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give sb the axe解雇某人 give sb. an axe给某人一把斧头get the bag被解雇 get a bag弄到一个袋子be on the bench当法官/当主教 be on a bench在长凳上give sb.the bird嘘某人/解雇某人 give sb.a bird给某人一只鸟take the cake获奖/超出任何人 take a cake拿一个饼子

get the cane被用藤条等打一顿 get a cane弄到一根藤条

be in the cart处于困境之中 be in a cart在手推车里take the chair主持会议 take a chair搬走一把椅子

be with child怀孕 be with a child和一个孩子在一起go to church做礼拜. go to the church去教堂工作/办事have a cold/catch (a) cold/take cold感冒

go to college上大学 go to the college去大学上班/办事out of the common异乎寻常 in common with与……有共同点be in command/control of指挥/控制……(主动)

be in the command/control of由……指挥(被动)

in consequence of/as a consequence 因为

in contempt of不顾 in (the) court在法庭上

in course of正在……中 in the course of在……期间at the court在宫廷/朝廷里 hold court上朝/开庭

on (the) court在球场 pay court to sb.向某人求爱take sb. to court起诉某人 place credit in相信

by courtesy of sb.经某人允许

with the courtesy of sb.由某人赠送

be in custody被拘留 be in the custody由某人照看

on credit赊账 give sb. credit for为……而赞扬某人

be a credit to为……增光 on the decline在衰退中

in the dark(=in the darkness)在黑暗中/不知情

on the decrease在下降中 in the defense of保卫

at a distance/in the distance在远处

from a distance从远处 fight to the death战斗到死

in the dock在被告席上 in dock在船坞中

down to earth实际 on earth究竟

take a flight做一次飞行. take flight逃跑

chew fat吃肥肉 chew the fat闲谈/发牢骚

afte/in a fashion以某种方式 in fashion正时髦

in the fashion赶时髦 out of fashion过时

at fault有错/有毛病 to a fault过头/过火

find fault with sb.挑剔某人 in full完整地

to the full尽情地 in front of a place在某地前(在外面) in the front of a place在某地前面(在里面)

be in green穿绿衣服 be make a fuss about sth.对某事大惊小怪make a fuss of sb.娇惯某人in the green处于青春期/血气方刚

by guess靠猜 at a guess猜一猜 down to the ground非常适合

in haste匆忙地. keep the house足不出户 keep house for sb.为某人管家 on the increase在上升中 at a loss不知所错keep the house for sb.为某人看守房子 in a minute很快to a minute准时 take office就职,掌权 in the pink身体健康in nature究竟 leave office辞职 leave the office离开办公室go to pot破产,完蛋 go to the pot朝锅子走去

give sb. a push推某人一把 give sb. the push解雇某人

out of question没问题 out of the question不可能/有问题 by reason of因为give rise to导致 leave school毕业

leave the school离开某个学校 go to a stool朝小凳子走

go to sea当水手 go to the sea去海滨 go to stool上厕所 in store储存/存在 in the store在商店里 be at table在吃饭 be at the table在伏案工作 in ward监护 in a ward在病房里


as strong as a horse力壮如牛 a black sheep 害群之马

live a dog’s life过着牛不如马的生活

it is like casting pearls before swine这简直是对牛弹琴

as stubborn as donkey/mule 犟得像头牛

as plentiful as blackberries 多如牛毛

as wet as drowned rat湿的像落汤鸡

kill the goose that lays the golden eggs杀鸡取卵

look for needle in a haystack 大海捞针

a cat on hot tin bricks热锅上的蚂蚁

as thin as a shadow=as lean as a rake骨瘦如柴

as poor as a church mouse 穷得像叫花子

as timid as a rabbit/hare胆小如鼠

they are birds of a feather他们是一丘之貉

it is just like fishing in the air这简直像水中捞月

a duck to water 如鱼得水 as heavy as lead重如铁

as foolish /silly/stupid as a goose 蠢得像头猪

as slippery as an eel滑的像条泥鳅

gild a lily画蛇添足 a lion in the way 拦路虎

come in like a lion and go out like a lamb虎头蛇尾

set a fox to keep your goose 引狼入室

no smoking without fire 无风不起浪

cry up wine while selling vinegar挂羊头卖狗肉

laugh off one’s head 笑掉大牙

in threes and fours 三五成群 in one or two words 三言两语in twos and threes三三两两 one in a thousand 百里挑一at sixes and sevens乱七八糟 a rat in a hole 瓮中捉鳖

a stone’s throw一箭之遥 as dum

b as an oyster守口如瓶

as drunk as a sailor/bear/mouse 烂醉如泥

spend money like water挥金如土

kick down the ladder过河拆桥

look for grass on the top of the oak 缘木求鱼

make mountains out mole hills 小题大做

two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮in the land of the blind ,the one-eyed man is king


One swallow does not make a summer 一花独放不是春

Money can make the mare (to ) go 有钱能使鬼推磨

Every dog has his day 凡人都有得意日(或开心日)

Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高

Out of sight ,out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

Justice has long arms天网恢恢,疏而不漏

Diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手

Fine feather make fire birds 佛要金装,人要衣装

New brooms sweep clean 新官上任三把火

It never rains ,but pours祸不单行

as merry as crickets快活似神仙

the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠

they hope that their son will become somebody他们望子成龙I have a card up/in my sleeve我胸有成竹

They went through fire and water 他们赴汤蹈火


economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济 collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济 controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 经济mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分 economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡 economic fluctuation 经济波动economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原economic depression 经济衰退 understanding 约定economic stability 经济稳定 concentration 集中holding company 控股公司 rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气standard of living 生活标准,生活水平 scarcity 短缺purchasing power, buying power 购买力

underdevelopment 不发达 underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产

circulating capital, working capital 流动资本

available capital 可用资产 capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金,储备金 calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配 contribution of funds 资金捐献revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金 reserve fund 准备金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金 sinking fund 偿债基金

buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金 investment 投资,资产investor 投资人 self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给

bank 银行 current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking-account holder)cheque 支票(美作:check) crossed cheque 划线支票

bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票 cash 现金

cheque book 支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook)

endorsement 背书 money 货币 issue 发行

transfer 转让,转帐,过户 ready money 现钱

ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱 banknote, note 钞票,纸币(美作:bill)

to pay (in) cash 付现金

domestic currency, local currency本国货币

convertibility 可兑换性 convertible currencies 可兑换货币exchange rate 汇率,兑换率 foreign exchange 外汇

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率 free exchange rates 汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券

hard currency 硬通货 speculation 投机 saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价,贬值 devaluation(货币)贬值revaluation 重估价 runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩 capital flight 资本外逃securities business 证券市场 stock exchange 贡市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所 share 股份,贡stock exchange 证券交易所,贡交易所 quotation 报价,牌价shareholder, stockholder 贡持有人,股东 dividend 股息,红利cash dividend 现金配股 stock investment 贡投资investment trust 投资信托 stock-jobber 贡经纪人stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司

securities 有价证券 assigned 过户 opening price 开盘share, common stock 普通股 preference stock 优先股income gain股利收入 issue发行贡 bull 买手, 多头

par value 股面价格, 票面价格 bear 卖手, 空头closing price 收盘 hard times 低潮business recession 景气衰退 doldrums 景气停滞dull 盘整 ease 松弛 raising limit 涨停板 break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券 Wall Street 华尔街short term loan 短期贷款 long term loan 长期贷款

medium term loan 中期贷款 lender 债权人 creditor 债权人debtor 债务人, 借方 borrower 借方,借款人 borrowing 借款interest 利息 rate of interest 利率 discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现 annuity 年金 maturity 到期日,偿还日insurance 保险 redemption 偿还 mortgage 抵押amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付 allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷 consolidated debt合并债务funded debt 固定债务,长期债务 floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存 aid 援助 cost 成本,费用allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴

expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出 fixed costs 固定成本overhead costs 营业间接成本 overheads 杂项开支,间接成本operating costs 生产费用,营业成本 income 收入,收益operating expenses 营业费用 charges 社会负担费用running expenses日常费用,经营费用 earnings 利润,收益miscellaneous costs 杂项费用

overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用

upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用,养护费用

transport costs 运输费用 apportionment of expenses 分摊费用gross income, gross earnings总收入,总收益

gross profit, gross benefit毛利,总利润,利益毛额

net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额 average income平均收入

national income 国收入 profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率 yield 产量收益,收益率increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值 duty 税taxation system 税制 taxation 征税,纳税

fiscal charges 财务税收 progressive taxation 累进税制graduated tax 累进税 value added tax 增值税income tax 所得税 land tax 地租,地价税 excise tax 特许权税basis of assessment 估税标准 taxable income 须纳税的收入fiscality 检查 tax-free 免税的 tax exemption 免税taxpayer 纳税人 tax collector 收税员instruction, education 教育 culture 文化primary education 初等教育 secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育 school year 学年term, trimester 学季 semester 学期 school day 教学日school holidays 假期 curriculum 课程 subject 学科discipline 纪律 timetable 课程表 class, lesson 课homework 家庭作业 exercise 练习 dictation 听写spelling mistake 拼写错误(short) course 短训班seminar 研讨班 playtime, break 课间,休息to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课

course (of study)学业 student body 学生(总称)classmate, schoolmate 同学 pupil 小学生 student 大学生

schoolboy 男生 schoolgirl 女生 auditor 旁听生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者

school uniform 校服 teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)teachers 教师(总称) primary school teacher 小学老师matriculation 注册 to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

to learn by heart 记住,掌握 convocation notice 考试通知examiner 考试者 board of examiners 考试团examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question 问题 question paper 试卷 crib 夹带(美作:trot)prizegiving 分配奖品 to fall an examination 未通过考试

to repeat a year 留级 degree 学位 project, thesis 毕业论文General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma)

holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)

doctorate 博士学位 doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试 Chinese 语文 English 英语Japanese日语 mathematics 数学 science 理科gymnastics 体育 history 历史 algebra 代数 geometry 几何geography 地理 biology生物 chemistry 化学 physics 物理physical geography 地球物理 literature 文学

sociology 社会学 psychology 心理学 philosophy 哲学engineering 工程学

mechanical engineering 机械工程学 electronic engineering 电子工程学

medicine 医学 social science 社会科学 agriculture 农学astronomy 天文学 economics 经济学 politics 政治学commercial science 商学 biochemistry 生物化学

anthropology 人类学 linguistics 语言学 accounting 会计

学 law, jurisprdence 法学 banking 银行学 metallurgy冶金学 finance 财政学 mass-communication 大众传播学

journalism 新闻学 atomic energy 原子能学 civil engineering 土木工程 architecture 建筑学 chemical, engineering 化学工

程 accounting and statisics 会计统计

business administration 工商管理 library 图书馆学diplomacy 外交 foreign language 外文 botany 植物

major 主修 minor 辅修 school 学校 kindergarten 幼儿

园 infant school 幼儿学校 primary school, junior school 小学 secondary school 中学 high school, secondary school 专科学校 business school 商业学校 technical school工业学校technical college 专科学校(university) campus 大学university 大学 boarding school 供膳宿的学校

day school日校,无宿舍学校,走读学校

day student who has lunch at school 提供午餐的走读学生academy 专科学院 faculty 系 hall of residence 学校公寓classroom 教室 lecture theatre 阅览室(美作:lecture theater)amphitheatre 阶梯教室(美作:amphitheater)

staff room 教研室 hall 礼堂 library 图书馆 playground 操场headmaster's study, headmaster's office 校长办公室(assembly)desk 课桌 chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂

图 skeleton map 廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 text book 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclopedia 百科全书 atlas 地图集 satchel 书包 exercise book 练习本

rough not book 草稿本(美作:scribbling pad)

blotting paper 吸墨纸 tracing paper 描图纸

squared paper, graph paper 坐标纸(fountain) pen 自来水笔biro, ballpoint (pen)圆珠笔 pencil 铅笔 propelling pencil自动铅笔 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀ink 墨水 blackboard 黑板 vacancy 空缺, 空额

work permit 工作许可证 application(for a job)求职

to apply for a job 求职, 找工作 to engage, to employ 雇用work contract 劳务合同 industrial accident 劳动事故occupational disease 职业病 vocational guidance 职业指导vocational training 职业训练 employee 职员retraining, reorientation, rehabilitation 再训练, 再培训

holidays, holiday, vacation 假期

labor costs, labor input 劳力成本

permanent worker 长期工, 固定工 personnel, staff 人员clerk, office worker 办公室人员 salary earner 雇佣工人workman 工人 organized labor 参加工会的工人skilled worker 技术工人 unskilled worker 非技术工人specialized worker 熟练工人 farm worker 农场工人 laborer worker 农业工人 day laborer 日工 seasonal worker 季节工 collaborator 合作者 foreman 工头

apprentice 学徒工 apprenticeship 学徒 night shift 夜班artisan, craftsman 工匠 specialist 专家

shortage of labor, shortage of manpower 缺乏劳力

working class 工人阶级 proletarian 无产者proletariat 无产阶级 guild 行会,同会,公会trade union 工会(美作:labor union)收入 revenue trade unionist 工团主义者 trade unionism 工团主义association, society, union 协会 emigration 移,移居employer 雇主,老板 labor law 劳工法representative 代表 works council 劳资联合委员会working day, workday 工作日

full-time employment, full-time job, full-time work 全天工作part-time employment, part-time job, part-time work 半日工作

working hours 工作时间 overtime 业余时间 remuneration 报酬pay, wage, salary 工资 wage index工资指数minimum wage 最低工资 basic wage基础工资gross wages 全部收入 net, real wages实际收入hourly wages, wage rate per hour计时工资

monthly wages 月工资 weekly wages 周工资piecework wage 计件工资 daily wages 日工资maximum wage 最高工资(美作:wage ceiling)

sliding scale 按物价计酬法 payment in kind 用实物付酬premium, bonus, extra pay 奖励 payday 发工资日, 付薪日pay slip工资单 payroll薪水册 unemployment benefit 失业救济old-age pension 退休金,养老金 retirement 退休 claims 要求strike 罢工 striker 罢工者 go-slow 怠工(美作:slow-down)lockout 停工(业主为抵制工人的要求而停工

staggered strike 阶段性罢工 strike picket 罢工纠察队员strike pay 罢工津贴(由工会给的) sanction 制裁strikebreaker, blackleg 破坏罢工者 unemployment 失业down tools, sit-down strike 静坐 dismissal 开除,解雇demonstration, manifestation 示威 receptionist 接待员seasonal unemployment 季节性失业 key puncher 电脑操作员underemployment 不充分就业 unemployed man 失业者(个人)the unemployed 失业者(集体) negotiation 谈判

to discharge, to dismiss 辞退,开除,解雇 typist 打字员to terminate a contract 结束合同,结束契约

collective bargaining 劳资双方就工资等问题谈判

delivery boy 送报员 secretary 秘书 policeman 警察journalist 记者 editor 编辑 interpreter 通译者director 导演 talent 星探 actor 男演员 actress 女演员photographer 摄影师 scholar 学者 translator 翻译家novelist 小说家 playwright 剧作家 linguist 语言学家botanist 植物学家 economist 经济学家 chemist 化学家scientist 科学家 philosopher 哲学家 politician 政治学家physicist 物理学家 anthropologist 人类学家 archaeologist 考古学家 geologist 地质学家 expert on folklore俗学家mathematician 数学家 biologist 生物学家 zoologist 动物学家statistician 统计 anthropologist 人类学家 musician 音乐家archaeologist 考古学家 geologist 地质学家 painter 画家mathematician 数学家 biologist 生物学家 zoologist 动物学家statistician 统计学家 physiologist 生理学家 singer 歌唱家futurologist 未来学家 artists 艺术家composer 作曲家designer计学家 physiologist 生理学家 futurologist 未来学家artists 艺术家 painter 画家 sculptor 雕刻家designer 服装设计师 fashion coordinator 时装调配师dressmaker 女装裁剪师 cutter 裁剪师 sewer 裁缝师

tailor 西装师傅 beautician 美容师 model 模特

ballerina 芭蕾舞星 detective 刑警 chief of police 警察局长

taxi driver 出租车司机 clerk 店员 mailman 邮差

newspaper boy 报童 bootblack 擦鞋童 poet 诗人

copywriter 撰稿人 producer 制片人 newscaster 新闻评论人

milkman 送奶人 merchant 商人 florist 卖花人 baker 面包师

greengrocer 菜贩 fish-monger 鱼贩 butcher 肉贩

shoe-maker 鞋匠 saleswoman 女店员 stewardess 空中小姐

conductor 车掌 station agent 站长 porter 行李夫

car mechanic 汽车修理师 civil engineer 土木技师

architect 建筑师 civil planner 城市设计师 guide 导游

druggist, chemist, pharmacist 药剂师 oil supplier 加油工

(public) health nurse 保健护士 dentist 牙科医生

supervisor 监工 doctor 医生 nurse 护士

宏观经济的 macroeconomic 通货膨胀 inflation

破产 insolvency 合同 contract 汇率 exchange rate

有偿还债务能力的 solvent 紧缩信贷 tighten credit creation 私营部门 private sector 宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy

财政管理机构 fiscal authorities 税法 tax bill

财政 public finance 财政部 the Ministry of Finance

平衡预算 balanced budget 继承税 inheritance tax

增值税 VAT (value added tax)总需求 aggregate demand


2020年高级商务英语高频词汇:科技及设备 1.advance 前进;进展 2.capacity 容量;才能;水平 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d118189365.html,ponent 构成要素;成分;零件 4.device 装置;设备;图案;设计 5.engineer 工程师 6.facilitate 促动;使(更)容易 7.fuel 燃料 8.generator 发电机;产生器 9.innovative 创新;革新的 10.inventor 发明家 11.leading edge 居优势的 12.malfunction 故障;发生故障,机能失常 13.mode 样式;模式;方式;风尚;时尚 14.operate 操作;运转;经营 15.outlet 出口;排水口;销售店;商行;插座;销路 16.portable 可携带的;轻便的 17.raw material 原料 18.satellite 卫星 19.specification 说明;详述

20.substandard 标准以下的 21.automaton 自动操作装置;机器人 22.cell(ular)phone 移动电话;手机 23.consecutive 连续的;连贯的 24.devise 设计;发明;策划 25.equipment 装备;设备 26.facility 便利的设施;设备 27.gadget 小巧的机械装置;小玩意 28.hands-on 实地操作的;亲自体验的 29.inspect 检查;审查;视察 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d118189365.html,boratory 实验室 33.maintenance 维护;保养 32.manual 使用手册,指南;手工的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d118189365.html,work 网络系统;广播、电视网;电脑网 34.outage 电力中断;断电 35.petroleum 石油 36.procedure 程序;手续 37.reverse 相反的;颠倒的 38.solar (源自)太阳的;依太阳而运行的 39.static 静电干扰;静止的;静态的;静电的 40.turn down 关小(声)


商务英语词汇大全abroad adv.在国外,出国,广泛流传 absence n.缺席,离开 absent adj.不在,不参与 absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职absorb v.吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响abstract n.摘要 access n.接近(或进入)的机会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库的权利 accommodation n.设施,住宿 account n.会计账目 accountancy n.会计工作 accountant n.会计 accounts n.往来账目 account for解释,说明 account executive n.(广告公司)客户经理accruals n.增值,应计 achieve v.获得或达到,实现,完成acknowledge v.承认,告知已收到(某物),承认某人 acquire v.获得,得到 acquisition n.收购,被收购的公司或股份acting adj.代理的 activity n.业务类型 actual adj.实在的,实际的,确实的 adapt v.修改,适应 adjust v.整理,使适应 administration实施,经营,行政administer v.管理,实施 adopt v.采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人advertise v.公布,做广告 ad n.做广告,登广告 advertisement n.出公告,做广告advertising n.广告业 after-sales service n.售后服务agenda n.议事日程 agent n.代理人,经纪人 allocate v.分配,配给 amalgamation n.合并,重组 ambition n.强烈的欲望,野心amortize v.摊还 analyze v.分析,研究 analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告 analyst n.分析家,化验员 annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的 annual general meeting(AGM)股东年会anticipate v.期望 anticipated adj.期待的 appeal n.吸引力 apply v.申请,请求;应用,运用 applicant n.申请人 application n.申请,施用,实施appointee n.被任命人 appraisal n.估量,估价 appreciate v.赏识,体谅,增值appropriate v.拨出(款项) approve v.赞成,同意,批准 aptitude n.天资,才能 arbitrage n.套 arbitration n.仲裁 arrears n.欠账 assemble v.收集,集合 assembly line n.装配线,流水作业线assess v.评定,估价 asset n.资产 current asset n.流动资产 fixed asset n.固定资产 frozen asset n.冻结资产 intangible assets n.无形资产 liquid assets n.速动资产 tangible assets n.有形资产 assist v.援助,协助,出席 audit n.查账,审计 automate v.使某事物自动操作 average n.平均,平均水准 awareness n.意识;警觉 backing n.财务支持,赞助 backhander n.贿赂 backlog n.积压(工作或订货) bad debt死账(无法收回的欠款)balance n.收支差额,余额 balance of payments n.贸易支付差额balance sheet n.资产负债表


商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 A 4 权力委托 5 旷工,旷职 2 绝对配额 3 绝对值 5 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 吸收游资 5 ; 摘要 2 承兑费 2 不记名承兑 3 承兑信用证 3 抽样认可 4 ; 承兑银行 4 进入市场(的机会) 5 意外事故 3 无法控制的意外事故 3 意外事故保险 4 意外损坏 4 设施;住宿;欠单 3 顺民意;合民情 5 会计帐目 4 账户结金 5 账本(账册、账簿) 3 客户经理(常指广告公司) 5 解释;说明 4 账目编号;账户号码 2 结欠清单 5 账户名称 5 会计工作;会计行业 5 会计 5 会计长 5 会计学 3 会计档案 5 往来帐目 2 账目不清

3 应付账 4 应收账 2 ; ; 应付费用 4 累计资本 3 资本积累 2 累计佣金 5 收购 5 行动计划 2 盘活基础设施存量资产 5 畅销 3 出口加工贸易 5 成交活跃的股票 3 ; 贸易顺差 5 业务类型 3 实际成本 4 实际交货 4 时价;实际价格;实价 4 实际全损 2 ( ) 从价税 3 ; 附加费用 4 额外投资 2 附加保险费 2 追加税 2 ; 防范和化解金融风险2 充分需求 4 核算 3 海损理算书 5 ; 实施,经营,行政 4 行政预算;管理预算 2 行政开支;办公费 4 行政保护 5 预付费用 2 a 预付定金 4 预计货样 5 预付工资 4 预收货款 4 规模经营优势 3 贸易逆差 5 公布;做广告 5 广告业 3 通知行 3 信用证转让通知 3 吁请团,游说团体


商务英语谈判常用词汇 商务谈判常用词汇: 1、出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping 优惠special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone 对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 2、价格条件 价格trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价price 费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount customs duty 净价net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 税port dues 回佣return commission 装运港port of shipment 折扣discount, allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证import licence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证export licence 价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International)Market price 离岸价(船上交货价) -free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight


商务英语词汇大全(一)economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原

understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的 developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产 circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产


最新商务英语(BEC)中级考试真题及答案 Issues in the recruitment world In the competitive world of investment banking, good senior executives are not easy to find. So what should the industry's hard-pressed directors do when they need to find senior staff? Increasingly, they decide to call in the headhunters. These are busy and profitable times for the recruitment agencies that dominate the world of executive search and selection. (0) .....They needed new people to revitalise their operations, and the result has been a boom in the recruitment market. Pinnacle, a leading recruitment agency, has helped various UK investment banks to rebuild their entire senior management teams. It is hard to overstate the significance of this. (8)............ But now everything has changed, and Pinnacle is not the only major player in the field. Some analysts believe that rival recruitment specialists ALT Associates has a larger share of the market. However, there is little doubt that over its 13-year history, Pinnacle and its chairman, Matthew Edwards, have built up an impressive reputation. Edwards estimates that his company controls between 10 and 15 per cent of the headhunting market for senior investment banking jobs in the UK. (9)............Rather, it is the high-calibre jobs and people


剑桥商务英语中级词汇精选 常用词汇句型运用A 1. absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工、旷职;缺勤 As a manager, we have to punish those absenteeism behaviors. 2.access n.接近(或进入)的机会,享用权;市场销路;进入市场 v.使用;获取,使用科技手段取得 We must master the access to market. 3.accumulate v.积累,累积 We couldn’t ignore accumulating our experience. 4.adjust v.调节,修改,核算(盈亏),精算 We have to adjust ourselves to adapt to the new working environments. 5.adopt v.采纳,批准 Adopting different kinds of opinions of our staffs would improve our working efficiency. 6.afford v.买得起,承受得住;承担费用 Selecting an appropriate accommodation, the most important factor is the affording power from our corporation. 7.allocate v.分配,配给 We have allocated the mission equally among all members of the department. 8.agenda n.议事日程 Because of the emergency, we have got to place the language training courses on the agenda. 9.allowance n.不用付税的津贴,补贴;折扣,折价 We should provide allowance to those retired staff. 10.ambition n.强烈的欲望,进取心,雄心 When recruiting a staff, the most important qualities we pay more attention is his ambitions. 11.anticipate v.预订,占先,抢先;预支,提前使用,期待 Before the meeting, we have to anticipate all needs. 12.appeal n.吸引力 We can design some attractive brochures to make an appeal to our customers. 13.awareness n.意识,认识程度 The most fundamental factor is to have the awareness of team work.


商务英语词汇大全(一) economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产


托业词汇汇总(修订版) 一、办公室事宜Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出 席 3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行 事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 6.directory 人名住址薄 7.duplicate 复制;副本 8.filing 归档 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追 踪 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物 (如墙壁等) 13.postage 邮费 14.punctualit 准时;守时15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜 Office matters (2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.colleague 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机

9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事 包 13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机 18.tardy 迟缓;迟到的;迟 延的 19.typist 打字员 20.xerox 影印 二、Personnel & Management 人事及管理 1.allocate 拨出;分配;配置 2.applicant 申请人 3.authorize 授权;委托 4.bonus 红利;额外津贴;奖金 5.capability 能力;才干;潜力;性能 6.collaboration 合作;通敌 7.consultation 咨询;商量;商议;会议 8.curriculum vitae 履历 9.eligible 合格的,合适的 10.employer 雇主 11.executive 行政或管理人员 12.income 收入或所得 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d118189365.html,y off (暂时)解雇 14.occupation 职业 15.part-time 兼任的;兼职的 16.permanent 不变的,永久的 17.promote 升迁;促销 18.recruit 吸收;征募 19.resume 履历表 20.salary 薪水 Personnel & Management 人事及管理2 1.amateur 业余技术家;外行人;非专家


商务英语常用缩略词词汇表大全 a accepted 承兑 AA Auditing Administration (中国)审计署 AAA 最佳等级 abs. abstract 摘要 a/c, A/C account 帐户、帐目 a/c, A/C account current 往来帐户、活期存款帐户 A&C addenda and corrigenda 补遗和勘误 Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兑 Accrd.Int accrued interest 应计利息 Acct. account 帐户、帐目 Acct. accountant 会计师、会计员 Acct. accounting 会计、会计学 Acct.No. account number 帐户编号、帐号 Acct.Tit. account title 帐户名称、会计科目 ACN air consignment 航空托运单 a/c no. account number 帐户编号、帐号 Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兑 A/CS Pay. accounts payable 应付帐款 A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 应收帐款 ACT advance corporation tax 预扣公司税 ACU Asia Currency Unit 亚洲货币单位 A.C.V actual cash value 实际现金价值a.d., a/d after date 开票后、出票后 ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定资产分组折旧法 BA bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票 bal. balance 余额、差额 banky. bankruptcy 破产、倒闭 Bat battery 电池 b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券 B.B., B/B bill book 出纳簿 B/B bill bought 买入票据、买入汇票 b&b bed & breakfast 住宿费和早餐费 b.c. blind copy 密送的副本 BC buyer credit 买方信贷 B/C bills for collection 托收汇票 B.C. bank clearing 银行清算 b/d brought down 转下页 Bd. bond 债券 B/D bills discounted 已贴现票据 B/D bank draft 银行汇票 b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括头尾两天 B/E bill of entry 报关单 b.e., B/E bill of exchange 汇票


1.We have received your letter and resume,and we thought we would like to ask you to come here for an interview. 2.我们已收到你的信和简历,想请你来参加面试。 2.I am very glad to know that my letter and resume have been received. 得知本人的信和简历贵公司已收到,感到非常荣幸。 3.What are your major and minor subjects? 你的主修课和副课是些什么? 4.My major subject is English and my minor subject is Economics. 我主修英语,辅修经济学。 5.What degree have you received? 你得到过什么学位? 6.When and where did you receive your MBA degree? 你的工商管理硕士学位是什么时候,在哪里获得的? 7.I received my MBA degree from Peking University in 1 994., 我于1994年在北京大学获得的工商管理硕士学位。 8.What is your greatest strength? 你最大的长处是什么? 9.I manage my time perfectly SO that I can always get things done on time. 我极懂分配时间,因此总能准时完成任务。 1 0.I suppose a strong point is that I like to develop new things and ideas. 我想我有一个优点就是喜欢创新。 11一can take on jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done. 我能承担别人认为烦恼的工作,然后慢慢努力,直到把工作完成为止。 1 2.What are your weak points? 你的缺点是什么? 1 3.When I think something is right,I will stick to that.Sometimes it sounds a little stubborn,but I am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise. 若我认为某件事情是对的,我会坚持到底。有时候,这显得有点顽固,因此我正努力在坚持与妥协之间寻求平衡。 14.I'm afraid I'm a poor talker,and that’s not very good in public,S o I've been learning how to speak 我这个人恐怕不善言谈,这样不好,所以我一直在学怎样在众人面前讲话。 1 5.What is your greatest achievement? 你最大的成就是什么? 1 6.Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗? 1 7.Yes,I find it stimulating. 能,我认为它具有鼓舞作用。 1 8.What are the problems you have encountered in your job? 你在工作中曾遇到过哪些困难? 1 9.HOW do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with? 你怎样应付那些你认为难以合作的人? 20.I stick to my principles and keep to roles. 我会坚持原则和谨守规则。 2 1.What kind of personality do you think you have? 你认为你具有哪种性格? 22.I'm quite active and energetic.I approa ch things enthusiastically and I don’t like leaving things half done.


请问你找谁?Who would you like to speak to? 请问你找谁?May I help you? 他不在办公室He is not in the office! 他今天休息,不上班= He is off today, so he won't be in the office. 你可以打他的手机= You can call him by his cellphone. 现在是午休时间,他不在办公室= It is lunch break at the moment, he is not in the office. 他1点半上班,到时再打他电话。= He will be back at one-thirty, please call back later. 他出去了,一小时后回来。= He is out, he will be back in an hour. 我不太会说英语,很抱歉。= I don't speak much English, I'm sorry. 他还未到,5分钟后可以找到他。= He is not here yet, but he will be back in five minutes. 他正过来,请稍等= He is coming, please wait. We want to develop direct contact with Continental buyers for ourselves. 我们想为自己的公司同欧洲大陆的买主建立起直接的联系。 We see that your firm specializes in Light Industrial Goods, and we are willing to establish business relationship with you. 得知贵公司专门经营轻工业品,我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。 We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, and we wish to establish business relationship with you. 我们是此地最大的电器进口商之一,愿意与你们建立业务关系。 We are willing to enter into business relationship with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我们愿在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。 Our two countries have had trade relations for ten years. 我们两国之间已经有了10年的贸易关系。


商务英语词汇大全 (B E C词汇打印版)02 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

商务英语词汇大全 abroad adv. 在国外,出国,广泛流传 absence n. 缺席,离开 absent adj. 不在,不参与 absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职 absorb v. 吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响abstract n. 摘要 access n. 接近(或进入)的机会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库的权利 accommodation n.设施,住宿 account n.会计账目 accountancy n会计工作 accountant n.会计 accounts n.往来账目 account for解释,说明 account executive n.(广告公司)客户经理accruals n. 增值,应计 achieve v. 获得或达到,实现,完成acknowledge v. 承认,告知已收到(某物),承认某人 acquire v.获得,得到 acquisition n收购,被收购的公司或股份acting adj. 代理的 activity n.业务类型 actual adj. 实在的,实际的,确实的 adapt v. 修改,适应 adjust v.整理,使适应 administration 实施,经营,行政 administer v.管理,实施 adopt v. 采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人advertise v. 公布,做广告 ad n.做广告,登广告 advertisement n.出公告,做广告 advertising n.广告业 after-sales service n.售后服务 agenda n.议事日程 agent n.代理人,经纪人 allocate v.分配,配给 amalgamation n合并,重组 ambition n. 强烈的欲望,野心amortize v. 摊还 analyze v 分析,研究 analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告 analyst n. 分析家,化验员 annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的 annual general meeting (AGM)股东年会anticipate v. 期望 商务英语词汇大全 anticipated adj. 期待的 appeal n.吸引力 apply v. 申请,请求;应用,运用 applicant n. 申请人 application n.申请,施用,实施 appointee n.被任命人 appraisal n.估量,估价 appreciate v. 赏识,体谅,增值 appropriate v.拨出(款项) approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 aptitude n.天资,才能 arbitrage n.套 arbitration n.仲裁 arrears n. 欠账 assemble v.收集,集合 assembly line n. 装配线,流水作业线assess v. 评定,估价 asset n. 资产current asset n.流动资产 fixed asset n.固定资产 frozen asset n. 冻结资产 intangible assets n.无形资产 liquid assets n.速动资产 tangible assets n.有形资产 assist v. 援助,协助,出席 audit n. 查账,审计 automate v. 使某事物自动操作 average n.平均,平均水准 awareness n. 意识;警觉 backing n.财务支持,赞助 backhander n. 贿赂 backlog n. 积压(工作或订货) bad debt 死账(无法收回的欠款)balance n. 收支差额,余额 balance of payments n. 贸易支付差额balance sheet n. 资产负债表 bankrupt adj.破产的 bankruptcy n.破产 bank statement n. 银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单 bar chart n. 条形图,柱状图bargain v. 谈判,讲价 base n. 基地,根据地 batch n. 一批,一组,一群 batch production批量生产 bear market n.熊市beat v. 超过,胜过


Between..and…在..之间 Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商 Time of shipment装运期限 Port of shipment)装运口岸 Port of destination 到货口岸 Be liable for 对…负责 On account of由于 Attribute to 造成 Take measures采取措施 Shipping mark唛头 Gross weight毛重 Net weight净重 Do not stack up side down此端向上 Handle with care小心轻放 Keep away from moisture切勿受潮 Terms of payment付款条件 Payment by L/C信用证付款 Payment by collection信托付款 Payment by M/T信汇付款 In case of在情况下,以某种方式 Freight to collect运费到付 Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明 War risk兵险 Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏 In the event of在发生情况下if Upon arrival of在到达之时 Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份 Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份 Certificate of quality质量证明 Technical document技术资料 Foundation drawings基础图 Wiring instructions布线说明 Terms of shipment装运条款 Shipping agent装运代理人 In the matter of如有。。if Be free from defects不存在缺陷 For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期 Batch number批号 Forwarder 代运人 Shipment date装运日期 Design specification设计规格 Risk assessment风险评估


商务英语Business English

入门篇 Hi,欢迎你到“商务英语”的“入门篇”中来,很多人都觉得“商务英语”非常“高深”,似乎是“高不可攀”,可是当我们研究了BEC商务英语以及其他商务课程后,发现原来商务英语涉及到的内容并不都是专业得让人“望而却步”,商务英语的学习依然涉及到如何得体的introductions(介绍)、greetings(问候)等等基本的会话,在这些基础上,你才能进一步地学习有关marketing(市场),sales(销售)等商务方面的知识。 所以把一些比较基本的社交英语以及简单的商务知识放在“入门”篇里学习,比如如何得体的进行“自我介绍”,如何“接听电话”,“收发传真”,“描述产品”以及基本的商务信函写作等等内容。 相信在“入门篇”里的学习使你可以应付外企环境中最基本的工作内容! 现在我们就开始“入门”吧,说“入门”自然还要从学会得体的“自我介绍”开始, 1. First Meetings 初次见面 先预习一下本课中涉及的一些知识点吧: assistant 助理 clerk 职员 favorable impression 良好印象 Personnel Manager 人事经理 Managing Director(MD)总裁 I'm new.我是新来的。 to be working together. 我们将一起工作。 to look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事 初次见面用语: Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。 告别时用语: It was very nice to have met you. 能见到你我真高兴 Hope to see you again. 希望能再次见到你。


商务英语词汇大全analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告 abroad adv.在国外,出国,广泛流传analyst n.分析家,化验员 absenee n.缺席,离开annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的 absent adj. 不在,不参与annual general meeting (AGM )股东年 会 absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职an ticipate v.期望 absorb v.吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响an ticipated adj.期待的 abstract n.摘要appeal n.吸引力 access n.接近(或进入)的机apply v.申请,请求;应用,运用 会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库applica nt n.申请人 的权利application n. 申请,施用,实施accommodatio n n. 设施,住宿appo in tee n. 被任命人 accountn. 会计账目appraisal n. 估量,估价 acco untancy n.会计工作appreciate v. 赏识,体谅,增值 acco untant n. 会计appropriate v.拨出(款项) accounts n. 往来账目approve v. 赞成,冋意,批准 account for 解释,说明aptitude n. 天资,才能 acco unt executive n. (广告公司)客户经理arbitrage n.套 accruals n. 增值,应计arbitrati on n. 仲裁 achieve v.获得或达到,实现,完成arrears n.欠账 acknowledge v.承认,告知已收到(某物),assemble v. 收集,集合 承认某人assembly line n. 装配线,流水作业线 acquire v. 获得,得到assess v.评定,估价 acquisition n.收购,被收购的公司或股份asset n.资产 acting adj.代理的curre nt asset n. 流动资产 activity n.业务类型fixed asset n. 固定资产 actual adj.实在的,实际的,确实的frozen asset n. 冻结资产 adapt v.修改,适应intan gible assets n. 无形资产 adjust v.整理,使适应liquid assets n. 速动资产 adm ini strati on 实施,经营,彳亍政tan gible assets n. 有形资产 administer v.管理,实施assist v.援助,协助,出席 adopt v.采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人audit n.查账,审计 advertise v.公布,做广告automate v.使某事物自动操作 ad n.做广告,登广告average n.平均,平均水准 advertisement n. 出公告,做广告aware ness n. 意识;警觉 advertis ing n.广告业backing n.财务支持,赞助 after-sales service n. 售后服务backha nder n.贿赂 agenda n.议事日程backlog n.积压(工作或订货) age nt n.代理人,经纪人bad debt死账(无法收回的欠款) allocate v.分配,配给balanee n.收支差额,余额 amalgamation n.合并,重组bala nee of payme nts n. 贸易支付差额ambition n.强烈的欲望,野心bala nee sheet n. 资产负债表 amortize v.摊还ban krupt adj. 破产的 analyze v.分析,研究ban kruptcy n. 破产

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