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Oxford As I See it讲解

Oxford As I See it讲解
Oxford As I See it讲解

Lesson Five

Oxford As I See it


by Stephen Leacock


New words

dilapidated, (adj.) being in a state of decay: putrefactive

fire-escapes, emergency exit in the event of fire

ventilation, circulation of air

sanitation, disposal of sewage.

up-to-date, adj. 1. Informed of or reflecting the latest information or changes: an up-to-date timetable. 2. Being in accord with the latest ideas, improvements, or styles: up-to-date technology; up-to-date fashions.

facilities, 1. Something that facilitates an action or process. 2. Something created to serve a particular function: hospitals and other health care facilities.

persist (v.) hold firmly; be insistent; insistlive, stick to

assertion (n.) the act or an example of stating positively: affirmation,

asseveration, averral, avowal, declaration

Underline the keywords

...Yet in spite of its dilapidated buildings and its lack of fire-escapes, ventilation, sanitation, and up-to-date kitchen facilities persist in my assertion that I believe that Oxford, in its way, is the greatest university in the world. I am aware that this is an extreme statement and needs explanation.

Analysis of the text

Parallelism: Yet in spite of its dilapidated buildings and its lack

of fire-escapes, ventilation, sanitation, and up-to-date kitchen facilities persist in my assertion that I believe that Oxford, in its way, is the greatest university in the world.

Leacock begins his comparison in the third sentence.


… 尽管牛津大学校舍破旧,缺少防火太平门、通风设备、卫生设备和现代厨房设施,我仍坚持,牛津以其特有的方式,是世界上最好的大学。我清楚,这说法太极端,还需要进一步解释。

New words

endowment (n.) A gift to a charity or cause: contribution, alms,

benefaction, beneficence, charity, donation, bestowal, offering, grant `nowhere/`nEuhwZE/ adv. 1. Not anywhere. 2. To no place or result:protested the ruling but got nowhere. n. 1. A remote or unknown place: a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Underline the keywords

Oxford is much smaller in numbers, for example, than the State University of Minnesota, and is much poorer. It has, or had till yesterday, fewer students than the University of Toronto. To mention Oxford beside the 26,000 students of Columbia University sounds ridiculous. In point of money, the 39,000,000 dollars endowment of the University of Chicago, and the $35,000,000 one of Columbia, and the $43,000,000 of Harvard seem to leave Oxford nowhere. Yet the peculiar thing is that it is not nowhere.

Analysis of the text

Oxford is much smaller in numbers, for example, than the State University of Minnesota, the University of Toronto, and the Columbia University which has 26,000 students.

In point of money, Oxford is much poorer than the 39,000,000 dollars endowment University of Chicago, and the $35,000,000 one of

Columbia, and the $43,000,000 of Harvard.

Yet the peculiar thing is that Oxford is not nowhere.



New words

queer (adj.) Deviating from established or accepted standards or norms: strange, peculiar, curious, unusual, singular

profound (adj.) Possessed of or exhibiting wisdom: wise, sagacious, enlightened, judicious, sage

Underline the keywords

By some queer process of its own it seems to get there every time. It was therefore of the very greatest interest to me, as a profound scholar, to try to investigate just how this peculiar excellence of Oxford arises.

Analysis of the text

Leacock compares Oxford with American universities on the basis of enrollment and endowment. This comparison seems to lead to the conclusion that “Oxford is not great at all.” However, the sentence “Yet the peculiar thing is that…” reveals that it is not the conclusion Leacock draws.





Analysis of the paragraph 1

In paragraph 1 the comparison develops by stating explicitly in each sentence what is being compared (Oxford and American universities) and the basis of comparison (enrollment and endowment). Thus each sentence is a miniature comparison, complete in itself, and the total effect is built by the addition of several such sentences. This technique keeps a relative balance between things compare, although obvious one

of them is paramount.

New words

flourish v. to be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence

frankly (adv.) With candor and sincerity: candidly, directly, forthrightly, honestly

laughable, Causing or deserving laughter or derision; ridiculous Applied Science应用科学

a theological college神学院


broad daylight光天化日

heat, 热学

plumbing, 水暧工

electric wiring, 布线



Underline the keywords

It can hardly be due to anything in the curriculum or programme of studies. Indeed, to any one accustomed to the best models of a university curriculum as it flourishes in the United States and Canada,

the programme of studies is frankly quite laughable. There is less Applied Science in the place than would be found with us in a theological college. Hardly a single professor at Oxford

would recognize a dynamo if he met it in broad daylight. The

Oxford student learns nothing of chemistry, physics, heat, plumbing, electric wiring, gas-fitting or the use of a blow-torch.


这不可能是课程设置(美国叫curriculum,英国叫programme of study)的原因。说真的,对任何熟知美国和加拿大的最流行和最好的课程设置的人来说,牛津大学的课程设置,坦率地说,是十分可笑的。牛津的应用科学课程,比我们这里的一个神学院开设的还要少。没有哪个牛津教授,在大白天遇到一个发电机,会认得出来。牛津大学的学生对化学、物理、热学、管子工、装电线、安煤气、用焊枪,一无所知。

Daylight 译成“光天化日之下”口气太重。

New words

run a motor car,

take a gasoline engine to pieces,

washer A flat disk, as of metal, plastic, rubber, or leather, placed beneath a nut or at an axle bearing or a joint to relieve friction, prevent

leakage, or distribute pressure.

a kitchen tap, tap: n. 1. A valve and spout used to regulate delivery of a fluid at the end of a pipe. 2. A plug for a bunghole; a spigot. 3. a. Liquor drawn from a spigot. b. Liquor of a particular brew, cask, or quality. 4. Medicine The removal of fluid from a body cavity: a spinal tap. 5. A tool for cutting an internal screw thread. 6. A makeshift terminal in an electric circuit.

an expert opinion


stamp him as a college man,

occasion vt. to provide occasion for; cause

a very pardonable pride: 不无道理的骄傲


Underline the keywords

Any American college student can run a motor car, take a

gasoline engine to pieces, fix a washer on a kitchen tap, mend a broken electric bell, and give an expert opinion on what has gone wrong with the furnace. It is these things indeed which stamp him as a college man, and occasion a very pardonable pridein the minds of his parents. But in all these things the Oxford student is the merest amateur.



Analysis of the text

In paragraph 2, applied science, or mechanical side of curriculum is compared. Leacock first talks all about oxford, from programme of study, to professors, then to students. In sentences 6 and 7, he talks all about American universities. And in the last sentence, he goes back to Oxford.

New words

mechanical side of education,

cultured studies,



Comparative Religion,

the influence of the Press,

Human Behavior,

Altruism, (n.) Kindly concern for others: benevolence, kindheartedness,

beneficence, charitableness, good will, kindliness

Egotism (n.) An immodestly high opinion of one's own worth: conceit, vanity, conceitedness, amour-propre, vainness

Play of Wild Animals,

Underline the keywords

This is bad enough. But after all one might say this is only

the mechanical side of education. True: but one searches in vain in the Oxford curriculum for any adequate recognition of the higher and more cultured studies. Strange though it seems to us on this side of the Atlantic, there are no courses at Oxford in Housekeeping, or in Salesmanship, or in Advertising , or on Comparative Religion, or on the influence of the Press. There are no lectures whatever on Human Behavior, on Altruism, on Egotism, or on the Play of Wild Animals.



工科教育:mechanical 不能译成机械的

文科:culturedstudies 要和工科对应

New words

feeble: (adj.) Not strong in temperament or character: mild, docile, easy, weak, weak-willed

testament /`testEmEnt/ n. 1. Something that serves as tangible proof or evidence: The spacious plan of the city is a testament to the foresight of its founders. 2. A statement of belief; a credo: my political testament. 3. Law A written document providing for the disposition of a person's property after death; a will. 4. Testament Abbr.T.

Test. Bible Either of the two main divisions of the Bible. 5. Archaic A covenant between human beings and God. [Middle English a will from Latin testamentum from testari to make a will from testis witness;

See trei-in Indo-European Roots.] `testa·`mentar·y ( -`mentEri,

-`mentri) adj.

Underline the keywords

Apparently, the Oxford student does not learn these things. This cuts him off from a great deal of the larger culture of our side of the Atlantic. What are you studying this year? I once asked a fourth year student at one of our great colleges. I am electing Salesmanship and Religion, he answered. Here was a young man whose training was

destined inevitably to turn him into a moral business man: either that or nothing. At Oxford Salesmanship is not taught and Religion takes

the feeble form of the New Testament. The more one looks at these things the more amazing it becomes that Oxford can produce any results at all.



Analysis of the text

In paragraph 3, the cultured studies of the curriculum is compared. There is a variation in Leacock?s technique of comparison. He mostly talks about American universities, but he implies that at Oxford, there are no such things. This technique may be called “implied comparison” or “negative comparison.”

New words

assert (v.) To state to be true: claim, allege, contend, declare, profess, maintain

athletics, Activities, such as sports, exercises, and games, that require physical skill and stamina.

the Greek letter society

the Banjo and Mandolin Club

Underline the keywords

The effect of the comparison is heightened by the peculiar position occupied at Oxford by the professors' lectures. In the colleges

of Canada and the United States the lectures are supposed to be a really necessary and useful part of the student's training. Again and again I have heard the graduates of my own college assert that they had got as much, or nearly as much, out of the lectures at college as out of the athletics or the Greek letter society or the Banjo and

Mandolin Club. In short, with us the lectures form a real part of the college life.



我们的大学毕业生说,他们从讲课中得到的和从体育运动,或希腊字母协会,或班卓琴、曼陀林琴俱乐部得到的一样多,或差不多一样多。一句话,对我们来说,课堂教学形式是大学教育的主要内容。上课: lecture不能译成讲座

lecture/`lektFE/ n. Abbr. lect. 1. An exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience or a class, as for the purpose of instruction. 2. An earnest admonition or reproof; a reprimand.

New words

punk, of poor quality; worthless.

appeal, to make an earnest or urgent request, as for help.

rotten, very bad; wretched.

Underline the keywords

At Oxford it is not so. The lectures, I understand, are given and may even be taken. But they are quite worthless and are not supposed to have anything much to do with the development of the student's mind. The lectures here, said a Canadian student to me, are punk. I appealed to another student to know if this was so. I don't know whether I'd call them exactly punk, he answer, but they're certainly rotten. Other judgments were that the lectures were of no importance: that nobody

took them: that they don't matter: that you can take them if you like; that they do you no harm.

(From My Discovery of England) 译文


Analysis of the text

In paragraph 4, professors? lecture is compared.

Paragrap h Four has two parts. “At Oxford it is not so” stands between two distinct parts of the paragraph. It serves as a transition and a change of thought, a turning point from the first part to the second part.

Leacock uses four methods of comparison in the selection. The danger of using only one technique of development in an extended comparison is that the writing may become boring and monotonous. Parallelism: that clauses at the end of the paragraph.

Punk in American means …worthless?, in British rotten.

Purpose of the selection

Which does the writer criticize, Oxford or American colleges?

The answer is surprising: he criticizes the American.

How do you know? From the assertion in the first paragraph, and the ironic expressions in other paragraphs.

In the first paragraph: the greatest, not nowhere

In the second paragraph: pardonable pride

In the third paragraph: either a moral businessman or nothing

In the fourth paragraph: as much as from club

Look up

dilapidated, shabby

assertion, claim, forceful statement

endowment, money given to school

flourish, grow healthily and luxuriantly; thrive; popular theological, of the study of God

dynamo, generator

occasion, cause, bring about

altruism, considering others? happiness before one?s own.

egotism, talking too much about oneself

destined, willed by God.

Irony to show his criticism

Although its exact definition is hard to arrive at, tone may be roughly said to be the attitude of an author toward his subject matter as it is reflected in his styl e. Tone is closely related to a writer?s emotion and to his intent. If he is amused by his material, he may set it down in a light, humorous tone. If he is outraged by a social injustice, he may express himself in bitter, indignant, words. If he wishes to criticize in a subtle way, he may choose to write in an ironic tone, making his words mean just the opposite of what they appear to mean.

Best models, frankly quite laughable, collegeman, pardonable pride Higher and more cultured studies, moral business man, the feeble form A real part of the college life, punk, rotten

it 用法讲解与练习

it的用法 it用作实词(代词)和虚词(助词)。 一、代词:人称代词或者前文刚提到的人或事;作主语还可以表示时间、距离、天气、地点、温度等。 Who is it?It must be Mr. Smith. Where is my book? It is on the table. 1. My bike is missing. I can't find__ anywhere. A. one B. ones C. it D. that 2. ____ four years since I joined the Army. A. There was B. There is C. It was D. It is 3. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see __. A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is 二、虚词(高考考点): 一)it用作形式主语 替代从句、动词不定式、动名词,把真正作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。It替代作主语的不定式的常见句型 1. It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth. 2. It be adj. (of sb.) to do sth. 1)Everyone knows that _______ is dangerous to play with fire, but _______ is difficult is to prevent children from playing with fire. A. it, it B. what, what C. it, what D. what, it 2)I know_____ is important to know my own limitations, but _______ is difficult is to help others to know their own limitations. A. it, it B. what, what C. it, what D. what, it It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型 It’s no good/use doing… It’s (well) worth doing… It’s no use _over spilt milk. A. cry B. crying C. that you cry D. for you to cry It作形式主语替代主语从句 ①It is adj. +clause ②It is v-ed that…=sb./sth. is to do ③It is + noun +从句 1)______ was known to them all that William had broken his promise _____ he would give each of them a gift. A. As; Which B. What; that C. It; that D. It; which 2)_______certain that his invention will make people’s life convenient. A. That’s B. This is C. It’s D. What’s 3)_____ that their daughter got an opportunity to study abroad. A. It’s a exciting news B. This is an exciting news C. This is exiting news D. It’s exciting news 二)it作形式宾语 vt+it+宾补+真正的宾语(to do 不定式,v-ing,宾语从句)。常用的动词有think, believe, make, find, consider, feel,suppose,regard,take,imagine等。 14.The doctor thought ____would be good for you to have a holiday. (10全国Ⅱ) A. this B. that C. one D. it 33.The fact that she was foreign made _difficult for her to get a job in that country(10辽宁)A so B. much C. that D. it 三)用于强调句型中 1. “It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分”。如果强调的是人,可以用who, whom 代替that。 2. It is not until + 被强调部分+ that ... 用于强凋时间状语,“直到……才……”。3. 强调句的一般疑问句句型: Is / Was +it +所强调的部分+that / who/ whom +其余部分? 4. 强调句的特殊疑问句句型: 特殊疑问词+is\was it + that / who +其余部分? 三、高考习题 1. I dislike ____when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me behind. A. that B. those C. it D. them enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate 等表示喜恶的动词。 2. I hate __ if people say such things in public. A. that B. those C. it D. them 3. ”Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I can't fi nd a repair shop.“ ”I know ______ nearby. Come on, I'll show you.“ A. one B. it C. some D. that it = the + 名词,one = a + 名词。 4. There is only one English-Chinese dictionary in that book-shop. I wonder if you still want to buy __. A. it B. one C. another D. any 5. Will you see to see to (负责,注意)“ _______ that my children are taken good care of while I am away? A. it B. me C. yourself D. them 类似see to 用法的短语还有depend on,


2011届高考英语一轮复习讲解:it的用法【知识要点】 It的用法 (一)作人称代词 1、it代替前面(或后面)的单数名词或分句等所表示的事物。 e.g. You cannot eat your cake but have it.(it代替前面的cake) Although we cannot see it, there is air all around us. (it代替后面的air) They say he has left town, but I don’t believe it.(it代替前面They…town分句中的情况) 2、代替有生命但不能或不必分阴阳性的东西(包括婴儿)。 e.g. Yesterday we saw a big tree. It was fully twenty metres high. (it代替前面的tree) The baby cried because it was hungry. (it代替前面的baby) 3、在某些习惯说法中,可以代替人。 e.g. ---- Someone is knocking at the door, Peter. ---- Who is it? ---- It’s me. ---- Who are singing? ---- It is the children. ---- The light is still on in the lab. It must be the third-year students doing the experiment. 4、it与one的区别:这两个词都可以代表前面说过的名词,但it用于同名同物的场合;one则用于同名异物的场合。 e.g. ---- Do you still have the bicycle? ---- No, I have sold it. ---- Is this knife yours? ---- No. It is Xiao Zhang’s. Mine is the one on the desk. 5、it与that的区别:两词都可代替某一特定名词,但that指同一类,并非同一个。 e.g. The climate of South China is mild(温和的); I like it very much.(it指the climate of South China) The climate of South China is much better than that of Japan.(that指the climate)(二)作无人称代词 it作无人称代词时,除了句中找不到它所代表的词语外,另一个特点是它后面的内容都是表示天气、时间、距离、度量衡及情况等。 It is fine (rainy, windy, etc.). It is noon. It is a half hour’s walk to the f actory. It is eighteen square metres in area. What does it matter? (三)作强调词,构成强调结构


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 初中it用法练习题 初中 it 用法练习题在英语中,it 有许多不同的用法,它既可以用作代词,也可以用作引导词,还可以用来构成强调句型。 1. it 用作代词用作人称代词在句子中作主语或宾语;指前面已经提到过的事物、动物或人,且 it 指特定的事物;如果指前文中提到的事物中的任何一个,用 one。 one 可以与 any, each, every, not 等连用,但 one 不可代替不可数名词。 Wheres your car? Its in the garage. 你的汽车在哪儿呢?在车库里。 Did you hit it? 你打中了吗? The baby cried when it was hungry.这婴儿饿时就哭。 Who is that? Its me. 是谁?我。 Whats this? Its a box. 这是什么?一只箱子。 作非人称代词表示天气、日期、时间、温度、距离、价值、路程、度量、自然现象与环境等。 也可模糊地指一般情形或上文的部分或整个意思。 译成汉语时,it 通常不一定译出来。 Its a long time since they left. 他们走后很久了。 Its two miles to the beach.离海滨有两英里远。 Thats just itI cant work when youre making so much 1/ 24


It的用法 It的用法在高考中也是重现率较高的语言点,尤其是it用于强调句。其考查方式多通过“单项填空”进行,偶尔也出现在“短文改错”和“完形填空”中。 1.(NMET98) It was only when I reread his poems recently ___ I began to appreciate their beauty.A.until B.that C.then D.so 正确答案:B 此题考查强调句,所以用that。 2.(NMET98) I hate____when people talk with their mouths full. A.it B.that C.these D.them 正确答案:A 此题考查it作形式宾语的用法,所以选A。 3.(MET91,短文改错)David and I did not agree and David pointed to a path which he thought it would probably lead to a village. 正确答案:去掉it,因为定语从句中已有宾语which。 一、要点点拔 1.代替上文中提到过的人或事物。指代人时,一般用于小孩或身份不十分明朗的人。 1) -Who is the baby? -It‘s my teacher’s son. 2) -Who is that gentleman? -It's my friend Tom.He(不可用It) wants to see you. 2.用于表达天气、环境、时间、距离、季节等。例如: 1) It’s half an hour’s walk from here to our school. 2) It‘s nice and warm here. 3) But it's two o'clock now, and it's time for us to go to school. 3.用作形式主语.it 没有具体意义,而只是帮助把真正的主语移至句子后尾,使句子显得平稳一些,能借it 给移至句子后尾的主语有三种:一种由不定式表示,一种由动名词表示,一种由从句表示。 1).It 替代真正的主语——动词不定式短语. It is easier to say than to do . It is a good act to help the others. 2).it 替代真正的主语——动名词短语,以动名词短语做主语的句子,主要在以no good, no use, no harm, dangerous, foolish 等词作表语的句中. It’s no harm drinking running water in that area。 It’s foolish talking like that. 3).it 替代从句作主语,用从句做主语的带it 的句子很多,常见的有下面几类: ①It is a pity (a shame ,a fact ,a wonder ,a good thing,etc. )that… It is a shame that he didn’t pass the exam. ②It is strange ( surprising,obvious ,true, good,possible,clear,etc. ) that…。 It was clear that they had no desire for peace. ③It seems (happened ,turned out,etc.)that… It seemed that things were not as they expected. ④It is said ( decided ,expected ,etc)that … It is said that the tickets have been sold out . 4.用作形式宾语。


?Never be afraid of grammar ?Collect some examples; ?Watch them very carefully; ?Find out something in common; ?Try to use the rules ---- practise. it用法完全归纳 一、it 作人称代词的用法 1.指事物 作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物。如: I dropped my watch and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。 It’s hard work, but I enjoy it. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。 “Where is the dog?”“It’s in the bedroom. ”“狗在哪?”“在卧室里”。 2.指人 it 指人主要用于指不性别不明的婴儿或用于确认某人的身份。如: Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩? There is a knock on the door. It must be the postman. 有人在敲门,一定是邮递员。 【说明】在答语中,常用来指本人,如说It’s me。

3.代替某些代词 代词it 还可用于代替指示代词this, that 以及复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等。如: “What’s this?”“It’s a new machine. ”“这是什么?”“是一种新机器”。 Nothing is wrong, is it? 没出什么问题,是吗? 二、it 作非人称代词的用法 1.基本用法 it 作非人称代词的用法,主要用于指时间、距离、价值、天气、气候及温度等自然现象。如: It’s too late to go there now. 现在去那儿已经太迟了。 It rained all day yesterday. 昨天下了一天的雨。 It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。 2.用于某些句型 It’s time for sth. 该做某事了。 It’s time to do sth. 该做某事的时候了。 It’s time for sb to do sth. 某人该干某事了。 It’s (about / high) time + that-从句. 某人该做某事了。(从句谓语用过去式,有时也用“should+动词原形”) It’s first (second) time + that-从句. 某人第几次干某事。(从句谓语用现在完成时)


it用法专练 一.替代词it, that, (the) one(s), those的用法辨析 1. The award on the left is more beautiful than _______ on the right. A the one B one C it D this 2. Few pleasures can equal ________of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 3. The hunter’s younger sister is taller than the elder ___. A the one B one C that D this 4. I need the plastic bags, not the paper______ . A the one B ones C that D this 5. The TV sets made in China are much better than ________ in Japan. A.that B.those C.them D.It 6. Listen to________! We will have three days off. A the one B ones C that D this 7. “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Who said_________? A the one B ones C that D this 8. I bought a dictionary three years ago and I am still using______ now. A one B ones C it D this 9. I bought a dictionary three years ago but I am going to buy a new _______soon. A one B ones C it D this 10. I was disappointed with the film. I had expected____ to be much better. A.that B. this C. one D .it 11 Equipped with modern facilities, today's libraries differ greatly from______. A. those of the past B. the past C. which of the past D. these past 12.My most famous relative of all, ___who really left his mark on America,wasReb Sussel,my great-grandfather. A. one B. the one C. he D. someone 13. He has one blue pen and two red ________. A. one B. those C. one's D. ones 14. Cars do cause us some health problems —in fact far more serious than_____ mobile phones do. A. one B. ones C. it D. those 15. Cook was a strict but good captain, ______ who took good care of the sailors on his ship. A. that B. one C. it D. what 16. Mr Zhang gave the text books to all the pupils except____who had already taken them. A.these B.ones C.the ones D.the others 17. —— I'm looking for a flat. —— Would you like ____ with ____ garden? A.it; the B.it; a C.one; a D.one; the 18.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ___I will always treasure. A.that B.one C.it D.what 19. The style of the building is similar to _________of a temple. A.that B.one C.it D.what 20. The computers in our school are connected to the Internet while___in their school aren’t. A.that B.one C.it D.those 21.Our food and service are better than ________ used to be. A.it B.that C.they D.those 22.I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _____ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those 23.We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found _____we like yet.


英语中it的用法及练习 一、概述 在英语中,it的使用相当广泛,它既可用作代词,如人称代词(personal it)、指示代词(demonstrative it)及非人称代词(impersonal it), 也可用作引导词(anticipatory it)和强调结构中的强调词(emphatic it) Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is.有人在按门铃。去看看是谁。(人称代词)What’s this?这是什么? It’s a book.这是一本书。(指示代词) What a long way it is from Beijing to London! 从北京到伦敦真远。(非人称代词) It's best to plant trees in spring because it's warmer.春天是植树的最佳时节,因为天气更暖和。(作引导词) It was I who met him in the park last week. 是我上星期在公园遇到他的。(强调结构中的强调词) 二、it作代词 1、用作人称代词(personal it) 代替前文提到过的事物,it作真实主语或宾语。 The frog is not a warm-blooded animal. It is a cold-blooded one.青蛙不是温血动物,它是冷血动物。 My pen is missing. I can't find it anywhere. 我的笔丢了,我哪儿也找不到它了。 I won't be back tonight. Please tell my wife about it .我今晚不回来了,请你向我妻子说一声。 I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better. 我对这部电影很失望,我曾盼望它更好。 Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didn't help.汤姆的妈妈不停地告诉他要努力,但这没起作用。 2、用作指示代词(demonstrative it) 相当于this或that,it有时不特指某件东西,而代表前面已提到的或将会发生的某件事情。 -Who is knocking at the door? —谁在敲门? -It's me. —是我。 I had a talk with the student. It was very helpful to her. 我和那个学生谈了次话,对她非常有帮助。 It happened during my stay in the United States. 事情发生在我在美国的时候。 -Whose exercise book is that? —谁的作业本? -It's his . —是他的。 3、用作非人称代词(impersonal it) 代词it可用来指除人以外的一切生物和事物,无阴阳性之分。可指时间、距离、度量、价值、自然现象(天气、气体、阴暗等)。 -What's the time? —“几点了?” -It's half past ten. —“十点半”(指时间) It is late autumn now. 现在是深秋。(指时间) It is rather cold today, isn't it?今天很冷,是不是?(指天气) -How far is it from here to the station? —从这儿到车站有多远? -It's about two kilometers. -大约两公里。(指距离) It is raining hard. 雨下得很大。(指自然现象) -What's the cost of the dictionary? 那本词典多少钱?

make it全部用法详解

用法一表示事业获得成功 You will make it if you try. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。 He’s never really made it as an actor. 他当演员从未有所成就 用法二表示某人做成某事 You needn’t worry; he will make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。 If you want to make it, better get doing. 如果你想把这事干成,就该动手了。 I can’t make it on Friday.It’s very short notice. 星期五我办不好,时间太短了。 Many high-wire walkers died on their last step, thinking they had made it. 许多走绳索者死在最后一步上,这时他们认为已经表演成功了。 I thought he would be too old to get to the top of the mountain, but he made it at last. 我原以为他年纪大爬不到山顶,但最后他还是爬上去了。 用法三表示设法做到某事 I’ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I’ll make it every week from now on. 我一直是每两个星期上一次小提琴课,但是我想从现在起每个星期都上课。 用法四表示及时赶上火车等

The train leaves in five minutes—we’ll never make it. 火车再有五分钟就开了——我们绝对赶不上了。 The train won’t le ave for another ten minutes, so I think we can make it. 离开车还有10分钟,我想我们能赶得上。 用法五表示及时抵达某地 We are too late; I don’t think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。 He says he’ll come on time, but he’ll never make it. 他说他明天准时来,但他绝对做不到。 I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all. 真的很抱歉,我星期天根本赶不到。 If you can’t make it Friday, we can invite somebody else. 如果你星期五赶不到,我们可邀请其他人。 用法六表示约定时间 “When shall we meet again?” “Make it any day you like; it’s all the same to me.” “我们什么时候再次碰头?”“随你定在哪天,我无所谓。” Let’s make it at seven o’clock on Tuesday morning at my office. 我们把时间定在星期二早上七点,地点就在我办公室。


it的用法练习题(一) 1.It took us over an hour _____________along the street. A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked 2.I think it a great honor ________to visit your country. A. to invite B. inviting C. having invited D. to be invited 3.Many people now make_____________ a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas. A. themselves B. it C. that D. this 4._____is very clear to everyone that he's round and tall like a tree. A. This B. What C. That D. It 5.In the United States, bus travel doesn't cost much as train travel,_____________? A. don't they B. does it C. do they D. doesn't it 6.Someone is at the door, who is_____________? A. this B. that C .it D. he 7.—It is raining cats and dogs. —_____________ . A. So it is B. So is it C. Neither it is D. Neither is it 8.—My home is in that tall building over there. —_______________? A. Can it see B. Can see it C. Can be seen it D. Can it be seen 9. _____________raining hard for 3 hours without stopping. A. It is B. It was C. It has been D. It had been 10.—Has the boy got his bicycle now? —Yes, the police gave_____________. A. him to him B. it to it C. it to him D. him to it 11.—Boy, —It is, looks like spring is coming soon.


It的用法专题训练20题 It的用法专题训练20题 湖南省涟源市私立行知中学曾省初 【典型例题】1. (NMET2001单项填空) The Parkers bought anew house but _____will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. it C. one D. which 【思路点拨】B此题考查it 指代前面的a new house. 2.{MET93单项填空} Tom’mother kept telling him that he should work harder , but ____ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 【思路点拨】D此题考查it 指代前面一句话,因有but,故which不能引导非限制性定语从句。 3.(NMET98,单项填空) It was only when I reread his poems recently ____I began to appreciate their beauty. A.until B.that C.then D.so

【思路点拨】B 此题考查强调句,所以用that 4.(MET 2000上海单项填空) It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages______ attracted the audience’s interest. A. so that B. that C. what D. in which 【思路点拨】B 此题考查强调句,所以用that 1. Was it during the Second World War_____ he died? A .that B .while C. in which D .then (88) 2. Is ____ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B .that C. it D .he (89) 3. I don't think ____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A .this B. that C .its D .it (91) 4 .Does ______ matter if he can't finish the job on time? A. this B .that C .he D it (91) 5 .It was not _____ she took off her glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star. A .when , that B .until , that C .until , then D. when , then (92) 6.I was disappointed with the film . I had expected ______ to be much better. A. that B. this C. one D .it (93)


It的用法总结 在英语中,it有许多不同的用法,它既可以用作代词(如人称代词、非人称代词),也可以用作引导词(作形式主语或形式宾语),还可以用来构成强调句型。 1.it用作代词 (1) 用作人称代词在句子中作主语或宾语;指前面已经提到过的事物、动物或人,且it指特定的事物;如果指前文中提到的事物中的任何一个,用one。one可以与any, each, every, not等连用,但one不可代替不可数名词。 —Where’s your car? —It’s in the garage. 你的汽车在哪儿呢?在车库里。(指代物品your car) Did you hit it? 你打中了吗?(指代事件) The baby cried when it was hungry.这婴儿饿时就哭。(指代婴儿,尤指性别不详或无所谓时) —Who is that? —It’s me. 是谁?我。(指一定情景中所确定的人或事物,此时相当于指示代词,代指this 和that,有时也指人) —What’s this? —It’s a box. 这是什么?一只箱子。 (2) 作非人称代词表示天气、日期、时间、温度、距离、价值、路程、度量、自然现象与环境等。也可模糊地指一般情形或上文的部分或整个意思。译成汉语时,it通常不一定译出来。 It’s a long time since they left. 他们走后很久了。 It’s two miles to the beach.离海滨有两英里远。 That’s just it—I can’t work when you’re making so much noise.原因就在这里——你弄出这么大的声音,我工作不了。 另外,需要注意两点: (1)“It’s time…”后面可以接不定式和介词短语表示“是做……的时候了”。如: It’s time for supper. It’s time to have supper. (2) “It’s time…”后面还可以接一个从句,但是从句中的谓语动词一定要用过去式即虚拟语气,如: It’s time we had lunch.是我们吃饭的时候了。 It’s time we started.是我们该出发的时候了。 2.it用作引导词 (1) 作形式主语由动词不定式、动词-ing短语或名词性从句担任主语的句子,常用it 来作形式主语,而把真正的主语放在句子的后面。 It’s not easy for us to learn English well. [句型为: It +be+形容词+(for sb.)to do sth.] It’s foolish of you to say that to her. [句型为: It +be+形容词+(of sb.)+to do sth.] It’s no use/good/help…sleeping too much. (句型为: It +be+名词+doing) It’s important that we be there on time.(句型为: It +be +形容词+that从句) It’s high time that Tom went to school. (句型为: It +be +time +that从句,从句中的动词用过去时) It was the second time that he had telephoned me that day. [句型为: It +be+ the first(second, third)time +that从句](that从句中动词用完成时) It was arranged that they should leave the following winter. (句型为: It +be+过去分词+that


It的用法 一、Tell the functions for “it” in each sentence: 1、---What’s the weather together ---It is fine. 2. It is hard to communicate with him. 3. I find it hard to communicate with him. 4. It is Li that who cleaned the classroom. 5. It is a book. 二、It 用法归纳 1,指代it (1).用作人称代词:指代物、整个句子 (2)用作非人称代词 2,形式it:(1)作形式主语(2)作形式宾语 3,强调it 4,特殊句型 5.在答语中指代this/that: 1).--- Whose book is that ---It’s mine. 三、特别注意: it, one和that作替代词的用法及区别 1. it代替前面提到的同一事物,该事物既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词。 (特指,指代单数,指代物,同名同物) Can I borrow your pen—Sorry, I’m using it.

2. one代替前面提到的同类事物中的一个。该事物只能是可数名词,前面可以有冠词,也可以被this、that或形容词修饰,其后也可以有定语。(泛指,指代可数名词,指代人或物,同名异物) I have a bike. Do you have one Eg: (1).I bought a dictionary three years ago and I am still using______ now. (2) I bought a dictionary three years ago but I am going to buy a new _______soon. (3). that代替前面提到的同类事物中特指的一个。该事物既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词,必须要有后置定语,但不可以有前置修饰语。(特指,指代单数或不可数,指代物,后面有定语) The coffee produced in Brazil is more famous than __________in Mexico. 四:形式主语、宾语、强调句及其他

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