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西湖十景 英文

西湖十景 英文
西湖十景 英文

1. Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓)

2. Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺)

3. Viewing Fish at Flower Pond (花港观鱼)

4. Winery Yard and Lotus Pool (曲苑风荷)

5. Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill (南屏晚钟)

6. Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake (平湖秋月)

7. Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow (雷峰夕照)

8. Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)

9. Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge (断桥残雪)

10. Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云)

"Ripping water shimmering on sunny day,

Misty mountains shrouded the rain;

Plain or gaily decked out like Xizi;

West Lake is always alluring."

These are the words used by the celebrated Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo (960-1127) to describe Hangzhou's West Lake. The West Lake scenic zone lies in Hangzhou City in northern Zhejiang Province, encompassing an area of 6 square kilometers. West Lake is an elliptical landscape with a water surface of 5.66 square kilometers, and a circumference of 15 km. it is not a big lake in terms of its geographical area, but it has a long history and full of sensational legends.

History of West Lake

Originally a shallow sea inlet, due to the laying down of silt, the six square kilometers (1483 acres) of water eventually became today's West Lake. In middle of the Zhenyuan era (785-804), Tang Dynasty, poet Bai Juyi came to Hangzhou as governor. Already as an accomplished poet, his deeds at Hangzhou made him a great governor. He realized that the farmland nearby depended on the water of West Lake, but due to negligence of former governors, the old dyke had collapsed, the water level of West Lake dried out, and the local farmers suffered severe drought. He ordered the construction of a stronger and taller dyke, with a dam to control the flow of water, and thus solved the drought problem. The livelihood of local people of Hangzhou improved over the following years. Now that Bai Juji had more leisure time to enjoy the beauty of West Lake, he visited West Lake almost every day. He ordered the construction of a causeway connecting the Broken Bridge with the Solitary Hill, to facilitate walking on foot, instead of depending on boat. Then he planted peach trees and willows trees along the dyke, making it a beautiful landmark of West Lake. This causeway was later named Bai Di Causeway in Bai Juyi's honour.

Over two hundred years later, at the beginning of Song Dynasty's Yuanyou era (1086-1094), another great poet, Su Shi (Su Dongpo), came to Hangzhou as governor. By that time, the farmers suffered

drought again, due to overgrowth of the weeds at the bottom of the lake clogging the irrigation ducts. He ordered dredging of the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the style of Bai Causeway, but much wider and nearly three times as long, he also planted willow trees along its banks. This causeway was later named after him as the Su Causeway. There are six bridges along the 2.6 km Su Causeway. "Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway" is one of the attractions at the West Lake.

Main Scenic places of Attractions

An old Chinese saying declares, "There is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below." This is most evident in the West Lake area -- the effective, if not geographic, center of Hangzhou. The famous scenic spots of West Lake include: Su Causeway, and Bai Causeway, which have partitioned the Lake into inner, outer and back lakes, Gushan (The Solitary Hill), Xiaoyingzhou (Small Fairy Island), Huxin Ting (Mid-lake Pavilion), Ruangong Dun (A mount after a provincial governor Ruangong), etc.. In combination with the surrounding hills and streams, they make up the West Lake beautiful scenery. It is, also covered in luxuriant vegetation, is dotted with myriad of halls, towers, terraces, pavilions, pagodas, grottoes and temples, which were barely visible under the dense foliage of surrounding woods. The lake is embraced by emerald hills covered with lush forests, grotesque rocks, gullies and intriguing streams. They are so colorful and picturesque!

1. First is the Spring Dawn at Su Causeway, which is a thin strip of land nearly three kilometers long, covered with peach and weeping willow trees. In spring, with the lakeside sparkling in the morning dew, birds cheerfully chirping among swaying willow branches, the scent of peach blossoms wafting through t he air, you‘ll question whether you're in the midst of paradise.

2. Then comes the Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard. This typical West Lake scene has earned its fame since the Southern Song Dynasty, when the lakeside area with an abundant growth of lotus off its shores was known as Crooked Courtyard, and was the location of a brewery. People said the smell of lotus flowers and wine blended by the cool lake breezes was intoxicating. Nowadays the brewery is gone, and the area has been turned into a big park, but plenty of lotus plants still bloom off its shores. They stand gracefully erect in the lake, as if they knew they had visitors coming to admire their beauty.

3. The next listed on the ten scenic itineraries is the Autumn Moon on Calm Lake. At the western end of Bai Causeway is located a lakeside park which houses a stone tablet bearing the etched calligraphy of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, which reads: "Autumn Moon on Calm Lake". The lake is a special place to appreciate the moon and the effect of moonlight on the land. The moon seems especially bright over the waters. The hills look purplish bathed in the moonlight. The best time for nighttime viewing is on Mid-Autumn Day.

4. Leifeng Pagoda is another renowned scenic spot in Hangzhou. Originally built in the 10th century, Leifeng Pagoda used to stand in front of Jingxi Temple on Nanping Mountain; though failed to stand the test of time, the Pagoda collapsed in early 1900s. In 2002, Leifeng Pagoda was reconstructed; then comes back the typical Sunset Glow over Leifeng Pagoda, one of the ten charms of West Lake, as the Pagoda looks especially majestic when surrounded by the golden hues of the setting sun. With combination of a traditional aesthetic style and modern architecture techniques, Leifeng Pagoda affords a view of West Lake in its entirety.

In recent years, the people of Hangzhou have selected "Ten New Scenes of the West Lake," as well as built a few new attractions – for example a tea museum, a silk museum, etc. The ten new scenes are beautiful, and the new attractions will leave you with a greater appreciation for the area‘s famous commodities. But if you only have a day, it‘s tough to argue with the tried and true.

The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land of China, with beautiful scenery, a multitude of historical sites, brilliant cultural relics, and a profusion of native products. Legend has it that the West Lake was a heavenly jewel fallen to earth. Pragmatists insist that it is a mere lagoon on Hangzhou's western fringe. In any case, West Lake is both a great tourist attraction and a high inspiration for artistic creations.


[标签:标题] 篇一:五年级上西湖十景 13西湖十景 一、教学目标: 1、初步感受西湖十景的山水之美,了解西湖十景的文化内涵 2、学会用写意山水画的基本用笔、用墨方法,表现西湖十景的意境之美 3、培养关注、尊重人类文化遗产的情感,热爱家乡、保护自然环境的意识 二、教学重难点: 1、重点:学会用墨色的浓淡、虚实表现西湖山水近景、远景、中景的关系 2、难点:能表现西湖十景的意境之美 三、教学课时:2课时 四、课前准备:(学生)国画工具、西湖十景图片、文字资料 (教师)多媒体课件、国画工具 五、教学设计: 第一课时 1、导入 (1)欣赏西湖十景图片,请学生用一组形容词说说西湖十景,导入课题《西湖 十景》 (2)课件出示晴雨西湖的图片,联想苏轼诗句“淡妆浓抹总相宜”,提升西湖 十景的人文内涵 2、探究 (1)欣赏晴雨图片,教师引导学生感受“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的水墨韵味。说说: 这样的山、水、天给你怎样的感受? (2)欣赏水墨作品《夕照》,引导学生通过作品与雷锋夕照实景照片对比,感 受西湖之美恰如一幅美丽的水墨画 (3)欣赏童中焘《三潭印月》,思考:画面中的三潭印月有何特点?画家又是 如何表现山、水、天交融的意境的?引导学生从如何凸显意境、国画用笔、墨色变化等角度感受艺术作品中的画面意境 (4)教师示范,用墨色的浓淡相融和用清水渲染墨色边缘的技法表现西湖山色 和水色交融的意境。引导学生感受水分与画面效果的关系,用淡墨表现远山和其他景色(5)同龄人作品欣赏,引导学生边看边思考:画面突出表现了什么样的意境? 作品采用了哪些用笔、用墨方法?对你接下来的创作有什么启示?引导学生在欣赏中有意识地借鉴他人的成功创作经验 3、创作 (1)学习建议:引导学生选择合适的十景之一,用水墨晕染的技法表现印象中 的西湖山水 (2)学生创作,教师巡视 4、评价 举办以“西湖印象“为主题的作品赏评会,引导学生找出最能体现“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的画,并说说推荐理由 5、拓展


杭州西湖十大景点介绍 苏堤春晓 苏堤全长三公里,是北宋诗人苏东坡任杭州知州时,疏浚西湖,利用挖空出的泥构筑而成的。故名之以“苏堤”。 早春四月,迎着熹微晨光,沿修长的湖堤漫步,但觉轻风徐来,十里垂柳飘忽。在轻烟薄雾中,灼灼红桃含露开放,宛若喷霞,景色着实娇媚迷人,而当春雨霏霏,透过袅娜柳丝眺望西湖,但见薄霭弥漫,渐远渐淡,景色更是奇幻诱人,被人称为“六桥烟柳”。苏堤连接了南山和北山,给西湖增添了一道妩媚的风景线。且花木一年四季姹紫嫣红,五彩缤纷。如诗若画的迷人风光,成了人们长年游玩的好地方。 柳浪闻莺 柳浪闻莺前身是南宋的皇家花园--聚景园。解放后经整修,已扩建成为占地三百多亩的大型公园。这里以柳叶葱葱,莺声婉转而成为人们休闲的好去处。春天的花园柳树荫荫,枝枝翠柳婀娜多姿,有些随风摇曳,更有临湖而植者,枝叶俯垂水面,远望如少女浣纱的“浣纱柳”。步履其间,浓荫深处的柳树给人以阵阵思绪,悦耳的莺啼声更是撩人遐想。柳浪闻莺现共分三组园景,即闻莺馆、友谊园和聚景园。这里引进了一批日本樱花、草坪,使园内景色越具诱人之处,以景寓意,情景交融,别有一番情趣。

花港观鱼 “卢园”是南宋内侍卢允升的私人花园,因其处有清溪自花家山流下,故名“花港”,花港观鱼,与苏堤前接,西山在北为其护屏,还有碧波粼粼的小南湖和西里湖,像两面镶着翡翠框架的镜子分嵌左右,全园分为鱼池古迹、红鱼池、牡丹园、花港、大草坪、丛林区、芍药圃等七个景区。公园中部的南端是最吸引人的地方-红鱼池。池中满蓄金鳞红鲤,池畔花木扶疏。游人投饵,群鱼争食,有声有色,赏心悦目。现公园的主景区为牡丹园,用牡丹、湖石等组成,小径迂回,布置紧凑有致。仲春时节,站在耸峙高处的牡丹亭向下俯视,但见大大小小的花坛间红夹绿,那灿若云锦的牡丹花千姿百态,斗奇竞妍,令人流连忘返。不久将再辟芍药圃,与牡丹亭相媲美。 曲院风荷 曲院风荷在灵隐路洪春桥畔,据说南宋时有一处官家酿酒作坊,坊内与金沙涧相通的池塘种满了荷花,每逢夏日熏风吹拂,荷香与酒香四溢,令人陶醉,人们称之为“曲院荷风”。旧时的曲院风荷,仅一碑一亭半亩地,局促于西里湖一隅,颇有些名不副实。清康熙年间,在苏堤跨虹桥畔的岳湖种荷花,并建亭立碑,题为“曲院风荷”,此景遂复。今天的“曲院风荷”仍以荷花为主景,建有五个荷花池,分别栽植红莲、粉莲、白莲以及重瓣的“重台”等多种品种。全园又分为岳湖、竹素园、风荷、曲院、滨湖密林等5个景区。每当夏日,荷花开放,满眼翠盖红妆,香飘数里,池和池之间筑小桥相连,便于游人流连观


景点中文名:云栖竹径 地址:梅灵南路9号 景点介绍 在西湖景区的五云山西麓,深藏着一处被称为“湖山第一奥区”的景点,相传古时候从山上飘来的五彩祥云常常栖留山坞,故名“云栖”。走进云栖,一条长长的小道蜿蜒纵深,两旁茂密的修竹节节向上,将人们包围在竹海绿波之中,因而一个最富诗情画意的名字便由此产生—云栖竹径。 “竹、树、云、泉”是云栖的四大特点,这里的竹林,密度较大,共有200多亩。我们从石碑坊逶迤而上,绿荫环路,密密层层的无数修竹,挺拔清逸,放眼一片尽绿。在竹径旁还有洗心亭、回龙亭和御碑亭。翠竹之外,云栖坞内古木参天,千年枫香高达十米。凉爽湿润的山林,还孕育方竹、兰花、楠木、灵芝草等珍贵植物。 云栖,翠竹如云,古树拂云,与云有关的景观不胜枚举,有亭名“兜云”,有楼名“冲云”,有兰花叫“绿云”,如此之多的“云”景,使它又有了湖上“云乡”的美名。此外,还有一位超凡脱俗的长者是云栖最忠实的游客,他就是淡泊宁静的老一辈无产阶级革命家陈云。 炎热的夏季,是云栖一年中游赏的最佳时节。行走在“一径万竿绿参天,几曲山溪咽细泉”的幽幽山道上,就像畅游在竹海碧波之中。云栖带给人们的是诸多美妙感受。云栖的美,难以言说,云栖的景,只可意会,因此,走遍西湖天下景,风光最美是云栖。 景点中文名:满陇桂雨 地址:杭州市西湖区虎跑路15号 景点介绍 杭州少年儿童公园?满陇桂雨公园 杭州少年儿童公园?满陇桂雨公园是一个集休闲、娱乐于一体的儿童新概念主题公园,位于虎跑路15号,东临虎跑路,南连动物园,西傍虎跑后山,北邻满觉陇路,地处市中心,交通便利。杭州少年儿童公园既享有“市花园”的美誉,又拥有杭州唯一一家少年儿童公园的“优势”,也是杭州“新西湖十景”之一,被纳入杭州精品游套餐之列。 杭州少年儿童公园占地240亩,依山而建,引泉成瀑,密桂成林,萦溪静流,一派自然生态。杭州少年儿童公园园区设计以千年桂文化为底蕴,妙借《山海经》中月桂传说素材,设有“后羿射日”、“嫦娥奔月”、“蟾蜍池”、“吴刚酒肆”等景观,串联成局,借用古老神话的传世魅力,营造一种远古淳朴之风,引领少儿进入一个“纯真年代”,远离世俗纷扰;园内近三十项大中小型游乐设施或掩隐于桂花丛中,或呈现在湖边山脚,巧藏妙置,颇具匠心。杭州少年儿童公园游乐设施的开转,更是令少儿心情激荡——“峡谷漂流”让激情借托于水势飞撞于山石崖边,水花飞溅;“蝙蝠飞车”让自身感同于蝙蝠飞速地穿梭于山林间,进入静谧空间;“水上步行球”带你进入真空世界,翻爬跌滚于绿湖水面,荡起涟漪圈圈……,高转急驰,翻滚跌宕。在娱乐的同时,让压力得以缓解,激情得以宣泄,心情得以纯净,人得其乐,园趣纵横。 欢娱之外,杭州少年儿童公园还为您提供了完善的配套服务设施。 月老阁是杭州儿童公园的民俗风情景点之一,提供中、西式婚庆服务,借助园区自然资源,为一对对新人留下美好的回忆。


Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15 vice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Since Hangzhou was set up as a county capital in Qin Dynasty, it has a history of more than 2200 years as a city. It used to be the capital of Wuyue State (during the Five-Dynasty-Ten-State Era in Chinese history) and South Song Dynasty; that made Hangzhou one of the seven ancient capitals in China.When Marco Polo came to Hangzhou in the 13th century, he praised it to be “the most beautiful city in the world". There is a popular saying: "Above there is heaven, below there are Hangzhou and Suzhou." Hangzhou is renowned as “Paradise on Earth”, “Cultural State”, “Home of Silk”, “Tea Capital”, “Town of Fish and Rice”.


杭州西湖简介 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜 湖,是一首诗,一幅天然图画,一个美丽动人的故事,不论是多年西 居住在这里的人还是匆匆而过的旅人,无不为这天下无双的美景所倾倒。阳春三月,莺飞草长。苏白两堤,桃柳夹岸。 1 西湖的形态与底质 西湖形态为近于等轴的多边形,湖面被孤山及苏堤、白堤两条人工堤分割为5个子湖区,子湖区间由桥孔连通,各部分的湖水不能充分掺混,造成各湖区水质差异 西湖底质是一种有机质含量特别高的湖沼相沉积,属于粉砂质粘土或粉砂质亚粘土;入湖河流部是短小的溪涧,主要补水河流为金沙涧、龙泓涧和长桥溪泄流。 2 西湖的着名景点 西湖十景 形成于南宋时期,基本围绕西湖分布,有的就位于湖上:苏堤春晓、曲院风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、雷峰夕照、双峰插云、南屏晚钟、三潭印月 西湖新十景 云栖竹径、满陇桂雨、虎跑梦泉、龙井问茶、九溪烟树、吴山天风、阮墩环碧、黄龙吐翠、玉皇飞云、宝石流霞。

西湖新新十景 灵隐禅踪、六和听涛、岳墓栖霞、湖滨晴雨、钱祠表忠、万松书缘、杨堤景行、三台云水、梅坞春早、北街梦寻这些景点成为新一代西湖十景 . 西湖山林景点 云栖坞、烟霞岭、五云山、翁家山、水乐洞、吴山城隍阁、凤凰山、狮子峰、月轮山、南高峰、理安山、郎当岭、鼓楼、北高峰吉祥宫、法喜寺、风篁岭、飞来峰造像、南屏山、法镜寺。 3 西湖的美好传说 西湖: 在很久以前,天上的玉龙和金凤在银河边上的仙岛上找到了一块白玉,他们琢磨了很多年成了明珠,但这颗宝珠被王母娘娘发现了,娘娘将把宝珠抢走,玉龙金凤赶去索珠,王母不肯,便就发生了争抢,王母的手一松,明珠就降落到凡间变成了西湖,玉龙金凤也随之下凡了,化成玉龙山(玉皇山)和凤凰山,守护着西湖; 白蛇传: 西湖中还流传着许仙和白娘子的动人爱情故事,也因为这个故事让西湖远近闻名。 雷峰塔: 在某种意义上,它名播万里正是因为压着白娘子。当《白蛇传》中出现了雷峰塔后,一个悲怆的结局无可挽回地出现了。 ? 西湖三奇: 孤山不孤:皇帝在西湖游玩时住在这座山,便为它取名为孤山,可是


西湖十景Traditional Top Ten 苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway /平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond / 柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows 三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon / 双峰插云Twin Peaks Piercing in Cloud 南屏晚钟Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill / 雷峰夕照Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow 曲院风荷Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden / 断桥残雪Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge 新西湖十景New Top Ten 虎跑梦泉Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley /龙井问茶Enjoying Tea at Dragon Well 九溪烟树Nine Creeks Meandering through a Misty Forest /云栖竹径Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi 宝石流霞Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud /玉皇飞云Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill 满陇桂雨Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manjuelong Village /吴山天风Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill 阮墩环碧Ruan Gong Islet Submerged in Greenery /黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green 苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 曲院风荷Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden 平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 断桥残雪Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge 花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond 柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows 三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 双峰插云Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud 南屏晚钟Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill 雷峰夕照Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Cloud 新十景: 云溪竹径Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi 满陇桂雨Sweet OsmanthusRain at Manjuelong Village 虎跑梦泉Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley

论旅游景点名称的翻译方法 --以西湖十景为例

论旅游景点名称的翻译方法 --以西湖十景为例 摘要:翻译涉及一切有关连接的建立——把一种文化与另一种文化和语言连接起来,为无限的物品交流、技术交流和思想交流创造条件。进入21世纪,全球化的迅猛进程使得国家与国家间的往来日益紧密,来华旅游人数不断增多,2016年G20峰会在西子湖畔成功举办,使得杭州掀起一股旅游热,提升了杭州的国际化水平,所以本文将以杭州作为旅游景点的英译研究对象,并从英汉文化差异的视角对翻译中存在的问题提出解决方案,以期达到翻译目的。 关键词:翻译方法文化传播西湖十景目的论功能对等理论 一.旅游景点名称翻译简介 旅游作为传播文化的一大主要途径,旅游翻译则是“文化的使者”,以传播中国文化为己任,一定要地道、喜闻乐见,真正让国际旅游者“知之、乐之、好之”。景点名称属于地点名称,是公示语的一种,具备提示性、指示性等功能,往往都被赋予了传说、轶事、典故,一经开发就带上了当地的文化烙印,蕴含了大量历史人文信息。由于景点名称包含了丰富的中国文化,该景点成为外国游客体验异域文化的首选地,因此,景点名称的英译是相当重要的一个步骤,景点名称翻译得韵味十足就容易激发外国游客对该景点和其特有文化的动机,增加旅游景点人文内涵,协调旅游与文化交流传播之间的带动关系。西湖及其周边的十处特色风景景区、景点、景物都采用四字文学语言的方式命名,构成“景观集称”即“西湖十景”。它要求最大限度的体现命名的审美特征、文化特征和功能特征以及审美性、文化性、功能性三者之间的相互制约平衡,并达到一个合适的嵌入点,力求高度接近、概括出景观特色。康志洪认为,地名翻译中,源语-目的语关系的重要特点之一是源语语符必须适应和服从目的语的社会语用环境和习


杭州西湖简介范文 提起杭州西湖,谁不为之心驰神往!人们常常把杭州西湖和瑞士日内瓦的莱蒙湖比喻为世界上东西辉映的两颗明珠,正是有了西湖,才使杭州成了"世界上最美丽华贵的天城"。西湖奠定了杭州旅游的重要地位。 西湖位于杭州城西,三面环山,东面濒临市区,南北长3.3公里,东西宽2.8公里,水面面积约5.66平方公理,包括湖中岛屿为6.3平方公理,湖岸周长15公理。水的平均深度在1.5米左右,最泞处有2.8米,最浅处不到1米。苏堤和白堤将湖面分成里湖、外湖、岳湖、西里湖和小南湖五个部分。西湖处处有胜景,历史上除有"钱塘十景"、"西湖十八景"之外,最著名的是南宋定名的"西湖十景"和1985年评出的"新西湖十景"。在以西湖为中心的60平方公理的园林风景区内,分布着主在风景名胜40多处,重点文物古迹30多处。概括起来西湖风景主要以一湖、二峰、三泉、四寺、五山、六园、七洞、八墓、九溪、十景为胜。1982年西湖被确定为国家风景名胜区,1985年被评为"中国十大风景名胜"之一。 "天下西湖三十六,就中最好是杭州"。来杭州,游艺机西湖,它将带您进入一个如诗如画的人间天堂。 杭州西湖风景简介

位于五云山南麓的云栖坞里,为林木茂盛的山坞景观,翠竹成荫,溪流叮咚,清凉无比。长一公里的云栖竹径,两旁翠竹成荫,小径蜿蜒深入,潺潺清溪依径而下,娇婉动听的鸟声自林中传出,整个环境幽静清凉,与闹市相比,格外使人感到恰适轻松,爽心悦目。 满陇桂雨 西湖秋游,日赏桂,夜赏月。赏桂以南山满觉陇最盛。桂花是杭州的市花。西湖栽培桂花,盛自唐朝。西湖早期诗篇中每每以桂入诗,都是西湖北山灵隐、天竺一带寺庙所植。而满觉陇秋赏桂花,是明以后才形成规模气候的。满觉陇亦称满家弄,是南高峰南麓的一条山谷。吴越时,这里多有小型佛寺,其中有一座圆兴院,后改满觉院,地以寺为名,花大约也是寺僧所植并渐成大观。 桂花学名“木樨”,是一种常绿小乔木,性喜湿润,满觉陇两山夹峙,林木葱茏,地下水源丰富,环境宜于桂花生长。这里的山民以植桂售花为主要经济来源,一代传一代,终于造就了这一片“金粟世界”。如今更是家家户户皆植桂,屋前后,村内外,满山坡,路两旁,一丛丛,一片片,一层层,举目皆是。每年中秋前后,几番金风凉雨,秋阳复出之时,满树的桂花竞相开放,流芳十里,沁透肺腑,诚如清人张云敖七言绝句《品桂》所云:“西湖八月足清游,何处香通鼻观


杭州西湖十景心得体会 杭州西湖旅游心得体会1 俗话说,上有天堂,下有苏杭。今年暑假,我和爸爸妈妈就来到了美丽的人间天堂——杭州西湖游览。 清澈的西湖水仿佛一面明亮的大镜子,能清晰地照出人的倒影来。我坐在船上,沐浴着清风,眺望着湖边的美景,心似乎也变得透亮、轻快起来。 离船登岸,漫步在遍植翠柳的湖边小路上。虽然已是夏天,柳树仍然像春天那样生机勃勃、绿意盎然。一阵微风吹来,柳枝就像一位美丽的舞者,随着微风跳起了优雅的华尔兹,又好似几根琴弦,在微风轻捷柔软的手指间弹奏出一首又一首悦耳的歌谣。 在柳枝温柔的陪伴下,我们游览了苏堤春晓、曲院风荷、三潭印月等景点,然而让我印象最深刻的,还要数花港观鱼了。正值夏季,观鱼池里开满了千姿百态的荷花。你瞧,那含苞待放的荷花,真像一位腼腆的小姑娘,把自己包裹在层层花瓣中不肯探出头来。那朵半开的荷花像一个天真的小女孩,用双手托着粉白的脸庞发着呆。一朵朵盛放的荷花则像一位位穿着粉红长裙的少女,随风在水面上翩翩起舞。又大又圆的荷叶像一只只翡翠盘子,衬托着荷花优美的身姿。一池金红的鲤鱼成群结队地在花叶间游来游去,仿佛一条舞动的红绸带,牵

动着我的目光。 杭州之美,美在西湖。我将把这段美好的旅程仔细收藏,在心中、在梦里流连、徜徉。 条理清晰,详略得当 习作条理清晰,以“我”的游览路线为线索,按照湖面、湖畔小路、湖边景点的顺序向我们描绘了西湖的美景。小作者并没有面面俱到地将西湖十景一一介绍,而是选取了自己印象最深刻的“花港观鱼”细细描画。通过荷花不同姿态的对比,静态荷花、荷叶与动态鱼儿的对比,表现了西湖的醉人风姿和自己对西湖的喜爱之情。杭州西湖旅游心得体会2 俗话说得好,“上有天堂,下有苏杭”。这里的“杭”就是指杭州。杭州的风景优美,有许多旅游景点,其中最著名的就是西湖了! 走进杭州西湖的大门,首先映入眼帘的当然是一大片花丛,这里的花争奇斗艳,百花齐放,有粉红的桃花,有雪白的梨花,还有金黄的迎春花……色彩各异。漫步在其中,仿佛置身于一片花海之中,令人陶醉。 “你们看,‘金牛桥’!”不知是谁喊了一声,我们都朝着他指的方向跑去,走上洁白的“金牛桥”,我们忽然发现桥下的池塘中有一只闪闪发光的金牛正在吐水。只见那只金牛一动不动,伫立在水中,


西湖五景 The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad. Tiger-running Spring The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the "Two Wonders of the West Lake". The Lingyin Monastery The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul's Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies. Spring Dawn at Su Causeway It's a 2.8 km. long boulevard cutting across the south-north scenic area, and lined with trees and flowering plants. When Spring comes with crimson peach blossoms and green willows; the scenery is all the more charming. Strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist. Young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison. The Moon Reflected in Three Pools "There are islands in the lake and three are lake on the islands." The three stone towers were first built in Yuanyou 4th year (1089) of the Song Dynasty, with the wonderful scenery of "one moon in the sky having three reflection in the lake", it is one of the wonderful scenes of the West Lake. Three Pools Mirroring the Moon. There are islands in the lake and there are lakes on the islands. On the south side of the largest of the three manmade islands in the Outer Lake, there are three hollow stone pagodas rising from the water, each with five openings. These stone towers were first built in Yuanyou in the fourth year of the Song Dynasty (1089). On a moonlit night, the pagodas are reflected on the water, producing the wonderful illusion of one moon in the sky having three reflections in the lake. At this time, local folk will put candles in the hollow tops of the pagodas. Notes: 1. West Lake 西湖 2. Tiger-running Spring 虎跑泉


景点 西湖West Lake 西湖十景: 1.苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 2.曲苑风荷Lotus Stirred by Breeze in Quyuan Garden 3.平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 4.断桥残雪Melting Snow Scene on the Broken Bridge 5.柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows 6.花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond 7.雷峰西照Leifeng Pagoda Silhouette adainst the Sunset 8.双峰插云Doubles Peaks Kissing the Sky 9.南屏晚钟Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill 10.三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 常用的景观英文翻译 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden 中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden 皇家园林royal garden 私家园林private garden 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta 西方古典园林western classical garden 英国式园林English style garden 中英混合式园林AngloChinese style garden 意大利式园林Italian style garden 西班牙式园林Spainish style garden 法兰西式园林French style garden 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre's style garden 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style garden 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden 庄园manor,villa garden 廊柱园peristyle garden,patio 绿廊xystus 迷阵maze,labyrinth 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden 周代术语 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden 周代术语 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden 周代术语 阿房宫E-Pang Palace 秦代术语 上林苑ShangLin Yuan 汉代术语 未央宫WeiYang Palace 汉代术语


西湖十景是指哪十景?杭州景色一直都被人所推崇,尤其是西湖景色更是美不胜收,连俗话都说,上有天堂下有苏杭。而熟知西湖景点的小伙伴都知道,去西湖不能错过西湖十景,究竟是哪十景呢?下面为大家介绍的是:杭州西湖十景及图片,一起来了解吧。 杭州西湖十景形成于南宋时期,基本围绕西湖分布,有的就位于湖上。西湖十景包括:苏堤春晓、曲苑风荷、断桥残雪、平湖秋月、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、雷峰夕照、双峰插云、南屏晚钟、三潭印月,西湖十景个擅其胜,组合在一起又能代表古代西湖胜景精华,所以无论杭州本地人还是外地游客都津津乐道,先游为快。 杭州西湖十景之苏堤春晓 苏堤南起南屏山麓,北到栖霞岭下,全长近三公里,它是北宋大诗人苏东坡任杭州知州时,疏浚西湖,利用挖出的葑泥构筑而成的。后人为了纪念苏东坡治理西湖的功绩将它命名为苏堤。长堤卧波,连接了南山、北山,给西湖增添了一道妩媚的风景线。南宋时,苏堤春晓被列为西湖十景之首,元代又称之为六桥烟柳而列入钱塘十景,足见它自古就深受人们喜爱。苏堤望山桥南面的御碑亭里立有康熙题写的苏堤春晓碑刻。苏堤两旁遍植桃柳,四季景色各异,每逢阳春三月,柳树成烟,掩映湖面,风趣横生。有诗为证:树烟花雾绕堤沙,楼阁

朦胧一半遮。苏堤由南而北有映波桥、锁澜桥、望山桥、压堤桥、东浦桥和跨虹桥六座桥,杭州人将这六座桥俗称为六吊桥,民间有西湖景致六吊桥,一株杨柳一株桃的歌谣。解放后六桥重新加固并拓宽,桥栏杆全部采用青田雕刻民族形式图案,保持古桥原有风貌。 杭州西湖十景之苏堤春晓 苏堤旁遍种花木,有垂柳、碧桃、海棠、芙蓉、紫藤等四十多个品种。漫步在堤上,新柳如烟,春风骀荡,好鸟和鸣,意境动人,故称之为苏堤春晓。寒冬一过,苏堤犹如一位翩翩而来的报春使者,杨柳夹岸,艳桃灼灼,更有湖波如镜,映照倩影,无限柔情。最动人心的,莫过于晨曦初露,月沉西山之时,轻风徐徐吹来,柳丝舒卷飘忽,置身堤上,勾魂销魂。每当春风吹拂,苏堤上杨柳吐翠,艳桃灼灼,长堤延伸,六桥起伏。晨曦初露时,湖波如镜,桥影照水,鸟语啁啾,柳丝舒卷飘忽,桃花笑脸相迎。置身堤上,湖光胜景如画图般展开,多方神采,万种风情,任人领略。 沿堤建有六座单孔石拱桥,古朴美观,分别是映波、锁澜、望山、压堤、东浦、跨虹走在堤、桥上,湖山胜景如画图般展开,万种风情,任人领略。桥头所见,各领风骚: 映波桥:与花港公园又相邻,垂杨带跨雨,烟波摇漾;


Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge Introduction The snow scene of the west lake has enjoyed very positive praise from people, especially the view of “melting snow at broken bridge”. Why is it called as “malting snow on the broken bridge”, there are many different sayings. One of them is that it snows almost every winter in Hangzhou and when the sun comes out after snowfall, the snow on the sunny side of the bridge melts first, while the snow on the shady side still lingers. Looked at a distance or from a nearby hill, the bridge appears to be broken. It is a favorite stopover for you. Especially on fine winter days after a snow, you may stand on the bridge to feast your eyes on the snow scene far and near. Distant hills, clad in white, grow more enchanting. The famous Chinese folk story “The Tale of White Snake” brings the broken bridge some romance 断桥断桥,今位于白堤东端。在西湖古今诸多大小桥梁中,名气最大。据说,早在唐朝,断 桥就已建成,诗人张祜《题杭州孤山寺》诗中就有“断桥”一词。明人汪珂玉《西子湖拾翠余谈》有一段评说西湖胜景的妙语:“西湖之胜,晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如月湖,月湖不如雪湖......能真正领山水之绝者,尘世有几人哉!”地处江南的杭州,每年雪期短促,大雪天更是罕见。一旦银妆素裹,便会营造出与常时,常景迥然不同的雪湖胜况。 目录 简介 名字由来 相关传说 断桥残雪 历史与现状 相关诗词文章 附近景点 展开(古代有很多文人雅士对断桥的描写) 编辑本段简介 今日断桥,是一九二一年重建的拱形独孔环洞石桥,长八点八米,宽八点 断桥 六米,(孔环) 单孔净跨六点一米,年前曾经大修,但古朴淡雅的风貌基本未变。桥东堍有康熙御题景碑亭,亭侧建水榭,题额“云水光中”,青瓦朱栏,飞檐翘角,与桥,亭构成西湖东北隅


西湖旅游英语导游词 西湖旅游英语导游词 导语:对杭州西湖这一著名景点,导游会怎样进行介绍?以下是WTT带来的西湖旅游英语导游词,供各位阅读。 西湖旅游英语导游词 The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad. Tiger-running Spring The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the "Two Wonders of the West Lake". The Lingyin Monastery The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul’s Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake.


西湖简介 西湖全貌 杭州西湖位于浙江省杭州市的西方,它以其秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹而闻名中外,是中国著名的旅游胜地,也被誉为“人间天堂”。2011年6月24日,杭州西湖正式列入《世界遗产名录》,西湖是目前中国列入《世界遗产名录》的世界遗产中唯一一处湖泊类文化遗产,也是现今《世界遗产名录》中少数几个湖泊类文化遗产之一。断桥上的白娘子更为西湖增添了几许浪漫色彩。 西湖是仅次于天下第一湖-大明湖的著名城市湖泊,位于浙江省杭州市西面。水面面积约4.37平方公里

杭州西湖 (包括湖中岛屿为6.3平方公里),湖岸周长约15公里。水的平均深度在 2.27米,最深处在5米左右,最浅处不到1米。湖南北长3.3公里,东西宽2.8公里。苏堤和白堤将湖面分成里湖、外湖、岳湖、西里湖和小南湖五个部分。1982年西湖被确定为“国家风景名胜区”,1985年被选为“全国十大风景名胜”,现在被列为世界遗产。 西湖古称“钱塘湖”,古代诗人苏轼就对它评价道:“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。” 西湖美景 西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”所以又名“西子湖”。 西湖形态为近于等轴的多边形,湖

面被孤山及苏堤、白堤两条人工堤分割为5个子湖区,子湖区间由桥孔连通,各部分的湖水不能充分掺混,造成各湖区水质差异,大部分径流补给先进入西侧3个子湖区,再进入外西湖;湖水总面积5.593平方公里;,总容积1.10亿立方米,平均水深1.97 米;西湖底质是一种有机质含量特别高的湖沼相沉积,属于粉砂质粘土或粉砂质亚粘土,最上层皆为藻骸腐泥层(黑色有机质粘土),中层泥炭层或沼泽土,最下层为基底粉砂层;入湖河流部是短小的溪涧,主要补水河流为金沙涧、龙泓涧和长桥 溪泄流。 杭州西湖


西湖十景 中国民间传诵:天下西湖三十六,就中最佳是杭州。并说西湖之美,古今难画亦难诗。明正统间,有日本国使者游西湖,曾题诗说:昔年曾见此湖图,不信人间有此湖。今日打从湖上过,画工还欠着工夫。西湖十景题名源于北宋山水画家宋迪题画的四字句,他用平沙落雁、山市晴岚、远浦归帆等等来标出自己所画的作品内容。后来山水画家竞相仿效。 公元13世纪,南宋画家马远、陈清波在撷取西湖风景精华所作的画中,也分别标上柳浪闻莺、两峰插云、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、三潭印月、雷峰夕照、苏堤春晓和南屏晚钟,以后又画了花港观鱼、曲院荷风两幅,于是便有了西湖十景的说法。清朝康熙皇帝南巡游西湖,为十景题名立碑,并改两峰插云为双峰插云,曲院荷风为曲院风荷。西湖十景就这样确定下来了。 1985年,杭州日报社、杭州市园林文物管理局等单位发起征集新景点、新景名的活动,有5万人参加,历时8个月。结果,遴选出云栖竹径、满陇桂雨、虎跑梦泉、龙井问茶、九溪烟树、吴山天风、阮墩环碧、黄龙吐翠、玉皇飞云和宝石流霞等十景,人们称之为新西湖十景。陈云、刘海粟、赵朴初等10位名家为之题名立碑。 西湖风景名胜区内,除十景、新十景外,著名景点还有天竺、五云山、凤凰山、玉山、北高峰、湖心亭、白堤、孤山、放鹤亭、刘庄、杭州花圃、植物园、南高峰、水乐洞、狮峰、葛岭、紫云洞、西溪、灵峰探梅等。 【苏堤春晓】 苏堤在西湖西侧,南北两端衔接南山路与北山路,全长2.8公里。是北宋诗人苏东坡在杭州为官时,组织民工开浚西湖,挖泥堆筑而成。堤上还安排映波、锁澜、望山、压堤、东浦、跨虹6座石拱桥,起伏相间,突破了笔直长路的单调。堤上两边夹种桃树、柳树,风光旖旎。堤岸现已铺上柏油路,两旁宽阔的草坪添植了各式花木,每隔一定距离,便设有一张长靠背椅,十分幽静。白天,游人信步浏览,一片闲情逸致;入夜,则成为当地情侣幽会的姻缘道。苏堤景色四时不同,晨昏各异,晴、阴、雨、雪均有情趣。尤以春天早晨,湖面薄雾似纱,堤上烟柳如云,故有苏堤春晓之称。 【柳浪闻莺】 柳浪闻莺位于西湖东南岸,南山路清波门附近。这里原为南宋皇帝的御花园--聚景园,园中原有柳浪桥,沿湖遍植垂柳,密密柳丝仿佛在湖边挂起绿色帐幔。春风吹拂,碧浪翻飞,浓荫深处时时传来呖呖莺声。因而名为柳浪闻莺。现扩建为夜公园,面积从原来的一隅之地扩大为17公顷,全园分为友谊、闻莺、聚景和南园4个景区。闻莺馆中新添了百鸟天堂,百鸟飞翔其中,莺歌燕舞。公园内绿草如茵,繁花似锦。 【曲院风荷】 原来的曲院风荷在苏堤北端跨虹桥下(康熙题碑处)。宋代,那里有一家酿造官酒的曲院,里面种了许多荷花,芰荷深处,清香四溢,因此便有曲院风荷之说。现在的曲院风荷比原来扩大了数百倍,布局十分精巧。赏荷区广阔的水面上,有无数种荷花。傍水建造的赏荷廊、轩、亭、阁,古朴典雅,与绿云、荷香相映成趣。还辟有西湖密林度假村。公园中的密林区,参天的树木,浓荫蔽天,颇似深山老林。林中竖有幢幢架空的桦木结构小屋,以及木板平房,还有炊具,可供游人宿营野餐。 【平湖秋月】


杭州英文介绍终稿 Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15 vice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Since Hangzhou was set up as a county capital in Qin Dynasty, it has a history of more than 2200 years as a city. It used to be the capital of Wuyue State (during the Five-Dynasty-Ten-State Era in Chinese history) and South Song Dynasty; that made Hangzhou one of the seven ancient capitals in China.When Marco Polo came to Hangzhou in the 13th century, he praised it to be “the most beautiful city in the world". There is a popular saying: "Above there is heaven, below there are Hangzhou and Suzhou." Hangzhou is renowned as “Paradise on Earth”, “Cultural State”, “Home of Silk”, “Tea Capital”, “Town of Fish and Rice”. 西湖国家级风景名胜区

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