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Influences of Language and Cultural Differences on the

Advertising Translation

Abstract: Advertisement has become one of the most important products of culture in the modern age. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume products or service of a brand. Especially, advertising language is characterized by cultural and age background. Western languages are rule-dominated, while the Chinese is dominated by people. There are many differences in the structure of language, and when describe something in advertisement, Chinese tends to imagine, but English tends to preciseness. A good trademark translation embodies the perfect combination of translation technology and aesthetics. Different culture has different impact on advertising translation including history, value, and custom and so on. This paper gives a detailed analysis of advertisement translation, and some valuable examples.



关键词:广告; 广告翻译; 文化; 语言


1. Introduction (2)

2. language impact of advertising Translation (3)

2.1 The differences of the structure of language in the Sino-British advertising (3)

2.2 the defferences of choosing the words (4)

2.3 the differences of pronunciation of the words in Sino-British advertising. (4)

3. The impact of culture on advertising Translation (5)

3.1 The impact of Historical and cultural on advertising translation (5)

3.2 Value reflected in the advertisement translation. (6)

3.3 Cultural custom impact on advertising translation (7)

4. Definition of domestication (8)

5.Conclusion (11)

6.Acknowledgement (12)

Influences of Language and Cultural Differences on the

Advertising Translation

1. Introduction

As to cultural products, advertising reflects the close relationship between language and culture directly. Advertising language is a special kind of art form which has profound cultural background. The trend of times also affects the language and culture n advertising and decides whether the translation and advertising effectiveness is good or bad. Therefore, the translator needs not only a solid foundation of language but also an in-depth understanding of the two different cultures. This paper analyzes the influence o f language and cultural differences on the advertising translation from the aspect of language, emphasis can be put on three areas: the structure of language, vocabulary

choice and pronunciation to illustrate the importance of language translation for advertising, at the same time, the corresponding examples are cited, so that the reader has an intuitive feeling of the importance of language; as to the cultural field, it explains the importance of culture from the three areas of history, values, and cultural in the advertising translation. At the end of my paper, I gave the definition of domestication in the advertising translation as complement.

2. Language impact of advertising Translation

2.1 The differences of the structure of language in the Sino-British advertising

Mr. Shen Xiao long has said that the Western languages are rule-dominated, while the Chinese is dominated by people. In other words, Chinese is a meaning-centered language, the grammar rules are relatively free, and sentences are flexible, the vocabulary may be longer or shorter, part of speech are diverse and variable. For the Western languages, the dominant position of grammar, sentence mainly composed of verb and verb phrase can not change lightly.

For example: The slogan of the Nokia “Connecting People”. I t’s not a complicated sentence, consist o f a predicate and a noun, also the grammatical structure is very standardized and simple. However, the two words are very powerful, and they’re easy to acknowledge people the three-dimensional feel of the product. However, the structure of language can not be arbitrarily changed. When translating it into Chinese, the subject “technology” should be proposed, and the importance of the human language of the art is better to be stressed.

There are many modifiers in the Chinese advertising which focus on emotional expression, on the contrary, the expression of English advertising is very simple as it focuses on information transfer. For example:


When the sentence above is to be translated into English advertising, considering the differences of language structures, those descriptive words in the source language should be deleted. The literal translation can be like this:

“The park of acanthus is noted for its profusion of acanthus. Flowers from these in different colors are in full bloom which pervades the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.”

Changes of structure in Chinese language are very rich and diverse. As the way to reflect the artistic expression, part of speech often changes; but the English language structure is relatively fixed and standardized, what’s more, it can express things with simple sentences.

2.2 The differences of choosing the words

In describing things, Chinese is fancy, but English is accurate. Chinese people are good at expressing their feelings by writing, and beautiful words to express their admiration and appreciation for beautiful things, and giving a number of subjective imagination and feelings. In Chinese advertising, we will often find a lot of descriptive words, like “high class”; “perfect”; “special”; “incredible”. This descriptive language can attract the attention of consumers, consumers will be more and more interested in the product , to a better propaganda effect, and achieve the purpose of persuading consumers to buy, but many of them also have exaggerated elements. In the English ads, the word “good”is often used. The words of the English advertising focus on the accurate description of product information, and point out the pros and cons of specific products, pay more attention to the authenticity of things, the selected words are generally more objective and rational and try to maintain a concise style.

“Good to the last drop.” Maxwell House Coffee and “The taste is great.” Nescafe. Translators often face an uphill battle with misinformed clients who have misconceptions about translators and the translation profession. Many times translators have to talk to the clients about the industry in order to debunk the myths that seem to keep on circulating year after year.

2.3 The differences of pronunciation of the words in Sino-British advertising.

The differences of pronunciation on advertising in general are the trademark of translation. A trademark is the name of goods, while the name can give limitless source of fascination and expectations.

For example , “puma” is a trademark of a sportswear brand, its Chinese translation is “彪马”, the literal meaning is totally difference, but the pronunciation of “彪马” is much

simil ar to “puma”, and the meaning of “彪马”can express “puma” better, and it is easier for Chinese people to accept and understand the brand. However, literal translation can not achieve the effect of its own.

Trademark translation has vital practical significance, and make the translation of the original language appropriate and accurate without losing artistic and characteristics of the name, for achieve wide publicity and promotional merchandise purpose; simultaneously it is also full of theoretical significance, not only broaden the space of linguistic research and a rich linguistic meaning, but also promote research and practical application of linguistic theory to be a organic integration. Only being good at figuring out the consumer's psychology, respecting for national customs, applying various methods and techniques in the trademarks of translation appropriately, it can be able to win in the warfare of trademark translation, guide consumption and promote consumption.

A good product should be coupled with a nice catchy name which is just like t he icing on the cake. A good trademark translation embodies the perfect combination of translation technology and aesthetics.

3. Culture impact on advertising Translation

3.1 The impact of Historical and cultural on advertising translation

In the international market, for the company, how to introduce their products to consumers in other countries through advertising translation, thereby enhancing product credibility and sales is crucial. As the differences in language, customs and ways of thinking, cultural differences are important factor in the process of advertising translation, which can not be ignored. The neglect of cultural background will lead to some pragmatic failure, impact on the competitiveness of products in the international trade. The cultural differences among different countries are a big problem which can not be ignored in international advertising.

Advertisement and culture have reciprocal and bidirectional relationship. From macro level, advertisement industry accelerates the development of social economy. Due to the reasons of geographical and historical, every nationality has formed a unique cultural and psychological characteristics, if you want the advertising translation circulating in other nations, the first thing should be done is to allow translation in line

with the audience's culture and psychology.

Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation used the following advertising to promote their products to the U.S. market:“Not all cars created equal”. It is a clever imitation of the “All men are created equal”in the “Declaration of Independence”. Changing the affirmative sentences into negative sentence, expressing the car is better than other car’s performance. This translation is much closer to the consumer’s culture psychology, psychology of customers have a strong impact on it. When Mitsubishi promoted their product to the Chinese , its advertising is "古有千里马,今有三菱车". It used the minds of "千里马" in the Chinese people's cultural image, so that products in the minds of the Chinese people has a three-dimensional impression. Mitsubishi Motors achieved in the two countries, the two advertisings which are rich in imagination played very important roles in its success.

A perfume of France would like to enter the Chinese market, its Chinese name called “鸦片”, the company want to highlight the charm of its products, but the market fierce criticism from Chinese consumers. Since the company did not understand the Chinese hatred to opium because of the psychological and historical factors, it unconsciously hurt Chinese people's national self-esteem. Therefore, it’s an unsuccessful advertisement.

3.2 Value reflected in the advertisement translation.

Value is often prescriptive, warning people what is good and bad, what is right and wrong, what is true and false and what is positive and negative. People in the different area have different value. Thus, a good advertising translation must take the different values into account.

The emphasis of Chinese cultural is on collective ideas and collective interests, the pursuit of our common ideas. So many lyrics like “大家好才是真的好” ;“用了都说好”;“男女老少皆宜”in the Chinese advertisements are fully embody Chinese people's cultural identity , as Chinese people consider that the product will be really good if everyone thinks it’s good. By seizing Chinese consumers’mind when they are purchasing, those merchants persuade consumers to buy their products. So collecting behavior is a significant factor in Chinese advertisement. Professor Yang, a Chinese American, holds the idea that Chinese people pay attention to the texts of products in the advertisement; its

cultural background is the ethic and religion which come from Taoist, Buddhists and Confucians.

Westerners pay more attention to individuality and independence. Westerners are more willing to use “you” to convince consumers that they are being respected, and let the consumers desire what to buy. “Gold Blend,the only coffee to serve” is the Nescafe Gold Blend advertising. “Drink Baker, follow the trace of your own”is a Baker Beer advertising. In practice, the translator should fully take all differences of culture and values into account.

The following sentence is excerpted from an advertisement of an American magazine. "He is his own man. An individualist". "individualist" is always translated into "个人主义者" or "利己主义者". Meanwhile, it could not be considered as equivalent because of the differences in cultural values. The word "individualist" in English contains positive and commendatory meaning. It is used to describe a kind of people who prizes personal right and is willing to show his or her personality. However, "个人主义者" in Chinese is a derogatory term which means self-concern. They seek benefits for themselves at the expense of others. Consequently, the translator must readjust the original text on the basis of apprehending cultural values; otherwise, it is impossible to realize intended function of the advertisement. "一个有主见的人,一个有个性的人。”is a better version in terms of both understanding and psychological effects on the target people.

3.3 Cultural custom impact on advertising translation

The translation of advertisements has evolved during the last decade towards what is n ow called “Advertising Localization”. It is not a mere change of designation stemming from computer science vocabulary but a radical change of perspective concerning the real nature and modes of linguistic and cultural transfer from one language into another. The present article explains, in detail, the evolution that took place, its expressions and its stakes in the profession and training of translators in the field of localization.

From micro level, the advertisement is one of the agents which lead to the reform of culture. Contemporary culture contains the advertisement; meanwhile, it is also the disseminator and creator of the culture. While publicizing products or services, the advertisement unconsciously outputs some cultural awareness and changes people’s

thinking ways or values. Let’s take Coca-Cola advertisement for example. Its original message is “I can’t catch that feeling”. But Japanese version means “I enjoy Coca-Cola” and Italian version means “The unique feeling”. Therefore, it implies that only the advertisement information truly reflects local culture will it live up to the cultural expectation.

The cultural differences reflect on the language, especially on the advertising language. Therefore, there are certain concepts which can be activates by an English word but not by its Chinese equivalent. It is quite possible that a Chinese version of an American advertisement may not trigger the intended response in the Chinese consumers, and what’s worse; it may not be understood by them.

Hence, the more a translator knows about how a cultural group view such things as humor, interpersonal relationship, life and work style, the more successfully he or she will be able to produce an effective advertisement translation.

The audience of advertisement is consumer. When translating an advertisement into another language, the translator must study the consumer behavior in that country. Many factors influence consumer s’behavior, including cultural background, political views, religious belief, individual preference, age, sex, income, consumption habit and so on. Cultural factors include culture, politics, religion, habit, etc. Social culture influences even limits this kind of language and expression, meanwhile, the advertisement language contains and reflects the social culture. Cultural barriers refer to the cultural factors which have negative impact on the effect of advertisement publicity. For example, the English word “dragon” is often associated with fire and portrayed as breathing fire, or else as a creature of that primeval chaos which was to be destroyed only through disciplined marshaling of mental and physical prowess; but its corresponding word “龙” in Chinese is usually understood as a symbol of happiness, capable of producing the potion of immortality (Biedermann, 1989). If “金龙牌” was translated as “Golden Dragon”, it would have negative effect among western community.

4. Definition of domestication

One of the two tendencies of translation studies during the past two decades in the marked shift of attention from language transformation to cultural transformation; the

other one is application of communication theory in translation studies. The integration of the two tendencies is to regard translation as an activity of intercultural communication. The term “translation” is even replace by “intercultural communication” (Christiane Nord,1991), “intercultural cooperation” (Holz-Manttari,1984), “acculturation” (Andre Lefevere,1992) and “transculturation” (R. Daniel Shaw ,1988) .

The initial sender of the message (the original author) is in a culture different from what the final receiver of the message (the target reader) is in; hence how to handle the cultural gap is a hot topic in translation studies. Inevitably, domestication and foreignization become the focus of the controversy in this field.

Domestication and foreignization are the two advanced by American deconstructionist translation theorist Lawrence Venuti to describe the two different translation strategies. They directly stem from German theologian and philosopher Friedrich Schleiermacher’s telling argument that “there ar e only two. Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author t owards him”. (Venuti,1995) in his famous lecture “On the Differen t Meth ods of Translating” (1813). According to Venuti’s opinions, Dictionary of Translation Studies defines domestication as follows: “a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers.” Foreignization has the definition as follows: “a TT is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.” (Shulttleworth and Cowie, 1997,p.43,44,59). Domestication and foreignization take place at many levels. They not only involve linguistic elements, but also concern cultural constituents. What’s more, they relate to politics. In the present thesis, the discussion pays little attention to politics.

5. Conclusion

Cultural differences have become a non-ignorable factor in advertisement. In order to attract and even stimulate potential customers, the advertisers must make their efforts to produce creative and memorable works.Advertisement is not only an economic activity, but also a cultural communication. The advertisement is a propaganda form

which is the sales of commodity of cross-nation and cross-culture. The translator is in an important position to apply advertisement languages. At the same time, they confront any kinds of difficulties because of the different culture and language of different counties. Advertising Translation reflected the cultural differences. Advertising translator should thoroughly understand the differences between the two different cultures. It not only makes the advertising translation promote the sale of goods, but also reflects the advertisement’s important contribution of culture in people's lives.

As advertising is playing an increasingly greater part in economic activities, more and more scholars devote their effort to advertising translation. However, with the help of the various translation methods such as transliteration, free translation, and literal translation, advertisement translators sometimes still fail to function satisfactorily. For this problem, we may get some insight from what Nida has said: “the target audience for which a translation is made almost always constitutes a major factor in determining the translation procedures and the level of la nguage to be employed.” (1993, p.139) So the point of advertising translation is to enable the advertising function well among target culture receivers. Now that advertising is a global form of communication and it is a primary tool for companies to gain brand awareness and promote their products or services,

The goal of advertising translation is to persuade target language consumers to buy a product or service. To attract and communicate to them in a way that produces this desired result, translators must acquaint themselves with target language consumer’s way of thinking, with those factors that motivate them to buy, and with the environment where they live. In this sense advertising translating is more of a marketing practice. A good advertisement translator must be a first artistic writer. He or she must first be able to know clear about the cultural difference; and then to identify the cultural constraints in a given advertisement; the last is to facilitate across-culture communication by overcoming the obstacle set by the constraints. In all, a good advertiser can do the contribution to the products’ sale.


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英汉语言对比与翻译练习 注意事项: 1.英汉语言句法/句式差别; 2.体会英汉互译句式转换规律; Sentences: 1.In praising the logic of the English language we must not lose sight of the fact that in most cases where, so to speak, the logic of facts or of the exterior world is at war with the logic of grammar. 2.邢夫人携了黛玉坐上,众老婆们放下车帘,方命小厮们抬起,拉至宽处,加上训骡,出 了西脚门往东,过荣府正门,如一黑油漆大门内,至仪门前,方下了车。 3.When about three hundred men had been landed from these vessels and were marching rapidly to camp, the Morini, who had been left by Caesar in a state of peace when he set out for Britain, were fired by the hope of booty, and surrounded the troops, at first with no very large number of folk, bidding them lay down their arms if they did not wish to be killed. 4.I had spent a long day on a hired mule before the mail carrier who had been my guide pointed to a cabin on the far side of a stream, mutely refused the money I offered, and rode on. 5.Mr. Kennedy apparently was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots. 6.And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she know had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.. 7.The original members of the United Nations shall be the states which, having participated in the United Nations conference on International Organization at San Francisco, or having previously signed the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, sign the present charter and ratify it in accordance with Article 110. 8.After watching the fish for some time, they asked me for pairs of several different kinds, pointing them out as they walked down the row of tanks. I netted their choices into a traveling container and slipped it into an insulated bag for transport, handing it to the boy. “carry it carefully,” I cautioned. 9.Sickness had robbed her of her confidence that she could carry the load. 10.Loneliness held the great masses of immigrants together, and poverty kept them down. 11.Starvation was a remote threat. 12.There is a crying need for a new remedy. 13.There was a mumbled conversation in the background. Then a man’s voice came on the phone. 14.The whole devastating experience sharpened my appreciation of the world around me. 15.She was always a crier any way. 16.The car wound through the village and up a narrow valley, following a thaw-swollen stream. 17.The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry because he had had no food for two days. 18.A long course of poverty and humility, of daily privations and hard words, of kind office and no returns, had been her lot ever since womanhood almost, or since her luckless marriage with George Osborne.(Vanity Fair chapter 57) 19.The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.


最新200份英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略 2 汉英植物隐喻对比研究 3 哥特电影的黑暗之美-市场与文化的交接 4 论中国特色文化政治经济词汇和缩略语的英译策略 5 腐朽世界中的纯洁品质——解读《雾都孤儿》中费金的善与恶 6 从译者主体性视角探析《红楼梦》中概念隐喻的翻译策略 7 词汇和背景知识对英语阅读理解的重要影响及应对策略 8 国际贸易中的支付方式及其风险回避 9 论哥特式手法在《呼啸山庄》中的应用 10 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例 11 Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies 12 从商业性角度论电影名称的翻译 13 The Comparison between“the Mean”of Confucius and“the Mean”of Aristotle 14 On the Conflicts Reflected in the Character of Rebecca Sharp in Vanity Fair 15 春节与圣诞节的对比研究 16 从《厄舍古屋的倒塌》看爱伦坡写作的哥特式风格 17 《魔戒》中的现实主义初探 18 奥巴马演讲词的人际意义研究 19 中外服装品牌英文标签语言的跨文化研究 20 标记信息结构在字幕翻译中的应用 21 从关联理论角度看《围城》的幽默翻译 22 中美文化差异对其商务谈判的影响 23 旅游英语翻译的研究 24 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异 25 试论爱伦?坡的作品在当时遭受非议的必然性 26 英汉音节结构对比 27 英汉习语的概念隐喻对比研究 28 中英文幽默映射的语言与文化差异 29 透析《洛丽塔》中的性 30 论《厄舍古屋的倒塌》的哥特式写作风格 31 涉外商务用餐中的非言语交际 32 中西节日的对比研究 33 A Study of Pragmatic Failure in Politeness between Chinese and English 34 工业化进程中的人性异化——解读https://www.doczj.com/doc/db5567948.html,wrence《儿子与情人》 35 An Analysis of Life and Death in Mrs. Dalloway 36 小学英语语法任务式教学 37 论《双城记》中的现实主义风格 38 从文化角度浅析新闻英语的翻译 39 认知角度下的隐喻翻译 40 《追风筝的人》翻译中的美学体现 41 浅析《还乡》中游苔莎的悲剧根源 42 苔丝悲剧原因探究


2007年12月号中旬刊文教资料摘要:广告翻译是不同文化的交流,是跨国文化的商品营销宣传活动。译者在翻译时在坚持一般性翻译原则时,应充分了解目的语国家的文化因素和消费心理,同时采取灵活的策略,使翻译的广告具有推销能力、记忆价值、注意价值和可读性。 关键词:广告翻译中西文化差异策略随着经济全球化和世界对外贸易的发展,我们与世界各国商品流通更加频繁,有更多的外国商品进入中国市场,也有越来越多的中国企业把产品推向国际市场。因此,商品的广告宣传在对外贸易中就起着不可估量的作用。广告翻译也开始为越来越多的人所重视,因为广告翻译作为一种综合性的跨文化交流活动,它不是简单的语言互换,它可以冲击产品输入国消费者固有的传统文化心理,影响其购买决策,从而影响商品的市场占有率和商品的销量。所以我们在进行广告翻译时,必须具有敏锐的跨文化意识和丰富的文化知识,掌握灵活的翻译策略,达成两种文化的和谐。 一、文化差异与广告语言的翻译 广告语言的跨文化研究揭示了语言文化与思维之间的关系。“文化是语言和思维相互作用的综合体。语 言既可以表达文化模式、 风俗习惯和生活方式,也可以反映某一特定文化的世界观”。(Brow nd,1980语言既是思维的载体,又是思维的主要表现形式。 (一中西国际广告的跨文化因素,主要表现在两个方面 广告文化属亚文化,是依附于主体文化的。随着世 界经济的发展,经济、 科学技术国际交流的增多,世界正向“地球村”的方向发展,广告文化的融合也在所难免。

1.不同的文化价值观 中国文化的价值观有深厚的人文主义精神,人的 价值通过“ 内省”、“克己”来表现。儒家倡导的“修身、齐家、 治国、平天下”强调道德规范自觉能力,形成中国人内倾的性格。而西方人是外倾的性格,更注重产品广告的外在形式,讲感观效果。 2.不同的心理结构 中国国民稳固的心理结构,以“仁”、“务实”、“忍耐”为基本内容,形成中国人特有的文化心理。具体表 现为大统一观念:重权威、 轻事实;从众心理:重群体、轻个体;小农意识:重实惠、轻意念;人情至上:重道德、轻效果;平均主义:重搭配、轻竞争。而西方人的心理结 构较复杂松散,“ 人本”、“认知”、“行为”为其基本内容,形成西方特有的文化心理。 (二文化差异对广告翻译的影响 翻译是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动,广告翻译中经常会受到文化差异的影响,以致产生交际误解,影响交际的顺利进行。 1.文化差异影响广告信息的获得 广告中的商品介绍最重要的是传递信息,原文读者和译文读者面对同一商品的介绍,应当得到完全相同的信息,这就要求译者透过产品的表象,抓住其本质,保证产品形象与信息准确传递。例如:中国的“金丝


幻灯片1 课后练习 ●blue films ●bluebottle ●Greenfly ●common criminal ●common informer ●hard labor ●free love ●blue-eyed boy ●bluestocking 幻灯片2 参考翻译 ●blue films 蓝色电影(×) ●淫秽电影(√) ●bluebottle 蓝瓶子(×) ●绿头苍蝇(√) ●greenfly 绿苍蝇(×) ●蚜虫(√) ●common criminal 普通罪犯(×) ●臭名昭著的罪犯(√) ●common informer 一般的告密者(×) ●职业告密者(√) 幻灯片3 参考翻译 ●hard labor 艰苦的劳动(×) ●(监禁)苦役(√) ●free love 自由恋爱(×) ●(无婚约的)自由性爱(√) ●blue-eyed boy 蓝眼睛男孩(×) ●宠儿(√) ●blue sky research/thinking 蓝天研究/思维(×) ●天马行空式的(√) 幻灯片4 翻译的原则与标准

1. 支谦与《法句经序》(229年) “天竺言语,与汉异音。云其书为天书,语为天语,名物不同,传实不易。” 开篇即强调了佛经翻译之难,即语言不同,语境不同,名物不同,翻译起来确实不易。幻灯片5 翻译的原则与标准 2. 道安与“五失本,三不易” 源自其在公元382年所作 《摩诃钵罗若波罗蜜经抄序》 译胡为秦,有五失本也。 一者,胡语尽倒,而使从秦,一失本也。 二者,胡经尚质,秦人好文,传可众心,非文不合,斯二失本也。 幻灯片6 翻译的原则与标准 三者,经委悉,至于叹咏,叮咛反复,或三或四,不嫌其烦,而今裁斥,三失本也。 四者,胡有义说,正似乱辞,寻说向语,文无以异,或千五百,刈而不存,四失本也。 五者,事已全成,将更傍及,反腾前辞,已乃后说,而悉除此,五失本也。 幻灯片7 ●“五失本”是: ●一、佛经词序多是颠倒的,汉译时改从汉语语法,容易失本; ●二、佛经文字质朴,而汉人喜欢文采,为适合汉语读者,译文作了润饰,容易失本; ●三、佛经的论述,往往不厌其烦,颂文更是翻三覆四,翻译时删繁就简,容易失本; 幻灯片8 ●四、佛经有“义说”(长行之后,另加的偈颂复述)类似汉人韵文后的“乱辞”(总结),


英汉语言对比与翻译作业 1. It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read, and very naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection. 翻译:认为自己的思想深奥,不可能表达得很清楚,让任何人都能理解,这是一种虚荣的念头。这样的作家当然不会想到,问题还是出在自己脑子缺乏精确思考的能力。 2. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession. 翻译:他有一种令人不安的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。 3.While the present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, there drove up to the great iron gate of Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies, on Chiswick Mall, a large family coach, with two fat horses in blazing harness, driven by a fat coachman in a three-cornered hat and wig, at the rate of four miles an hour. (Thackeray)翻译:(当时)这个世纪刚过了十几年。六月的一天早上,天气晴朗。契息克林阴道上平克顿女子学校的大铁门前面来了一辆宽敞的私人马车。拉车的两匹肥马套着雪亮的马具,一个肥胖的车夫带了假头发和三角帽子,赶车子的速度是一小时四英里。(萨克雷)


英汉文化差异与翻译 摘要:语言与文化密不可分,任何语言的生存发展都离不开其赖以生存的社会文化环境,社会文化又在一定程度上制约着语言使用者的思维方式和表达能力。本文围绕英汉文化差异在各自语言中的体现, 来说明文化差异、背景知识对翻译的影响。由此说明文化差异因素对翻译的影响不容低估。本文对中英的文化、社会风俗与礼仪差异进行了初步的探索,提出了一些在翻译中弥补这一差异的例子,以及在翻译英语里面的习惯词汇时应该注意的几个方面。 [关键字] 文化差异一般风俗翻译、影响 文化是一种上层建筑.它是建立在一定的经济基础之上的,而且与一个国家、民族的传统文化密不可分。由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质、社会及宗教等环境不同, 因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的语言习惯、社会文化、风土人情等等语境因素。不同文化背景造成人们说话方式或习惯不尽相同。因此, 在交流中, 人们总喜欢用自己的说话方式来解释对方的话语,这就可能对对方的话语做出不准确的推论, 从而产生冲突和故障。了解这些文化差异,对我们平时能更好的使用英语有很大的帮助。丰富的文化背景和相关专业知识会有助于翻译的准确性,所以,我们要在平时的学习中不断积累相关的专业知识,加强训练,才能在翻译中做到游刃有余。 翻译作为语际交际, 不仅仅是语言的转换过程, 而且也是文化移植的过程。在很大程度, 它与文化因素、背景知识有很大的关系。王佐良曾说:“翻译的最大困难是两种文化的不同。”吕淑湘也说, 翻译家必须是一个杂家。“杂”就是指知识要广博。可见,解决好翻译中的文化差异问题,了解背景知识是保证译作成功的关键。 英汉文化差异对翻译的影响主要表现在以下几个方面: 一、观察与思维上的差异对翻译的影响 英汉两个民族在观察与思维上是存在着差异的: 面对同一物体, 用以概括的概念也有出入, 因而语言表达方式也不同。如对颜色的观察和使用,就有不同的概念。英语“black tea”在汉语中不叫“黑茶”, 而叫“红茶”;“brownbread”是“黑面包”, 而不是“棕 色面包”。汉语的“青衣”,“青天”同是一个“青”字, 翻译成英文就只能分别译作“black dress”和“blue sky”。汉语“黑眼睛”, 英语为“drakeyes”; 英语的“black eyes”, 汉语为“挨打后出现的黑眼圈”; 汉语“黄色影片”, 汉语的“红眼病”,英语为“green - eyed”。此外,英汉两个民族在逻辑思维上也存在着差异。例如: 英文句子You can not be too careful in the exam. 若直译为“考试时你不要太细心”。那就大错特错了。因为从句法上看,它是一个双重否定结构, 从思维方式上看, 它是一种逆向思维。其正确译文是: 考试时你要特别细心。再如, The plastic container isfive times lighter thanthat glass one. 其正确译法为: 这个塑料容器比那个玻璃容器轻五分之四。如果直译,这个塑料容器的重量比那个玻璃容器要轻四倍, 在汉语中是说不通的。英语习惯上说“减少n 倍”, 即是汉语说的减少了n - 1/ n ,如英语说减少3 倍,即是汉语说的减少2/ 3。这种情况显 然是由于英汉思维方式不同而造成的。因此,对于这一类因思维差异而引起的表达不同的概念, 译者同样要越过表达形式的局限进行意义上的对等翻译。 二、时间观念的差异对翻译的影响 由于英汉文化的差异, 两个民族在时间观念上也存在着一定的差异。如,英语中的“the


浅谈英汉数字的文化差异与翻译 内容摘要 世界上任何一种语言都是植根于特定的文化背景之中,反映着特定的文化内容。语言中数字是反映客观物质世界的规模、大小的数和量,而由于各自语言中所包涵的文化传统、思维观念、以及对数字的感知取向不同,故而赋予数字的社会文化涵义也不尽相同。本文主要针对中西方对数字不同的传统观念、英汉语言中数字包含的内涵意义以及在英汉文学及生活中碰到的有关数字的翻译等,来探讨英汉数字文化的差异,为跨文化交际提供便利。 关键词:英汉数字;内涵意义;翻译;实指义;虚指义;词汇空缺 Abstract Every language in the world takes root in a special cultural background, and the language reflects the contents of the culture. Figure is the count and quantity which reflects the scope and size of the objective world. The social meanings of figure are different because there are some differences in cultural tradition, the concept of thinking and the understanding and using of the figure among all kinds of languages. This paper is to discuss the differences between English and Chinese figure from the traditional conception, the meanings of the figure and the translation with figure between the two languages. The aim from which is expected to make an advantage in cross-cultural communication. Key words: figure in English and Chinese; implied meaning; translation; grammatical meaning; false meaning; vocabulary vacancy “语言与文化有着密切的关系。语言的使用离不开人,而人又离不开某个特定的社会文化。” [1](p477)“在跨文化交际活动中,参与的各方不仅要熟悉本民族的语言和文化,而且要充分了解对方的语言和文化,特别是本民族文化与他民族文化的差异,只有这样才能使交际顺利进行下去。”[2](p480)数字是随着人类文明的产生和发展而产生和发展的。数字作为一种特殊的语言符号,在英汉两种语言中都被赋予了丰富的文化内涵。本文主要从中西方对数字不同的传统观念,英汉两种语言中数字蕴涵的不同意义及英汉文学中和生活中碰到的有关数字的翻译等来探讨英汉数字文化的差异,以便消除英汉交际中的理解障碍。 一、英汉数字的文化内涵差异 在古老的传统中,数字具有神圣的意义,还具有主吉凶的宗教迷信色彩。不同的民族对数字的选择性和不同的偏爱,都有着深刻的民族文化的烙印。下面就几组具有代表性的数字进行对比分析。 (一)、“三”与“九” 1、“三” 汉语中带“三”的习语有很多,如“三思而后行”、“垂涎三尺”、“三人行,必有我师焉”、“三句话不离本行”、“一日不见,如隔三秋”、“余音绕梁,三日不绝”、“三头六臂”、“三教九流”、“三令五申”等。中国人对“三”的垂青是有因可循的。《说文解字》云:“三,天地人之道也”,可见“三”的本义就是代表天、地、人,即上为天,下为地,中为人。在历史进程中,人们还逐渐认识到:时间有昔、今、未之分,空间有上、中、下之分,方位有左、中、右和前、中、后之分,似乎有三就能代表全部,“三”因此隐含完全、完美之意在内,并且积淀在中国人的潜意识中,从而人们在生活中不自觉地运用“三”来归纳事物,指导行动。在古代,“三”的运用更是奥妙无穷,甚至带有某些神秘意味。在政制结构上,有“三公”(西周时指:太师、太傅、太保;西汉时指丞相、太尉、御史大夫;东汉时指太尉、司徒、司空);军事编制上,有“三军”(海军、陆军、空军);教育上有“三学”(述学、评学、考学);科举有“三试”(乡试、会试、殿试);录取有“三甲”(状元、榜眼、探花);祭祀要供“三牲”(牛牲、羊牲、猪牲);敬酒要“三献”(初献、亚献、终献);行礼要“三跪”


浅谈中英文在文化上的差异中国与英语国家在文化上的差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现在地域文化的差异,习俗文化的差异,姓名与称呼用语的差异,交际用语的差异,数字内涵,委婉语和对应词及其内涵方面。我从中选取几个方面来,通过对这些方面的讨论来探讨中英文在文化上的差异性。 首先要讨论两国语言在文化上的差异就应该了解什么叫文化,以及文化与语言的关系。 所谓文化就是一个群体的人们在其发展过程中引导其生活、保障其生存的全部内容的总和。我们每一个人,无论生长何地,都是各自特定文化与表达文化的语言的产物。鲁斯·本尼迪克特在《文化类型》中说道:“一个人从他呱呱坠地的那一刻起,他周围的环境与风俗习惯就影响着他的经历和行为。等到他咿呀学语的时候,他已成为此文化熏陶的一个小生灵了。待到他长大成人,能够参与社会活动时,这一特定的文化习惯便成了他的习惯,其特有的观念也变成了他的观念,其禁忌也就变成了他的禁忌。”这高度概括了文化对我们每个人的影响。 同时,语言与文化相依为命,不可能脱离另一方面而独立存在,语言反映文化特征并预示文化发展的方向,两者的关系可简单地比作内容与形式相互依赖、相互作用的关系。 中英文在文化上的差异具体体现在以下几个方面:

一.地域文化的差异 地域文化主要指地理环境、自然环境方面的文化。受自然环境的影响,不同民族在对同一事物的认识上存在差异。有些事物在一种语言中为美,而在另一种语言中为丑;有些事物在一种语言中有丰富的内涵,而在另一种语言中毫无意义。地域文化上的差异又体现在: 1.中英文动物词文化的差异 在中国,龙被视为神物,集力量、智慧、运气、喜庆、威严、威武、权力于一身。封建时代的皇帝常把自己比做“龙”,中华民族也称自己为“龙的传人”,“龙的子孙”。而在英语中,dragon被看作“邪恶”、“恐怖”,甚至“战争”的代名词。《圣经》里多次提到的魔鬼撒旦就是一个与上帝作对的诱惑者和叛逆者的形象,它被称作the old Dragon。英国着名作家狄更斯在《艰难时世》中也以“Dragon”这个词来描述斯巴塞太太:……镇上的人们走来走去看见她坐在那儿,却把她看作这个银行的“毒龙”(Bank dragon)。 2.中英文植物词文化的差异 竹子这种植物与中国文化有着深厚的关系,历代文人墨客赏竹、画竹、咏竹。郑板桥的竹画享誉世界,邵谒的名句“竹死不变节,花落有余香”深入人心,竹子逐渐成了中国人坚强不屈、高风亮节的性格的象征。但bamboo一词在英语里只不过是一种很普通的植物,没有任何外延意义。 二.习俗文化的差异


收稿日期:2003-07-09 作者简介:顾云峰,男,浙江林学院外国语学院教师。 英汉语言和文化差异对广告翻译的影响 顾云峰 (浙江林学院外国语学院,浙江临安311300) 摘要:广告翻译面临的不单是语言转换问题,还涉及到各国诸多的文化差异问题。从语言角度讲,译者 更应注重广告英语的特点,文章具体阐述由英汉语言差异引起的在英汉广告翻译中造成的三种差异;从 文化角度讲,国内译者注重的应该是各国间的跨文化因素对英汉广告翻译的影响。文章主要归纳出四 点英汉广告翻译中的跨文化因素。 关键词:广告;语言;跨文化;翻译 中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5124(2004)02-0023-04 随着改革开放的深入发展,我国企业的产品、服务、品牌也日益广泛、深入地参与了国际市场竞争。随之而来的便是营销全球化趋势,这使得跨文化广告传播日益频繁,对广告翻译提出了更大挑战。与此同时,我们应该承认,由于我国企业国际竞争经验不足,国际营销人才缺乏,在对外广告,尤其是外文广告方面,做得还有差距。本文将从广告语言特点和跨文化因素等方面,对跨文化广告的翻译进行粗浅的探讨。 一、广告英语的特点 语言是文化的组成部分,是文化信息的载体。而翻译就是通过一种语言转达另一种语言的文化信息。广告也是一种文化,是从属于商业文化的亚文化,作为广告文化信息的载体)))广告语言具有独特性,充分体现了语言、文化和思维之间的相互关系。而在国际交流中使用最广泛的广告语言便是英语。广告英语从文体上看,多为口语体,书面体并不多见。具体表现为: 词汇简单。词的内部结构比较简单,积极肯定、褒义的词占绝对优势,多用缩约词。名词词组中所有格/.s 0的出现频率很高,比用/of 0更为精炼。如:L otte,the VIP .s choice(L otte 旅馆)。 句型简单。句子长度一般都很短,结构简单,复合句少。如:Every man has his price(苏格兰威士忌酒)。 语法简单。动词词组非常简单,被动语态运用较少。过去时出现的频率极低,基本上采用一般现在时。因为使用一般现在时,商品的特征在人们的眼中成为和一般自然规律一样的永久特征,这是其他各种时态所做不到的。如:True values never change(钻石)。 修辞手法大量使用。常见的有比喻、双关、拟人、重复等等。如:Light as a breez e,sof t as a cloud (比喻,服装);Have a good time(双关,Certina-D A 手表)。 二、由语言差异引起的在广告翻译中的差异 广告英语的口语化和简单化是实际应用的需要。因为简单的文字容易理解,人们可以在很短的时间内将其看完。而口语化的文字可以使人感到亲切、不拘束,能赢得读者的好感。但英汉两种语言存在着一定的差异,呈现在广告翻译中主要是三类:语用意义、修辞手法和句型。 1、语用意义的差异。 跨文化广告传播最明显的障碍就是语言文字的隔阂。精通受众国的语言,适应其语言习惯及 第17卷第2期 2004年3月宁波大学学报(人文科学版)J OURNAL O F NINGBO UNIVERS ITY (LIB ER AL AR TS EDI TION) Vol.17N O.2 Mar. 2004


[摘要]文化对语言的形成、发展和变化产生着深刻的影响。语言与文化有着紧密的关系。中西文化的差异可以在各自的语言上从不同的方面反映出来,并且对英汉翻译过程中的语义理解和传达产生一定的干扰和影响。本文主要从地理环境、历史背景差异,社会风俗习惯差异和宗教文化差异这三个主要方面,分别论述了中西文化差异对英汉翻译造成的影响,提示大家要充分了解中西文化背景,在真正理解原文内涵的基础上,精确译出原文。 [关键词]文化差异英汉翻译 文化是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,如文学、艺术、教育、科学等等。而语言是人类思维的外在形式,人们通过语言来表达内心的丰富思想,进行相互间的思想感情交流。文化对语言的形成、发展和变化产生着深刻的影响。事实上语言并不是一种隔离的现象孤立地存在,语言是文化的一个整体的部分。文化是语言的内容,语言是文化的载体,语言与文化是密不可分的。中西文化之间存在着差异,可以体现在地理环境、社会习俗、宗教信仰、历史典故等多方面。这些差异可以在各自的语言上从不同的方面反映出来,并且对英汉翻译过程中的语义理解和传达产生一定的干扰和影响。所以在英汉翻译活动中,必须要考虑到中西文化差异的问题,从各自文化的角度充分理解原文的涵义,并采取适当的语义表达方式,精确地译出原文。在本文中,将从以下几个主要方面分别探讨文化差异对英汉翻译的影响。 一、地理环境、历史背景差异对英汉翻译的影响 由于所处的地域不同,相应地就有不同的自然条件和地理环境。地理环境的不同会引起文化上的个性和差异,形成一些独特的文化概念。这些文化差异都会体现在语言中,对英汉翻译产生一定的影响。例如,中国东临大海,西部为高山,所以在中国,“东风”是“春天的风”,“西风”却是凛冽的。而英国的地理环境与中国相反,英国西临大西洋,报告春天消息的却是西风。西风在英国人心中是温暖宜人的。英国著名诗人雪莱的《西风颂》就是对温暖西风的讴歌:“It’s a warm wind, the west wind, full of bird’s cries”(那是温暖的风,温暖的西风,伴随着百鸟欢唱)。在英汉翻译中要充分理解这些差异,才能更好地理解原文。再如,英国的天气变化无常,所以人们见面爱谈论天气。“Lovely day, isn’t it? ”(天气多好啊)。而中国人见面打招呼则会说,“去哪儿啊?”,“吃饭了吗?”。 与地理环境一样,中西文化的历史背景也会反映在语言中。在英语中,与Dutch有关的词语往往带有贬义。如Dutch act(自杀),Dutch courage(酒后之勇),I got mad and I talk like a Dutch uncle.(我勃然大怒,于是就严厉地训人),If it is the fact, I’m a Dutchman(如果这是事实,我就不是人)。因为在17世纪初,英国和荷兰曾经激烈交战二十多年,使英国大伤元气,所以英国普通民众对荷兰人恨之入骨。这一历史背景,使英语带有了民族性,理解了这一点,我们就不难理解这些英文的真正含义了。 二、社会风俗习惯对英汉翻译的影响 在社会风俗习惯方面,欧美人和中国人也存在很多差异,这对翻译也造成了一定的影响。同一件事物,不同的文化背景,看法大相径庭。比如,龙是古代汉族人崇拜的图腾形象,象征着吉祥、尊贵、权势和奋发向上。我们自称是龙的传人,意思是一个伟大而杰出的民族。龙是比喻皇帝,凤是比喻皇后。在汉语中,有关龙和凤的词语大都是褒义的,如藏龙卧虎、龙飞凤舞、生龙活虎、龙凤呈祥等。但是在英语中,dragon却含有不好的意思。这是因为在《圣经》中


英汉语言系统对比与翻译 一、被动与主动 (一)英语多用被动式原因 1、施事的原因。 2、句法的要求。 (1)为了使句子承上启下、前后连贯、便于衔接。 (2)为了使句子平衡。 (3)修辞的考虑。 (4)文体的需要。 (二)汉英多主动式原因 1、汉语被动式的使用受到限制。 2、使用受事主语(Receptor subject)导致大量的“当然被动句”。 3、当不需要或不可能说出施事者的时候,汉语可以采用无主句或主语省略句来保持句子的主动形式。 4、当施事者难以指明时,汉语还可以采用通称(generic person)或泛称作主语。 5、当不便使用被动式时,汉语可采用某些转换式来表达被动意义。 (1)处置式(即“把字式”或“将字式”) (2)“为……所”式。 (3)“是……的”式。 (4)“……的是” (5)“……加以/予以”式。 二、物称与人称(Impersonal vs Personal ) (一)、英语常用非人称,主语汉语常用人称主语 1、用抽象名词或无生命的事物名称作主语。 2用非人称代词“it”作主语。代词“it”除了用来代替除人以外的生物或事物之外还广泛用作填补词expletive。 (二)英语常用被动式,采用物称表达法:汉语常用主动式,采用人称、泛称或隐称表达法。 三、静态与动态(Static vs. Dynamic) 1、名词化倾向是英语的特征之一 2、名词作为施事者对动词的替代 3、名词构成标题式短语对形容词的替代 4、名词优势引起的介词优势 5、动词的弱化 6、形容词副词对动词的替代 7、动词连用是汉语的常态 8、动词可以充当汉语的任何句子成份 9、汉语句子中的动词可重复重叠


题目:论中英文化差异在商务英语翻译中的体现Title: Reflection of Cultural Differences between China and England in Business English T ranslation Abstract.................................................................................................................................. II Introduction (1) 1. Cutural Differences in Business Translation (3) 1.1 Culture Differences (3) 1.1.1 Definition of Culture (3) 1.1.2 Understanding of Cultural Difference ............................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2 Cultural Differences Representation in Business Translation ..... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2.1 Different Understanding of the Same Animal ................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2.2 Different Understanding of the Same Color ...................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2.3 Different Understanding of the Same Number .................. 错误!未定义书签。 2. Causes of Cultural Differences between English and Chinese错误!未定义书签。 2.1 Different Religious Beliefs Between English and Chinese ......... 错误!未定义书签。 2.1.1 Culture Influenced by Confucianism in Chinese (3) 2.1.2 Culture Influenced by Christianity in English ................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2 Different Modes of Thingking between English and Chinese..... 错误!未定义书签。 2.3 Different Geographical Location between English and Chinese .错误!未定义书签。 2.4 Different Values between English and Chinese ........................... 错误!未定义书签。 3. Influences of Cultural Differences on Business Translation错误!未定义书签。 3.1 Representation of Influences of Cultural Differences in Business Translation错误!未定义书签。 3.1.1 Representation in the Trademark Translation .................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.2 Representation in the Denomination Translation .............. 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.3 Representation in the Advertising Design Translation ...... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2 Strengthening Cultural Sense in Business Traslation .................. 错误!未定义书签。


The cultural differences of color words between English and ChineseTranslation Abstract:Red, white, black three color words have similarities in associative meaning, Chinese culture and Western culture in the symbolic meaning and semantics, and there are also differences, with the common, confusing phrases and idioms translation, let people know the importance of color words in English and Chinese in two cultures. Keywords: color words; symbolic meaning; cultural difference; idiom Color is closely related with human life, we every hour and moment is not in dealing with color. Represents various color words embody national cultural features of English and Chinese culture is different, the performance of different national "personality", with significant cultural stigma. The same color words often contain different symbolic significance. Therefore, correctly grasp the deep meaning of color words in the two languages and the correct translation, master the vocabulary and idioms in the English language, has a role can not be ignored in cross-cultural communication. This paper focuses on three color words: red (red), white (white), black (black), it is in the two languages of English and Chinese language and culture differences be explained, and some common translation and confusable vocabulary and idioms, for English learners. 一.RED Whether in China or in western countries, often live with festive red Move on, but in China the symbolic meanings of red more strongly. Red symbolizes celebration, successful, thriving, warm, such as "full house", "good", "fire".Chinese traditional wedding tone mainly in red, the bride wearing red clothes, cover red hijab, a red candle, with red hi word, a faction be bursting with happiness. In the Anglo-American countries, the bride dressed in white wedding dress, wearing a white wedding dress. "Red" stands for "fire" in British and American culture, "blood", "agression", "excitement", "Rage", "violence", such as "seered", "red- handed", "a red battle" is reminiscent of violence and bloodshed. Red in China is also a symbol of revolution, such as "red", "be both red and expert", while in English often pejorative meaning, with "red", "radical left.", Such as "red belt", "red activities". Red in Chinese also refers to people who favor or boss, such as "red", "popular";A joint-stock enterprises at the end of the year profits distributed to shareholders in economic terms, such as "bonus", "bonus", While in English refers to economic or business often have "deficit", "loss" meaning, such as "be in the red", "red ink". Red refers to the color, has the same meaning in English and Chinese, refer to the "red", "black", "red" and other means, can be used as adjectives and nouns. It refers to the traffic, with "red" in English and chinese. 1. And "red" the relevant vocabulary, idioms and English to Chinese language 1) 红白喜事———weddings and funerals China known as the wedding for weddings, funerals for the funeral, and

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