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1.赵襄主学御 (3)

2.老马识途 (3)

3.穿井得人 (4)

4.南辕北辙 (5)

5.千里之马 (5)

6.赵威后问齐使 (6)

7.齐欲伐魏 (6)

8.赵襄子饮酒 (7)

9.沛公至咸阳 (8)

10.四面楚歌 (8)

11.孙叔敖遇狐丘丈人 (9)

12.孔子见罗雀者 (10)

13.教子 (10)

14.石崇与王桤争豪 (11)

15.覆巢之下安有完卵 (12)

16.长安何如日远 (13)

17.床头捉刀人 (13)

18.雪夜访戴 (14)

19.陈太丘与友期行 (15)

20.未若柳絮因风起 (15)

21.七步 (16)

22.太宗罢朝 (16)

23.永某氏之鼠 (17)

24.临江之麋 (18)

25.荔枝图序 (19)

26.三上 (19)

27.名二子说 (20)

28.读孟尝君传 (21)

29.伤仲永 (22)

30.盲人识日 (23)

31.献曲求诗 (23)

32.唐太宗论弓矢 (24)

33.王猛为京兆尹 (25)

34.赵奢收税于平原君家 (26)

35.三镜 (27)

36.毛遂自荐 (27)

37.苟变吃人两个鸡蛋 (28)

38.刘邦论得天下之道 (29)

39.前事不远吾属之师 (30)

40.请君入瓮 (31)

41.虹 (31)

42.陨石 (32)

43.正午牡丹 (33)

44.江淮之蜂蟹 (33)

45.猫犬 (34)

46.与长子受之 (34)


短文翻译集锦 1. 中秋习俗 在中国月饼是一种特殊的食品,广受海内外华人的欢迎。中秋节吃月饼就好比圣诞节吃馅饼(mince pies)。为了庆祝中秋节,中国人通常做两件事:一是观赏满月。二是品尝美味的月饼。中秋节是每年农历八月十五日。据说,这一天的月亮是一年中最圆的。而月亮正是庆贺中秋的全部主题。在中国人眼中,月饼象征着全家人的大团圆。 参考译文: Moon cakes are a special kind of food in China. They are very popular with the Chinese at home and abroad. Moon cakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese usually do two things: enjoy the full moon and eat delicious moon cakes. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. And the moon is what this celebration is all about. In the eyes of the Chinese people, a moon cake symbolizes the reunion of all family members. 2.传统艺术 皮影戏又称“影子戏”。它是中国著名民间戏剧形式之一。表演时艺人通常一边演唱一边操纵用兽皮或纸板制作的人物形象。它们的影子通过灯光出现在帘布上。这营造了有人物在活动的幻象。有时表演者需要控制三到四个偶人。皮影戏在我国历史悠久,元代时还曾传到世界上很多国家,迷倒了不少国外戏迷,被人们亲切地称为“中国影灯”。 参考译文 The shadow puppet play, also known as ‘shadow play’, is one of China’s famous folk opera forms. During the performance, players usually sing while holing/manipulating human figures, which are made of animal skin and paper board. The shadows of those human figures are reflected on a curtain through the light. This creates the illusion of moving images. Sometimes the performer needs to control three or four puppets. Shadow puppet play enjoys a long history in China. It was introduced to many countries during the Yuan Dynasty and attracted many foreign audience. They call the art form Chinese shadow play. 3.社交饥渴 手机,是一项伟大的发明。但很显然,手机也刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条公告:请与会者关闭手机。可是,会议室里手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少特别重要的事情。尽管如此,我们也不会轻易关掉手机。打开手机象征着我们与这个世界的联系。显然,手机反映出我们的“社交饥渴症”。(thirst for socialization) 参考译文 The cell phone is a great invention. But obviously, It has altered the relationship among people. There is usually a notice on the door of the meeting room, which reads, “Please turn off your hand-set.” However, phones ring now and then when the meeting goes on. We are but ordinary people and have few urgencies to tackle with. Never the less, we will not switch off our


歧路亡羊 杨子之邻人亡羊,既率其党,又请杨子之竖追之,杨子曰: “嘻,亡一羊何追者之众?”邻人曰: “多歧路。”既反,问: “获羊乎?”曰: “亡之矣。”曰: “xx亡之?”曰: “歧路之中又有歧焉,吾不知所之,所以反也。”杨子戚然变容,不言者移时,不笑者竟日。门人怪之,请曰: “羊,贱畜,又非夫子之有,而损言笑者何哉?”杨子不答,门人不获所命。 (《列子·说符》) 1.解释下面加点的“之”字。(2分) (1)xx之邻人亡羊之: (2)又请xx之竖追之之: 2.补出省略成分。(2分) 既反,()问: “获羊乎?”()曰: “亡之矣。” 3.翻译下列句子。(3分) 歧路之中又有歧焉,吾不知所之,所以反也。

4.本文告诉了我们一个什么道理?(3分) 参考 答案: guwen.整理 四、 1.的羊 2.xx邻人 3.岔路之中又有岔路,我不知道它逃到哪里去了,所以就回来了。 4.示例: 不作分析,一味盲从,定会一无所获。 歧路亡羊注释 1..xx: 对xx的尊称。xx,战国时哲学家。 2.反: (通假字)通“返”,返回。 3.亡: 丢失。 4.既……又……: 表示两种情况同时存在。既: 不久 5.率:

率领,带领。 6.党: 旧时指亲族,现指: 朋友,有交情的人。 7.竖: 僮仆(xx) 8.歧: 岔路,小道。 9.xx: (疑问代词)怎么。这里指为什么。 10.(吾不知所)之: 到……去。 11.所以: 表示原因的虚词。 12.反: 通“返”,返回,回来,返还。 13.xx: 忧伤的样子。然: ……的样子。 14.移时: 多时,一段时间。

15.竟日: 终日,整天。 16.既: 已经。 17.损: 减少。 18.众: 众多。 19.xx: 哪里。 20.xx: 语气词。 21.怪: 对感到奇怪。 22.既反: 已经回去。 23.命: 教导,告知。 24.获: 找到,得到翻译杨朱邻居的羊跑了,于是率领与他(邻居)有交情的人,还请杨朱的小僮一起追赶。


《翻译(一)》作业参考答案 I. 1.打破记录 2.武装到牙齿 3.酸葡萄 4.君子协定 5.开放政策 6.冷战 7.低声 8.文火 9.占 10.原因 11.消灭 12.交待清楚13.和风 14.软水 15.添煤 16.捏造 17.修好 18.收拾一下 19.软水 20.呢帽 21.好 22.正好 23.右 24.申冤。 II. 1.“一定会把他造就成一个堂堂男子汉”,杰克说“就是应该上大学嘛!” 2.重建家园和保卫家园是我们的职责。 3.这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌。 4.我的回答并不躲躲躲闪闪。 5.外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。 6.他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 7.在走过市区的时候,他们看见了一座宏伟的酒店。 8.他经常来。 9.他对这个城市完全陌生。 10.这完全是胡说。 11.那个园会真是圆满极了。 12.淡淡的太阳从海上升起。 13.“我知道, 这是在抓救命稻草”, 他无可奈何地说. 14.他的靴子时常闪闪发光. 15.他开了眼界,并懂得了一些名堂. 16.他满脸皱纹, 皮肤很黑,头发灰白稀疏. 17.他们之间存在着种种非常尖锐的问题. 18.我们应学会如何分析问题和解决问题. 19.我们深信,社会主义制度终究会代替资本主动义制度。 20.他回来时,收音机仍然开着。 21.他们将为盲人和聋人修建一所学校。 22.我们感到,解决这个复杂的问题是困难的。 23.我们高度珍视同发展中国家的友好关系。 24.他们在关键时刻的行为给他留下了深刻的印象。 III. A 这是一个最好的历史时期,这又是一个最坏的历史时期; 这是一个充满智慧的年代,这又是一个不乏愚蠢的年代; 这是一个富有信仰的时代,这又是一个轻易怀疑的时代; 这是一个光明普照的季节,这又是一个黑暗笼罩的季节;


文言文阅读练习(一) 晏子为齐相,出。其御①之妻从门间而窥。其夫为相御,拥大盖,策驷马②,意气扬扬,甚自得也。既而归,其妻请去③。夫问其故。妻曰:“晏子长不满六尺,身相④齐国,名显诸侯。今者妾观其出,志念⑤深矣,常有以自下⑥者。今子长八尺,乃为人仆御。然子之意,自以为足。妾是以求去也。” 其后夫自损抑⑦。晏子怪而问之,御以实对⑧。晏子荐以为大夫。 注释:①御:马夫。②驷马:四匹马拉的车。③去:离开,这里指离婚。④相:担任国相。⑤志念:志向和思考的东西。⑥自下:谦虚。⑦自损抑:克制自己,保持谦卑。⑧对:回答。1.解释下列短语。(1)意气扬扬: (2)名显诸侯: 2.用现代汉语写出下面两个句子的意思。 今者妾观其出,志念深矣,常有以自下者。 3晏子是古代名相,结合选段,用自己的话 .....说说他选用人才的有何标准。 答案:1.(1)趾高气扬,得意洋洋,手舞足蹈,得意忘形等;(2)在诸侯各国都有很大的名声。2.今天我看他出门,虽然志向远大,深谋远虑,却总是显出自己很谦虚的样子。 3、晏子的标准则是:有了缺点能虚心接受意见,并及时加以改正。 (二) 孝公①既用卫鞅②,鞅欲变法,恐天下议己。 令既具,未布,恐民之不信,已乃立三丈之木于国都市南门,募民有能徙置北门者予十金。 民怪之,莫敢徒。复曰“能徙者予五十金”。有一人徙之,辄予五十金,以明不欺。卒下令。令行于民期年,秦民之国都言初令之不便者以个数。于是太子犯法。卫鞅曰:“法之不行,自上犯之。”将法太子。太子君嗣也不可施刑刑其傅公子虔③黥④其师公孙贾。明日,秦人皆趋令。行之十年,秦民大说,道不拾遗,山无盗贼,家给人足。民勇于公战,怯于私斗,乡邑大治。秦民初言令不便者有来言令便者。 (节选自《史记·商君列传》) 注释:①孝公:秦孝公。②卫鞅:人名,即商鞅。③虔;人名。④黥:古代的一种肉刑。11.与文中“将法太子”的“将”字意思相同的一项是(2分) ( ) A.左将.军王凝之妻也<《咏雪》) B.爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将.(《木兰诗》) C.晓雾将.歇,猿鸟乱鸣(《答谢中书书》) D.扶苏以数谏故,上使外将.兵(《陈涉世家》) 12.给文中画曲线的句子用“/”断句。(2分) 太子君嗣也不可施刑刑其傅公子虔黥其师公孙贾 13.用现代汉语翻译文中画直线的句子。(2分) 14.从本文看,卫鞅变法成功的原因之一是 。 答案:8.(1)到、靠近(2)的 (2分。每小题1分) 9.(1)穷尽、完结(2)贫穷(穷困) (2分。每 小题1分) 10.太守陶醉于四季山水景色之美;陶醉于太平盛世,政治清明。(为山水之景而醉,为 滁人欢乐而醉,为宴会的丰盛而醉,为宴会中宾客的欢乐而醉)(2分) 11.C(2分) 12.太子(/)君嗣也/不可施刑/刑其傅公子虔/黥其师公孙贾(2 分。画对后3处得2分,画对后3处中的2处得1分,画对后3处中的1处不得分) 13.百姓认为(觉得)这件事很奇怪,没有人敢移动(它)。(2分。全句连贯、顺畅得1 分,“怪”字翻译正确得1分) 14.取信于民。(1分。写“讲求诚信、违法必究、执法严明、效果明显”等均可) 观月(有删改) ◆张孝祥 ①月极明于中秋,观中秋之月,临水胜;临水之观,宜.独往;独往之地,去人远者又胜也。…… 今余之游金沙堆(1),其具是四美者与? ②盖余以八月之望过洞庭,天无纤云,月白如昼。沙当洞庭青草之中,其高十仞,四环之水, 近者犹数百里。余系船其下,尽却(2)童隶(3)而登焉。沙之色正黄(4),与月相夺;水如 玉盘,沙如金积;光采激射,体寒目眩。阆风、瑶台、广寒之宫,虽未尝身至其地,当亦如是而 止耳。盖中秋之月,临水之观,独往而远人,于是.为备。书以为金沙堆观月记。 注释:(1)金沙堆:在洞庭湖与青草湖之间,是由湖沙堆积而成的小岛。(2)尽却:全部 退去。(3)童隶:书僮仆役。(4)正黄:纯黄。 6.写出“天无纤云,月白如昼”的大意。 7.解释文中加点的“宜”和“是”的意思。 8.作者所说的“四美”具体指什么?请用第②段中的原话回答。 9.文中有一个四字词与“中秋”的意思完全相同,请写出这个词。 答案:6、天上没有一点云彩,月光明亮如同白昼 7、宜:适合是:此、这 8、沙之色正黄, 与月相夺;水如玉盘,沙如金积;光采激射,体寒目眩。 9、八月之望 [甲] 既加冠,益慕圣贤之道,又患无硕师名人与游,尝趋百里外,从乡之先达执经叩问。先达德 隆望尊,门人弟子填其室,未尝稍降辞色。余立侍左右,援疑质理,俯身倾耳以请;或遇其叱咄, 色愈恭,礼愈至,不敢出一言以复;俟其欣悦,则又请焉。故余虽愚,卒获有所闻。 [乙] 人之为学,不日进则日退。独学无友,则孤陋①而难成。久处一方,则习染而不自觉。不幸 而在穷僻之域,无车马之资②,犹当博学审③问,以求其是非之所在,庶几⑤可得十之五六。若 既不出户,又不读书,则是面墙之士,虽有子羔、原宪⑥之贤,终无济于天下。子曰:“十室之 邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。”夫以孔子之圣,犹须好学,今人可不勉⑥乎? (节选自顾炎武《与友人书》) [注解]①[孤陋]片面、浅陋。②[资]盘缠。③[审]详细。④[庶几]差不多。⑤[子羔、原宪] 孔子的弟子。⑥ [勉]勤勉,努力。


Passage1 Reading leadership literature, you’d sometimes think that everyone has the potential to be an effective leader. 读领导文学,你有时会认为每个人都有可能成为一个有效的领导者。 I don’t believe that to be true. In fact, I see way fewer truly effective leaders than I see people stuck in positions of leadership who arc sadly incompetent and seriously misguided about their own abilities. 我不相信这是真的。事实上,我认为真正有效的领导者的方式比我看到的人都陷在领导的职位上,遗憾的是他们自己的能力不称职,严重误导了他们。 Part of the reason this happens is a lack of honest self-assessment by those who aspire to(追求)leadership in the first place. 对产生这种现象的原因一部分是由那些渴望缺乏诚实的自我评估(追求)放在首位的领导 We've all met the type of individual who simply must take charge. Whether it's a decision-making session, a basketball game, or a family outing, they can't help grabbing the lead dog position and clinging on to it for dear life. They believe they're natural born leaders. 我们都遇到了个人的类型,他们必须负责。无论是决策会议,篮球比赛,还是家庭外出,他们都不能不抓住领导的狗的地位,并紧紧抓住它,因为亲爱的生命。他们相信他们是天生的领袖。 Truth is, they're nothing of the sort. True leaders don't assume that it's their divine(神圣的)right to take charge every time two or more people get together. Quite the opposite. A great leader will assess each situation on its merits, and will only take charge when their position, the situation, and/or the needs of the moment demand it. 事实是,他们没有什么样的。真正的领导者不认为这是他们的神圣(神圣的)负责每次两个或两个以上的人在一起吧。恰恰相反。一个伟大的领导者会对每一个情况进行评估,并在他们的位置、情况和/或需要的情况下,只会负责。 Many business executives confuse leadership with action. They believe that constant motion somehow generates leadership as a byproduct. Faced with any situation that can’t be solved by the sheer force of activity, they generate a dust cloud of impatience. Their one leadership tool is


文言文翻译练习 1、【心不在马】赵襄主学御于王子期,俄而与子期逐,三易马而三后。襄主曰:“子之教我御术未尽也。”对曰:“术已尽,用之则过也。凡御之所贵,马体安于车,人心调于马,而后可以进速致远。今君后则欲逮臣,先则恐逮于臣。而先后心在于臣,何以调于马?此君之所以后也。”(上海卷) 2、【韩信将兵】上尝从容与信言诸将能不,各有差。上问曰:“如我,能将几何?”信曰:“陛下不过能将十万。”上曰:“于公何如?”曰:“如臣,多多而益善耳。”上笑曰:“多多益善,何为为我禽?”信曰:“陛下不能将兵,而善将将,此乃信之所以为陛下禽也。”

3、【伯乐相马】人有卖骏马者,比三日立市,人莫之知。往见伯乐,曰:“臣有骏马欲卖之,比三日立于市,人莫于言。愿子还而视之,去而顾之,臣请献一朝之贾。”伯乐乃还而视之,去而顾之。一旦而马价十倍。 4、【楚人隐形】楚人贫居,读《淮南子》,得“螳螂伺蝉自障叶可以隐形”,遂于树下仰取叶──螳螂执叶伺蝉,以摘之。叶落树下,树下先有落叶,不能复分别。扫取数斗归,一一以叶自障,问其妻曰:“汝见我不?”妻始时恒答言“见”,经日,乃厌倦不堪,绐云“不见”。嘿然大喜,赍叶入市,对面取人物。吏遂缚诣县。

5、【歧路亡羊】杨子之邻人亡羊,既率其党,又请杨子之竖追之。杨子曰:“嘻!亡一羊,何追者之众?”邻人曰:“多歧路。”既反,问:“获羊乎?”曰:“亡之矣。”曰:“奚亡之?”曰:“歧路之中又有歧焉,吾不知所之,所以反也。” 6、【执竿入城】鲁有执长竿入城门者,初竖执之,不可入,横执之,亦不可入,计无所出。俄有老父至曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣,何不以锯中截而入?”遂依而截之。


Exercise Unit 4 Translate the following passages into Chinese To a few of us here today, this is a solemn and most momentous occasion. And yet in the history of our nation it is a commonplace occurrence. The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place as it has for almost two centuries, and few of us stop to think how unique we really are. In the eyes of many in the world, this every-four-year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing less than a miracle. Momentous: very important, serious Mr. President, I want our fellow citizens to know how much you did to carry on this tradition. By your gracious cooperation in the transition process, you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other. And I thank you and your people for all your help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our Republic. Bulwark: person or thing that support The business of our nation goes forward. These United States are confronted with an economic affection of greater proportions. We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history. It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people. Affection: disease Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery and personal indignity. Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity. But great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending. For decades we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children’s future for the temporary convenience of the present. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political and economic upheaval. Key: 对于今天在场的我们几个人来说,这是一个庄严、极其重要的时刻。然而,在我国历史上,这又是一个平常的事。差不多两个世纪以来,根据宪法的幽囚有条不紊地移交权力,此次照例进行。我们当中几乎没有谁会停下来想一想,我们确实是多么独特。这四年一次的就职典礼我们习以为常,可在世界上许多人看来,完全是个奇迹。 总统先生,我希望我的同胞们知道你为保持/延续这个传统作出了多大的努力。在举世注目之下,你在权力交接过程中给予的(精诚)合作,想世人表明,我们是一个团结的民族,坚决贯彻我们的政治制度,它保证个人能够享受比任何其他政治制度下都要大的自由。我感谢你和你的手下人为保持连续性而给予的所有帮助,这中连续性是我们共和国的支柱。 我国的事业总是向前发展的。合众国面临着极大的经济困难。我们现在遭受到我国历史上历


课外文言文阅读(练习篇) 一】晏子之御 晏子为齐相,出。其御①之妻从门间而窥。其夫为相御,拥大盖,策驷马②,意气扬扬,甚自得也。 既而归,其妻请去③。夫问其故。妻曰:“晏子长不满六尺,身相④齐国,名显诸侯。今者妾观其出,志 念⑤深矣,常有以自下⑥者。今子长八尺,乃为人仆御。然子之意,自以为足。妾是以求去也。” 其后夫自损抑⑦。晏子怪而问之,御以实对⑧。晏子荐以为大夫。 注释:①御:马夫。 ②驷马:四匹马拉的车。 ③去:离开,这里指离婚。 志向和思考的东西。⑥自下:谦虚。⑦自损抑:克制自己,保持谦卑。⑧对:回答。 1.解释下列短语。 1)意气扬扬: 2)名显诸侯: 2.用现代汉语写出下面两个句子的意思。 今者妾观其出,志念深矣,常有以自下者。 3.选出理解 和分析有误的一项。( A.本文是寓言,简短精练,含义深刻,含蓄地表明观点、说明道理,说服力强。 B.本文非常细腻地叙述了一个故事,虽鲜明生动,但读者难以把握作者的真实意图。 国家大臣,似乎也不够慎重。 4.晏子是古代名相,结合文段,用自己的话说说他选用人才的标准是什么。 二】子鱼论战 1.解释加点词的意思。 宋人既.成列( 文中“宋师败绩”是因为宋公错失了发动进攻的时机: ④相:担任国相。⑤志念: 用这样的手法推荐 宋公及楚人战与泓(①)。 宋人既成列,楚人未既(②)济(③)。司马(④) 曰:“彼众我寡,及 其未既济也,请击之。”公曰: “不可。”既济而未成列,又以告。公曰:“未可。”既陈(⑤)而后击 之,宋师败绩。 注释】( 1)泓:泓水 2)既:尽,完了 3)济:渡过 4)司马:统帅军队的最 高长官,这里指子鱼。 5)陈:同“阵”,摆好阵势。 2.翻译下面的句子。 彼众我寡,及其未既济也,请击之。 3.用原文语句答题。( 3 分)


翻译作业(1)答案 1.壮族(the Zhuang ethnic minority)是中国人口最多的少数民族,约有1900万人。 With a population of about 19 million, the Zhuang ethnic minority is the largest minority group in China. 2.超过90%的壮族人居住在广西,其余分布在云南,广东,贵州和湖南等南方省份。 Over 90 percent of the Zhuang people live in Guangxi while the rest is distributed in southern provinces in China like Yunnan, Guangdong, Guizhou and Hunan. 3.壮族人有自己的语言。壮语主要分为南北两大方言。 The Zhuang people has its own language which is mainly divided into southern dialect and northern one. 4.由于南方地区气候温和,雨量(rainfall)充足,壮族的主要农产品是热带和亚热带(subtropical)作物,如水稻和玉米。 The Zhuang people’s agricultural products are tropical and subtropical crops such as rice and corn due to the mild climate and abundant rainfall in southern China. 5.大多数壮族人的日常食物与汉族的并无多大差别。 The daily food of most Zhuang people is of little difference from that of Han people. 翻译作业(2): 改革开放政策(the reform and opening up policy)使中国经济迅猛增长,令中国社会发生巨大变化。同时,越来越多的农民工(rural migrant worker)离开农村到城市工作,在城市中担任建筑工人,工厂工人,餐厅服务员和司机。他们跟城市劳动者一起,把中国变成了世界工厂,为中国经济的快速增长做出了巨大贡献。然而,这一庞大群体却面临诸多问题,如缺乏工伤赔偿和子女就学难等。 词汇难点: 农村:countryside 建筑工人:construction worker 为...做出贡献:contribute to 工伤赔偿:workplace injury compensation Reform and opening up policy that China's rapid economic growth, the Chinese society has changed dramatically. At the same time, more and more migrant workers from rural to urban jobs, as a construction worker in the city, factory workers, restaurant staff and drivers. They together with city workers, factory of China into the world, made a huge contribution to China's rapid economic growth. However, the large group faces many problems, such as lack of inductrial injury compensation and the children go to school difficult. The policy of reform and opening up to Chinese rapid economic growth, the China


《伤仲永》阅读附答案 一、 伤仲永 金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 余闻之也久。明道中,从先人还家,于舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能称前时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到舅家问焉。曰:“泯然众人矣。” 李贺作诗 (李贺)七岁能辞章,韩愈、皇甫湜(当时著名文人)始闻未信,过其家,使贺赋诗,援笔辄就如素构(早就构思好的),自目曰《高轩过》,二人大惊,自是有名。 每旦日出,骑弱马,从小奚奴(带着小僮仆。奚,xī),背古锦囊,遇所得,书投囊中。未始先立题然后为诗,如他人牵合(牵强符合)程课(固定的格式)者。及暮归,足成之……(母)见所书多,即怒曰:“是儿要呕心乃已耳!” 1.从这两则文言文中可以看出仲永与李贺的共同点是。2分) 2.仲永的最后结局是“泯然众人矣”,而李贺则成了我国唐代著名的诗人。他们童年时的相同点和成年后的不同结果,给你的启发是(4分) 3.将下列文言句子译成现代汉语。(9分) (1)稍稍宾客其父: (2)其文理皆有可观者: (3)是儿要呕心乃已耳: 4.《李贺作诗》选段中与《伤仲永》选段中“指物作诗立就”一句意思相近的句子是(2分) 参考答案: 1.他们小时都很聪明。(意思对即可给分) 2.回答要点:(1)后天努力的重要性;(2)家庭环境及教育的重要性。以上两点,只要答对一点即可得满分,能从其它方面回答,言之有理,可酌情给分。 3.(1)渐渐地请他父亲去做客;或:渐渐地以宾客之礼接待他父亲;或:渐渐地以他父亲为宾客。 (2)那诗的文字和道理都有值得一看的地方;(3)这孩子要呕出心才会停止! 4.援笔辄就如素构。 二、 [甲]王子曰:仲永之通悟,受之天也。其受之天也,贤于材人远矣。卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。彼其受之天也,如此其贤也,不受之人,且为众人;今夫不受之天,固众人,又不受之人,得为众人而已耶? (节选自《伤仲永》) [乙]人之为学,不日进则日退。独学无友,则孤陋①而难成。久处一方,则习染而不自觉。不幸而在穷僻之域,无车马之资②,犹当博学审③问,古人与稽④,以求其是非之所在,庶几⑥⑤可得十之五六。若既不出户,又不读书,则是


2010年专业四级英语真题(翻译) Passage 4(翻译) Cultural rules determine every aspect of food consumption. Who eats together defines social units. For example, in some societies, the nuclear family is the unit that regularly eats together. The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that, for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together. She distinguishes between regular meals, Sunday meals when relatives may come, and cocktail parties for relatives and friends. The food served symbolizes the occasion and reflects who is present. For example, only snacks are served at a cocktail party. It would be inappropriate to serve a steak or hamburgers. The distinctions among cocktails, regular meals, and special dinners mark the social boundaries between those guests who are invited for drinks, those who are invited to dinner, and those who come to a family meal. In this example, the type of food symbolizes the category of guest and with whom it is eaten. In some New Guinea societies, the nuclear family is not the unit that eats together. The men take their meals in a men’s house, separately from their wives and children. W omen prepare and eat their food in their own houses and take the husband’s portion to the


一、北人食菱 雪涛小说:《雪涛小说》为江盈科著。江盈科为明代文学家,小品文造诣极深。《雪涛小说》、《谈丛》、《谈言》、《闻纪》、《谐史》五种,传奇诙谐,信手而至,独抒性灵,横生妙趣;晚明末世,危机四伏,忧国忧民之情,亦明时形诸笔端。 作者:江盈科(1553—1605),字进之,号渌萝。桃源人。其祖父伯玉、父亲风翎均“课于农”。江盈科从小聪慧,明万历五年(1577)入县学为生员。十三年(1585)乡试中举,“自为诸生,名已隆隆起”。但是,此后于万历十四年、十七年两次赴京参加进士考试,皆不第而归。 个出生在北方不认识菱角的人,在南方做官,(一次)他在酒席上吃菱角,(那个人)连角壳一起放进嘴里吃。有人对他说:“吃菱角必须去掉壳再吃。”那人为了掩饰自己的缺点,(护住自己的无知),说:“我并不是不知道。连壳一起吃进去的原因,是想要清热解毒。”问的人说:“北方也有这种东西吗?”他回答说:“前面的山后面的山,哪块地没有呢?” 菱角生长在水中,(他)却说是在土里生长的,这是因为他为了装作有学问,硬要把不知道的说成知道的。[1] 二、父子性刚 译文 有一对父子都性格刚烈,一点都不肯谦让于人。一天,父亲留客人饮酒,派儿子入城买肉。儿子提着肉回家,将要出城门,恰巧一个人面对面走来,两人不肯相让,挺着身子面对面地站在那里,僵持了很久。父亲见儿子这么长时间也没有回来,就去寻找,看到这种情景,就对儿子说:"你暂且带着肉回去陪客人饮酒,等我跟他在这里对站着!" 寓意 人与人之间,磕磕碰碰总是难免的。相互谅解,退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静;倘若使气斗狠,对谁也没有好处。 "子入城市肉"不能及时回家的原因是:将出城门,值一人对面而来,各不相让,遂挺立良久。《父子性刚》告诉我们做人的道理:为人不能倔强固执,使气斗狠;要学会谦让谅解,要有宽大的胸怀。 这则故事讽刺了那些不懂得谦让、气量狭小、凡事斤斤计较的人。 作者简介 冯梦龙(1574-1646),明代文学家, 思想家,戏曲家。字犹龙,又字子犹,号龙子犹、墨憨斋主人、顾曲散人、吴下词奴、姑苏词奴、前周柱史等。汉族,南直隶苏州府长洲县(今江苏省苏州市)人,出身士大夫家庭。兄梦桂,善画。弟梦熊,太学生,曾从冯梦龙治《春秋》,有诗传世。他们兄弟三人并称“吴


The UN General Assembly, the central political forum, is composed of 193 members, including virtually all the world’s nation-states. Two thirds of its members are developing countries, which account for about three-quarters of the world’s population. Reaching decisions is difficult, especially since all agreements by custom must be reached by consensus(一致). As a result, important agreements are often held hostage (持有人质)by narrow special interests, and most agreements are reached only by reducing them to their lowest common denominators(共同特性,分母). But the real question is whether the major countries of the world will allow democracy(民主(政治))to function at the highest level. The Security Council, which is responsible for peace and security, deals with issues of the greatest political importance. The Council has only 15 members so it can meet frequently and deal with crises. Once impotence(无效)due to Cold War rivalries, it has regained much of the authority accorded by the UN charter. 联合国大会是最重要的政治论坛,由193个成员国组成,几乎包括了世界上所有的国家。其中三分之二为发展中国家,这些国家的人口占了全球总人口的四分之三。 大会做出决议并非易事,因为按照惯例所有的协议都必须在成员国之间达成共识。结果,一些重要协议往往因为少数国家的特殊利益而面临被否决的可能,


大学英语四级阅读(带翻译)训练 Passage 1 Oceanography has been defined as ―The application of all sciences to the study of the sea‖.Before the nineteenth century ,scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings ,but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea ,there was little reason to ask many questions about it ,let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question ‖what is at the bottom of the oceans? ‖had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea. Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895. 1、The proposal to lay a telegraph cable from Europe to America made oceanographic studies take on ____________________. A) an academic aspect B) a military aspect C) a business aspect D) an international aspect 2、It was _______________________that asked Maury for help in oceanographic studies. A) the American Navy B) some early intercontinental travelers C) those who earned a living from the sea D) the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable 3、The aim of the voyages Maury was responsible for in the 1840 was_______________ A) to make some sounding experiments in the oceans B) to collect sample of sea plants and animals C) to estimate the length of cable that was needed D) to measure the depths of the two oceans 4、”Defied”in the 5th paragraph probably means “_________________” A) doubted B) gave proof to C) challenged D) agreed to 5、This passage is mainly about_________________

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