了亏心事,他无法忍受自己良心的谴责。

I couldn't live with myself if I ever did anything to hurt my wife.




1. Can you back .... Up?

2. Can you give us an example?

3. Can you provide any examples to prove what you're saying?

4. Can you talk about any examples that show you're right?

"back"在此作动词,为…支持?之意;"back up"有…支援;救援?的意思,用于此句型,解释为…以例子或事实证明自己所说的话?。这句型十分有礼客气,语气虽含有稍许的怀疑却也直接坦率。


1. As I see it, first of all ...; second ...

2. It seems to me that, one, ... ; two, ...

3. I'm inclined to think that, one, ...; two, ...

4. The way I see it is that, one, ...; two, ...

"as I see it"这个口语是…以我所见;就我看来?的意思;"see"则指…看待?;"first of all"是…首先?之意,具有强调的作用。整个词组的意思是…我的看法是,第一…;第二…?,其后直接接自己的意见及想法。


1. Is there (something) you want to add?

2. Do you have any other suggestions?

3. What would you like to add?

4. Is there more that you wanted to talk about?

此句型是用在会议中,发言人或简报者中断发言,而你想提醒或促请他们继续发表其看法及提议的问句。"add"是…补充;添加?。"There is(are)..."的句型,要改成问句时,只要将be动词调至最前面即可。

●More 邀请发言



What are your views on this?

May I ask for your opinions or suggestions? 较普通的邀请

I'd like to hear your ideas on this. How do you think we should do this? What would you suggest?


Do any of you have any suggestions? What do you recommend?

Do you think we should...?

What's your opinion? How do you see this?

Any suggestions?

I suggest we should... What do you think?


A. 对答如流的能力,来自于充份的准备。--无论在正式或非正式的讨论会中,您若能…对答如流?,将给人具有专业水准的印象。但要做到这一点,有赖充份的准备。可以事先拟定四、五个最可能被问起的问题,私下


B. 耐心听完对手的话再反驳,比任意切入驳斥,更有专业架势。--他人发表意见时切莫中途打断,耐心地等他人说完之后,再以坚定的口吻表达自己的看法,如此会更有专业的架势。当对方不时急躁地想中断您的谈话时,若您能耐心稳健以对,两相比较之下,他人会对您的表现更具尊重与信心。

C. 开会时,女性应避免全部坐在一起。--在高阶层的主管会议中,通常是阳盛阴衰的场面,但女性主管最好避免全部坐在一起,以免给人…男性与女性间?对抗的印象,这样容易造成在与其它权力核心团体接触时不利的影响。

表示立场Taking a Stance

Pristine 是一家专门制造高级手表、行销国际的公司;日前发现受雇的越南代工厂竟仿冒产品非法贩卖,严重损害他们的权益。面对这个问题,公司的主管阶级有人主张提出控诉,也有人持相反意见。


Dave: Wang Trading is making knockoffs of our watches and selling them. I say we tell them right away to stop, or we'll take them to court. Do I have everyone's support on this? Bob?

Bob: You have my full backing, Dave. If we don't show everyone that we'll hurt them when they do these things, other companies will start to make more knockoffs later.

Mary: I'm sorry, but I think that's just what we shouldn't do. We'd need to use Vietnam's laws; we all know that the government there won't help a Taiwanese company fight a Vietnamese company.

Dave: I see your point, but we need to punish them, and let others see us punishing them, so nobody else will ever try the same thing.

Mary: Companies have tried that many, many times before -- it never works. If we stop this company, there will just be another company that will do the same thing. If there is a chance for making profits, someone will try it.

Bob: We're cutting our own throats if we don't do something. Are you saying we should just do nothing? Mary: Not at all. What I'm saying is that the knockoffs are being sold in a market that our watches aren't sold in. If we want to stop others from selling knockoffs, we should get into this market ourselves.


Dave: Wang贸易公司仿冒我们的手表并且上市销售,我认为我们要马上叫他们停止,不然就告到法院去。大家赞成我的想法吗?Bob?

Bob: Dave,我完全支持你。要是我们不打击这些仿冒我们产品的公司,以后其它的公司就会仿冒得更厉害。Mary: 对不起,我认为我们不该这么做。到时候我们得采用越南的法律,而大家都知道当地政府是不会帮一间台湾的公司对付他们国内的公司。

Dave: 我了解你的想法,但是我们总得惩戒他们,杀鸡儆猴,才不会有人跟着仿冒。

Mary: 许多公司以前就试过了,但是从来没有人成功。就算我们阻止了这家公司,也会有另一家公司起而效之。只要是有利可图,就会有人想去做。

Bob: 如果我们不想想办法,简直是自取灭亡。你的意思是要我们坐视不管吗?

Mary: 当然不是。我的意思是这些仿冒品销售的巿场和我们手表销售的市场,并不相同。如果我们要阻止别人继续贩卖仿冒品,就该自己打进这个市场。


knockoff 仿冒品


Even though it's illegal, you can get cheap knockoffs of almost every kind of high quality watch on the streets of Hong Kong.


take (someone) to court 向法院控诉(某方)

"court"是…法院;法庭?;"take"是…带?的意思,表示将某人或某事提起上诉,其后可接人或事。"to"亦可用"into"代替。这词组等于"haul(someone)into court","haul"为…拖;拉?。

It says in our agreement you'd deliver the goods by this Friday; if they aren't here by then, I'm taking you to court.


cut one's own throat 自杀;自取灭亡

throat"是…喉咙?;这个词组的字面意思是…抹脖子;自刎?,比喻自取灭亡。"cut...throat"应用于其它词组中,有不同的含意,例如:"cut one another's throats"为…互相残杀?。

Paul cut his own throat by talking about how bad Sue is as manager, because people thought he would talk bad about them too.




1. Do I have everyone's support on this?

2. Do I have your full support on this?

3. Is everyone with me on this?

4. Is everyone in agreement on this?

"support someone on something"的意思是…支持某人对某事的看法?。这句话常用于陈述己见之后,征求他人支持的用语。请注意这里用"support me"而非"support this idea",用意在于突显个人;因为在公开场合中,拒绝人远比拒绝意见来得困难。


1. You have my full backing on this.

2. I'm fully behind you on this.

3. I'm in complete agreement with you on this.

4. I'm completely on your side on this.




1. I see your point, but...

2. I suppose you're right, but...

3. That's true, but...

4. I agree up to a point, but...

在正式会议中,除非事关重大,否则较少出现强硬的反对或否决的措词。一来是与会者本应保持接受各种意见的宽容态度,二来是工作场合中应显出冷静的风度;是故用保留、婉转的口气来否定他人的提议或意见是开会必学的课程。"I see your point, but..."即是个实用的句型,先表示了解对方所言,接着利用"but"提出其它的方案。

●More 否决



I'm afraid I can't accept that.

I'm sorry, but we can't really do that.

I'm afraid I'm not very happy about that. I'm sorry, but I have doubts about that. 稍作保留的否定

I don't want to be discouraging but...

I accept the need for that, but...

I appreciate your point of view, but...

I can see why you want to do this, but... That's very interesting, but...


A. 说话时用手拨弄头发容易给人不安的感觉。--手势往往可以表露一个人的个性。上台演说时,除了靠语言与声调的魅力征服群众外,还需以手势等身体语言塑造架势,烘托个人的特色。但是当您使用手势时,切记不要用手撩拨头发或抚弄脸颊,因为在下意识中,这代表着逃避或不安。

B. 面对群众说话,眼镜不宜用厚重的镜架。---东方人通常较西方人有…深度?,近视的比率近几年来高出许多,眼镜已成了脸上的第六官。事实上,面对群众时,以隐形眼镜代替眼镜,往往效果较好;因为隔一层眼镜就多一层隔阂,拿掉它,给人无所隐讳的感觉。如果觉得自己还是少不了眼镜,不妨选用轻镜架和淡色镜片。

C. 眼镜不断从鼻梁滑落,给人心有旁鹜的印象。--戴眼镜面对群众,最忌讳的就是眼镜不断地从鼻梁上滑落,又不时以手推上,这会使得自己看起来像是不能专注于简报或谈话的样子。这种不太精明干练、心有旁鹜的印象,当然会成为表达个人印象的绊脚石。因此当您戴眼镜上台时,记住它也会塑造您的表情,所以事前别忘了调整一下您的镜架。

问与答的技巧Asking & Answering



Mary: We all agree that Wang has been doing a good job for us making our watches, right?

Others: Right.

Mary: What they are doing is selling in a market that we don't. They are selling to people that want the same name, quality and design, but don't want such high prices. So Wang just sells the watches at high enough prices to keep their heads above water.

Bob: That's right. But we already know that, Mary. I'm not sure what you're saying has any relevance here.

Mary: The answer is sitting right under your nose. If we ask Wang to sell cheaper watches for us, they won't really be knockoffs anymore. We can share the profits with them.

Dave: How can we sell our watches with two different prices?

Mary: People who buy the fake watches never buy the expensive ones. People who buy the expensive ones don't buy the fake ones.

Bob: But won't our regular customers be angry if they find we're selling the same watches at much lower prices? Won't they know we're pulling the wool over their eyes?

Mary: We could use a different name that sounds almost the same, and change the designs a little. Umm... nobody would know. Dave, wasn't there a German company that did this, about ten years ago?

Dave: Hm. I can't really recall; I'll have to get back to you on that.

Mary: OK. Would anyone like to add anything to what I've said?


Mary: 大家都同意Wang替我们制造的表,品质不错,不是吗?

Others: 没错。

Mary: 他们所仿造的商品并没有在我们的市场上贩卖,而是卖给那些想要同样品牌、品质与款式,但却不要这么高价的人。所以Wang仅以稍高价卖出代工手表,好让自己生存下去。

Bob: 没错,Mary,不过这些我们都已经知道了。我不知道你说的跟现在所要讨论的问题有什么关系?

Mary: 答案就在眼前。如果我们要Wang替我们销售那些低价的手表,如此一来,就没有所谓的仿冒品了;而且我们还可以分得其中的利益。

Dave: 可是,我们怎么能用两种价钱去卖同一种手表呢?

Mary: 反正买假表的人永远不买昂贵的表,而习惯买高级手表的人也不会去买低廉的假表。

Bob: 不过难道他们会不生气,如果我们的老客户发现我们以低价卖同样的表,会不知道我们在骗他们吗?

Mary: 如果我们使用听起来相近,实际上却不相同的品牌名称,再将款式稍作改变,就没有人会知道的。Dave,十年前不是有家德国公司就曾经这么做吗?

Dave: 嗯。我不太记得了,我现在不能回答,要等我查一下。

Mary: 好,那还有没有人要补充我刚才所说的?


keep (one's) head above water 仅足以自保;不至于


Sales have been really bad so far this year; good sales for our children's products are the only thing keeping our heads above water.


sitting right under (one's) nose 就在眼前


The answer to our company's money problems is sitting right under our noses; we'll sell shares to our employees.


pull the wool over (someone's) eyes 欺骗


The government tried to pull the wool over our eyes with this report, but we know the results are based on wrong information.




1. I'm not sure what you're saying has any relevance here.

2. I'm not sure if what you're saying has anything to do with our problem.

3. I'm not sure if what you're saying really matters in this case.

4. I'm not sure if what you're saying is relevant to our problem.

"relevance"是…关联;适切?,词组用法为"have relevance to..."-…与…有关?。这句话适用于正式场合,表示对方所言对议题并无意义。开头语由于是"I'm not sure"而不是"I don't think",因此可避免直接对峙的场面。不过这句话易造成不是对就是错的局面,因此若对方辩护有效,自己会有全盘皆输的危险。


1. I can't really recall; I'll have to get back to you on that.

2. I can't quite remember; I'll need to do a little checking and get back to you.

3. I can't fully remember; I'll have to check up on it.

4. I can't recall all the facts; I'll have to get back to you.

"recall"是…想起?;"get back to someone on something"的意思是…下次再和某人谈某事?。这句型适用于想避而不答,以免不慎的回答落人口实之时。它能让对方不再把矛头指向你,使你有机会脱身,找时间准备数据,延长到下次再为自己答辩。


1. Would anyone like to add anything to (what I've said)?

2. Would anyone care to comment?

3. Would anyone like to give their ideas on this?

4. Would anyone care to add their thoughts (to the discussion)?


●More 邀询意见



What are your views on...? What are your feelings about...? What are your feelings on this? What do you think about...? What's your opinion about that? 适合对全体的邀询

Any reaction to that?

Has anybody any strong feelings about/ views on that?

What's the general view on/ feeling about that? Has anybody any comments to make?


A. 座前有桌子时,把手放在桌下是不礼貌的。--小时候长辈教训的…站有站相,坐有坐相?,不无道理。挺胸而坐不但有精神,也是尊重他人的表现。瘫坐在椅子上,会让对方觉得不正式、缺乏诚意,或甚至不尊重。如果您是坐在桌前,就将手肘轻放在桌上,让人看到,以表示无所隐藏;此时,手掌可交握,或手指相碰,不慌不乱,这种姿态代表专注与尊重。

B. 说话时,不自觉地摸鼻子,表示对对方有所保留,不愿坦诚。--如果对方有摸鼻子的习惯,或不经意地触摸脸部,从潜意识的观点来看,这表示对方正筑一道墙,隐藏真心,不赞同你的意见。而搔头,除了表示头皮痒,还有不懂的含意。此时,不妨轻描淡写地把话再说一次,避免直接问对方是否不懂。

C. 如何利用姿势强调说话的语气?--过去生意人所采取最强势的身体姿态,即是将双手搁在腰际,一副随时要拔枪的样子;除此之外,双腿还要分立,相隔一尺半。不过时代变了,现在所强调的是合作与协调,新的强势姿势是用手握住另一只手,将手靠在身体一侧,这表示坦诚、弹性。此外,利用姿势可以强调说话的语气,如双腿分立,右脚微微向前,强调重点时前倾;而放松时则可后倾将重心放在左脚。

提出解决方案Proposing Solutions



Raymond: What the heck is going on here? How could we be so completely in the dark about these rumors until now?

Jonathan: There've been a lot of stories that factories in Eastern Europe are using second-rate materials to save costs.

Raymond: We've all heard those stories, but how were they linked with us? Can you clarify the issues?

Nina: Some people say that some local middlemen knew all about these things. They didn't report it because the factories gave them extra money. Our local middleman was one of them. When people learned about the stories, most thought that we must have known about the problems too.

Raymond: My Lord!! Jonathan, what's our best course of action here? You're sure that we're not using cheap materials anymore, aren't you?

Jonathan: I've been to all of the factories there; no second-rate materials that I could see. It could be

they're still secretly working with other factories, though. I'll do some more checking.

Raymond: Even if we didn't know, people would still think it's our fault for not checking enough. And then we'll be in big trouble.

Nina: Let me put that another way. If sales get any worse we could go belly up very quickly. What we have to do is quite clear. We need to start some damage control on our public image... right away.


Raymond: 搞什么呀?我们怎么会被蒙在鼓里,一直到现在才知道这些流言呢?

Jonathan: 一直都有谣传,说许多东欧工厂使用次级的原料来节省成本。

Raymond: 是,这些我们都知道,但这怎么会扯到我们的头上来呢?你能说明一下吗?

Nina: 有许多传闻是说,过去有些当地的中介商很清楚这些事,但是因为他们拿了工厂的回扣,所以知情不报。和我们合作的中介商也是其中之一。大家听了这些传言,大多认为我们早就知情了。

Raymond: 天呀!!Jonathan,我们该采取什么行动呢?你确定我们没有再用那些次级的原料了吧?

Jonathan: 我去过所有的工厂,都没发现到劣级原料;不过他们有可能偷偷地交给其它工厂去做了。这我还要再查一下。

Raymond: 即使我们不知情,大家还是会认为我们犯了督查不力的错误,我们准会跟着倒大霉的。

Nina: 我这么说吧,如果销路再下跌,我们马上就要倒闭了。当务之急已不言而喻了,我们得马上采取行动,防止公司形象受损。


be in the dark 毫不知情

"dark"当名词是…黑暗?的意思。此词组的字面意思是…在黑暗中?,比喻为…对某事毫不熟悉;被蒙在鼓里?。若要表示对某人隐瞒一些事,则可说"keep somebody in the dark"。

Dave works in the finance department, so he is in the dark about marketing.


go belly up 破产;倒闭

"belly"是…腹部?。此词组的字面意思是指鱼死后,翻白肚浮于水上;引申为…宣告倒闭、破产?,为美式俚语。About eight out of every ten new small businesses go belly up within five years.


damage control 伤害处理;防制受害

"damage"是…损害,损伤?;"control"为…控制?。此词组源于二次大战时的海军术语,是指己方受到攻击时,派遣专门的控制伤害小组(damage control),负责救火与漏水,以使舰艇与人命的损伤减至最低。现今广泛用于商业中,是指控制业务上的受损程度。

After its troubles selling milk powder, Nests spent a lot on damage control to its reputation; but it never stopped selling the powder.




1. Can you clarify the issues?

2. Can you tell us more about the situation?

3. Can you give us more detail on what has happened?

4. Could you please explain the present situation?



1. What's our best course of action (here)?

2. What are our options here?

3. What avenues do we have open here?

4. What courses of action are open to us?

"course"是…方针;路线?;"action"为…行动?;"best course of action"就是…最有利的行动、最佳做事方向?。这句型是问…该采取什么行动才最有利?。此句型用于揭露问题之后,请大家共同脑力激荡,想出最好的办法。如果要请某人发言,则可在问号之前加上此人的姓名。


1. What we have to do is quite clear.

2. What we need to do is evident.

3. What we must do is obvious.

4. What we should do is easy to see.


●More 提出建议



The only solution is to...

I see no other alternative but to... There is no alternative but to... We must... 平缓的口气

I recommend that we should...

I think we should...

My recommendation is that we should...

I would suggest that we...

We should / we ought to...

If I were you I would...


We could always...

It might be a good idea to... Have you thought of...? One solution would be to... What about...?


A. 有人发言时,最忌讳台下窃窃私语。--西方人自小的教导中,使得他们认为只要有人发言时,台下若窃窃私语是相当不礼貌的行为。不过如果必要,私下悄悄地进行交谈,为时极短,而不干扰到说话者时,则是无伤大雅。最重要的是把握尊重说话者的原则,切莫干扰到他人的谈话,而被误解为目中无人。

B. 在人多处抽烟,会给人不尊重他人健康的坏印象。--西方反烟的势力己逐渐高涨,许多公共场合与办公室已打出禁烟的标志,自然不吸烟者也更理直气壮地拒抽二手烟。因此在人多的场合中吞云吐雾,会给人不尊重他人健康的坏印象。如果您的烟瘾大,不妨在开会前告知大家一声。而拿烟时宜将烟持于较桌面为低之处,且勿将烟朝着他人脸上喷吐。

C. 会议中如内急时,如何告退?--会议中如内急想暂时告退时,根据现在北美文化的惯例,您无须告诉他人欲往何处,因此您说:“Excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back.”即可,而不必说:“Excuse me for a moment.

I need to go to the bathroom.”

比较方案Comparing Proposals



Nina: Let me give you a few scenarios. A, we find out who has been linking us to the local middlemen, and we'll make them say that we were never linked to those factories.

Raymond: And the second scenario?

Nina: We stop our regular ads, and replace them with two new kinds of ads. In one, we say that we never used cheap materials to make our products. In the other, we completely disagree with anyone that isn't using the best materials. And we tell people that we agree if they refuse to buy things from companies that do use second-rate materials.

Jonathan: Good idea. That way, everyone will know we're not just a big company that only cares about profits, not people.

Raymond: Can you run the first option by me again, in more detail? How do we find out where the stories are coming from?

Nina: Let me map it out. Our lawyers go to a paper that has run the story and tell them we'll sue if they don't tell us where they got the info. In the end we'll find out who started the stories.

Raymond: I think that option B is the best alternative. We'll have to do a lot of checking with the first scenario, and we'd just be shooting in the dark. With the second option we can start fixing things now. Nina, by Monday morning I want some good options for both kinds of ads you talked about. We have to nip this in

the bud before it hurts us too badly.


Nina: 我来提出一些方案:A,首先找出是谁把我们与当地中介商牵扯在一起的,然后要求他们说明我们之间根本毫无瓜葛。

Raymond: 那第二个方案呢?

Nina: 我们不再登平常的广告,暂时换上两个新广告。一个广告先解释我们从未使用劣质的原料来生产产品,另一个则说明我们坚决相信产品一定要使用最高级的材料。同时告诉社会大众我们也鼓励他们不买次级原料所生产的产品。

Jonathan: 好主意。这么一来,大家就会明白我们不是一家只关心利润而不关怀大众的公司。

Raymond: 你能把第一个方案再详细说明一次吗?我们要怎样才能找出谣言的出处呢?

Nina: 我说明一下。我们的律师去找报导这件事的报纸,告诉他们如果不说出这消息的出处,我们就要告他们,到最后我们一定可以揪出是谁在那儿造谣生事。

Raymond: 我想B方案是较好的选择。采取第一个方案,我们得做许多查访的工作,像个无头苍蝇一样,乱撞一通。采用第二个选择方案的话,我们现在就可以开始着手解决问题了。Nina,星期一之前,我要有关你所说的两种广告的一些好方案;我们得在损失惨重之前,做些预防的工作。


map(something)out 详细说明

"map"的原义是…绘制地图?,引申为…详细陈列?。正如绘制地图时必须巨细无遗,所以"map out"也正是取用这层的含意,比喻…详细说明;仔细规划?。

Before we discuss this project, I'd like to map out the research we did for you.


shooting in the dark 盲目尝试;乱猜

"shoot"是…射击;射箭;开枪?;“in the dark”为…在暗处;未知的情况?。这词组形容在暗处开枪时,由于看不清楚目标,盲目地蛮干下,当然是胜算渺茫。名词词组可作"a shot in the dark"无用的尝试。

This is just a shot in the dark, but maybe if we made this a little tighter the engine would work properly.


nip (something) in the bud 防患未然

"nip"是…摘取;剪断?;"bud"是…芽;苞?,"in the bud"的意思是…含苞未放时;在初期?。"nip... In the bud"的字面意思是指在花木刚萌芽,尚未茁壮前,即先行摘除;比喻在祸端未成大患前,即予以斩除,强调初期预防的工作。

The railroad workers' strike was nipped in the bud before it actually happened.




1. Let me give you a few scenarios.

2. Let me set out a few options.

3. Let me put forth a few approaches.

4. Let me suggest a couple of different plans.



1. Can you run the first option by me again, in more detail?

2. Can you explain that again, in more detail?

3. Can you go over that again, with a little more detail?

4. Can you map that out again, more thoroughly?

"run (something) by (someone) "是…对(某人)说明解释(某事?的意思,为美式用语;"run (that) by me again"的语意即是…将(某事)为我再解释一次?。这句型是要求对方再详加说明方案,其原因并非自己不懂,而是认为对方提供的细节不足,使人难以窥得全貌,所以需要"in more detail"。


1. I think that option B is our best alternative.

2. I think that option B is the best approach.

3. I think that the second option is the better of the two.

4. I think that the second plan is our best course (of action).

"alternative"是…二者择一;其它可采取的方法?的意思。这句型是说…B方案较理想?。句型由于加上"I think",所以虽然清楚表示自己的意愿,但仍有商讨的余地。不过在表达此句型时,语气千万要坚定、有权威,否则反对者以为你犹疑不决,就可能推翻此议。

●More 方案比较


A means better profits. In contrast,

B could cause a lot of problems.

A would mean... On the other hand if we do

B it'll cause...

A would give certain benefits, but

B is much better from the company's point of view.

A does have some advantages. However, there's no doubt that

B is a much better choice.


A. 以英语致词时,应该怎么控制说话的速度呢?


B. 谈话中,用Uhm, Uh等口头语,都不是好习惯。

中文的…那么?,英文的Uh, Uhm,都不是说话的好习惯。此外诸如干笑、清喉咙、啧啧声,也会给人不好的印象。建议您,可以利用录音机录下自己的电话谈话,找出说话的毛病,再逐一矫正。

C. 谈话时可用停顿来强调重点,但不宜停顿过久。


面对紧急事件Facing a Critical Issue



Vincent: I hate to say it, but what the papers are saying may be right. No powder is as good as mother's milk. If a mother stops using her own milk and only uses the powder, it could actually hurt the baby. Sam: Hm. I see your point, but can we please stick to the main subject here? We did a lot of research to make sure our powder had the biggest amounts of all the things a child needs.

Vincent: You said the biggest amounts. The biggest amounts don't always mean the right amounts. New research says each area has different environmental conditions. Our powder may be good for children in the places where we tested, and not so good in other areas.

Grace: So what you are saying is that our powder really can hurt children?! This is terrible. Well, I can see that suing is a bad idea. Let's see how the alternatives stack up against each other; we take the product off the market right away, or leave it there and try to quickly make special powders for each area.

Vincent: he results of the second option are easy to foresee. It will take too long to do the research. There are too many areas. More children may be hurt while we wait, so someone will blow the whistle on us for sure. It's better not to jump the gun.

Grace: Sam, which option do you think is our best bet?


Vincent: 我很不愿意这么说,但报纸上的报导可能没错。任何奶粉都不会比母奶好。如果一位母亲完全停止喂食母乳,而只使用奶粉,事实上对小孩并不好。

Sam: 嗯。我明白你的意思,不过我们可以回到讨论的重点吗?我们做了许多研究,保证我们的奶粉绝对含有每个小孩所需要的最高营养份量。

Vincent: 你说的是最高份量,但最高份量不见得就是最合适的份量。最新的研究指出各地的环境皆有所差异。公司所制造的奶粉或许在做测试的地区看来完全适合婴儿,但换到了其它地方就不见得了。

Sam: 你的意思是说我们的奶粉可能真的对小孩不好?!这下惨了!显然提起诉讼是下策。我们就衡量这些选择方案,看看结果怎样:是要马上收回产品,还是继续销售,但是尽快制造配合各地的专用奶粉。

Vincent: 第二个方案的结果可想而知,我们将要花很长的时间在研究上,而且区域太多了。在我们等待新奶粉完成的期间,可能会有更多儿童受害,到时一定会有人指控我们,所以最好不要贸然行动。

Grace: Sam,你认为那一个方案对我们最有利?

第六单元 词类转换翻译法 作业

第六单元词类转换翻译法作业 1. I had the impression that your brother was the director of the company. 2. He was a regular visitor. 3. A successful scientist must be a good observer. 4. Telecommunication means so much in modern life that without it our life would be impossible. 5. He is full in vigor, but fails in carefulness. 6. Party officials worked hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 7. When the switch is off . the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through .

参考答案 1. 在我的印象中, 你哥哥是那家公司的董事长。 2. 他以前经常来。 3. 一个成功的科学家一定善于观察。 4. 电信在现代生活中的意义十分重大, 没有它就不可能有我们现在的生活。 5. 他劲头十足, 但不够仔细。 6. 党的干部吃简陋的饮食, 住寒冷的窑洞, 靠微弱的灯光, 长时间地工作。 7. 当开关断开时, 电路就形成开路, 电流不能通过。 课后练习

1. The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。(名词转为动词) 2. In those years the Republicans were in. 那些年是共和党执政。(形容词转为动词) 3. Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk. 每天早上,她都要到湖区去散步。(名词转为动词) 4. The music is a gas. 这音乐妙极了.〔名词转为形容词) 5. The delegates at the conference unanimously expressed their determination to oppose hegemonism on the part of the two superpowers. 会上,代表们一致表示坚决地反对两个超级大国的霸权主义。(名词转为副词) 6. My suggestion is that he should quit somking at once. 我建议他立刻戒烟.(由于原文中的主语转译成了谓语,原文主语前的定语也相应地转译成主语.) 7. A week after his prelude to the President's visit, China was in。 在他为总统出访所作的序幕之行后一周,中国成了最时新的话题。(形容词转为名词〕 8. Official Moscow is going to object the proposal. 莫斯科官方准备反对此项提议.(形容词转为名词) 9.Saud was a frustrated man at that time. 沙特那时已受挫折(形容词转为动词) 10. We have known a simila r past of humiliation and exploitation. 在过去。我们都同样遭受到凌辱和剥削。(形容词转为副词) 11. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。(动词转为名词) 12. Xu Beihong’s drawings (paintings) of horses are exceptionally good 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。(名词转为动词) 13. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood. 我非常感谢父亲,因为在我小时侯他总是不断地鼓励我。 14. Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. 千百万山区人终于摆脱了贫穷(介词转为动词) 15. He came to my home for help 他来到我家,请求帮忙(介词转为动词) 16. At noon, she came home for lunch. 中午,她回家吃午饭。(介词转为动词) 17. The people are with him. 人民拥护他. (系动词be+介词转为行为动词) 18. The woman, with her two daughters, arrived. 这妇女带着她的两个女儿到了。(系动词be+介词转为行为动词) 19. He was away before dawn. 他在黎明前出发的〔系动词be+副词转为行为动词〕 20. Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them. 它们之间一直有着传统的友好关系。(副词转为形容词)

商务英语1000必备单词 Unit 6: On the Phone 电话英语

商务英语1000必备单词 Unit 6: On the Phone 电话英语 学习英语中词汇是一个基本的入门,针对不同阶段的人群,需要学习词汇也是不同的,而在商务交往中对于词汇量有着更高的要求,那么关于商务人员需要必备的哪些词汇呢 ?以下是小编给大家整理的商务英语1000必备单词 Unit 6 On the Phone 电话英语,希望可以帮到大家 Unit 6 On the Phone 第六单元电话英语 call center Adam had a job at a call center during his college years. 电话客服中心 亚当大学时代曾在某家电话客服中心工作过。 call waiting The new office phones have call waiting. 呼叫等待 新办公室电话有呼叫等待功能。 caller ID My phone number is configured to block caller ID on outgoing calls. 来电显示 我的电话设定拨出时不显示号码。 cell phone John uses his cell phone to send text messages to his friends. 手机 约翰用手机传简讯给他的朋友。 cold call As part of her job, Betty has to make cold calls to potential clients. 陌生电访;主动以电话推销商品 贝蒂必须针对潜在客户进行陌生电访,因为那是工作的一部分。 cordless

当代商务英语听说教程4 第二单元听力答案

A Word study (1) I will cancel my subscriptions to this magazine next month. (2)Acronym is a word made up from the first letters of the name of something such as an organization. For example WTO is an acronym for the World Trade Organization. (3) When a company delivers on its promises ,it does or provides the things it is expected to. (4) The publicity has done little to enhance his reputation. (5) Due to unforeseen circumstances, the campaign has been cancelled. (6) The salesperson talked to several prospects at the trade fair. (7) Give us a ring if you have any queries about the contract. (8) We must consider how to best utilize what resources we have. (9) I tried to visualize the house while he was describing it. (10) We have addressed the issue of low morale in our last meeting. (11)Overcoming objections is an important step in closing the sale. (12) An entrepreneur is someone who starts a new business often in a way that involves financial risks. (13) When someone is sold on something, he or she thinks it is very good. (14) A vendor is someone or a company that is selling something. It's a formal word. (15) Are you ready to make a long-term commitment ? (16) We have to tackle the fundamental cause of the problem. (1)下个月我将取消订阅这本杂志。 (2)首字母缩略词是由组织等名称的首字母组成的词。例如,世贸组织是世界贸易组织的缩写。 (3)当一家公司兑现承诺时,它会做或提供它所期望的事情。 (4)宣传对提高他的声誉没有什么作用。 (5)由于不可预见的情况,活动取消了。 (6)售货员在交易会上和几个潜在客户谈了谈。 (7)如果你对合同有任何疑问,请给我们打电话。 (8)我们必须考虑如何最好地利用我们拥有的资源。 (9)他在描述这所房子时,我试着把它形象化。 (10)我们在上次会议上讨论了士气低落的问题。 (11)克服异议是完成销售的重要一步。 (12)创业者是指通常以涉及财务风险的方式开始新业务的人。 (13)当某人对某事感兴趣时,他或她会认为它很好。 (14)卖主是卖东西的人或公司。这是一个正式的词。 (15)你准备好做出长期的承诺了吗? (16)我们必须解决这个问题的根本原因。 Funtional listening (1) In closing a sale, the first step is to raise ope ended questions. (2) It's also important to identify what fundamental need the client is trying to get by buying the product.


Module 2 第二单元 2.1 Business Topic Company Benefits 商务话题篇公司福利三、Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives benefits n. 福利incentive n. 奖励job title 职衔,职位,头衔training and staff development 培训和员工发展good salary 可观的收入pension n. 养老金flexible working hours 弹性工作时间,灵活的工作时间 opportunities to travel 旅游机会 opportunities for promotion 升职提拔机会days off 几天短假company car 公司配(给的汽)车too good to be true 好得令人难以置信client service executive 客户服务主管take…with a pi nch/grain of salt 对…将信将疑,对…不完全相信 old and established 历史悠久resources director(human resources director 的简称)人力资源部经理qualification n. 资格 temp n.(temporary/temporary worker 的缩略语)临时员工incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程human resources 人力资源promote from within 提拔内部员工 take on 接受,招聘intake n. 从外部吸纳招收的员工project manager 项目经理grow and maintain customer relationship 发展和维持客户关系canteen n. 食堂,餐厅head office n. 总部,总公司brainstorming n. 自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益breakout n. 突破 encompass vt. 包括,包含sales and marketing 销售和市场营销research and development and manufacturing 研发和生产perk n. 好处,额外津贴,外快 final salary pension scheme 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划budget n. 预算 non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖赏once-in-a-lifetime adj. 千载难逢的,令人难忘的career goal 职业目标 senior management 高层管理人员


Unit 9 International Agency Related Information Sales Agency Agreement NO: Date: This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. Contracting Parties Supplier: (hereinafter called “party A”) Agent: (hereinafter called “party B”) Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. Commodity and Quantity or Amount It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than... of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement。 3. Territory In ... only. 4. Confirmation of Orders The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5. Payment After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favor of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6. Commissions Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B’s fulfillment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B... % commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value against the shipments effected. 7. Reports on Market Conditions Party B shall forward once every three months to party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers’ comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall, from time to time, send to party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales information and advertising materials. 8. Advertising & Publicity Expenses Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns and/or drawings and description for prior approval. 9. Validity of Agreement This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for...


第六章文化产业 教学目标: 学完本单元之后,学生应该能够: 1.理解什么是文化产业以及文化产业的主要要素; 2.理解什么是电影产业以及电影产业的经营方式; 3.对文化产业对经济的重要性有初步的认识。 课文A 文化产业是一个个仅仅才出现了几十年的新鲜事物,文化产业的定义和内涵在不同的国家有不同的含义。根据中国文化部对文化产业的最新界定,文化产业是指从事文化生产和提供文化服务的经营性行业。文化产业是与文化事业相对应的概念,两者之间既有相似性,又有差异性,都是社会文化建设的重要组成部分。在中国,文化产业是随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善而逐步发展起来的新型产业。是随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善和现代生产方式的不断进步,而发展起来的新兴产业。也是文化产业是社会生产力发展的必然要求,文化产业分为影视业、音像业、文化娱乐业、文化旅游业、网络文化业、图书报刊业、文物和艺术品业、艺术培训业等9大门类。 “文化产业”是一个复杂的定义,“产业”在这里是一个很广泛的概念———在这里,它和工厂,制造业等名词没有必然的联系(但是它仍然和勤奋密切相关,不过,勤奋并不限于制造业)。而且,它可以运用于任何具有相似性产出的活动,“休闲产业”“创意产业”等。如果一个工厂的产品是颜料,那么它是一个传统意义上的工厂,但是,某个画廊雇佣的画家使用这些颜料所绘制的画则是文化产业的产品。文化产业和传统产业相比,只是在过程是有相似性,在产品,内涵和影响上都有着极大的不同。 当今世界,全球范围内国与国之间竞争的显著特点之一是软实力的竞争。软实力是指一个国家的吸引力和对别国的说服力。软实力是和硬实力相对而言的。硬实力强调的一个国家的军事或经济力量,软实力则来自一个国家文化上的吸引力,政治理念及政策等方面。现在,软实力对一个国家的发展已经越来越重要,而文化产业是软实力的一个重要组成部分。我们来看一个例子: 在纽约,当手工制造业在20世纪70年代衰落,整个城市陷入了严重的经济危机的时候,市长Abe Beame主持成立了一个文化政策方面的委员会,这个委员会指出经济的复苏可以在开发文化资产的帮助下进行。20年后,国家地区计划协会认为作为全球金融交易中心的复苏,这个地区在艺术方面的杰出成就扮演了一个

新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 中级 第三版)Module 6

Module 6 第六单元 6.1 Recruitment Vocabulary recruitment 招聘 migraine (headache) 周期性偏头痛 body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(一种从事人体美容的地方)take a sick day 请一天病假 sales position 销售职务 sales figures 销售数据 apply for 申请 go in for an interview 参加面试 arrange an interview 安排面试 automated messages 自动应答信息 lottery 彩票win~中彩票,中奖 pay off the rest of his mortgage 付清贷款余额 mortgage 抵押,按揭 disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序 take someone on 录用某人 walk out 离职,罢工 dismiss解雇 sack 解雇,炒鱿鱼 fire 解雇 lay off 使下岗(临时)解雇 resign 辞职 take voluntary redundancy 自愿裁员,自愿接受裁退 make redundant 裁员 give notice 预先通知(解雇、辞职等) applicant 申请人 flexible 灵活的,善于变通的 stationery 文具 personal correspondence 私人信件 pension 养老金 retirement 退休 6.2Emailing Vocabulary inbox 收件箱 check the inbox 检查收件箱


最新商务英语(BEC)中级考试真题及答案 1 the failure of a company to set its prices appropriately 2 a context that makes it difficult to increase prices 3 the consequences of companies trying to conceal their approach to pricing 4 the means by which a company ensured precision in the prices it offered 5 the fact that companies can learn about the effects of a price reduction 6 the first sector to price products according to how much customers were prepared to spend 7 the widespread use of rough guidelines to determine prices Getting the price right A、 Chief executives need to pay more attention to pricing, according to Roberto Lippi of the Apex Group, a consultancy that offers advice on pricing strategy. He accepts that low inflation figures in many industrialised countries makes raising prices tough, but argues that this should not necessarily deter companies. He gives the example of the airlines, which, with their minimum stay requirements and massive premiums for flexibility, led the way in sorting customers


6 Advertising 6.1 (I = Interviewer, JTW = Jeremy Thorpe Woods) I What are the key elements of a really good advertising campaign? JTW The most important thing nowadays is to be able to gain the consumer’s attention. It is much more difficult than it has be en in the past to get a share of their attention because there’s so much competition out there. So, campaigns have to cut through all the competition and the competitive clutter and they have to be able to involve their target audience. You have to have a very clear point of view, you have to be very single-minded in what you need to say, and I think, certainly in the UK, you have to be able to be entertaining and involving in getting your point across. That is generally the key to a good advertising campaign. The other thing about a campaign is it demands consistency. 6.2 (I = Interviewer, JTW = Jeremy Thorpe Woods) I Can you talk us through the typical planning and launch stages of a campaign? JTW Well, it starts way before you would ever see anything on television or hear it on the radio. The early stages are in discussion with your clients, where you are talking to them about the business objectives for their company and their brands. And in that process you would develop a marketing strategy. Once you’ve done that you then need to go and understand in some depth and detail your target audience. So, typically you would go through a research stage where you would observe them, get to know them through qualitative research and understand what motivates them, how they think and feel about the communication. Once that’s been done, you pull all those pieces together and develop a creative brief where you start talking to your creative partners about idea generation and then that would take two to three weeks for them to come up with a communication idea, which you would then discuss with your client. But most importantly, you go back to your target audience and talk to them about the idea because it’s very rare that you will get it right first time. You then go a nd make the communication campaign. A thing that’s particularly important is that once you have your campaign in the market, is that you use further research to track how it’s working in a real sense, to get some feedback for the next stage of the development. So that would be a typical process and, to be honest, each campaign is different and sometimes you can shortcut those, sometimes you have to do more. 6.3 Formal presentation Could I have your attention please? Good morning everyone. On behalf of mysel f and Focus Advertising, I’d like to welcome you. My


Unit 2 Part 3 1 Alice: Excuse me, sir, are you Mr. Hayes? Bill: Yes, I’m Bill Hayes. A: Are you the General Manager of the Beautify Cosmetic Corporation in America? B: Yes, exactly. A: How do you do, Mr. Hayes? I’m Alice Wang, Manager of Human Resources at the Beijing Sanmei Factory. I’m here especially to meet you. B: How do you do, Miss Wang? It’s very kind of you to come all the way to meet me. A: My pleasure. 2. Conversation 1: A: What is your job, Vincent? B: I’m a Regional Sales Manager. A: What are your main duties? B: My main duties are to develop customer relations and grow the sales of security products in Ohio. Conversation 2: A: What is your occupation, Flora? B: I’m a business analyst. A: Which company do you work for? B: I work for Delicate & Elegant Fashion. It’s a British company. A: What do you do for them? B: I’m in charge of the budget. Conversation 3 A: What do you do, Patrick? B: I’m a lawyer. A: what does your job involve? B: I give legal advice and assistance to clients and represent them in court or in other legal matters. Conversation 4: A: What kind of job do you have, Rachel? B: I’m responsible for receiving visitors. I have to make sure all visitors check in on arrival, and also arrange taxi and bus transport for them. A: Are you in reception? B: Yes, you’re right. I’m a receptionist. Part 4 Video 1 Introducer: Good afternoon, everyone! This is Robin Copperfield, the new Vice President of our company. He will be in charge of the accounting work. Let’s give him a warm welcome! Robin Copperfield: Thank you!

剑桥商务英语中级第二辑真题阅读精讲 TEST 2

TEST2 PART 1 这篇文章讲的是倾听(listening)的重要性。一个好的管理者必然是一个好的倾听者,所以要讲究倾听的艺术。 第一题,有时坚持进一步的解释是很有必要的。答案是B段的这么一句:It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification - it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong它可能意味着为了进一步的信息和说明去询问说话的人——问总比不顾情况的继续并且把事情办错的好。这里的additional information对应于further explanation. 第二题,不能在别人还在说的时候就开始关注自己的回应。答案是C段的第一句:The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished。我们最常见的坏习惯就是在讲话者远还没结束的时候就开始思考我们将对这个话题说些什么。这里的before the other speaker has finished就是others are still speaking,focus on your response 就是start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject。 第三题,人们不愿意承认自己没有听好。答案是A段的第一句:Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough。我们经常指责别人没有好好听,假装我们自己是无可指责的,其实在我们心里知道,很多我们所犯的错误都是由于听的不够仔细。这句的意思就是说我们心里知道什么原因,但是口头上喜欢指责别人。也就是第三题题干说的不愿意承认。 第四题,从说话者的视角去考虑问题是有好处的。答案是D段的这么一句:Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally。同样重要的是你必须把自己置于别人的位置上,既是智力上的也是情感上的。这里的put yourself in other person’s plac e就是seeing things from the speaker’s perspective。


Key to Unit Two Myths and Legends Overview Warm-up Activities Intensive Reading Extensive Reading Reading & Writing Warm-up Activities I. Starting up A.Decide from your common sense which of the following is a myth, a legend or a fable. Then compare them with your partner’s. ?Kua Fu Chases the Sun. (myth) ?Yu the Great Conquers the Flood. (legend) ?Nü Gua Mends the Sky. (myth) ?The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. (fable) ?Zeus, Prometheus and Pandora. (myth) ?Mark the Boat for a Dropped Sword. (fable) ?Venus, the Roman goddess of love. (myth) ?King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. (legend) ?The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. (fable) ?Robin Hood---Bold Outlaw of Barnsdale and Sherwood Forest. (legend) II. Listening Listen to the following three passages and then do the relevant exercises. A. Listen to Passage 1 and answer the questions. 1. Their names are Plan Ahead, Think Fast, and Wait and See. 2. Towards the same issue, the three fish made different responses: Plan Ahead said, “I'm swimming down the ri ver tonight!” Think Fast said, “I'm sure I'll come up with a plan.” Wait and See lazily said, “I just can't think about it now!” 3. When the fisherman cast his nets, Plan Ahead was long gone. But Think Fast and Wait and See were caught! Think Fast quickly rolled his belly up and pretended to be dead and so the fisherman threw him safely back into the water. But, Wait and See ended up in the fish market. B.Listen to Passage 2 describing the myth and legend which surround St George’s Day and complete the sentences below. 1.slayer, saviour, medieval texts and art, little information about

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