当前位置:文档之家› 2019年苏州市中考英语模拟笔试部分试题卷11附答案






一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



1. —Do you think an advertisement is ______ help when you look for a new job?

—Well, it all depends. Anyway, it gives me more of ______ chance to try.

A. a; a

B. 不填; the

C. a; the

D. 不填; a

2. — When shall we meet again next week?

—______ day is possible. I’m free the whole week.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Every

D. Any

3. — Do you know our old classmate Zhang Cheng has gone abroad to try his luck?

— In my ______, his decision is not wise.

A. word

B. view

C. idea

D. sense

4. — Stress can be very harmful to your health. Exercise, ______, can reduce its bad influences.

— I can’t agree more.

A. otherwise

B. instead

C. however

D. anyway

5. — Where did you go on holiday this summer? America?

— You are ______. We went on a 10-day-tour in Canada.

A. correct

B. clear

C. clever

D. close

6. It was a real race ______ time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.

A. over

B. against

C. beyond

D. between

7. You’d better pull your car over to the side of the road if you ______ answer a phone call.

A. must

B. will

C. can

D. may

8. A good listener takes part in the conversation, ______ ideas and raising questions to

keep the talk flowing.

A. having

B. understanding

C. offering

D. supporting

9. — Nowadays, teenagers seldom do any housework at home.

—No, they don’t. D oing homework ______ most of their time.

A. takes up

B. takes off

C. takes away

D. takes down

10. Larry, we’re glad you have arrived. We ______ to drive to the station to meet you.

A. began

B. would begin

C. have begun

D. were beginning

11. I remembered ______ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the light.

A. locking

B. locked

C. to lock

D. lock

12. — I will do my best in the talent show ______ I may fail.

— Wonderful! I will support you all the time.

A. when

B. until

C. unless

D. though

13. — Could you tell me _____? I must find him.

— Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now.

A. where Tom was

B. where Tom is

C. if I can phone Tom

D. where has Tom gone

14. —I’m not good at playing cards, you know.

—______! It’s just for fun.

A. What a surprise

B. What a shame

C. Don’t say so

D. Come on

15. — How I missed my family and friends when I was abroad!

— Me too. ______.

A. A miss is as good as a mile

B. Great minds think alike

C. East, west, home is best

D. Do in Rome as Romans do

二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath. We began to walk down the street on her first day of school with her hand held tightly in mine. I knew she would be crying in a few minutes, because she always did that when she was 16 about a new environment.

On the way to school, I told her repeatedly how 17 her new school life would be and expected she would feel 18 . But when she saw the massive group of students everywhere, her face at once fell and the tears (眼泪) came into her eyes. “You can do this, sweetie. Everyone has a place in line; let’s go to find yours.”

We lined up to enter the school. Just as she was about to hold on to my leg, her friend from preschool stood next to her. Suddenly, she became 19 and reached out for her friend’s hand. And as the teacher began to 20 them all into the school, she wasn’t crying, but smiling.

Honestly, I was 21 to say goodbye when I saw those little feet walk into that big building. I hid the tears behind my sunglasses and waved my hand as she walked inside.

All day I 22 what she was doing. As I waited to pick her up, I felt like a child standing in line to 23 Santa. She came out with her hand waving and her arms outstretched (伸展). “I didn’t cry again, Mommy,” she said, 24 hugging (拥抱)me and showing me her backpack full of goodies.

During two hours of listening to the details of her day, we laughed and talked about all the 25 she had. And just like her, I didn’t cry again either, I knew my daughter has grown up.

16. A. crazy B. careful C. curious D. nervous

17. A. amazing B. comfortable C. valuable D. important

18. A. safe B. relaxed C. lucky D. proud

19. A. confident B. silent C. active D. serious

20. A. walk B. send C. drive D. push

21. A. brave B. unwilling C. happy D. natural

22. A. followed B. asked C. watched D. wondered

23. A. calm B. feel C. meet D. thank

24. A. shyly B. excitedly C. politely D. suddenly

25. A. experiences B. classes C. students D. teachers

三、阅读理解 (共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)




Can the time go slower?

— by Joanna Pitt

Can the time go slower?

I’m still thinking of

the answers.

Can the time go slower?

My head is not

yet clear.

Can the time go slower?

For me the rules of math are

too hard to remember.

Can the time go slower?

My grade is what my father

really cares about.

So can the time go slower?

My dear teacher,

I don’t want to run behind others.

Oh no!

There are still lots of questions

to be answered!

26. What is the poem about?

A. Learning math.

B. Taking a test.

C. Asking questions.

D. Running with others.

27. Why does the writer keep asking “C an the time go slower?”

A. She is missing her good old times.

B. She does not want to get old with time.

C. She is worried that there’s not enough time.

D. She is afraid that she will be later home than her father.


In a class discussion not long ago, I asked my students the following question, “How long could you feel comfortable and right without food?” One student quickly answered, “About two hours.” The answer is true. For most of us, we begin to feel hungry in a few hours after each meal. We can’t imagine starting our day by waking up hungry, going all day without food and going to bed with even greater hunger.

The statistics (数据) on hunger in the United States are much surprising to all of us. According to Feeding America, “50,000,000 Americans don’t know where their next meal is coming from. That’s the number in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. And one in four of these 50,000,000 people are children.”

No Kid Hungry surveyed more than 1,000 teachers and principals around the country and found that 73 percent of teachers said they regularly teach hungry students who don’t have enough food to eat at home, and 87 percent of principals said they often see hungry students in school. As a result of so many hungry students, teachers spend nearly $40 a month buying food for kids with their own money.

This is the time of the year when children do not have the benefit (好处) of school lunch programs. Here are some ways we can do to help change this situation: First, we can give money to the local food bank. Next, we can donate food in our local area. Third, we can volunteer our time at a local food bank. So, on our next visit to the grocery store, add an extra food idem that can be donated to a food bank. Don’t wait to make a difference in a child’s life.

28. Which of the following is true?

A. Many Americans don’t have enough food to eat.

B. Most children in the US don’t want to eat breakfast.

C. American children are in hunger right now.

D. American schools don’t provide free breakfast.

29. The writer’s purpose of writing this text is to ______.

A. show the importance of school lunch programs

B. ask us to make some changes for children’s food

C. ask us to buy some more food when shopping next time

D. ask us to do something for students’ lunch programs


It truly makes my day when I receive emails from the readers wanting to share their beautiful wedding stories with us. The moment I saw the pictures of Rhona and Justin, I knew they were a very special couple. Their love for one another is so moving and I’m so excited to share their beautiful wedding stories. This is Rhona’s sweet email. Enjoy!

Hi, Janie,

I hope this email finds you well. I don’t really know how couples share their wedding stories with you, but I decide to email you. I really feel so lucky to have had a photographer and videographer for our wedding in Detroit, Michigan and I want to share it with you. Both of them truly captured (捕捉) everything I felt and the beauty I saw on our wedding day. It was truly the best day of my life.

Our family and friends came from around the country to congratulate us. We had our wedding in Detroit because my husband was finishing medical school at the University of Michigan. We wanted to find a way to prevent our families from travelling too far within a short amount of time, so we decided to have everyone meet in the middle. His family is from California and my family is from Georgia.

We had an amazing year leading up to our wedding. He proposed (求婚) to me the day I graduated from the university of Maryland School of Law. We didn’t know how we could afford a wedding, but our families came through, especially my mom, who covered almost half of the cost. It was amazing. Well, I planned the whole thing and it turned out to be a wonderful dream. I want to share our journey and story with anyone who is interested, because I want every couple to know that they can have their dream wedding within a budget (预算).



30. Why did Rhona write the email to Janie?

A. To invite Janie to her wedding.

B. To thank Janie for what she has done.

C. To share her wedding story with Janie.

D. To ask Janie to write a story about her wedding.

31. Rhona and her husband decided to hold their wedding in Detroit because ______.

A. most of their friends were there

B. both of their families live there

C. their families strongly insisted on that

D. neither families had to travel too far

32. What did Rhona mean by saying “our families came through” in Paragraph 4?

A. Their families had difficulty helping them.

B. Their families travelled far to their wedding.

C. Their families helped them pay for the wedding.

D. Their families reduced the cost of the wedding.

33. After reading Rhona’s email, we can learn that ______.

A. she got married one year after she met her husband

B. their families got everything ready for the wedding

C. everything on her wedding day was beautifully recorded

D. she didn’t think one can have a good wedding without a lot of money


“My dear Mr Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let (出租) at last?”

Mr Bennet replied that he had not.

“But it is,” returned s he, “for Mrs Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”

Mr Bennet made no answer.

“Do not you want to know who has taken it?”

“You want to tell me, and I have no objection (反对) to hearing it.”

This was invitation enough.

“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune (财富) from the north of England; that he came down on Monday to see the place, and was so satisfied with it that he agreed immediately with Mr Morris, the owner of Netherfield, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”

“What is his name?”


“Is he married or single?”

“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; 4 or 5,000 a year. What a fine thing for our girls! It is probable that he may fall in love with one of them, and so you must visit him as soon as he comes.”

“I see no chance for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better; for, as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr Bingley might like you the best of all.”

“But, my dear, you must indeed go and see Mr Bingley when he comes into the neighbourhood.”

“It is more than I can be sure, I assure (向……保证) you.”

“But consider your daughters. Sir William and Lady Lucas have decided to go, for in general, you know they visit no new comers. Indeed you must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him, if you do not.”

But in fact Mr Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited to visit Mr Bingley. He had always planned to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go.

34. How did Mrs Bennet feel when she heard that Bingley would move there?

A. Excited and hopeful.

B. Nervous and curious.

C. Surprised and crazy.

D. Pleased and proud.

35. Why did Mr Bennet show no interest in Mr Bingley’s moving there when his wife talked

about it?

A. Because his daughters were not pretty enough.

B. Because his wife was prettier than his daughters.

C. Because he didn’t care about his daughters’ happiness.

D. Because he didn’t want to show his true feelings to others.

36. What does the underlined word “that” mean?

A. Mr Bingley had decided to live there.

B. Mr Bennet himself would visit Mr Bingley.

C. Mr Bingley would like Mrs Bennet best.

D. Mr Bingley would fall in love with one of their daughters.

37. Why did Mrs Bennet mention “Sir William and Lady Lucas”?

A. To show Mr Bingley was well worth visiting.

B. To show Sir William and Lady Lucas were their friends.

C. To show it was polite for a couple to visit a new comer together.

D. To show Sir William and Lady Lucas were too proud to get along well with.

四、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



38. The earthquake caused about two ▲ (百) deaths.

39. When I left the hospital I was ▲ (完全地) cured.

40. My grandpa started ▲ (挖掘) the garden after breakfast.

41. A group of ▲ (德国人) are visiting our school.

42. The doctor said the old man should be ▲ (手术) on at once.

43. Every time I look at the photo, it ▲ (使想起) me of the happy moment.

44. The air on the top of the mountain was so ▲ (稀薄的) that we were all out of breath.

45. —It’s an either-or situation. You can’t do ▲ .

—Oh, I’ll think it over.

46. — The plane will leave at ten ▲ eleven.

—It’s ten ten. We’ve an hour left.

47. — Why not buy a second-hand flat first if you don’t have enough money?

—You’ve made a good ▲ .

五、句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


48. 字母PRC代表什么?

49. 博物馆在我们学校的北边。

50. 自从他离开家乡去澳大利亚已经有8年了。

51. 我带你转转,以便你好了解一下你的新公司。

52. 我认为父母不必太为他们的孩子们担心。

六、阅读表达 (共3小题;53小题1分,54小题2分,55小题3分,满分6分)


Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and

her 3-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding on to a string, which

had a balloon at the other end.

All of a sudden, a sharp gust (一阵风) of wind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would scream and cry.

But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise to the sky, she cheerfully shouted out, “Wow!”

I didn’t realize it at that moment. But that little girl t aught me something.

Later that day, I received a phone call from a person with news of a sudden problem.

I almost re plied with “Oh no, what should we do?” But remembering that little girl, I found myself saying: “Wow, that is interesting! How can I help you?”

One thing is for sure —life is always going to put us off balance with things we don’t expect. But how we act to them is our choice. We can choose to be discouraged or interested.

No matter what the situation is, a “Wow!” will always beat “Oh, no.”

So next time you meet one of life’s unexpected gusts, remember that little girl and make it a “Wow!” experience. It always works.

53. Where was the little girl?

54. How did the little girl feel when her balloon was blown away?

55. Will you have an active mood when unexpected trouble comes up? Why or why not?

七、书面表达 (共1小题;满分20分)

假定你是Sally,上学期在Sunshine School做过交换生,一位名叫Michael的同学想要向你请教有关阅读的事。请认真阅读下面的邮件,并根据信中的内容和实际用英语回复,可以有适当的发挥。

To: woodlandschool@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d07189525.html,

From: michaelsunshineschool@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d07189525.html,

Subject: Advice

Dear Sally,

I’m writing to ask you for advice. I know you read a lot. But I didn’t like reading. I still remember what you told me about reading when you came

to study in my class as an exchange student last term. You told me reading is

like talking with a wise man and reading makes a full man. Now things have

changed. I have fallen in love with reading. But I still have some questions.

Could you help me with them?

● What kind of books should I read?

● How much time should I spend in reading every day?

● What is the proper time for reading?

● If my parents don’t allow me to spend too much time in reading, what

注意:1. 词数90左右。回复信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;

2. 回复中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

Dear Michael,

Thanks for your letter. I am glad you love reading now. Now let me answer your questions.

I hope you can do well in the Reading Contest. Looking forward to your good news.

Best wishes



一、单项填空 (每小题1分)

1 – 5 ADBCD 6 – 10 BACAD 11– 15 CDBDC

二、完形填空 (每小题1分)

16 – 20 DABCA 21 – 25 BDCBA

三、阅读理解 (每小题2分)

26 – 27 BC 28 – 29 AD 30 – 33 CDCA 34 – 37 ADBA

四、词汇检测 (每小题1分)

38. hundred 39. completely 40. digging 41. Germans 42. operated

43. reminds 44. thin 45. both 46. past 47. suggestion

五、句子翻译 (每小题3分)

48. What do letters PRC stand for?

49. The museum is (to the) north of our school.[

50. He has been in Australia for eight years since he left his hometown.

51. I’ll show you around so that you can get to know your new company.

52. I don’t think it necessary for parents to worry too much about their children.

六、阅读表达 (53小题1分,54小题2分,55小题3分)

53. She was in a park.

54. She felt cheerful.

55. 略

七、书面表达 (20分)

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考16 定语从句(讲解)

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—定语从句 【知识方法】 先行词:名词或代词 定语从句 关系代词 关系词 关系副词 【知识清单】 定语从句 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句放在先行词后面。定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。本章只介绍限定性定语从句。引导定语从句的词有关系代词that、which、who、which、whose和关系副词where 、when,关系代词和关系副词是引导词,在定语从句中担当某一成份。 关系代词、副词作用先行词例句 that,who,whom(只做宾语) 主语 宾语 表语 人Do you know the girl who/that is standing under a tree? 你知道站在树下的女孩是谁吗?

that,which 主语 宾语 表语物、时间、 地 点、原因 She got a computer which/that her parents bought for her. 她有一台她的父母买给她的电脑。 whose 定语人物The boy whose father is a doctor studies very hard. 他的爸爸是医生的男孩学习非常刻苦。 The classroom whose window is open is mine. 窗户开着的那个教室是我的教室。 when 状语时间I still remember the day when you leave for Beijing. 我仍然记得你去北京的那一天。 where 状语地点This is the school where my mother works. 这就是我妈妈工作的学校。 why 状语原因 Could you explain the reason why you were late?你 能解释一下你迟到的原因吗? 二、关系代词在定语从句中的用法(关系代词作宾语时可省略): 1.that指人或物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 This is the pen that you are looking for. The girl that has long hair is my sister. 2.which指物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 The bike which is made in Tianjin sells well. The fish which we bought were not fresh. 3.who, whom指人,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 The boy who broke the window is called Tom. The person to whom he is talking is my father.正在和他谈话的那个人是我父亲。(宾语) 4.whose指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。 The girl whose bag is new is called Ann.新书包的那个女孩叫Ann。(指人)

中考英语模拟试题 附答案和解析

2018中考英语模拟训练(一) 一、完形填空:先阅读短文,然后从每小题的四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文 中相应空白处的最佳选项。 A March 22nd is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on (号召) us to 1 and protect water. Today, we’re facing terrible water problems. Among them, wastewater problem is especially 2 . And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”. What is wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes, factories, hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing the machines, taking showers and using the kitchen. The rain also 3 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have 4 harmful in it. ___5___ must we treat (处理) wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our life. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own 6 . How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater 7 homes can be reused. Then there will be less wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned 8 it goes back to nature. ( )1. A. drink B. save C. carry D. watch ( )2. A. easy B. popular C. small D. serious ( )3. A. gets back B. hands in C. changes into D. picks up ( )4. A. nothing B. something C. nobody D. somebody ( )5. A. What B. Who C. Why D. How ( )6. A. work B. interest C. health D. business ( )7. A. on B. for C. with D. from ( )8. A. and B. whether C. after D. before B Mulin is a small boy from Hubei.He is a(n)9boy.His parents divorced (离婚)when he was two years old.He lived with his 10 and grandmother.At the age of 5,his father died of heart disease.He had to live with his grandmother.Unfortunately,there was 11 wrong with his grandmother's head.He 12 his grandmother well.At the same time,he got good grades at school.When he was ten,he took his grandmother to see a 13 in Wuhan with some people's help.They lived in Wuhan for a month.He had 14 time to go out because he had to look after his grandmother. He called 15 a "Sunshine Boy".He 16 happy every day.But when the reporter asked him 17 he was really so happy.He said he wasn't.He didn't want to show his unhappiness to his grandmother.He told the reporter that when he was unhappy,he wrote the unhappy things on the paper with which he folded a model 18 .When the plane flew away,he felt relaxed. When the reporter asked him if he felt sorry to 19 so many lessons because of going to Wuhan,he said the lessons he missed could be learned later,but if his grandmother missed the best time to cure(治疗),there would be nothing to get the chance 20 . What a good boy! We should learn from him.


中考模拟考试英语试题 (总分120分考试时间:100分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15题,每题1分,计15分。请将选择题填涂在答题卡上) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. There is ______ ―u‖ and ______ ―f ‖ in the word ―useful‖. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a 2.----Whose bike is that? Is it David’s? No,it isn’t. ______ is black. A. Mine B. Hers C. His D. Yours 3. ----Would you like some bread and cookies? ----_________ ! I’m full. A. Yes , please. B. No, thank you! C. Yes, some please D. No, I wouldn’t. 4.----Drinking milk every morning is good ____ our health. ---Yes, I agree ______ you. A. to, to B. for ,with C. at, with D. with, to 5.---I’ve got a little ____ in my home. --- Why not keep two or more? A. milk B. bread C. fish D. juice 6. my house, there is an apple tree, and in autumn lots of apples can be seen it. A. In the front of; in B. In front of; on C. In the front of; on D. In front of; in 7. Miss Li would rather window – shopping than spend any time . A. go; read B. going; reading C. go, reading D. going; read 8. Jack is too young to ______ himself. ,his father has to help him every morning. A. wear; As a result B. put on ; So that C. dress; As a result D. in; By the way https://www.doczj.com/doc/d07189525.html,st year ,Li Hua, a college student, _______ to work for the Olympic Games. A. is choosing B. was choosing C. is chosen D. was chosen 10.---Mr. Guo looks worried. I wonder _________. --- Nothing serious. His computer doesn’t work. A. what’s wrong with him? B. what the matter is with him? C. what is he looking for? D. where does he live 11.---Will you answer the phone? It _____ be your mother. ---Sorry, I_______. I’m doing some washing. A. can, must B. may, can’t C. must, needn’t D. need, mustn’t 12.It was _____ hard work, but we have no difficulty it. A. a, complete B. /, completing C. /, complete D. a, completing 13.About ______ of the surface of the earth is covered ______ water. A. three fourth, with B. third fourth, by C. three fours, over D. three fourths, with 14.The geography teacher told us that light _____ faster than sound. A. travels B. will travel C. travel D. traveling 15.---Do you mind me _______ here? ---You’d better not. Look at the sign ―No smoking!‖ A. to smoke B. smoke C. smokes D. smoking 二、完形填空(共15题,每题1分,计15分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A very interesting thing happened to me last year. One night, long after most people had gone to bed, a friend of mine and I went home happily through the quiet street. We had been to a musical show and were 16 the people we had seen and heard in it. ―The show made him17 overnight.‖ My friend said about one of them. ―He was unknown before. And now thousands of people 18 him presents and letters.‖ ―I 19 him quite good.‖ I said. ―But not worth thousands of letters. In fact, one of his 20 gave me a shock(震惊). It gave people too much 21 .‖ ―What was that?‖my friend asked me, ― 22 it to me.‖ I began to sing at the top of my voice. ―Oh, no, you will give everybody a shock and 23 them up for kilometers around. Maybe there will be a


2019年中考英语专题练习试卷 (名师精选全国真题+答案,值得下载练习) 一、阅读理解。 A (2019中考教育类选练) A jaywalker is a person who usually walks across the road without paying attention to the traffic. “I don’t like to be a taxi driver,not only because of its hard work,but also for the reason of too many jaywalkers on the road,and that may cause dangerous accidents.”Drivers always compla (抱怨)like that.These day,a new way is used to solve the problem in Shijiazhuang,and the jaywalkers are now facing another danger of having their pictures shown on screen. A new system(系统)using two cameras and a 30 cm-by -20 cm screen is put next to some crossings in the city.People who cross the road on a red light will be caught by the camera,and their pictures will be shown on the screen.At the same time,the system will make a warning sound for people not to continue. A primary school students was caught by the camera.He stopped back onto the pavement(人 行道)after hearing the sound.”I was in a rush to get to school and saw myself smiling shyly on the screen,”he said. The system has been in use for about two weeks.Many people think it’s a good way to stop jaywalking.But there are also different voices.Some think that walkers are now given less time than drivers to cross the road,and time should be adjusted(调整). Anyway,it is a good way to solve the problem on the road.And maybe it will spread to more cities soon. ( )1.Jaywalkers often______. A.drive a car carefully B.solve the traffic problems C.follow the traffic rules D.run the red light


2019年中考英语冠词语法专题训练 (名师精选必考题+实战真题,值得下载练习) 语法综合演练 Ⅰ.用适当的冠词填空,不需填的画“/” 1.Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, and then he go e s to work. 2.—Have you seen movie OperationRedSea? —Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world. 3.Peter, honest boy, visited European country last summer. 4.There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. 5.higher the mountain is, thinner the air is. 6.—Do the twins look the same? —No. Jane is taller of them. 7.—Loo k at skirt. I bought it for my mother on Mother’s Day. —What nice skirt! 8.—Who is boy in red? —He is friend of Tom’s. He plays piano very well. 9.The novel is so interesting that he wants to read it second time. 10.Which is bigger, sun or earth? 11.Blacks are planning to go on vacation. 12.Beijing, capital of China,has long history. 13.He took the medicine three times day after meals according to the instructions. 14.Mary usually goes to work by bike, but this morning she took taxi to school. 15.best student in my class was ill in hospital. Ⅱ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A Today, the 1.(popular) of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people


中考英语模拟试题附答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《中考英语模拟试题附答案》的内容,具体内容:中考作为考生迈入重点高中的重要考试,备受家长和考生的关注。今天,我为大家整理了。中考英语模拟试题Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. I dont want the pen. Please take it a _________. 2. Students should obey (遵守) school r_________. 3. What will h_________ if they watch a video at the party? 4. Jim is going to o_________ a school party on Saturday. 5. There are lots of f_________ in the garden. They are colorful.Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分) 1. She often goes to the _________ (child) hospital. 2. They _________ (have) a class clean-up at this time yesterday. 3. If he _________ (not go) hiking tomorrow, Iwont, either. 4. We _________ (go) to the beach if it _________ (be) sunny tomorrow. 5. There _________ (be) a sports meeting in our school next weekend. Ⅲ.单项选择(10分) 1. The young girl wants to _________ jeans to the party. A. put on B. dress


最新五年2007-2011全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编 之一单项选择——形容词与副词 2011年全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编 之一单项选择——形容词与副词 2011年全国各地市110份中考英语试题解析版汇编之一单项选择 【2011哈尔滨】32. English people can't give up hamburgers or fried chicken because they’re delicious. However, the French are changing. They aren't interested in food like before. A. fast B. healthy C. natural 答案:A 【解析】考查形容词辨析根据句意:英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前,对快餐感兴趣了。 【2011呼和浩特】12. ----Wha t do you think of Tom’s speaking? ----No one does in our class. A. good B. better C. well D. best 【答案】B 【解析】形容词比较级此题是隐藏性的比较级。“你认为汤姆的口语怎样” “在我们班没人比他说得好”。 【2011四川达州】26.—Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly history. —Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921. A. 90 years; at B. 90-year; in C. 90-years; of D. 90-year; on 答案:D 【解析】本题考查复合形容词和介词的用法。90-year表示90年的,在句中作定语。on表示在某个具体的时间,in表示在模糊的时间。根据题意:-到现在中国共产党已经有接近90年的历史了。-是的,它是1921年7月23日建立的。故本题选择D。 11. The bag of rice is ___heavy for Tom to carry. Let’s go and help him. A. too B. so C. very 答案:A 【解析】固定搭配。句意:对汤姆来说,这袋大米太重,他搬不动,让我们去帮帮他。too...to...为固定搭配,意为“太……而不能……”。 【2011?广西柳州】I am glad to see you. A. happy B. sad C. old 答案A 【解析】考查形容词的用法。见到你很高兴。glad=happy.故选A。


2017年初中毕业生学业水平考试模拟试卷(三) 英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分 ) 亲爱的同学,在你答题前,请认真阅读下面的注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷 上无效。 3. 非选择题的作答:用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 祝你取得优异成绩!Good luck! 一、听力测试(共三节;满分25分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。听完每个句子后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面6段对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第1段对话,回答第6、7小题。 6.Who sang better in the yesterday’s singing competition? A. Mike. B. Lisa. C. Alice. 7.What does Lisa look like? A. She has long hair. B. She has curly hair. C.She has short hair. 听第2段对话,回答第8、9小题。 8.What’s the name of the book that Cindy is reading? A. The Journey to the West B. The Old Man and the Sea C. Little Red Riding Hood 9.How is Cindy going to be a writer? A. Keep on writing stories. B. Read more books. C. Take more notes. 听第3段对话,回答第10、11小题。 10.What did they do last fall when Sam visited Nick? A. Went to the mountains. B. Went to the museum. C. Went bike riding. 11. Why can’t Nick come to Nancy’s house this Saturday? A. He has to prepare for the next Monday’s exam. B. He has to help his mom clean the house. C. He has to go to the doctor. 听第4段对话,回答第12、13、14小题。 12.How many cups of coffee has the man already had? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 13.What suggestion did the woman make? A. Get more exercise. B. Drink less coffee. C. Add more sugar to the coffee. 14.Why has the man never seen a doctor for help? A. He doesn’t care about it. B. He never thinks about it. C. He has no time. 听第5段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。 15.How long will Tom stay at his grandparents’ home? A. For the whole summer. B. For a week. C. For a month. 16.What does Tom think of working in a bookshop? A. Boring. B. Tired. C. Fun. 17.What are the two friends talking about? A. Their plans of the summer holiday. B. How to find part-time jobs. C. Books to read during the summer holiday. 听第6段对话,回答第18、19、20小题。 18.What’s Eric’s learning problem? A. He can’t memorize words. B.He often makes mistakes in grammar. C. He has trouble understanding spoken Spanish. 19.How long has Eric learned Spanish? A. About four years. B. About three years. C. About two years. 20.What did Mrs Smith advise Eric to do? A. To listen to Spanish tapes. B. To learn Spanish culture. C. To listen to Spanish movies. 第三节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一篇短文。根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 21.What does Susan’s father do? A. An engineer. B. A manager. C. A waiter. 22.How old was Susan’s father in 2012? A. 45. B. 44. C. 43.

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考12 动词时态(讲解)【带答案】

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—动词时态 【知识方法】 一般现在时:谓语动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式 一般过去时:谓语动词用动词的过去式的形式 一般将来时:谓语动词用will/be going to +动词的原形 动词的时态 现在进行时:谓语动词用am/is/are +动词原形的形式 过去进行时:谓语动词用was/were+动词的现在分词 现在完成时:谓语动词用have/has+动词的过去分词 知识清单 动词的时态 动词的时态有很多。初中阶段主要掌握八种:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去

进行时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时。 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 1.一般现在时 1)一般现在时态的构成:主语是I, we, you, they和名词复数时作谓语的行为动词用原形。主语是he, she , it和名词单数时,作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下: 一般情况+s 以s, x, ch, sh或o结尾+es 以辅音+y结尾去y变i+es 2)一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以be和like为例): 主语肯定式否定式疑问式 第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数I am a student. We/You/ They are students. He/ She is a student. I / We/ You/ They/ like music. Many people like music. I am not a student. We/You/ They are not students. He/ She is not a student. I / We/ You/ They/ don’t like music. Many people don’t like music. Are you a student. Are you/ they students? Is he/ she a student? Do you/ they like music? Do many people like music? 3)一般现在时态的用法: 现阶段经常性,习惯性的动作。例如: I get up at six every morning. He plays tennis once a week. 现在的状态例如: My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school. 客观真理例如:


卷 I 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.— Excuse me, do you have ________ ipad 2 ? I want to e-mail my friends. — Sorry, I don’t. But my father does. You can ask him. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.— Alice, is this your pen? I need one to write down the name of the book. — No, it isn ’t . ________ is over there on the desk. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 3.— When will the London 2012 Olympic Games start? — It will start on July 27th . You can visit London this ________. A .spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 4.— Where was your fa ther when I called you, Tony? — He ____________ his car. A. washes B. washed C. is washing D. was washing 5.—It's much ___________today . Shall we go swimming this afternoon? —Good idea, I've got nothing to do. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest 6.—Hi, what ’s wrong with the girl from Japan? —Oh, she feels lonely, she has ________friends in China. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 7.—Well, you've come back! ________ did you stay in Shanghai? — For about seven days. I really enjoyed myself. A. How many B. How far C. How long D. How often 8.—Mr. Gao, I don’t understand the meaning of this new word. —You can __________ the word in your dictionary. I believe you can understand it well. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after 9.—Look ,the light in Jim ’s room is still on. Do you k now______? —To study for the coming exam, maybe. A. if he works hard B. why is he so busy C. why he stays up so late D. when he will stop working 10. — Why not join us in the game, Joe? —________, but I have to finish reading the book first. A. Y es, please B. Let ’s go C. Not at all D. I ’d love to 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The word that has changed the world Apple is one of the most popular fruits in our life, and people eat apples every day. But there are 11 apples that are especially important to the history of our human beings and they have changed the whole world. 九年级二模英语试卷 第1页 (共8页)


(三年经典)2018-2019全国各地中考英语试题精选:情境交际【2018福建?晋江】42. --Tomorrow will be sunny. How about having a picnic in the park? --_________________ But I have to prepare for tomorrow’s exam. A. I’d love. B. I’d love to. C. That’s right. 答案:B 【解析】交际用语。根据对话内容可知,“乐意去,但是我必须为明天考试做准备”,故选择B。 【2018福建?晋江】43. --Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? --Sorry, I don’t know .You can ask the policeman over there. --________________ A. How lucky! B. It’s a pity. C. Thank you all the same. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语。根据对话内容可知“尽管不知道,我同样也会谢谢您!”,故选择:C。【2018福建?晋江】44.-- Shall we see the movie today or tomorrow? --_____________ It’s all the same to me. A. I hope so. B. I’m sure. C. It’s up to you. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语。根据答语中“It’s all the same to me.”可知,“对于我来说都一样”,故选择C。 【2018安徽省卷】49. -- Excuse me. May I use your eraser, please? -- Sure. ______ A. Watch out! B. Well done! C. Go ahead. D. Follow me. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语和习惯用法。上句是“我可以用你的橡皮吗?”;下句是:当然可以,拿吧go ahead,而不是watch out小心;well done做的好;follow me跟我学。 【2018安徽省卷】42. -- Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui. --______, thank you. A. I will B. I hope so C. That's right D. My pleasure 答案:A

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