当前位置:文档之家› 新世纪大学英语视听说3(第二版)答案补充完整版




A:flew four three



A: (1): I haven't finished (2)I haven't canceled (3)I have picked up (4Ii haven't taken (5)Have you washed (6)I haven"t cleaned

(7)I watered (8)I have given

(9)Have you packed

B:1:no ,he didn't

2:She confirmed all their flights

3.They wanted him to come in and watered the plants for them

4:Because the dog always look scared

5:They want to use it again on their next vacation


A:1:pre-trip planning 2:tagging luggage 3:saving space

4:your carry-on bag 5:other ideas

B:1:bad idea 2:good idea 3:bad idea 4:good idea 5:good idea 6:bad idea 7:good idea 8:good idea 9:bad idea 10:good idea P11



C:1:vacation college/research team volunteer

2:golf/mountain climbing/scuba diving/ride a horse

3;tours for: women only/people over 60/singles/cooking for romance/fine dining


A:1:a,b,d 2:b,d 3:a,b,c,d

B:2:false 3:false 4:false 5:false 6:true


B:1:c 2:b 3:a 4:b 5;c


1:Oh my gosh 2:Are you sure 3:So strange 4:Got it

5:get traveler's checks 6:Whew 7:pay the electricity and phone bills 8:change my voice mail message 9:I don't remember 10:How true

11:don't forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff 12:Done


A:2:boarding pass 3:check-in counter 4:overhead compartment 5:flight attendant 6:oxygen mask 7;carry-on luggage 8:baggage claim

B:b: carry-on luggage c:boarding pass

d:overhead compartment flight attendant

e:oxygen mask f:tray table g:baggage claim


1 vacation 2;have some trouble preparing 3:totally relaxed

4:finished getting ready 5:confirm her flight 6:message 7:pay the bills 8:are ready to go 9:check to be sure

10:comes running back in


A:d g c a i j e f k b h


A;city zoo

B:1:car 2:easy 3:Church 4:park 5:three 6:two



B:1:transportation,too much traffic on the streets;not enough places for safe cycling and walking;dirty parks;no nightlife

2:improve transportation;build lanes for cyclists and walkers;clean the parks;build a theater


A:1:to make it safe for pedestrians to cross the streets

2:kids played there and neighbors stopped there to talk

3:to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic

4:they put old couches,tables and planters in the street

5:the speaker means that streets belong to everybody in the neighborhood. They should become their"outdoor living room"and safe places for their children again

B:1:bad idea 2:good idea 3:bad idea 4:good idea 5:good idea





C:2:beautiful beautification 3:designed 4:industrialize 5:natural 6:opposition


A2:false 3:false 4:false 5:true


C:2:customers 3:use cell phones,eat at their desks

4:take off their shoes 5:make noise 6:alcohol and loud music






1:i can't believe 2:hello 3:quit complaining 4:sure,Mike

5:who could ask for anything more?

6:here we go 7:dude 8:i an hangin'ten 9:i'm getting the hang of

10:thing 11:very funny


1:to stay cool 2:barbecue 3:grill 4:sprays 5:gets angry 6;pretends to use 7:try using 8:Watch out 9:throws water all over

10 :pretty funny


A:1:b 2:a



A:1:countries 2:war 3:17million


A:23:return and get a job 30:become a father 50:retire


B1:on Friday at 2 P.M 2:by taxi 3:have dinner at a restaurant

4:go to the beach and swim 5:sunny and beautiful



country Mexico Theus Japan Germany Event name Coming

of-Age Day

when 15th birthday first day of


For who 15-year-old

girls 20-year-old new adults

What they do Wear beautiful Wear beautiful

dress,go to church kimonos,go to town's City Hall, hear a speech

What they get Presents such

as albums of




Tina vega: family moved to another town/last year/lonely/smile at everyone Frederrick cho: lost his job/three weeks/upset/exercise every day

Hazel greene: death of a loved one/five years ago/depressed/stay active and positive P48

A:1: true 2:false 3:false 4;false

B:2:a 3:d 4:c


B:no no yes yes no




1:figure it out 2:it's not a big deal 3:plan on working my whole life

4:get out of

5:what are you planning to do 6:i'm definitely going to 7:what are you plans

8;pretty much 9:you know that for a fact 10:you must to succeed

11:clear-cut,well-defined goals and aspirations


1:excited 2:program 3:promoted 4:transferred 5:big deal

6:quit her job 7:right up to retirement 8:well-defined goals

9;keep his options open 10:follow his plan





B:1:drinking coffee 2:sleep at night 3:break that habit 4:wake up

5:advice 6:sudddenly 7:get a headache 8:the amount of coffee

9:herbal tea 10:in the morning 11:do exercises 12:feel tired



B:1: -2:×3:+4:-5:+6:-7:-8:+9:×10:+


A:1:CHAOS 2:information fatigue syndrome 3:hurry sickness 4: underload syndrome 6:phone neck


syndrome description Possible treatment

information fatigue syndrome This is so much information,people

become paralyzed and

can't think clearly


hurry sickness Always rushing get

headaches a lot

Take aspirin

underload syndrome Caused by having little or

nothing to do at the office


phone neck Pain in the neck,caused by

holding the phone between

your neck and your ear for

a long time



B:yes ,no,no ,yes,yes,no


A:2;a 3:a 4:b 5:b 6:a 7:b


1:thank godness 2:fainted 3:very tired

4:very lightheaded 5:nothing out of the ordinary 6:the worst thing is 7:how are you feeling 8:feel dizzy 9:my stomach is killing me 10:have a fever 11:you will feel better 12:are you kidding 13:what's the matter 14:i take it 15:i'm feel pretty good


1:come over 2:feeling 3:tired 4:dizzy 5:have a fever

6:anxious about 7:president of her university 8:has been cancelded 9:miracle or something 10:really nervous about

第五单元Lesson A

vocabulary link


He researched colleges

He applied to four colleges

He was accepted to college

He received a scholarship

He attended college in the fall semester

He got good grades

listen 2


researched: California State University,

Harvard University, City College

applied to: Harvard University, City College;

was accepted: City College


1. c

2. a

3. b

4.he’ll probably attend City College.

speaking 3


A: 1. c 2.a 3.d 4.b

B: 1. d 2.b 3.c 4.a

optional listen 1


What are you going to do


Mizuki: art, chill out / relax

Robert: law, take a long trip

optional listen 2


Eduardo: live at home, study business, work part-time;

Jill: join a sorority, do volunteer work;

Max and Sara: study together, work part-time


1.to keep learning all their lives

2.further her education

3.she needs to save money for her studies abroad

4.interests and personalities

5.to witness her children’s growth

optional listening 3



Job: day care center

Dreams: become a doctor

plans: start medical school, travel and do volunteer work in West Africa


College Life: major: business

Hobby: cooking

Dreams: start her own business related to food


College Life: major: computer science

Hobby: play music

Plans: interview with three software companies, get a job with a software company.

optional listen 4



2.reporter, website

3.digital camera, salary


第五单元lesson B

while you watch


2. Washington, D.C.

3. travel and see the world

4. art

5. find a good job

6. import-export

7. open a business


2. False; d oesn’t know, not knows

3. False; lawyer, not professor

4. True

5. True



1. true

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. False

while you watch


2. rejected

3. travel

4. wants

5. Columbia

6. will

7. film director

8. accepted





4.it’s too bad

5.got really good grades


7.all those scholarships

8.gets in

9.grad school

10.hit the road

11.don’t understand

12.what do you mean


14.what are you waiting for

15.here goes

optional listening

1.wait for

2.applied to



5.hit the road

6.get accepted

7.travel for a while

8.become a film director

9.good news

10.go to grad school


vocabulary link


Shown in the picture


1. b

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a






conversation 1:

1. a pay phne



conversation 2:

1.look in the phone directory

2.directory assistance




1. b

2. a

4. b

optional listening1





1.Conversation 1: 2 , 1 , 4 , 3

2.conversation2: 4, 2 ,1 , 3

optional listen2



2. F



5. F

6. F

optional listen3




3.voice dialing



optional listen4


1. F



4. F




while you watch



3.False; uses, not never

4.false, sometimes unnecessary,

6.false; less, not more

7.false; dislikes cell phones more than she likes them

8.false; minds, not doesn’t mind






5.anytime you want




9.ring in theaters



1. b

2. c

3. b

4. b

5. c

while you watch


1. c

2. a

3. b


5. d


7. f


1.can’t stand

2.see what I mean


4.Hi, Mike

5.Hi, Dad


7.Can you hold on a minute


9.it’s your mom

10.I’m on the other line

11.I’m here

12.Do you mind

Optional listen


2.on a cell phone



5.on the other line

6.take a meeage

7.stand taking messages

8.at that point

9.turns to

10.in public places




spencer: Olympic torch

Greta toy truck









suggested answer:

it’s played with a bat and ball. there are 11 players on each team.

optional listening 1


a, c, d


1. F


3. F


5. F

optional listening 2

1.nature photography

2.several national parks

3.Mexico and Brazil

4.birds and animals

5.I haven’t put them in albums yet

optional listen 3



2. F

3. F

4. F



7. F

8. F



2.F; There were more than two hundred teams in the Hawaii Adventure Race.

3.F; Adventure racing started a few years ago.

4.F; in it, People race non-stop, 24 hours a day.



7.F: it is held every year in a different country and environment

8.F: In the race, all team members must finish together.

optional listening 4


1.Rhode island, California, Phuket, Rio de janeiro

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d57167048.html,, Canada, Europe, South America, the United States.

3.biking, skateboarding




2.Most “X Gamers” are male, but there are a few women.

3.she’s not afraid of the guys.

4.She has a boyfriend.

5.Fabiola has … become famous in the skating world.

6.She comes from Brazil.

7.She has been skating for years.

第七单元lesson B

while you watch


2.False; fifteen, not ten

3.False; studying, not teaching (or teaching one year)

4.False; kung fu, not karate



sentences 1, 2, and 5 are true.

3.False; practice is very important

4.False; it’s not easy

5.False; they do find something they can play

while you watch



4.enjoying it

5. a place






Sentences 3,5,7 and 8 are true

2. false Claudia took flute lessons when she was a kid/child 4. false sometimes, not never

6. false difficult, not easy


1. I hope I get that good someday

2. if you stick with it

3. I’ve been playing since

4. Like I said

5. like I told you

6. I’m not very good yet

7. Practice makes perfect

8. I have trouble doing it

9. I haven’t played it in years

10. Shall we?

After you watch

1. rider

2. skater

3. runner

4. climber

5. driver

6. player

7. diver

8. player

9. diver

Option listening

1. practice

2. that good

3. teenager

4. reminds

5. Practice makes perfect

6. has trouble practicing

7. not to worry

8. suggests three different song to play

9. for a long time

10. one of his favorites

Unit 8


A: c d a b e

B: elegant pretty handsome attractive

C: d b a c


A: friends classmates teammates



A: False True False False

B: appeal to, pose risks to it may lower their chances of getting the job

tattoos are permanent no matter ehat the reasons there might be for getting a tattoo


A: all are unfavorable views

B: face to face looks, personality, sincereity

All of their great qualities, the bad points at your job relaxed way, no pressure


A: going out with friends, a personal introduction, a matchmaking party, Internet dating, speed dating



personal ads relationship fun fussy No wonder did answer pretends to read feels like seeing to stop reading go out to a movie


新视野视听说第三版第4册答案 Unit1 Sharing Task3 b c f d c a Task4 24 Task5 1.(1)anti-social 2.(1)appreciate 3.(1)tolerant 4.impress (2)aware of (2)attidude (2)come to an end(3)walk away Listening Task2activity2 Lark:Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker2 Speaker 6 Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7 Task2activity3 1.peaceful 2.beautiful 3.lovely part 4.party 5.with a passion https://www.doczj.com/doc/d57167048.html,st second

7.walking their dogs 8.with a bounce 9.away 10. the best part of the day 11. thinking straight 12. at my sharpest 13. we had children 14. in the mornings 15. in the evenings Viewing Task2activity2 24 Role-playing Task1activity2 g a f h b d c e More practice in listening short conversations1 D A B C C long conversations C B D A Passages:Passage1 A C D C Passages:Passage2 1.distressing 2.desperate 3.urge 4.acquire


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1) daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good (5) achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4 Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1) started off (2) a huge business empire (2) taught me so much about lifeteacher 2.(1) (2) survived(1) 3.imprisoned (4) ability or the skillsimpressed (3) Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2

e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 90 minutes1. 2. true landmark 3.(1) 10 times (2) focus 4. make this challenge 5. seven miles(2) outstanding achievement 6.(1) four months Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 Conversations Short BCADC Long BAAC Passage Task 1 DCAB Task 2


The shortest way t 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1) daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good (5) achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

The shortest way t Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1)started off(2) a huge business empire 2.(1)teacher(2)taught me so much about life 3.(1)imprisoned(2)survived (3)impressed(4)ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

The shortest way t Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1. 90 minutes 2. true landmark 3.(1)10 times(2)focus 4. make this challenge 5. seven miles 6.(1)four months(2) outstanding achievement

The shortest way t Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


[新视野大学英语视听说教程3第三版答案全]新视野大学英语视听说教程3(第三版)答案 问题补充:如上 网友答案: Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.C III. Listening In Task 2: You forget my toast! Keys: FTFFF Task3: Memory-Improving Techniques Kes: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.D VI. Further Listening and Speaking

Task1: The Role Memory Plays in Our Life Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C Task 2: Where did the professor go? This is a true story, while happened to friends of ours in a small town in South Africa. They were a hospitable couple who often entertained their neighbors for drinks, tea or dinner. On this particular spring night, they have invited a retired professor to super. During the evening, it began to pour with rain, and the heavens really opened. Because he had walked there, they offered to put him up for the night. They pointed out that by staying overnight, he did not need to go to out in the bad weather. He agreed on the soundness of that idea, thanked his hosts profusely, and the matter seemed to be settled. But while they were washing the dishes after supper, the forgetful professor disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Eventually, after40 minutes, the front door bell rang. There was the professor, soaked to the skin. When he was asked what on earth he has been dong in the rain, he replied that because


Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A: How are you getting along, Julie B: After the vacation Much refreshed. A.It is interesting. B.It is tiring. C.It is exciting. D.It is refreshing. A: Why are you so cheerful while I'm so stressed all day B: Well, you should work off your stress. A.work not so hard B.work on easier problems C.eat healthy D.get rid of her stress I see you laughing all the time. B: Oh Eric. I'm ... reading a comic book. A: Comic book I didn't know you are interested in it. B: Well, it's a recent interest. When I was low in spirit three months ago, a friend gave me a comic book to read. And I became instantly addicted to such books. You know ... the pictures are so funny ... now I feel much better. A: I didn't know that. No wonder you are always in good spirits these days. B: Yes, and maybe you should read them, too, Eric. A: I ... I don't know. I'm just too busy with my thesis. It's for my master's degree and time is running out ... Ah, pretty much stress on me. B: Now you see Eric That's why you need to give yourself a break to read something amusing. It helps, I promise. A: Really Can reading comic books reduce your stress B: Of course. I'm a living example. Actually I'm having stress too ... you know, the tests, the job, things like that. But when reading the fun stuff, I just forgot all my worries. Later I find myself more powerful to deal with the issues in my life. A: That sounds magical. I'd like to try. Er ... what are you reading now B: Garfields, the cat. It's good. There's another one and you can borrow it. A: Oh, thank you, Penny. You're very helpful. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. months ago, a friend gave Penny _____ when she was in low spirits. (岭师分享群4发布) A.a flower B.a comic book C.a comic DVD


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 网课答案 Unit 1 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Listening ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Role-play .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Presenting ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Conversations ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Passage ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 News ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Unit test ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Unit 2 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Listening ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Role-play .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Presenting ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Conversations ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Passage ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 News ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Unit test ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Unit 3 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Role-play .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Presenting ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Conversations ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Passage ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 News ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Unit test ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Unit 4 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Listening ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1)daredevil (2)bungee jumping (3)cup of tea (4)feel good (5)achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1) started off (2) a huge business empire 2.(1) teacher (2) taught me so much about life 3.(1) imprisoned (2) survived (3) impressed (4) ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1.90 minutes 2.true landmark 3.(1) 10 times (2) focus 4.make this challenge 5.seven miles 6.(1) four months (2) outstanding achievement

Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


英语视听说第三版第一册答案 第三单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) living in London (2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2 (1) living (2) much (3) interesting places (4) something (5) experience (6) feel about Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 4 1. (1) exciting (2) amazing concert (3) incredible 2. the theater/the theatre 3. (1) the best place (2) different (3) compared to 4. play football 5. (1) interesting things (2) the best thing (3) tickets (4) culture Listenin Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) Australia (2) outback (3) go further (4) frightened (5) Don't move (6) the dogs (7) frightening

新世纪大学英语视听说教程1 听力原文

Unit 1, Lesson A Track1-1-1 A. listen to three people from the pen pals website. Match the name of the speaker with his or her interest: Fiona: Hi, I'm Fiona. I'm from Sydney, Australia. I'm 19, and a student at the University of Canberra. I'm majoring in computer science. When I'm not studying, I like going to the movies. Miguel: Hi, I'm Miguel. I'm from Mexico City. I'm 28 and I'm a math teacher. In my free time, I like playing soccer with my fiends. Hiromi: Hi, I'm Hiromi, and I'm from Tokyo. I'm 24, and I'm a graphic artist. When I have some free time, I usually work on a comic book I'm creating. The main character's name is Damen. Track1-1-2 B. listen again. Answer the questions about the people. Check the correct box. Track1-1-3 B. Mariana and Danny live in the same apartment building. Are they meeting for the first time? Listen to their conversation. Mariana: Hi. My name is Mariana. I'm in apartment 201. Danny: Hi, Mariana. I'm Danny. I'm in 302. It's nice to meet you. Mariana: Nice to meet you, too. Danny: So, are you a student, Mariana? Mariana: yeah, I study music at NYU. Danny: That's interesting. Mariana: What do you do, Danny? Danny: I'm a student at Hunter College. I also work in an art gallery. Track1-1-4 your information.C. Listen again. Practice the conversation. Then practice with Track 1-1-5 C. Listen to Dan describing himself and Dayanne describing her friend. Pay attention to the expressions used for describing people. Then describe yourself to your partner. 1. My name is Dan and I'm from the United States. I'm 28 years old and work at a hospital. I speak English, and Spanish and Portuguese. I'm pretty tall. I'm about six feet. I have a muscular build and short blonde hair. I have hazel-colored eyes. 2. I have a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas. He's tall, dark hair, brown eyes, but he's thin and Antonio Banderas is a little more muscular. Track 1-1-OL-1 A.Emily is at the airport. Listen and check the correct box. Josh: Hello?


新标准大学英语视听说教程3答案 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 1 Correct order: 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 2 Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: c Question 3 Key: c Question 4 Key: a Question 5 Key: a Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 3 Row 1: 2 Row 2: 1 Row 3: 4 Row 4: 1 Row 5: 2 Row 6: 1 Row 7: 3 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 4 Correct order: h, c, b, f, d, a, e, g Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 1 Question 1 Key: c Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: a Question 4 Key: b Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 2 Question 1 Key(s): (1) tolerant (2) rounded Question 2 Key(s): (1) close to (2) stand up Question 3 Key(s): (1) beauty (2) generosity Question 4 Key(s): (1) an opportunity (2) beyond the one Question 5 Key(s): (1) behaved (2) selfish Question 6 Key(s): (1) pretend (2) see through Question 7 Key(s): (1) arrived in (2) had to help Ques Key((1) time (2) amou Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 2 Activity 1


新世纪大学英语系列教材视听说教程4(第二版)听 力答案 新世纪大学英语视听说教程4 (第二版)答案unit 1 P2 a.8 b.2 c.1 d.4 e.1,4,5 f.6,7,8,9 g.1,3,6,7 h.1,4,5 P3 A. b B. F T F T T F T P8 OP1: A. 2 B. 1,2,5,7 OP2: A. the picture on the right P9 1.very famous buildings 2.made of glass, steel and concrete 3.designed 4.style

6.452 meters high 7.both the modern and traditional side of my country P10 A: 1.world-famous museum, Paris, 500 years, six million 2.ancient capital, big enough, millions of, shooping center B: Louvre Museum 1989 an ugly, modern mistake Kyoto Japan Hiroshi Hara to cope with millions of visitors center P11 B: 3 C: 2,4,6,7 P13 A: TRUE:1,3,5 FALSE:2 halfway, not all the way 4 from far away, not close up B: thousands by car unimpressed i.6,7 brings new life into the city 百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网https://www.doczj.com/doc/d57167048.html,,您的在线图书馆 P14


UNIT 1 Sharing Task 1 (l)trying new things and making achievements (2)how they feel about trying new things, what stops them from trying new things, what they have achieved in their life that makes them feel proud, and who they admire in terms of achievements and why Task 2 (l)daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good(5)achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 124 Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 (l)started off (2)a huge business empire (3)teacher (4)taught me so much about life (5) imprisoned (6)survived (7) impressed (8) ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 12345691011 Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Task 2 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Task 2 Activity 3 1.90 minutes 2.true landmark 3. (1) 10 times (2)focus 4.make this challenge 5.seven miles 6. (1) four months

大学英语视听说教程3 听力答案

Unit 1 Personality Part 1 Listening, Understanding and Speaking Listening 1 1.FFTTFT 2.1) outside world 2) at home 3)wave hello 4)bow 5)look straight into the eyes 6)openly 7)look at my feet 8)shy and silent Listening 2 1. 1.sensitive independent 2.good friend 3.life people 4.learning being aware 2. BCADB Listening 3 1. 1.ice-skating 2. chemistry 3.outgoing,bright,funny 4.self-centered 5.blond medium height 6.runner-up 2. TFTFF Listening 4 1.1.Four 2.Colleagues 3.Teacher/Teaching 4. Susan 5. To go on holiday 2.Paul DEJ Susan BF Maria CH Peter AGI

Part 2 Viewing, Understanding and Speaking 1.CEDAB 2.1) avoid confrontation 2) generally likable 3) hide those traits 4) affectionate kind nature 5)stubbornness 6)worst reputation 7)revengeful and destructive 8)entertaining 9) tough and determined 10)intuition and protective nature 11)perfectionists 12) draw attention Part 3 Video appreciation and Singing for Fun 1.1. The lunar calendar 2.Two trines 3.Four trines 2. 1) who is very good with money 2) who is easily angered 3) display the utmost amount of energy 4) longest life and good fortune 5) with quick wit 6) great common sense 7) inspires leadership in others 8) seductive and charming 8)deep-thinking and very talented 10) interesting and brave


Unit 1 Lesson A P2 A a8 b2 c1 d4 e145 f6789 g1367 h145 i67 P3 A B P3 B 1F 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 7T P4 B Yes P6 A 1.Sigapore 2.Greenland 3.Angel Falls 4.Etna 5.the Andes 6.Mammonth Cave https://www.doczj.com/doc/d57167048.html,ke Baikal 8.the Sahara 9.Canada’s P8 A 2 P8 B 1257 P8 A The picture on the right. P9 B 1.very famous buildings 2.made of glass, steel,concrete 3.designed

4.style 5.1998 6.452 meters high 7.both the modern and the traditional side of my country P10 A 1.world-famous museum,Paris, 500 years,six million 2.ancient capital,big enough,millions of,shopping center P10 B 1.Louvre Museum 2.Kyoto,Japan 3.1989 4.Hiroshi Hara 5.To cope with the millions of visitors 6.brings new life into the city center 7.an ugly, modern mistake P11 B Answer 3 P11 C Answer 2467 Lesson B P13 A


Unit1 Enjoy the colorful campus life! Basic Listening Practice 1-5 CDBDA Listening In Task 1 (1) the first day (2) changing (3) really good (4) hard workers (5) went over her head (6) explained (7) notes (8) Wednesday (9) participation (10) education Task 2 (1)extra training (2)chemistry (3)accounting (4)many fields of study (5)better potential (6)business degree (7)challenging (8)how to learn (9)better understanding (10)narrow-minded Task3 3. D Let’s Talk Task 1 (1)quality (2)young (3)25 (4)difficult (5)government (6)quality (7)cut (8)extra-cautious (9)afford (10)experience (11)more (12)blame (13)budget

(14)puzzled (15)service Further Listening and Speaking Listening Task: Task1: Problems with our educational system (1)standardized tests (2)abilities and interest (3)interest (4)pressure (5)well-rounded (6)get into good colleges (7)the rest of the school (8)from bad to worse Task 2: The final exam (1)course (2)quizzes (3)semester (4)confident (5)party (6)make (7)missed (8)they had a flat tire on the way back and didn't have a spare (9)placed them in separate rooms, handed each of them a paper (10)On the second page was a question 95 worth Task3: Harvard University 1-5 BACDD Viewing and speaking: Task 1:University budget cuts (1)increasing (2)12 / twelve (3)more (4)facilities (5)lecturers (6)poorer (7)grant (8)one (9)budget (10)less (11)young (12)classic (13)part-time (14)growing (15)two-year Unit test

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