当前位置:文档之家› 英语中各种各样的“吃法”




1. pig out 狼吞虎咽、大吃特吃

Would you like to pig out with us tonight? 今晚想不想跟我们一起去大吃一顿呢?

2. eat up 吃光、吃完

Please eat up the rest of the food. 请把剩余的食物都吃完。

3. eat out出去吃饭

It’s a good idea to eat out once in a while. 偶尔出去吃一顿真不错。

4. eat in 在家吃饭

Are you going to eat in or eat out? 你打算在家里吃饭还是出去吃饭呢?

5. eat like a bird 吃得很少

Girls always eat like a bird in order to keep a good

figure. 女孩们为了保持好身材总是吃得很少。

6. grab a bite 随便吃几口垫垫肚子

Let’s grab a bite before we leave. 咱们走之前还是先垫垫肚子吧!

7. overeat 吃得太多

I overate last night and got violent indigestion. 昨晚我吃多了, 严重消化不良。

8. swallow 吞咽

He contracted his brows and swallowed the medicine down. 他皱了皱眉头, 然后一口把药吞了下去。

9. chew 咀嚼

Old people often chew the food thoroughly before swallowing it. 老年人总是会细细咀嚼,然后才把食物咽下去。

10. be on a diet 节食

The doctor says that I’ve got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食。


1.burst into laughter 突然大笑 2.crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑 crack [kr?k] vt. 使破裂;打开;变声 vi. 破裂;爆裂 n. 裂缝;声变;噼啪声 adj. 最好的;高明的 3.explode with laughter 哄堂大笑 4.force a smile 强作欢颜 5.burst into gales of laughter 爆发出阵阵笑声 gale [ɡeil] n. 大风,狂风;(突发的)一阵6.grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑 grin [ɡrin] v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑 n. 露齿笑 7.a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢笑 8.in stitches 笑不可支 stitch [stit?] n. 针脚,线迹;一针 vt. 缝,缝合 vi. 缝,缝合 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh at 嘲笑 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh it off 一笑而过 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ughingstock 笑料;笑柄 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh in the breeze 迎风欢笑breeze [bri:z] n. 微风;轻而易举的事;煤屑;焦炭渣;小风波 vi. 吹微风;逃走 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh oneself to death 差点没笑死 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh people around into a better humour 笑得周围的人心情好起来 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh a hearty laugh 放声大笑,开怀大笑 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd7651762.html,ugh and grow fat 心宽体胖 17.roars of laughter 大笑声 roar [r?:] n. 咆哮;吼;轰鸣 vi. 咆哮;吼叫;喧闹 vt. 咆哮;呼喊;使……轰鸣 18.a saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑 saccharine ['s?k?rain] adj. 含糖的;极甜的;和颜悦色的n. (美)糖精 19.roll in the aisles 乐不可支,笑得东倒西歪 aisle [ail] n. 通道,走道;侧廊20.scream with laughter 笑得前仰后合 scream [skri:m] vi. 尖叫;呼啸;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;令人触目惊心 vt. 尖声喊叫;大叫大嚷着要求


英文菜谱大全 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

英文菜谱大全 餐具: coffee pot 咖啡壶coffee cup 咖啡杯paper towel 纸巾napkin 餐巾 table cloth 桌布tea -pot 茶壶 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盘caddy 茶罐 dish 碟 plate 盘 saucer 小碟子 rice bowl 饭碗chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 mug 马克杯 picnic lunch 便当fruit plate 水果盘 toothpick 牙签 中餐: bear's paw 熊掌 breast of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参 sea sturgeon 海鳝 salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp, seaweed 海带 abalone 鲍鱼 shark fin 鱼翅 scallops 干贝 lobster 龙虾 bird's nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 考乳猪 pig's knuckle 猪脚 boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧 sausage 香肠

fried pork flakes 肉松 BAR-B-Q 烤肉 meat diet 荤菜 vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹 local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 set meal 客饭 curry rice 咖喱饭 fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭 crispy rice 锅巴 gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面 plain noodle 阳春面 casserole 砂锅 chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子 shao-mai 烧麦 preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐 fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋 salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干 冷饮: beverages 饮料 soya-bean milk 豆浆 syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士 soft drink 汽水 coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包


英语形容喜怒哀乐各种表情 2010年10月11日09:21武汉新东方中学部我要评论(1) 字号:T|T 1. 开心时的表情: a. 有些人特别豪爽,碰到开心事会肆意地大笑,这时他们的表情和动作可以这么来描述:throw his/her head back in a hearty laugh,表示头往后仰,然后哈哈大笑起来。hearty 就是指“豪爽,不加掩饰”的意思。 b. 遇到很开心的事情时,我们肯定会大笑。而大笑的时候,嘴角就会朝着两只耳朵的方向翘,所以我们有时就会说smile/grin from ear to ear,意思是指因开心而咧着嘴笑。比如A 说"What about giving Mary a bike for her birthday?"(给玛丽买辆自行车当生日礼物如何?)B 回答道"Good idea. She'll smile from ear to ear."(好主意,她一定会笑得合不拢嘴。) c. 另外还有比较简单的说法,就是wide/big smile,指开心咧嘴的笑脸。比如:Come on, a big smile for me!(快给我开心地笑一个吧!)。 d. toothy grin 表示咧嘴、露出牙齿的笑容,让人感觉有点顽皮、可爱的笑。 e. 有时人们并没有笑出声,脸上的笑容也不是最明显,但他们的sparkling eyes(闪闪发光的眼神)可以让我们看出他们实际上很开心。比如:Did you see the way her eyes sparkled? She's so happy.(你们看到她闪闪发亮的眼神了吗?她肯定觉得很开心)。 2. 难过时的表情: a. pout 表示努嘴,不满意的表情。比如:See how she pouts, someone must be not very happy.(瞧瞧她那努嘴的样子,有人正生气呢)。 b. frown 表示皱着眉头的难过表情。比如:Come on, wipe that frown from your face, nothing's that bad.(我说吧,你就不要那么一副难过表情了,没什么大不了的事)。 c. teary-eyed 指的是泪满眼眶的表情。比如:She's all teary-eye d.(她眼泪盈眶)。 d. eyes downcast 指眼睛往下,一副失望、失落的表情。比如:He had his eyes downcast and was crestfallen.(他低着头,一副特别失落的样子)。 3. 生气时的表情:


佛跳墙 Buddha jumps over the wall:Steamed abalone with shark's fin and fish maw in broth 主料:鱼翅、鲍鱼 Main ingredients:shark fin,abalone. 辅料:鸡、鸭、刺参 Accessories:chicken,duck,sea cucumber. 调料:葱段、姜片、绍酒 Seasonings:onion segments,ginger slices,shaoxing rice wine. 制作流程Production process 1.将水发鱼翅去沙,剔整排在竹箅上,放进沸水锅中加葱段 30克、姜片15克、绍酒100克煮10分钟,支其腥味取出,拣去葱、姜,汁不用,将箅拿出放进碗里,鱼翅上摆放猪肥膘肉,加绍酒50克,上笼屉用旺火蒸2小时取出,拣去肥膘肉,滗去蒸汁。 1. Move sand from water soaked shark fin , take the whole row on bamboo steamer , put them into the boiling water pot ,add 30 g scallions segments ,15 g ginger pieces , 100 g shaoshing yellow wine and boiling for 10 minutes, remove it's fishy odour , pick the onions, gingers,sauce out and discard it,take steamer out and put it into a bowl, put pork fat on shark's fin, add 50 g shaoshing yellow wine,steam food steamers on fire,take it out after 2 hours,pick out fat meat, filter steamed sauce out. 2.鱼唇切成长2厘米、宽4.5厘米的块,放进沸水锅中,加葱段30克、绍酒100克、姜片15克煮10分钟去腥捞出,拣去葱、姜。 2. Cut shark's lip into 2 cm long, 4.5 cm wide cubes,put them into boiling water pot, add 30 g spring onion segments, 100 g shaoshing yellow wine,15 g ginger slices , cooked for 10 minutes, remove fishy odour, pick green onion, ginger out.


西餐菜谱(中英文) 烹调方式 Cooking Method fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)... quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝... toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁 mashed... ...馅、泥 ...in brown sauce 红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with fish flavor 鱼 香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup 氽... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片 ...cubes ...块 调味品 Condiments table salt 食盐 sugar 白糖 cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 汤类 Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme 清汤 pottage/thick soup 浓汤 broth 肉汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 tomato soup 西红柿汤 cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 chicken soup 鸡汤creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤 creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤 beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤 creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤 curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤 主食 Staple food 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge 大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面stretched noodles 拉面 noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉面 spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条


正宗北京烤鸭的做法 中国享誉世界的一道菜是什么?北京烤鸭有没有?都说不到长城非好汉,到了北京没吃北京烤鸭就等于没来过北京,就这话给北京烤鸭蒙上了一层神秘的面纱,另无数人垂涎(小编个人是偏素食,实在是吃不出来有嘛特别,但是这年头炒作效应啊),每年春节,在北京上班上学的孩子们回家必买的一个特产是什么?全聚德烤鸭有木有?放寒假期间,沃尔玛卖得最好的一件商品就是“北京烤鸭”。译言网的庞冰心译者为大家翻译了中英对照,如何在家自制烤鸭,过春节在家里试试吧。 1. Trim the legs and wings of your duck back to the first joint. Remove any fat from the cavity and check for any remaining feather stubs. Slide your fingers under the skin and loosen all over 1.从鸭腿的第一个关节处断去鸭脚和翅膀,检查鸭毛是否煺干净,取出内脏。然后进行涮膛,把鸭腔、鸭颈、鸭嘴洗涮干净,将回头肠及腔内的软组织取出,用手指滤鸭皮,使其无血污。 2. String your duck onto whatever hanging device you prefer and then bring a large pot of water to the boil. Add 150g white venegar then take off the boil and plunge the duck in for 10 seconds. Hang the duck back up and allow it to cool for a minute or two. Repeat this process five times 2.用线把鸭身串好,将其吊挂,然后将一大锅水烧沸。添加150克白醋,用沸水浇烫鸭身10秒钟。将鸭身重新吊挂,待其冷却一、两分钟后,重复刚才的步骤5次。 3. Grind 5g each of salt, star anise, orange peel, ginger, cinnamon, szechuan pepper and a couple of cloves and use to powder the cavity of the duck 3.取食盐、八角茴香、桔皮、姜、桂皮、花椒以及丁香各5克,磨碎,将其填入鸭腔。 4. Either hang the duck in the blast from a fan or leave it uncovered overnight on a rack in the fridge. This will dry the skin 4.将已烫皮的鸭子挂在通风处,既可将其悬挂在风扇可以吹到的地方,也可放在冰箱物架上,无需遮盖。这样可将鸭皮风干。 5. This is maltose, the secret ingredient available from Chinese groceries. It's about a quarter as sweet as sugar syrup but has the consistency and adhering power of epoxy glue and caramelises beautifully 5.下图中是麦芽糖,是一种秘密配料,可在食品店购得。其甜度是糖浆的1/4,但含有稠度与粘度较好的环氧胶,用麦芽糖上色可使鸭身色泽鲜美。 6. Melt 200g of maltose in a pan with a little boiling water and stir in 50g each of rice vinegar and dark soy sauce Photograph: Tim Hayward/Guardian 6.在平底锅中倒一点沸水,溶解200克麦芽糖,加米醋与老抽各50克。 7. Paint a layer of the glaze onto the duck's skin and allow to dry in the air from the fan. Repeat the process until you've built up a substantial, toffee-like coating 7.用糖水给鸭皮打上一层色,用风扇吹干。重复这一步骤,直到鸭身定型,皮肤成中褐色再停止。


中国菜谱英文翻译大全 Artichoke||朝鲜蓟Broccoli||西兰花 Cabbage||卷心菜 Pumpkin||南瓜 Gingko||银杏 Cabbage||卷心菜 Cucumber||黄瓜 Celery||芹菜 Carrot||胡萝卜 Potato||土豆 Chives||小葱 Asparagus||芦笋 Spinach||菠菜 Bean sprout||豆芽 Bean curd||豆腐 Pickle||泡菜 Garlic||蒜 Dried tomato||西红柿干 Lotus root||藕 Vegetable Ginger||姜 Saffron||藏红花 Zucchini||西葫芦 Haircut bean||姜豆 Yam||山药 Gingko||银杏 Turnip||芜箐 Wood ear mushroom||木耳 Wild mushroom||野生菌 Cheery tomato||小西红柿 Wild mushroom||野生菌 Sun-dried tomato||晒干的西红柿Daikon||白萝卜 Carrot||胡萝卜 Radish||小胡萝卜 Tomato||蕃茄

Parsnip||欧洲萝卜 Bok-choy||小白菜 long napa suey choy||大白菜Spinach||菠菜 Cabbage||卷心菜 Potato||马铃薯 russet potato||褐色土豆 Sweet potato||红薯红苕Eggplant||茄子 Celery||芹菜 Celery stalk||芹菜梗 Asparagus||芦笋 Lotus root||莲藕 Cilantro||芫荽叶 Cauliflower||白花菜 Broccoli||绿花菜 Spring onions scallion||或green onion||葱 Zucchini||美洲南瓜西葫芦Mushroom||洋菇 Chives Flower||韭菜花 shallot||葱 Red cabbage||紫色包心菜Squash pumpkin||南瓜 acorn squash||小青南瓜Watercress||西洋菜豆瓣菜 Baby corn||玉米尖 Sweet corn||玉米 Bitter melon||苦瓜 Beet||甜菜 chard||甜菜 Onion||洋葱 lima bean||青豆 Brussels sprout||球芽甘蓝小包菜Garlic||大蒜 Ginger root||姜 Leeks||韭菜 Scallion green onion||葱Mustard&cress||芥菜苗Artichoke||洋蓟 Escarole||菊苣,茅菜 Chilly||辣椒 Green Pepper||青椒 Red pepper||红椒


英语中14种笑的区别 英语中表达笑的词汇相当丰富,有不少动词本身就是含有特定意义的笑,你是不是都知道?下面是英语中关于“笑”的词汇,其中Smile 和Laugh 是最常用的笑,除此外还有一些词汇表示各种各样的笑: 1. Smile 微笑 Smile 是微笑,也是最常用的笑,它常给人留下美好的印象:give a soft smile 莞尔一笑,give a charming smile 嫣然一笑,give a faint smile 是淡淡一笑,give a false/ crafty smile 是皮笑肉不笑的假笑。满面笑容是smile from ear to ear,笑容可掬是be radiant with smile,苦笑叫force a smile,强颜欢笑是squeeze a smile,满脸堆笑是conjure up a smile,他眉开眼笑就是His face melts in smiles. she smiled prettily as she accepted the flowers 她在接受鲜花时,笑得真迷人。 2. Laugh 笑 Laugh 常表示出声的笑,其程度要大于smile:哈哈大笑laugh heartily,大声狂笑horse laugh,傻笑是laugh foolishly,狞笑是laugh grimly,暗中窃笑称laugh in one’ sleeve/ s beard,笑掉大牙是laugh one’s head off,笑声阵起是burst into laughter The jokes made everybody laugh.那些笑话逗得人人发笑。He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。 3. Giggle 格格地笑;傻笑I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls. 我走过那些女孩子身边时,听见她们格格地笑。 4. Grin 露齿而笑She was grinning with delight.她高兴得咧开嘴笑了。 5. Chuckle 含笑,轻声笑He was chuckling to himself over what he was reading. 他对自己在读的东西,暗自发笑。 6. Snicker 忍笑;暗笑(通常有不敬的成分)On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering. 听了他荒谬的意见,我忍不住笑着走开了。 7. Roar 哄笑;大笑His jokes set the table in a roar. 他的笑语使满座哄堂大笑。They roared with laughter. 他们轰然大笑。 8. Simper 假笑;痴笑,傻笑When I told him that news,he simply simpered. 当我把那消息告诉他时,他只假笑了一下。 9. Cachinnate 放声大笑He cachinnated till his sides ached.他笑得肚皮都痛了。 10. Chortle 欢笑;哈哈大笑The children chortled all the time while they were hearing the story. 孩子们听那个故事时,始终欢笑不止。 11. Deride 讥笑They all derided his foolishness.他们都讥笑他的愚笨。 12. Taunt 嘲笑He taunted me beyond endurance.他的嘲笑我不能忍受。 13. Horselaugh 纵声大笑(如马嘶一般)He burst out into a horselaugh.他忽然高声狂笑。 14. Guffaw 大笑;捧腹大笑What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。今天你笑了没有?希望你有欢快喜悦的笑容。 英语中“笑”的表达 smile 微笑, laugh 笑, giggle 哈哈笑 chuckle 吃吃笑 snigger 吃吃竊笑 grin 咧嘴笑, smirk 傻笑, sneer 嘲笑讥笑, cackle 咯咯大笑, snicker 暗笑偷笑


英文菜谱 Recipe for stir-fried meat and potatoes. First, wash the potatoes and meat. Next, cut the potatoes and meat. Then, put the oil in the wok. Stir-fired potatoes and meat for 2 minutes. Finally, add the salt, soy sauce and serve them on the plate. Recipe for stir-fried rice and vegetables. First, wash the vegetables. Next, cut the vegetables. Then, put the oil in the wok. Stir-fired rice and vegetables for 2 minutes. Finally, add the salt, soy sauce and serve them on the plate. Recipe for stir-fried meat and carrots. First, wash the carrots and meat. Next, cut the carrots and meat. Then, Put the oil in the wok. Stir-fired meat and carrots for 2 minutes. Finally, add the salt, pepper and serve them on the plate. Recipe for sandwich. First, wash the vegetables.


家常菜食谱菜谱:红烧茄子的做法Braised eggplant (中英双语对照) Braised eggplant material: eggplant, coriander, garlic, soy sauce, sugar, salt, water, oil 红烧茄子的材料:茄子、香菜、 蒜瓣、酱油、糖、盐、水、油Braised eggplant production process: 红烧茄子的制作过程: 1. First eggplant, peeled, cut hob fast. Put like a bowl, sprinkled with salt evenly, side scatter stirring. And then put aside. 1. 先将茄子去皮,切成滚 刀快。放如一大碗内,均匀的撒上一层盐,边撒边搅拌。然后放至 L 边备用。2. At this time, you can peel the garlic, wash the parsley. Garlic cloves cut into the pile in the bowl, to the little soy sauce. Add a little sugar and water, lobbied for a bowl. Corian braised eggplant material: eggplant, coriander, garlic, soy sauce, sugar, salt, water, oil 红烧茄子的材料:茄子、香菜、蒜瓣、酱油、糖、盐、水、油 braised eggplant production process: 红烧茄子的制作过程: 1. first eggplant, peeled, cut hob fast. put like a bowl, sprinkled with salt evenly, side scatter stirring. and then put aside. 1. 先将茄子去皮,切成滚刀快。放如一大碗内,均匀的撒上一层盐,边撒边搅拌。然后放到一边备用。


英语35种“笑” burst into laughter 突然大笑 crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑 explode with laughter 哄堂大笑 force a smile 强作欢颜 burst into gales of laughter 爆发出阵阵笑声 grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑 a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢笑 in stitches 笑不可支 laugh at 嘲笑 laugh it off 一笑而过 laughingstock 笑料;笑柄 laugh in the breeze 迎风欢笑 laugh oneself to death 差点没笑死 laugh people around into a better humour 笑得周围的人心情好起来 laugh a hearty laugh 放声大笑,开怀大笑 laugh and grow fat 心宽体胖 roars of laughter 大笑声 a saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑 roll in the aisles 乐不可支,笑得东倒西歪 scream with laughter 笑得前仰后合 snicker 窃笑 snort (讽刺、轻蔑地)高声大笑 shriek with laughter 尖声狂笑 smile shyly 羞嗒嗒地微笑 beam with smiles 笑容满面;笑逐颜开 be all smiles 笑容满面, 喜气洋洋 toothpaste smile [美口]牙膏广告上露出皓齿的微笑 simmer with laughter 忍俊不禁 smile on sb. 朝某人微笑 smirk 傻笑;假笑 smile bitterly 苦笑 giggle 咯咯地笑 grin 咧嘴而笑 grin from ear to ear 嘴咧得大大地笑 chuckle 轻声笑;咯咯笑 英美人的23种“走”法 供稿者:迪零巴? 迪久师 ? The baby crawled between her father’s legs. 婴儿在她父亲的双腿中间爬。She crept up to him from behind. 她从后面蹑手蹑脚地走近他。


abalone鲍鱼 hot pot火锅 roast duck烤鸭 sea cucumber海参 cashew chicken腰果鸡丁shark fin soup鱼翅汤grouper石斑鱼 rice wine米酒 sautéed prawns炸明虾steamed rice饭 celery芹菜 crab蟹 fish balls鱼丸 lobster龙虾 shrimp虾子 roast suckling pig烤乳猪Chinese mushroom香菇 hair vegetable发菜 lotus root莲藕 scallop干贝 sweet and sour pork糖醋排骨carrot胡萝卜 中式晚餐 almond junket杏仁豆腐jellyfish海蜇 barbecued pork buns叉烧包mustard芥末 bean vermicelli粉丝 chilli sauce辣酱 oyster sauce蚝油 won ton云吞/馄饨 shrimp omelet虾仁炒蛋 red bean dessert红豆汤Chinese ham中国火腿steamed open dumplings烧卖Chinese sausage腊肠 1000 year old egg皮蛋custard tart蛋塔 glutinous rice糯米 spring rolls春卷 sweet soup balls汤圆stuffed dumplings饺子spare ribs排骨

1.红烧海参sea slugs with brown sauce 2.鸡绒海参sea slugs with chicken cream 3.海参锅巴sea slugs with crisp rice 4.什锦海参mixed sea slugs 5.虾子海参shrimp eggs & sea slugs 6.红烧明虾fried prawns with brown sauce 7.炸明虾prawn cutlets 8.烧明虾broiled Prawns with chili sauce 9.椒盐明虾prawns with spiced salt 10.煎明虾段fried prawns sections 11.干烧龙虾broiled lobster with chili sauce 12.铁扒龙虾grilled lobster 13.烤龙虾broiled lobster 14.龙虾浓汽bisque of lobster 15.腰果虾仁fried shrimps with cashew nuts 16.笋炒虾仁fried shrimps with bamboo shoots 17.青豆虾仁fried shrimps with green peas 18.茄汁虾仁fried shrimps with tomato sauce 19.清炒虾仁shrimps saute 20.虾仁豆腐shrimps with bean curd 21.茄汁虾球shrimp balls with tomato sauce 22.锅巴虾仁fried shrimps with crisp rice 23.豆苗虾仁fried shrimps with bean-leaf 24.盐焗虾salted shrimps


美食译苑——中文菜单英文译法(官方全套完整版) 中西餐终于有了统一翻译标准。昨日,北京市政府外事办消息,新出版的《美食译苑——中文菜单英文译法》共规范了3102个中西餐饮食名称,其中包括2158个中餐,并向北京市各大餐馆推广。 《美食译苑——中文菜单英文译法》共分三章,分别对中餐、西餐、饮品进行了标准的英文翻译,其中中餐部分细化到八大菜系,包括鲁菜、川菜、闽菜等特色饭菜的介绍和重点翻译。 此次参加翻译的专家不仅有北京外国语大学、清华大学、北京大学等的教授,还邀请了外交部翻译专家、英籍专家、驻外大使等人。翻译团队带头人、北京外国语大学教授陈琳表示,翻译力争让完全不懂中华文化的外国宾客一眼就能看懂。 “童子鸡”译成Chicken without sex(还没有性生活的鸡),“红烧狮子头”译成Red burned lion head(红烧狮子脑袋)。“上面的译法都很可笑,外国人看了会一头雾水。”陈琳表示,在编制标准译法时,不少菜名都引发了编委会的激烈争议。陈琳介绍,翻译时,还考虑中国文化、国家政策法律、民族问题等。“东坡肘子、宫保鸡丁,翻译时,把历史人名保留了下来;乞丐鸡直接翻译,保留了一个故事;麻婆豆腐不能翻译成‘麻脸老太太做的豆腐’,这对妇女不尊重。”他称。 ☆目录 Table of Contents ·翻译的原则Principles of Translation ·中餐 Chinese Food 冷菜类 Cold Dishes 热菜类 Hot Dishes 猪肉 Pork 牛肉 Beef 羊肉 Lamb 禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs 菇菌类Mushrooms 鲍鱼类 Ablone 鱼翅类Shark’s Fins 海鲜类 Seafood 蔬菜类 Vegetables 豆腐类 Tofu 燕窝类Bird’s Nest Soup 羹汤煲类Soups 主食、小吃 Rice, Noodles and Local Snacks


拔丝莲子 Lotus Seeds in hot toffee 拔丝苹果 Apple in hot toffee 拔丝山药 Chinese yam in hot toffee 拔丝香蕉 Banana in hot toffee 2.番茄炒蛋 Scrambled eggs with tomatoes 3.鱼香茄子 Fish-flavored eggplant 4.川味回锅 Szechuan double cooked pork slices 5.鱼香肉丝 Shredded pork with garlic sauce 6.香酥大排 Sweet-and-sour loins 7.咖喱鸡块 Creamy curried chicken 8.蚝油牛肉 Sliced beef sauteed in oyster sauce 9.宫爆鸡丁 Sauted diced chicken with peanuts and chili 10.红烧带鱼 Braised Ribbonfish 11.青椒肉丝 Shredded pork with green pepper 12.百叶结烧肉 Beancurd leaf rolls with minced pork 13.泡菜鸡肫 Pickled vegetables chicken liver and gizzard 14.香炸鸡翅 Savoury and crisp chicken 15.泡椒鸡爪 Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 16.糖醋小排 Sweet-and-sour spareribs 17.香辣小龙虾 Braised Baby Lobster with Hot Spicy Sauce 18.红烧大肠 Braised Large Intestine 19.蒜苔腊肉 Fried salty & dried meat with scallion 20.秘制叉烧 Special broiled pork 21.香嫩牛腩 Beef tenderloin chunks 22.秘制鸭腿 Special duck leg 23.美国火鸡 America turkey 24.孜然兔肉 Cumin rabbit 25.周记招牌 House ZhouJi 26.香辣猪蹄 Fried chilili Pig's Knuckle 27.馋嘴鲶鱼 Slobbering catfish 28.泡椒牛蛙 Fried Bullfrog with Pickled Pepper 苦菊皮蛋花生: Sauced Chrysanthemum, Preserved Eggs with Peanuts 黄瓜猪耳朵: sliced cold cucumber with Stewed Pig’s Ear 金针蘑伴黄瓜: sliced cold cucumber with needle mushroom 孜然羊肉 fried lamb with cumin 葱爆羊肉fried mutton slice with green scallion 红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce 红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce 糖醋里脊pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce 尖椒肥肠Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper 炸里脊:Fried Pork Filet 溜肚条: Quick-Fried Pork Tripe Slices.


各种"笑"的英语口语表达 今天,你"笑"了没?俗话说,笑一笑,十年少。多一点笑容,就可能多一点温暖。当然,"笑"也各式各样。裂开嘴笑,腼腆地笑……下面让我们学习一下吧。 smile 微笑,指笑时不发出声音,表示高兴、愉快,有时也表示轻视、讥讽等。 She smiled at his threats. 她对他的威胁一笑置之。 laugh 大笑,感到高兴、有趣而发出的大声笑。 They burst out laughing. 他们突然大笑起来。 grin 咧嘴(露齿)地笑,笑时嘴张得比smile大,表示兴趣、轻蔑、满足等。 The boy grinned when I gave him an ice cream. 我给他冰淇淋时,这孩子张嘴笑了。 beam 发光发热,用作比喻时,表示因高兴而微笑。 The new father beamed with pleasure when he saw the baby for the first time. 刚当上父亲的他第一次见到出生的孩子时,高兴得眉开眼笑。 giggle 咯咯地笑、痴笑,表示少女特有的含蓄的笑。 Young girls often giggle. 年轻女孩常常傻笑。 sneer 嘲笑、冷笑,表示蔑视。 It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time. 成天受嘲笑是很令人泄气的。 snicker(snigger) 窃笑,表示以讽刺方式嘲笑不正当的事情。 She snickered at his folly. 她窃笑他干的蠢事。 最后复习一下: smile 微笑,指笑时不发出声音,表示高兴、愉快laugh 大笑,感到高兴、有趣而发出的大声笑。

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