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【金榜名师推荐】2015高考英语(江苏)一轮课时作业 选修7 Unit 2 Fit for life]

【金榜名师推荐】2015高考英语(江苏)一轮课时作业 选修7 Unit 2 Fit for life]
【金榜名师推荐】2015高考英语(江苏)一轮课时作业 选修7 Unit 2 Fit for life]




选修7Unit 2

Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. (2014·济南模拟)They are not prepared to advertise in this area because they do not believe it will be of any.

A. benefit

B. convenience

C. application

D. intelligence

2. (2014·遵义模拟)Not only his lesson, but also he often helps others with their lessons.

A. did he do well in

B. he do well in

C. does he do well in

D. he did well in

3. (2014·日照二模)All people present are opposed to the project for the reason

it will cause much pollution.

A. that

B. why

C. because

D. what

4. (2014·武汉二模)She seems happy in her new job since there is nothing troublesome to bother her.

A. generally

B. flexibly

C. reasonably

D. deliberately

5. There appeared an look on her face on hearing the story.

A. astonishing; astonishing

B. astonishing; astonish

C. astonished; astonishing

D. astonishing; astonished

6. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth each year.

A. is washing away

B. is being washed away

C. are washing away

D. are being washed away

7. The boy is so addicted computer games that he doesn’t want to go to school.

A. to play

B. to playing

C. with playing

D. by playing

8. (2014·天水模拟)the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also break some families or cause other family problems.

A. As

B. If

C. While

D. Since

9. A huge number of magazines in foreign languages up to now, not to mention those in Chinese.

A. has been subscribed to

B. have been subscribed to

C. had been subscribed to

D. is subscribed to

10. (2014·衡水模拟)We won’t know how the plan works till we have.

A. tried on it

B. tried on

C. tried out it

D. tried it out

11. (2014·泰安三模)Due to the of this medical technology, more diseases can be treated at an early stage.

A. adaptation

B. approval

C. application

D. appreciation

12. (2014·温岭模拟)What you suggest sounds good, but you still have to be

and consider what you can actually do.

A. effective

B. realistic

C. considerate

D. manageable

13. (2014·常州模拟)Studies show that people who like sitting in the office for hours without a break are more to suffer from back problems.

A. likely

B. possible

C. probable

D. sure

14. Personally, I’ve never the view that either sex is superior to the other.

A. accounted for

B. submitted to

C. allowed for

D. subscribed to

15. We the Ministry of Health’s efforts to reform the h ealth care system, which help relieve the high medical cost burdens.

A. adapted

B. congratulated

C. applauded

D. measured

Ⅱ. 完形填空

(2014·吉林质检) With his leg lame and his teeth uneven, the boy thought

of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He1

played with his classmates, and when asked to answer

questions, he always2his head without a word.

One spring, his father brought home some saplings(树

苗). 3of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, “Whoever4his sapling best shall get a gift. ”The boy certainly wanted to get the gift. 5seeing

his brothers and sisters watering the trees, he6an idea: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never7it.

Several days later, he was8to find it not only didn’t die, but also grew so many fresh9. Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his tree appeared greener. His father kept his10, bought the boy a gift and said he would become an outstanding11after growing up.

From then on, the boy slowly became12and confident. One evening, he suddenly13his biology teacher once said that plants14grow at night. Why not go to see the tree?

When he came to the courtyard, he found his father working near the tree! Instantly he15: Father had been secretly16his tree! He returned to his room, tears17in his eyes.

Decades passed, the boy didn’t become a botanist. 18, he became the U. S. President. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.

19is the best nourishment(滋养品)of life. 20it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well!

1. A. ever B. seldom C. still D. often

2. A. held B. raised C. lowered D. covered

3. A. Both B. Some C. One D. Each

4. A. likes B. protects C. grows D. watches

5. A. And B. So C. Before D. But

6. A. cared for B. got rid of

C. hit upon

D. put forward

7. A. appealed to B. attended to

C. adapted to

D. turned to

8. A. surprised B. frightened

C. disappointed

D. amused

9. A. roots B. leaves C. branches D. seeds

10. A. word B. balance C. agreement D. opinion

11. A. teacher B. gardener

C. president

D. botanist

12. A. satisfied B. certain

C. optimistic

D. independent

13. A. believed B. recalled C. repeated D. knew

14. A. generally B. hardly

C. recently

D. probably

15. A. remembered B. understood

C. wondered

D. admitted

16. A. cutting B. decorating

C. watering

D. fertilizing

17. A. welling B. falling C. dropping D. crying

18. A. Therefore B. Besides

C. Moreover

D. Instead

19. A. Love B. Water C. Disability D. Father

20. A. So long as B. If only

C. Now that

D. Even though

Ⅲ. 阅读理解

Does it annoy you when your parents make you drink

a carton of milk when you want a can of soda? Or do you

hate being told to go for a run when your favorite TV show

is on?

Well, maybe you should listen to your parents because they are only trying to help you. Without proper diet and exercise kids are at risk of developing fragile bones when they get older. That’s because our bodies are very good at building bones until about the age of 30, when the process stops.

Dr. Lawrence Raisz, scientific editor of The 2004 Surgeon General’s Report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis(骨质疏松症), agrees. “We’re in bad shape, ”he says. His report predicts that by 2020, half of all Americans over the age of 50 will be at risk of fractures(骨折)because of low bone mass. “Kids today are—what’s the expression? —they’re computer potato es. They have lots of soft drinks and not enough good calcium-rich(富含钙质的)food. ”And there in(在其中)lies the problem, because calcium and exercise, along with vitamin D, are the important components for building up strong bones.

If you think of your body as a house, then your skeleton(骨架)is the supporting frame—a frame maintained and strengthened by calcium. Once we hit our 30s, our bodies start to draw from the calcium stored in our bones. If there is enough calcium, then the structure will stand firm, but i f there’s not? Picture the frame of a house devoured(吞噬)by termites(白蚁), the wood brittle(易折的)and filled with holes”. That’s what osteoporosis does to your skeleton.

The second half of the skeleton building equation(等式)is exercise. For optimum(最适宜的)bone health, the Surgeon General recommends that children get 60 minutes of weight-bearing(负重)or strengthening exercise a day. As with muscles, bones grow stronger with use; plenty of exercise means plenty of bone health. “If you do an hour of exercise a day, it doesn’t matter so much what it is, ”Raisz says. “You’re telling your bones they’ve got to grow! ”

1. According to Dr. Lawrence Raisz, why will many Americans have weak bones in the future?

A. Because their body will stop building bones.

B. Because they are not familiar with the structure of the body.

C. Because they have an unhealthy diet and do not exercise enough.

D. Because they can’t afford a qualified doctor.

2. Which of the following is NOT the important factors for building up strong bones?

A. Calcium.

B. Exercise.

C. Vitamin C.

D. Vitamin D.

3. The author explains the influence of calcium on the human body by.

A. comparisons

B. figure of speech

C. numbers

D. an example

4. We can learn from the article that.

A. the storage of calcium in our body doesn’t change even when we grow old

B. many American parents have ignored the dangers of their kids getting fractures

C. a daily diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones

D. half an hour of muscle exercise a day is enough for kids to develop strong bones

5. The main idea of the passage is that.

A. proper diet and exercise are of benefit to people’s bone health

B. kids in America don’t like exercising

C. people in America don’t have proper diet

D. one’s body is like a house



1. He saved the drowning boy .


2. It was he had taken the flat.


3. No one would this kind of “bad” English to students. 谁也不会建议把这种“不通”的英语教给学生们。

4. In order to do this you have to .

为了做到这一点, 你一定要建立起自信。


Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意: 他们不准备在这个地区做广告, 因为他们认为这不能给他们带来利益。benefit意为“利益, 好处”, 符合句意。convenience方便, 便利; application应用, 用途, 申请; intelligence智力, 聪明, 智能。


(2014·贵州模拟)One of being able to speak English is that you will have more job opportunities.

A. aspect

B. benefit

C. way

D. value

【解析】选B。考查名词。“you will have more job opportunities”是会说英语的“好处”之一, 由此可知答案, 所以选benefit, 意思是: 好处, 益处。

2. 【解析】选C。考查时态和倒装。句意: 他不仅自己功课学得不错, 而且经常帮助别人学习功课。not only. . . but also. . . 在连接并列分句且not only臵于句首时, not only后的分句用部分倒装, but also后的分句不倒装。根据后面的分句的时态可知, 应该使用一般现在时, 故选C。


Not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it.

A. the teacher himself is; all his students are

B. the teacher himself is; are all his students

C. is the teacher himself; are all his students

D. is the teacher himself; all his students are

【解析】选D。考查倒装。not only. . . but also. . . “不但……而且……”, not only

臵于句首时, not only后的分句倒装, but also后的分句不倒装。

3. 【解析】选A。考查名词性从句。此处为同位语从句, 描述的是名词reason 的具体内容, 而非定语从句, 故选that, 而不是why。


The reason all people present are opposed to the project is that it will cause much pollution.

A. that

B. why

C. because

D. what

【解析】选B。考查定语从句。构成the reason why. . . is that. . . 结构。why引导的是一个定语从句, 相当于for which。

4. 【解析】选C。句意: 因为没有烦恼打扰, 她好像在新的工作中极其开心。所以选reasonably“相当地, 合理地”。


(2013·日照二模)Mo Yan’s childhood is considered to be a great of his literary creation.

A. source

B. reason

C. access

D. evidence

【解析】选A。句意: 莫言小时候的艰难生活成为了他文学创作的源泉。source 源泉。

5. 【解析】选C。考查形容词的用法。第一个空描述的是人因震惊而流露出的表情, 所以用astonished, 意思是: 感到惊讶的; 第二个空描述的是令人震惊的故事, 所以用astonishing。



(1)以后缀-ed结尾的形容词(如ashamed, delighted, excited, frightened, interested, moved, pleased, surprised, worried等)通常用于说明人, 不用于说明事物, 即使它们所修饰的名词是事物, 那它们指的也是与该事物相关的人。例如:

He had a pleased smile on his face.


He told me the news in a very excited voice.


第一句中的a pleased smile意为“满意的微笑”, 它指的是某人因感到满意发出的微笑; 第二句中的a very excited voice指的是“很激动的声音”, 即指的是某人因很激动而发出那样的声音。

原则上, -ed形容词通常直接用于说明人, 若修饰事物, 则多为air(神态), appearance(外貌), cry(哭声), face(面部表情), voice(声音), mood(情绪)等显示某人的情感状况的名词。

(2)以后缀-ing结尾的形容词(如delighting, exciting, frightening, interesting, moving, surprising, worrying等)主要用于说明事物, 表示事物的性质或特征, 若用它们说明人, 则表示此人具有此性质或特征。例如:

The story is very interesting. 这个故事很有趣。

The man is very interesting. 这个人很有趣。

6. 【解析】选D。考查主谓一致和语态。因为wash away和主语earth之间是动宾关系, 所以要用被动语态, 排除A、C; (huge/large)quantities of可以修饰可数名词, 也可以修饰不可数名词, 但是谓语动词只能用复数, 所以本题选D。


(2014·江西省高考压轴)The construction was left half done, and of money were wasted.

A. large numbers of

B. a great deal of

C. large amounts

D. masses of

【解析】选C。句意: 建筑被剩下一半, 大部分钱都被浪费了。a great deal of +不可数名词; large amounts of+不可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用复数。large numbers of+可数名词; masses of+可数名词或不可数名词, 这里修饰money是不可数名词, 但是空格后已有of, 故排除A、B、D三项, 故选C。




many a +可数名词单数



7. 【解析】选B。句意: 这个男孩如此沉迷于电脑游戏以至于不想上学。be addicted to doing sth. 沉迷于做某事。

8. 【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意: 尽管因特网能够消除人们之间的距离, 但是它也能够使一些家庭破裂或导致其他家庭问题。此处while引导一个让步状语从句, 表示“尽管”。

9. 【解析】选B。考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意: 到目前为止, 已经订阅了大

量的外语杂志, 更何况那些中文杂志。主语是magazines, 谓语用复数。由up to now可知应用现在完成时。

10. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语的意义和用法。这里指的是计划的实验, 尝试, 所以应该用try out, 宾语为代词it, 所以应该放在中间。

11. 【解析】选C。句意: 由于这项医疗技术的应用, 更多的疾病可以在早期得到治疗。application应用, 使用。adaptation改编; approval同意; appreciation感激, 欣赏。

12. 【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意: 你的建议听起来不错, 但仍然需要实际一点, 想想看你真正能做到的是什么。effective有效的; realistic现实的; considerate考虑周到的, 善解人意的; manageable易管理的, 易控制的。

13. 【解析】选A。be likely to do sth. 意思为“很有可能做某事”, 主语可以是人也可以是物。


Is Liu Xiang to take part in the 31st Olympic Games to be held in 2016? A. like B. alike C. likely D. possible

【解析】选C。句意: 刘翔可能会参加2016年举行的第31届奥运会吗? be likely to do sth. 很可能做某事, likely是形容词, 主语可以是人也可以是物。possible作表语时, 主语不能是人, 常用it作形式主语; like在be后时用作介词; alike是表语形容词, 意为“相像的”。

14. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我个人从来都不同意性别有优劣之分的观点。subscribe to同意。

15. 【解析】选C。句意: 我们称赞卫生部为改革医疗制度做出的努力, 这些努

力有助于减轻过高的医疗开支负担。A项“适应, 改编”, B项“祝贺”, C项“为……鼓掌, 称赞, 赞许”, D项“测量”。

Ⅱ. 【文章大意】本文讲述了一个认为自己天生不幸的小男孩, 经过一次种树的经历, 受到父亲的鼓励和帮助而变得自信, 后来成为美国总统的故事。文章旨在告诉读者爱是滋润孩子心灵的最好养料。

1.【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据文章第一句话可知, 小男孩认为自己不幸运, 因此不和同学交流, 故选seldom, 意思是“很少”。

2.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。lower one’s head“低下头”。由上文可知, 小男孩腿脚残疾, 牙齿不齐, 所以很自卑, 与之相应的是低头逃避回答问题。

3.【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据第三段中的细节Compared with those of his brothers and sisters. . . 可知父亲让每个孩子种一棵树, 故选each。

4.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据第三段和后文可知, 父亲承诺树种得最好的将会获得礼物, 故选grows。

5.【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。小男孩也想得到父亲的礼物, 但是看到兄弟姐妹都在细心呵护小树, 便失去了信心, 选择了放弃, 故选but, 表示转折。

6. 【解析】选C。短语辨析题。hit upon an idea“突然有了一个想法”。care for“喜欢”。get rid of“除去”。put forward“(公开)提出(建议等)”。

7. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。因为有了“he hoped the tree he planted would die soon”的想法, 所以他就从不精心照料他种的这棵树。所以选attended to, 意思是“照料, 护理”; appeal to“吸引”; adapt to“使适应; 改编”; turn to“求助于; 依靠; 转而从事于”。

8. 【解析】选A。前后照应题。小树的成长和小男孩的心理预期相反, 所以他

感到惊讶, 故选surprised。frightened“恐惧的”; disappointed“失望的”; amused“愉悦的; 感到有趣的”。

9.【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。语境为小树不但没死, 反而长出了很多新鲜的绿叶。下文的“his tree appeared greener”也有提示。

10.【解析】选A。词汇复现题。keep one’s word“信守诺言”, 和前文父亲promised 相呼应。

11. 【解析】选D。词汇复现题。根据文章倒数第二段中the boy didn’t become a botanist可知, 父亲说小男孩会成为植物学家。

12. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。第一段中小男孩thought of himself the most unfortunate, 他不与同学交往和不回答问题, 表明他悲观、不开朗、不自信, 即精神低迷。种树事件是他第一次有好运气, 第一次成功, 无疑对他起到积极的作用, 此前精神低迷的状态逐渐改变。另外结合confident一词, 应选optimistic。13.【解析】选B。词语辨析题。这里的意思是: 他想起了以前他的生物老师对他说的话, 所以选recalled, 意思是: “回忆, 想起”。believe“相信”; repeat“重复”; know“知道”。

14. 【解析】选A。背景常识题。根据once said和后句Why not go to see the tree? 可知学生回想起来生物老师说, 植物一般在晚间生长(此为常识), 故选generally, 意思是“通常地, 一般地”。

15. 【解析】选B。词语辨析题。看到眼前的景象, 小男孩立刻明白了(恍然大悟), 是父亲在暗中帮助他给树浇水, 故选understood。remember“记得”; wonder“想知道”; admit“承认”, 均与语境不符。

16. 【解析】选C。词汇复现题。文章最后有原词复现: . . . it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well!

17.【解析】选A。词语辨析题。well此处是动词“(液体如泉般)充盈; 涌出”, 小男孩被父亲的爱所感动, 热泪盈眶, 故选well。fall“落下”, drop“滴落”, cry“哭泣”, 均与tears或in his eyes不搭配。解题时可用排除法。

18. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 小男孩没有像父亲预言的一样成为植物学家, 反而成了美国总统。表示转折关系, 故选instead, 意思是“反而”。

19.【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由上文可知, 父亲给小树浇的水以及父亲给小男孩的鼓励是小男孩成功的关键, 也就是说小男孩和小树的共同点是都得到了关爱, 故选love。

20. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。爱是生命最好的滋养品, 即使是一桶水, 也会使生命之树枝繁叶茂。所以选even though, 意思是“即使”。so long as“只要”。if only“要是……就好了”。now that“既然”。

Ⅲ. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学饮食和锻炼有益于骨骼健康。

1. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第三段的. . . half of all Americans over the age of 50 will be at risk of fractures because of low bone mass. “Kids today are—what’s the expression? —they’re computer potatoes. They have lots of soft drink s and not enough good calcium-rich food. ”看出, 今天的孩子们喝的饮料多, 没有吃足够的含钙丰富的食物, 天天守在电脑旁, 不锻炼。

2. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第三段的calcium and exercise, along with vitamin D, are the important components for building up strong bones看出答案。

3. 【解析】选B。写作方法题。从第四段看出, 把人的身体比喻成房子。figure of speech修辞, 比喻说法。故选B。

4. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。由文章可知富含钙和维生素D的饮食对骨骼的生长是必需的。

5. 【解析】选A。主旨大意题。文章通过调查报告, 说美国有一半的人到他们五十多岁时会骨质疏松, 是因为他们没有科学的饮食和体育锻炼。根据全文看出, 文章的主题是科学饮食和锻炼有益于骨骼健康。


1. at the risk of losing his own life

2. because of the job that

3. recommend teaching

4. build up confidence



2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15 B. £ 9.18 C. £ 9.15 答案是C。 1. 1. What time is it now? A. 9:10 B. 9:50 C. 10:00 2. What does the woman think of the weather? It’s nice. It’s warm It’s cold. 3. What will the man do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Give a lecture C. Leave his office. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Speak louder B. Apologize to her. C. Turn off the radio.


Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It’s very likely 主语that you’ll want to have volunteers to help with the organization’s activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work主语. Let’s begin with the question of why people volunteer. Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved定语. For example, people volunteer to express personal values 定语related to unselfishness, to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships宾语. If volunteer positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to participate. To select volunteers, you may need to understand the motivations of the people you wish to attract定语. People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people’s wish of participation 状语from an internal factor (e.g., “I volunteer because it’s important to me”) to an external factor (e.g., “I volunteer because I’m required to do so”).When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future. People must be sensitive to this


2015年江苏省高考数学试卷 一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分) 1.(5分)(2015?江苏)已知集合A={1,2,3},B={2,4,5},则集合A∪B中元素的个数为5. 考点:并集及其运算. 专题:集合. 分析:求出A∪B,再明确元素个数 解答:解:集合A={1,2,3},B={2,4,5},则A∪B={1,2,3,4,5}; 所以A∪B中元素的个数为5; 故答案为:5 点评:题考查了集合的并集的运算,根据定义解答,注意元素不重复即可,属于基础题 2.(5分)(2015?江苏)已知一组数据4,6,5,8,7,6,那么这组数据的平均数为6. 考点:众数、中位数、平均数. 专题:概率与统计. 分析:直接求解数据的平均数即可. 解答:解:数据4,6,5,8,7,6, 那么这组数据的平均数为:=6. 故答案为:6. 点评:本题考查数据的均值的求法,基本知识的考查. 3.(5分)(2015?江苏)设复数z满足z2=3+4i(i是虚数单位),则z的模为. 考点:复数求模. 专题:数系的扩充和复数. 分析:直接利用复数的模的求解法则,化简求解即可. 解答:解:复数z满足z2=3+4i, 可得|z||z|=|3+4i|==5, ∴|z|=. 故答案为:. 点评:本题考查复数的模的求法,注意复数的模的运算法则的应用,考查计算能力. 4.(5分)(2015?江苏)根据如图所示的伪代码,可知输出的结果S为7.

考点:伪代码. 专题:图表型;算法和程序框图. 分析:模拟执行程序框图,依次写出每次循环得到的I,S的值,当I=10时不满足条件I<8,退出循环,输出S的值为7. 解答:解:模拟执行程序,可得 S=1,I=1 满足条件I<8,S=3,I=4 满足条件I<8,S=5,I=7 满足条件I<8,S=7,I=10 不满足条件I<8,退出循环,输出S的值为7. 故答案为:7. 点评:本题主要考查了循环结构的程序,正确判断退出循环的条件是解题的关键,属于基础题. 5.(5分)(2015?江苏)袋中有形状、大小都相同的4只球,其中1只白球、1只红球、2 只黄球,从中一次随机摸出2只球,则这2只球颜色不同的概率为. 考点:古典概型及其概率计算公式. 专题:概率与统计. 分析:根据题意,把4个小球分别编号,用列举法求出基本事件数,计算对应的概率即可.解答:解:根据题意,记白球为A,红球为B,黄球为C1、C2,则 一次取出2只球,基本事件为AB、AC1、AC2、BC1、BC2、C1C2共6种, 其中2只球的颜色不同的是AB、AC1、AC2、BC1、BC2共5种; 所以所求的概率是P=. 故答案为:. 点评:本题考查了用列举法求古典概型的概率的应用问题,是基础题目. 6.(5分)(2015?江苏)已知向量=(2,1),=(1,﹣2),若m+n=(9,﹣8)(m, n∈R),则m﹣n的值为﹣3. 考点:平面向量的基本定理及其意义. 专题:平面向量及应用.


)15分共15小题;每小题1分,满分第二节( 用前绝密★启-------------三CB、每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、听下面5段对话或独白。个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅江苏卷)2015普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独55秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 读各个小题,每小题在白读两遍。--------------------题。、7听第6段材料,回答第6英语 6. How long did Michael stay in China? C. Two weeks. B. One week. A. Five 7. Where did Michael go last year?此-------------------- C. India. B. Norway. A. Russia. 9题。段材料,回答第8、听第7 8. What food does Sally like? ___ C. Eggs. B. Fish. A. Chicken. __卷9. What are the speakers going to do?__--------------------_ C. Order dishes. B. Go shopping. A. Cook dinner. ____题。10至12听第8段材料,回答第_号10. Where are the speakers?证C. At home. B. In the office. A. In a hospital. 考准上11. When is the report due?--------------------分)听力(共两节,满分20 第一部分 C. Next Monday. A. Thursday. B. Friday. 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的12. What does George suggest Stephanie do with the report? _答案转涂到答题卡上。_ C. Leave it with him.B. Hand it in later. A. Improve it. ___分)51( 第一节共5小题;每小题分,满分_ 16题。9段材料,回答第13至听第__三个选项中选出、CB每段对话后有一个小题,5听下面段对话。从题中所给的A、答_ 13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?_--------------------_秒钟的时间来回答有关最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10_ C. Husband and wife.A. Salesperson and customer. B. Homeowner and cleaner._小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。_ 14. What kind of apartment do the speakers prefer?__名C. One near a market. B. One without furniture. A. One with two bedrooms. : How much is the shirt? 例姓15. How much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment? B. £9. 18. C. £9.15. A. £19.15. 题C. $415. B. $400. A. $350. 答案是C。-------------------- 16. Where is the apartment the speakers would like to see? 1. What time is it now? B. On Market Street. A. On Lake Street. C. On South Street. A. 9:10. B. 9:50. C. 10:00.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 2. What does the


2015年江苏省高考英语 《考试说明》词汇表 ▲本词汇表尽管已经人工全力校对,但挂一漏万仍在所难免,如有疑问请查询《2015考试说明》或词典确认(格式及排版不足请忽略)。 A 1. a (an) art. 一(个、件…) 2.abandon v. 放弃,遗弃 3.ability n. 能力; 才能 4.able a.能够;有能力的 5.abnormal a.反常的,不正常的 6.aboard prep. / adv.搭乘 7.abolish v.废除,废止 8.abortion n.流产;(计划等)失败,夭折 9.about ad.大约;到处;四处prep.关于;在各处;四处 10.above prep.在…上面a.上面的ad.在…之上 11.abroad ad. 到(在)国外a.往国外的 12.abrupt a.突然,意外的,粗鲁的 13.absence n. 不在,缺席 14.absent a. 缺席, 不在 15.absolute a.纯粹的,绝对的 16.absorb v.吸收,吸取 17.abstract a./ n.抽象的;精粹,摘要 18.absurd a. 荒谬的;可笑的 19.abundant a.丰富的,充足的 20.abuse v.滥用,辱骂 21.academic a. / n. 学术上的;大学生,教师 22.academy n.研究院,学会;专门学校 23.accelerate v.增速,加速 24.accent n. 口音,音调 25.accept vt. 接受 26.acceptable a. 值得接受的, 可接受的 27.access n./ v. 接近,进入,通道;存取 28.accessible a.易到手的,易接近的 29.accident n. 事故,意外的事 30.accommodation n.住宿设备,便利 31.accompany v.伴随,伴奏 32.accomplish v.完成,实现,达到 33.according to prep. 按照,依据 34.account n. /v. 账目;描述 35.accountant n.会计师,会计人员 36.accumulate v累积;积聚 37.accuracy n.正确,精确 38.accuse v.控告,告发 39.accustomed a.习惯的,惯常的 40.ache vi./ n. 痛,疼痛 41.achieve vt. 达到,取得42.achievement n.完成,成就 43.acid n. / a.酸的,刻薄的 44.acknowledge v.承认,认为 45.acquire v.学得,获得 46.acquisition n.获得,取得 47.acre n.英亩 48.across prep. 横过,穿过 49.act n.法令,条例v.表演,扮演,演出;行动,做事 50.action n. 行动 51.active a. 积极的,主动的 52.activity n. 活动 53.actor n. 男演员 54.actress n. 女演员 55.actual a. 实际的; 现实的 56.AD n. 公元 57.ad (缩) =advertisement n.广告 58.adapt v.使适应,使适合;改编 59.add vt. 添加,增加

2015年江苏省高考数学试卷及答案 Word版

2015年江苏省高考数学试卷 一、填空题 1.已知集合{}123A =,,,{}245B =,,,则集合A B 中元素的个数为_______. 2.已知一组数据4,6,5,8,7,6,那么这组数据的平均数为________. 3.设复数z 满足234z i =+(i 是虚数单位),则z 的模为_______. 4.根据如图所示的伪代码,可知输出的结果S 为________. 5.袋中有形状、大小都相同的4只球,其中1只白球,1只红球,2只黄球,从中一次随机摸出2只球,则这2只球颜色不同的概率为________. 6.已知向量()21a =,,()2a =-1,,若()()98ma nb mn R +=-∈,,则m-n 的值为______. 7.不等式22 4x x -<的解集为________. 8.已知tan 2α=-,()1 tan 7 αβ+= ,则tan β的值为_______. 9.现有橡皮泥制作的底面半径为5,高为4的圆锥和底面半径为2、高为8的圆柱各一个。若将它们重新制作成总体积与高均保持不变,但底面半径相同的新的圆锥与圆柱各一个,则新的底面半径为 。 10.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,以点)0,1(为圆心且与直线)(012R m m y mx ∈=---相切的所有圆中,半径最大的圆的标准方程为 。 11.数列}{n a 满足11=a ,且11+=-+n a a n n (*N n ∈),则数列}1 {n a 的前10项和为 。 12.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,P 为双曲线12 2 =-y x 右支上的一个动点。若点P 到直线 01=+-y x 的距离对c 恒成立,则是实数c 的最大值为 。 13.已知函数|ln |)(x x f =,? ??>--≤<=1,2|4|1 0,0)(2x x x x g ,则方程1|)()(|=+x g x f 实根的个 数为 。 14.设向量)12,,2,1,0)(6 cos 6sin ,6(cos =+=k k k k a k π ππ,则 ∑=+?12 1)(k k k a a 的值 为 。


2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 政治试题 一、单项选择题:本大题共33小题,每小题2分,共计66分。在每题给出的四个选项中, 只有一个选项是最符合题意的。 1.中国人民抗日战争的胜利,谱写了中华民族不屈不挠抵抗外来侵略的壮丽史诗,彻底洗刷了近代以后中国屡遭外来侵略的民族耻辱,极大地增强了中华民族的自信心和自豪感。 今年是中国人民抗日战争胜利 A.60周年B.65周年C.70周年D.75周年 2.2014年6月,在第三十八届世界遗产大会上,21项文化遗产获准列入世界遗产名录,其中有中国与哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦联合申报的“丝绸之路”和中国的 A.苏州园林B.南京明孝陵C.扬州瘦西湖D.大运河 3.2014年被称为我国“全面深化改革元年”,经济社会发展迈出了坚实步伐。下列选项中,能体现激发市场活力的是 A.南水北调中线一期工程正式通水,沿线约6000万人直接受益 B.国务院公布《事业单位人事管理条例》,系统规范事业单位人事管理 C.国务院常务会议决定,在粤、津、闽特定区域再设三个自由贸易园区 D.国务院印发《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》,推进考试招生制度改革4.2014年1 1月,亚太经合组织第22次领导人非正式会议在北京举行。此次峰会的主题是 A,共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系B.共建面向未来的亚太命运共同体 C.共建面向未来的亚太战略伙伴关系D.共建面向未来的亚太经贸合作关系 5.某科技公司凭借互联网思维、扁平灵活的管理架构和独特的供应链能力,成为互联网时代的新宠,仅用5年时间跃升为世界第三大智能手机生产商。材料表明 A.互联网应用是企业发展的根本原因B.满足市场需求是企业成功的关键 C.自主创新能促进企业竞争优势形成D.获取利润是企业经营的直接目的 6.据统计,2014年全国居民新增财产性收入40%来白房地产,17%来白银行理财,16%来自存款,12%来自股票,其他来自信托、基金、保险等。对该经济现象的正确解读是 ①体现按生产要素分配②居民投资风险不断降低 ③再分配更加注重公平④居民财产配置趋向多元 A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④ 7.我国央行白2015年2月5日起全面下调金融机构人民币存款准备金率0.5个百分点。 下列选项中能正确描述该政策对经济影响机制的是 A.货币供应量增加—利率上升—投资减少—总需求减少 B.货币供应量减少—利率降低—投资减少—总需求减少 C.货币供应量减少—利率上升—投资增加—总需求增加 D.货币供应量增加—利率降低—投资增加—总需求增加 8.2015年5月10日起,卷烟批发环节从价税税率由5%提高到11%,并按照每支0.005元加征从量税。此举有利于 ①规范市场秩序,提高经济效率②调节个人收入,实现社会公平 ③减少香烟销售,倡导绿色消费④增加财政收入,优化资源配置 A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④ 9.2014年以来,国家相关部门对水泥、软件、汽车等行业开展反垄断调查。此举旨在 ①降低企业生产成本②维护市场公平竞争秩序


2015江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on 30. The reason why prices ______ and still are too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactory can explain this problem. A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been 31. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough, and ______ review of the case. A. comprehensive B. complicated C. suspicious D. … 32. Some schools will have to make _______ in agreement with the national social reform. A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements 33. –Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party? -- Well, you know he’s______. A.an early bird B. a wet blanket C. a lucky dog D. a tough nut 34. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around_______ Thomas Edison. A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for 35. –Go and say sorry to your mom, Dave? -- I’d like to, but I’m afraid Mom would not accept my______. A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets


Freedom and Responsibility Freedom’s challenge in the Digital Age is a serious topic. We are facing today a strange new world and we are all wondering what we are going to do with it. Some 2,500 years ago Greece discovered freedom. Before that there was no freedom. There were great civilizations, splendid empires, but no freedom anywhere. Egypt and Babylon were both tyrannies, one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses. In Greece, in Athens (雅典), a little city in a little country, there were no helpless masses. And Athenians willingly obeyed the written laws which they themselves passed, and the unwritten, which must be obeyed if free men live together. They must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert.The Athenians never thought that a man was free if he could do what he wanted. A man was free if he was self-controlled. To make yourself obey what you approved was freedom. They were saved from looking at their lives as their own private affair. Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens, not because it was forced on him from the outside, but because the city was his pride and his safety. The essential belief of the first free government in the world was liberty for all men who could control themselves and would take responsibility for the state. But discovering freedom is not like discovering computers. It cannot be discovered once for all. If people do not prize it, and work for it, it will go. Constant watch is its price. Athens changed. It was a change that took place without being noticed though it was of the extreme importance, a spiritual change which affected


2015年普通高等学校招生统一考试(江苏卷) 英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间 将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话 后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. ?19.15 B. ?9.18 C. ?9.15 答案是 C。 (A)1.What time is it now? A. 9:10 B. 9:50 C. 10:00 (C)2.What does the woman think of the weather? A. It’s nice. B. It’s warm. C. It’s cold. (A)3.What will the man do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Give a lecture. C. Leave his of (B)4.What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. (C)5.What does the woman want the man to do? A. Speak louder. B. Apologize to her. C. Turn off the rad 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所 给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听 每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 (B)6.How long did Michael stay in China? A. Five days. B. One week. C. Two weeks. (A)7.Where did Michael go last year? A. Russia. B. Norway. C. India. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 (B)8.What food does Sally like? A. Chicken. B. Fish. C. Eggs.


2015江苏高考英语试题及答案 英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分5 分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15. 答案是C。 1. What time is it now? A. 910. B. 950. C. 1000. 2. What does the woman think of the weather? A. It's nice. B. It's warm. C. It's cold. 3. What will the man do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Give a lecture. C. Leave his office. 4. What is the woman's opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Speak louder. B. Apologize to her. C. Turn off the radio. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。 6. How long did Michael stay in China? A. Five days. B. One week. C. Two weeks. 7. Where did Michael go last year? A. Russia. B. Norway. C. India. 听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。 8. What food does Sally like? A. Chicken. B. Fish. C. Eggs. 9. What are the speakers going to do? A. Cook dinner. B. Go shopping. C. Order dishes. 听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。


2015江苏省高考地理试题(高清版) 一、选择题(共60分) (一)单项选择题:本大题共18小题,每小题2分,共计36分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 图1为《清明上河图》(局部),反映了北宋都城东京(今河南开封)繁华的城市风貌。读图回答1?2题。 图1 1.东京城形成的最有利条件是 A.文化底蕴深厚 B.商业繁荣发达 C.人口高度集聚 D.水陆交通便利 2.东京的城市功能主要以 A.行政功能为主 B.军事功能为主 C.文化功能为主 D.经济功能为主 北京时间2015年2月19日零点钟声敲响时,某工程师在南极长城站参与了中央电视台春节联欢晚会微信抢红包活动。图2为长城站位置示意图。读图回答3~4题。 3.工程师微信抢红包的当地时间是 时18日12A.2月时日20月B.218 时日4C.2月19 12时日D.2月19 4.春节假期期间 A.南京太阳从东北方升起 B.南京昼夜长短变化幅度增大 C.长城站日落时间推迟长城站正午太阳高度角减小D. 题。3为安第斯山脉地理位置示意图,读图回答5~6图安第斯山脉南北狭长的原因是5.

A.沿经线方向发育 B.沿火山地震带发育沿板块作用边界发育 C. 沿海陆作用边界发育 D. 6.下列地理现象成因与安第斯山脉密切相关的是 A.巴西高原煤炭资源丰富 B.南美大陆地表径流主要流人大西洋南美大陆西部沿海形成大渔场C. D.巴西东南沿海有热带雨林气候分布 为历史上客家人南迁部分路线及客家民居———土楼4 图题。7 ~8 景观图。读图回 答. 7.沿客家人南迁路线依次呈现的自然景观是 A.针叶林-落叶阔叶林-常绿阔叶林 B.落叶阔叶林-常绿硬叶林-热带雨林 C.落叶阔叶林-常绿阔叶林-热带雨林 D.针阔混交林-落叶阔叶林-常绿阔叶林 8.客家人选择土楼这种独特房屋形态最主要的原因是 A.安全防御 B.节约耕地 C.防雨保温 D.就地取材 图5为2015年5月1日14时亚洲部分地区海平面气压形势图。读图回答9?10题。 9.该日,下列地区可能出现的自然灾害是


2015江苏高考英语试卷 1 2 3 二、单选 4 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 5 percent in the past one year. 6 A. it B. which C. that D. as 7 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged 8 to _____ to their greatest potential. 9 A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 10 23. –Jim, can you work…..? 11 --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. 12 A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 13 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally 14 trapped by health problems. 15 A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, 16 17 but…. 18 A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in 19 1


第四部分: 任务型阅读(共10 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分10 分) 请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个踿踿最恰当的单词。 注意: 请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。 People select news in expectation of a reward. This reward may be either of two kinds. One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle, the other to what he calls the Reality Principle. For want of better names, we shall call these two classes immediate reward and delayed reward. In general, the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports, social events, and human interest. Delayed reward may be expected from news of public affairs, economic matters, social problems, science, education, and health. News of the first kind pays its rewards at once. A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved. He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder, shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane, identify himself with the winning team, laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs. News of the second kind, however, pays its rewards later. It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance—as, for example, when he reads of the threatening foreign situation, the mounting national debt, rising taxes, falling market, scarce housing, and cancer. It has a kind of “threat value."It is read so that th e reader may be informed and prepared. When a reader selects delayed reward news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work. When he selects news of the other kind, he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world. For any individual, of course, the boundaries of these two classes are not stable. For example, a sociologist may read news of crime as a social problem, rather than for its immediate reward. A coach may read a sports story for its threat value: he may have to play that team next week. A politician may read an account of his latest successful public meeting, not for its delayed reward, but very much as his wife reads an account of a party. In any given story of corruption or disaster, a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate reward of indirect experience, but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness. Therefore, while the division of categories holds in general, an individual's tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another, or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward.

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