当前位置:文档之家› 句型转换3同义句




1. A plane is a kind of machine and the machine can fly. (改为同义句)

A plane can fly.

2. It used to take me a lot of time to stay outdoors at night in summer when I was young. (改为同


I used to ______ a lot of time _____ outdoors at night in summer when I was young.

3. It makes my listening skills better. (改为同义句)

It _________________ my listening skills.

4. What the teacher said is so hard that he can't understand it.. (改为同义句)

It's_____________ hard__________ him________ understand what the teacher said.

5. Tom would rather take a walk rather than stay at home. (改为同义句)

Tom prefferred ____________a walk to ____________home.

6. How can the eight-year-old boy save an adult? (改为同义句)

How can the boy of eight ____________ old save an adult’s _________

7. The scenery is strongly impressed on my mind. (改为同义句)

I’m very___________ _______ the scenery.

8.What can we do with these books ? (改为同义句)

________ can we ________ with these books?

9. Kelly usually keeps the window open when she sleeps. (改为同义句)

Kelly usually sleeps the window .

10.The poor mother doesn’t have enough money to send her child to school. (改为同义句)

The poor mother can’t pay for her chi ld’s education.

11. What will you do if your parents don’t allow you to join us? (改为同义句)

your parents don’t allow you to join us?

12. Social situations don’t bother you at all if you are confident enough. (改为同义句)

Social situa tions don’t bother you if you are confident enough.

13. Work hard, or you’ll make me disappointed.(改为同义句)

Work hard, or you’ll .

14. I would hurry to call the hospital if I saw an accident in the street. (改为同义句)

I would call the hospital if I saw an

accident in the street.

15. Her money ran out in the bookstore. (改为同义句)

His money was ________ _________ .

16. You are from Be ijing. I’m from Beijing ,too. (改为同义句)

________ ________ you _________ ________I am from Beijing .

17.Our school football team won the prize for the football match yesterday. (改为同义句)

The Price of the football match _______ _______our school football team yesterday.

18.You should shake hands when you meet someone in China for the first time. ( 改为同义句)

You ___ ___ ___ __hands when you meet someone in China for the first time 19.The coat is too expensive for me. (改为同义句)

The coat ______ ______ ______ ______ me .

20. Who is the owner of the red bicycle?

Who ________ the red bicycle __________ ____________? (同义句)

21. They have run out of all the paper already. (同义句)

They have ________ ________ all the paper already.

22.Tina and Peter got married two years ago. (改为同义句)

Tina_____ _____ ______Peter two years ago.

23. My car broke down yesterday. I can’t go there with you. (改为同义句)

There was _____________- with my car yesterday. I can’t go there with you.

24. Her parents often provide lots of money for her. (改为同义句)

Her parents often ________ _______ _________ lots of money.

25.You shouldn’t behave like that at the table. (改为同义句)

You ________ _________ to behave like that at the table.

26. How was your visit to France last month?

________ was your visit to France ________ last month? (改为同义句)

27. My French has become better. (改为同义句)

My French has ________.

28. Lucy has made up her mind that she won’t do that again.(改为同义句)

Lucy has _______ _______ to do that again.

29. I'm sure that man is Mr. Green. (改为同义句)

That man ________ ________ Mr. Green.

30. It began to rain so they didn't go window-shopping. (改为同义句)

They didn't go window-shopping ________ ________ the rain.


1. This is the most boring journey that I have ever heard of.

I have ________ heard of ________ a boring journey before.

2. My father seems to be very angry.

________ seems that my father ________ very angry.

3. He could do it well.

He ________ ________ ________ do it well.

4. The captain is the happiest of all the players.

The captain is ________ ________ any other player.

5. Taking exercise often can make you healthy.

It's good ________ your ________ to take exercise often.

6. The children played happily in the zoo yesterday.

The children ________ ________ in the zoo yesterday.

7. The problem is too difficult for me to work out.

The problem isn't ________ ________ for me to work out.

8. Hurry up, and you'll be on time for the party.

________ you ________ hurry, you'll be late for the party.

9. It is five years since he left his hometown.

He has ________ ________ from his hometown for five years.

10. The film began at 2:00 p. m. and ended at 4:30 p. m.

The film ________ two and a half ________.

11. That lady is my new English teacher. She is wearing red clothes.

The lady ________ ________ is my new English teacher.

12. With a polite goodbye, Mr. Green left the house.

________ ________ good-bye politely, Mr. Green left the house. 13. I spent four hundred yuan in buying that recorder.

That recorder ________ ________ four hundred yuan.

14. “Can I borrow your bike?” he asked me.

He asked me ________ I ________ ________ him the bike.

15. There are more people in America than in England.

The ________ in America is ________ than ________ in England.

16. He can't decide where he should stay for the night.

He can't decide ________ ________ ________ for the night.

17. You needn't thank me, sir.

________ ________ ________ for you to thank me.

18. The ID card is not the only thing that I have lost.

The ID card is not the only thing ________ ________.

19. How is the weather in Shanghai?

What ________ ________ ________ does Shanghai have?

20. His father has been dead for two years.

It's two years ________ his father ________.

21. Tom didn’t watch TV that evening. He listened to music.

Tom listened to music ______ ______ watching TV that evening.

22. “Will you go home tomorrow?” the mother asked her son.

The mother asked her son ________ he ________go home the next day.

23. Mr. Smith wanted to know where he could get the information.

Mr. Smith wanted to know ________ ________ get the information.

24. You can do it in class. You can also do it at home.

You can do it ________ in class ________ at home.

25. “I’ll return the DVDs to Mary as soon as possible”, said Mike.

Mike said he ___________ ___________ back the DVDs to Mary as soon as possible.

26. Don’t throw waste paper on the ground, please.

You ___________ ___________ to throw waste paper on the ground.

27. Tom can’t speak French. Jack can’t speak French, either.

__________ Tom __________ Jack can speak French.

28. Mike will come if you invite him.

Mike __________ come __________ you invite him.

29. The small boy stopped crying after he saw his mother.

The small boy ___________ stop crying ___________ he saw his mother.

30. The fish will go bad, so you’d better put it in the fridge.

The fish will go bad __________ you __________ put it in the fridge.

二.1. never; such 2. It; is 3. was able to 4. happier than 5. for; health 6. enjoyed themselves 7. easy enough 8. If; don't 9. been away 10. lasted; hours 11. in red 12. After saying 13. cost me 14. if/whether; could lend 15. population; larger; that 16. where to stay 17. There's no need 18. that's missing 19. kind of weather 20. since; died 21. instead of 22. whether/if; would 23. where to 24. either; or 25. would, give 26. aren’t’ allowed / ought to 27. Neither nor 28. won’t unless 29. didn’t, until30. if, don’t


一、中考语文专项练习:句式变换 1.不改变句意,把下边的长句改成几个意思连贯的短句。 历史剧《屈原》叙写了战国时代楚怀王不图自强,不辨敌友,梦想依附秦国,屈原虽然“信而见疑,忠而被谤”,却依然深怀爱国热忱,同朝廷绝齐亲秦的反动势力进行顽强斗争的故事。 【答案】战国时代楚怀王不图自强,不辨敌友,梦想依附秦国;屈原虽然“信而见疑,忠而被谤”,却依然深怀爱国热忱。历史剧《屈原》叙写了屈原同朝廷绝齐亲秦的反动势力进行顽强斗争的故事。 【解析】【分析】这句话主要有三层意思:楚怀王是怎样的人;屈原是怎样的人;历史剧《屈原》的主要内容是什么。 【点评】本题考查把长句改为短句。理解句子的主要意思,分清表达层次,按不同的主语写成短句。 2.学校开展以“弘扬中国传统文化”为主题的综合性学习活动,请你完成下面的任务。(1)你所在的八(1)班安排你邀请校团委方老师下周一班会课在你班教室作一个关于“传统文化的保护与发展”的讲座,你将怎么对方老师说? (2)班级准备举行一场有关传统节日PK洋节日的小型辩论会。请你阅读下面的材料,帮助拟写一个辩论题目。 在这个物质日益丰盈的年代,我们越来越明显地感到年味淡了,其它各种传统节日也都跟以前的隆重盛大无法比拟了。作为我国传统节日里最有诗意和最富有民间传说的中秋节,与之相关的吴刚伐桂、嫦娥奔月、玉兔捣药等传说故事至今流传,历朝历代的文人墨客也都曾写下了关于中秋佳节的诗句,并且成为我国文学史上浓墨重彩的一笔。而现在的情况是,如今传统节日显然缺少了其文化内涵。 随着洋节日纷纷进军中国,每逢情人节、圣诞节等洋节日时,全国各地的大小城市都会出现异常火爆的场面和景象。在上世纪九十年代出生的群体,已经开始相信圣诞老人了,开始在麦当劳、肯德基里过生日了。他们不知道长命锁,没见过八仙桌,传统的东西在他们的脑海和记忆里越来越少了,有同学坦言:“我更喜欢西方节日中的那份轻松自由和快乐的气氛。像春节这些节日,尽管有浓浓的亲情,但太正式,对我们来说没有诙谐和乐趣,不好玩。” (3)本次活动结束后,张浩同学写了一篇报道稿。下面是其中的部分内容,请你按要求帮助他修改和完善。 传统文化在一定历史背景下形成,这样就必然具有局限性,也必然是精华与糟粕并存的。保护传统文化的过程是一个取其精华、弃其糟粕的过程。(A)对中国传统文化的糟粕,我们应当毫不犹豫坚决地抛弃。(B)而像________的追求仁义,________的崇尚自然,________的主张兼爱非攻,________的主张依法治国等不同派别的思想在当今社会还有其重要的作用。(C)我们应该将其发扬光大。 ①(B)处横线上应依次填上序号:A.道家;B.墨家;C.儒家;D.法家 ②(A)处画线句子有语病,应将“________”一词删去。


小学语文·句型转换练习·陈述句与反问句 (一)反问句变陈述句。 1、先删除反问词(怎能、怎么、难道、哪里等等),有的句子可适当再加上“很”“都”等,使句子表达的意思更准确。 2、看句子里有没有否定词“不”“没”“无”,有的给删去,没有的给加上。 3、看句子有没有疑问词,如有删去疑问词“呢”、“吗”等 3、反问句删去“?”,变为句号。 练习: 1、我们怎能忘记老师的谆谆教导? 2、那浪花所奏的不正是一首欢乐的歌吗? 3、这里的景色这么美,怎能不使我们流连忘返呢? 4、这点小事,难道还要妈妈担心吗? 5、大千世界,哪里没有野花的倩影呢? 6、我们怎么能随意砍伐树木,破坏绿化呢?(改成陈述句)

7、人与自然的关系日益密切,怎能不使我们感到亲切与舒服呢? 8、我们遇到困难时,怎能退缩呢? 9、说出的话难道可以不算数吗? 10、难道这不是祖国母亲对我的期望吗? 11、在阳光下,大片青松的边沿闪动着白桦的银裙,不是像海边的浪花吗? __________________________________________________________ 12、人与山的关系日益密切,怎能不使我们感到亲切、舒服呢? __________________________________________________________ 13、看到那数不尽的青松白桦,谁能不向四面八方望一望呢? __________________________________________________________ 14、看,海边上不是还泛着白色的浪花吗? __________________________________________________________ 15、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,这难道不是真理吗? _____________________________________________________


小学英语动词填空和句型转换五步做题法(A) 小学英语考试,动词填空和句型转换是重要的考试题。在做动词填空和句型转换时,要遵循五步原则: 1先根据时间状语判断时态; 2然后看是什么句型; 3想一想这个时态的该句型是什么结构; 4尝试翻译句子的汉语意思; 5最后再做题。 即,按照“时态—句型—结构—汉意—做题”五个步骤完成题目。 当然,必须要首先熟练掌握的基础知识是:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时和一般将来时这四种时态的时间状语(什么时态常和什么时间状语连用)、各种句型结构(肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句句式),以及动词的词形变化规则(动词的单三形式、现在分词、过去式)等,才能熟练做题。 试举例说明: 一、动词填空 例1:The weather tomorrow,it___________ (windy)in Harbin. 第一步,根据the weather tomorrow(主要根据tomorrow)判断该句子是“一般将来时”。 第二步,根据it___________ (windy)in Harbin,以及主语是it单数,谓语是___________ (windy),in Harbin 是时间状语,标点符号是.可以判断该句子是“一般将来时的肯定句”。 第三步,根据第二步和学过的一般将来时的肯定句句型可以知道,结构是“主语+be(am,is,are) going to/will(shall)+动词原形+其他.” 第四步,该句子的汉语意思是:哈尔滨明天的天气,将刮风。 第五步,做题,套用第三步的句子结构(“主语+be(am,is,are) going to/will+动词原形+其他.”),可以知道答案是:is going to/will be windy 注意:该题所给词windy是形容词(windy,形容词,刮风的,有风的;wind,名词,风),而非动词,根据一般将来时肯定句句型结构“主语+be(am,is,are) going to/will(shall)+动词原形+其他.”可以知道,be(am,is,are) going to/will(shall)后需跟动词原形而非形容词,所以答案不能直接填形容词windy,而要根据形容词常和be连用组成动词词组be windy,这样才能保证be(am,is,are) going to/will(shall)后跟动词原形,所以答案是is going to/will be windy而非is going to/will windy. 思考:你知道下列句子的答案吗? 1.Look at the cloud. I think it ________ (rain) . 2.Today is Monday. Tomorrow ______ Tuesday. 例2: (be)yoy at home yesterday?No,we . 第一步,根据yesterday判断该句子是“一般过去时”。 第二步,根据 (be)yoy at home yesterday?以及主语是you,谓语动词be在主语之前,和标点符号是?可以判断该句子是“be(was,were)的一般过去时的一般疑问句”。 第三步,根据第二步和学过的be的一般过去时的一般疑问句句型可以知道,结构是“Be+主语+其他?”以及肯否回答的结构。 第四步,该句子的汉语意思是:昨天你们在家吗?不,我们不在家。

book4 完成句子和句型转换复习

2014-2015学年度高一第二学期英语期末复习(Book4) Book 4 Unit 1 一、根据中文意思完成句子。 1. The dictionary _________ _________ _________(为……设计) the beginners. 2.I _________ _________(偶然遇见)an old school friend in the street this morning. 3. He never _________ _________ ________ (瞧不起)people who can’t go to school. 4. They decided to _________ _________ (坚持)in spite of the weather. 5. He _________ ________(与……争论)Mary about the best place for a holiday last night. 6. The couple _________ _________ _________ _________ (过着快乐的生活)in the countryside with their parents and grandparents. 7. Memories _________ _________(涌上心头)on me and I became very excited. 8. We should _________ _________ _________(关心)public work. 9. The car were lined up, ready to _________ _________(出发). 10. Ms Smith _________ _________ (谈到)his mother in the phone last night. 11. I found a note lying on the playground _________ _________ (碰巧). 12. Lin Qiaozhi _________ _________ _________(致力于)medical work for Chinese women and Children. 13. When I was walking in the street, a beautiful girl _________ _________ _________(引起某人的注意). 二、句型转换。 1. It is worthwhile to discuss the question in the meeting. (改为同义句) It _________ _________ _________the question in the meeting. 2. Mr. Smith observed a boy climb over the wall.(被动语态) A boy was observed _________ _________over the wall by Mr. Smith. 3. It took me three hours to finish my housework. (改为同义句) I _________ three hours _________ my housework. 4. He was able to return his country only when the war was over in 194 5. (改为同义句)Only when the war was over in 1945 _________ _________ _________ to return his country. 5. My parents seemed to know my secret.(改为同义句) It _________ that my parents _________ my secret. Book 4 Unit 2 一、根据中文意思完成句子。 1. The room _______ ________ _______________(配备)home appliances. 2. I am so tired that I can’t ________ _______ (聚焦)anything today. 3. Art ______ ______ ________(源于) life while reflects it. 4. We must ______ ______ _____ (处理掉) these old newspapers. 5. His careless driving _______ _____(导致)this terrible accident. 6. They were poor and had to_____ ______(为…奋斗)a living.


一、中考语文专项练习:句式变换 1.将下列三个短句改为一个长句。(可增删个别词语,但不得改变原意。) ①5月14-15日,“一带一路” 国际合作高峰论坛在北京举行。 ②《中国青年报》对“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛进行了专题报道。 ③报道是全景式,立体化的。 【答案】《中国青年报》对5月14-15日在北京举行的“一带一路” 国际合作高峰论坛进行了全景式、立体化的专题报道。 【解析】【分析】解答这道题时,我们应该先整体阅读语段,了解大意,句子之间的关系,根据句子之间的关系确定使用关联词。 【点评】解答此题首先要读懂原句意,然后结具体句式,特殊词用法,及具体要求辨析作答。 2.阅读下面的文字,完成后面小题 只见这些挺拔伟岸的黄山松,巍然sǒng立在我们面前。虽然雨雾濛濛,但是它们那厚实粗壮的腰身,亭亭如盖的树冠,在雾气中却更显示出巍俄浑厚之美,如同缥缈仙境中的神树一般。而傍着一颗巨石,树冠如云,树身如柱,喷薄而出的,就是黄山标志的迎客松了。在这种海拔之上,能有这么壮观的腰身和树冠,简直堪称一绝。 (1)根据拼音写出相应的汉字,给画线的字注音。 sǒng立________ 缥缈________ 喷薄________ (2)文中有错别字的一个词是“________”,这个词的正确写法是“________”。 (3)“盖”有以下几种义项,请为“亭亭如盖”中“盖”选择恰当的一项() A.遮掩、蒙上的其,其密 B.动物的甲壳 C.伞;车篷 D.器物上有遮蔽和封闭作用的东西 (4)将画线句子改成双重否定句,不得改变原意。 【答案】(1)耸;miǎo;bó (2)巍俄;巍峨 (3)C (4)在这种海拔之上,能有这么壮观的腰身和树冠,不能不算一绝。 【解析】【分析】(1)本题作答时,注意易错音的积累,掌握汉语拼写规则,规范拼音书写,不要写成英语字母;根据拼音写汉字,除了根据具体的语境,还要注意同音字、形似字的辨析,避免混淆。注意“耸”的字形和多音字“薄”字的读音。 (2)错别字的产生原因主要是音同或形似,掌握这个易错点,根据汉字的特点,结合句

新目标八年级英语下期末复习题 句子翻译,句型转换专项练习

句子翻译 1. 将来人们会有机器人吗? _________ people have _________? 2. 我应该做什么? _________ ___________ I do? 3. 当飞碟到达时你正在干什么? ________ _________ you _______ when the UFO _________? 4. 他说我学习努力. He said I _______ ______________. 5. 如果你去参加聚会,你会过得很开心. If you go to the party, you’ll ____ ____ ____ ____. 6. 你收集贝壳有多久了? ________ _______ have you _____ _____ shells? 7. 你介意把音乐声关小一点吗? Would you mind _________ _________ the music? 8. 你为什么不给她买条围巾呢? ________ _______ you get her a scarf? 9. 你曾去过游乐园吗? ________ you ever ________ ______ an amusement park? 10. 今天是个好天气,不是吗? It’s a nice day, ________ _________ ? 11. 你能给我一些建议吗? Could you ________ me ________ ________? 12. 他迷恋上了电脑. He fell ______ _________ _______ the computer. 13. 她可以说英语和汉语. She _______ _________ ______ speak English and Chinese. 14. 将来会有更多的污染. There will _______ _________ _____________. 15. 哪一个国家会在下一届世界杯中胜出? ________ ________ will win the next World cup? 16. 他们不想在电话中谈论那件事. They don’t want to talk about it ________ _______ ____________. 17. 罗斯不想和她的表兄吵架,因为他是她最好的朋 友. Rose doesn’t want to ______ ______her cousin, because he is her ________ _________. 18. 父母应好好照顾孩子. Parents ________ take good ______ _____ their kids. 19. 勿进! 她正在睡觉. _________ _________! She is sleeping. 20. 你可以向你的哥哥借些钱. You could ________ some money _______ your brother. 21. 当外星人出来时,女孩正在购物. The girl was shopping when the alien ______ ____. 22. 他站在同学们前面. He is standing _____ ________ _____ his class. 23. 当飞机起飞时,你在做什么? When the plane ________ ________, what were you doing? 24. 喝杯咖啡怎么样? ________ _________ drinking a cup of coffee? 25. 首先,你应该说对不起. _______ _____ _____, you should say you’re sorry. 26. 他说他对汤姆很生气. He said he _______ _______ ______ Tom. 27. 我告诉她我将在第二天去公园. I told her I __________ go to the park ______ _______ ________. 28. 他说他擅长口语. He said he _______ _______ ______ speaking. 29. 当我长大后,我将环游世界. When I ________ _______, I will ________ _________ ________ __________. 30. 高中毕业后,我想上大学. I want to _______ _______ __________ after I leave high school. 31. 请拿走袋子, 我不想它在这儿. Please ______ _____ the bag, I don’t want it here. 32. 那位老人以卖报纸谋生. That old man went to sell newspaper to _______ ________ _________. 33. 你如果迟些起床,你会上学迟到的. If you get up late, you _______ ________ ________ _______ school. 34. 他在数学方面做得较好. He can ________ _________ in math. 35. 有许多著名的预言从没有实现. There are many famous predictions that never _________ __________. 36. 在我7岁的时候,我得到了这件礼物. I get the present ______ _______ ______ ______. 37. 顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么? ______ _____ ______, what’s your hobby? 38. 自我8岁以来我就一直在学习弹吉他. I’ve ______ ________ the guitar _______ I


英语句型转换 1、I have some noodles.(否定句) ____________________________ 2. There are some sheep on the farm.(一般疑问句) ______________________________________________ 3.What’s this? (复数句) _______________________________ 4.Those are lovely deer. (单数句) _______________________________ 5.This is a knife. (复数句) _______________________________ 6.The little boy is in the park. (用where提问) ______________________________________________ 7.This Spring Festival is in January. (用when提问) ______________________________________________ 8.The blue shirt is my father’s.(用whose提问) ______________________________________________ 9.I like to drink some milk.(用what提问) ______________________________________________ 10.I can dance with my feet.( 用what提问) ______________________________________________ 11. My coat is blue.( 用what colour提问) ______________________________________________ 12. There are some books on the table.( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ______________________________________________ 13. Do you like Western food? ______________________________________________ 14.What colour is your coat? ______________________________________________ 改一般疑问句,并肯定回答。 15. It is a bed. _______________________________


小升初句子——句型转换专项练习题及详细答案解析 一.选择题(共2小题) 1.下面按要求改写的句子,不正确的是() A.“蜜蜂在花丛中飞”改成拟人句:蜜蜂在花丛中轻歌曼舞 B.“挑山工对我说:‘我家住在山脚下,天天挑货上山’.”改成转述句:挑山工对我说,他家住在山脚下,天天挑货上山 C.把“今天很热”改成比喻句:今天像夏天一样热 D.把“他家的房间很小”改成夸张句:他家房间只有巴掌大 2.“学习语文要下功夫”,与这句话意思不一样的一项是()A.学习语文能不下苦功吗? B.学习语文非下苦功不可! C.学习语文非下苦功不可吗? D.学习语文不能不下苦工。 二.填空题(共1小题) 3.按要求写句子。 (1)喂猪的老头笑盈盈地看着他的两头小白猪。 缩写:。 (2)用修改符号修改病句。 花园里开满了五颜六色的黄菊花。 (3)钱塘江大潮,自古以来被称为天下奇观。 改为反问句:。 (4)仿写句子:当四周很安静的时间,蟋蟀就在这平台上弹琴。 。

三.语言表达(共46小题) 4.把句子换一种说法,看看意思有没有不同。 例:夏天,凉爽的清风从南窗里吹进来,太舒服了! 太舒服了!夏天,凉爽的清风从南窗里吹进来。 (1)那些美好的印象,我一辈子也不会忘记。 (2)为了美好的明天,为了祖国的未来,努力吧! 5.按要求写句子。 (1)这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍,我差不多都借阅了。(改成“被”字句) (2)人们都爱秋天,爱她的天高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的香飘四野。(仿写句子) 人们都爱春天,爱她的花红柳绿,爱她的,爱她的。 6.按要求写句子。 (1)书,被人们称为人类文明的“长生果”。(改为“把”字句) (2)秋天赶走了太阳焦热。(改为具体的拟人句) (3)学校图书馆那丰富的图书像磁石一样吸引着我。(缩写句子) (4)人们都爱秋天,爱她的天高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的香飘四野。(照样子,写排比句) 7.读了《麦哨》这篇课文,让我回忆起许多童年趣事。(改为反问句)


二年级下册语文句型转换练习题(人教版) 一·句型转换。 1.这本书难道不是你的吗?(改成陈述句) 2.那么多星星,你是数不清的。(改成反问句) 3.李红长得最漂亮了。(改成反问句) 4.我妈妈在幼儿园教书。(反问句) 5.你看,这岩石一层一层的,不就像一册厚厚的书吗?(陈述句) 6.我们不能被困难吓倒。(反问句) 7.你难道不爱你的妈妈?(陈述句) 8、窗外的景色很美。(感叹句) 9、你怎么能这样做呢?(陈述句) 10、小东今天没有去公园玩?(陈述句)

11、那么多星星,你怎么能数得清呢?(陈述句) 12、那么多星星,你怎么能数得清呢?(感叹句) 13、你怎么能不上学呢?(陈述句) 14、你写的字真工整。(感叹句) 15、我们身边的科学知识可真不少!(反问句) 16、这是真的吗?(陈述句) 17、这是真的吗?(感叹句) 18、这是他自己观察到的!(反问句) 19、这是你找到的春天吗?(陈述句) 20、画不能代表春天。(反问句) 21、你看那黑熊多紧张啊!(陈述句 )

22、你看那黑熊多紧张啊!(反问句) 23、这不是太简单了吗?(陈述句) 二、把下列反问句改成陈述句、感叹句。 例子:反问句:还有比事实更能说明道理的吗? 陈述句:没有比事实更能说明道理的。 感叹句:没有比事实更能说明道理的呀! 1.这本书明明是我的,怎么能说是你的呢? 陈述句 感叹句 2、你们看见过这样的朋友吗? 陈述句 感叹句 3、好好学习,就能取得好成绩。 反问句 感叹句 4、我们不能被困难吓倒。 反问句 感叹句 三、把“被”字句改成“把”字句,把“把”字句改成“被”字句。 1、我把作业做完了。 2、农民伯伯把果园里的果子摘下来了。 3、家里的老鼠被我消灭了。 4、河滩上的小鱼被太阳晒干了。


第三部分:句型变换 1.Tim didn’t stay in the meeting. He left the office.( 用instead of将两句连成一句) 答案: Tim left the office instead of staying in the meeting. Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat.(用instead of将两句合成一句。) 答案: He cleared up the flat instead of going to work the next day. Although it rained, the visit was a success. (用instead of将两句连成一句) 答案: The visit was a success in spite of the rain. Mary didn’t stay at home. She went round to see Tim.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句。) 答案: Instead of staying at home, Mary went round to see Tim. 2.Where is the restaurant? (用 he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句) 答案:he asked where the restaurant was. 3.That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用but将量具连成一句) 答案:That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive, I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window. (用but将两句合成一句) 答案: I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window. I cooked dinner. Nobody ate it (用but将两句合成一句) 答案: I cooked dinner but nobody ate it. It was too hot. I corldn’t open the window.(用but将两句连成一句) 答案:It was too hot,but I couldn’t open the window. 4.He’s gone to Shanghaii. He negotiating a new contract. (用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:he’s gone to shanghai to negotiate a new contract. They are saving money. They’re planning a holiday. (用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:They are saving money to plan a holiday. She’s looking for somebody. She wants somebody to help her.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:She’s looking for somebody to help her. She’s coming here. she’s signing the contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:She’s coming here to sign the contract. 5. He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus. ( 用enough…to 将两句连成一句) 答案:he didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus. 6.I went shopping. I needed a new a pair of shoe. ( 用because将两句连成一句。) 答案:I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes. 7.“Can you phone me later, Susan?” said David. (用ask, to改写句子) 答案:David asked me if I could phone him later.


小学英语句型转换的方法 一、肯定句改为否定句的方法——三步走 1、在be动词(am is are)和情态动词(can,will.may ,must, would.should ,could. )后加not,其它照抄。 (如:is not , are not , am not, was not, were not, cannot, will not)2、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t(非三单)/doesn’t (三单)/didn’t(过去时),其它照抄。 3、遇见 some 改成any。 二、肯定句改为一般疑问句的方法——四步走 1、把be动词(am is are)和情态动词(can, will.may ,must, would.should ,could. ),放到句首,其它照抄。 2、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do(非三单)/Does(三单)/Did(过去时)帮忙,其它照抄. (注 Does/Did后面的动词变回原形)。 3、遇见I/we改成you, my改成your, some改成any。 4、句号变问号。 三、肯定句改为特殊疑问句的方法——四步走 1、先把肯定句变为一般疑问句, 2、然后根据划线部分确定是什么疑问词。 3、再然后把疑问词放在一般疑问句前,去掉划线部分。(how many除外,需加物品) 4、句点改成问号。

特殊疑问词: what (什么)how(怎样) who(谁) which(哪一个) why(为什么)where(哪里) how many(多少)how much (多少钱)what colour(什么颜色) how old(多大)when(什么时候)...... 把下列句子变成否定句 1. I am listening to music._________________________________ 2. Mike is a student._______________________________________ 3. Sarah can clean the classroom._________________________________ 4. They are in the zoo. ________________________________________ 5. There are some flowers in the vase._____________________________ 6.This is my sister._________________________________________ 7.We are sweeping the floor. __________________________________ 把下列句子变成一般疑问句。be动词(am is are)和情态动词(can, may) 1. I am listening to music.____________________________________ 2. Mike is a student.__________________________________________ 3. Sarah can clean the classroom.________________________________ 4. They are in the zoo._____________________________________ 5. There are some flowers in the vase._______________________ 6.This is my sister._________________________________________ 7.We are sweeping the floor._________________________ 把下列句子改为一般疑问句。一般动词(非be动词和情态动词) 1. We need some masks._________________________________

中考 语文句式变换及解析

一、中考语文专项练习:句式变换 1.下列与画线句子表意不相同的一项是() 一个极其浅显的道理是,一双鞋也许不能走遍天下,但频繁换鞋子,走几步换一双,且不说付出的成本太大,光换鞋子这种折腾就势必影响赶路。一个求真务实的人,不会频繁瞎折腾;一个脚踏实地的国家,不会动辄改弦易辙。国家越自信,对“举什么旗,走什么路”就越有底气;认定方向,戮力同心,一步一个脚印地走下去,中国梦便不遥远。 A. 一个求真务实的人啊,请不要频繁瞎折腾了! B. 一个求真务实的人,怎么不会频繁瞎折腾? C. 一个求真务实的人,难道可以频繁瞎折腾? D. 一个求真务实的人,一定不要频繁瞎折腾! 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】B项,“ 怎么不会频繁瞎折腾?”一句,否定的反问句表达肯定的意思:一个求真务实的人,一定会频繁瞎折腾。和例句意思不一致,故选B。 故答案为:B 【点评】本题考查辨析句式变换后意义的区别。答题时应注意,仔细本文每个句子意思、语气、词义的细微差别,分析表意的区别,选出正确答案。 2.阅读下面的文字,完成小题。 带着一颗朝拜的心,我又一次走近经典,聆听孟子。书香扑面的时候,心被qián诚塞得满满的。沿着岁月的河道溯源,不觉间,仿佛已走过千年。他是一座解读不尽的文化宝藏,一直穿越时空给后人以启迪,给后人以震撼!这是一个不惧忧患、心怀天下的孟子——生于乱世,勇于济世;游于列国,长途跋涉。他奔走在游说的道路上,执着而坚定,焦zhuó而真诚。他契而不舍地宣扬民本思想,持之以恒地做百姓代言人。 (1)根据拼音写汉字,给划线的字注音。 qián________zhuò ________诚溯源焦________ (2)文中有错别字的词语是“________”,正确写法是“________”。 (3)“济世”中“济”的意思是() A.渡,过河 B.对困苦的人加以帮助 C.补益 (4)把文中画线的句子改为反问句。 【答案】(1)虔;sù;灼 (2)契而不舍;锲而不舍 (3)B (4)难道他不是一座解读不尽的文化宝藏吗? 【解析】【分析】根据平时对汉字字形和字音的积累答题,注意“虔”不要写成“谦”等字,“溯”不要注成“shù”,“灼”不要写成“酌”。


二年级下册句式练习 一、反问句、陈述句转换联系 1.这本书难道不是你的吗?(改成陈述句) 2.那么多星星,你是数不清的。(改成反问句) 3.李红长得最漂亮了。(改成反问句) 4.我妈妈在幼儿园教书。(反问句) 5.你看,这岩石一层一层的,不就像一册厚厚的书吗?(陈述句) 6.我们不能被困难吓倒。(反问句) 7.你难道不爱你的妈妈?(陈述句) 8、窗外的景色很美。(感叹句) 9、你怎么能这样做呢?(陈述句) 10、小东今天没有去公园玩?(陈述句) 11、那么多星星,你怎么能数得清呢?(陈述句)

12、那么多星星,你怎么能数得清呢?(感叹句) 13、你怎么能不上学呢?(陈述句) 14、你写的字真工整。(感叹句) 15、我们身边的科学知识可真不少!(反问句) 16、这是真的吗?(陈述句) 17、这是真的吗?(感叹句) 18、这是他自己观察到的!(反问句) 19、这是你找到的春天吗?(陈述句) 20、画不能代表春天。(反问句) 21、你看那黑熊多紧张啊!(陈述句 22、你看那黑熊多紧张啊!(反问句)

23、这不是太简单了吗?(陈述句) 二、把下列反问句改成陈述句、感叹句。 例子:反问句:还有比事实更能说明道理的吗? 陈述句:没有比事实更能说明道理的。 感叹句:没有比事实更能说明道理的呀! 1.这本书明明是我的,怎么能说是你的呢? 陈述句 感叹句 2、你们看见过这样的朋友吗? 陈述句 感叹句 3、好好学习,就能取得好成绩。 反问句 感叹句 4、我们不能被困难吓倒。 反问句 感叹句 三、把“被”字句改成“把”字句,把“把”字句改成“被”字句。 1、我把作业做完了。 2、农民伯伯把果园里的果子摘下来了。 3、家里的老鼠被我消灭了。 4、河滩上的小鱼被太阳晒干了。


专题检测二十三句型转换和翻译句子 (时间:30分钟满分:53分) 句型转换与翻译句子(每小题1分,共53分) Ⅰ.(2017山东济南槐荫区一模) 按要求完成下列句子 1.They are interested in science fiction.(改为一般疑问句) Are they interested in science fiction? 2.Bill exercises on weekends.(就画线部分提问) When does Bill exercise? 3.“Where do you plan to spend your holiday?” The teacher asked the boys.(变成间接引语) The teacher asked the boys where they planned to spend their holiday. 4.It was seven o’clock when the movie actors showed up in the theater.(改写句子,句意不变) The movie actors didn’t appear in the theater till/until seven o’clock. 5.I don’t think they will turn down my invitation.(改写句子,句意不变) I think my invitation will be accepted. Ⅱ.(2017四川育才成功学校诊断2) 按要求完成下列句子 1.There was a Readers competition in our school last month.(改为一般疑问句) Was there a Readers competition in your school last month? 2.Everything will be all right in a month.(对画线部分提问) How soon will everything be all right? 3.I am not good at math.Gina isn’t,either.(同义句转换) Neither I nor Gina is good at math. 4.小男孩太小了不能自己穿衣服。(完成译句) The little boy is too young to dress himself. 5.——你看了电影《银河护卫队2》了吗? ——当然看了。电影票花了我35元。(完成译句) —Have you watched the movie GuardiansoftheGalaxy2? —Yes,of course.The ticket cost me35 yuan. Ⅲ.(2017重庆江北区考前适应卷) 按要求完成下列句子 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce178946.html,ura put many different kinds of pictures in her bag yesterday.(改为否定句) Laura didn’t put many different kinds of pictures in her bag yesterday. 2.The students in this school learn English by studying with a group.(对画线部分提问) How do the students in this school learn English? 3.He left his hometown ten years ago.(改为同义句) He has been away from his hometown for ten years. 4.越来越多的人已经选择通过微信支付。(完成译句) More and more people have chosen to pay through WeChat. 5.黄亚常常放学后和同学们一起在操场上踢足球。(完成译句) Huang Ya with his classmates often plays football on the playground after school. Ⅳ.(2018中考预测) 按要求完成下列句子 1.They have seen the film already.(改为否定句) They haven’t seen the film yet. 2.The girl bought lots of clothes on the day of Double Eleven last year.(对画线部分提问) What did the girl do on the day of Double Eleven last year? 3.Wang Bing was very glad to receive a letter from his old classmates.(改为同义句) Wang Bing was very glad to hear from his old classmates.

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